
为了方便同学们学习,下面朽精心为大家整理了过去进行时知识点-常见考法,供大家参考学习,希望对同学们的学习能有所帮助。 对于过去进行时的考查,
各位热爱英语的同学们,今天朽给大家分享的是过去进行时知识点-过去进行时误区提醒,同学们认真浏览,详细笔记。 过去进行时与一般过去时的区分,可
各位同学,大家应该为学习中有哪些知识点而困惑吧,朽为大家准备了过去进行时知识点:过去进行时结构,希望大家可以好好复习。 2. 过去进行时的结构
中考英语试卷,篇幅最长的、最耗时间的、生词最多的、单题分值最高的是什么题型?相信答案已经很明显了 阅读理解。从某种意义上说,阅读已经成为英语
中考英语 阅读理解 题主要是考查考生综合运用所学语言知识的能力,包括阅读能力、理解能力、归纳概括能力、逻辑推理能力以及对材料的评估能力等。很
各位热爱英语的同学们,今天朽给大家分享的是英语名词知识点-名词所有格用法,同学们认真浏览,详细笔记。 以-s结尾的单数名词加 或 s 构成所有格;以
为了方便同学们学习,下面朽精心为大家整理了英语名词知识点-不可数名词用法,供大家参考学习,希望对同学们的学习能有所帮助。 注意:a) 不可数名词
英语的学习需要大家每天去说,说出来,这样才能提高英语成绩,朽在这里为大家整理了英语名词知识点-专有名词,希望大家可以用心去看,去学习。 专有
雨 滴英语成语 在学习前先看这句名言:Energy is eternal delight.
W.Black. American poet and artist精力充沛是永恒的快乐。 美国诗人、
Agreement主语和谓语在人称、数上一致,关系代词与先行词一致。 Ambiguity尽量不去使用可能引起歧义词语或句子。 Brief文章 简为贵 ,要抓住要点,简
NMET书面表达评分标准 最高档 要求: 应用了较多的语法结构或词汇;语法结构或词汇方面有少许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;有效地
中考网版权所有Copyright© . All Rights Reserved.学期同步课推荐
【初三签到】初三的同志们看这边~ 今天咱们的内容是应用电路设计,字也特别多,做好心理准备哈
lub! You will meet many new people here. We have some advice to help you make many new friends.
Firstly, be polite and friendly to everyone in the club. This will make people comfortable when they talk to you. Rude people are not welcome here and we usually ask them to leave.
Secondly, be honest and truthful. We hope that our members can trust(信任) each other and will not be hurt by another member. If we find you are telling lies to other club members, we will ask you to leave the club.
Thirdly, be a good listener and keep your friends& secrets. This will make your friends trust you and it will also help you know more about your friends. If you share your friends& secrets with someone else, you will hurt their feelings.
Finally, be generous and helpful to your friends. Sharing thoughts, ideas and opinions will help you know more about each other and become friends.
Please remember our advice when you come to the club. We meet every Friday afternoon after school.
) 1. What is the new club for?
A. For meeting new people and making friends.
B. For making friends with teachers.
C. For meeting people who don&t go to school.
D. For doing one&s homework with his new friends.
) 2.Why should people be friendly and polite?
A. Because it can be difficult to meet new people.
B. Because rude people are not welcome.
C. Because people will ask you to leave.
D. Because it will help make people feel comfortable.
) 3. What will help your friends trust you?
A. Telling jokes to them.
B. Telling lies to them.
C. Keeping their secrets and being a good listener.
D. Sharing their secrets with other people.
) 4. Which one of the following is not the advice from the Friendship Club?
A. Be honest to your friends and do not tell lies.
B. Share thoughts, ideas and your friends& secrets with everyone in the club.
C. Be friendly and polite to everyone in the club.
D. Be generous and helpful to your friends.
) 5. People will ask you to leave the club if you
A. tell lies to other members
B. share your thoughts and ideas with your friends
C. are friendly and polite to your friends
D .are generous and helpful to your friends
(A) 1. What is the new club for?
A. For meeting new people and making friends.
B. For making friends with teachers.
C. For meeting people who don’t go to school.
D. For doing one’s homework with his new friends.
(D) 2.Why should people be friendly and polite?
A. Because it can be difficult to meet new people.
B. Because rude people are not welcome.
C. Because people will ask you to leave.
D. Because it will help make people feel comfortable.
(C) 3. What will help your fri
(A) 1. What is the new club for?
A. For meeting new people and making friends.
B. For making friends with teachers.
C. For meeting people who don’t go to school.
D. For doing one’s homework with his new friends.
(D) 2.Why should people be friendly and polite?
A. Because it can be difficult to meet new people.
B. Because rude people are not welcome.
C. Because people will ask you to leave.
D. Because it will help make people feel comfortable.
(C) 3. What will help your friends trust you?
A. Telling jokes to them.
B. Telling lies to them.
C. Keeping their secrets and being a good listener.
D. Sharing their secrets with other people.
(B) 4. Which one of the following is not the advice from the Friendship Club?
A. Be honest to your friends and do not tell lies.
B. Share thoughts, ideas and your friends’ secrets with everyone in the club.
C. Be friendly and polite to everyone in the club.
D. Be generous and helpful to your friends.
(A) 5. People will ask you to leave the club if you .
A. tell lies to other members
B. share your thoughts and ideas with your friends
C. are friendly and polite to your friends
D .are generous and helpful to your friends
来源: 2016届九年级上学期见面考试试题 (英语)及答案.doc
you are asked the question “What color is the sky?” I believe that you’ll
answer “Blue”. I’m afraid that you’ll be wrong. The sky has no color. When we
see blue, we are looking at blue sunlight(阳光). The sunlight is
shining on little bits of dusts(尘埃) in the air.
the sky full(充满) of air? I’m sure that you have asked the
question, too. We know that there is air all around the world. We could not
breathe(呼吸) without air. Planes could not fly very high
because as they go higher, the air gets thinner. If we go far enough away from
the earth, we find there is no air.
we can answer some of our questions now. What is the sky? Nothing. Where is it?
It is all around the world. The sky is space. In space there is nothing except
(除了)the sun, the moon, the stars and all the things too far
away to see.
根据短文内容判断正误, 正确的填“T”,错误的填“F”,并将答案填写在答题卷相应空格内。
) 1. The color of the sky is blue.
&&) 2. The sky has no color.
) 3. We can’t breathe without air.
) 4. Planes can fly very high when the air gets thinner
) 5. There’s nothing in space.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-116676');">&
来源: 2015译林版初二英语上册unit7测验试卷及答案.doc
Recently,a solar-powered (太阳能动力的) plane took to the sky for the first time. It passed an important test on the way to travel around the world.The plane took off from an airport(飞机场)in Switzerland. It slowly rose above the fields and into the sky.&There has never been an airplane of that kind that could fly—never an airplane so big,so light, using so little energy.” said Bertrand Piccard, a leader of the project.During the 90-minute flight (飞行),the plane did several turns. It climbed nearly 1. 6 km above the countryside.Engineers(工程师) plan to test a night flight(飞行)before July. Then they will use the results(结果)of the tests to build a second plane. They plan to travel around the world in that plane in 2012.&We want to fly it day and nigh with no fuel(燃料),” Piccard said. Piccard and pilot (飞行员)Andre Borschberg will take the plane around the world. They will make a few stops to change places and rest after a long time in the air--and to show off their airplane.The plane will fly at 70 km per hour on average(平均).That is faster than a bike and slower than a car. The pilots will keep the plane in the air for up to five days at a time. (
)1. The passage is probably taken from
.A. a postcard(明信片) B. a newspaper
C. a comic book
D. an advertisement(
)2. The solar-powered plane
.A. is big and heavy
B. uses much energyC. passed the first flight test
D. will have a night flight after July(
)3. How long will it take the solar-powered plane to travel 140 km?A. About a day and a night.
B. About 5 days.
C. About 2 hours.
D. About 90 minutes.(
)4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned(提到) in the passage?A. During the 90 -minute flight, the solar-powered plane reached a height of 1. 6 km.B. The solar-powered plane is slower than a car and faster than a bike.C. Maybe the solar-powered plane will fly with no fuel.D. It took a long time to build the solar-powered plane.(
)5. The passage mainly talks about
.A. the solar-powered plane
B. the speed of the solar-powered planeC. how to make the solar-powered plane D. the world travel of the solar-powered plane
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-116312');">&
来源: 2015译林版初二英语上册unit7测验试卷及答案.doc
Dear Mr Heppell,
I am Sabrina Akhtar studying in a high
school and I’ve noticed that forests are disappearing (消失).
You know, forest are disappearing around the world each year. This
is because of many different reasons including(包括), farming, tourism pollution(旅游污染), etc(等等), If we stop doing these
things, there will be a good future for people of tomorrow.
Now I’m writing to ask you to help stop forests from disappearing(消失). You can help by getting
shops to stop selling paper made from trees and changing to tree-free paper
(paper not made from trees). This will help forests so much . There are many ,
many things we can do to help forests. If you would
like to know more, please visit http://www.Rainforestweb.Org/. By changing the
little things, we can make a big difference(区别).
you would like to contact ( 联系 ) me, please see the above address or e-mail me at shazadinol @
hotmail.co.uk. Thank you for taking your time in reading this letter.
Yours sincerely
Sabrina Akhtar
(&& ) 1. The writer of this letter is ______.
A. a student&&&& B. a teacher& &&&&&&C.
an officer&&&&& D. a driver
______ is one of the reasons why the forests are disappearing.
A. Rain&&&&&&& B. Tourism
pollution &C. Planting&&&&& D. Breathing
The writer advises Mr. Heppell to _____.
A. stop shops from using paper any more
B. use paper which is made from tress
C. stop shops selling paper made from trees
D. plant more and more trees in the future
How can Mr. Heppell contact the writer ?
A. By calling her& B. By interviewing her& C. By visiting her D. By e-mailing her
What’s the purpose (目的) of this letter ?
A. To know more about Mr.
Heppell&&&&&&& B. To make friends with Mr.
C. To ask Mr. Heppell to teach in the school& D. To ask Mr.
Heppell to help protect forests
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-116311');">&
来源: 2015译林版初二英语上册unit7测验试卷及答案.doc
Everyone tries to get to school on time. But when bad weather gives
you trouble(麻烦),
can you still make it before the bell rings?
In northern China during spring, big sandstorms(沙尘暴)often make trouble for
students and everyone else. When the sky is dark with sand, buses and cars all
move much more slowly. Sometimes, people can’t even see for 20 metres.
Sandstorms usually happen in spring. This year, sandstorms started
in late March. They have happened in more than 10 provinces (省)& in northern China this
year. More than 70 million people have had problems in those places because of
the sandstorms.
&People in southern China don’t have to worry about this kind
of bad weather. Most of the sand comes from Gansu and Inner Mongolia(内蒙古). In northern China, lots of places have few trees and don’t get much rain. People there have been
cutting down too many trees. When there aren’t many trees, the ground can’t
keep enough water. Over the years, the ground dries up and turns to sand. When
spring comes and the ice melts(融化), the ground becomes looser(更松散的). Strong winds take the loose sand into the sky.
Sandstorms are bad for people’s health. If people breathe(呼吸) too much sand, they could
cough or have asthma(哮喘).
Sandstorms also give farmers lots of problems. Sometimes their sheep
get lost in the storms and never get back home. The winds also tear down
farmers’ houses.
What can you do to stop sandstorms? Here’s an idea: Ask you parents
to help you plant some trees this spring.
If you see people cutting down too many trees, tell them about the
dangers of sandstorms, and ask your government to stop them from cutting.
In which season do sandstorms usually happen?
A. In spring.& &&&&&&&&& B.
In summer.& &&&&&&&&&& C.
In autumn.& &&&&&&&&&&& D.
In winter.
Which of the following provinces in China is often hit by sandstorms?
A. Fujian Province.& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&B.
Yunnan Province.
C. Jiangsu Province.& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&D.
Gansu&&& Province.
The underlined phrase “tear down” in the sentence means “_________”.
A. 使……哭泣& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
弄倒& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.
摧残& &&&&&&&&&&&& D.加固
According to the passage, what cannot be caused by sandstorms?
Health problems.& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&B.
Traffic problems.
C. The loss of farm animals.& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&D.
Noise pollution.
Which is not stated in the passage?_______________ .
Trees can help keep enough rain water
B. More trees need to be planted
C. Some people are doing harm to the environment
D. Sandstorms are the main cause of asthma
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-116310');">&
来源: 2015初一英语UNIT 6
I’m watching TV检测题及答案.doc
It’s late at night. Martin is sitting on his bed and he’s looking at his clock. His neighbors are making a lot of noises and Arthur is very angry.The people in Apartment 2 are dancing. The man in Apartment 3 is singing. The woman in Apartment 4 is practising the violin. The teenagers in Apartment 5 are listening to loud rock music(摇滚乐).The dog in Apartment 6 is barking. And the people in Apartment 7 are having a big argument(争吵).It’s very late and Martin is tired and angry.What a terrible night!1. Martin’s neighbors are
D.sleeping2.The man in Apartment 3 is
.A.painting his apartment
B.singingC.fixing the apartment
D.moving3.The noisy people in Apartment 5 are
D.men4.The dog in Apartment 6 isn’t
B.making noise
D.friendly5.The woman in Apartment 4 is
.A.playing cards
B.practising the violinC.playing computers
D.playing balls
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-115935');">&
来源: 2015外研版九年级英语Module 12模块基础水平测试题及答案.doc
For millions of years, coral reefs (珊瑚礁) have provided homes for
thousands of different living things. Fish and sea birds share coral reefs with
other sea animals. Now these beautiful things are in danger. So are all the sea
plants and animals that depend on them. Scientists have found that
people and pollution have harmed more than one-fourth of the earth’s coral
reefs. Unless things change, all of the remaining coral reefs may die within
your lifetime.
Some people think that the coral is a kind of plant, but it is an
animal! Tiny corals form the coral reefs. They have different colours. These
colours come from the algae (海藻) living inside the coral. Lots of corals stick together. New
ones grow on the body of dead corals. This happens year after year. Over time,
corals build up a reef. The reef rises from the ocean floor until it almost
reaches the sea’s surface (表面). It takes corals 500,000 years to build a huge reef. It has
taken human beings less than 100 years to start harming coral reefs.
Coral reefs have been harmed in different ways. People have
broken off pieces of coral reefs to sell or keep them. To catch more fish,
people have dropped dynamite (炸药) into the sea. This has blown up (炸飞) parts of some coral
reefs. Water pollution has encouraged overgrowth of the sea plants that grow
near coral reefs. They stop algae from getting the sunshine. The worst problem
is the heating up of the ocean. Warm water kills algae. When algae dies, corals
lose both their food and colours. They turn white and die.
(& ) 1. The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 1 refers to
A. scientists &
& & & & & & & & & &B. sea
animals&&& &&&&&&& &&&&&&
&&&D. coral reefs
(& ) 2. The colours
of coral reefs come from ________.
A. the sunshine &
& & & & & & & &B. the ocean water
C. animals living in them
&&& &&D. algae living in them&
(& ) 3. Warm ocean
A. kills algae &
& & & & & & & & &B. kills corals
C. helps algae grow faster
&&& &D. helps corals grow faster
(& ) 4. The last paragraph mentions ________ ways coral reefs
have been harmed.
A. two & &
& & & & & & & & & & &&B.
four&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
&&&&&D. five
(& )55. Which of the
following is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Algae doesn’t like the
B. It takes corals a long
time to build a huge reef.
C. People have dropped
dynamite into the ocean to catch corals.
D. People and pollution
have harmed most of the earth’s coral reefs.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-115769');">&
来源: 2015秋八年级英语期末测试(一)及答案.doc
Tigers are strong and dangerous animals. But now they are in danger. In the past, there were eight kinds of tigers in the world. But during the 20th century, only five were left. The number of Siberian tigers (东北虎) was about 300, but now it is less than 22. They’re in danger of dying out. If the government does nothing, we won’t be able to see them in ten to twenty years. In order to stop people from hunting and killing wild tigers, and in order to make wild tigers more, the World Wildlife Fund (世界自然基金会) has started a program (项目) recently (最近). China and twelve other countries joined it. However, it’s not enough. Remember that nature is a food chain (链). If we hurt and kill too many wild deer and pigs, wild tigers will die out because of hunger (饥饿). So the most important thing is to save the animals that tigers eat. In order to protect the wild tigers, we need call on (号召) more people to stop eating, hunting and killing wild animals. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(
)1. During the 20th century, _______ kinds of wild tigers died out.
)2. The number of the wild Siberian tigers reduced (减少) about _______.
)3. Wild tigers will be in danger of dying out without _______.
D. A and B(
)4. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. There are less than 22 wild Siberian tigers now.
B. There are twelve countries in the World Wildlife Fund.
C. Wild tigers mainly feed on pigs and deer.
D. It’s our duty to protect the wild tigers. (
)5. The passage mainly tells us _______.
A. why and how do we protect the wild tigers
B. the government does everything they could to protect the wild tigers
C. the wild tigers will die out in ten to twenty years
D. the most important thing is to save the animals that tigers eat
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-115718');">&
来源: 2015秋八年级英语期末测试(一)及答案.doc
I’m living in a busy city. There are too many
people and too many cars. Too many people and too many cars cause too crowded
traffics. At the same time, the cars gives out much smog (烟雾),
especially (尤其是) at rush hours (高峰期). The smog
pollutes (污染) the city terribly. The problem is becoming
more and more serious. We should do something to prevent it.
First, I think we should have more police
officers at the busy crossings. They can stop the traffic jams (阻塞).
Second, we should not make more parking garages (停车位) for cars. When
people think that it’s easy to park in cities, more people will drive to work
and it will make the traffic more crowded. Third, we should make it more
expensive for drivers to drive cars to cities. Then more people will leave
their cars for their bikes. Fourth, we should encourage people to take a bus to
work. Fifth, we should build special ways for bikes so that more people will go
to work by bike instead of by bus or in a car. Finally, we should spend more on
the public transportation (公共交通). For example, we can build more underground
lines. Of course, we can also do many other things to improve our traffic.
)1. There are serious pollution problems in the writer’s city.
)2. We should make fewer parking garages.
)3. Some people drive to work because they needn’t spend too much cost (费用)
(&&& )4. The traffic systems (交通系统) in the writer’s city are
)5. The writer gives five suggestions in order to help solve the traffic
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-115716');">&
来源: 2015新目标九年级英语Unit 10单元基础水平测试题及答案.doc
For millions of years, coral reefs (珊瑚礁) have provided homes for thousands of different living things. Fish and sea birds share coral reefs with other sea animals. Now these beautiful things are in danger. So are all the sea plants and animals that depend on them. Scientists have found that people and pollution have harmed more than one-fourth of the Earth’s coral reefs. Unless things change, all of the remaining coral reefs may die within your lifetime.Some people think that the coral is a kind of plant, but it is an animal! Tiny corals form the coral reefs. They have different colors. These colors come from the algae (海藻) living inside the coral. Lots of corals stick together. New ones grow on the body of dead corals. This happens year after year. Over time, corals build up a reef. The reef rises from the ocean floor until it almost reaches the sea’s surface. It takes corals 500,000 years to build a huge reef. It has taken human beings less than 100 years to start harming coral reefs. Coral reefs have been harmed in different ways. People have broken off pieces of coral reefs to sell or keep them. To catch more fish, people have dropped dynamite (炸药) into the sea. This has blown up parts of some coral reefs. Water pollution has encouraged overgrowth of the sea plants that grow near coral reefs. They stop algae from getting the sunshine. The worst problem is the heating up of the ocean. Warm water kills algae. When algae dies, corals lose both their food and colors. They turn white and die. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(
) 1. The underlined word “them” in Paragraph 1 refers to ______. A. scientists
B. sea plants C. sea animals
D. coral reefs(
) 2. The colors of coral reefs come from ______.A. the sunshine
B. the ocean water C. animals living in them
D. algae living in them(
) 3. Warm ocean ______.A. kills algae
B. kills coralsC. helps algae grow faster
D. helps corals grow faster (
) 4. The last paragraph mentions ______ ways coral reefs have been harmed.A. two
B. three C. four
) 5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Algae doesn’t like the sunshine. B. It takes corals a long time to build a huge reef.C. People have dropped dynamite into the ocean to catch corals.D. People and pollution have harmed most of the Earth’s coral reefs.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-114714');">&
来源: 新疆维吾尔自治区
How green are you? Do you know how to be green?
We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste
every day and h is harmful to our environment. Though we are young, we can
still do something to help. Here are some ideas for you.
Reduce means “use less”. Don’t waste things. This saves
money and reduces pollution. Before we buy something new, think whether it is
really necessary -or maybe the old one is still useful.
Reuse means “use again”. When we buy things, make sure that
they can last a long time. When something is broken, we should repair it
instead of throwing it away and buying a new one. Don’t use a paper cup or a
paper bag. It’s better to use a china (瓷) cup and a lunch box
because you can use them again.
Recycle means “change things into something
else”. Though it takes energy to change something into something else, it’s
better than throwing things away or burning them.
So please remember these words: reduce, reuse and recycle.
1. What is the passage
A. How to produce
things.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
How to burn things.
C. How to be green.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
How to help others.<
2. Which of the
following is right?
A. Always throw away
old things. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
Don’t waste things.
C. Always buy new
things.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
Never buy new things.
3. The underlined word
“last” means “______”.
A. 中断&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
持续&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.
终止&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
4. It is better to use
a china cup and a lunch box because we can ______ them.
A. reuse&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
reduce&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.
repair &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
5. The passage may come
from a ______.
A. menu&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
dictionary&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.
storybook &&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-113140');">&
来源: 2015七年级上英语Unit 3-Unit4检测题及答案.doc
Imagine the situation. You are driving
alone in a desert or on a mountain. You have no idea where you are. You
passed the last house two hours ago. Then your car breaks down. It is night and
it is cold. You have no mobile phone. What do you do? Well, next time take a
GPS with you. This invention may be able to help you. It is a device (装置)
which uses satellites (卫星) to find the user’s position
(位置).It can find your position to within 20
metres. A GPS cannot start your car, but at least you will know where you are.
GPS, which means Global Positioning
System, is a small radio receiver. It looks like a mobile phone. You can hold
it in your hand, or put in your pocket. It is sometimes put into a watch or a
telephone. We also find GPS devices in cars, planes, or boats. Some of these
devices have electronic maps, so you know where you are. For example, in a city
they can tell you the name of the street.
There are three parts to the Global
Positioning System. The first part is the receiver. You can hold it in your
hand, or have it fixed into your car, plane, etc. The second part is a group of
satellites orbiting the Earth. The receiver contacts at least four of the satellites
and calculates (计算) its position. The third part of the
system is a network of ground stations. They are all over the world. They
control the satellites and make sure they are working well.
Some people think that in the future the
GPS will be as common as the mobile. They are becoming cheaper and more and
more accurate (精确的).There are also new uses for the GPS.
Perhaps they will become like watches. Everyone will have one and you will
never be lost again.
According to the passage, with the help of the GPS, people ______________.
A. can’t be lost in a new
B. can’t find their way in different countries
C. can learn about the culture of an
unknown place& D. can spend the least time getting to another place
can learn from the passage that ______________.
A. there are three parts to the
GPS&&&&&&& B. a GPS can’t be put into a
C. a GPS can help you start your
car&&&&& D. the GPS are becoming more and more
The underlined word “They” in paragraph 3 means “___________”.
A. Receivers&&&&
GPS devices&&&& C. Satellites&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.
Ground stations
The passage is mainly about ______________.
A. the history of the
GPS&&&&&&&&& B. the introduction
of the GPS
C. the shape of the
GPS&&&&&&&&&& D. the three
parts of the GPS
What can we infer (推断) from the passage?
A. All GPS devices have electronic maps.
B. People in many countries will use the
GPS for free.
C. The receiver of the GPS contacts at
least five of the satellites.
D. The GPS will become more and more
common in everyday life.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-113123');">&
来源: 2015九年级英语知能综合检测提及答案(二十一)及答案.doc
完形填空As we know, we all need a healthy environment. I wonder
we can work to reduce carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)around us. Well, here
some ways to follow. ▲Only turn the water heater
when necessary, and the temperature can be controlled to avoid overheating. Put a lid on a pan when boiling water. ▲When using the washing machine, be sure there’s a full load and turn the temperature down
it’s not really dirty. ▲Save energy by using efficient(节能的) light bulbs. They use about
the energy of normal bulbs and last 10 times as long. ▲Each week, choose one day when you don’t eat meat. Meat uses up lots of energy because it
a long time to produce. ▲Food production eats up lots of energy. When you buy food, go local rather than imported(进口的), and get fresh vegetables
frozen(冷冻的). ▲Take showers rather than baths and reduce your shower time by two minutes. This
water and give you an extra two minutes in bed. ▲ Look for something reusable and recyclable, and remember
your reusable shopping bags!
We can do more things to recycle
we can reduce carbon dioxide in the air and we all have a strong and healthy body.1. A. how
C. which2. A. was
C. are3. A. on
C. up4. A. unless
B. whether
C. ifh5. A. a third
B. one thirds
C. one third of6. A. costs
C. spends7. A. but
B. instead
C. instead of8. A. saves
B. has saved
C. will save9. A. carries
B. carrying
C. to carry10. A. so that
B. in order
C. in order to
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-112908');">&
来源: 北京市海淀区重点中学2015年7月新初三暑假备战2016年中考题(一)及答案.doc
A small city in southwest Britain is banning(禁用) plastic bags to help the environment and cut waste—a step that environmentalists believe is a first for Europe. Shopkeepers in Modbury agreed to stop handing out disposable plastic bags to customers on Saturday. They said paper sacks and cloth carrier bags would be offered instead. Last month, San Francisco became the first U.S. city to ban plastic grocery bags. Internationally, laws to discourage the use of plastic bags have been passed in parts of South Africa and Ireland,
where governments either tax (收税) shoppers who use them or fine companies that hand them out. Bangladesh already bans them, and so do at least 30 small Alaskan villages. Modbury, about 225 miles southwest of London, has also declared a bag amnesty(宽限期), allowing local people to hand in plastic bags that are kept at home. They will be sent for traveling. The Modbury ban was the idea of Rebecca Hosking, who saw the effect of bags on sea life while he works in the Pacific as a wildlife camerawoman. She said response(反应) in the town so far had been “really positive”“Modbury is quite an old—fashioned city and a lot of people have wicker baskets to go out shopping anyway,” Hosking told Sky News Television. The Worldwatch Institute, an environmental research agency, states that 100 billion plastic bags are thrown away each year in the United States alone. More than 500 billion are used yearly around the world. 1.What does the underlined word “disposable” in the passage mean? A. acceptable
B. throw—away
C. long lasting
D. valuable 2.
It can be inferred from the passage that _____________.
A. most of the people in Modbury continue to use plastic bags
B. most countries in the world have passed laws to ban plastic bags
C. fewer and fewer plastic bags will be used in the world
D. San Francisco is the first city to ban plastic bags in the world 3. Which of the following may be the best title of the text? A. British Cities Banning Plastic Bags
B. Some Cities Banning Plastic BagsC. Effect of Plastic Bags on Sea Animals
D. Environmental Protection
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-112551');">&
来源: 2015年长沙市初中毕业水平考试英语试卷及答案word版.doc
you ever heard of e-waste(electric waste,电子垃圾), which can
be produced every day? How do you deal with your computers, MP4 players and
mobile phones when they’re broken or you want a new one?
people just throw them away. With the development of electric industry, e-waste
pollution has become a serious problem. According to the United Nations, in
2014, people around the world produced 41.8 million tons of e-waste and only
recycled 6.5 million tons. The US was the biggest waster, producing 7.1 million
tons. China came second, with 6 million tons.
important to pay attention to e-waste. It can either be valuable or harmful(有害的), depending on how we deal with it. E-waste is a valuable
urban mine(城市矿藏). The value of the metals, like gold and
silver in the waste around the world, is amazing. And the metals can be reused.
But if people throw them away, the toxic chemicals(有毒化学物质)&can
get into the earth or air,&effecting&the
environment and people’s health.
for example, now recycle people’s used products in China when they are buying
new ones. The company will test and repair the used ones and sell them at lower
prices. To help reduce(减少)e-waste, we can also take computers and phones
to see if companies offer recycling programs.
The following can become e-waste&EXCEPT_____.
computers&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B. mobile phones&&&&&&&&&&&&&&C. plastic bags
country produced most e-waste last year according to the United Nations?
China.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&C. Japan.
3. What does
the underline word&“affecting”&mean
in this passage?
Paragraph 4, we learn that_____.
&&&&&&&A. the recycle Apple products will be sold at higher
&&&&&&&B. buying longer lasting electronic products is a good
way to reduce e-waste.
&&&&&&&C. it’s better to keep the unwanted electronics in your
5. The main
purpose of this passage is to_____.
&&&&&&&A. prove that e-waste is useless.
&&&&&&&B. encourage people to buy more electronic products.
&&&&&&&C. advise people to deal with e-waste properly to reduce
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-112130');">&
来源: 2015年营口初中毕业生毕业升学考试英语试题及答案.doc
A deadly heat
wave(热浪) has
happened in parts of India this year. Temperatures in parts of the country
during the past few days have hit 48 &C in some areas. Over 1,100 people have
been dead.
Very hot weather
is common in many parts of the world. Although hot weather just makes most
people hot, it can cause medical problems and death.
Floods, storms
and other terrible natural events(事件) kill thousands of people every year. And we hear much about them
in news reports. We hear little about heat, which experts(专家) say may be nature’s most
dangerous killer.
Health experts
say that since the year 1900, very hot weather has killed more people in the United States than any other natural event. One year – the unusual hot summer of 1980 heat
caused about 1,700 deaths in the United States. In 1995, more than 600 people
died in another heat wave in one city – Chicago, Illinois.
Besides drinking
lots of cool water, doctors say there are some other things to do to protect
against the health dangers of heat. Stay out of the sun, if possible. Wear
loose and light-colored clothes. Wear a hat while in the sun. Eat fewer hot and
heavy foods. And when possible, cook foods during cooler time of the day. If possible, rest more often.
Health experts
say these simple steps can stop the dangerous health problems caused by heat.
They will stop sickness, help you feel better and may even save your life.
1. Hot weather is common &&&&&&.
A. all over the world &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
B. in many parts of the world
C. in some parts of the world&& &&& &&&&&& D.
in some countries
2. Experts say maybe &&&&&&&is
nature’s most dangerous killer.
A. heat&&&&& &&&&&
B. a flood&&&&&&&&& C. a
storm&&&&& D. an earthquake
3. About 1,700
people died of heat in the US &&&&&&.
A. in 1900&&&&& &B. in 1980& &&&&&&&&&&&& C.
in 1995 &&&& &&D. in 1980 and 1995
4. According to the passage, there are &&&&&&&steps
which are mentioned to stop the dangerous health problems caused by heat.
A. six&&&&&&&&& B.
seven& &&&&&&&&& &&&&C.
eight &&&&&&& &&D. nine
5. The passage
is talking about &&&&&&.
A. all kinds of terrible natural events in the world
B. some health problems caused by hot weather
C. how to stop health problems
D. the health problems in hot weather and the ways to stop them
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-111979');">&
来源: 扬州市邗江实验学校学年第二学期期末考试七年级英语试题及答案.doc
This is a story from a meeting held
by some people and two things in nature(自然界). We call it the
Four-Sided Talk. Let’s “listen to” everyone carefully and find out what they
1.What’s the United
Nations’ decision in the Four-Sided Talk?
A. Set an Earth Day.&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&
B. Find out what is making the pollution.
C. Hold an international
meeting.&&&&&&& D. Protect and love the
2.When is the World
Environment Day?
& A. June 5th&&&&&&
B.July 5th&&&&&&& C.June
15th&&&&& D.July 15th
3.What doesn't the
old tree tell us?
A. He’s afraid to be cut down some
B. The trees have the longest lives
in the world.
C. Over-cutting teaches people a
D. People are destroying the
4.What will people do
according to the passage?
① Over-use the
&&&&&&&&& ②
Beautify the earth.
③ Start a global
&&&&& ④ Protect the earth.
A. ①④&&&&&&&&&
B. ②③&&&&&&& C. ①③ &&&&&&&
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-111631');">&
来源: 2015年中考模拟测试题及答案.doc
Most of us say that God, or destiny or whatever superior
force that may exist in this universe (宇宙)is what
makes us our future and guides us throughout our existence.
don’t claim there isn’t such a force that can guide us and take care of us, but
the main element(要素) that helps us build up our future is our
way of being. Our personality, our character, our way of perceiving(感知) reality and everything that surrounds us are what may
bring us to the top, or opposite it, make us miserable.&&
simply your own choice if you don’t want to study, go to college or have a career.
It really doesn’t matter if your parents threaten you, punish you or scold(责骂) you all the time. If you stick to be yourself and you
think you know it all, then these are useless.
are the one who decides what job to have, in which city or country to live.
It’s your choice and your responsibility. The moment you get hurt or something
goes wrong, you blame yourself, and you start everything from the very
consider that you can’t find your place in your own country, so you risk the
comfortable but modest(谦虚的) life you have with your parents and you go
abroad. Maybe there will be moments when you can’t stand any more the
loneliness, the strangers around you, or your job. But remember that nobody
made you take that decision, so you have to take a deep breath, and then go on,
as it’s very difficult to find a guilty person when you know it well that you
are the only one to be blamed.
you fall in love with a man from the very first moment you set your eyes on him
and you don’t want to meet somebody else, to see how they are, it’s your wish.
If you get married and the marriage ends in a year’s time, you can’t blame the
rest as they all have told you to be careful and never to take hasty (轻率的)decisions.
play the Lottery each day and there are two choices: each you hit the jack pot
and your life changes totally or you lose and you have to restart it from the
very beginning. It’s known that if you don’t risk, you can’t win. So the best
solution is always to think over your decisions, and to see what they can
represent in your future. Only afterwords is proper for you to make up your
are the only architect(建筑师) of your future. The best are only workers
who help you create your own dream.&
& 1. All the
following build up our way of being EXCEPT __________.
A. our character&&&&&& B. our existence
C. our personality&&&&& D. our way of perceiving
underlined word& “miserable” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by
A. unhappy&&&&& B.
lonely&&&& C. positive&&&&& D. careful
&3. Which of
the following is NOT right according to the writer’s opinion?
A. You meet difficulties when you go abroad, but you
should take a deep breath and go on.
B. You must think it over before you make a decision
for yourself.
C. You get hurt after you choose to live in another
city, but you blame your parents.
D. You cannot make too fast decision before you marry
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A. Character Influences Life&&&
B. A Good Beginning is Half Done
C. Stick to What is Right for Us&
D. Every Man Is the Architect of His Future
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-111548');">&
来源: 黔西南州2015年初中毕业生学业暨升学统一考试英语试卷及答案.doc
Taking away a city's rubbish is a big job. Every day trucks come
into a city to collect it. Most rubbish is made up of things we can't eat or
use. If we kept these things we would soon have a mountain of rubbish.
In some cities the rubbish is collected and taken outside of city to
a dump. Often the city dump is placed where the ground is low or there is a big
hole. The kitchen rubbish is broken into small pieces and sent into the sewage
system. The sewage system takes away the used water from toilets, bathtubs and
other places.
To keep mice and flies away, some earth is used to cover the newly
dumped rubbish. Later, grass may be planted on the rubbish-filled land.
Finally, a house or a school may be built there, and then you'd never know that
this had once been an old rubbish dump.
In other cities the rubbish is burnt in special places. The fire
burns everything but the metal. Sometimes the metal can be used again in
factories where things are made of metal. The food parts of rubbish are put in
special piles where they slowly change into something called humus, which looks
like black earth. It is rich with the kinds of things that feed plants and help
them grow.
&1. You can
most probably read the passage in_________.
A. a science book&&& B. a TV guide&&&
C. a history book& D. a telephone book
&2. The main
idea of the passage is_________.
A. to let us know taking away rubbish is a big job
B. to explain the need for rubbish collection
C. to introduce different ways to treat rubbish
D. to tell people to take useful things out of rubbish
underlined word &sewage& in the passage means_________.
A.排污& &&&&&&B.染色&&&&&&& C.洗涤&&&&&&&&& D.吸尘
&4. According
to the passage, the food parts of rubbish can be used again_________.
A. to feed animals&&&& B. to feed
plants&&&& C. to build a
house&&&&& D. to make machines
should we take care of a used metal box according to the passage?
A. By burning it
B. By putting it in water.
C. By throwing it
away.&&&&&&&&&&& D. By
reusing and recycling it.
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-111474');">&
来源: 黔西南州2015年初中毕业生学业暨升学统一考试英语试卷及答案.doc
The first robots were invented in the 1920s. Robots have appeared in many American films .& In some
films, they are stronger, faster and cleverer than people .
  In real life , robots are
mainly used in factories. They do some dangerous and difficult jobs for humans.
  Robots also help disabled
people, for example, blind people. Today many blind people have a guide(向导) dog to help them. In the future, guide
dogs might be robot dog.
  One kind of robot guide dog has
wheels. It moves in front of the owner. It is very clever. It knows the speed
of its owner’s walk. The owner wears a special belt(带子). This belt sends instructions to the
owner from the dog, such as “Stop here”, “Turn left” or “Turn right”.
  In the United States, another kind of robot helps disabled people to take care of themselves in their daily life.
The robot hears the sound of its owner’s voice. It follows instructions such as
“Turn the page” or “make a cup of coffee”.
  Robot are also used in American
hospitals. They can do simple jobs. At one hospital, for example, a robot takes
meals from the kitchen to patient’s rooms. It never gets lost because this
robot has a map of the hospital in its computer memory.
  Though robots can help people
in many ways, they will never take the place of humans.
1. From the passage ,& we know robots cannot be_______ .
&& A. dangerous animals&&& B. factory workers&&&
C. guide dogs&&& D. hospital helpers
robot guide dog_______ .
A. goes in front of blind
B. walks side by side with blind people
C. has a map in its
D. helps patients with their meals
underlined word “disabled” means______ .
A. 不能的&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
B. 有害的&&&&&&&&&&
C. 失灵的&&&&&&&
disabled people need robots’ help to _______ .
A. take care of
B. talk to other people
D. do dangerous jobs
the passage, the writer wants to tell us that_______ .
A. robots are stronger and cleverer than humans .
B. disabled people cannot look after themselves without the robots .
C. robots will take the place of humans some day in the future .
D. robots can help humans in many different ways .
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-111472');">&
来源: 2015年春学期期末学业质量测试八年级英语试卷及答案.doc
It’s important to learn about protecting our
environment. Here is a 5R rule for us:
If you want to reduce waste, you should use
things wisely(明智地).A larger number of trees are cut down to make
paper. If everyone uses paper carelessly, soon we will not have any trees left.
Other things are also being wasted, and people don’t know what to do with the
waste in big cities. So it is necessary to use things wisely.
You should always think of reusing the usable
things before throwing them away. For example, you can give your clothes you do
not wear any more to the poor. In a family, you may pass on such clothes to
younger brothers or sisters.
Bottles, cans and paper can easily be recycled.
By recycling them we save lots of time and money. For example, Coke cans are
sent to a factory, where they are smashed flat(压平)and melted(融化)and
the metal things are made for new Coke cans.
When you buy a box of apples, there may be a few
rotten(腐烂的)apples, you have two choices(选择):
one is to throw the whole apples away, or you can cut off the rotten parts and
keep the good parts. In the way, you are recovering the eatable(能吃的) parts of food.
If one of the legs of your table is broken, you
can repair it. If you want to change for better ones, it is better for you to
sell the old things or give them to other people who can use them after doing
some repair.
)1.The“reduce”rule mainly wants us ___________________.
A. to use things
B. to cut down many trees
C. to use a lot of
D. to throw away your old things
)2. What’s the right order of recycling Coke cans?
a. collect the used cans&&&&& b. melt them&&
c. smash them flat& d. send them to a factory
b&&&&&&&&&&&& C. d
b c a&&&&&&& D. c a b d
)3.The “recover”rule mainly wants
A.to throw waste things
B.to cover waste things with earth.
C.to get back the useful
D.to throw the whole things away.
)4. Which is the best way to do with your broken tables?
A. Throwing them away.& B. Repairing them&& C. Selling
them& D. Putting them away.
)5. The article is written to remind(提醒) us of
A.Planting more trees&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&B.
protecting the animals
C.Keeping ourselves
D. Protecting the Environment&
>" onclick=" get_daan(this,'daan-111107');">&


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