have the last laughlast order是什么意思思

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& && & Women in Turkey have the last LAUGH
Women in Turkey have the last LAUGH
Twitter broke out in a collective grin as hundreds of women posted pictures of themselves laughing. But, they weren&t happy. They were smiling in defiance of the deputy Prime Minister, B&lent Arin&, who in a speech to mark Eid al-Fitr on Monday said women should not laugh in public.Please click NEXT to read more&
Photographs: @Lamarche/Twitter
Women in Turkey have the last LAUGH
Their photos were accompanied by the hashtags #kahkaha (laugh) and #direnkahkaha (resist, laugh). Estimates suggest over 300,000 comments and pictures were posted with the hashtags.Please click NEXT to read more&
Photographs: @SevimGozay/Twitter
Women in Turkey have the last LAUGH
In a speech Monday, Bulent Arinc complained that modern society was in moral decline & and then loosely explained that women who laugh out loud were part of the ethics erosion. &Chastity is so important. It is not only a name. It is an ornament for both women and men,& he said. Arinc explained: &(A woman) will know what is haram and not haram. She will not laugh in public. She will not be inviting in her attitudes and will protect her chasteness.&Please click NEXT to read more&
Photographs: @MargotNeyskens/Twitter
Women in Turkey have the last LAUGH
The minister later defended his speech, claiming his remark was taken out of context. On Wednesday, he said that his speech was about general &good manners&.He did not mean to target natural laughter, but rather condemned women who &laugh artificially& & such as women &who go for a vacation with their lovers while leaving their husbands behind and can't wait to climb poles when they see one,& he said.Please click NEXT to read more&
Photographs: @eirajulia/Twitter
Women in Turkey have the last LAUGH
Turkish men also took to social media to express their solidarity. &The men of a country in which women are not allowed to laugh are cowards&, tweeted one user.&
Photographs: @esrakansu/Twitter
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MOSTEMAILEDNITROUS OXIDE Who will have the last laugh氧化亚氮谁会笑到最后论文 总结..
NITROUS OXIDE Who will have the last laugh氧化亚氮谁会笑到最后
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3秒自动关闭窗口美国习惯用语:362: have the last
laugh... - VOA英语教学
362: have the last
我们今天要讲几个用到laugh这个词的习惯用语。 大家也许早就知道它的意思意思是"笑。"
在日常交谈、讲演或者非正式的书面语言中时常会听到用laugh这个词组成的习惯用语。例如人们常会说做什么事情的目的是: just for
laughs。Just for laughs用来说做什么事情的目的就是想要轻松一下。例如有个大学生刚考完试,听听他跟同寝室的朋友怎么说:
例句-1:Hey,Joe! Come on and grab your jacket -- let's go out and have a
couple of beers just for laughs.
他话里的just for laughs解释"就为了轻松一下。"当然这是无可非议的,然而有时just for
例句-2:Just for laughs these guys threw Mary into the pool with all her
clothes on. But she didn't know how to swim. So I had to jump in and pull
her out before she drowned.
这些人为了自己逗笑,竟然不顾他人的生命安危。这真是把自己的欢乐建筑在他人痛苦之上的行为,所以这段话里的just for
我们再学一个习惯用语: laugh out of the other side of your mouth。让我们听个例子来体会习惯用语laugh
out of the other side of your mouth是什么意思。他说的是一钱如命的Bill自作聪明地问一个人低价买进一辆汽车。
例句-3:Bill thought he got a real bargain because the car was half the
normal price. Now he's laughing out of the other side of his mouth. The
police came to tell him the car was stolen. So he loses both the car and
the money.
out of the other side of his
刚才的习惯用语使人连想起一句老话: 别高兴得太早。人们常规劝别人说: 得意莫忘形,失意别消沉。英语里有一句习惯用语有类似的含义,这个习惯用语是:
have the last laugh。 Have the last
laugh看来意思很明白,就是笑在最后,谁能在最后笑呢?当然是取得最终胜利的一方,所以have the last
例句-4:The boys thought they had tricked the girls by locking them in the
kitchen. But the girls had the last laugh when the boys got hungry and
realized they couldn't get into the kitchen for food.
Have the last laugh这个习惯用语来自谚语: He laughs last who laughs best.
笑到最后的人才笑得最好。 Have the last
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Will Prince Fielder have the last laugh?
ARLINGTON, Texas -- Prince Fielder's belly laugh has returned, and it resonates regularly throughout the Rangers' clubhouse these days.Folks in the clubhouse heard it yet again on Friday afternoon, when Fielder noticed outfielder Shin-Soo Choo's new haircut."I see you," he bellowed. "I like it. I can see your eyes. No bangs."Then Fielder laughed. Long and loud.Fielder didn't laugh much last year. He's quiet by nature, and the combination of an unexpected trade that sent him from Detroit to Texas in November 2013 and his ensuing lack of production with the Rangers had the 30-year-old keeping a lower profile than usual.No more.At the start of camp, Fielder told third base coach Tony Beasley not to worry about rookie reliever Keone Kela because he was going to take care of him, and Fielder encouraged another teammate to take a few swings with his new black bat, a knobless model designed to prevent nickel-sized calluses like the one near the bottom of his right palm.Both indicate that Fielder is happy personally and professionally as the Rangers begin the 2015 season Monday in Oakland. Texas hopes Fielder's happiness translates into the kind of highly productive season the five-time All-Star has generated during most of his first nine seasons.It didn't happen last year because Fielder, the man who had missed just one game in the previous five seasons, played only 42 games. The prodigious power that had made him a household name? The Rangers never saw it.Playing in a ballpark built for left-handed power hitters, with its jet stream, Fielder hit just three homers and eight doubles in 150 at-bats before he was diagnosed with a herniated disk in his neck that required fusion surgery.The injury turned out to be among the best things that ever happened to Fielder, because it forced him to examine every facet of his baseball life."Sometimes, when you have something taken away from you," said Fielder, "It reminds you how much you love it. I missed not playing."Rangers general manager Jon Daniels has seen a difference in Fielder this spring."At the top of the list of highlights this camp has been his swing and the enjoyment he's had playing the game," Daniels said. "Anybody has to want to come to work with a smile on their face and a positive attitude."To see him do that -- knowing how uncomfortable he was last year, when it wasn't a whole lot of fun -- has made a huge difference for him and the whole clubhouse. He was really good with a lot of the young guys, and we saw things from him this spring that we never saw last year."Fielder hit .341 in spring training, though he had only three extra-base hits -- one homer and two doubles -- but he used the entire field and his swing felt right. In batting practice Friday, he launched several balls out of Globe Life Park to right, right-center and center field. He has more than enough power to hit any pitch out of the ballpark without pulling it."Last spring, I remember having conversations about whether it was a normal spring BOP for [Fielder] because it wasn't what you expect from a prototypical power guy," said Daniels. "Now, after seeing what we saw this spring, we realize [this] is what it should've looked like."He was able to let loose, cut it loose with no restrictions. He has the strength he was missing last year."The Rangers need Fielder to be a star -- and not just because they're paying him $24 million this season and each of the next five seasons, though Detroit is responsible for $6 million each of those years.He's the only legit power hitter in the middle of Texas' lineup. Adrian Beltre can still take pitchers deep, but he turns 36 on Tuesday.Beltre hit 19 homers in 2014 -- the first time he hit fewer than 30 in a season during his tenure with the Rangers. Aside from Beltre and Fielder, no one else among the Rangers' projected starters has ever hit more than 23 homers.Texas won 67 games last season, the first time since 2009 the team had not won at least 90 games. Most prognosticators expect the Rangers to finish fourth or fifth in the AL West this season.To finish above .500 this season, they need Fielder to be a feared hitter in the middle of the lineup, driving in runs.Now that his body feels right, Fielder said he's also changed his approach at the plate. These days, in the past, he didn't."I just did it with talent," he said with a grin. "You know, see the ball and hit the ball, but I didn't have a plan. Now, I do."It's not all complicated, but now when I make an out I might say, 'OK, I need to keep my hands back next time.' When you have a plan, it keeps you from panicking."Fielder even swings a heavier bat these days. This one weighs 34 ounces instead of 33 1/2 ."When you don't have a plan," he said, "you need a little lighter bat to make up for mistakes."Then another belly laugh resonated through the clubhouse.


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