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>>>完形填空。 We can see walls everywhere in the world. But th..
&&&& We can see walls everywhere in the world. But the Great Wall of China is&&&&1&&&&of all. The Chinese call it " The Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall". It is&&&&2&&& more than 6,000 kilometers long. It is 6-7 meters&&&3&&& and 4-5 metres from side to side. In most places, five horses or ten men can walk side&&&&4&&& side along the top.&&&& When you visit the Great Wall, you can't help wondering how the Chinese people&&&&5&&& build such a great wall thousands of years ago.&&&&6&&& any modern machines, it was really very difficult to build it. They had to do all the work by hand. It&&&&7&&& millions of men hundreds of years to build it.&&&& The Great Wall has a history&&&&8&&& over two thousand years. The men began to built the first parts of it around two thousand seven hundred years&&&&9&&&. Then Qin Shihuang had all the walls&&&&10&&&. He thought that could keep the enemy out of the country.&&&& Today the Great Wall has become a place of interest. Both Chinese and people from all over the world come to visit it.
(&&&& )1. A. the big(&&&& )2. A. in fact(&&&& )3. A. tall&&(&&&& )4. A. to&&&&(&&&& )5. A. were able to(&&&& )6. A. No&&&&(&&&& )7. A. used&&&&(&&&& )8. A. of&&&&(&&&& )9. A. before&&(&&&& )10. A. joined up
B. biggest&&B. in the factB. the allB. and&&&&B. be able toB. Not&&&&B. got&&&&B. on&&&&&&B. later&&B. join up
C. the biggestC. in a factC. higherC. by&&&&C. are able toC. Neither&&&&C. took&&C. for&&C. ago&&C. to join on
D. the bigger&&D. on fact&&&& D. high&&&&&&&&D. or&&&&&&&&&&D. was able to D. Without&&&& D. spent&&&&&& D. about&&&&&& D. after&&&&&& D. to join of&&
1-5: CADCA&&& 6-10: DCACA
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“完形填空。 We can see walls everywhere in the world. But th..”主要考查你对&&历史文化类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
与“完形填空。 We can see walls everywhere in the world. But th..”考查相似的试题有:
5124173107519716463651276115722Walking the Wall | A journey along the Great Wall of ChinaAll: 86-773-2831999
The Great Wall of China — All Things You Want to Know
Best of China
The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China is one of the
greatest sights in the world — the longest wall in the world, an
awe-inspiring feat of ancient defensive architecture. Its winding path over
rugged country and steep mountains takes in some great scenery.
The Great Wall facts
Chinese name: 长城 (Chángchéng /channg-chnng/ &Long
Location: Northern China
Length: 21,196.18 km (13,170.7 mi), all known
sections were measured
History: more than 2,300 years
Read another .
History — Who Built the Great Wall, When, Why, and How
The &Long Wall& has a long history — more
than 2,300 years. It was built in different areas by different states/dynasties
to protect different territorial borders.
Who Built the Great Wall, and When
It&s often said that the First Emperor
of Qin built the Great Wall. Actually he was not the first to build it. See
Great Wall History — Key Events
Zhou Dynasty: The (Pre-) Warring
States Period (770&#x BC)
State overlords built state border walls.
The Qin Dynasty (221&#x BC)
The First Emperor of Qin linked the
Great Wall sections on China&s northern border.
The Han Dynasty (206 BC &#x AD)
Han Wudi extended the Great Wall west
to Yumen Pass and beyond.
The Ming Dynasty (1368&#x)
Hero General Qi Jiguang rebuilt the
Great Wall around Beijing.
Why the Great Wall Was Built
The Great Wall was built to prevent invasion and protect silk road trade.
To prevent invasion
To protect
In the Qin Dynasty, the First Emperor
of Qin inked the northern walls to prevent invasion from northern nations. In the
Han Dynasty, the emperors extended the Great Wall far into today&s western
China to protect Silk Road trade.
Read more on the
How the Great Wall was Built
The majestic Great Wall was built with
wisdom, dedication, blood, sweat, and tears. Families were separated, and many workers
died and were interred as part of the Great Wall itself.
Workers: soldiers, peasants, rebels
Materials: stone, soil, sand, brick
Material delivery: by hand, rope, cart, goat (?)
to see who the workers were, their construction techniques, and how they moved
the huge amount of materials.
The Great Wall&s Structure — Walls, Watchtowers, Fortresses…
A watchtower at the Great Wall
The Great Wall was not just a wall. It
was an integrated military defensive system with watchtowers for
surveillance, fortresses for command posts and logistics, beacon towers for
communications, etc.
In the Ming Dynasty (1368&#x), the
Great Wall was reconstructed to be stronger and more sophisticated, due to
better construction techniques being developed.
The wall body: The Ming Great Wall usually had battlements
1.8 meters (6 feet) high with loopholes and crenels, and parapet walls 1.2
meters (4 feet) high.
Flanking towers: Every 500 meters or less (1,640
feet) on the Great Wall there was a flanking tower allowing defenders to shoot
arrows at attackers at the face of the wall.
Fortresses were built at important/vulnerable
access points (passes), such as , , and . There were many archery windows and gates on the forts. The fortress
gatehouses were the strongest and most impregnable structures on the Great Wall. 
For more structural details read .
Present Condition — 30%+ of the Great Wall Is Gone
30%+ of the Great Wall is gone.
Due to natural erosion and human
damage, about 2,000 kilometers, or 30% of the Ming Great Wall has disappeared.
(Far more of previous dynasties& Great Wall sections is gone.)
Restoration and Protection to the Great Wall
To prevent further
loss of the Great Wall, the Chinese Government has taken measures to protect
Laws to protect the Great Wall
Funds for protection, restoration, and maintenance
As individuals,
we can do the follows to protect the Great Wall:
Plant trees to keep the Great Wall slopes protected from erosion
Don&t litter and graffiti / remove trash and graffiti
Don&t damage the Great Wall / take bricks home (it&s illegal)
Great Wall Culture — Legends, Stories, Poetry…
Meng Jiang Nü
weeping over the Great Wall.
The Great Wall is a China icon. It
shows us not only China&s culture of national pride, grand projects, and
determined resistance, but also China&s extravagant architecture and
During the construction of the Great
Wall, there were many interesting legends and myths, such as Meng Jiang Nü
weeping over the Great Wall, a sad but romantic love story set in the Qin
— Legends, Stories, Poetry…
Great Wall Travel
The Great Wall of China is the must-visit China attraction. Perhaps the most powerful advertising words in
history come from the poetic pen of Chairman Mao: &Until you reach the
Great Wall, you&re no hero.& Figuratively this has come to mean &to
get over difficulties before reaching a goal&. See more .
70,000 Visitors Per Day! — and that&s just one section!
After the Great Wall opened to the
public as a tourist attraction, hundreds of millions of visitors have been to
its various sections. Badaling section is the most visited section (63,000,000
visitors in 2001). In peak seasons, the visitor flow can be up to 70,000 per
Why You Should
Visit The Great Wall
Great Wall is one of the
New Seven Wonders of the World.
&Greatest Human Feat in History&: The
Great Wall is the building project with the longest duration and greatest cost
in human lives, blood, sweat and tears. It deserves its place among &the
New Seven Wonders of the World& and the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Over 300 World VIPs Have Visited the Great Wall!
Over the years, many national leaders
and celebrities have been to the Great Wall...
Barack Obama, President of the U.S., visited the
Great Wall in November 18, 2009.
David Cameron, Britain&s Prime Minister, visited Juyong
Pass on November 10, 2010.
Most Popular Sections Around Beijing
The Great Wall at Mutianyu
would rank Beijing&s nearby Great Wall sections as follows, according to our
customers& feedback and our own personal experience:
— the most
magnificent fully-restored Great Wall section
— the most popular Great Wall hiking route, with most beautiful original architecture
— the section that
appears on most postcards, steep and perilous
However, we recognize your individual
choice will be based on your own personal interests and requirements. See
for more information to base your choice on.
Recommended Great Wall Tours
If you are planning a Great Wall tour,
see our guide to . Or see our recommended tours for inspiration:
The most beautiful hiking route:
The comprehensive classic Beijing
Hike two wild, two restored sections:
The hikers& Great Wall adventure:
Not quite what you were looking for? No
problem. You can have us
by telling us your interests and requirements.
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Author: Kelly
Update: September 9, 2015


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