
额,这个很难,加字幕的话,不要你的百度分数了,就直接收费了。。。英语翻译俺是个英盲~请各位大虾帮我翻译一下下面的英文`Love and Friendship - a poem by Emily Bronte Love is like the wild rose-briar,Friendship like the holly-tree The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms But which will bloo_百度作业帮
英语翻译俺是个英盲~请各位大虾帮我翻译一下下面的英文`Love and Friendship - a poem by Emily Bronte Love is like the wild rose-briar,Friendship like the holly-tree The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms But which will bloo
英语翻译俺是个英盲~请各位大虾帮我翻译一下下面的英文`Love and Friendship - a poem by Emily Bronte Love is like the wild rose-briar,Friendship like the holly-tree The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms But which will bloom most constantly?The wild-rose briar is sweet in the spring,Its summer bl Yet wait till winter comes again And who will call the wild-briar fair?Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now And deck thee with the holly's sheen,That when December blights thy brow He may still leave thy garland green.
爱情就像一朵野生的玫瑰, 友情就像一棵冬青树, 当玫瑰绽放的时候冬青也枝繁叶茂, 但是哪个能够更加持久的富有生机呢? 野玫瑰在春天绽放, 夏日里她的花朵使空气中都弥漫着芳香. 但当严冬再次来临之时, 谁还会赞美野玫瑰的美丽? 她那残枝败叶不过招人冷嘲热讽而已. 当冬日的肃杀使你失去神采时, 用冬青的美丽来装扮你, 她依然能让那花环绿意盎然.
爱情和友谊-一首诗,由艾蜜莉爱情是像野玫瑰- briar , 友谊像冬青树冬青是黑暗的时候,玫瑰- briar花开不过,这将花开最不断? 野生玫瑰briar是甜的,在春天, 夏季开花红艳艳香味的空气; 然而,等到冬天来了又谁还会致电野生briar公平吗? 那么鄙薄愚蠢的玫瑰,现在敬献花圈和甲板上祢与...求用英语回答四道面试题,本人英文盲,最好带中文解释.谢谢了! 急!求用英语回答四道面试题,本人英文盲,最好带中文解释.谢谢了!1:What' s your career goal in the next 5 years?2:what is your greatest weakness t_百度作业帮
求用英语回答四道面试题,本人英文盲,最好带中文解释.谢谢了! 急!求用英语回答四道面试题,本人英文盲,最好带中文解释.谢谢了!1:What' s your career goal in the next 5 years?2:what is your greatest weakness t
求用英语回答四道面试题,本人英文盲,最好带中文解释.谢谢了! 急!求用英语回答四道面试题,本人英文盲,最好带中文解释.谢谢了!1:What' s your career goal in the next 5 years?2:what is your greatest weakness to this position?3:which course do you like best and least in university? Why?4:how do you handle your failure?求大家随便帮我答下吧,用英文
亲,既然要回答,那当然要好好答咯,哈哈哈……1:你未来五年的职业目标是什么?答:My career goal in the next 5 year is to work hard,and become a good worker.I would like to do my job well.I am a that kind of person,if I choosed my job,I will do it always and be keen on it.(我未来五年的职业目标是好好努力工作,做一位好的员工.我是很乐意做好我的工作的.我是这样一种人,只要我选好了我的工作,我就会坚持做它,并始终对他保持热情.)2:就这个职位而言,你最大的缺点是什么?答:AS we all kown,everyone has weeknesses,of course me.I think my greatest weakness to this position is my unfamiliar to its working circumstance.But I think,accroding my greatest effort,I can overcome this weekness and do my work perfectly.(众所周知,每个人都是有缺点的,我当然也会有.我认为,就这个职位而言,我最大的弱点就是对这个职位的工作环境还不熟悉.但是,我认为,通过我的不懈努力,我能克服这个问题,并且把我的工作做得很完美.)3:你最喜欢哪门课程?至少在大学时最喜欢的?为什么?答:Believe it or not,Chinese is the course I like best.Because I think Chinese is very interesting,I can learn a lot of useful kownledge which can help me much in the life.4:你怎样处理你的失败?答:When failures come,I think I should calm down first,I should not ge into sorrow.Then,I will think why the failures hapened and find out the methods to solve problems.Besides,I will get the lessons,and avoid make failures again.(当失败来临,我认为我首先应该保持冷静,不能一味地陷入悲伤之中.然后,我会思考为什么会失败并找出解决问题的方法.此外,我还会吸取教训,避免下次再次失败.亲,我需要悬赏分啊
这个得具体情况具体分析吧,5年规划,个人弱点,大学时最喜欢的专业,失败时怎么办,这都得根据个人情况说吧我穿白色的工作服 怎么用英语说?可以的话,剩下的也拜托了!因为本人是英文盲!哭死```1.她是做什么工作的?在哪里工作?2.他是干什么的?3.他想当一名警察,因为那很刺激.4.我喜欢和人交谈,每天_百度作业帮
我穿白色的工作服 怎么用英语说?可以的话,剩下的也拜托了!因为本人是英文盲!哭死```1.她是做什么工作的?在哪里工作?2.他是干什么的?3.他想当一名警察,因为那很刺激.4.我喜欢和人交谈,每天
我穿白色的工作服 怎么用英语说?可以的话,剩下的也拜托了!因为本人是英文盲!哭死```1.她是做什么工作的?在哪里工作?2.他是干什么的?3.他想当一名警察,因为那很刺激.4.我喜欢和人交谈,每天都和有趣的人接触并向他们提问题.5.我的工作有趣但有些危险.6.你喜欢和各种各样的人打交道吗?7.你想为杂志社工作吗?
我穿白色的工作服.I am wearing white work clothes.1.她是做什么工作的?在哪里工作?What job does she do?Where does she work?2.他是干什么的?What does he do?3.他想当一名警察,因为那很刺激.He wants to be a policeman because it is very stimulant.4.我喜欢和人交谈,每天都和有趣的人接触并向他们提问题.I like to talk with people.Every day I contact with funny persons and put questions to them.5.我的工作有趣但有些危险.My job is interesting but rather dangerous.6.你喜欢和各种各样的人打交道吗?Do you like to have dealings with various persons?7.你想为杂志社工作吗?Do you want to work for a magazine office?
I put on the white the work clothes 1. What is she makes to work? Works in where? 2. What is he does? 3. He wants to work as police, because that stimulates very much. 4. I like wi...
If life gradually away from you,is good to care about nothing!
If you go in your life, not what is good care.
Now that life is fading out, what do you care about?fading out 渐渐消失
应该是这个…If life is gradually away from you, not what is good care.


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