iphone6掉水里怎么办 disable怎么办

So what should you if you longer have possession over the iPhone, but you still want to remove the Activation Lock and disconnect it from your Apple ID and iCloud account? Or what should you do if you bought an iPhone from someone else, and it has an activation lock attached to their Apple ID?
Fortunately you don’t need to worry, because there is a pretty easy way to remotely disable Activation Lock from an iPhone or iPad , though, fair warning here, you must
the iPhone to complete the process. Yes, that means anything on the iPhone will be lost in the process, so you wouldn’t want to do this with a device that has stuff on it you want to keep without backing it up first.
The iCloud based locking feature is most often encountered with an iPhone, but it applies to the iPad and iPod touch as well.
Disable Activation Lock on iPhone / iPad from iCloud
You (or whoever has the Apple ID) will need access to a web browser and the internet to be able to do this, they do not need physical access to the iOS device to remove the iCloud lock with this method:
and log in with the associated Apple ID
Go to “Find My iPhone” and wait for all devices to be found / located
Select the iPhone in question that you want to disable Activation Lock for*
Choose “Erase” and enter the Apple ID
Confirm to erase the device – there is no turning back if you confirm this, everything on it will be removed
When the phone is finished erasing, choose “Remove from Account” to completely disable iCloud Activation Lock and to remove that device from the Apple ID iCloud account – this is important do not forget to choose “Remove from Account”
* Note: if the iPhone / iPad / iPod touch has already been erased or is offline and shut off, it will appear as greyed out and offline in the Devices list shown . If that’s the case, simply select it and choose the “Remove from Account” option, the device won’t need to be erased twice.
With the iPhone erased, and, this is important – removed from the Apple ID account – it will set itself up as new and allow anyone to enter a new Apple ID and use the device as new.
The great thing about this method is that it can be done remotely. This means that if you bought a used iPhone online or from someone that later locked down the iOS device for some reason or another, you can simply contact them and walk them through the unlocking process with iCloud. They don’t need to do anything with the actual device since it’s all handled online through Apple’s iCloud service.
Of course if you know the Apple ID holder in real life, you can just have them log into the associated account directly on the device to unlock it that way too, but obviously that’s not going to be as convenient unless they’re nearby. If you go that route, be sure they proceed further to either
or just toggle the switch to disable Find My iPhone in Settings.
How Do I Disable Activation Lock if I Don’t Know the Apple ID Password?
If you (or whoever has the Apple ID) don’t know the password to the Apple ID account that is tying the iPhone up with the iCloud Lock, you (or them) will need to reset the password associated with the account. This is also easy, it’s just a matter of answering a few questions to confirm the identity of the account holder first.
To get that process started, simply go to
and enter the appropriate details to reset the password associated with the Apple ID. Once the password has been reset, you can then log in
with the new Apple ID password to disable the activation lock using the sequence outlined above. This can also be done remotely.
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Posted by: Paul Horowitz in , , ,
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I know the iphone home button is extremely crucial for the functioning of the iphone.
However I have an idea for which I need the application running and the home button to be disabled.
I tried googling, but haven't been able to find a solution.
Temporary or timed locking (Lock for 5/10 mins.) would also do.
The app. should work on non-jailbroken phones, hence going around apple won't work.
Appreciate any ideas.
Note, from 2014 onwards:
just to be clear,
this is now built in to iOS...
Click to accessibility, click "guided access".
Conrats for "inventing" it, PlanetUnknonw!
The answer below is only of historic value...
For the record, it's silly that people are saying "Why would you want to do this?"
it's a great idea for example for APPS FOR SMALL CHILDREN (which is indeed a very large market on the iPhone).
If you've ever marketed an app for small children, you'll know that instantly parents write in abusing you because you "did not stop that stupid home button working, so the child just turns off the game and makes phone calls"
To which you have to reply that it's of course not possible because of the way the iPhone works.
So yes it's a good question. As far as I know, Planet, it is not possible.
Apple should add a "kids mode" where parents can lock the fone on TO one particular app for awhile.
(Perhaps you would have to long-press or something the home button to unlock it.)
*iOS 6 reportedly has a "Single App Mode" - Check out vpdn's answer below
This is against the iOS interface guidelines, and apps have been rejected for "overriding" or restricting behaviour of hardware buttons/switches.
I suggest you have a read of the
for iOS apps for a good overview of what you shouldn't be doing.
Apps that alter the functions of standard switches, such as the Volume Up/Down and Ring/Silent switches, will be rejected
Pretty sure that the Home
button is included in that.
I'm not sure what your "idea" is here, but I would suggest you look into other things such as .
There is a feature that allows you to finish executing tasks in the background, even if the user presses the home button, and optionally display a notification after certain time (before the task "expires").
I imagine that this might offer a more appropriate solution (again dependent on what your idea actually is).
In iOS6 (to be released), there's a feature called "Guided Access", which will allow device owners to lock users (like toddlers and school kids) into an app.
Update: Before the shitstorm about NDA content starts, here's where I got the info from:
You can't unless you want to run it on jail broken devices.
Apple currently will not allow any software to disable or change ANY button functionality for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, so the only software solution is to jailbreak the device, so you're not forced to live by Apple's rules.
is about to release a home button cover specifically targeted to keeping young kids from pressing the home button. Not the exact solution to your problem as stated, but I figured it added to the discussion.
Unsure if you are looking for a way to do it in code in an app or if you're thinking of locking it in general.
Anyways, if you're looking for a way to do it in general, here's a guide for it
If you are looking to temporarily disable the home button to keep a child in a particular app, the tip for a make magazine article is to use a bulldog clip to cover the home button cheaper, and more reusable than a bubcap, temporary and effective.
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Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabledThe call forwarding feature on the iPhone is hands down the coolest one I’ve seen on a mobile. With other phones, I’ve setup fake contacts with the dialing code so that I could quickly dial the number to forward or unforward my phone. Forwarding your iPhone is different and definitely cool.
The forwarding setting is in the phone settings screen. To get there, tap the Settings icon from the Home screen, the tap the Phone button. On the Phone settings screen, you’ll see Call Forwarding near the bottom in the Calls section. Tap this button and you’ll see something like this:
The forwarding slider will be in the off position and there will not be a phone number displayed under it in the Forwarding To button.
To engage call forwarding tap or slide the switch to the right of Call Forwarding and the Forwarding To editor screen will slide in, something like this:
Type in the number you want to forward your iPhone to and tap the Call Forwarding button near the upper left corner of the screen. You’ll see something like this:
The slider now shows On and is bright blue. The phone number forwarded to is displayed on the Forwarding To button.
To turn off call forwarding, just tap or slide the Call Forwarding switch into the Off position on this same screen in the future.
Quinn was one of the original co-founders of Tech-Recipes. He is currently crafting iOS applications as a senior developer at Small Planet Digital in Brooklyn, New York.
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找警察问。。。。。问什么啊。。。汗啊。。。按住Home+开机键等到屏幕熄灭 然后放开开机键 按住home不放,看到屏幕上出现 itune加上个usb插头 不就好了吗 ...
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帖子 精华20
你这个机子是在设置-电话-打开了PIN码,打开pin码的作用就是机器只认你的唯一的SIM卡,其他sim卡都不能使用,初始码不是1234就是 4321,你输入错误3次(具体几次忘记)会提示你输入puk(好像是PUK码),puk码你可以打10086报身份证号取得,puk输入错误10次会锁死sim卡。输入puk正确,再重置pin码,再关闭他就可以了。
&strong&&font color=&RoyalBlue&&感谢支持Weip技术组的所有工作&/font&&/strong&
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原帖由 czhk 于
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你这个机子是在设置-电话-打开了PIN码,打开pin码的作用就是机器只认你的唯一的SIM卡,其他sim卡都不能使用,初始码不是1234就是 4321,你输入错误3次(具体几次忘记)会提示你输入puk(好像是PUK码),puk码你可以打10086报身份证号取 ...
我在加拿大,机器是那人拿到后,设置了开机密码,不是SIM的,4位数的。现在在APPLE CUSTOM指导下也无法进入RESTORE,郁闷了,不过谢谢回答了
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打电话问问小偷的密码 吧
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先正常USB连接电脑 然后正常关机;
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原帖由 wangdawei 于
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打电话问问小偷的密码 吧
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原帖由 rinco 于
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4位密码的话用穷举法暴力破解吧。。。。手动的话估计一个星期OK。。。、、、、、、、、、0018以此类推。。。 ...
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Powered by Discuz!当前位置:&&水货iPhone5怎么切换3G
&&& 水货iPhone5怎么切换3G?因为国行价钱实在是太贵了,所以很多人选择购买水货,可是这里问题就出现了,水货iPhone5虽然使用起来没什么问题,但是很多人发现2G与3G之前不好切换。&  OTA解卡了,拥有3G了,上网速度爽了,  但是开着3G待机(为了实时接个QQ、微信什么的)电量也哗哗的就没有了。  在最早刚开始可以越狱的时候,众多插件可以解决2、3G的切换问题,  但是随着时间的推移,这些个插件都失效了。  楼主也苦恼了很久,终于在无聊的测试下发现了一个可以彻底解决问题的办法,  安装最新的GPP的3to2补丁。  1、下载附件,按照里面的教程安装软件(有没有越狱无所谓)  2、打开软件,切换2G选择(打开补丁/Patch),切换3G选择(关闭补丁/Disable Patch)


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