lucy,Daniel feels verysick and tiredd today.Please don't__

Start a business broke and unemployed!Updated on November 9, 2014
I keep thinking one day I am going to a small business. Then the internet became popular and I thought, I would buy some accounting software for small business to keep track of my business income. I was brought down to earth because I did not have a business plan! How could I create a business. So, I forgot about it.
Preparation for a small business is time consuming. I wanted to start a business like they do on the soap opreas, very quickly. This does not work, even if you received business advice. To create a business you need a business plan. Yes, you can use business plan software to create your business plan.
Now remember you must promote your business. Everyone is into the web now so you could promote your business through a internet business opportunity. Software is out there for a person to start a business some examples are, business marketing online small, business payroll small software, business sales leads, business accounting software, business sales leads, and business sofware.
I forgot about my dream of starting my own small business and then, look what happened.
Laid off! Wow! Now I am broke and unemployed!! What am I gonna do? I am middle aged, and it seems like I can not find the right job match for me, anymore. So I work for myself! Whew! There I said it. I started a business broke and unemployed!! Now I am on my own, and you know what? I find that I get up earlier, work harder, am happier, as well.
I found that you can learn as you go, but learn quickly. All you need is one client and the rest will follow, sometimes. I don't know about that, yet. How do you start a business while broke and unemployed? I do not know, so Let's see, if we (notice I said we) can put the ducks in a row and start a business while broke, and unemployed.
Ok, the first step for me startin What is your business going to be. What kinda of things do you like doing? Can you do it everyday? I got my idea while talking to my siblings, they are smart and were great!
Once I got my idea, I just jumped right in, and started looking for clients.
I just wanted to say today that being unemployed is not comfortable for me. I get bored because I am accustomed to fast paced, multi-tasking type work. Needless to say, receiving unemployment is hard. Unemployment does not begin to make up what a person needs to live, not to me.
This business is getting a very slow start because of low income, and starting a new business with no money really does not fit a business model. Most businesses that start have some seed money. So remember it costs money to make money. So if you are collecting unemployment and want to start a business, please consult with a person who can count, or is good at managing a budget, It will take much sacrifice, and discipline to pull it off.
Your business accounts:
Today is Tuesday, July 21, 2009and I have been reading my wonderful fans hubs, and got some very interesting information. I could sit here and read all day and night and not get through all the hubs here, I love it though!
Anyway, before you jump right in working your business, even in hub pages, make sure you have a business account with your bank. Make sure you have a separate savings account as well. DO NOT COMINGLE income from your hub with your personal income. This is where Uncle Sam will make your life miserable for years to come.
A separate savings account will allow you to put a percentage away to pay your taxes. Once you make a certain amount you must pay taxes! I have set up my accounts so that when I receive income I will take out 10% put it in my savings account for tax purposes. That way when the time rolls around I won't be struggling to pay. My business can survive Uncle Sam. If your business is doing very well, you may want to look into paying FICA. My accountant insisted I do the above things.
Some will tell you, oh, don't worry about your taxes, or FICA until you make a certain amount of money. Well, I say get into good habits now, so when the time comes you will not feel uncomfortable about setting aside the money when the big bucks start coming in. It will be hard to part with your money when you start making money.
I feel kinda secure financially with my accounts ready, and monies separate, maybe I will survive yet. What do you think? Can you do the above, have you already done these things?
Incorporating your e-commerce:
Today is Wednesday, July 22, 2009: Lets talk about why you should incorporate your business. If you are doing e-commerce business incorporating will legitimize your business. It says to Google, and all other search engines you have a viable business and plan to work your web sites (blogs, web pages, web stores) as the job it is.
You are going to take some hits when working and trying to find out how the web works. Make records and get receipts of anything to buy related to increasing traffic on your web sites. By doing this it will help you at tax time. You can also keep records of loses, for tax time as well.
Thursday, July 23, 2009:Did you get your business plan with the budget already set? Now, you need to take the budget that is closes to the type of business you plan to start and change the names in the budget. So if you have a line iten in your budget that says "employees" you know you may not hire any employees because you are starting off new. You can change that item to be office supplies or anything that you need for your business plan, and work it!
Friday, July 24, 2009: Hi all. Well, today is a slow day. I have been working so hard getting paper work and supplies. My supplies are now running out. I really need my incorporating papers.
You know what I am going to do because I am broke and unemployed. I am going to do some business service and use my incorporation until I get my paper work. If I wait any longer I could be without a place to live. See this is one of those bad days, when you see things are taking a little longer to get, it can be frustrating. Be patient though find the bright side of things. Like thank goodness this happened o Friday, I don't work on
Don't take what I said above to lightly because actually you have to work on your business everyday, I mean everyday.
Make it a good weekend and on Monday we will talk about business, family and friends, this is a hard part especially if you have a large family (more than 3).
Saturday, July 25, 2009: Today I got some rest kinda slept in. At 10 am I went to visit my consultants. We brainstormed my business. Every other weekend I go over my ideas, make sure they are as narrowly tailored as I can get them. This is so I will be able to work my business specifically what services my business will be offering. I keep tweaking, just like you would a web site when you are new to the skill.
While putting together a business I keep getting all these good ideas. I can not be productive if I put them all in a business. You must get specific about what you are going to do. Anyway that is what I did on Saturday.
Sunday, July 26, 2009: I putting together some forms I will need for my business. Busy work. I am doing detailed work, organizing so when I do work there is a process to completion of the service I will provide. Some of these forms are, receipts forms, standard contract, and any forms I may need to conduct my business. I will use as a running history for each client. I must keep track of completed work, and what work is left to be done. I will staple this form to the inside of my client files. Now, I will not miss something that needs to be done for that client.
Monday, July 28, 2009:Hi all! Well, I have been getting a lot of flake from my friends, and family about, why I am starting a business broke and unemployed. Please when you get this type of talk from your friends and family, DON'T LISTEN TO THEM!! You must work on your mind and strength. Block out all negative talk about your business or you will never get it off the ground.
Tuesday, July 29, 2009:Hi! I am a little late tonight. Well, I had to do some leg work for my business today. I did go check on my incorporating paper work though. You will never guess what, I have been checking the wrong mailbox! I have a business address! That is where my incorporating paperwork is, wow! See how things can fall through the cracks if we are not careful. I just thought of that while writing here in my blog. Go figure!
Let me say something about one of our fellow hubbers. Kudos to them! They suggested that a "Limited Liability Corporation," is better than a straight incorporation. I did not know that, so you can read my comment below and find the person who told me that. They also spoke on a "sole proprietorship," I think they know a little more than I, regarding the subject of incorporating your business. Be careful now, check and recheck, be sure, about what is required to legitimize your business.
I won't be here tomorrow, I have new clients, I will be here on Thursday. Does anyone have anything to share about their starting a business on a small budget?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009:Hi, I made it, whew! I am busy...workin my business! Tired, though, sometimes you work so hard you wear the engine down. Are you workin your business? You better be!5qfcd84wre
So, I am exercising, right. What in the world for!! I am trying to work out because you are your business. It does not matter if you have an e-commerce business or a business that you get up and go out to, do things that make you feel good. This is why you got into business to free up some time to do other things.
I feel so good, and this is so right starting my own business. I should have done it long ago. Anyway, I am working out because I want more energy to work my business. Who would have thought? The point? Motivation is anywhere you can get it, get it?
I am so geeked up about my business, it is intense, let met tell you. Channel that energy some way, I do it by working out, because it helps me think.
There were meetings today, tired, still broke, but starting a business on a very small budget. See broke and unemployed has turned into a very small budget! Work your business! Come on lets hear it! You can do this! See ya tomorrow.
Thursday, July 30: Hi! I am a little miffed! No worries though, I am doing some business right, writing invite letters to speakers. This is not the time to realize, I have no letterhead paper. When I write letters it should be on my letterhead, and I have none. I will have to make do with what I have and continue to move forward.
I will be back later on to tell you about the rest of the day.
Well, I am back! I have good news today. One of my businesses does fundraising, event planning, and grant writing. Ok, so I have this client, and I have been really busy getting incorporated (by the way the paperwork still has not arrived in either mailbox).
Anyway, I was worried about my guest speaker for this event I am producing in October 2009. Within the hour, I got two guest speakers, and a confirmed date in October! I am ready to get invitations and post the event on line! I am so thankful today! The Southeast Chicago Observer even put an article about the organization for us. It has truly been a great day today!
One thing about this particular business, I do not see money until after the event, except for my expenses. Because I business is new, I need at least three letters of recommendation from my clients. So this business moves kinda slow depending on the client.
My new business will compensate for the above business. It will keep me afloat while I research for grants, and produce events for clients. I love this work.
It is Thursday, how organized are you? Do you have files prepared for clients? What about that business plan? Are you still working on it? Work it! Work it! It is very important (business plan), document to have. What's your time management like? Are you tired? Are you going in circles? Do you have to many ideas for a business? Work it! See ya tomorrow!
What are your plans for the weekend? Are you working on your business? Are you organizing anything? I am broke and unemployed, don't have a clue!!
I am broke, unemployed, and starting a business on a very low budget! Do you guys think that is a better title for my blog? Let me know, would ya. Thanks.
My new business will launch around August 15, 2009 or before. I AM WORKIN IT!
Friday July 30, 2009: Last day of the month, wow, time really files when you are middle aged. Now that I am out of the "regular work force," I look back, I see, that things had changed and I had not changed with it. Even though I wanted equal pay, equal respect for my intelligence at work, I did not realize that when women got in the work force, the "good ole girls" were way worse than the "good ole boys" and I did not fit their profile!
At least the good ole boys would let the women be women(we could be nicer to one another, supportive, not as competitive), and manage in that manner. I think women in the work force now feel they have to be like men to be respected and recognized for they accomplishments. So they are way deeper the a good ole boy. I'm just sayin.... is a mild day for my business to launch. I am still waiting for my incorporation paperwork. While I am waiting, I am preparing materials for my business. Time management , and organization are essential to monitoring and controlling the pace of your business. This is a new site but time management is something you want to track starting now just like you track your traffic on the web.
Ok, now spend the weekend checking out your time management and organization. Talk to you tomorrow! Work it! Work your business! Do not let it work you!
Saturday, August 1, 2009: I am tired, I feel a little like I am afraid of success. I am still very enthused about my business, I am just tired today (horrible allergies) just gotta work through them. I must work on my business everyday, and so do you!
This is the day I wanted to launch my site. NO can do. I am still working on it lookin good, and make sure I do the right thing. Preparing is sure taking a lot of time for my business. I am having a medium day now, so let us see what happens at the beginning of the week.
Now remember is you do put together a web site to link to your blog, when putting together a web page you can not always make it perfect the first time. The thing to do is publish and tweak as you go.
When you publish, and do submissions some of the submissions companies will analized your web page. They will tell you what is wrong with the page, and you can correct as you go.
The most important things is to be to legit to quit! Do not commit fraud on line!! Work Your Business!!
Sunday, August 2, 2009:I am wondering? If I give a person credit for something they wrote, like when I write a paper, is that plagiarizing? I have been reading a lot about that lately. I remember something vaguely about public knowledge, because the federal government started the web thing, or am I wrong, can someone correct me? Public information can be used as long as you give it credit.
Annnnyway, I am working on paper that will go with my business. This is the hardest part because I want to go live!!! I am not that good a writer, you can tell from this You know what I am going to write it anyway!
There seems to be so many stop signs to starting your own business!! I am sick of them!! I just want you who are out there rootin' for us, I will never quit searching for the answers I need to be successful at home. It is the best place for me! I will not go quietly into the night!! You don't either. WE, yes WE will figure this thing out. There is enough room for us out there somewhere. I think they call that a niche.
Last Thursday, July 30, 2009:remember last Thursday when I said I well, the rest of the story is I wrote the letters on plain white paper, delievered them. I delieved the letter to the representative. I was not dressed properly, had to apologize for that. When I got out of the car to take the letter in, I tore the letter at the bottom corner. I still delievered.
However, tomorrow morning I will deliever a copy of the letter on my old letter head I used when I called myself an event planner. I will dress professionally, and go to the office. I will tell the representative the truth, but also express my dedication and determination to get the letter to her in a timely manner for a decision. Yes, I am going back to try and clean up my mess!!Handle your business!! See ya tomorrow!'
Monday, August 3, 2009: Hi! I want you guys to see something. After all of the above, and the work I have put in to learn how to do something myself, I go this email from one of our fellow hubpage bloggers. They said it is constructive criticism, I say it is just plain mean.
If this person had any experience on the web they would know, you just get out there, onece you get your site up you tweak it, research with others about how it should look. I will not take my sites down, they are a work in progress. At the same time communities need help. My unknowing issues should have no bearing on my ability to create a perfect web site right away. I am a newbie, my sites are not good right now, but sooner or later they will be. The person who emailed me has some other issues. I asked them to stop going to my site if they do not like it. I am not interested in their opinion.
This is a prime example of what you are going to be up against when you start your online businesses. People who do not know you will make comments way off center. My person has nothing better to do. I am going to their blog and see how great they are! Below is what they emailed me.
Hi,Sorry if this sounds harsh, but I mean this to be a positive criticism: Your website is awful. I hope you didn't pay somebody money to put it up for you, and if you did you need to make them fix it or get your money back.I'm sorry I don't know any website designers that I can send your way, but it could be a big benefit to you to get your site looking more professional... see if you can have someone donate their time to fix it for you and they can write it off on their taxes as a donation.Good luck.
Look how they started off, "I don't mean to be harsh," yes they did, because they continued to be harsh. They just want to find something wrong with something. I thought hub pages bloggers were supposed to be nice to one another, what happened.
My blog right here should tell anyone that I am on pins and needles because I need to make something happen. I am starting a business broke and unemployed! Ok, calm down, control yourself, you are in business. I know the emotions in this type of endeavor runs high.
I asked this person for nothing. I don't even know them. Think they are going to stop me? NOT!!! Please do not let someone like this discourage you from workin it!I am workin it!! Will continue to work it!! Handle your business!! Time will make it all better. No one is going to steal my joy!!
Make it A Good Daay!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009:Hi! I got great news and not so great news. Great news first! I got another client! I got my invitations for my event to the printers! My present clients paid their monthly fees!!! Wow! Cookin with gas, huh?
Not so good news, I sent an email to my printer and when he tried to open it, it wiped out his entire client directory! I feel so bad....I tried to
he said, no, but I feel so bad.
One thing that is wrong is my windows XP is no longer on my computer!!! I will correct that tomorrow. If I could just stop paying for things to make the business run smoothly I might be able to see to the next day. I don't know.
You do not know what you can do until you try it. So, stop dreamin' and get up and do it!!! Work your business! Handle your business!! You can do this!!!
My business is in its spicy mode, now. I should be launching any day now, workin on it! It is going to be VOLCANIC!!!!!Keep watching...I'm comming out! Diana
Tuesday, August 4, 2009 Part 2:Do I get to have a part 2? Annnyway, Yall this has been one werid day! I have to write this slow, because this is gonna hit a nerve with all us new business, and old business owners.
So earlier today I told you I had a client, right, right (could someone get my grammar Anyway, so I go to the meeting and I meet guess who, the board, guess who the board members are, you'll never guess. The board members are the wife, and her sister who is the treasurer..wait it gets better.
One look at me, and you could see on their faces that I was not getting any money much less a contract signed today or ever. These women told me that internet services I provided were all a scam (guys we are all scams!! LMAO!!), and that is not what they are about. You could have knocked me over with a feather. So I kept a straight face, told them I understood, and let it go. Let it go until I got into my blog! I came in here to tell yall about that one. Can you one up't do it even if you can..I am being silly.
Now, while I was there another potential client walked up to me and asked if we could have a meeting regarding my services, and then gave me another possible client. But, you know what? The clients I had tonight will never get the chance I gave them. Now, when they want the service they will pay out the wazoo!! I will turn this client down, we are not a good match. Ergo, why I work for myself!! I do not have to deal with that kind of attitude anymore. So what do you think?
The question is how can a women size you up by looking at you, no wait, it is not me,it her husband she is worried about. Apparently she has had some past I feel better...whew!..thank you for letting me vent. Crazy, Crazy night!
Ok, we need a point here. The point is you are gonna get some disappointments, rejections, and there are going to be times where you may be stuck waiting for a potential client. Prepare like a boy scout.
Plan what is gonna be going on in your mind, and practice facial, and body language, so you can stay calm when a client is like, different, weird, eccentric or something. Keep your composure, remember never let them see you sweat. If you feel like you may tear up, excuse yourself, "Excuse me, I need to go powder my nose," go to the bathroom and let it go. Get it together, go back in there, and kick butt.
I just gotta have a positive!! I just turned my negative into a huge positive! I am the cheerleader for you! Workin my business, handlin my business, Work your business!!! Handle your business!!!!!! See ya tomorrow!!!
Oh yea, spent all that freakin time with my client I lost hours on my launch!! The launch has now declined a bit to mild.
P.S. I had to come back in and tell yall about this group, I think a rock group, anyway they are the BOMB!! The have my mantra, "Don't believe a Word," "Just keep on breathin," "Just Wake Up Screamin,"...Third Eye Blind...if when they come to Chicago...I hope I am able to see them live!! They are awesome!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009: I am up early this morning, gotta get that business launched!!! I am going to say this here instead of in the comment section. To all the people who have commented in this blog...I am cryin every morning, noon, and night! I am so embraced and buoyed by your comments and support!! If I missed thanking someone in the comments section, I am truly sorry because I want to make sure to say something to all of you individually. At least these tears represent my true joy every time I open this blog!!! I'm workin it!!! you workin it?! workin my business!!! Gotta go..... launch very soon!!
It is so early in the morning I will be Hey yall, guess what I do to work off all that steam I had yesterday, and last night. I played Tiger Woods golf on the love it...I love the Wii..this game is totally for middle age people, totally!!! You have not been angry until you played golf on the Wii. Tiger and all his friends are a piece of work...LMAO see ya!!
Wednesday Night!:Hiiii! The business is spicey!!! I am quaking!!! It is hot!!! I coming out!!!...I am so very am lovin it!! Are you busy workin your must work on your business every day. We must!!! Keep it up, you are lookin good!!!
Keep gettin up!!! We should be volcanic tomorrow!!
Thursday, August 6, 2009:Oh Yeeeeaaaa!!! We should be volcanic tomorrow!!! NOT!! Here is a tip for today. You can find anything for free on the web. Anything free, you gotta earn. Seems like I am startin a business the old fashion way, I gotta earn it.
This is a prime example of why a business plan is so important. The details in a business plan tell you the things you need for your business. Some of those things are here on the web. If you do not schedule the time to learn how to apply those processess you are going to get very frustrated as you see me here, because time was not managed appropriately.
Now, here I sit with a little egg on my face, why, because you gotta earn it. So get up and go find that that pay pal, guest book, and such. Learn how they work NOW! Apply NOW! You need time to do it so get started!!! Learn from my mistake if you can.
Be mindful that you gotta work! You gotta work to apply the free stuff.
Friday, August 7, 2009: Hi! Today is my Mom's birthday!!Needless to say I will be away until Sunday. I am still workin my biness'! Are your workin your business?
Sunday, August 9, 2009: Hi!! Well, my mom is doing well. I am very tired today so I am not doing much.
I have been working on releasing my site, however, one of the companies I am dealing with only works during the week so I can not correct an issue before Monday. It is a bummer...I have been trying to launch for days now! Anyway be patient and we will be going to the next phase of starting a business monitoring and controlling the business.
See ya tomorrow!! Are you handlin your bisness?!! I am handlin my bisness!!
Now, I need to read up on and find how to arrange my ads on my pages...and some other things. Please feel free to tell me what I need I will go find it and teach myself how to make it happen.
I will be working on the forum tonight! Remember I have more than one business, I have to go pay attention the Tea Solutions today. I will be back tonight!! Handle your business!! Go see my business, let us all start a business together!! See ya....soon....
Tuesday, August 11, 2009: Hi! Now we should have a check list of what is left to be done to the business. It is time to monitor and control your business. Tweak your business to keep it running. You gotta get clients! If you are selling something on the web you must drive it so people can see it. Have you prepare a schedule for the daily routines of your business?
So how do I get people to my site? I really do not know what comes next. I will have to get back to you guys. I just know I am working on getting the pages out there. Any suggestions, point me to any blogs. I guess this will be the end of the blog if I can't figure out what to do next. See ya soon!
It is still Tuesday, August 11, 2009, and it has not been a good day for my business! First, I find out that if I do submissions too much (pay attention) the search engines consider it spam! I could not figure out why my blog was losing traffic. It is because I have been doing too much submission, wow!! who I've got to research to see if I can correct this disaster.
That is what it feels like to me a disaster! Soooooo...lesson learned. I will adjust to reducing submissions. I only hope I did not destroy my blog based on this mistake. You must learn from your mistakes especially mistakes like the one above!
OKKKK!! Cheer up!!! I've gotten this far...didn't I..?
If you have look at my site you can clearly see it is a work in progress. For those who are reading for information, watch my site grow better everyday!!!
Handling my business!! Are you handling your business?!!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009: Hi!! Well, this morning is not any better than yesterday. I feel like quiting. This is such a slow process!! I am running out of money, and unemployment. I think I get one more check, and then my computer and I will be looking for a homeless shelter.
I am learning how to get links....very, very...slow. You gotta read!!! I almost messed up again when I signed up for some free link services. After I signed up I found out that Google frounds on these type of link organizations. So be very careful before you start adding links to your web site.
I am going to take a break because I can not stop crying. I am broke, unemployed and trying to start a new business! Still handlin my business!!! Upset, but handlin business!!! Yall this is so hard without capital, however, I think I can do it..see ya later!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009:Hi! Well, the enthusiasm is waning. I am bummed out because I am broke and unemployed. I need $150 to proceed with my endeavor. Such a small amount, but when you are broke and unemployed it seems like a million.
I want to ask my significant other to loan me money, but, pride won't let me. I have to wait until I get that check next week. The wait is excruciating!!! I keep having to push my opening dates back. I am losing right now. Kinda depressed, I guess. If this does not work what is the next step? California and the tent community? This is the hard part. We are going to hang in there. I am not drinking, or doing destructive things, keep that in mind. Do not go crazy waiting for seed money.
Do you know I have yet to get my corporation paperwork!!! Big dreams, big cities, long wait.
That is all I got today folks!! Trying to keep my head up...see ya!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009: Here I am still tryin to figure out what I am doing wrong...I have made corrections..and hopefully things will correct themselves.
You know you can get so caught up with things you forget what you really are supposed to be doing. I am not a writer, I am just exponding on what I do everyday.
Those of you out there do trying to start a business right after being la if you are a middle aged trying to start a business, and you need a boost, plan in advance what you activity or inactivity will be to help make you feel better. You will see we all go through some of the same issues. Every now and then business with all the capital in the world run into serious issues. Soooo, keep you head up!! I am doing my best!!!
Friday, August 14, 2009: Good morning! I am better this morning. You can't worry about some things. They just have to work themselves out.
I am still tweaking my work. I am so glad I read these blogs! I found out the how, why of managing this blog.
You know, it is hard to find out some things in this field. You must research, read, read, read. I just hope that they notice that you are a newbie, and do not have a clue. Only trial and error will get you where you want.
I am broke, so I have been going to a book store where they allow you to stay and read their books. I am reading everything I can regarding my choice of business. I have read how to do submissions, about directories, and a little about Google the number one engine! Point is being broke is no excuse for not being creative. You can do this!!! Go to the Library you can live in there and read. I am just to far away to do that everyday!!.
We are going to talk about monitoring and controlling your business, next.I am still handling my business! Are you handling your business even though you are rip roaring mad about that glitch you just encountered? I have had a moment or two myself (see above), but we just gotta get up and keep going!!
I have started a business broke and unemployed! Handle your business!!
Friday, August14, 2009: Hi! Well, I think I got my self together a little better. I am exercising patience today, workin my business!
I slowed the pace of my business because, I do not want to take on more than I can chew. I gotta find out what works, and what does not to run business smoothly. Constantly check and recheck your organization. Set up a routine of operations, and processes.
I am so busy correcting, and tweaking right now, I have time to check my running histories in my client files. Do any of them owe me a payment? Are my files in order? Have I organized what I am going to research next? What and when am I going to read what I researched. Are my surroundings in order (you know I work at Did I count those pennies left of my biweekly investment, probably zero?
The above are just a few things I check into when I have to do detailed work. I am monoriting and controlling my business.
You still need that corporation paperwork so you can apply for seed money, and/or grant money. I still have yet to receive my paperwork, all that money. This is something hard to wait for. I would like to get registered in the clerks office now, please!
That is all I have to today, workin hard on my business!! Are you workin your business? You Go!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009: Hi!! Whew!! I am workin hard!!! Remember the email I got with constructive criticism? Well, he was right!! I knew my pages did not look like they should. However, through hard work I have been pretty successful in changing all of that (see above Monday, August 3, 2009)!!
I just want you to know, I have improved in leaps and bounds!!! I stuck with it, and now I am proud of myself...all of my business materials are lookin better!!! I am truly working my business, are you workin your business plan? I over here cookin' with gas!! See ya tomorrow, tired as I can be.
Monday, August 17, 2009: Hiiiii!!! I am back! Wow! Well, I am now going into the second phase of my business. To recap we have done the following things: wri chose the type
set up the budget, and investigated tax requirements.
Now, I'm starting a business on a shoestring, and hope that it is successful. I did not expect it to be free, but I do beleive I can keep the cost to a minimum. Be aware that all "free stuff," does not come without a price. Determine which free stuff you NEEDto keep your internet fees and services low.
I have learned so much...I'm handling my bisness'! Are you handling yo biness'?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009: Hi, I finally got my incorporation paperwork!!! Now down to the clerks office to file it. I hope it does not cost me any money to file, just I will let you know.
Today is not a good day for me. I am very frustrated with the search engine optimization routine. Talk about hiding the ball!! I understand why people do not want to tell how to do it, because it took them forever to figure it out themselves. This issue may be the thing that sinks me. The frustration is astonding!!
I am sooo very broke and unemployed. You can not do this for free!! If anyone told you, you could start a business on the internet for free, they were not telling the truth. In anything you do it will cost you.
I see all these businesses on line giving a free trail period to capture emails. Well, giving free trials when you are absolutely broke, will make you homeless. However, those who can afford it, great!!!
I can not write in my blog today, because this is not cheering us is a pity party. So I will be back when I get myself together. I got to start a business on a shoe string.
Wednesday, August 20, 2009: Hi! I am out here workin hard!! I am so busy. Busy being misunderstood, and a cold.
Any way, there are some advantages to web commerce. Your overhead is not like your rent, or utilities, it is your Internet fees. Is this an advantage? I think so, and as we approach these new avenues we must reflect on where we've been.
Saturday, August 22, 2009:Hi! Got my incorporating paperwork in my hands. I will be filing in the Clerks office at the beginning of this legit to quit...reading..reading..reading...
Sunday, August 23, 2009:Hi ! I guess you noticed I have not been around much. Well, I have learned a lot about maintaining my blogs. I have been reading, reading, reading. I am not a very good writer. I know my writing will improve the more I write, so I am glad to be here.
From now on, I hope to write more consise pieces. I expect to better organize my thoughts, and processes. I started broke and unempolyed, am stilly broke and unemployed. My business is now working on a shoe string.
My first new,
I going to start from the beginning. When I decided to start a online business I had no clue where to start. So I researched the web and found hubpages. I over heard someone say that they had started a business and used a blog to promote it. How was I to know you probably would want to create a web and then a blog, who knew?
More important than that is, I did not know what type of business model approach to use for my business. I came in here by the seat of my pants. Really I came in here to start a pity party for myself because I am broke and unemployed. However, when I got here I found this hub to be serious and just what I needed!!! That is when it came to me to start my own business even though I was broke and unemployed.
If I could just get the business up and running I could move up to starting a business on a shoe string. You know what I hit a milestone here twice. I hit one hundred on this blog quickly. Second, I got my pages up and running with people clicking in. Those are my two major milestones for me. Below is how I choose my business model.
E-businesses has different type of business you can decide to use as your business model.
1. Efficiency based - Some start businesses based on helping people and businesses doing things faster. There are always easier, and more entertaining ways to do something.
2. Product based- Most traditional businesses were started on buying and selling physical products. Almost every product or service is available on line now. If you have interest or expertise in prioducts you can build a great company online. Many more e-business opportunities are available now .
3. Niched based- You could target a niche that you know and like. When you do this your creditbility can create a business for you, one you enjoy, and make you a living.
That is how I started, I found this infromation after I wrote my first words in this blog. I know we are watching to see how I do with my business model, but while you are watching you should be starting your own. The internet offords enough room for everyone (or most of us)!! We can do this together!! Starting a business on a shoe string!! I am broke and unemployed.
Anyone starting unemployment? Been laid off? Terminated? Start your own business broke and unemployed.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009: There is another method I found while creating a business. It did not really work for me because I just jumped right in! However, it may work for you to decide what type of business is right for you.
It is called the ICICLE Business model. This is a process to help you begin identifying a successful business model for yourself. The acronym is the approach to find the right business for you.
ICICLE I-Your interests and ideas
C- Customers in the target market
I-In demand products, services or information
C-Competive Advantage
=Your e-business
It is critical for you to use some type of model to help you decide which business type of business to start. Once I got this model I used it to answer some headings in my business plan.
Please learn from my mistakes so you do not have to experience them. I did none of the things above, and may have sacrificed some time, and money I do not have because, I did not do these things.
As I work my business I am finding a lot of things have to be corrected. I am not sure publishing before all content has been put together is the right thing. That is what I did, but I work long long hours to write content as I speak.
On the otherhand, when like me you are broke and unemployed you have to make a drastic move. That is just what I did. Keep checking me out see if I can get through it.
I am broke and unemployed starting a business on a shoe string.
Thursday, August 27, 2009: If you have created a business there are some things you may need:
Critical tools for starting an ebusiness,
A web site
Shopping cart software
email address collection and management
A Newsletter
Imagine what I did when I saw the above list! I jumped right on it! I kept talking on this blog, but I learned how to create a web site, purchased a shopping cart, have email collection and management. Finally, I am creating a newsletter. I started working on these things immediately after I made the decision to jump and start a business broke and unemployed.
Tomorrow we talk about tools you can not rent or get free to promote your web site. You know you should keep the amount you spend on tools and services down to nothing until it is absolutely necessary. Only spend money for a specific reason and strategy for how this investment is going to produce you money. This is another thing I did not do. I have to manage the business everyday!
P.S.The Internet has changed the social habits of those immersed. But for many other people, its not so important. As the economy shrinks, there are fewer opportunities for lower income kids. Inner city kids have even less. Here at least kids can feel safe for a little while. It may not be as well funded or organized, as say the Boys and Girls Club.
Sunday August 30, 2009:Hi! I know I have been gone a few days. It is hard to maintain the hub when you are working so hard to correct or tweak your work. Remember I had no clue on how blogs worked before I came in here. However if you are going somewhere I hope here in hubpages is where you decided to write your blog. It is the Best!!
Ok, here is the tip for today, for promoting your business. Emails. I must first tell you I got new clients because of how I managed their emails. I check my email messages everyday at 6 pm. This is when I am getting ready to wind down and take my longest break from working on creating a business. I noticted there were five messages in my email.
I want to respond to the emails right away!! However, what I found was that if you answer your email right away wait until in the morning to send the emails. Why? Most professionals with email boxes find their messages arranged in descending order, which means the most recent email is listed first. They open the most recent emails. So it makes sense to respond to your email messages when you receive them, but do not SEND them until early the following morning. I learned this and once I applied it, three clients responded to me in the morning instead of afternoon because they got my messages first.
I keep finding these little jewels on promoting your business. I am busy sharpen my rough edges. I have created a business, I want to promote, and manage my business much better than I created it. I should be more organized!! I am handling my business!! Are you handling your business? I am broke creating a business on a shoestring.
Monday, August 30, 2009:Hi! I just barely made it in here tonight. I have time management issues!!! Creating my business is constantly on my mind, and I am constantly doing something pertainting to creating my business.
Managing what business I have created at this point is a handful. I know there is time for everything I want to accomplish if I could just put my finger on the right combination of time for different tasks. Some tasks take longer than others, and let me tell how engrossed you can become tweaking something your created. Almost mind blowing.
In order to be successful you must have good management skills or learn them. My management skills are alright. However, I am working in a different environment, in a home office. Managing at home is way different than in an office setting.
I type of a "Things to do today," sheet. Then I list about ten tasks to manage for the day. While you are busy creating and refining you work on line you have to manage the paper work so your blog does not get mixed up with you web pages.
Even when promoting your interests you have to be strategic when you manage SEO.
I never thought about how to promote my business until, I jumped into this blog. Hubpages members a GEMS!! Pat yourselfs on the back!! When it comes to information this is the place to be. I have found a wealth of information to create my business from. If I am not careful I will read all day.
I do see a lot of writers, and that is a weakness for me. However, time takes care of everything. I am a quick learner. My content will only get better because, practice makes much better!!
Creating my own business has been time consuming, I love it!! I am not bogged down with woess me issues being broke and unemployed and all. I do get a little depressed sometimes, when I want to wear my professional clothes, it is like all dressed up with nowhere to
Have you created you business yet? Well don't just keep reading get to workin!! Create a business, on the web, in your home, down the street, get a lease.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009: Hi! I have been creating a business. If you are doing the same thing then here is a small check list I used while I decided which business to create:
What are you really good at doing, and what do you suck at
Decide what your goals are going to be
What type of financial resources do you have
What are your risks
How much is it going to cost to start your business
Do you need a location for your business
Do market research
Who are going to be your customers
Who is your competition
Create a marketing plan (I did not do this-it is costing me)
I have created a lot of little checks list. I have them all around my home. I hope this helps someone see the direction they are heading in while they create their business.
Thursday, September 3, 2009: Hi! I was just thinking how hard I have been working. With the weather changing (bad allergies) it has been a fight just to stay awake! This made me think. Creating a business is like playing a sport. Athletes have to work hard, creating a business takes hard work. Athletes have endurance. You must have endurance to create a business. Athletes must understand the play book and apply it. Creating a business you have to have a plan and apply it. Athletes are strong, determined, and highly motivated. Athletes have to make tough decisions, and stand by them. You have to make tough decisions while creating a business, and stand by them.
Monday, September 21, 2009: Hi!!! So, I am still starting a business broke and unemployed. I am at a stand still right now...I have no money...I can not file my incorporation paperwork. It is alright because I have two clients!!! Signed contract clients!!!
I should let you know that I have other skills I am using to continue to survive while I start this business. I am doing some campaigning, and volunteering. I am producing an event on October 24, 2009 it is a luncheon. In October I should actually see the fruits of my labor.
I had to postponed the first seminar because no money...I am being chill about all of this because I have my business plan to look at and continue to tweak. I will not stop!!! See you all soon.
Friday, September 25, 2009:Hi! Guess what! I am to ligite to quit! I opened my business account today. When the agent assisted me he asked me what my business name was I told him. He went to the computer, went to cyberdrives Illinois, and checked my business name to see if I was in good standing. My business came up in good standing! I almost lost it! I am so happy! Now my Internet business is a legitimate business, as long as I follow through I should be alright.
Now, I asked the young man to tell me how he did that, so if I had to I could direct a potential client there to look my business up. I am going to share with you, this process is for people who live in Illinois, however, I am sure there is a process in most other States.
Click Business Services
Click Corp LLC Search
Click Search Real Time Corporate Data Base
Enter company name
Click submit
You will see if the company is incorporated or not. This does not mean they are a member of the better business bureau. That is a whole other story.
There you have it. In Illinois you can find out if any corporation, LLC, Inc. etc. is registered in good standing.
October 6, 2012 - It has been a very long time folks! Things are happening!! I will continue this blog in Broke and Unemployed Starting a Business Part 2. It has taken some time, but I may have something you all of us trying to keep hope alive stay tuned!
November 9, 2014 - Got my business !
It has been years getting it started, and now I am older.
No one has ever been successful starting abusiness at my age!
I will never give up!
Stay Up On Your Business&&&&
You Created it!! Now Sharpen the Edges!!!
See all 4 photos
Go! Go! Go! Correct your web pages!!! You can do it!!
See all 4 photos
You can solve all your!!
Come On!! Stay with it! You Can Do This!!
See all 4 photos
See all 4 photos
Can you see it coming together?
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