Institution GPA Scalegpa是什么单位意思

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最后登录在线时间232 小时寄托币191 声望51 注册时间阅读权限20帖子精华0积分285UID3496792
初级会员, 积分 285, 距离下一级还需 65 积分
声望51 寄托币191 注册时间精华0帖子
今天注册了一个号码看了看要提交的资料PS 和 CV说是让
You are advised to check with program office concerned if you are required to submit any other additional information, e.g. personal statement, C.V., etc.
If you wish to include personal statement / C. V. in this application, please upload the document at the Upload Documents Section.
请问PS 和CV要上传到Documents Section 里面的那个啊?
I.& & Required documents
1 & & & & Official transcript(s) and/or degree certificate(s) *& & & & [Upload]& & & & & & --& & & & --
2 & & & & Institution GPA Scale *& & & & [Upload]& & & & & & --& & & & --
3 & & & & Proof of English Proficiency& & & & [Upload]& & & & & & --& & & & --
4 & & & & Public Exam Score Report(s)& & & & [Upload]& & & & & & --& & & & --
5 & & & & Curriculum Vitae& & & & [Upload]& & & & & & --& & & & --
请问以上这些上传的资料具体是指什么?自己DIY 希望能够再确认一下上传的东西,希望已经申请的同学们能够说明下?自己一个人申请太敏感,生怕出错希望大家帮忙解答下。非常感谢!!!
最后登录在线时间611 小时寄托币560 声望116 注册时间阅读权限20帖子精华0积分317UID3425368
初级会员, 积分 317, 距离下一级还需 33 积分
声望116 寄托币560 注册时间精华0帖子
5.简历& &---CV放这里
最后登录在线时间232 小时寄托币191 声望51 注册时间阅读权限20帖子精华0积分285UID3496792
初级会员, 积分 285, 距离下一级还需 65 积分
声望51 寄托币191 注册时间精华0帖子
shinnqy 发表于
谢谢你啊 科大难道不要PS吗?不需要上传PS呢?
最后登录在线时间611 小时寄托币560 声望116 注册时间阅读权限20帖子精华0积分317UID3425368
初级会员, 积分 317, 距离下一级还需 33 积分
声望116 寄托币560 注册时间精华0帖子
本帖最后由 shinnqy 于
11:07 编辑
inwardness 发表于
谢谢你啊 科大难道不要PS吗?不需要上传PS呢?
好像不是必须的,但最好也上传一下,别人都有你没有或者别人没有你却有都应该上传,找找有没有additional information之类的选项吧
最后登录在线时间572 小时寄托币1201 声望90 注册时间阅读权限30帖子精华0积分771UID3007739
高级会员, 积分 771, 距离下一级还需 829 积分
声望90 寄托币1201 注册时间精华0帖子
你將IF 的意思理解錯了
You are advised to check with program office concerned if you are required to submit any other additional information, e.g. personal statement, C.V., etc.
最后登录在线时间3 小时寄托币5 声望50 注册时间阅读权限15帖子精华0积分53UID3563245
寄托新兵, 积分 53, 距离下一级还需 97 积分
声望50 寄托币5 注册时间精华0帖子
请问 公共考试是什么啊?
最后登录在线时间44 小时寄托币86 声望50 注册时间阅读权限15帖子精华0积分131UID3507738
寄托新兵, 积分 131, 距离下一级还需 19 积分
声望50 寄托币86 注册时间精华0帖子
请问学校是没有GPA的 只有加权成绩是在成绩单最后的要怎么办
最后登录在线时间44 小时寄托币86 声望50 注册时间阅读权限15帖子精华0积分131UID3507738
寄托新兵, 积分 131, 距离下一级还需 19 积分
声望50 寄托币86 注册时间精华0帖子
shinnqy 发表于
请问学校是没有GPA的 只有加权成绩是在成绩单最后的要怎么办
最后登录在线时间611 小时寄托币560 声望116 注册时间阅读权限20帖子精华0积分317UID3425368
初级会员, 积分 317, 距离下一级还需 33 积分
声望116 寄托币560 注册时间精华0帖子
freeisntfree 发表于
请问 公共考试是什么啊?
like GRE or GMAT
最后登录在线时间611 小时寄托币560 声望116 注册时间阅读权限20帖子精华0积分317UID3425368
初级会员, 积分 317, 距离下一级还需 33 积分
声望116 寄托币560 注册时间精华0帖子
sourchen 发表于
请问学校是没有GPA的 只有加权成绩是在成绩单最后的要怎么办
最后登录在线时间71 小时寄托币108 声望50 注册时间阅读权限15帖子精华0积分131UID3516090
寄托新兵, 积分 131, 距离下一级还需 19 积分
声望50 寄托币108 注册时间精华0帖子
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Health care administration is one of the fastest growing occupations in the nation. Health care administrators manage health care and medical services, serving as leaders in hospitals and clinics. Accredited&
By the time you get to the beginning of your senior year, it's possible to have a very long list of potential colleges, especially if you don't have a single&
Suspension from college can quickly derail your academic plans, delaying your graduation and leaving a black mark on your academic record. A suspension doesn't have to mean you're out of&
You need to consider your major when you plan to go on to dental school, but not for the reasons you might think. Because the majority of dental schools accept&
In a society that places high value on status, education and success, doing your best to be accepted in a prestigious college is a milestone that is important for most&
Completing the requirements for a bachelor's degree in math can be a rewarding challenge that will prepare you for a career as a math teacher, as a researcher or mathematician&
Top colleges and universities accept a select few high school seniors into their ranks. Whether you evaluate them by academic reputation, earning potential of graduates or by the opinions of&
Applications, essays and recommendation letters can make the college admissions process feel like a whirlwind. Another way to learn about the college of your choice, while helping the institution get&
To many people, the college application process can feel like decoding a secret language. You know that good grades, good test scores and academic honors can help you get in,&
Adults with developmental disabilities used to be placed in special education classrooms, rarely taking classes among the general education population. But with the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education&
Colleges consider a variety of factors when considering a student for admission, including essay responses, high school GPA and of course, standardized tests like the ACT. However, controversy surrounds the&
The college application process used to involve painstakingly filling out individual applications for each institution. This was streamlined with the introduction of a single application form with your personal and&
A growing number of colleges accept students in the spring -- and not just transfer applicants, but first-semester freshman. It's still more common at smaller, liberal arts schools, but big&
Becoming a teacher takes time. Teaching degrees generally take four or five years to finish, or one-to-two years for those who already hold a bachelor's degree. But is there a&
You might be hoping to skate by during your senior year of high school. After four years of hard work, taking a break certainly might be tempting. The competitive college&
As a music teacher, you won't just be instructing students, you will be transforming lives. An Oxford University study found that just six months of music training improves brain development&
Applying to college is one of life’s most daunting tasks. It is an undertaking that requires careful planning and attention to detail, so that you can submit a strong application.&
It's a favorite, though intimidating, topic of conversation among high school seniors, juniors and anxious parents: How can kids get into the colleges they want to attend? And the discussion&
Your grade point average (GPA) proves your reliability as a student. Colleges look at your work to determine the likelihood of your success in higher education endeavors. While many factors&
A perspective essay is an essay where the writer is asked to voice their opinion on a given subject. Perspective essays vary in societal importance, largely dependent on the perceived&
Throughout the nation, public and private schools maintain transcripts, or academic records, of high school coursework. High school transcripts are required when applying to college and other educational institutions. College&
It is possible to get into college without meeting all of the admission criteria in certain universities through the Alternative Admissions Program. In Oklahoma State University, for example, the Alternative&
Some students have personal or academic reasons that warrant them to want to transfer schools in the middle of a semester. Whether the reason is due to a family relocation&
According to the Princeton Review, many students decide to transfer schools for reasons that include a lack of happiness with their current school, a desire to attend a strong program&
Most high school seniors find submitting applications to prospective colleges nerve-wracking, especially for a top-ranked institution like City University of New York (CUNY). The thought of risking rejection based solely&
Having a felony on your record may make you feel extra stressed when applying to colleges and universities. Schools are becoming increasingly selective in applicants and it often feels like&
College admissions are becoming increasingly competitive. At the time of publication, a 2007 New York Times article cited that only nine percent of Harvard applicants were accepted, and goes on&
According to a population survey in 2004, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that there were 54.2 million Americans between the ages of 55 and 79. Due to societal advances in&
Your goal to attend the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology might seem dashed when your application is deferred. Deferment is an option only for early action MIT applicants, meaning you&
Looking for a way to raise a fallen grade point average (GPA), or even boost a stellar one, is a constant mission for many students. The mission begins with knowing&
Schools use a variety of grading scales adding to the confusion of transferring to a different school or the college application process. A 12-point grading scale uses a 12-step breakdown&
High school seniors who plan on playing sports at a Division I or Division II school, are required to send the results of standardized test scores to the National Collegiate&
Texas State University, home of the Bobcats, is the sixth largest university in Texas, with more than 30,000 students in 2011. To guarantee your admission to Texas State, you will&
The College Board has administered college entrance tests since 1900, and any student applying to college in the United States will encounter the College Board at some point. Sometimes you'll&
You need your grade point average to determine your eligibility for college, if you are in high school. College students need to know their GPA to see if they are&
When applying for a job promotion, graduate school or scholarship or seeking adoption, child custody or membership to an esteemed group, a letter of recommendation often makes a huge difference&
When applying to both undergraduate and graduate programs, students are often asked to write a best achievement essay. This piece is meant to give the admissions committee an inside look&
A contemplative essay is one in which the writer expresses his thoughts and feelings on a topic, with an emphasis on feelings. Unlike normal essays, which emphasize crafting a clear&
The Ability to Benefit test is required for students who wish to apply for Title IV federal financial aid but do not possess a United States high-school diploma or GED&
When taking classes in school or college, students should keep in mind that they are creating a permanent record of work ethic, academic ability and planning skills. These records are&
Before you can get into the college you really want to go to, you'll have to let them know how well you've done at your current school. Colleges keep records,&
Family Connection by Naviance allows high schools to provide students with a single website from which they can research and apply to multiple colleges. This system allows a student to&
Check your eligibility for admission to college or university by calculating your CBSE cut-off mark. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is a body that monitors and controls courses&
It takes a combination of talent, good grades and a great deal of promise to gain acceptance into the The Julliard School. On their application form Julliard lists their criteria&
Understanding college admissions requires a couple of vocabulary words that may appear in letters you receive from admissions committees. A letter will be straightforward if the university decides to accept&
In the age of the Internet, less and less is done via paper and pen. This is especially true of college applications. In order to cut costs, preserve paper and&
Colleges often allow you to accept your offer of admission online through the college's website. That is where you will also pay your enrollment deposit, if you have to pay&
The College-Level Examination Program test gives you college credit for subjects you already know if your score qualifies. The CLEP test uses a scale that results in a score between&
College Board is the administrator of the SAT test, an internationally recognized college admissions test. It tests your knowledge in three subjects: reading, writing and math. Almost all colleges and&
In order to receive a high school diploma or a degree from a community college or university, you must meet the core program requirements of the school you attend. This&
The common application allows students to use one standardized application to apply to all member colleges and universities. The common application also allows teachers and counselors to submit recommendation letters.&
Villanova University received over 14,000 applications for the class of 2015, but they planned only to accept roughly 1,600 students, with 82 percent of those accepted ranking in the top&
High-school students often create brag sheets to give to teachers, counselors, coaches and personal references who will be writing letters of recommendation to college admissions boards on their behalf. Some&
Founded in 1945, Berklee College has grown into a major destination for students entering the popular music field. Producer Quincy Jones, jazz saxophonist Wayne Shorter, singer-songwriter Melissa Etheridge and Aerosmith&
The Board of Regents for Iowa's public universities established a metric for assessing college applicants who had graduated from an Iowa high school. The Regent Admission Index (RAI) combines four&
Founded in 1964, Florida Atlantic University ( is a state university with seven campuses across southeast Florida. The university serves over 28,000 students and is considered a research institution. The&
Many colleges, internships, study abroad programs and jobs require some sort of writing that tells them more about the applicant. Sometimes this requirement is met through an open-response question, or&
As a concept, grade point average, or GPA, seems straightforward enough -- numerical values used to standardize letter grades. Still, factors in calculating GPA, including quality points and grading scales,&
Many colleges no longer require a high school diploma or GED for admission. Through a program known as "ability to benefit," you can enroll in a college or university even&
What do Muppets creator Jim Henson, Seinfeld co-creator Larry David, and Google co-founder Sergey Brin all have in common? All four graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park. You&
Applying to medical school means sending in a lot of supporting documentation, including several letters of recommendation. If you're down to the wire and don't have time to get a&
The I-20 or DS-2019 is a government form that serves as the first step in obtaining an F-1 student visa. The form certifies the applicant will be a full-time student,&
Letters or honor, character references or recommendation letters are an important step in the application process for a job or college admittance. These letters express your thoughts about the applicant&
Most colleges and universities use the American College Test (ACT) and/or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) to evaluate students applying for admission. There are four parts of the ACT and&
The first step to college is completing the application, which can be complicated. Asking for a variety of items and using convoluted wording, a college application can quickly become a&
Whether a student is applying for entrance to a school or for a scholarship or an internship, letters of recommendation will heavily influence the decision of the chair or committee.&
It's important to study adequately for the General Education Development test and achieve the best score possible, especially if you plan to attend a college or university. Some colleges maintain&
Applying to college is a lengthy and stressful process involving recommendations, standardized test scores, essays and high school transcripts. Admissions teams analyze these materials to determine your candidacy for admission&
Much like a job application, you may need to submit a cover letter to an honors college when applying for admittance or a scholarship. Each school's honors college has its&
New York University is one of the largest private universities in the U.S., with over 52,000 freshman applicants vying for one of the coveted 18,000 spots at the university’s Washington&
Writing a formal business letter to a university can show the administration that you are serious about pursuing an academic career or a position with the university. There are many&
Coughing up $35 to $50 to apply for admission to a college can be a burden, especially if you want to keep your options open and apply to half-dozen schools.&
The competition for getting into college is getting stiffer each year and hopeful students must present more than stellar grades for acceptance. As such, gaining work and volunteer experience can&
High school educators face the same stress every fall -- being asked to write letters of sponsorship/recommendation for students applying to college. Employers, church officials and community leaders also receive&
The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is an exam given to prospective students wishing to enter nursing school and other health-care-related fields of study. The test gauges skills in&
When applying to competitive colleges and universities, a student's recommendation letters can make or break his application. Admissions officers value these letters because they generally comprise the only portion of&
Colleges and universities can only accommodate a certain number of students. High-profile schools often get hundreds or even thousands more applications than the number of spots they have available for&
Some colleges, universities and graduate programs require that an applicant submit a formal acceptance of admission. University programs sometimes have limited positions available for students, so your acceptance letter will&
Getting accepted to an Ivy League school is no easy feat. The schools comprising the Ivy League are notorious for their high admissions standards. Since 2004 all of these schools&
Teachers are commonly asked to write letters of reference or recommendation for their students. The letter of reference may be something the student wishes to share with potential employers, or&
High school teachers and administrators are frequently called upon to write letters of recommendation for their students. They may be required for students applying for competitive academic summer programs or&
Standardized test scores as admission requirements for colleges and universities have come under fire for being limited in determining the future success of prospective students. Although the Standard Aptitude Test&
If you are a high school student planning to apply for undergraduate admission to one of the University of California's campuses you must fulfill "A-G" requirements, college preparatory coursework the&
In the 2010 National University Rankings, Harvard University, a private school in Cambridge, Mass., topped the list. The school is Ivy League with the oldest program and the largest financial&
Only 5 percent of Penn State University undergraduates are admitted to Schreyer Honors College. SAT scores aren’t considered and interviews are optional, so one of the few ways to make&
More than 60 years ago, the General Education Development testing service was created for veterans to receive high school diplomas. This comprehensive exam lasts more than seven hours and covers&
Before you start attending the college of your dreams, you will most likely need to complete an application and an essay. The college entry essay is perhaps one of the&
Bachelor's degrees generally take four years while a master's degree takes an additional two years. This is time-consuming, but some universities have combined bachelor's/master's programs that offer graduate-level courses for&
The college math placement test (CPT Math) is used by colleges and universities to evaluate students' level of math skills. It intends to cover everything that is learned through high&
Applying for a college or university can be daunting when you consider the statistics. Acceptance rates in many of the top schools are low and admission is very competitive. Fortunately,&
Applying and registering for college can be a daunting task for many students. Even with the advent of personal computers and the mainstreamed use of electronic document submission, some tasks&
In the competitive Indian education system, there is great demand for &seats& in engineering colleges. That’s why various Indian state governments -- of which there are 28 -- hold entrance&
If you have a high school diploma, you can enroll in a variety of programs at the University of Phoenix. The for-profit institution has facilities in 39 states as well&
Some high school students may dream of attending a top ten college. Before applying to any colleges, students need to be prepared of the requirements for college admissions. High school&
Getting into college is a competitive process. Start thinking about where you want to go as soon as you start high school so you can make sure you have the&
The Compass test, by ACT, is designed to help determine what classes you should begin with in college. According to ACT, the essay prompt will provide you with a scenario&
Contrary to popular belief, writing a college admissions essay is not like a playing a chess game. No magic topics or key messages will automatically unlock a spot for you&
College applications often require applicants to come up with information about their background and abilities, but schools want to know about students' future plans, too, by asking applicants to choose&
Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are spread throughout the southern states, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Some date from the days after the Civil War, while others were established during the&
Most universities and colleges in the U.S. and Canada require students to take English Placement Tests (EPTs). For domestic students, this test requires students to demonstrate their skills in reading,&


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