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Did you have any weird habits when you were a kid?
I did. While I didn’t realize it at the time, some of my childhood obsessions foreshadowed who I’d become as an adult. More on that in a second.
In today’s episode of MarieTV, we’re tackling a money block that holds a lot of us back and prevents us from being as successful as we can be.
If you ever feel conflicted about wanting to make more money, as though your desire to make more money somehow makes you less of a “spiritual person,” watch this video now.
Because you may have some toxic beliefs about money (consciously or unconsciously) that not only limit your income but your happiness too.
You’ll also get to see one of the weird things I did as a kid — which I am SO grateful for now!
Once you’ve watched, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
1. Do you have any beliefs about money that limit how much you make or that limit how much you enjoy it? Tell me the specific limiting belief as well as a new more empowering belief you can replace it with.
2. If you’ve cleansed yourself from negative money beliefs or behaviors, how did you do it? What was the most powerful insight or strategy you used?
Remember, please be as specific as possible in your comment because thousands of people will benefit from your experience. I’m excited to hear your take on this one.
P.S. You probably know this, but just incase it missed your radar — we’re enrolling people in .
Enrollment closes on Monday, March 4th. We likely won’t offer this program again until 2014, so if you’ve been thinking about working with me — now’s the time.
As always, thanks for reading and watching and contributing!!
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