iphone 6 pluss

iPhone 6s/6s Plus的11个好消息和5个坏消息
  它们快要来了。9月9日,苹果(Apple)将正式发布iPhone 6s和iPhone 6s Plus,它们是史上最成功一代iPhone的接替者。由于大量的泄露信息,我们非常清楚地知道苹果将做出的改变,以及一些令人失望之处。
  好消息:Force Touch、摄像头大幅提升、增加玫瑰金配色&&
  1. Force Touch――苹果的最大冒险将是首次改变iOS系统的输入方法。Force Touch通过用力按压屏幕的方式提供了额外的控制手段。这必须直观,否则iOS系统闻名于世的易用性将遭到破坏。
  iPhone 6s生产样品显示了Force Touch显示检查口
  2. 可拍摄4K视频的1200万像素后置摄像头――在好几代iPhone使用800万像素摄像头之后,苹果将使iPhone 6s和iPhone 6s Plus的摄像头像素提升50%。像素的提升将带来更加清晰的照片,并首次能够拍摄4K“超高清”视频。
  3. 可拍摄1080p视频的500万像素前置摄像头――对于喜欢自拍的人来说,同样重要的一个改变是苹果终于将对被忽视的iPhone前置摄像头进行大幅升级,使像素提升400%,至500万像素,可以拍摄1080p“全高清”视频。
  4. 尺寸增加――新款iPhone将打破传统,比前代机型更厚更重。这是个问题吗?不是,因为这是为了容纳Force Touch传感器。
  iPhone 6s外壳尺寸测量
  5. 更坚固的外壳――在iPhone 6s和iPhone 6s Plus重量增加带来的各种好处中,另一个重要因素是采用更加坚固的7000系列铝合金。泄露的外壳已经在视频中进行了测试,显示强度得到大幅提高。
  6. 苹果A9芯片――iPhone的运行速度每年都变得越来越快,今年的新款亦不例外。iPhone 6s和iPhone 6s Plus将配备苹果的下一代A9芯片,中央处理器和图形处理器的表现均有所提升。
  7. 内存增加――A9芯片与去年iPad Air 2配备的A8x芯片相比只是略有提升,而新款iPhone的内存倍增至2GB LPDDR4可以说更加重要。去年发布的Air 2也跃升至2GB内存。内存的增加对于强化新款iPhone的多任务处理能力非常重要。
  8. Touch ID升级――现在,由于三星(Samsung)和其他厂商提供了快速精准的指纹传感器,苹果希望凭借新一代Touch ID再次领先一步。该公司相信,新一代Touch ID将是市面上最快和最精准的指纹传感器。
  iPhone 6s外壳能够承受80磅的压力
  9. 改进的语音通话――苹果将在iPhone 6s和iPhone 6s Plus扬声器的旁边增加一个额外的麦克风,以使语音通话更加清晰,并充分利用对高清通话功能的更多支持。
  10. 蓝宝石镜头――这将取决于苹果能否解决生产问题,但人们预计新款iPhone将配备蓝宝石镜头,以获得更好的抗划伤性。iPhone的Home键已经使用了蓝宝石材质一段时间了。
  11. 玫瑰金――为了配合Apple Watch,iPhone 6s和iPhone 6s Plus将新增玫瑰金配色。
  泄露信息表明,苹果不会加强iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus的每个方面。以下是将使有些人感到失望的未改变之处:
  2. 同样的设计――新款iPhone与iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus一样时尚漂亮、做工精良,但滑溜溜的表面处理令人失望,新款iPhone在这方面不会有任何改变。
  iPhone 6s(左)正面拥有一个看起来比iPhone 6更大的摄像头孔,但除此以外就完全相同
  3. 同样的屏幕尺寸和分辨率――现在市面上已经有了屏幕分辨率为2K甚至4K的智能手机,苹果的Retina视网膜显示屏正在落后,但iPhone 6s和iPhone 6s Plus仍然将分别配备4.7英寸750p和5.5英寸1080p显示屏。
  4. 没有4英寸机型――预计苹果将继续销售iPhone 5S,但有关新款iPhone将拥有4英寸机型的讨论已经销声匿迹,明年发布4英寸机型的希望也非常渺茫。
  5. 售价――别指望新款iPhone会更加便宜。泄露信息显示,它们的售价与iPhone 6和iPhone 6 Plus完全相同。
  苹果在8月中旬开始大规模生产iPhone 6s和iPhone 6s Plus,预计2015年总出货量将达到惊人的9,000万部。
  离开生产线的iPhone 6s前面板
  这个预期来自于将会升级手机的大量iPhone 5S用户(5S销量比iPhone 5更高)。新款iPhone特意瞄准两代用户而不是一代,与典型的运营商合约到期时间相吻合。
  在发布会当晚,苹果几乎总是会带给我们惊喜。我猜测,今年的惊喜将更多地与其他产品线有关(例如升级的Apple TV)。也有人说苹果将发布新款iPad,但我认为这要等到年底。
  iOS 9还将带来大量的新功能,就让我们静待苹果那句著名的“One More Thing”吧。
客服邮箱:【iPhone6s|iPhone 6s什么时候上市|苹果6s最新消息|iPhone6S发布会直播】-手机中国2015苹果发布会_苹果iPhone6s发布会直播_新浪科技_新浪网
专题摘要:苹果公司北京时间9月10日凌晨1点在美国旧金山召开新品发布会,正式发布了iPhone 6s与6s Plus,以及iPad Pro和新款Apple TV等产品。[][][][]
苹果正式发布了iPhone 6s与iPhone 6s Plus,新增玫瑰金配色,并且加入了3D Touch触控技术。[][]
在会后,苹果公司CEO库克(Tim Cook)在会场接受了新浪科技的专访,解释了我们关于新品的诸多疑问。[][]
苹果中国官网公布了iPhone 6s即iPhone 6s Plus在中国大陆地区的裸机售价。16GB、64GB、128BG版本iPhone 6s的裸机售价分别为5288元、6088元、6888元人民币。[][]
苹果公司在美国旧金山比尔格拉汉姆公民大礼堂召开新品发布会。公布了新款iPad,名为iPad Pro。[][]
苹果官网售价显示,iPhone6 16G与64G均下降800元,售价分别为元;iPhone6 Plus也分别下降800元,售价为元。[][]
众测君憋了许久就在等待这一刻,苹果刚刚发布的iPhone 6s我们来免费试用啦![][]
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What's New
Apple announced its ninth-generation iPhones, the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus, at
in San Francisco, California on September 9, 2015. The iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus can be summed up beautifully with a single quote from Apple CEO Tim Cook: "While they may look familiar, we have changed everything about these new iPhones."
Available with the same 4.7 and 5.5-inch Retina displays, the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus have the same exterior design as the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, but much of the hardware inside, from the camera to the processor, is new and improved. Core technologies like the touchscreen and the vibration engine have been updated, and the new devices are even constructed from an entirely new material.
The iPhone 6s and 6s Plus are made from a 7000 Series aluminum alloy, which is stronger and more durable than the 6000 series used in the previous-generation iPhones. Apple's also updated the devices with stronger glass, made using a dual ion exchange process. One of the biggest changes is the introduction of a new aluminum finish in Rose Gold, which accompanies the traditional Silver, Space Gray, and Gold color options.
A new second-generation Touch ID module makes fingerprint detection twice as fast, and the 64-bit A9 processor in the two devices is 70 percent faster at CPU tasks and 90 percent faster at GPU tasks than the A8 processor in the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. A built-in M9 motion coprocessor enables new features, such as always-on "Hey Siri" functionality.
With the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, Multi-Touch has been expanded to encompass a third dimension through a 3D Touch feature, and Apple is calling this "the future of Multi-Touch." In addition to recognizing a tap, sensors in the iPhones can also recognize pressure, enabling a range of new shortcut gestures that Apple's calling the "Peek" and "Pop." A new Taptic Engine provides tactile feedback whenever the pressure-based gestures are used.
Most of Apple's "S" year upgrades include camera improvements, and the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus are no exception. Both devices have a 12-megapixel camera with some internal improvements to preserve color accuracy and speed up autofocus. The iPhone 6s Plus has Optical Image Stabilization, while the iPhone 6s does not.
With the improved camera, 4K video at 30 FPS is supported, and the iPhones can capture 63 megapixel panoramas. There's a 5-megapixel front-facing FaceTime camera with a True Tone Retina Flash feature that lights up the display of the iPhone just before a photo is captured.
The most novel camera-based feature available for the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus is Live Photos, a feature that captures 1.5 seconds of movement before and after a photo is taken to display short animations and sound when a 3D Touch gesture is used on an image. Live Photos is designed to add a sense of vitality and life to still photos.
When it comes to connectivity, both LTE and Wi-Fi speeds have been improved. With LTE Advanced, LTE is twice as fast at up to 300 Mb/s, and 23 LTE bands are supported. Compared to the previous-generation iPhones, the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus are twice as fast when connected to Wi-Fi, with Wi-Fi speeds up to 866 Mb/s.
The iPhone 6s and 6s Plus became
in the first wave of countries on Saturday, September 12 at 12:01 a.m. Pacific Time, with an official launch taking place on Friday, September 25.
units during launch weekend, beating iPhone 6 and 6 Plus launch sales in 2014, and setting a new opening weekend sales record.
How to Buy
The iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus became available for pre-order at 12:01 a.m. Pacific Time on Saturday, September 12. An official launch followed on Friday, September 25 in first-wave release countries including Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Singapore, the UK, and the United States. Orders are currently being accepted online
and through the Apple Store app, while in-store supplies for walk-in sales are tight as is typical for new iPhone models.
iPhone availability
on October 9, and additional countries are set to begin offering the iPhone throughout the end of the year. A full list of the different release dates for the second to sixth wave launches is below:
October 9: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Maldives, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Taiwan
October 10: Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates
October 15: Israel
October 16: India, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, South Africa, and Turkey
October 23: Belarus, Guam, Moldova, Serbia, and Ukraine
Both the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus come in 16, 64, and 128GB configurations, with four color options: Silver, Space Gray, Gold, and Rose Gold.
iPhone 6s pricing in the U.S. starts at $199 with a two-year carrier contract, with the 64 and 128GB models priced at $299 and $399, respectively. Without a contract, the iPhone 6s in 16/64/128GB is priced at $649/$749/$849.
iPhone 6s Plus pricing in the U.S. starts at $299 with a two-year carrier contract, with the 64 and 128GB models priced at $399 and $499, respectively. Without a contract, the iPhone 6s Plus in 16/64/128GB is priced at $749/$849/$949.
In the United States, many iPhone 6s and 6s Plus models are in short supply and will not deliver for one to four weeks after orders are placed. Supply limitations are similar in other countries around the world, with the iPhone 6s Plus being harder to get than the iPhone 6s. The best way to get an iPhone may be through reservation for in-store pickup, as stock is replenished at most stores each morning.
SIM free unlocked iPhone 6s and 6s Plus models on October 8, just a couple of weeks after the iPhone first launched. The SIM free unlocked models are identical to the AT&T unlocked models.
New this year is an official Apple
in the United States. The program lets users pay a monthly fee for their iPhones and trade it in after 12 months of payments to get the next-generation iPhone. Pricing, which includes AppleCare+, starts at $32.41 per month for the entry-level 16GB iPhone 6s and goes up from there.
Participating in this program requires the iPhone 6s or 6s Plus to be purchased in an Apple retail store and it requires a credit check.
Apple provided multiple publications with iPhone 6 and 6s Plus review units, and we've
in order to highlight the general release reaction to Apple's newest iOS devices.
Reviews have been largely positive, with most reviewers loving the 3D Touch and Live Photos features, plus the speed of the new iPhones and the updated 12-megapixel camera. The consensus is the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus are a fantastic update for customers who use an iPhone 5s or older, but may not be as worth it for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus owners.
Jim Dalrymple of
called the iPhone 6s the "strongest 'S' model phone Apple has ever released," and highlighted 3D Touch as a favorite feature on the device. He also pointed out the faster Touch ID feature, saying it's fast enough that it unlocks as soon as you tap to wake it up.
3D Touch is one of the handiest features that I've seen from Apple in a long time. It's not just that it's cool, it actually saves me time. It's a new way to navigate the iPhone that's quick, easy, and efficient. [...]
3D Touch and Quick Actions are definitely something you will have to get used to. There are things we're used to doing on the iPhone, like pressing on an app icon to delete it, that will take a bit of practice to get right. I had a difficult time tapping on an Apple Music playlist to bring up the menu--it would always go into "peek" mode for me. It took a couple of days, but I finally got my thumb to do it properly.
's Matthew Panzarino highlighted processor performance and noted how useful the iPhone's processing power is when combined with its ability to shoot 4K video.
4K video reel shot by TechCrunch
If you're curious, the iPhone 6 Plus scored a 2716 in multi-core performance and 1517 in single-core score. The iPhone 6s Plus notched a blistering . The iPhone 6s scored similarly. [...]
When Apple's achievement with the A9 processor really starts to shine is when you realize that you can chop and edit these enormous video files in real-time right in iMovie. Or when you want to look at a bit of video closer and you pinch-to-zoom in and it's playing back in crisp 1080p at a 4x zoom ratio right on the screen. This takes a mind-boggling amount of processing power, and Apple's on-board chip is more than capable.
John Paczkowski of
was a fan of Live Photos, finding them to be more than just a gimmick. He also thought the iPhone was noticeably snappier than previous iPhones, and found that photos look "warmer, sharper, and more detailed."
I was fully prepared to dismiss them as an S-year gimmick. But they're actually quite compelling. Some are briefly humorous, others a but when you get a good one, it's really something else. If I were a new parent, I would upgrade to the 6s for Live Photos alone. It's a powerful feature, powerfully executed.
My daughters say Live Photos are a lot like the moving pictures in Harry Potter, and they're not all that far off. Certainly, they make scrolling through photos on the iPhone playful, infinitely more interesting, and, on occasion, utterly fantastic.
YouTuber Marques Brownlee shared an unboxing and some first impressions on the iPhone 6s. He was a fan of the camera, which he said was super fast with natural, true to life images.
Sam Grobart of Bloomberg pointed out the incredibly fast A9 processor in the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, which significantly outperforms the A8 in the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.
We're used to hearing that New Phone has a faster processor than Old Phone, but in this case, Apple's A9 processor just screams with speed. Moving between apps is lightning fast. Fast-moving games are as smooth as Billy Dee Williams on a silk surfboard.
Yahoo Tech's David Pogue got great photos from the iPhone 6s, but couldn't tell much of a difference between images taken with the new phone and the older iPhone 6. He was a fan of the new front-facing selfie flash, which he said works "fantastically well." Overall, though, he didn't think it would be worth it to get an iPhone 6s if you have an iPhone 6.
Pogue's iPhone 6 and 6s comparison images. iPhone 6 shot on the right.
I've been taking lots of pictures in lots of lighting situations with the iPhone 6 and 6s side-by-side, and I can't tell any difference. Can you?
Now, it's not a slam to say that photos taken with the 6s don't look any better than those captured on an iPhone 6; the iPhone 6 camera was already among the best ever put into a phone. But you shouldn't expect a leap forward in most of your shots.
's Joanna Stern focused on battery life, pointing out that there's no improvement between the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6.
The No. 1 thing people want in a smartphone is better battery life. And the iPhone 6s doesn't deliver that.
The 4.7-inch 6s will get you through the day, but you'll struggle to make it til bedtime with moderate to heavy use. And it seemed to drain even faster than my 6 when I used the new processor-intensive camera features like Live Photos.
The Verge's Walt Mossberg called the iPhone 6s "the best phone on the market." He found 3D Touch to be a fun and useful feature, but noted that it will take time for developers to build support for it into their apps.
In actual use, though, it's kind of easy to forget about 3D Touch, because only a selection of Apple's apps support it right now. It's kind of like right click on OS X -- the interface is designed to be used without it, but once you realize it's there, it's incredibly useful, and you want every app to make solid, consistent use of it. In that sense, 3D Touch won't really be that useful or revolutionary until third parties really grab onto it.
Other reviews:
- Nilay Patel,
- Camera, , , , , , , and
As it turns out, the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus use chips : TSMC and Samsung. There don't seem to be performance differences between the two processors, but the chip produced by Samsung is about 10 percent smaller than the chip from TSMC.
Tests suggest TSMC produced approximately 60 percent of the A9 chips while Samsung produced 40 percent. The iPhone 6s Plus seems to use an equal number of each chip, but the iPhone 6s appears to feature more TSMC chips than Samsung chips.
There's no indication that the two chips perform differently when it comes to speed, but
on iPhones with TSMC chips and iPhones with Samsung chips initially suggested there could be some significant battery life differences between the two devices, with the TSMC iPhone 6s lasting approximately two hours longer than the Samsung iPhone 6s.
Geekbench battery tests on TSMC (left) and Samsung (right) iPhone 6s Plus variants
Battery tests
have also shown some differences in performance, albeit less pronounced than with the benchmarks. When playing videos, one test saw only a 1 percent difference in battery life between the two devices, in favor of the TSMC device.
A test capturing a 10 minute 4K video, exporting the file, and then running Geekbench 3 on two iPhones with each chip simultaneously left the iPhone with a Samsung chip at 55 percent battery, while the TSMC iPhone had 62 percent battery remaining.
, battery benchmarks are not reflective of real world usage conditions. Data from internal testing and data gathered from customers has suggested there's only a two to three percent performance difference between the two iPhone variants, which is well within normal manufacturing tolerances.
With the Apple-designed A9 chip in your iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus, you are getting the most advanced smartphone chip in the world. Every chip we ship meets Apple's highest standards for providing incredible performance and deliver great battery life, regardless of iPhone 6s capacity, color, or model.
Certain manufactured lab tests which run the processors with a continuous heavy workload until the battery depletes are not representative of real-world usage, since they spend an unrealistic amount of time at the highest CPU performance state. It's a misleading way to measure real-world battery life. Our testing and customer data show the actual battery life of the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, even taking into account variable component differences, vary within just 2-3% of each other.
Based on Apple's data, in real world conditions, any slight difference in battery life between iPhone 6s and 6s Plus models with a Samsung chip and those with a TSMC chip would be too small to recognize.
Like the iPhone 6 and the iPhone 6 Plus, the new iPhones come in two sizes: 4.7 inches and 5.5 inches. While they continue to have the same physical design with prominent antenna bands, soft, rounded corners, and a curved glass screen that melds into the thin body of the device, they're made from a stronger aluminum alloy.
Apple first introduced its 7000 Series aluminum alloy in the Apple Watch, and in 2015, the company brought the alloy to its iPhone lineup. Compared to the 6000 Series aluminum used in the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, the 7000 Series aluminum is stronger, more durable, and less malleable. It's the strongest alloy Apple has used in an iPhone and is the same alloy used in the aerospace industry.
Externally, the iPhones are the same, but part leaks ahead of the launch of the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus revealed some minor interior design tweaks to strengthen the areas around the volume buttons and the home button.
The switch to 7000 Series aluminum and the reinforcing were likely done in part to eliminate weak points in the construction of the iPhone that
in the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Some iPhone 6 and 6 Plus users saw their iPhones bend when placed in a pocket, an issue that should come up much more rarely with the reinforced body. In a , the iPhone 6s Plus proved much harder to bend than the iPhone.
The addition of 3D Touch and the use of 7000 Series aluminum have not come without minor downsides. The iPhone 6s and the 6s Plus are slightly thicker, taller, and heavier than their previous-generation counterparts. The iPhone 6s is 7.1 mm thick and it weighs 143 grams, while the iPhone 6 was 6.9 mm thick and weighed 129 grams.
The iPhone 6s Plus is 7.3 mm thick and weighs 192 grams, while the iPhone 6 Plus was 7.1mm thick and weighted 172 grams. Both the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus are 0.1 to 0.2 mm taller and wider. These size changes are minimal enough that the average user will not notice a difference between the devices, and the majority of iPhone cases and accessories will work with both device generations.
Almost all of this weight , as the display module for both devices is much heavier than the display module used in the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. The display in the iPhone 6s weighs 29 grams, while the iPhone 6s Plus display weighs 40 grams. In the iPhone 6, the display weighs 12 grams, while the iPhone 6 Plus display weighs 19 grams.
There also appear to be a few internal changes that have contributed to improved water resistance. In tests, the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus
a bit better than the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.
In device teardowns, iFixit discovered
that acts as a gasket surrounding the entire inside edge of both the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus. The gasket accounts for an 0.3mm increase in width and the iPhone's frame was designed specifically to accommodate the gasket. The iPhone 6s and 6s Plus logic boards also appear to include a small silicone barrier around all cable connector.
Combined, the glue-based gasket and the new silicone barriers on the logic board help contribute to water resistance, but internal components like the headphone jack, speaker, power, and volume buttons do not have any new waterproofing, so it's still advisable for iPhone users to avoid exposing their devices to liquid.
A Rose Gold color option for the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus is the only significant exterior change made to the two new devices. The Rose Gold is a pink-tinged gold color that joins the original Gold, Silver, and Space Gray color options. It matches the Rose Gold aluminum Apple Watch Sport, but is otherwise not a color that's expanded across Apple's product lineup.
The iPhone 6s and 6s Plus feature a 3D Touch-enabled Retina HD display, with resolutions of 1334 x 750 (326 ppi) and 1920 x
ppi), respectively. New this year is a cover glass constructed using a dual ion exchange process, which makes the glass stronger at a molecular level. According to Apple, it's the most durable glass in the smartphone industry.
Like the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, the new iPhones include an improved polarizer for better outdoor viewing and a fingerprint-resistant oleophobic coating.
Built into the display of the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus is an expanded multi-touch feature , which allows the iPhone to measure different levels of pressure in addition to taps, swipes, and pinches. 3D Touch is a key new feature in the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, with the potential to
with our phones.
3D Touch is used across iOS 9 to enable shortcut gestures called a "Peek" and a "Pop" both at the home screen and in iOS apps. A light press enables a Peek, while a deeper press enables a Pop, and there are unique swipe gestures to open up menus and take actions when using Peeks. 3D Touch is similar to the right click function of a MacBook, as it opens up menus, different app options, and content previews.
Pressing on the Phone app on the home screen, for example, brings up a list of favorite contacts, allowing a call to be placed without the need to open the app. Pressing on the Camera app brings up a list of options like "Take a Selfie" or "Record Video," which will automatically open to the front-facing camera, or the video recording mode. Apple calls these "Quick Actions."
Quick Actions, initiated by pressing on an app on the home screen.
In Mail, a light "Peek" press previews a message, and a flick gesture is available for replies. A quick slide over lets a message be deleted or marked as read, while a longer "Pop" press pops you into the full mail message. In Messages, a Peek can be used to do things like look up flights, check your calendar, or preview Safari links, all without leaving the app. In the Camera app, after a photo has been taken, a Peek press lets you preview your shots.
Use a lighter "Peek" press to preview a message in the Mail app, then use a longer "Pop" press to open the message from the preview.
Using a 3D Touch press on the keyboard in apps like Notes, Mail, and Messages, turns the keyboard into a trackpad for quick cursor movements, and in apps like Notes, 3D Touch enables pressure-sensitive drawing. Pressing lightly results in thinner lines, while pressing harder results in thicker lines.
Pressing on the left side of the home screen will switch to the multitasking view, making it quicker to switch through different apps as an alternative to opening multitasking view through a double tap on the home button.
Third-party developers can take advantage of 3D Touch. A press on the Facebook app icon on the home screen brings up options for updating a status or checking in, and in Dropbox, a press on the app icon brings up options to search or access recent documents. In Instagram, a lighter Peek press while browsing an image feed brings up full image and video previews.
The new gestures can be built into games, enabling new gameplay dimensions. In , for example, the camera is controlled with a finger on the screen, and with 3D Touch, it's possible to zoom in and out while panning around the game field. A deeper press lets users swap weapons.
3D Touch is a second-generation version of the Force Touch used in the Apple Watch, MacBook, and latest Retina MacBook Pros. Force Touch on those devices is used in similar ways, but they only recognize a single level of pressure, rather than multiple levels of pressure like 3D Touch.
3D Touch works through capacitive sensors built into the backlight of the iPhone display. These sensors measure microscopic changes in the distance between the glass cover of the display and the backlight, combining signals from the touch sensor and the accelerometer to continually respond to finger pressure.
There was some speculation that screen protectors would not work with 3D Touch, but in an email to a customer,
screen protectors would work with the feature as long as they follow Apple's design guidelines.
Taptic Engine
When using 3D Touch Peek and Pop gestures, a new Taptic Engine built into the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus provides tactile feedback for guidance, making users aware of what action has been taken and what can be expected.
The new Taptic Engine also powers all of the vibrations for alerts, alarms, and notifications, so the feel of the vibrations in the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus will feel different from the vibrations in the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.
A9 Processor
The iPhone 6s and 6s Plus are powered by a next-generation A9 chip that offers faster performance while also being more energy efficient, cutting down on overall power usage. The A9 is 70 percent faster at CPU tasks and 90 percent faster at GPU tasks than the A8 in the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, which was already an impressive chip.
For the first time, the A9 chip includes a built-in M9 motion coprocessor. The motion coprocessor, first introduced with the iPhone 5s, is the chip that captures motion-based data from the compass, accelerometer, and gyroscope to power Apple's health and fitness capabilities without significant power drain.
In the past, the motion coprocessor has been a separate chip, not integrated as the M9 is into the A9. Building the M9 into the A9 allows it to be powered on all the time, facilitating the launch of an expanded "Hey Siri" feature. With the iPhone 6 and older iPhones, saying "Hey Siri" activates Siri whenever the iPhone is plugged into power.
With the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, "Hey Siri" can be used at any time to activate Siri vocally, even when the iPhone is not charging. It's a small convenience factor that prevents users from needing to press the home button to get Siri's attention.
The M9 motion coprocessor in the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus is also able to measure walking and running pace in addition to steps, distance, and elevation changes.
Geekbench 3 benchmarks
suggest the A9 processor offers significant gains over the A8 processor in the iPhone 6. It's nearly on par with the A8X processor in the iPad Air 2 with its multi-core score, which is impressive because the A9 is a dual-core chip and the A8X is a triple-core chip.
The iPhone 6s achieved a single-core score of 2292 and a multi-core score of 4293 in benchmarks done on a device that was delivered ahead of launch. Comparatively, an iPad Air 2 scores , while an iPhone 6 scores
on the same Geekbench 3 benchmark test.
Apple never reveals the amount of RAM in its devices, but
ahead of the launch of the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus suggested the new iPhones are equipped with 2GB of RAM, which was later confirmed by .
2GB RAM in the iPhone 6s lets the phone keep , which is especially noticeable in Safari in the video below. Safari can have more open tabs without needing to reload a page.
Battery Life
The iPhone 6s has a , which is smaller in capacity than the 1810 mAh battery that was in the iPhone 6. The iPhone 6s Plus has , also smaller in capacity than the 2915 mAh battery that was used in the iPhone 6 Plus.
Apple may have used a smaller battery to make room for vital 3D Touch components in the new iPhones, both of which include a new part called a "Taptic Engine." The Taptic Engine provides haptic feedback for 3D Touch gestures and also powers the vibrations for alarms and notifications.
Though there's a smaller battery in the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, efficiency improvements introduced with the A9 chip and other performance enhancements have resulted in the two devices offering the same battery life as the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.
On paper, the iPhone 6s offers up to 14 hours of talk time, 10 days of standby time, 11 hours of video playback, 10 hours of Internet use on LTE. The iPhone 6s Plus offers 24 hours of talk time, 16 days of standby time, 14 hours of video playback, and 12 hours of Internet use on LTE.
Camera Upgrades
There's a 12-megapixel iSight rear camera in the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, a significant upgrade from the 8-megapixel camera in the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. With more megapixels, the iPhones are able to capture more detail in photos for crisper images. Autofocusing speeds are also improved, and there's a new image signal processor that offers better noise reduction and improved tone mapping.
According to Apple, increasing the megapixels of the iSight camera has not resulted in any downgrades to image quality like color bleeding, artifacts, or noise, thanks to precise placement of color filters and "Deep Trench Isolation," which adds small barriers between each pixel so the colors can't bleed into one another to affect color accuracy.
For the last several years, Apple's iPhones have remained at 8 megapixels, and Apple executive Craig Federighi explained why during the iPhone event. "Our team wasn't going to upgrade pixels until we could add them without compromising image quality," he said. "We've done that in the iPhone 6s."
With the 12-megapixel camera, it's now possible to capture 63-megapixel panoramas. Optical Image Stabilization, a feature introduced in the iPhone 6 Plus, continues to be available in the iPhone 6s Plus, and it's expanded to work with video. Optical Image Stabilization is not available in the smaller iPhone 6s.
between the iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus, Optical Image Stabilization in the larger-screened device proved to heavily cut down on unintentional movement, resulting in a much smoother video.
The iPhone 6s and 6s Plus can capture 4K video at 30FPS for the first time, allowing iPhone users to take videos with incredible levels of detail. 4K video joins 240FPS Slo-mo video and Time-Lapse video, both features introduced in past-generation devices. Time-Lapse video gains new stabilization features with the new iPhones.
When taking 4K video, it's also possible to take 8-megapixel still photos at the same time.
There's a 5-megapixel FaceTime front camera in the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, which is a significant improvement over the 1.2-megapixel FaceTime camera in the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Selfie shots are crisper and more detailed than ever with the upgrade, and there's a new True Tone Retina Flash that works with the front-facing camera.
Retina Flash causes the display of the iPhone to flash brightly just ahead of when a picture is snapped, improving selfies in low light. The Retina Flash is three times as bright as the standard display thanks to a custom display chip, and it's been engineered to match the ambient light, just like Apple's rear-facing True Tone flash.
Live Photos
Live Photos are a new feature designed to add a bit of life and vitality to the standard still photo. When taking a picture, the Live Photos feature in the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus captures an extra 1.5 seconds before and after a shot, and this extra footage is
and sound whenever it's pressed with a 3D Touch gesture.
Live Photos are similar to the animated photos shown in the Harry Potter movies, dislaying a few seconds of animation over and over again. These short animations are also displayed when flicking through images in the Camera Roll.
Every photo taken with the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus with either camera is a Live Photo by default, but the feature can be turned off in the Camera app. Live Photos combine a 12-megapixel JPG with a MOV file that contains 45 frames playing back at around 15 frames per second. Combining a JPG with a MOV file means Live Photos take up .
Live Photos can only be created on an iPhone 6s or 6s Plus and can be viewed on iOS devices that run iOS 9, the Apple Watch with watchOS 2 installed, and Macs running OS X El Capitan.
When sending a Live Photo to an unsupported device, the MOV component is stripped and the image is sent as a standard JPG. More details on how Live Photos work .
Live Photos can be set as the photo face on an Apple Watch running watchOS 2, and the short animation will play each time the wrist is raised. Live Photos can also be set as a Lock screen wallpaper on the iPhone, where it will animate when pressed.
APIs for the Live Photos feature are available to developers, so support for displaying Live Photos can be built into third-party apps.
Other Features
Second-generation Touch ID technology is used in the new iPhones, making fingerprint recognition up to twice as fast. On the iPhone, Touch ID is used in place of a password as a method for verifying identify. It's also used to verify Apple Pay payments. iPhone 6s owners have been highly impressed with the speed of Touch ID, as it instantly unlocks the phone as soon as a finger is placed on the Home button. Some users .
There's an NFC chip in the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus to allow the two devices to work with Apple Pay, Apple's payments service.
With LTE Advanced, LTE in the new iPhones is twice as fast, reaching data transfer speeds of up to 300 MB/s. The iPhone 6s and 6s Plus also support up to 23 LTE bands, making them ideal for world travel.
According to Apple, iPhone 6s and 6s Plus Wi-Fi connection speeds can reach speeds of 866 MB/s, which is twice as fast as the maximum Wi-Fi connection speeds of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. The phones support 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi with MIMO.
The iPhone 6s and 6s Plus include Bluetooth 4.2 technology.
Dynamic Wallpapers
Live Photos fall into the category of "Dynamic Wallpapers," but iOS 9 will also include several pre-made animated wallpapers that can be used on the Lock screen. Options include different fish and colored smoke.
Operating System
The iPhone 6s and the iPhone 6s Plus , Apple's latest operating system. iOS 9 focuses heavily on intelligence and proactivity, letting iOS devices learn user habits and act on that information through app suggestions, notifications, and a customized "Siri Suggestions" interface populated with the user's favorite contacts and apps, along with nearby places and relevant news stories.
Search capabilities have been improved and can bring up new results, including content from third-party apps, and Siri has gained contextual awareness. Siri is also able to search through photos in iOS 9, bringing up results based on time and location.
iOS 9 includes several revamped apps, and it also focuses heavily on under-the-hood improvements that increase battery life and decrease the amount of storage space apps and operating system updates take up on an iOS device.
What's Next
Apple updates its iPhones on a yearly basis, introducing design updates every other year. In 2016, we expect to see the iPhone 7, which will feature a revamped design and other typical upgrades like a faster processor and a better camera.
Check out our
for more information on the next-generation iPhone coming in 2016.
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