为什么下载了iOS 9的ios9bate4描述文件后没有推送

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以下问题与使用的iOS SDK 9.0开发代码。
修正了Beta 3中
用户可能会两次在第一In-App Purchase的凭据提示。
这个测试版开始,一些用户将提供升级他们的Apple ID使用双因素身份验证的选项。关于双因素身份验证的详细信息,请参阅/support/two-factor-authentication。不支持iOS的测试版9前的Beta 3双因素身份验证。
试图通过创建游戏中心新的Apple ID可能会导致崩溃。
如果你升级你的Apple ID使用双因素认证,Apple TV上的Mac和Windows,并购买商店iTunes购买将要求你追加一个六位数的验证码对每一个购买你的密码结束。六位数密码将在您的iOS 9或OS X埃尔卡皮坦设备自动显示,或通过短信或电话呼叫可以被发送到你值得信赖的手机号码。
如果你的Apple ID使用双因素身份验证,您可能无法登录到使用的Apple ID在iOS 9和OS X埃尔卡皮坦测试装置早于Beta 3的服务。
解决办法:你可以找到和管理设置& iCloud中& YOURNAME&设备信任的设备。
该canUseNetworkResourcesForLiveStreamingWhilePaused属性已添加到AVPlayerItem。默认值是NOfalse的链接在iOS 9.0或OS X 10.11,但YEStrue或之后早些时候有联系的应用程序的应用程序。
对于反对的iOS 9或更高版本的应用程序联系在一起,对于影音媒体的中断行为(队列)球员发生了变化。
iOS的9之前,应用程序可能会中断其它媒体播放客户端通过关联或添加到AVPlayerItem或AVPlayer通过修改时间或当前AVPlayerItem日期(使用seekToTime:或seekToDate:方法)。在IOS 9,这些操作只有中断时AVPlayer对象的回放速率是通过速率特性或播放方法改变为一个非零值。
修正了Beta 3中
该retrievePeripherals:和retrieveConnectedPeripherals方法被弃用的iOS 7.0和iOS中移除9.0。使用这些方法的应用程序会崩溃在启动或配对时的附件。
修正了Beta 3中
在这个测试版,FaceTime通话不连接在iPhone 6,iPhone 6 Plus和iPad Air 2。
水平位置的限制要坚持可以引用左/右或前/后的属性。对于针对iOS的SDK 9链接的应用程序,NSLayoutConstraint如果你试图创建一个前/后的属性和左/右属性之间的约束会抛出异常。
GLKMesh和GLKMeshBuffer对象初始化错误在这个测试版,这限制了使用GLKit与模型I / O的。
越区切换并不与不具有一个密码组在iOS 9设备工作。
修正了Beta 3中
修正了Beta 3中
iCloud Drive
修正了Beta 3中
攻丝的iCloud Drive文档在搜索结果中没有做任何事情。
修正了Beta 3中
修正了Beta 3中
俄罗斯,土耳其,韩国和键盘QuickType需要的iOS 9测试版2或更高版本。
修正了Beta 3中
在某些情况下,使用的iCloud安全代码的OS X El Caoitan或iOS 9系统上启用iCloud的钥匙链时,你可能会看到“不正确的安全码”或“无法成立的iCloud钥匙串”即使你输入了正确的安全性码和短信验证码。
如果您的iCloud帐户使用双因素身份验证,你会得到一个登录提醒所有已登录的iOS 9或每当有在设置& iCloud中&钥匙扣&高级电话号码的变更OS X El Capitan设备。
修正了Beta 3中
修正了Beta 3中
MTKMesh和MTKMeshBuffer对象初始化错误在这个测试版,这限制了使用MetalKit与模型I / O的。
修正了Beta 3中
谈判时采用Diffie-Hellman密钥交换TLS / SSL连接,iOS的9需要1024位组或更大。这些连接包括:
照片使用Photo Booth拍摄不保存。
修正了Beta 3中
修正了Beta 3中
解决方法:手动输入文本。您的密码可以在设置& Safari浏览器&密码被发现。
修正了Beta 3中
修正了Beta 3中
修正了Beta 3中
修正了Beta 3中
修正了Beta 3中
在IOS 9中,当layoutIfNeeded被发送到图和所有以下条件满足(这是不常见的),我们应用嵌合尺寸限制(宽度/高度= 0 UILayoutPriorityFittingSizeLevel)代替所需尺寸限制(宽度/高度需要匹配电流的大小):
接收器的最终祖先(即,顶层视图)具有设置为NOfalse translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints。
顶层视图有子视图不是一个UIViewController资布局指南,也有设置为NOfalse translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints。
根据条件1,我们创建从顶层视图临时排版引擎和从子树,将其添加所有约束。的问题是,我们需要添加一些约束,使顶层视图不含糊的布局引擎的大小。 (之前的iOS 9)旧的行为是,我们将增加约束来限制顶层以目前的边界的任何情况的状态下,1大小这真的没有感觉,当你添加条件2和3并可能导致不可满足-约束记录和破碎的布局。
所以,在iOS 9,仅供这种特殊情况下,我们使用装配尺寸的限制,而不是。
这意味着,如果你在这些条件下,在iOS 9发送到layoutIfNeeded一个视图,你必须确保要么你有足够的约束,以建立一个大小为顶层视图(通常,但并不总是,是接收器)或者您必须添加临时尺寸的限制,以版面大小的顶层视图您在发送之前layoutIfNeeded渴望,和之后将其删除。
在以前的iOS版本中,有时NSTextContainer没有收缩规模。这意味着,在逻辑上溢流线被错误地呈现。如果你看到前面线条呈现在你的文本视图链接的iOS 9您的应用程序后不再呈现的结束,这种行为的改变是可能的原因。你可以通过你的UITextView较大,或者通过调整文本视图的textContainerInset财产的谷值解决这个问题。
该子类UIPrintPageRenderer或UIPrintFormatter应用程序绘制必须与iOS的SDK 9的预览显示建打印内容。 UIPrintPageRenderer的行为已经更新调用drawPageAtIndex:inRect:多次与潜在的不同页面大小和页边距。在UIPrintPageRenderer各种方法可从非主线程调用,但从来没有从多个线程并发。
依赖于旧执法默认大小的接口可能会看错的时候充分限制或大小选择器欣赏到所需的大小,而不是依赖隐式的行为编译为iOS 9.遇到的任何问题都可以解决。
配对的iOS 9测试版3与watchOS 2测试版1或2要求你退出你的AppleID的中前配对消息和跳过iCloud的登录配对过程中。配对watchOS 2β3和WatchOS 1不受影响。
Notes and Known Issues
The following issues relate to using iOS SDK 9.0 to develop code.AccessoriesKnown IssueLighting video dongles don’t work with this beta.Activation LockFixed in Beta 3Your iPhone may indicate that Activation Lock is turned on for your Apple Watch when it is not.App ExtensionsKnown IssueDebugging an action or sharing extension can cause the extension to be missing in the
object.Workaround: Go to the More list and go back to show the extension again.App StoreNoteiOS 9 enforces the
apps can no longer declare the same launch image to support different interface orientations.Known IssueUsers might be prompted twice for credentials on the first In-App Purchase.Apple IDNoteBeginning with this beta, some users will be offered the option to upgrade their Apple ID to use two-factor authentication. For more information about two-factor authentication see . Two-factor authentication is not supported on iOS 9 betas prior to beta 3.Known IssuesAttempting to create a new Apple ID via Game Center may cause a crash. iForgot links may work intermittently.Workaround: Please try again.If you upgrade your Apple ID to use two-factor authentication, iTunes purchases on Mac and Windows and store purchases on Apple TV will require you to append a six-digit verification code to the end of your password on every purchase. The six-digit code will display automatically on your iOS 9 or OS X El Capitan devices, or can be sent to your trusted phone number via a text message or phone call.If your Apple ID uses two-factor authentication, you may not be able to sign in to services that use Apple ID on iOS 9 and OS X El Capitan beta installations earlier than beta 3.If you disable two-factor authentication and set a new password at , the password requirements are not indicated so your password may not be accepted.Workaround: Make sure your password meets these requirements:Have at least one lowercase letterHave at least one uppercase letterHave at least one numberYour password must not contain more than two consecutive identical charactersNot be the same as the account nameBe at least 8 charactersNot be a common password
You cannot manage your two-factor authentication trusted devices at .Workaround: You can find and manage trusted devices in Settings & iCloud & yourName & Devices.Removing a device from your account removes it as a trusted device for two-factor authentication, but will not sign out of any services or permanently remove it from the device list.Workaround: To fully remove a device, click Remove From Account then sign out of iCloud in device Settings of the device you want to remove. If you enter an incorrect verification code for a two-factor authentication account in Setup Assistant, it may hang.Workaround: Press the Home button and go back to start setup again. During Setup Assistant, tapping Cancel on the prompt that prompts you to enter the code for two-factor authentication will result in getting stuck at the login screen.Workaround: Press the Home button and go back to start setup again. Apps that use app-specific passwords cause multiple notifications if your account uses two-factor authentication.Workaround: Disable the app in this beta.
AudioKnown IssueThe OpenAL framework is not available in this beta.AVFoundationNotesThe canUseNetworkResourcesForLiveStreamingWhilePaused property has been added to . The default value is NOfalse for apps linked on or after iOS 9.0 or OS X 10.11, but YEStrue for apps that were linked earlier.To minimize power usage, set this property to NOfalse if you do not need playback state to stay up to date while paused. now supports a mixture of file-based media and HTTP Live Streaming media in its queue. Prior to this, you had to ensure that all items in the queue were of the same type.For apps linked against iOS 9 or later, the media interruption behavior for AV(Queue)Player has changed.Before iOS 9, apps could interrupt other media-playing clients by associating or adding
or by modifying the time or date of the current AVPlayerItem (using the seekToTime: or seekToDate: methods). In iOS 9, these operations interrupt only when AVPlayer object’s playback rate is changed to a non-zero value through the
property or playmethod.Picture in Picture playback might stop and the Picture in Picture button might disappear when using&& for video playback and replacing the underlying AVPlayerobject’s current item using .The AVPictureInPictureController interface and the cancelPictureInPicture method are deprecated.
CalendarFixed in Beta 3Calendar Time to Leave alerts may not be sent. CameraKnown IssueYou can’t take photos in the Camera app using the side volume buttons with this beta.CBCentralManagerNoteThe
methods were deprecated in iOS 7.0 and removed in iOS 9.0. Apps that use these methods will crash on launch or upon pairing an accessory. FaceTimeFixed in Beta 3In this beta, FaceTime calls do not connect on iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, or iPad Air 2.Family SharingKnown IssuesAdding a family member inline fails.Workaround: Use invite to add family members.Ask To Buy notifications don’t respond when tapped.
File ProvidersKnown IssueOn certain devices, the Document Picker is not displayed. Instead, you just see a white screen.FoundationNoteThere is new Foundation API that can be used to detect if the device is in Low Power Mode. See the updated
for details.Horizontal location constraints should consistently reference either left/right or leading/trailing attributes. For apps linked against the iOS 9 SDK,
will throw an exception if you attempt to create a constraint between a leading/trailing attribute and a left/right attribute.
GLKitKnown IssueGLKMesh and GLKMeshBuffer objects initialize incorrectly in this beta, which limits the use of GLKit with Model I/O.HandoffKnown IssueHandoff does not work with an iOS 9 device that does not have a passcode set.HealthKitKnown IssueIn rare circumstances, it is possible for the health database to be deleted during the upgrade to the beta.Workaround: To make sure the health database is not lost, make an encrypted iTunes backup prior to installing this beta.Although keeping the device unlocked for the duration of the upgrade process reduces the risk of the database being destroyed, it’s recommended that you create a backup so that you can recover the database if you encounter this issue. HomeKitFixed in Beta 3Accessories that support multiple communication paths to HomeKit may appear duplicated.Location-based event triggers do not work in Simulator. After using HomeKit accessories or developing with the HomeKit framework, backing up to iTunes will result in an unrestorable backup.
iCloud BackupFixed in Beta 3If you have two-factor authentication enabled, signing into your iTunes account while restoring from an iCloud backup may get stuck sending your verification code. Known IssueIn rare cases, restoring from an iCloud backup will not restore your applications.Workaround: In Settings & General & Reset, choose Erase All Contents and Settings, and then re-attempt the restore.iCloud DriveFixed in Beta 3Tapping an iCloud Drive document in search results doesn't do anything.Instant HotSpotFixed in Beta 3Some devices crash on connection to Instant Hotspot. KeyboardsFixed in Beta 3There are display issues with QuickType suggestions in share sheets. NoteRussian, Turkish, and Korean QuickType keyboards require iOS 9 beta 2 or later.Known IssueIf you use a complex passcode on an iPad, some panes in Settings will now show the keyboard. KeychainFixed in Beta 3Under certain circumstances, when enabling iCloud keychain on an OS X El Capitan or iOS 9 system using the iCloud Security Code, you may see “incorrect security code” or “could not set up iCloud keychain” even if you’ve entered the correct security code and SMS verification code. Known IssuesYou may be unable to join an existing iCloud Keychain circle using iCloud Security Code and SMS Verification Code.Workaround: Approve from another device.After changing your iCloud password, you may see an “iCloud Keychain Reset” prompt.Workaround: Re-enable iCloud Keychain. If you have two-step verification enabled on your AppleID and then change your iCloud Keychain or iCloud Security Code on a non-trusted device, you see a “Verification Failed” error.Workaround: Log out of iCloud, log back into the account, and enable iCloud Keychain.If your iCloud account uses two-factor authentication, you will get a sign-in alert on all logged-in iOS 9 or OS X El Capitan devices whenever there is a change in the phone number in Settings & iCloud & Keychain & Advanced.
LocalizationFixed in Beta 3For devices on which English is not the default language, some content may appear in English instead of the expected language. MapsFixed in Beta 3MapKit’s
do not get directions or ETA responses from MapKit in this beta.MailKnown IssueA Yahoo mail account may periodically display “Cannot get mail.” MessagesKnown IssuesWhen recording audio messages, the audio glyphs are not shown. This occurs both in quick reply and in the Messages app. When you send an audio message, it may be difficult to begin playback.
MetalKitKnown IssueMTKMesh and MTKMeshBuffer objects initialize incorrectly in this beta, which limits the use of MetalKit with Model I/O.MusicFixed in Beta 3The Radio tab is not available in the Music app.NoteWhen users plug in headphones or connect to Bluetooth or CarPlay in their car, their favorite music app appears on the lock screen or the car display.For your app to be eligible for this, it must publish to Now Playing upon launch and consistently maintain a Now Playing state. A common practice upon launch is to continue playing the track from when the app was last exited.Known IssuesThe share sheet may not appear when sharing tracks from Apple Music.It may not be possible to Love an album or playlist.The New tab may not load if you are not signed into Apple Music.The Apple Music signup screen may not display correctly.
NetworkingNoteWhen negotiating a TLS/SSL connection with Diffie-Hellman key exchange, iOS 9 requires a 1024-bit group or larger. These connections include:Secure Web (HTTPS)Enterprise Wi-Fi (802.1X)Secure e-mail (IMAP, POP, SMTP)Printing servers (IPPS)
PhoneKnown IssuesCall history may be lost upon upgrade to this beta.Voicemail may be unavailable after an erase install.Workaround: Reboot the device.
Photo BoothKnown IssuePhotos taken with Photo Booth are not saved. PhotosFixed in Beta 3After restoring from iCloud backup, photos not stored in iCloud Photo Library fail to display thumbnails.PodcastsFixed in Beta 3If you change the media type of content in iTunes to &podcast episode,& and then sync those podcasts, the Podcast app will crash on launch. SafariNotes“Find on Page” is now available both from the share sheet as well as in the Completions List.Request Desktop S it’s now in the Share sheet instead of Favorites.Web Browser–to–Native App Handoff does not work with your app if the apple-app-site-association file isn’t correctly formatted and signed. For more information, see
Known IssueIf you use Autofill on iPad, passwords may not be automatically entered into login fields.Workaround: Manually input the text. Your passwords can be found in Settings & Safari & Passwords. SearchFixed in Beta 3Tapping a Mail message, Maps favorites, Note, or Message in search results does not open the app on some devices.When submitting an activity to be searchable with , the metadata (attributeSet) does not get added to the index. The
property are the only activity metadata added to the index.
SettingsFixed in Beta 3You may see a black screen when trying to add Google or Yahoo accounts. CoreSpotlight items indexed with description don't display the description in Search.
Known IssuesThird-party app settings sometimes do not appear in Simulator. Setup AssistantFixed in Beta 3iForgot links don’t work in Setup Assistant. SiriKnown IssueSiri Eyes Free may not work in this beta. SpriteKitFixed in Beta 3 and
do not work in this beta.SpotlightKnown IssuesTapping a Mail message, Maps favorites, Note, or Message in search results does not open the app on some devices.After upgrading to this beta, some contacts are not searchable in Spotlight.
TelephonyKnown IssueAfter purchasing a cellular data plan on an iPad, it may display an alert that indicates the plan has expired.Workaround: Wait a few minutes, then toggle airplane mode. UIKitFixed in Beta 3 style doesn't update its
anchor position when the window is resized.NotesIn iOS 9, when
is sent to a view and all of the following conditions are satisfied (which is not common), we apply fitting-size constraints (width/height = 0 at ) instead of required size constraints (width/height required to match current size):The receiver is not yet in the subtree of a view that hosts a layout engine, such as window, view controller view (unless you have set to NOfalse on that view—or created constraints that have one item in its subtree and one item outside it), table view cell content view, and so on.The final ancestor (that is, top-level view) of the receiver has
set to NOfalse.The top-level view has a subview that is not a -owned layout guide that also has translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints set to NOfalse.
Under condition 1, we create a temporary layout engine from the top-level view and add all the constraints from the subtree to it. The problem is that we need to add some constraints that make the size of the top-level view unambiguous in the layout engine. The old behavior (prior to iOS 9) was that we would add constraints to restrict the size of the top-level view to its current bounds for any situation under condition 1. This really doesn’t make sense when you add conditions 2 & 3 and can result in unsatisfiable-constraints logging and broken layout. So on iOS 9, for this special case only, we use fitting-size constraints instead.This means that if you are sending
to a view under these conditions on iOS 9, you must be sure that either you have sufficient constraints to establish a size for the top-level view (which usually, though not always, is the receiver) or you must add temporary size constraints to the top-level view of layout size you desire before sending layoutIfNeeded, and remove them afterward.For apps linked on iOS 9 or later,
will now always correctly constrict its
to the fit inside the view when scrolling is disabled. Overflowing lines that lie outside of an NSTextContainer, even partially, are not rendered. In previous iOS releases, the NSTextContainer sometimes was not constricted in size. This meant that logically overflowing lines were erroneously rendered. If you are seeing previously rendered lines at the end of your text view no longer rendered after linking your app against iOS 9, this behavior change is the likely cause. You can remedy this by making your UITextViewlarger, or perhaps by adjusting the bottom value of the text view's
property.There is a redesigned UI for printing that includes a print preview (presented from
or ). For apps that provide printing items or use only built-in UIPrintFormatter objects (such as , , UIWebViewPrintFormatter, or the
of any system-provided view), nothing additional is needed for the print preview to display.Apps that subclass
or UIPrintFormatter to draw content for printing must be built with the iOS 9 SDK for the preview to display. The behavior of UIPrintPageRenderer has been updated to call
multiple times with potentially different page sizes and margins. Various methods on UIPrintPageRenderermay be called from a non-main thread, but never from multiple threads concurrently. and
are now resizable and adaptive—previously, these views would enforce a default size even if you attempted to resize them. These views also now default to a width of 320 points on all devices, instead of to the device width on iPhone.Interfaces that rely on the old enforcement of the default size will likely look wrong when compiled for iOS 9. Any problems encountered can be resolved by fully constraining or sizing picker views to the desired size instead of relying on implicit behavior.
Watch AppKnown IssuesPairing iOS 9 beta 3 with watchOS 2 beta 1 or 2 requires you to sign out of your AppleID in Messages prior to pairing and to skip iCloud sign-in during pairing. Pairing with watchOS 2 beta 3 and WatchOS 1 is not impacted. Tapping Cancel does not work in the iForgot work flows in Watch Setup Assistant.
WebkitNoteThe if-domain and unless-domain value strings only match the exact domain. To match the domain and any subdomains, begin the string with the asterisk character (*).
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