
篇一:2012年物理教师实验考试(笔试)测试题 2012年初中物理教师实验考试(笔试)测试题 (考试时间:60分钟;满分:40分)
姓名:__________ 学校:_________得分:___________
1.(10分)《义务教育物理课程标准》(2011版)明确提出了20个实验项目作为学生实验,其中基本操作类有7项,测定性实验有4项,探究性实验有9项,请写出测定性实验4项名称: (1) ; (2) ; (3) ; (4) 。 为什么不把“伏安法测电阻”列入必做学生实验? 请说出你的看法。
2.(10分)利用强光手电筒改进探究凸透镜成像规律实验,将镂空刻有“F”的黑色卡纸(如图甲)蒙在手电筒(如图乙)前作为成像物体。将成像物体、凸透镜和不透明的光屏依次安装在光具座上(如图丙)。 (1)成像物体移至透镜左边40cm处,在光屏上得到如图丁所示影像。要使影像变得如图戊所示,应______(选填“上、下”、“左、右”或“前、后”)移动光屏。这一成像规律应用在______(选填“照相机”、“幻灯机”或“放大镜”)上。 (2)凸透镜的位置固定不动,把成像物体移到凸透镜左边15cm处,要在光屏上得到清晰的影像,应将光屏向______ 移动。 (3)继续实验时若记录的实验数据如下表,请在如下方格纸上画出像距与物距的关系图象.
3.(5分)为了探究甲、乙两种固态物体比热容的大小关系,某同学用相同的酒精灯给质量相等的甲、乙两物体加热,根据测量结果分别描绘出它们温度与时间的关系图象(如图所示).实验后对图象进行分析时,该同学感到很困惑:分析A到D这段时间两物体的升温情况,应可得到乙的比热容大于甲的比热容的结论,但若分析D以后的时间两物质的升温情况又可得到乙的比热容小于甲的比热容.你会如何引导该同学分析此实验数据? 4.(10分)在用注射器、弹簧测力计和刻度尺等器材粗测大气压时,装置如图所示.实验步骤:A.将注射器的活塞推至注射器筒的底端,排尽筒内的
,即等于大气对活塞的压力F. C.用刻度尺测出注射器的,记为L,读出注射器的容积V,则活塞的面积S= . D.推算此时大气压的数值p= (写出表达式).
(1)将实验步骤的空白部分填写完整. (2)小华同学测量仪器使用科学合理,读数正确,但由于 筒内的空气没有排除干净.测量结果总会偏
。 (3)实际上该实验过程中摩擦力对实验结果影响也很大,那么在只有这些器材的情况下怎样做才能减少摩擦力的影响从而达到减少实验误差的目的(写出具体方法)?
5.(5分)请介绍你曾自制的一个教具,并说明该教具在物理教学中的作用。 答案: 1.测量物体运动的速度、测量水平运动物体所受的滑动摩擦力、测量固体和液体的密度、测量小灯泡的电功率。 (从实验能力看,“伏安法测电阻”的电路结构、仪器操作、所测数据都和“测量小灯泡功率”实验相同;从知识内容看,“伏安法测电阻”和“探究电流跟电压、电阻的关系”相同,都是欧姆定律;为避免重复,没有把“伏安法测电阻”列入必做学生实验项目,但仍鼓励有条件的学校把它作为学生实验来实施。 2.(1)右 照相机 (2)右
(3) 图象如下 (4)A B C (5) 物体中心的高度不变,实验一段时间后,不必调整物体的高度,像总是成在光屏的中央位置/判断像和物体左右变化情况,便于凸透镜成像的性质/所成的像不会晃动,更加稳定/跟燃烧蜡烛相比,发光体更安全、环保。 由记录的实验数据可知该凸透镜的焦距f=10cm,根据题意:成像物体放在光具座上的0刻线处,凸透镜放在15cm刻线上,即2f>u>f,移动光屏在a位置找到像,根据凸透镜成像规律可以知,光屏上第一次的像是倒立、放大的像,故A正确,此时v>2f,即a的位置v>20cm,但结合图象可知v小于29~31cm,所以a位置在(29+15)~(31+15)cm即44~46刻线之间,故B正确;当成像物体和光屏不动,只移动凸透镜,当凸透镜向某一方向移动到b位置时,在光屏上又看到像,说明此时物距和像距之和不变,以设想将成像物体和光屏互换位置,则物距处于u>2f位置,凸透镜成倒立、缩小的实像,此时2f>v>f,像的位置在10cm~20cm之间,故C正确,D错误。 3.观察图象,根据题意,该图象比较的是熔化前(物体还是 固态)比热容的大小,由图象可看出,甲物质温度升高到一 定时不再升高,乙继续升高,说明甲是晶体,乙是非晶体): 用相同的酒精灯给质量相等的甲、乙两种物质加热时,在相 同时间内,甲物质比乙物质的温度升高的快,根据吸热公式 Q=Cm△t,可知甲物质的比热小于乙物质的比热。 4.(1)空气
(3)测两次,第一次排尽空气后,堵住注射器的小孔,用弹簧测力计拉动活塞缓慢地做匀速直线运动,拉力F1,第二次不堵注射器的小孔,用弹簧测力计拉动活塞缓慢地做匀速直线运动,拉力F2,大气对活塞的压力F=F1-F2。由此可以算出大气压强,此操作可以大大地减少实验误差。 5.(略)
篇二:初中物理教师实验操作技能考核试题B 试卷B 一、8B-03估测大气压强的值 1.实验内容:估测大气压强的值 2.主要器材:弹簧测力计、注射器、刻度尺、橡皮泥 3.实验时间:10分钟 4.本题分值:7分 5.评分要点: 三、8A-02水在沸腾前后的温度特点 1.实验内容:观测并总结水在沸腾前后的温度特点 2.主要器材:铁架台、酒精灯、火柴、石棉网、小烧杯、自来水、热水(装在热水瓶内)、温度计、计时器(钟或秒表等)、铅笔、橡皮、坐标纸 3.实验时间:10分钟 4.本题分值:6分 5.评分要点: 篇三:初中物理教师实验操作技能考核试题C 试卷C 一、9B-01探究影响电流做功多少的因素 1.实验内容:探究影响电流做功多少的因素 2.主要器材:电源(电池盒,2-3节干电池)、开关、电流表(两个)、电压表(两个)、小灯泡(共4只,2.5V两只,3.8V两只,供选用)及灯座、滑动变阻器、导线若干 3.实验时间:10分钟 4.本题分值:7分说明:(1)步骤1和2的先后可以互换;(2)是否使用滑动变阻器不作要求,使用正确不加分,若使用错误扣1分。二、8B-01测盐水的密度 1.实验内容:测盐水的密度 2.主要器材:量筒3个(10ml、100ml、500ml),盛有盐水的烧杯1个,空烧杯1个,托盘天平(未调平衡)及砝码一套。 3.实验时间:10分钟 4.本题分值:7分 5.评分要点:三、8A-05探究光从空气射入水中时的折射规律 1.实验内容:探究光从空气射入水中时的折射规律 2.主要器材:激光笔、水、牛奶(或颜料)、水槽、塑料板、量角器(两个)、双面胶 3.实验时间:10钟 4.本题分值:
6分 5.评分要点:当前位置:
在下图中,凸透镜的焦距为l0cm。保持透镜位置不变当蜡烛在15cm刻度处时,在右侧左右移动光屏找不到像,原因是&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 。为了在光屏的中心找到像,应&&&&&& &调整光屏,并将光屏移动在&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&之间。
烛焰、凸透镜、光屏的中心不在同一高度&;&向上&;&60cm ~70cm 。
&放大镜成像图说明:(1)凸透镜所成的实像必倒立,且物与像分居透镜的两侧,可以是放大的、等大的或缩小的;成虚像必正立,且物与像位于透镜的同侧,一定是放大的。(2)物体沿主光轴移动,像也沿主光轴移动。对于实像来说,物体向靠近镜的方向移,像向远离镜的方向移,且像越来越大。对虚像来说,物向镜移,像也向镜移,且像越来越小。(3)物体的物距一定,垂直主光轴向上、向下或向左、向右移动时,虚像的移动方向跟物体移动方向是一致的,但实像的移动方向跟物体移动方向恰好相反。即物向上移,像要向下移;物向左移,像要向右移。(4)透镜一部分被遮挡,这部分不透光,其余仍透光,仍生成完整的像,只不过像变暗些。透镜破裂后去掉一部分,就相当于遮挡了一部分,像大小、位置不变,只是变暗些。凸透镜成像的实验; ①实验时点燃蜡烛,使烛焰、凸透镜、光屏的中心大致在同一高度,目的是:使烛焰的像成在光屏中央。 ②若在实验时,无论怎样移动光屏,在光屏上都得不到像,可能的原因有:a.蜡烛在焦点以内,b.烛焰在焦点上c.烛焰、凸透镜、光屏的中心不在同一高度d.蜡烛到凸透镜的距离稍大于焦距,成像在很远的地方,光具座的光屏无法移到该位置 凸透镜成像实验中要注意的几个问题 (1)实验中蜡烛、凸透镜、光屏应依次放置这是能在光屏上观察到像的前提。能在光屏上显示的像是实像,l而凸透镜成实像时,像与物体在透镜的异侧.因此必须使蜡烛和光屏分居凸透镜的两侧。(2)实验中蜡烛、凸透镜、光屏应该在同一直线上这是像成在光屏上的前提。如果做这个实验时用的是光具座,在调节时只要按程序操作,很容易完成共线调节;但是如果你在做这个实验时没有用光具座就要特别注意这个问题。 (3)实验中凸透镜的镜面、光屏面应大致平行这也是保证像成在光屏上的条件。因为若镜面和光屏面不平行,如镜面倾斜,根据凸透镜成像原因,像将成在光屏的一边而不会成在光屏上。(4)实验中烛焰、凸透镜、光屏三者的中心应该大致在同一高度这是保证像成在光屏中央的条件。有些同学认为,只要这三者的中心在一条直线上就可以了。事实上,如果三者的高度不同,则在光屏上所成的像或在光屏的上方,或在光屏的下方,不利于像的观察。(5)实验中要注意凸透镜的定位由于物体在2倍焦距之外时像在1倍焦距和2倍焦距之间,而物体在1倍焦距和2倍焦距之间时像在2 倍焦距之外。所以实验时应给物距和像距留大致相同的调节空间。即凸透镜应该固定在光具座的中间。(6)要在像最清晰时观察一般情况下,凸透镜成像时,若光屏在一定的范围内移动,屏上都能够得到像,但是我们要找到最清晰的像.如果将光屏向任何一个方向移动,像都比你最先得到的像模糊,则那个位置的像就是最清晰的像了。(7)要注意物距适当在观察物距在1倍焦距与2倍焦距之间的成像时,要注意物距适当,不能使物体靠近焦点,否则像离凸透镜太远,像也太大,可能光屏接收不到。透镜成像的作图方法&&& 透镜中有三条特殊光线:①经过光心的光线传播方向不改变;②平行于主光轴的光线经折射后过焦点(对凹透镜,它的焦点是虚焦点,是折射光线的反向延长线经过的点);③过焦点的光线经过折射后平行于主光轴(对凹透镜来说是虚焦点,是入射光线的正向延长线经过的点)。 (1)物体处于2倍焦距以外时,如图所示。(2)物体处于2倍焦距和1倍焦距之间时,如图所示(3)物体处于焦点以内时,如图:&口诀法巧记凸透镜成像规律: (1)口诀一:一焦分虚实,二焦分大小;虚像同侧正,实像异侧倒;成实像,物近像远像变大;成虚像,物近像近像变小口诀二:三物距、三界限,成像随着物距变;物远实像小而近,物远虚像大而远:口诀三:凸透镜,本领大,照相、幻灯和放大;二倍焦外倒实小,二倍焦内倒实大;若是物放焦点内,像物同侧虚像大;物远实像近又小,物远虚像远又大, (2)口诀法的理解:“物近像远像变大,二倍焦距分大小,一倍焦距分虚实”。我们可以结合图加深理解。由此我们可以得出以下两个性质:①焦点分界:2f是成放大实像与缩小实像的分界点,厂是成实像与虚像的分界点。②动态特性:物体沿主光轴移动时,物像关于凸透镜移动方向一致,即物距(物体到凸透镜的距离)减小(增大),像距(像到凸透镜的距离)增大(减小),且像变大(小)。
第一课《初识Flash MX——熟悉基本操作》年级:八年级教材:信息技术编写组编,大连理工大学出版社出版,《初中信息技术》八年级上册,第一单元《云的形成》第一课《初识Flash MX——熟悉基本操作》一、教材分析1、本册教材的主要内容是动画制作,第一单元的主题是“云的形成”,通过这一主题任务的完成,学生能够了解并熟悉Flash动画,掌握基本的Flash动画制作方法和技巧。第一课《初识Flash MX——熟悉基本操作》是Flash入门课,其内容包括Flash MX的启动方法和操作界面、创建简单的图形元件、利用椭圆等基本工具绘制简单图形和保存Flash源文件。2、教学重点:椭圆、矩形等基本工具的使用方法;教学难点:椭圆、矩形等工具的使用技巧以及利用它们绘制稍复杂的图形。二、教学/学习目标1.&知识与技能:能启动Flash,说出Flash操作界面各部分的名称;了解Flash元件,会创建新的图形元件;熟悉椭圆、矩形、铅笔、颜料桶以及箭头等工具的使用方法,能利用这些基本工具绘制一些简单的图形;能正确保存Flash文件。2.&过程与方法:教师引路,学生大胆尝试操作;通过自主和合作,学生高效地完成任务。3.&情感与态度、价值观:运用本课知识,学生可以将心中的灵感和Flash MX技术结合起来,形成作品,这有利于培养学生的设计和制作能力,有利于培养他们的想象力和审美情趣;通过让学生展示共享、交流评价,有利于培养学生共享、共创的意识,提高学生表达、鉴赏的能力。三、学习者分析对于八年级的学生来说,他们具备了很强的学习和接受能力,能够有效地进行自我控制,且语言组织和表达能力较强。另一方面,学生此前进行了Photoshop等的学习,这些学习和Flash的学习是有相似之处的,因此可以说,对于新知识,学生有一定的基础,具备一定的先验知识。但要注意的是,学生之间的学习情况应该是不同的,所以教师要认真观察以及时发现问题,给予某些学生某些方面必要的指导。本课应重在引导学生探索、归纳知识和技术,并在此基础上对于学生的作品制作多给予一点时间,同时注重锻炼学生的作品展示与评价能力。四、教学理念和教学方式(一)教师是学习的主导,学生是学习的主体;教师是学生学习的组织者和引导者,只有学生才是学习真正的主人。新型的师生关系是平等和谐的师生关系,故一方面教师应尊重、解放学生,给予学生自主权,另一方面教师要热爱、关注学生,给予学生以帮助。(二)教学策略设计:1、教学方法设计及选择依据:依据现代教育教学理念,在教学方法上,打破教师一言堂的局面,教师初步引导之后,让学生尝试着按书中步骤自学,或者互学,然后在此基础上,学生独立思考设计制作。2、教学活动设计思路:第一步:教师带领学生欣赏“机器猫”和“黑白猪”等动画,一方面吸引学生注意,激发学生兴趣,另一方面让学生初步了解Flash。同时,教师还要带领学生欣赏“云的形成”,以便于学生从整体上把握第一单元的学习任务;第二步:教师引导学生启动Flash,认识Flash的操作界面;第三步:教师讲解元件,让学生总结创建新元件的几个步骤;第四步:教师演示如何绘制“水滴”,有了绘制“水滴”的经验,学生参照课本自己绘制“树”和“太阳”,或者自己创作作品;第五步:师生共享交流,评选较好的作品;第六步:通过谈收获总结本节课的知识点。五、教学过程课题&初识Flash MX——熟悉基本操作教学环节&教师的教学行为&学生的学习行为&设计意图&&&一、导入新课,交代任务&1.播放“机器猫”和“黑白猪”等动画2.播放“云的形成”动画3.布置任务:用Flash绘制“水滴”、“树”和“太阳”&&吸引学生注意,激发学生兴趣便于学生从整体上把握第一单元的学习任务二、探索新知&1.让学生自己尝试启动Flash,认识Flash的操作界面&2.讲解什么是Flash元件,找一名学生演示如何创建新的图形元件3.演示绘制“水滴”的步骤,讲授椭圆工具的使用方法和技巧4.请学生帮老师保存Flash文件,并说出他的操作&说一说他们都是如何启动Flash的,认一认Flash操作界面的各个部分理解Flash元件,一名学生演示如何创建新的图形元件学习椭圆工具的使用方法和技巧一边保存Flash文件,一边说出他的做法&让学生学会启动Flash MX,认识Flash MX的操作界面让学生了解元件,学会创建新元件,反馈学生是否掌握了创建新元件的方法让学生掌握椭圆工具的使用方法培养学生自主学习和总结的能力三、学生制作&引导学生自己绘制“树”和“太阳”,或创作其他作品,并提醒学生随时保存文件&学生自主绘制,随时保存作品&培养学生的动手操作能力,同时也检验了学生是否掌握了本课内容四、作品展示与评价&鼓励学生展示作品引导学生评价作品,对学生作品进行总评&学生边演示边讲解学生自评,互评&培养学生的共享意识和表达能力培养学生的鉴赏和评价能力,让学生互相学习,取长补短五、全课总结&请同学们说一说他们都学了什么,又学会了什么,最后,总结强化重点和难点&谈收获,谈谈学了什么,又学到了什么&回顾本节课的知识点,培养学生归纳总结的能力,让学生知道利用Flash可以创作出精美的形象和动画六、教学反思……
2012年大连市初中升学考物理试题一、选择题(本题共14小题,每小题2分,共28分)注意:第1~11题中,每题只有一个选项正确。1.(2012大连)手拨动琴弦,发出悦耳的声音,发声的物体是A.手指 &&B.琴弦 &&C.弦柱 &&D.空气2.(2012大连)下列光现象中,是由于光的反射形成的是A.从水面上看到水中的“鱼”&& &B.用放大镜看到放大的“字”C.路灯下人在地面上的“影子”& &D.在平面镜前看到镜中的“自己”3.(2012大连)下列做法中,符合安全用电要求的是A.雷雨天在大树下避雨&& &&&B.用湿抹布擦正在发光的灯泡C.发生触电事故时,先切断电源& &D.使用试电笔时,手接触金属笔尖4.(2012大连)下列做法中,能减小摩擦的是A.饮料瓶盖上刻有条形花纹& &B.在汽车轮治上装防滑链C.往冰雪路面上撒煤渣&& &&D.往门轴中加润滑油5.(2012大连)下列温度中,约在36~37℃之间的是A.人的正常体温&& &&&B.标准大气压下沸水的温度C.冰箱冷藏室的温度&& &&D.人感觉舒适的环境的温度6.(2012大连)下列光路图中,正确表示了光从空气进入水中的是&7.(2012大连)静止在水平桌面上的书,受到的平衡力是A.书的重力和书对桌子的压力B.书对桌子的压力和桌子的重力C.书的重力和桌子对书的支持力D.书对桌子的压力和桌子对书的支持力8.(2012大连)如图所示,垂直于金属导轨放置的导体棒ab置于蹄形磁铁的磁场中,闭合开关后,导体棒ab沿导轨运动。根据这个实验的原理,可以制成A.发电机&& B.电动机& &&C.电磁铁 &&D.电磁继电器& 9.(2012大连)如图所示的电路中,闭合开关,灯泡L不发光,电流表示无示数,电压表有示数。若电路中只有一处故障,则可能是A.灯泡L短路 B.灯泡L断路 C.电阻R短路 D.电阻R断路&时间t/min&0&2&4&6&8&10温度t/℃&60&53&48&45&43&4210.(2012大连)小明在探究“水降温时温度与时间的关系”的实验中,记录的实验数据如下表。根据表中信息可得出“水降温时温度随时间增加降低得越来越慢”的结论,则从表中提取的能得出该结论的信息是A.温度与时间成反比B.时间变化,温度也变化C.时间逐渐增加,温度逐渐降低D.时间的增加量相等,温度的降低量越来越小11.(2012大连)如图3所示,把铁块放在空容器中,沿容器壁缓慢向容器中加水至虚线处。加水过程中,铁块受到浮力。则在加水的全过程中,容器底对铁块的支持力F与时间t的关系图像是& 注意:第12~14题中,每题至少有两个选项正确。12.(2012大连)如图是四冲程汽油机做功冲程的示意图。汽油燃烧产生高温高压的气体推动活塞向下运动。在活塞向下运动的过程中,汽缸内气体的A.内能减少 &&B.温度降低&& C.密度增大&&D.分子热运动加快&&13.(2012大连)如图所示,水平桌面上的圆台形容器内有一块冰。当这块冰全部融化成水后,下列说法正确的是A.桌面受到的压力不变 &&&&B.桌面受到的压强变大C.容器底的内表面受到的压力变大&&D.容器底的内表面受到的压强变小& 14.(2012大连)如图6所示,电源电压保持不变。闭合开关,当滑动变阻器的滑片P从a向b滑动的过程中,设灯泡工作时的电阻不变。下列说法正确的是A.L1灯逐渐变亮&&&B.L2灯逐渐变暗C.电流表的示数变小&&D.滑动变阻器两端的电压逐渐变大& 二、填空题(本题共10小题,15~22题每题2分,23、24题每题3分,共22分)15.(2012大连)小明站在地面上投掷实心球,实心球在空中运动时,以实心球为参照物,小明是&&&& 的;若实心球在运动时所受的力都消失,实心球将做&&&& 运动。16.(2012大连)光在真空中的传播速度约为&&&&& m/s;真空中,电磁波的频率越小,波长越&&&&& 。17.(2012大连)阳光下看到一朵花是红色的,是因为这朵花反射&&&&& 光;透过蓝色的玻璃看这朵花,则这朵花呈现&&&&& 色。18.(2012大连)R1、R2的电阻分别为5Ω和10Ω,把它们串联在电路中。则R1和R2两端的电压之比是________;通过R1、R2的电流之比是&&&&& 。19.(2012大连)白炽灯用久后灯丝变细。灯丝变细是&&&&& 现象(填物态变化名称);灯丝变细,电阻变&&&&&&& 。20.(2012大连)半导体的导电性能介于导体与&&&&& 体之间;我国西部正大力开发和使用风力发电,风能是&&&& 再生能源(选填“可”或“不可”)。21.(2012大连)跳伞运动员在空中匀速下降的过程中,运动员的动能&&&&& ,重力势能&&&&&& 。22.(2012大连)在“比较水和煤油的吸热能力”的实验中,可以通过控制水和煤油的质量相同、吸收的热量相同,比较它们&&&的多少,从而比较它们的吸热能力;实验中,用&&&&& 间接反映吸收的热量。23.(2012大连)请在图7连接家庭电路的电路图。要求:L1灯、L2灯并联,开关S控制两盏灯。&24.(2012大连)图8是活塞式抽水机的示意图。其手柄相当于一个杠杆,O是支点。请画出阻力F2对支点O的力臂l2;并画出在a点施加的最小动力F1的示意图。&三、计算题(本题共3小题,共18分) 25.(2012大连)用煤气灶烧水时,把2kg的水从25℃加热到75℃,燃烧了0.03m3的煤气。设煤气完全燃烧。水的比热容为4.2×103J/(kg•℃),煤气的热值约为4.0×107J/m3。试求:(1)水吸收的热量是多少?(2)煤气灶烧水时的效率是多少?26.(2012大连)某坦克重力为4×105N,履带的着地面积为5m2。若坦克以20m/s的速度在平直的路面上匀速行驶10min,发动机的输出功率为900kW。试求:(1)坦克静止在水平路面时,对路面的压强是多不少?(2)匀速行驶10min,坦克发动机所做的功是多少?(3)匀速行驶时,坦克发动机的牵引力是多少? 27.(2012大连)图9是某电吹风的简化电路图。M是电动机,R是发热电阻,S是选择开关。S接B、C时吹冷风,接C、D时吹热风。吹冷风时,通过电动机的电流是0.2A;吹热风时,R的电功率是440W。电源电压是220V。试求:(1)吹冷风时,5 min内电流所做的功是多少?(2)吹热风时,R的电阻是多少?(3)吹热风时,干路的电流是多少?& 四、简答题(本题共2小题,每小题3分,共6分)28.(2012大连)将无盖的饮料瓶底部剪掉,做成一个大“漏斗”。把乒乓球放入“漏斗”中,用电吹风在“漏斗”上方沿水平方向吹风,如图10所示。发现乒乓球向上运动。请解释这个现象。& 29.(2012大连)从冰箱冷冻室拿出的冻鱼,放在一盆冷水中,过一段时间将鱼从水中拿出,发现鱼的表面出现了一层较厚的冰。剥开这层冰,发现鱼已经完全“解冻”。请分析说明鱼表面这层较厚的冰是如何形成的。(“解冻”过程中,鱼的温度始终低于0℃) 五、综合题(本题共3小题,共16分) 30.(2012大连)某同学在探究“浮力的大小与液体的密度和物体排开液体的体积是否有关”的实验中,记录的实验数据如下表。实验次数&液体的密度ρ/103kg•m-3&排开液体的体积V/cm3&物体的重力G/N&测力计的示数F/N(在液体中)&浮力F浮/N1&0.8&50&0.70&0.30&0.402&1.0&50&0.70&0.20&0.503&1.2&50&0.70&0.10&0.604&1.0&60&0.80&0.20&0.605&1.0&60&0.88&&(1)第5次实验,物体在液体中时弹簧测力计的示数如图11所示,则表格中的①、②两处的数据应为:①_______②_______。&(2)第_______、_______、_______三次实验,是探究浮力的大小与液体的密度是否有关。(3)实验中,两个分探究共用的一组数据是第_______次实验数据。(4)根据实验数据,得出的探究结论是:_______。31.(2012大连)小明在探究“凸透镜成实像时像距与物距的关系”的实验中,所用的实验器材有:光具座、凸透镜、光屏和蜡烛等。(1)将蜡烛、凸透镜和光屏放在光具座上,点燃蜡烛,调整凸透镜和光屏的高度,使烛焰、凸透镜和光屏的中心大致在同一____上。(2)该实验应使凸透镜成实像,那么凸透镜成实像的条件是:物距________焦距。(3)记录的实验数据如下表。请在方格纸上画出像距与物距的关系图像。物距u/cm&14&16&18&20&22&24&26像距v/cm&35&27&22&20&18&17&16 &(4)小明得出探究结论后,又用上述器材做了一个实验。把蜡烛放在光具座上的0刻线处,凸透镜放在15cm刻线上,如图12所示。移动光屏在a位置找到像;蜡烛和光屏不动,只移动凸透镜,当凸透镜向某一方向移动到b位置时,在光屏上又看到像。结合所画图像,请你对实验中可能出现的现象作出合理的判断_______。(至少有一个选项正确,将正确选项的安母填在横线上)32.(2012大连)小明在探究“小灯泡发光时的亮度与电功率的关系”的实验中,所用的电源电压是4V,小灯泡的额定电压是2.5V,小灯泡两端允许加的最大电压为额定电压的1.2倍。(1)请将图13的实验电路连接完整。&(2)小明连接的电路中,电流表接的是大量程,滑动变阻器的滑片滑到了阻值最大端。在检查电路连接正确后,小明又进行了实验操作,并根据观察到的实验现象将电流表从大量程改为小量程。则他进行了怎样的实验操作?观察到什么实验现象?实验操作:_______。实验现象:_______。(3)实验中,观察到小灯泡开始发光时,电压表的示数是0.5V。关于电压测量点的选择有如下三种方案。甲:1.0V 2.0V 3.0V& 乙:1.0V 2.5V 4.0V丙:0.5V 1.0V 1.5V 2.0V 2.5V 3.0V应该选用_______方案。(4)小刚在做该实验时,用数量和规格均满足实验要求的定值电阻代替了滑动变阻器。请分析说明用定值电阻代替滑动变阻器做实验的两点不足。1、_______;&&& 2、_______。
e with me?& A.go& B.am going& C.have gone& D.went& 4.Lingling and Betty are great. ____ of them have been chosen to enter the maths competition.& A.None& B.Neither& C.All& D.Both& 5.Do not use so much water. It's ____.& A.healthy& B.useful& & C.wasteful&& D.rude& 6.Liu Xiang won the first Olympic gold ____ in the 110m hurdles for China.& A.medal& B.prize& & C.symbol D.record& 7.Mum, can I have something to ____ now? I'm really hungry!& A.do& B.use& C.eat& D.see& 8.Laptops are smaller and lighter so that they can be carried very ____.& A.clearly& B.regularly& & C.easily&& D.carefully& 9.In Britain, you ____ be 18 if you want to drive a car.& A.can& B.must& C.may& D.might& 10.The ____ of the great book, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, is Mark Twain..& A.theme& B.price& C.owner& D.writer& 11.Mark isn't coming to the concert ____ he has got too much work to do.& A.so& B.until& & C.although& D.because& 12.Today it's normal for married women to go out to work, but it was ____ in the past.& A.common B.more common& C.less common& D.the& most common& 13.David wrote a story about teenage life, and it ____ as a book in 2003.& A.went out&& B.came up& C.grew up&& D.came out& 14.Music isn't Sally's main interest, ____ she wants to see some Beijing Opera today.& A.but& B.so& C.or& D.and& 15.Dr. Bethune ____ working in spite of cutting his hand during an operation.& A.stopped& B.continued&& & C.forgot& D.enjoyed& 16.-Thank you for taking me around your school, Daming.& -____& A.Don't mention& it. & B.Never mind.& C.Of course not.& D.No problem.& & II.完形填空(一)(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)& 阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。& Keep your dream& When Robert was a student in high school, his teacher asked him to write a composition about what he wanted to do when he grew up. That night he wrote a seven- page composition about his _17_ of owning a horse ranch(养马 场). He _18_ about it in detail(详细 地), and he even drew a picture of a 200- acre(亩) ranch. The next day he handed it in to his _19_.& Two days later he got his composition back. On the first page was a larger F with a note(批注) that _20_, “See me after class.”& Robert went to see his teacher after class and asked,“_21_ did I get an F?”& The teacher said, “You have no money. Your parents have no money. Ownig a horse ranch _22_ a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to buy the _23_. There's no way you could ever do it. _24_ you write a composition again, I will change your _25_.”& Robert went back home and thought about it long and hard. The next day he handed in the same composition, making no changes _26_. He said to his teacher, “You can keep the F and I'll keep my dream.”& Now, Robert owns a 200-acre horse ranch.& 17.A.plan& B.project& & C.reason& D.dream& 18.A.worried& B.wrote& & C.cared& D.talked& 19.A.mother&& B.father& & C.teacher& D.partner& 20.A.read& B.told C.replied& D.printed& 21.A.How&& B.Why& C.When& D.Where& 22.A.makes&& B.saves&& C.needs& D.raises& 23.A.horses& B.houses&& C.farms&& D.stores& 24.A.Because& B.Although & C.While& D.If& 25.A.idea& B.grade&& C.goal& D.decision& 26.A.at once&& B.at least& & C.as usual& D.at all& & III.阅读理解(一)(本题共19小题,每小题2分,共38分)& A.阅读下列短文,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。& Passage 1& ASK THE BLOG!& Post your problems on the blog(博客) and get other bloggers' advice!& *****& My problem is my parents. They never stop going on about how I should keep my room tidy, keep my hair tidy and wear smart clothes. They even make me do the washing-up after dinner every night! None of my friends have got such terrible parents. What should I do?& Helen,USA& *****& Hi, Helen. I think you should do what your parents ask. Thay're much older than you and you should respect them. It's their house you live in and their money you spend!& Emily, Australia& *****& Why do you think you're the only one with parents like that? All parents are the same. They want us to look like them. They don't understand that fashions have changed in the last 30 y ears!& Tom, Canada& *****& Helen, why should your parents do all the washing- up? You should help around the h ouse- it's only fair. I don't think you should change your appearance(外 表) though. Teenagers should look like teenagers.& Simon, England& *****& 27.What is Helen's problem?& A.Her parents treat her badly.& B.She always worries about her parents.& C.Her parents don't care about her feelings.& D.she wouldn't like to do what her parents ask.& 28.In Emily's opinion, Helen& should ____.& A.respect her parents & B.give her parents money& C.understand her parents& D.live with her parents together& 29.Simon suggests that Helen should ____.& A.wear smart clothes& & B.help with housework& C.do all the washing-up & D.change her appearance& 30.From the bloggers' advice, we may guess Helen is ____.& A.a teenager& B .an American girl& C.a university student& & D.a girl with many friends& 31.Helen's problem can be thought as “____”.& A.a special event& B.a growing worry& C.a private secret& D.a terrible experience& & Passage 2 & Animals United& Animals United is a 3D German(德 国 的) cartoon which is directed by Reinhard Klooss and Holger Tappe. It is a story about animals that get together to find water. Along their journey, lots of funny things happen, and of course, they have a lot of adventures.& The animals in the grasslands in Africa are waiting for the coming flood(洪 水). However, this year's flood seems to come later than in other years. The animals become upset and worried. At the same time, some animals from other places come to the grasslands to look for peace. However, the situation seems worse because the water is becoming less and less. So they decide to look for the river.& Finally, they find the reason why they don't have any water to drink. A dam(拦 河 坝)has been set up so that humans can have a better life. After a long fight with humans, they let the world know that animals are in danger.& This film is about environmental matters. The humans are the bad and the animals are the good. This film is to give humans a& warning that they must not destroy the homes of animals or damage nature in order to improve their own life. Humans should know that animals also have their own world.32.The story of Animals United took place ____.& A.in Asia& B.in Africa& C.in America& D.in Germany& 33.The animals become worried, because ____.& A.the year's flood is coming& B.they will have no water to drink& C.there is going to be a fight with humans& D.their grasslands were taken up by other animals& 34.Along their journey to look for the river, the animals find ____.& A.humans set up a dam& B.the river is becoming dry& C.all the animals are in danger& D.the world is getting warmer& 35.Humans are warned not to ____.& A.damage na ture&& B.kill any animals & C.pollute the environment& D.do harm to the grasslands& 36.The story of the cartoon film mainly tells us ____.& A.it's our duty to protect animals& B.humans and animals should live in peace& C.humans should care about the environment& D.it's time to think about animals' living environment& Passage 3& The Internet joins millions of computers all over the world, and today it is used by people all over the world. It was invented in the 1960s in the USA. The American government needed a network of computers for its army. Then in the 1970s scientists and businesspeople also wanted to use the& Internet to send and receive messages. For some years, they weren't allowed to use the& US network, and when they we re allowed to, the messages were in very simple text without photos.& The world Wide Web was invented by a British scientist named Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. He wanted to send documents to other scientists. so he developed the World Wide Web. This allowed him to send and receive scientific documents with text, drawings and photos (also called multimedia documents). In the 1990s, more and more people began to use the Internet and the World Wide Web.& So what's the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web? The Internet is the hardware. It allows us to communicate with other people. The world Wide Web is the software. It allows us to create, see and read multimedia documents.& The web is made up of millions of documents called web pages. These pages are held in computers all over the world. Many people have a favourite website with a number of web pages on the same subject.& Email is a way of using your computer to send and receive messages. It's cheaper and quic ker to use email than send normal mail. New users call normal mail “snail mail” because it's so slow!& It took 50 years for 100 million people to listen to the radio. It took 15 years for 100 million people to watch television. By the year 2000, it had taken only about three years for 100 million people to use the Internet. What will happen next on the Internet?& 37. The Internet was first invented for ____.& A.scientific work&& B.American army& C.businesspeople& & D.American government& 38.The World Wide Web was invented to ____.& A.communicate with others& B.create, see and read documents& C.send and receive scientific documents& D.send and receive simple text without photos& 39.The Internet and the World Wide Web began to be widely used ____.& A.in the 1970s&&&& B.in the 1990s& C.in the late of 1980s& D.by the year 2000& 40.The writer wrote the last paragraph to show that ____.& A.the Internet has a greater influence than radio and TV& B.radio and TV will be replaced by computers& C.the use of the Internet spreade very quickly& D.people spend much more time on the Internet& 41.The best title of the passage may be “____”.& A.The effect of the greatest invention& B.The development of the Internet& C.The movement of new technology& D.The history of the World Wide Web& & B.阅读短文,根据短文内容,从所给的六个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思完整、连贯。(有两项为多余选项)& Passage 4& Note- taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your schoolwork. It can make you confident(自 信的) when you are studying. _42_& If your teacher writes notes on the blackborad, that's great. You can copy& them or write down the most important facts of all in class. _43_ For example, some teachers may focus on(关 注) lots of dates and facts in class, but they only write the important ones on the blackborad. Other teachers may not write anything down, but they may repeat them.& Don't try to write down every word in class, or you might miss some important points. Some students really learn better with the help of these notes.& _44_ If your teacher speaks too fast and you can't follow what he is saying, you can ask him after class.& Com paring your notes with your classmates' can be good for your learning. _45_& Note-taking also needs organization. Keep notes for each subject in one place, so that you can find everything easily when a test comes.& Good note-taking takes time. If you decide to recopy your notes every morning, you'll surely have less time to watch TV. But you'll save time in the coming test.& & A.It can also help you and your classmates correct some mistakes.& B.It isn't interesting but you may find it very useful.& C.However, most students don't know how to take notes.& D. Don't be afraid to ask your teacher to repeat what you've missed.& E.Surely, you will succeed if you follow your teacher in class.& F.Different teachers do things differently.& & & IV.情景交际(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)& 根据对话内容,从所给的七个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使对话内容完整。(有两项为多余选项)& Shop assistant: Hello can I help you?& Betty: Yes. _46_& Shop assistant: Oh,we've got some jackets over here. _47_& Betty: I like this one in blue. _48_& Shop& assistant: Yes. But only in red.& Betty: How do you think of the red one will look on me?& Shop assistant: Well,& put it on. Right. _49_& Betty: Mmm. It's the right size but it's a bit bright. _50_& Shop assistant: $60.& Betty: Mmm, I'll think about it.& A.It looks OK!& B.You may try it on.& C.What size do you wear?& D.How much is it?& E.Come this way.& F.I want a jacket.& G.Have you got this jacket in a larger size, please?& & 第II卷 非选择题(共66分)& V.完形填空(二)(本题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分)& A.根据对话内容,用方框内所给词的适当形式填空,使对话内容完整。(每词限用一次)& decide&& be& family act & good& say&& play&& long& Tony's Mum: How was the play?& Tony: Well, I was pleased to see it, but three hours is a _51_ time to stay still.& Tony's Mum: Was it in English?& Tony: Yes, it was _52_ by the Beijing English Theatre Company.& Tony's Mum: What was the best bit?& Tony: The fight between the two _53_ and their servants! And the actors who played the roles of Romeo and Juliet _54_ superb! But it's sad at the end, because Juliet loves Romeo, but her father has _55_ she must marry someone else. So they both decide to kill themselves.& Tony's Mum: “A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life.”& Tony: OK, I'm impressed. Can you recite any more lines?& Tony's Mum: No, that's all I can remember. Did you have a _56_ seat?& Tony: Well, it was hard to see the _57_ at the back. The best place to sit is in the front row.& Tony's Mum: could you hear the dialogue?& Tony: I guessed what they were _58_ but their voices weren't very loud. Daming and Lingling found their accents really difficult to understand.& & Tony's Mum: The best way is to read the play before you see it.& & B.阅读下面短文,在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。(每空格限填一词)& The World's Highest Waterfall——Angel Falls& The best way to reach the Angel Falls is to take a plane. You can also get there by boat in the rain season. There is no _59_ leading you to the bottom of the Angel Falls. _60_ the Angel Falls, there are rainforests.& The Waterfall is about 150m wide and 979m high. It is the highest waterfall in the world. In 1931, an American explorer called James Crawford Angel died there because of the plane crash. To _61_ him, people called the waterfall the Angel Falls.& You can see the beautiful rainbows and many kinds of nice birds around the Angel Falls. The waterfall is also a famous filming location(地 点). The wonderful waterfall in the 3D film Up is just the Angel Falls.& Every year, many people all around the world visit the Angel Falls, but only a few _62_ people can get the full view of the waterfall. _63_ who takes the plane to visit the Angel Falls can get a certificate(证 书) printed with “the brave explorer”. Do you want to get one?& & VI.阅读理解(二)(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)& 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,回答下列问题。& passage 5& A student who teaches how to give& Taking part in charity(慈 善) is not just for grown- up people. Children can do it too!Melvin Sheppard, 14, an American student, has done charity work for eight years. He has also encouraged his classmates to join him.& Melvin studies at William Allen Middle School in Philadelphia Recently, he collected $1,500 by himself and $487 from his classmates to donate(捐 赠) to Cooper University Hospital.& Melvin was born nine weeks premature(早 产 的) in Cooper University Hospital, weighing 2.6kg. His father told him how Cooper saved his life, so he feels thankful to the hospital.&& Melvin's classmates joined him as soon as they found out about his kind behavior. Their teacher, Mic hael Berner, also held a class with them about helping others. “It wan't really about the money,” Berner said. “It was about the face that they were doing something good.”& “It is great, helping someone that I know,” said Jordan, Melvin's classmate. Melvin's neighbors also helped out.& Since Melvin was 8, he and his parents have given money to Cooper University Hospital every year. This year, Gary E. Stahl, the head of Cooper's division of neonatology(新 生儿科学部门), went to Melvin's school to accept the money.& The money goes to a part of the hospital that helps about 500 young patients every year. “When they leave, we call them graduates,” Stahl said, “We are pleased when our graduates and their families do well, like Melvin and his family.”& 64.How old was Melvin when he started to do charity work?&& ____& 65.What caused Melvin to raise money for Cooper University Hospital?&& ____& 66.What did Melvin's teacher and classmates think of& his behavior? ____& 67.“When they leave, we call them graduates.” Who does “they” refer to? ____& 68.What can you learn from Melvin?____& & VII.写& A.句子翻译。将下列句子译成英语。(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)& 69.同学们请注意,在博物馆里不要吵闹。& Listen up, everyone!____& 70.这些鞋质量很好,并且价格也不高。& These shoes are of good quality. What's more,____& 71.完成这项工作需要五年的时间。____& 72.能跟我说说你最喜欢哪本书吗?____& 73.昨天老师要求我们每人写一篇日记。____& B.书面表达(共20分)& 74.初中毕业在即,相信同学们在英语学习的过程中都会有不同的经历和感受。某英语学习报“特别关注”栏目本期开设的话题是“It is … to learn English”。请你用英语写一篇短文,为该栏目投稿。& 要求:& (1)将题目补充完整;& (2)中心突出,语义连贯,层次清晰,书写规范;& (3)文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名;& (4)词数不少于80词。&
e with me?& A.go& B.am going& C.have gone& D.went& 4.Lingling and Betty are great. ____ of them have been chosen to enter the maths competition.& A.None& B.Neither& C.All& D.Both& 5.Do not use so much water. It's ____.& A.healthy& B.useful& & C.wasteful&& D.rude& 6.Liu Xiang won the first Olympic gold ____ in the 110m hurdles for China.& A.medal& B.prize&& & C.symbol D.record& 7.Mum, can I have something to ____ now? I'm really hungry!& A.do& B.use& C.eat& D.see& 8.Laptops are smaller and lighter so that they can be carried very ____.& A.clearly& B.regularly& & C.easily&& D.carefully& 9.In Britain, you ____ be 18 if you want to drive a car.& A.can& B.must& C.may& D.might& 10.The ____ of the great book, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, is Mark Twain..& A.theme& B.price& C.owner& D.writer& 11.Mark isn't coming to the concert ____ he has got too much work to do.& A.so& B.until& & C.although& D.because& 12.Today it's normal for married women to go out to work, but it was ____ in the past.& A.common B.more common& C.less common& D.the& most common& 13.David wrote a story about teenage life, and it ____ as a book in 2003.& A.went out&& B.came up& C.grew up&& D.came out& 14.Music isn't Sally's main interest, ____ she wants to see some Beijing Opera today.& A.but& B.so& C.or& D.and& 15.Dr. Bethune ____ working in spite of cutting his hand during an operation.& A.stopped& B.continued&& & C.forgot& D.enjoyed& 16.-Thank you for taking me around your school, Daming.& -____& A.Don't mention& it. & B.Never mind.& C.Of course not.& D.No problem.& & II.完形填空(一)(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)& 阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。& Keep your dream& When Robert was a student in high school, his teacher asked him to write a composition about what he wanted to do when he grew up. That night he wrote a seven- page composition about his _17_ of owning a horse ranch(养马 场). He _18_ about it in detail(详细 地), and he even drew a picture of a 200- acre(亩) ranch. The next day he handed it in to his _19_.& Two days later he got his composition back. On the first page was a larger F with a note(批注) that _20_, “See me after class.”& Robert went to see his teacher after class and asked,“_21_ did I get an F?”& The teacher said, “You have no money. Your parents have no money. Ownig a horse ranch _22_ a lot of money. You have to buy the land. You have to buy the _23_. There's no way you could ever do it. _24_ you write a composition again, I will change your _25_.”& Robert went back home and thought about it long and hard. The next day he handed in the same composition, making no changes _26_. He said to his teacher, “You can keep the F and I'll keep my dream.”& Now, Robert owns a 200-acre horse ranch.& 17.A.plan& B.project& & C.reason& D.dream& 18.A.worried& B.wrote& & C.cared& D.talked& 19.A.mother&& B.father& & C.teacher& D.partner& 20.A.read& B.told C.replied& D.printed& 21.A.How&& B.Why& C.When& D.Where& 22.A.makes&& B.saves&& C.needs& D.raises& 23.A.horses& B.houses&& C.farms&& D.stores& 24.A.Because& B.Although & C.While& D.If& 25.A.idea& B.grade&& C.goal& D.decision& 26.A.at once&& B.at least& & C.as usual& D.at all& & III.阅读理解(一)(本题共19小题,每小题2分,共38分)& A.阅读下列短文,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。& Passage 1& ASK THE BLOG!& Post your problems on the blog(博客) and get other bloggers' advice!& ***** & My problem is my parents. They never stop going on about how I should keep my room tidy, keep my hair tidy and wear smart clothes. They even make me do the washing-up after dinner every night! None of my friends have got such terrible parents. What should I do?& Helen,USA& *****& Hi, Helen. I think you should do what your parents ask. Thay're much older than you and you should respect them. It's their house you live in and their money you spend!& Emily, Australia& *****& Why do you think you're the only one with parents like that? All parents are the same. They want us to look like them. They don't understand that fashions have changed in the last 30 y ears!& Tom, Canada& *****& Helen, why should your parents do all the washing- up? You should help around the h ouse- it's only fair. I don't think you should change your appearance(外 表) though. Teenagers should look like teenagers.& Simon, England& *****& 27.What is Helen's problem?& A.Her parents treat her badly.& B.She always worries about her parents.& C.Her parents don't care about her feelings.& D.she wouldn't like to do what her parents ask.& 28.In Emily's opinion, Helen& should ____.& A.respect her parents & B.give her parents money& C.understand her parents& D.live with her parents together& 29.Simon suggests that Helen should ____.& A.wear smart clothes& & B.help with housework& C.do all the washing-up & D.change her appearance& 30.From the bloggers' advice, we may guess Helen is ____.& A.a teenager& B .an American girl& C.a university student& & D.a girl with many friends& 31.Helen's problem can be thought as “____”.& A.a special event& B.a growing worry& C.a private secret& D.a terrible experience& & Passage 2 & Animals United& Animals United is a 3D German(德 国 的) cartoon which is directed by Reinhard Klooss and Holger Tappe. It is a story about animals that get together to find water. Along their journey, lots of funny things happen, and of course, they have a lot of adventures.& The animals in the grasslands in Africa are waiting for the coming flood(洪 水). However, this year's flood seems to come later than in other years. The animals become upset and worried. At the same time, some animals from other places come to the grasslands to look for peace. However, the situation seems worse because the water is becoming less and less. So they decide to look for the river.& Finally, they find the reason why they don't have any water to drink. A dam(拦 河 坝)has been set up so that humans can have a better life. After a long fight with humans, they let the world know that animals are in danger.& This film is about environmental matters. The humans are the bad and the animals are the good. This film is to give humans a& warning that they must not destroy the homes of animals or damage nature in order to improve their own life. Humans should know that animals also have their own world.32.The story of Animals United took place ____.& A.in Asia& B.in Africa& C.in America& D.in Germany& 33.The animals become worried, because ____.& A.the year's flood is coming& B.they will have no water to drink& C.there is going to be a fight with humans& D.their grasslands were taken up by other animals& 34.Along their journey to look for the river, the animals find ____.& A.humans set up a dam& B.the river is becoming dry& C.all the animals are in danger& D.the world is getting warmer& 35.Humans are warned not to ____.& A.damage na ture&& B.kill any animals & C.pollute the environment& D.do harm to the grasslands & 36.The story of the cartoon film mainly tells us ____.& A.it's our duty to protect animals& B.humans and animals should live in peace& C.humans should care about the environment& D.it's time to think about animals' living environment& Passage 3& The Internet joins millions of computers all over the world, and today it is used by people all over the world. It was invented in the 1960s in the USA. The American government needed a network of computers for its army. Then in the 1970s scientists and businesspeople also wanted to use the& Internet to send and receive messages. For some years, they weren't allowed to use the& US network, and when they we re allowed to, the messages were in very simple text without photos.& The world Wide Web was invented by a British scientist named Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. He wanted to send documents to other scientists. so he developed the World Wide Web. This allowed him to send and receive scientific documents with text, drawings and photos (also called multimedia documents). In the 1990s, more and more people began to use the Internet and the World Wide Web.& So what's the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web? The Internet is the hardware. It allows us to communicate with other people. The world Wide Web is the software. It allows us to create, see and read multimedia documents.& The web is made up of millions of documents called web pages. These pages are held in computers all over the world. Many people have a favourite website with a number of web pages on the same subject.& Email is a way of using your computer to send and receive messages. It's cheaper and quic ker to use email than send normal mail. New users call normal mail “snail mail” because it's so slow!& It took 50 years for 100 million people to listen to the radio. It took 15 years for 100 million people to watch television. By the year 2000, it had taken only about three years for 100 million people to use the Internet. What will happen next on the Internet?& 37. The Internet was first invented for ____.& A.scientific work&& B.American army& C.businesspeople& & D.American government& 38.The World Wide Web was invented to ____.& A.communicate with others& B.create, see and read documents& C.send and receive scientific documents& D.send and receive simple text without photos& 39.The Internet and the World Wide Web began to be widely used ____.& A.in the 1970s&&&& B.in the 1990s& C.in the late of 1980s& D.by the year 2000& 40.The writer wrote the last paragraph to show that ____.& A.the Internet has a greater influence than radio and TV& B.radio and TV will be replaced by computers& C.the use of the Internet spreade very quickly& D.people spend much more time on the Internet& 41.The best title of the passage may be “____”.& A.The effect of the greatest invention& B.The development of the Internet& C.The movement of new technology& D.The history of the World Wide Web& & B.阅读短文,根据短文内容,从所给的六个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思完整、连贯。(有两项为多余选项)& Passage 4& Note- taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your schoolwork. It can make you confident(自 信的) when you are studying. _42_& If your teacher writes notes on the blackborad, that's great. You can copy& them or write down the most important facts of all in class. _43_ For example, some teachers may focus on(关 注) lots of dates and facts in class, but they only write the important ones on the blackborad. Other teachers may not write anything down, but they may repeat them.& Don't try to write down every word in class, or you might miss some important points. Some students really learn better with the help of these notes.& _44_ If your teacher speaks too fast and you can't follow what he is saying, you can ask him after class.& Com paring your notes with your classmates' can be good for your learning. _45_& Note-taking also needs organization. Keep notes for each subject in one place, so that you can find everything easily when a test comes.& Good note-taking takes time. If you decide to recopy your notes every morning, you'll surely have less time to watch TV. But you'll save time in the coming test.& & A.It can also help you and your classmates correct some mistakes.& B.It isn't interesting but you may find it very useful.& C.However, most students don't know how to take notes.& D. Don't be afraid to ask your teacher to repeat what you've missed.& E.Surely, you will succeed if you follow your teacher in class.& F.Different teachers do things differently.& & & IV.情景交际(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)& 根据对话内容,从所给的七个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使对话内容完整。(有两项为多余选项)& Shop assistant: Hello can I help you?& Betty: Yes. _46_& Shop assistant: Oh,we've got some jackets over here. _47_& Betty: I like this one in blue. _48_& Shop& assistant: Yes. But only in red.& Betty: How do you think of the red one will look on me?& Shop assistant: Well,& put it on. Right. _49_& Betty: Mmm. It's the right size but it's a bit bright. _50_& Shop assistant: $60.& & Betty: Mmm, I'll think about it.& A.It looks OK!& B.You may try it on.& C.What size do you wear?& D.How much is it?& E.Come this way.& F.I want a jacket. & G.Have you got this jacket in a larger size, please?& & 第II卷 非选择题(共66分)& V.完形填空(二)(本题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分)& A.根据对话内容,用方框内所给词的适当形式填空,使对话内容完整。(每词限用一次)& decide&& be& family act & good& say&& play&& long& Tony's Mum: How was the play?& Tony: Well, I was pleased to see it, but three hours is a _51_ time to stay still.& Tony's Mum: Was it in English?& Tony: Yes, it was _52_ by the Beijing English Theatre Company.& Tony's Mum: What was the best bit? & Tony: The fight between the two _53_ and their servants! And the actors who played the roles of Romeo and Juliet _54_ superb! But it's sad at the end, because Juliet loves Romeo, but her father has _55_ she must marry someone else. So they both decide to kill themselves. & Tony's Mum: “A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life.”& Tony: OK, I'm impressed. Can you recite any more lines?& Tony's Mum: No, that's all I can remember. Did you have a _56_ seat?& Tony: Well, it was hard to see the _57_ at the back. The best place to sit is in the front row.& Tony's Mum: could you hear the dialogue?& Tony: I guessed what they were _58_ but their voices weren't very loud. Daming and Lingling found their accents really difficult to understand.& Tony's Mum: The best way is to read the play before you see it.& & B.阅读下面短文,在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。(每空格限填一词)& The World's Highest Waterfall——Angel Falls& The best way to reach the Angel Falls is to take a plane. You can also get there by boat in the rain season. There is no _59_ leading you to the bottom of the Angel Falls. _60_ the Angel Falls, there are rainforests.& The Waterfall is about 150m wide and 979m high. It is the highest waterfall in the world. In 1931, an American explorer called James Crawford Angel died there because of the plane crash. To _61_ him, people called the waterfall the Angel Falls.& You can see the beautiful rainbows and many kinds of nice birds around the Angel Falls. The waterfall is also a famous filming location(地 点). The wonderful waterfall in the 3D film Up is just the Angel Falls.& Every year, many people all around the world visit the Angel Falls, but only a few _62_ people can get the full view of the waterfall. _63_ who takes the plane to visit the Angel Falls can get a certificate(证 书) printed with “the brave explorer”. Do you want to get one?& & VI.阅读理解(二)(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)& 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,回答下列问题。& passage 5& A student who teaches how to give& Taking part in charity(慈 善) is not just for grown- up people. Children can do it too!Melvin Sheppard, 14, an American student, has done charity work for eight years. He has also encouraged his classmates to join him.& Melvin studies at William Allen Middle School in Philadelphia Recently, he collected $1,500 by himself and $487 from his classmates to donate(捐 赠) to Cooper University Hospital.& Melvin was born nine weeks premature(早 产 的) in Cooper University Hospital, weighing 2.6kg. His father told him how Cooper saved his life, so he feels thankful to the hospital.& Melvin's classmates joined him as soon as they found out about his kind behavior. Their teacher, Mic hael Berner, also held a class with them about helping others. “It wan't really about the money,” Berner said. “It was about the face that they were doing something good.”& “It is great, helping someone that I know,” said Jordan, Melvin's classmate. Melvin's neighbors also helped out.& Since Melvin was 8, he and his parents have given money to Cooper University Hospital every year. This year, Gary E. Stahl, the head of Cooper's division of neonatology(新 生儿科学部门), went to Melvin's school to accept the money.& The money goes to a part of the hospital that helps about 500 young patients every year. “When they leave, we call them graduates,” Stahl said, “We are pleased when our graduates and their families do well, like Melvin and his family.”& 64.How old was Melvin when he started to do charity work?&& ____& 65.What caused Melvin to raise money for Cooper University Hospital?&& ____& 66.What did Melvin's teacher and classmates think of& his behavior? ____& 67.“When they leave, we call them graduates.” Who does “they” refer to? ____& 68.What can you learn from Melvin?____& & VII.写& A.句子翻译。将下列句子译成英语。(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)& 69.同学们请注意,在博物馆里不要吵闹。& Listen up, everyone!____& 70.这些鞋质量很好,并且价格也不高。& These shoes are of good quality. What's more,____& 71.完成这项工作需要五年的时间。____& 72.能跟我说说你最喜欢哪本书吗?____& 73.昨天老师要求我们每人写一篇日记。____& B.书面表达(共20分)& 74.初中毕业在即,相信同学们在英语学习的过程中都会有不同的经历和感受。某英语学习报“特别关注”栏目本期开设的话题是“It is … to learn English”。请你用英语写一篇短文,为该栏目投稿。& 要求:& (1)将题目补充完整;& (2)中心突出,语义连贯,层次清晰,书写规范;& (3)文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名;& (4)词数不少于80词。
2011辽宁大连中考作文题目  二选一:  中考作文题目1:《这样做值得》  中考作文题目2:“容纳”


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