
My parents and I will visit my grandparents this weekend.We are going there by train because they live in another city.We are going to set out early in the morning.It will take us about two hours to get there.When we get there,we'll go hiking with my grandparents because they live near a mountain.We'll have a picnic on the top of the mountain.The next day,we'll go fishing and then fly kites.I am sure we'll have a happy weekend.
假如你是Jane,你的朋友Mary邀请你这周末一起去听音乐会.但是你这周末非常忙,周六上午要去看牙医,因为牙疼得厉害,下午要上钢琴课.周日上午要和父母一起去看望爷爷奶奶,下午要打扫房间.请写一封信向Mary致以歉意,并说明不能去的原因.(字数不少于80字)格式:Dear Mary,.尽快写出来、
Dear Mary,Thank you to invite me to Concert.But I'm so sorry to disappoint u.I got lot of thing to do in this weekend.Saturday morning,I need to see a dentists.'cuase my teeth-ache is going to tear my head.In the afternoon,I have a piano claas as usual.Well,I'd already made my words that I'm going to my Grandfather's with my parents in Sunday morning.And the afternoon I really have to clean up my bedroom.And I feel so pity that i'm going to miss a great Music Performance.Enjoy youself .Janexx .NOV.09
I was enjoying my meal that my grandmother cooked for us at 7 last night. Our dinner lasted for 40 minutes. I was helping my mother wash the dishes afterwards. At eight o'clock I realized I had some homework to do, so I returned to my room to work on my school work. As soon as I opened my math book, my mother knocked the door and told me there were some fruits available and asked me whether I would like to have some. I continued my study after simply told her I didn't want any fruit. I didn't expect the homework was that difficult. It took me more than an hour to complete it. When I packed up my school bag I found it was already quater past 9:00. I missed 25 minutes of the TV program that I followed everyday. It was not too bad because I could still follow it even there was a 25-minute missing part.英语书面表达,如何招待客人的作文,抵制网络复制品.某个星期天,父母不在家,Uncle John和Aunt Mary来访.请用英语描述一下你是怎样招待客人的.词数120以上._百度作业帮
英语书面表达,如何招待客人的作文,抵制网络复制品.某个星期天,父母不在家,Uncle John和Aunt Mary来访.请用英语描述一下你是怎样招待客人的.词数120以上.
某个星期天,父母不在家,Uncle John和Aunt Mary来访.请用英语描述一下你是怎样招待客人的.词数120以上.
Today is Sunday.I didn’t go to school.When the door bell rang,I was watching TV in the morning.I opened the door.Oh,my god!They’re my uncle and aunt!They are from Australia.I let them in and sit down on the sofa.Then I brought some Chinese green tea for them.They both said the tea was wonderful.Uncle John is a computer programmer.Aunt Mary is a actor.They didn’t come to my house for a long time.I talked with them,and showed them my photo album.At noon,we went out to have our lunch in a restaurant.I paid for the meal.In the afternoon my parents came back home.We went shopping together.I knew my uncle and aunt were interested in our city.
Last weekend was somehow uneventful and full of routine trivials. I got up at 10 in the morning with a fresh head and an enengetic spirit. Without time for a proper breakfast, I watched TV until lunch time. I spent the whole afternoon looking through the Internet and picking plkums with my friends outside. The Sunday, just as the day before, 10 am was the first morning call. Regular TV
session and bland lunch. Then, lastly, I finished my homework with all stengths saved during the whole weekend! You can imagine how unparallel my assignments were done!自己刚写的~希望喜欢


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