run a ricerun into是什么意思思?

Harvard: If a University is a buffet, we do freshman year
like free samples. Yeah, we are Harvard. Money is not an object. If
you are poor you will go for free. We just want you to apply,
because like the lottery, "Hey, you never know". (We know we're the
best and we don't feel like telling you why) Stoic Utopianism. We
are a student body of Stereotypes.CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States, E& u3 [& m" \$ T' a/
C&&r Harvard: Come here! You won't make less than 200k a year
if you come here!Harvard: You won't get in but apply anyways because we want
your application fee, ofcourse as soon as it gets here it will be
rejected immediately. Cuz we're Harvard: ditto, except we'll pay for you if you're really
poor so if you're not really poor or really
for you? Maybe? Maybe not? Haha we're Harvard so we can do what we
want!!! Mwahaha& s" u# @) A7 g$ _+ |$ f"
f/ b+ D Harvard: **** ***** and be lucky to have gotten anything
from us* f1 U; f5 W( ^5 J; G( L( }) F
Harvard: Don't believe the media! We're not the hottest
for rejections! Its MIT! Don't apply to MIT. Apply to US! Seriously
Just Apply! Even though we only accept 9% of 22,000+, still apply.
Just do it!. The worst that could happen is a thin envelope in you
mailbox. Come on. Just apply so our acceptance rate can go down to
1%in the United States* L" c, S* C0 T$ F0 {
&&R$ y# L- V/
g8 @. \3 @1 D5 }$ y Princeton: If you get in, we'll make sure you are set for
life. Princeton for life. We're at the nation's service. We are a
part of US History. Our Eating clubs are better than Greek Life.
But, that's a big IF./ u/ C7 }7 ^4 f( u, m Princeton: Make sure that atleast one essay demonstrates
arrogance and you are a shoe-in! Did we mention that we are ranked
We're older than the US. And, really, we don't need you. But apply
you never know, right?% L$ V1 B4 C&&i.
C7 m&&M Princeton: We're an elite academic institution, and still
manage to be conservative. That in itself is impressive,
right?Princeton: (summary of my tour) woodrow wilson woodrow
wilson alexander hamilton put a cannonball through this building
woodrow wilson. we swear we're not nerdy or preppy ivy you think we
are. woodrow wilson we do things beside studying like crew, field
hockey, lacrosse. eating clubs aren't elitist snobbish things.
woodrow wilson orange. y1 W$ l4 q* Y4 J Yale: We're Yale you moron.CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States* c4 I& s0 ?+ r7 @6 i, [2 r: ~
Yale: please apply here even though you won't get in!
And did we mention we're trying to seem as pompous as possible? (I
mean, cmon, "for God, country and Yale?" Bleh)7 q3 b/ M* W0 `: Q4 k Yale: there are so few sci/eng students here and
science hill is so isolated that you're bound to get extra special
attention with the sci/eng student/faculty ratio of
1:1!+ C: b% L5 U0 o.
S&&r( o Yale: sure we'll pamper you once you' thats if
you can "GET IN!"CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States, Q6 S&&m5 s0
K& L Yale: Come here and follow in the footsteps of George
Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham, George Bush Jr., William
Howard Taft, Gerald Ford, John Kerry, Howard Dean, Joe Lieberman,
and Dick Cheney (Though he "flunked"). We'll show you how to run
(or ruin) a country (or other countries). 1 ^; V0 |0 N$ h1 `2 y+ @" Q. O&
G West Point: it's free, T4 X1 ^& [$ w+ K8 d- L
" KStanford: Harvard who? We're in CALIFORNIA, for Christ's
sake. Remember, with the ocean? We don't need you and you probably
won't get in, but you better apply anyway because we're
awesome.& p6 m# j( M' h) c% k
Stanford: What the hell's a
berkeley?Stanford: yeah yeah yeah, your'e grades are good. Your
SAts are high. Can you handle the pressure though. I think
not, O&&^8 x. H/ ],
@* o" f* i Stanford: Berkeley who??—I’d
look it up but I have a meeting with a venture capitalist firm to
discuss funding for my freshman science project. Oh, and come for
the beach—even if the
closest one is over 40 miles away from campus. And let's be
clear--we are responsible for the Silicon Valley. We let other
lower-class people (like MIT or Caltech grads) do some of our
follow-on research after we’ve done the innovative, hard work. Later, I'll have to go
meet with my professors and classmates--the first ones are
Washington DC has-beens like Conzi Rice or Harry Kissinger and the
second ones are are sons/daughters of those that could afford the
mandatory $1 million donation to the trust fund so the kids could
get admitted.&&Z; u-
n$ E- C0 f5 p/ \( r Caltech: Sick of people being social around you? Can't
stand the good-looking people at your high school? Do you feel your
time would be better spent working at 3 in the morning on physics
reseach than getting laid? Wish you could just let out some of that
inward agression by throwing a nitroglicerine filled pumpkin of a 6
story building? Come here, but we only want you to do math and
science. And by math and science we mean math if you are USAMO, and
science if you are not. (One more thing undergraduates are and I
quote from the director of admission,
"incidental".)Caltech: Math, math math, and we'll send you a
recruitment letter for basketball even if you've never
played&q' l1 N MIT: We do research on important projects. 80% of
students do research! We also are a bunch of oddballs, as evidenced
by the architecture and housing system. We will change the world!
Hardly anyone fails or leaves!MIT: you should want to come here because we find a
way to reject everyone. High Sat scores and high gpa? Doesn't
really matter, we will reject you anyways. As long as people can't
get into our school and it stays high up on the rankings, it
doesn't really matter how ugly we keep it.&&y1 o6
e&&n" l* r2 C4 @
MIT: Oh Really? you think you're a math genius? Come
here and we'll crush your ego badlyMIT: yes it's mit- u can do concurrent enrollment at
harvard-but why wud u do that they're just a bunch of rich kids
while u guys are the next einsteins and edisons! our campus is
stone like math and science fomulas- not like that wishy washy
liberal arts stuff at harvard- we're pretty much ivy league they
can kick cornell out to make room for us. also we're a huge party
school- bigger than ut, wisconsin, colorado, or arizona st! work
hard play hard2 `/ U9 U" j- j, d. ?% ]
Penn: most places the business school is where you
find the people that are flunking out of their major. Not Here! You
MUST research our faculty if you want to get admitted. ED: 1/3
admitt 1/3 deferr 1/3 reject., k( ?8 \5 `6 V Penn: we share a library system with all the other
Ivies except Harvard. Why? Because Harvard is a bunch of jerks.
YEEE Fighting Quakers! Work hard play
hard.Penn: I mean, look at us. We're like role models.
Swarthmore is trying to be us so bad. We have a frikkin sports team
named after an oatmeal brand. How can you pass that over. Apply
&& just pray to God we say yes
because its going to take prayer Trust me!&&`0 N) x' y2 V6
n: B Penn: Ivy League education, but you actually get to be
around others with social skills.3 d% Z, L2 j7 W7 m % z/ M% q9 Y( s! d 7 ~& b3 ]9 T; @! x, Y
Duke: Lots of our students rejected Harvard, Yale,
Princeton, and other Ivies to come here. Some of us rejected every
single Ivy ever plus all the top publics and also every university
in the USNWR top 50. Did you know our basketball team kicks butt?
But uh, we don't really speak about our football team...they're
uh...pretty bad. And let's not even start about our lacrosse
team.0 L& ~/ k. v* z4 ^
Duke: Our Sports team crushed the IVY THrees. Apply
here. Don't be intmidated by our Rape case
scandalDuke: we're not really in North Carolina, we just say
Dartmouth: Yeah, so we're in New Hampshire. Or is it
Vermont? Well who cares about the technicalities, we're in the
middle of nowhereI'm not really sure how we can be an Ivy League
school when I don't think ivy can even grow here its so freakin'
cold, but who cares, more prestige for us. If you like to ski and
have frat parties, come here. If not, you'll be in for a hell of a
winter. Ironic, hell of winter... heheDartmouth: Its harder than heck to get in here because we
are uh....IVY...but once you are here, you can major in art, throw
snowballs for 6 months, ride on sleds, and only have to take three
bogus classes, then when you graduate all you have to do is say, "
I went to Dartmouth" and people will hire you because..uh...its the
IVY league.CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States&&A3 {! ?9 E# e: a8 M(
Columbia: We know what is best for you, and we'll get you
New York Internships/ ^9 f( Z1 y2 ?" | Columbia: We are more cultured than you. If you want to be
pretentious and cultured and talk about how much you love New Yawrk
and the city life, come here. Our campus isn't cramped--it's cozy!
And...cramped.0 b( e5 S0 z3 `$ S; |/ N7 _ Columbia: Come on, New York city over Cambridge? Are you
serious? We're filled with much more attraction than Cambridge.
Apply to Harvard if you wish. Your loss if you get rejected. Our
core curriculum will sweep you off your feet. So if I were you I'd
apply here. Oh yeah, did I mention? We only accept 10% of our
applicants so if you get denied Move on! Maybe NYU will take you.
Thats where most of our rejects attend0 o' \" M* C; U" _2 m, u Columbia: Our core will make you cry, but you'll be
well-rounded in the end. Also, we're so sophisticated!
Additionally, we are the prettiest spot in New York City (with the
exception of that really nice lake in Central
Park).&S$ R$
~&&b: S8 Z" z
UChicago: We are a good school, not HYP, but when it comes
to Econ/Math/Physics were awesome. We have got more Nobel Prize
winners than you. Everyone here is weird and the curriculum is
challenging.Uchicago: Lan parties whoo hoo!!!7 L* _6 k+ q3
J&&p Uchicago: We'll send you a ****load of
mail!Uchicago: All our advertisement seems to advertise chicago
more than the University. Did we tell you that chicago is having a
parade next week.+ R" U* S+ R/ h Uchicago: we do study all the time but we're trying to
make that sound SUPER FUN! Did you know the main social gathering
place is the library? And we're gonna make it sound like you'll
have time to pass your classes AND have fun in Chicago - at the
same time! Wow! And we're not gonna mention our new modern
buildings too much because they're, yknow, ugly and stuff compared
to our older, gothic ones. Yeah. Did we mention everyone and their
mom who goes here gets a PhD eventually? And our application is
UNCOMMON, unlike a certain riff-raff application who shall not be
5 N8 k. U6 p% QCUUS --
Chinese Undergraduates in the United
StatesUchicago: Our Gothic campus are like soooo cool. Just make
you're quirky && can write quirky
essays because our application is filled with them. oh by the way?
what do you like to do on wednesday?
Cornell: Did we mention that we are an ivy
league?- J$ [5 z0 D1 ]' L# f Cornell: Hey! you like building snowmen huh? Come here
and you can build all the snow you want. Just make sure you don't
get buried in it. Our sub-zero winters will give you a hell of a
time. *Evil laugh*3 [# y7 I- O2 P Cornell: We're an Ivy and we have a waterfall on campus
and we're in the Ivy LeagueCUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States4 d" W4 U2 u% S8 ^- W" M( v CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States8 P5 I9 X1 t- {0 M$ N+ J$ p2 T) f
Brown: Yeah, being super-liberal is the reason we're
named after a color. If you like wierd people, we've got lots of
them. Wrigley field is more like an Ivy than us, but thats ok. Did
I say we're liberal?+ W% Q1 Z* N, i# Q/ a0 I3 B Washington University of Saint
Louis: No, we aren't Washington University. No, we
aren't the University of St. Louis. Ok, we'll just send you lots of
stuff to make you feel special and know about us, and once you are
able to send in the application we mailed you sophomore year,
you'll be stuck with us because we didn't explain Early Decision!
Owned! Oh, but if you're overqualified, you're getting waitlisted.
We are NOT an IVY SAFETY!!Washington University of Saint
Louis: We buy students! Of course you won't come here
voluntarily, but everybody has a price! We have leveraged the
school to the brink in order to provide merit scholarships to
everyone attending. Why cant we get money from famous alumni you
ask? Well, there aren't anyWashington University of Saint
Louis: Got mail?CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States4 h# P5 A2 ]0 ^2 v Washington University of Saint
Louis: Does our campus look too good to be true? It's a
new style of architecture we invented...Plastic Gothic. Saint Louis
University - uhhh we have flowers!Washington University of Saint
Louis: ivy rejects come here! were just as good without
the reputation! and the rams and cards are nearby... now thats
wildlife for u!Washington University of Saint
Louis:yeah we rule and we're only for like the most
hardcore people EVER OMGZ. We discuss things ALL THE TIME lolz. You
can go into absolutely any field with our broad yet esoteric
"Liberal Arts" degree - no seriously! Really! We're gonna send you
the same viewbook and CD 4 times!# l. [2 I3
_&&n3 h# H. g0 l
Northwestern: We are a good school! We have lots of little
programs and intangibles for you to do. We are more normal than U
Chicago.Northwestern: We're on Lake Michigan, and you can even bike to
downtown Chicago. But if you do that, you might die of
hypothermia.CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States1 b9 n0 H!
u&&H& t$ z/
s&&I# k Northwestern: Oh no no, we’re not some crappy commuter school. Look,
we’re ranked in the top
100 now. Really, look. Yeah when you get here we
won’t have any housing
for you, but all our students having to find off-campus apartments
doesn’t make us a
commuter school, right? Hey, we also have a great co-op system
where employers can teach you how to succeed in your career instead
of us. Seriously, come apply, everyone’s welcome (MA or Jersey residents
excluded).) P- b, G$ @6 h4 q! i) y' A # g8 G&&b*
M& q( ^9 I 2 Q" v7 ?' O4 T3 o: N Vanderbilt: HOT DAMN, HAVE YOU LOOKED AT THE GIRLS
HERE?CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States( R4 M2 t&&B% t, K$ v, ?3
O/ r Vanderbilt: Have you recieved our diversity catalog, if so
heres another one......Vanderbilt: We have an awesome campus and an awesome school.
Please apply, even though we don't anything about you and got your
name wrong!Vanderbilt: pictures of campus and stories of the
correlation between growing diversity and academic
strengthT; q% j Rice: We're in Houston. Come on! Coooome
on!Rice: sure you are getting a lot of college mail now,
but WE knew about you since last year!8 d& E3 O! X: T3 o
Rice: it's humid here but thats ok because u can just
be inside the md anderson medical center doing research- wait ur in
engineering and not biomed. umm ok i guess u can go to nasa. who
needs frats we've got college battle royale- kinda like harry
potter. our baseball team rocks and our football team just made
their first bowl in 40 years- but they got beat by 40- oh well back
to being ut's b*tch. our best kept secret is the fact that we can
pretend like we're pseudo-ivy league- but half our students are
from texas.
Rice: it's humid here but thats ok because u can just
be inside the md anderson medical center doing research- wait ur in
engineering and not biomed. umm ok i guess u can go to nasa. who
needs frats we've got college battle royale- kinda like harry
potter. our baseball team rocks and our football team just made
their first bowl in 40 years- but they got beat by 40- oh well back
to being ut's b*tch. our best kept secret is the fact that we can
pretend like we're pseudo-ivy league- but half our students are
from texas.
Johns Hopkins: think you're up to it? Your best hasnt been good
enough since the 1800s. if you cant stand the heat, get out of our
kitchen.Johns Hopkins: We get more research money than you and our
medical school and hospital is better than yours., e! B) x5 B. h3 m+ y' h" I Johns Hopkins: the school is great man, don't believe the
rumours of bad social schools and being located in a city with the
highest murder rate per capita in the country/ D1 s9 G# l3 y) x 0 m, Q! x* O2 {! G: q% u Notre Dame: Well, I applied to Yale and Harvard, but I
really only wanted to go to Notre Dame, after I saw that the
football team wore those little knicker things." Notre Dame
attracted me by virtue of its advancement of the concept of the
"Notre Dame family." Really, if you can get in, the family is such
a unitive concept that you're set for life (aka the alumni network
is wonderful). Also, the fusion of incredible academics and
incredible athletics was a very appealing thing because it helps
keep you balanced. ND really pushes the way that it is unique. The
moment I decided to apply was after I saw a letter from them that
had written on the front "Nowhere else but Notre Dame," spread
across a gorgeous image of the Golden Dome in the fall...damn I
can't wait to get back to campus. I wish I could comment on other
schools' pitches, but that was the only pitch I paid any attention
to.( U, f7 D0 S% z"
U&&d# P Notre Dame:Yeah, there are a ton of other schools in the
middle of nowhere. And there are a ton of other schools with good
football teams. And there are a ton of schools with good academics.
But we're all three. Plus, Jesus went
here.University of Michigan: We love the Maize and Blue! We have the biggest
football stadium in the US! Make sure you take the SAT 25 times so
you can get in.UCB: We’re unequalled by any other school (UCLA, hear
that?). We are #1 public school around, the Harvard of the west
coast but much cheaper and less stuck up. We’ll give you the best academic experience.
What says you, can’t
have good academic experience in classes taught by TAs and living
in cramped ugly dorms? But college is all about new wondrous
experiences! All the brightest and best aggregate here. And those
who don’t come are not
worth **** because they won’t graduate from Berkeley. Look ahead and beyond! Think
about your future! Come to Berkeley! And once there, we command you
involved”, "be a
leader", and “have
fun”.$ }/ \& B# V4
L&&s- v UCB: We've beaten Stanford in athletics for the
umpteenth time!UCB: We're NOT overrated I
promise!!UCB: welcome to Harvard west, except that we are 15
times bigger and 1/5 as expensive. There are more Asians
percentage-wise here than in Hong Kong, but we are all waiting for
grad school because undergrad is so pass&. Oh, and tell Stanford we invented Silicon
Valley—that is, when we
weren’t inventing the
Black Panther movement, the SDS, having our naked guy streak your
class, or going on strike from classes for the umpteeth time for
some social cause even we don’t understand. And stop bugging our nobel prize winners with
teaching assignments. They don’t have time for that—duh??.cn/ B' S3 K- Q8 V" u( q UCLA: We’re way better than UCSD and on equal terms with
Berkeley, just more south of it. Our campus life is awesome! To
prove that our representatives will compare us to UCSD and UCI as
examples of boring campuses where nobody even talks to each other.
We’re BIG and all the
hot stuff happens here! We’re also full of “academic opportunities, rich traditions and interesting
people” and
don’t forget the
“multi-faceted experience with
We’re all so
enthusiastic to make you come to UCLA. Orientation is exciting. And
we’re are very artistic
(yes, we're trying to squeeze out some culture out of californians,
and eventually we’ll
succeed, muahahaha).* M' u! K2 T: X& z+ O. b
UCLA: We're just as good as Berkeley... Yeah, that's
the ticket./ V' q8 o/ C# `& N( Q# t
UCLA: The coolest, hippest place you could go to
college. Too bad no one will ever know you're
there.$ C8 U: a- b8 K0 U& `
CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States8 y/ G& y/ k3 q1 A Georgetown: Hoya Saxa gorgeous campus and access to any
government job/internship, or like my tour guide you can get daddy
to pay for a school of foreign service degree and then go work as a
buyer for bloomies/ t2 C& ?6 ~1 [7 @9 j
Georgetown: We're in Washington, DC. Internships,
government, nightlife, history. Enough said. Oh, but your parents
better make at least 300k or else you'll be stuck sitting in your
dorm 'cause you won't be able to afford to do anything
else.7 ~8 V# p! @. M% `# |
USC: sent me a lot of mail, including this Guide to
USC thing that was really well-made, it really convinced me to
apply and it made me really wanna go there
lolUSC: ditto NYU, and cmon we need some norcal folks so
this place looks more diverse so please apply!+ C0 Z; x' w& `
USC: we’re studious and preppy and rich and
we’ve had the #1
football team for the past 20 years now. Our football team will
kick your ass big time. Unless you are a 40 point underdog like
Oregon State—then
we’ll lose. And
we’ve spend about 30
billion dollars on building improvements in the last 5 years
(thanks George Lucas, Walter Annenberg, Steven Spielberg etc. etc.
etc.) Just don’t leave
campus unless you are willing to die. The exception is when we go
to Westwood in our BMWs to party with the UCLA
students—we are working
on our tans also—and
we’ll outspend those
students 10 to 1 since we can. P.S. Did I
mention?—UCLA sucks.
That is, when we aren’t
dating them or partying together.. c' j$ I/ ~$ D' l$ g+ C USC: Welcome to the Trojan Family.. We are the Best
Football School around and well our Academics are Great! We saved
the best for last! Living in Los Angeles is a great experience..
Come down and visit our lovely campus just while your here We
caution u: Watch out for BUMS and Gang Bangers surrounding the
campus waiting to Mug u! We try our best to push them away but they
just keep coming back.CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States/ k7 G4 o) T0 _% }1 c* f0 v CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States- }# G" a0 I5 v&
Carnegie Mellon: We like technology and Scots. We're big into
computers, but we have a good business school too! (We're only 25%
Asian) Pittsburgh is a great, safe, fun city for a college
student.0 O+ D5 n9 I4 O8 @# u7 z$ a9 b Carnegie Mellon: OUR COMPUTER SCIENCE PROGRAM IS SO INCREDIBLY
Oh yeah and we have MECHWARRIOR PODS! Oh and blame everything on
the giant thingy (I can't remember what it was
called).w2 Q' B* @6 h+ z/ r UVA: Thomas motherf'ing Jefferson founded us. He was
an intellectual, an architect, an author, a visionary and the
motherf'ing President of the United States. We are obsessed with
our school and have a ton of pride to be a part of it. A "hokie" is
actually a castrated turkey. Every dirt road leads to Blacksburg.
EPITAPH!! p- a1 E7 V+ n, F, i- v! O UVA: Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Jefferson, Mr. Jefferson, Mr.
Jefferson, Mr. Jefferson, oh yeah, Katie Couric! Honor Code, ours
is the most farthest reaching, etc. I also hear Academical Village
too somewhere. . . . and yes, Mr. Jefferson! It is "Mr. Jefferson's
University."5 ]+ Y% f8 v- r UVA: Don't listen to anything that the William
& Mary brochure tells you. You WILL apply to
|UVA: If you apply to William & Mary,
we will take your soul and cast you out of American society
FOREVER.&&G6 A- ?9 K4 K.
G2 ^ UVA: Producing th best educated alcoholics of the
South since 1819.7 B- U* E/ b% b3 O& }/ A,
f ' z7 ?2 K+ s( Y8 i7 L) ` . }2 ~' o% v3 y9 J UNC: You're never going to leave NC so this degree
will open doors for you in Charlotte. Besides, every thing you ever
need to learn you will learn from the Andy Griffith
Show.6 {! }, ^$ \4 C6 ?( g UNC: We're really old and really diverse, or at least
we'd like you to think so--we're the University of the PEOPLE! Dook
sucks. Even the sky is Carolina blue, because God loves the
Tarheels! Dook sucks. We're spirited! We party. We're cheap. Dook
sucks. Oh, and if you're outta state, you're also s**t outta luck.
Try applying to Dook, despite the fact that it
sucks.CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States. b&&U, J( m* @,
]& H+ L( Y" l
1 j+ E$ s, S* ~ Tufts: Want diversity? Want to lose weight fast? Try
our combo Prospect Hill/International Affairs Package (does not
include airfare, food, or any medical attention when you collapse).
Yes, we're highly selective (but without the ego), and we have
large cartoonish elephant at the top of the hill...what a blend!
...Tufts: It's the you wouldn't
really want to be IN Boston would you?&g/ F# k2 d8 b4 f
Wake Forest: We're working really hard to be diverse. Not
there yet, but we're gonna keep working! Did you hear that, Juan
and Jamaal? DIVERSITY, YAY!# o, Y/ ~1 u4 p) P Wake Forest: We're Wake Forest and while our goal is to be
diverse, we cannot sacrifice our conservative morals in the
process.( t3 `4 u! k,
r&&z 8 J& N% c( D" D$ C7 |- R
CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States3 F( d* q1 p3 \6 J Brandeis: Death by postcards.W&M: Colonial this, Colonial that, Since 1693 this,
Since 1693 that, First this, First that, and Jon Stewart went here.
"America's Hottest Small State School." I also heard, "While "Mr.
Jefferson" did found UVA, everything he did there started here.
That honor code that UVA claims to have started, Jefferson started
it here too btw."0 N( I; A$ H- ^5 @&
U W&M: Become one with Thomas Jefferson...he may have
founded UVA, but he studied at W&M (meant to
dicourage prospective UVA applicants who are now so confused in the
UVA/W&M debate that spontaneous combustion appears
to be imminent).: z7 n, u) [2 ?1 Y# c W&M: We ask that you calmly tear up your UVA
prospectus and throw it into the fire.1 Q0
`&&|! L5 ^9 [& ],
E6 w) f W&M: You too could become President someday. Enjoy
Busch Gardens.^4 [+ ~* |
New York: We're the #1 dream college!!! We're in the best
city in the nation and Stern/Tisch are the top in their
field.New York: Who cares about 50 grand a year, mary kate and
ashley go here!CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
S e* k! y4 Q) t0 A3 L! x& L
New York: ever since we found out you were a National
Merit Commended Scholar we decided to stalk you so we're going to
send you the same thing 10 times with a little thing saying our
regular decision due date PLEASE APPLY
PLEEEEEEEEZZENew York: we don't care if you can't afford our 45,000+
tuition. Move On! we're the frikkin #1 dream school. Financial aid
this! Financial AID that! No one told your parents to make less
than 100kCUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States' V6 I4 B/ j* b+ T8 r" Q, k New York: we're gonna send you mail until you have so much
crap that you have to apply.Leigh: ditto, except our rankings are HIGHER than
Bucknell's! Boo-yah grandma!!$ H5 o* t+ H2 t $ B3 I7 T% w$ P, K1 d4 d& k*
Western: Yeah, we got this building that looks like it
was put in a MICROWAVE! And we have Guitar Hero tournaments! There
was this really cool teacher named Doc Oc, but he's dead now. But
he was really cool! He knew everyone's name on the first
day!. z5 E* @9 K8 c"
X&&D# K; E4 A : H7 l/ i. d+ I" c
Illinois: we have a frickin kick-a** engineering school
and business school. we really want u to come especially if ur from
oos because then u could enjoy the beautiful flat cornfields that
surround champaign for miles and miles. if the boring drive here
doesnt kill u our course load will because we like to weed out the
crappy engineers. but dont forget we had a good basketball team 2
years ago and ALL classes are taught by profs-just ignore those TAs
standing on the side of the lecture hall.- x7 O5 N' @% Y1 U0
v&&t CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States. W; B# X; S8 C7 A' n $ Y! t4 _# i& F. L- \* s
UT Austin: Apply because every Texan
does.CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States6 @1 g&&D2 s4 [/ r
UT Austin: our football kicks ass. even though our QB has
the whitest name in the history of white names we like diversity...
unless ur not from texas. good luck if your not from
texas!UT Austin: we are one big happy family of 40,000 +- like
the cosby family except we're all from texas and we're all white
except for a couple asians, and some mexicans from south texas who
got in via our top 10% rule which makes us super diverse. oh yeah
our women are friggin hot and keep austin
weird&H# n/ ^) t. d2 S
UWisc: No, we're not all binge drinkers! (seriously,
they lectured me for almost one full night on how the uw isn't as
alcoholic as everyone says it is... the problem: uw is *in
wisconsin*, Bud country usa.)
w) Z" g( l0 VCUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
8 K4 S* _1 I+
_& `( n1 H* A5 B2 l&&C$ [7
Q5 X" i$ X2 w Georgia Tech: We have the best non-mandatory Co-Op program in
the nation! We're in Atlanta! Our budget for building and
maintenance is so huge we tear down buildings every year just to
rebuild them! We have the best non-mandatory Co-Op program in the
nation! You won't have to pull any all-nighters, I swear! We have
the best non-mandatory Co-Op program in the nation! Did we mention
that we have the best non-mandatory Co-Op program in the nation!
Because we have the best non-mandatory Co-Op program in the
nation!4 }: @. m5 q# c6 D3 g+ i3 q" J6 o
6 s$ P0 U8 G# w 7 {& ]+ I+ `0 M8 A# e2 n
PennState: Here at PSU, we have the Schreyer's Honors
College and it is as good as any of the Ivy's. In fact, it is just
like the Ivies. In fact, it IS an Ivy. Plus, we have a football
stadium that seats 100,000 people and all our students wear their
PSU gear, all the time. Plus, we have a student newspaper, and
classrooms.; E" g3 u2 g' w4 D% Q0 M! [ PennState: Sure we're in the middle of nowhere, but why
would you ever want to leave campus? You can go to a football game,
or... uh... well... we have a museum and a... uh... you can go to a
football game! FOOTBALL!!! You're looking at Ivy League schools?
Well our Honors College is better than Harvard and Yale...
combined! Plus we have FOOTBALL!!! And we hate Michigan and OSU
even though they probably couldn't find us on a map of central
PA!CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States1 F& z. |% M& f5 a! u9
: u0 y6 {% S Syracuse: Our basketball team is awesome, a bunch of
famous people went here, and we have great connections... oh, and
we get 1000 feet of snow a year. Don't worry about
it.CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States" {&&E4 N%
U&&[( T0 Y7 Q6 F
5 d% m3 r8 N& }" C8
E UCSD: We’re laid back. As much laid back as people on the
beach, which is conveniently almost right on..errr, near by campus.
Research! Research! Research! We’re the biotech and pre-med central. And if you
don’t want to be a
pre-med, well guess it sucks for you because you either become one
or you won’t be able to
relate to half of the student body here. Our campus is kind of ugly
i.e. not ivyish, but we’ll tell you captivating stories about it. We also revere
our sun god. Our sport sucks, but UCSD does not! Research!
Research! Research!- [# k1 X; M9 e3 b' S. k UCSD: beer cost to much in America? not a problem, we
are next to the border!o' l& O8 K9 s2 Z&
r CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States" m- P6 A& r8 m1 f4 Z' _ UC-Irvine: If you didn’t get into UCSD or UCLA, who cares? There is
always Irvine! We are included on this long list among top 50
national universities. We also have these two dudes that got Nobel
Prize in the same year (could you belie … i mean, that’s a no-brainer). We also do research and something with
geosciences. In all the above mentioned fields
we’re innovated for 40
years! We’re located in
this beautiful suburban town with economic growth all around where
bright students such as yourselves will find something to do,
eventually. We don’t
talk about diversity much here, because we’ve fully achieved it with only 1 out of 4
students being white.- c: `* e! [5 Z: C* S. n+ B' e' I
UC-Irvine: We're always under contruction so when you
aren't dodging the dust and covering your ears, you can marvel at
the way we killed affermative action and replaced it with... the
most diversity from one continent (apologies to anyone who found
that offensive).q$ b& R% F8 F 0 p9 O4 }2 S, a8 L" }1 V RPI: We're just like you. No we're not that nerdy. We
like research...well we do! Oh and you can get in, anyone can.
We're soooo close to NYC, well not really. Most our students start
their own BUSINESSES!!!! Our students can double major. Come on,
you'll fit in here at RPI. Please apply!; {&&i.
S&&_( ^ ! G, }3 \* T6 I) E6
THE F*** OUT OF HERE!!!!, C1 l# P& U1 ^( T2
Pepperdine: Come here, where we take our faith seriously. We
have the best views in the country, we're really expensive, but
come here and try to pay off your massive debts
quickly.CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States9 r9 v- T6 a8 ?7 H4 C&&j9
J 7 u7 [" c# @8 ~) z+ Y' N# Y# s CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States+ T& E/ n/ D/ ^% a- D$ m2 a&
A BostonU: We'll send you a ****load of
mail!0 |/ g+ [9 m4 Q) y3 v7 b CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States, w8 b) y5 u+ f" \+ m- ]3 ^ V TECH: Michael's not that bad. It was only a scratch or
two9 A# C! M9 Y9 ]+ C6 u7 v4 N; ]%
UMinnesota: Hi. Hi. Hi. Are you lost? Do you need anything?
Are you lost? Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. We're not that big, only 50,000 or
so. It's like one big happy family. Hi. Hi. Hi. Are you
lost?Williams: We beat Amherst. A lot. And our mascot is a
purple cow.Williams: Yeah, all those other LACs lied to you about
everything, we are the truth, the #1, the alpha &
omega and Amherst... they stole stole our freakin'
library!CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States% U&&w* g( Y" l$ K:
| Williams: If Amherst writes you, burn their mail with the
hottest Farhenheit of heat you got. Apply here, though our setting
is beautiful but boring as hell. Still apply because duh! we're
frikkin Williams for crying out loudWilliams: Only smart people have heard of us and we're
really good at DIII sports.Amherst: Our Liberal arts education is like soooo like
sooo better than Wiliams. lIke who cares about williams. If they
write you, Cremate their application. Apply here because you can
take classes at like Umass. Oh yeah did we mention? we recruit URMs
*Giggles*Amherst: We're not as good as Williams but we have four
other schools around us which makes us more "fun". [: b7 X8 M6 O, \ Swarthmore: We love everyone. Our campus is beautiful.
Community service rocks!Swarthmore: We will kill you and you will love
it!Swarthmore: We're all valedictorians and our new building is
very enivironmentally friendly and this glass corridor has spots so
birds won't run into it because we care (looked up and saw feathers
plastered to glass wall) and no we don't have the highest suicide
rate of any college (guess I shouldn't have asked that question
oops)1 z7 b6 g0 J7 H0 L0 i# i1 s Swarthmore: anywhere else it's an
ASwarthmore: We are the intellectual elite. For those of you
who are too intellectual for the Ivies and want really pretty
trees, we're your school.; o* k1 E3 N, Z- o$ L. n3 k
: d+ E- u# c: w1 A2 o
Carleton: Frisbees! And it's really not that cold (once
you get used to it).; v0 J! @& |5 s) j
" ?& Q8 S/ \
Middlebury: Well, the mountains are
pretty...Middlebury: We're so international! And also our campus is
gorgeous.. O/ \) p( R) j$ b# ^4 A Middlebury: EMMA WATSON IS COMING HERE APPLY APPLY
APPLY, ~( V( T) J* Y% {2 b8 L- U, h, Z
Bowdoin: Ever wanted to get away from it all? If you've
never seen a Conifer tree, then this is the
place!Bowdoin: We give our students
said.&{: @; u- ~) R" a2 r. a
Wellesley: Wellesley darling, say it with a British acsent
and a spot of tea. Now there, doesn't that sound good on your
resume? Oh yes, Hilary Clinton is a Wellesley darling
too!CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States: E3 l8 p# `7 v" N, m Wellesley: Are you a strong young woman? Do you have
extensive alumna connections and/or come from old money? Have you
attended a private boarding school and do you own several J.Crew
cable-knit sweaters? You can become a strong WOMAN-IN-CHARGE like
those on our extensive list of distinguished alumni, and marry a
Harvard law student while you're at it! And we're not as gay as
Smith!&h* }* ^6 q- {; P2 J1 f
Davidson: we have swings on campus and a really tasty soda
shop in town. we have an honor code like some others but
better.Davidson: "We do your laundry for you"2 X' @) Z2 z# [; V) p ( b( r$ _8 c&
better, *****.
,Haverford: Quakers rock and, uh, yeah, they were really
nice and uh, peaceful. Did we mention the cricket team?
Haverford: We have an honor system! Everyone who comes here
is very, very honorable. Are you honorable? You should come
Wesleyan: Dude, we're totally diverse. We're very
accepting of alternative lifestyles. You would never know we're in
Connecticut (I'm from CT, so I'm allowed to say that).
Wesleyan: The students here didn't even WANT to go to an
Ivy. They are intellectual but also so totally laidback. Also, our
sciences are way better than other LAC's.7 h- d, ~" g4 O5 @# Q) Q* Q Wesleyan: Our students get to live in their own houses and
apartments! And we'll mow your lawns and shovel your driveways.
Also, Joss Whedon!1 y4 m( j6 o( o8 m$ M( l4 V &P3 \; V3 P Washington & Lee:
Where UVA boys learn how to hold their liquor. Lee
could kick Jefferson's a--&&D" o-
]( |$ N7 }( y Washington &
Lee: "we have an honor code like nobody else. you can
pin a 10.00 bill to the bulletin board and ask the person who lost
it to claim it and it will still be there in a month....because the
person who lost it got kicked out for violating the honor code."
lol. Only the honor code doesnt apply to the admissions
team...seems they admit people with MONEY.....and DONT apply for
financial aid...that will TUBE your application faster than an SAT
below 1500. Did I mention our girls all wear
pearls?Vassar:is apparently also trying to play the location
game. However, Poughkeepsie kind of sucks, so I think that's the
wrong approach for them, personally...Vassar: We embody the New York City liberal spirit. Even
if that spirit is a little on the yuppie side. Also, we have so
many squirrels.Vassar: Did we mention that we have 63 Steinways? Oh,
unlike those other Lac's we have an ace up our sleeve -- we have
Poughkeepsee. We hate them and they hate us, but we have it. Oh,
did you kbnow that we have 63 Steinways?4 y8 w! ~: E5 q1 ^ CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States( ?5 v. P+ n. b- n0 }3 T , T* R! D( Y2 x Claremont McKenna: Pragmatism we stress! Opinons are expexted and
respected. If you go here and don't go on at least 1 free trip
somewhere in the world, you suck at life. Our dorm rooms are HUGE!
Did we mention maid service? If you are a leader, outgoing, or just
plain loud, and like having money thrown at you, this is the place
for you!8 h$ `8 M) Q& c. ?
CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States: a( U- L& M7 N/ k' ^; W1 c
; p) L' A. J! y. K0 B' { Harvey Mudd: You know there is a way you can learn a boat
load of math and science and still have fun. In fact we have fun in
the classroom, out of the classroom, and in our dorm room. We throw
the best parties because we have the technical know how. We care
about U-grads, b/c we have no grad school.
t&&G" p! i#
e&&Z& ]( U3 n7 n)
| Colgate: We'll fill your mailbox with loads of
brochures...I've received around 11-12 big packets and I only
subscribed once- M5 H2 {7 f' }3 L! u2 s Reed: Do you enjoy paradoxes, reading the Illiad in a
week, and viewbooks printed with recyclable soy bean dyes? Then
Reed's for you!!! How you like them apples AWSP!( X( M7 s0 M+ ~9 x1 m Reed: we're quirky and make you do lots of work but we
don't care cuz you're gonna love it! Portland is the best thing
since sliced bread! WOOHOO! And you can do bowling for PE here! Did
we mention we're all quirky? (I'm applying there, too
:-D)CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States0 H1 [% ]9 Y8 K. `/ X2 c* c Reed: We're going to tell you how precisely how wacky
we are and you're gonna love it.CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States5 k( b# Z0 L6 S) V
&` Bryn Mawr: Hey, did you know that Katherine Hepburn went
here. Wanna see her room? And the fountain she skinny-dipped
in?" t, S9 r' S, a- m6 [* s
&x Smith College: We will turn you into a leader, and we are the
biggest women's college. We also had 16 Fulbrights scholars in
2005-06. And did we already mention that all Smithies turn out to
be great leaders?Smith College: SYLVIA PLATH!!! CRISTINA YORK FROM GREY'S
Smith,&&)&Q- d8 A9 d* e: M
Oberlin: Welcome to Oberlin College. Like flat? Well,
we've got 10,000 square miles of flat, dried up land surrounding
tumbleweeds with a tiny town in the center. We know how to make
college fun.9 a3 l! z9 b Oberlin: So, you say you like music? You can't get into
our Conservatory, but here's our brochure. Pretty cool
right?3 Y0 I1 t% J* E" d% P
&T) P! V9 o Colby: the snows white, the roofs are white, we're
white, pleace bring are great school some
COLOR!!!Mount Holyoke: We may be in a worse location than Wellesley and
may be academically subpar as compared to Smith, but perhaps if we
sent you a free inspirational spiral-bound journal and remind you
several times that Emily Dickinson went here approximately 200
years ago, you'll think about applying.CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States1 K9 |3 w" z, u& k- q
Macalester: Look at us, we're a top 25 LAC. We're a "new
Ivy", but that doesn't matter one bit. That whole concept is
overrated. Did you hear that we're a new Ivy? George Bush is the
devil.[" M0 F: \3 H! W7 ?+ r
Bucknell: Were small and sorta in the middle of nowhere,
but we'll send you a brochure everyday until you apply, and have
you seen our brochure every page shows the same damn building and
fake looking grass. So you better apply.Bucknell:&&we're
uber-preppy and in a boring-ass location so we'll just throw our
rankings in your face and hope you'll apply even though this school
would probably be your worst nightmare come true, (my first name)
(my last name).Kenyon: Our mailings feature not one, not two, but THREE
pictures of a Benetton commercial-esque group of students huddled
around a single computer, as if they are in the third grade. We've
kidnapped every Ohioan of intermediate ethnicity and forced them at
gunpoint to join in the United Nations of Ultimate
Frisbee.w( @. H+ P/ k 0 t1 r. h5 P3 q7 u3 r: `. W Hampshire: Grades inhibit true learning. Marijuana,
however, doesn't.
Hampshire:: we rock, we're totally progressive, also two
guys from Pixar teach here.+ E! y* U5 K4 x! F4 c" m7 [ CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States6 ]2 u" R3 e. u2 j7 V2 r2 D CUUS -- Chinese Undergraduates in the United
States! O6 G/ I" _&&w3 u
URichmond: We have a lake. It's on our campus. IT'S A
LAKE...ON OUR CAMPUS. Also, we will hold your hand through your
entire college experience, and I swear our School of Leadership
[barely contained snort of laugher] is totally legit and not BS at
all. Also, there's a LAKE on our f'ing CAMPUS./ {) L$ K0 v( P URichmond: look how easy our application is, it's already
filled out for you, the only important part missing is your $60
fee..... i6 E7 z/ s( l( B, e$ L% u% q URichmond: We really want to be several hundred miles
further north, so for a northern school without the snow, come
here. Oh and don't forget to bring you're dad's BMW, because you
might need it to get around town.( P( C3 r( c4 z ) W( K; m# t3 O( P; m+ _/ K Bard: We're so cool, and we have a cool admit rate,
and we're smart, so we couldn't reallyu be stoned all the time,
right?Chinese Undergraduates in the United States* K! A7
Q/ H) P2 [% T1 ` St. John's College: We play a mean game of croquet, and we're all
most likely too smart for you.Emerson College: We got all sorts of weird kids! BTW don't go to
Tisch because the school is too big. Don't you want small? Also our
tuition costs less than NYU!4 \/ l/ W! t6 A8 d(
w&&^ 1 Y9 I9 _( L0 `- ~- i
Hood College: FREE HAT!Providence: Even though you may think we aren't diverse, we
are, they are just hiding.2 O# }&&O*
O& g) e/ G
1. All the ivies sounds arrogant and
2. The point about Colgate is pretty true.
3. Is Emma Watson really going to
  别轻信媒体!我们不是最喜欢拒人的学校!最没人情味的是麻省理工!别去申请麻省理工!申请我们这儿吧!相信我!即使两万两千多名申请者中我们只录取9%,还是申请吧!顶多邮箱里多出薄薄一纸拒信。来吧!让更多的申请者来吧!这样我们的录取率就可以跌破1%了!     普林斯顿:请确保至少有一篇申请论文展现出高大傲慢,那样你就稳进了!要知道,我们学校比美利坚众合国还年迈,还是排名第一的老大啊!
    西点军校:上大学,不差钱。     耶鲁:来到这里,你就能追寻威廉·塔夫脱(美国第27任总统)、老布什(美国第41任总统)、克林顿(美国第42任总统)、小布什(美国第43任总统)、的步伐,我们会告诉你怎么去治理,或者,毁灭一个国家。   耶鲁----总统的培训基地!       斯坦福:哈佛算哪根葱?加州是我们的地盘。你对我们来说可有可无,但不管怎么样你还是申申吧,万一中大奖也说不定。
    MIT----后现代的魔幻建筑!     杜克大学: 我们的运动队可是把常青藤联盟都打趴下了!申请吧,别被我们的强奸丑闻吓坏了。     达特茅斯:我们身处新罕布什尔,还是维蒙州来着?算了,别咬文嚼字啦,我们就是身处蛮夷之地。我甚至不明白,我们怎么就成为了常青藤联盟的一员,要知道,这么个寒风凛冽的地方大概是长不出常青藤的。但无论如何,我们声名显赫。如果你喜欢滑雪、喜欢派对,那就来吧!
    达特茅斯----冰天雪地,不过我们却是绿色的常春藤!     哥伦比亚大学:我们可是纽约市区最靓的地方,可我们的录取率只有10%哦。幸好被我们拒了你还可以去纽约大学,那里的人都是被我们拒掉的。
    进哥大----华尔街实习手到擒来!     芝加哥大学:我们哥德式的校园酷毙了。只要你是个怪人,而且能写出大把的怪文章,那就非你莫属,因为我们的申请要求就是无数怪诞的作文!
    康奈尔大学: 嘿!我们是常青藤,别把我们忽略了!     布朗大学:
Field(芝加哥棒球场)比我们还“常青藤”,但没关系。记住,我们崇尚自由!     华盛顿大学:被常青藤拒绝的人来这儿吧!尽管名声不如常青藤,但我们其他的方面可是毫不逊色!山羊和扑克就在咫尺,来吧,狂野的生活!
我们与密歇根湖为邻,你甚至可以瞪着自行车去芝加哥的市中心。但如果你真这么干了,你大概会被冻死。     范德比特大学:额滴神,看看这里的辣妹啊。


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