手机里clean tasktaskmgr是什么进程?能删除吗?

买火车票最好用:智行火车票,真的是超级好用,比铁道部自己做的软件好用太多。锁屏:最美锁屏。我的是htc,锁屏图片是和桌面一样的图片,或许可以换不一样的?我也懒得找,之前陆续下载过其他锁屏软件但我太笨啦用不成。后来下载了最美锁屏卧槽这么美美哒好用!音乐:网易云音乐。我看好多人推荐我就不多说了。手机清理:cleanwiz。界面清新而且好用,我没用什么手机管家,清理缓存都是自己在设置的储存空间里自己清,或者用这个。好用无广告再说一个,移动的网上营业厅app,退订各种增值业务很好用,查询话费流量也很快。 推几个手机里一直舍不得删的小清新游戏1、英雄难过棍子关 2、1010(好玩!被我安利的朋友都疯狂的爱上了这个游戏)3、天天过马路(收集不完扭蛋坚决不删!)4、MUJO(一开始玩的时候这什么玩意啊,后来发现我凑还挺耐玩的)5、Skywad(很多人看截图说像纪念碑谷,其实完全不一样,蛮虐心的)6、Hook(小清新,后面有点难)这几个都没广告,不会在信息栏上给你发什么乱七八糟的东西,好像1010有出现广告?不过我都是关了网络玩的
本人用的Android,前前后后安装了有150~200款软件。现在手机上留着的:网易邮箱。不光网易的邮箱可以用,别的邮箱也可以,和种子邮件那些功能差不多,主要是看重设计。微信。没办法,不用就和外界没联系了。多看阅读。现在很多人一看小米家的东西就心里觉得LOW,但是我真的想说小米的产品还是不错的。用了网易云阅读、iReader之后还是选了多看。首先是活动很多,打折很厉害,书本身也不贵,书也算全吧。设计很简单,iReader的书武侠啊言情啊比较多一些,网易云阅读感觉太重社交了(个人感觉)。多看的设计其实比不上豆瓣阅读,但是豆瓣好像只能看在豆瓣买的书。网易云音乐。音乐很全,很多冷门的歌都搜得到,而且歌词也基本能够搜到,下载高品质也不用花钱。现在我都用网易云下歌。Muzzik。这也是一款音乐类应用,但是它主要是用户分享,类似于发微博,但是你发的是一首歌。音乐加社交,我喜欢。支付宝。最近新加的扫码付超级超级好用!!!接下来重点介绍:Morning Routine这是一个闹钟,但是这是唯一一个能把我叫起来的闹钟。首先说一下为什么这是唯一一个能把我叫起来的闹钟:很多闹钟结束任务之后就不响了,或者闹钟开始响了自己设置一下闹钟就关闭了。但是这个不会,除非你把它的自启动禁用了,否则到点必须正常关闭。关闭方式可选:正常方式,扫二维码。我把二维码贴在了卫生间的玻璃上,我每天关闹钟就得先去卫生间。一顿折腾下来不可能再睡了。关闭之后可选:无操作、打开链接、打开APP、打开Task Taker(这个我没用过)而且可以锁定wifi,保证自己在家里过夜才响。移动关闭,自己都已经起来活动了那就不响了吧。然后,界面真的很好看很好看很好看啊。上图:先匿了,免得被当成广告。
手机装了非常非常多应用,想要把手机的价值体现到最大化哈哈!因为喜欢拍照,所以先说说摄影类的。平常时间多的时候会用很多应用调整,最近拍照一般是以下流程,懒癌犯了哈哈,不过也是适用于大部分人,很少会对着照片折腾那么久啦~给大家看看大致的流程图。(忽略图中人物哦哈哈)第一步,拍照,加滤镜——柚子相机下了很多国外的比较高级的处理软件,像VSCOcam颜色是很棒,但最近对柚子比较爱,主要是快速简单,拍完照片只单纯加滤镜,就可以让照片马上优化,懒的时候确实很方便。自己最常用的是“胶片”、“宝丽来”和“复古”的滤镜。上个简单的图例哈,加完滤镜感觉就出来了。第二步,加文字——黄油相机对于我这种文艺青年(臭表脸),喜欢给照片加上文字,一方面是文字能够表达和记录你当下的情绪,一方面是逼格可以妥妥的上升。加英文字体的话最常用的是Fonta,中文最近很爱用黄油相机。一开始会觉得没什么出彩的,但后来才发现这才可以让你任意发挥。有点设计海报的赶脚,当然不想这么麻烦的童鞋们,也可以直接使用别人做好的模板。以下是范例~~生活中的一些小场景,都可以通过文字让画面更有意味,之后你还能直接使用你编辑过的模板。第三步,图片整理,分享——织图以前一般都是发朋友圈的,自从发现了这个软件,经常玩些新的展现方式。织图的特点是多张图片的展示,好比你想向朋友推荐一家咖啡店,可以不用描述得那么辛苦,直接把整个空间展示出来就ok了。很难表述那个动态的效果,哈哈,是不是好像很厉害的样子!还是看图吧!下面这个例子是我去一家觉得很有趣的饭店拍的,看到图片中带箭头的小圈圈了么,其实圈圈就是下一张图片的入口,点击圈圈就会跳转到下一张图片了。所以我从招牌,拍到门口,再拍到门口的小木马(后面还有进入店面的很多图片,这里就展示三张)。实在体会不到的,建议你去玩玩看哈哈。这些就是我最近使用拍照app的心得啦,希望能够给大家带来帮助,一个喜欢拍照的妹子如是说。当前位置: &
clean the room是什么意思
中文翻译打扫房间:&&&&adj. 1.清洁的,干净的;未染污的;(核武器等)无放 ...:&&&&短语和例子 hire by the week 按周雇用。 ...:&&&&n. 1.室,房间。 2.场所,席位,位置,地位,空间。 ...
例句与用法1.The sweeper is cleaning the room .清扫工正在打扫房间。2.After sweeping the courtyard , we might as well clean the rooms .我们扫完院子,顺手把房间也扫一扫。3.The maid makes the bed every day, cleans the room regularly, and brings fresh sheets and towels once a week .女仆天天来铺床,按时打扫屋子,一个星期换一次干净的铺盖和毛巾。4.The guests having left , she began to clean the room客人们走,她开始打扫房间。 5.Was he cleaning the room at this time yesterday昨天这个时间他是在打扫房间吗? 6.He listened to music while i was cleaning the room我打扫房间时,他在听音乐。 7.His task , to clean the room , is very easy他的任务,即打扫房间,是很简单的。 8.She wasted a whole morning cleaning the room她花了整整一上午的时间打扫这间屋子。 9.She cleaned the room at eight o ' clock this morning(她今天早晨八点打扫过房间。 ) 10.I cleaned the room before i went shopping我去买东西之前已经把房间打扫了。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
发布时间: 22:04:00
作者:Guenther Beyer
gowalla(from phandroid)
Tasko(from phandroid)
soundhound(from phandroid)
Google Reader--waiting(from phandroid)
(Google Reader应用在设备顶端显示一个小的旋转符号,每当应用在后台加载内容时这个符号就会出现,这样你就会意识到自己或许需要等待一段时间。)
youtube app(from phandroid)
以下是个简单但极为普遍的动作流程:接到邀请你前往某个地点的电话。查看时间。查看天气。用Google Maps搜索该地点。用Foursquare签到。那么,你的应用要同整个流程中的哪个部分绑定呢?
share(from phandroid)
目前,Android Market上有数十万款应用。你或许会时常问自己,如何从如此多的同类应用中突出重围。如果你想要构建的又是一款无聊的黑白数独游戏,或者是基于官方代码范例的记录应用,那就很难获得可观的下载量。
Feedly engadget(from phandroid)
(Feedly也是款整合Google Reader的新闻阅读器,但是它使用类似于杂志的呈现方式和清晰的界面设计,这就是该应用与其他阅读器的不同之处。)
catch notes(from phandroid)
(Catch Notes用户的多数动作可利用应用中的大图标功能实现,这款应用遵从了基本原则,因而运转良好。)
你上传到Android Market的应用还应该带有以下4种资产:
(3)呈现在Android Market上的小型推广条幅
Android Market(from phandroid)
(Android Market网络版使用高清版本的应用图标和大型功能图像。)
10 Tips For Android UI Design
Guenther Beyer
These days many developers are jumping on the mobile train for fame and fortune – and they are right in doing so – there isn’t a market growing as quickly. Great, unique ideas are emerging from small teams. Apps are built at work on lunch breaks.
Sooner or later every development cycle gets to the point where the app is almost done. Now what? Heard of the two magic words “User Experience”? Well, you better, because the mobile world has its own set of patterns and rules of which you might not be aware. Here are 10 tips to improve your new mobile application prior to launch, maximizing your potential and minimizing your frustration due to bad reviews and low download counts.
1. First launch experience
Good websites and mobile apps have quite some similarities. Both need to connect to the user or visitor instantly. If they fail, the next best alternative is just a couple of clicks away. Most users will not waste their time trying to figure out how to use your app or read a complicated manual. They will simply move on.
At first launch, everybody will have the same three questions on their mind: Where am I? What can I do here? What can I do further?
Try to answer these questions instantly. If you can convince your user that this is the right app for them in the first couple of seconds, they will surely dive deeper.
(Gowalla has a beautiful first start experience. A passport opens slowly, giving you instant access to your personal information, instant suggestions and further actions and notifications.)
2. Every input is valuable
Think for a moment about how you really use your mobile device: a developer’s phone is safely sitting in its dock on a plain table, connected to a PC with a large keyboard, probably with full backlight turned on. Now think about how everybody else is using their smartphone: walking over a crowded street with a cup of coffee in one hand and his shaking device in the other, trying to figure out how their favorite team played, between the last meeting and the next one.
Most of the time people just have one (big) thumb to navigate through your app. Forget about multitouch and similar complex input methods – scroll, flip and touch are your friends. Let people navigate from screen to screen and information to information quickly, without the need to stretch their arms first. And let them get there quick. Every input counts.
(You can add a new task to Taskos with just one simple touch (and some typing, obviously). Right after that many settings can be configured, but these are all optional.)
3. Contrast
While your development environment might be a big, beautiful screen in a nicely shaded room, the place where your users use your app might not be. We need to use our mobile devices more frequently in bright sunlight than we would like to. This has a big influence on how we view the screen and how the interface should be designed.
Details get lost, colors can’t be distinguished from one another. Some elements completely vanish due to the reflections.
This does not mean that you have to design only in black and white and throw out every beautiful detail of your UI design. It just means that important elements should have enough contrast to be recognized as such under more stressed conditions. If you want to color code elements, add a fallback option like simple text labels. And if you want to improve your app’s appearance with small details and bits of information, that’s fine. Just make sure that your UI even works without those.
Give your interface a clear hierarchy by displaying the most valuable features largely and brightly. Remove anything unimportant completely from your app.
(While there are many options presented on the SoundHound screen, the main function is clearly displayed bright and bold at the top of the interface.)
4. Don’t let them wait
Nobody wants to wait, especially in a mobile world. We carry our devices on the train, answer a quick mail on the bus, or check the weather while walking out of the house. We do all these small things on the go, to gain a little bit of more free time for the things we really like to do. Don’t let people wait for your app to do a certain thing. Improve the performance of your app and tweak the UI to get to relevant results faster.
Certainly everybody will understand that there are tasks that require some heavy performance from your app or some large packages of data that need to be pulled from the web. But never let your users wait for anything to happen. Let them feel that something is working in the background. Add “selected” and “pressed” states to your buttons, add spinners for short loading times and progress bars to longer ones. But never, never, never confront a user with a black screen.
Waiting is always annoying. At least let your users know how long they will have to wait.
(The Google Reader app shows a small spinner in the top, every time some loading happens in the background, so you are always aware that you might have to wait a second or two.)
5. Don’t forget the landscape
Sometimes you just forget that your mobile Android device has more than one basic phone orientation. While most people are comfortable with their apps working only in portrait mode, some really prefer to use their device in landscape mode, especially the ones with physical keyboards. This group of user will probably grow with the widespread adoption of Android tablets.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking of the landscape orientation as a wider view of your lists. Using the device in landscape mode is a totally different user experience. Now you have two thumbs to interact with the screen. Typing is much easier and you mostly tend to read from left to right, not top to bottom. In fact, if your app is heavy on reading and writing you absolutely need to support a good landscape mode.
Landscape orientation can also feature a totally different experience to the users. You can use the wider layout to display information in a completely alternative way. For example buttons could be moved to a side that were previously sitting at the top of the screen. Maps, charts and graphs can display new pieces of information when shown on a wider scale.
(Start to build and improve one screen orientation. Then create the second one. Be aware of the pros and cons of each layout and use them wisely. The official YouTube app uses two different layouts for the two orientations, that both work perfectly at their respective ratios.)
6. App Ecosystem
While you can design the most unique and special app that might serve a lot of different purposes, it will always be just one step in a chain of actions.
Think about what your smartphone can do out of the box: phone calls, contacts, texting, mails, browser, taking photos and videos, GPS and maps – the list goes on. Use this as an advantage. You don’t have to create all these building blocks on your own. Users are familiar with the standard toolset – don’t try to reinvent the wheel.
At the same time this will also spare you a lot of coding work.
Here’s a very short but very common chain of action: Get a call that invites you to a certain location. Check the time. Check the weather. Head out, searching the place with Google Maps. Check in with Foursquare. So where does your app tie in the workflow here?
No user will ever use his mobile device just for your application alone. But if you manage to create a great piece of software, they will incorporate it into their mobile workflow on a daily basis. Give them easy access to further features like sharing or looking up interesting information on the web, and let them jump fluidly between your app and others.
(Many apps can hook directly into the Android’s sharing mechanism. Use this to your advantage.)
7. Make your app unique
There are more than 200,000 apps on the Android Market. You might ask yourself how to stand out between all the quite similar offerings. If you set out to build the next boring Sudoku game in black and white or the next note-taking-app based on the official code example, you will have a hard time getting some decent download numbers.
Don’t assume that there’s no room for another great app that is already covered in one way or another. People always prefer different things. There is no Jack of all trades. Some prefer a note-taking-app that can do almost everything. Some need just a simple text editor with syncing capabilities. And there are others that just want a clean UI.
Either way you go, build an app with character. All basic features are already covered by the OS and the core apps. Stand out by creating something that users will prefer to use over the built-in solutions. Think of your app as a small robot living inside your smartphone. It communicates with you, tells you interesting things and helps you with your daily tasks. Do you want your robot to be smart and professional, or cute and lovely, maybe even cheeky and funny?
Keep that in mind when building a great app from the ground up. People with character enjoy apps that fit their personality. Want to build a photosharing app? Add a paparazzi like theme to it, with badges to earn. Another location service? Strip it down to the most basic features and automate everything. Take a problem with an already well known solution. Now think about, how a slight change of perspective could change the whole application and how users work with it.
And don’t let me get started with good UI design …
(Feedly is just another news reader with Google Reader integration, but it uses a magazine like presentation and very clean design to distinguish itself from other readers.)
8. Stick to the guidelines (as long as possible)
While you want to create an unique app, that stands out, you don’t want every piece of your app to be totally special. Google suggests a lot of guidelines for Android app design and development. Get familiar with the guidelines. People have a much harder time to dive into the complexity of a modern smartphone than you think. Don’t make it even harder for them by implementing custom interaction elements all over.
Learning to work with an Android device need a user to get comfortable with touching, typing, swiping, shaking and even pressing hardware buttons from time to time.
They need to recognise patterns like input fields, select boxes, modal dialogs and long presses for contextual menus. Do you really want to throw more at them?
Go with simple, straight forward lists. Start your app with a dashboard consisting of big icons for the main functions. Add a header that provides access to the most common feature and let users go back to the start when they get lost. If you can’t improve these metaphors dramatically, don’t change them. People will value consistency within your app and the whole operating system.
Study Google’s interfaces and decisions carefully. Get familiar with the whole experience, and try to create your app with Android’s guidelines in mind. But don’t take this literally – If you can improve certain elements, and you are absolutely sure about that – then for God’s sake, do it!
(Frequent actions in the title bar, big simple, icons on the body. Catch Notes works great by sticking to the basics.)
9. Guerrilla testing
Let’s face it – all users are different. You can try as hard as you want to, you’ll never satisfy everybody. Even trying to get your app right for the majority of people is very hard.
Don’t get me wrong here. This is no excuse to ship your app without considering the different approaches of how people will use the app. You need different people to test-run your app and iron out at least the most annoying problems and bugs. Big companies spend thousands of dollars on usability experts, that test hundreds of different users in very expensive labs to get their software right.
While this is a great way to improve any app’s UI, it is hardly affordable for most independent and small developers. Don’t let this be an excuse, either. You can do some very cheap and swift guerrilla testing, to massively improve your app and make it more accessible to a larger userbase.
Grab your developer device with the app’s prototype, spend some money on small gifts like buttons or stickers, and head out. Start with colleagues and friends, and progress to strangers you never saw before. Most people will gladly spend a little time with something brand new, as long as you are polite and even provide a small reward for their time.
Let them use your app like you intended to, and watch carefully. Tell them what their goal is, but provide as little help as possible. But don’t let them get stuck either. You’ll figure out your apps pitfalls and bottlenecks in no time.
10. Publishing to the Market
Well, you did it. You’ve built your first app. Congratulations. It feels great, doesn’t it?
Now don’t make the mistakes many do. Sure, you want to get the app out to the masses and hear what they are saying about it. But taking a couple of last steps will give you a much better first launch.
You’re sure you did some proper testing? Different devices, hdpi, mdpi and ldpi? Alright. Let’s take care of the small things.
Google wants you to upload your app to the Market with 4 additional assets:
A description of your application’s features
The app’s icon in high resolution
A small promotional banner that will be displayed on the Android Market
And another larger “features” graphic that will go alongside your app on the web-version of the market.
Don’t make the mistake and underestimate one of these additional assets. A well written introduction to your great app coupled with some clean and well designed graphics can make the difference to all your other 500 contenders on the Market. Users will notice the extra mile you took, transcending over to the level of detail and care you put into your application.
If creating some nice and clean graphics or writing some lines of good copy isn’t really your cup of tea, ask a designer and/or writer. The extra money should be well worth your apps success, and it should take only a couple of hours.
If you even want to take your promotion a little further prior to launch, get a fitting Twitter account, create a beautiful landing page and start the buzz. You can’t start marketing too early. Let people get excited. They will spread the word for you long before your app is finally available.
(The Android Market online uses the high-resolution version of your app’s icon and the large feature graphic.) ()
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