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color: #47381C;Credit Consultants Association - Start A Credit Repair Business Training Course
Start A Credit Repair
Business Training and
Board Certified Credentials!
No Previous Experience
Necessary and We Provide On-Going Support!
Yes, you will be an&expert&in
solving credit issues with our How To Start A Credit Repair Business Training Course and our
on-going support system. Our helpdesk will provide all the&tactical&information
needed to help you start a credit repair business or take your current credit repair business to the next level!
Add Credit Services to
your Practice, Real Estate, Mortgage Brokers or Professional business.
Yes, our certification
is good in&ALL 50 States.
How long is the
training? This is a self-pace program and you can finish as fast as you
like, it depends on how much time you have.
Are there any&Perquisites&or&Requirements&to
becoming Certified? Yes, just being an ethical person.
Yes, we will keep you
abreast of changes and pending changes within the Credit Repair Industry
YES, our training is top
of the line and you Do NOT NEED to pay any additional fees or thousands.
This is why we list our prices.
Why are we less
expensive? We are a non-profit trade association. We are&NOT&a
software company disguised as a credit repair school or training
company. This way you get complete training and not more information on
how to use software.&See testimonies below.
&We will provide you
with all the documentations required and step-by-step instructions. Our
program is Self-Paced.
You will have access to
our credit helpdesk to solve tough ongoing credit issues with advanced
You will be part of an&elite&group
repair professionals with a standard of&excellence.
You will gain instant
creditability by becoming Board Certified with our organization.
Your will be qualified
to run a successful and rewarding Credit Repair Business.
Yes, you will be helping
others including family to get into homes and cars with your knowledge.
You will plea to do NO
harm to the public by providing tangible services for any funds
Our motto is to teach
the credit repair process and make sure our members do NO harm to the
WHY PAY Thousands
for High Quality Credit Repair Training or Credit Score Training? You can start a credit repair
business now, add credit services to your current practice or business.
We've trained, attorneys, mortgages brokers, real estate agents, tax
professional and others
since 1986 with our yearly updated materials. No Training is better!
Why are& other programs more expensive? They are software
You Will Be An Expert!!!
Millions of&Americans
are suffering with&credit issues&every day. They need your help NOW!&
Be a credit repair specialist.
Why start a credit
repair business?&Take
a look at this 60 minutes video. You will discover the&massive issues&consumers
face. Although it shows how difficult the process was for the people in this
story,&things have changed for those trained&in the credit repair
process in fixing errors. This is what we teach here at CCA.
In addition
since the economic crisis many have faced
credit issues like never before making this a booming industry.
Additionally, as shown in the video, most jobs will perform a credit check
prior to hiring. Therefore good credit is needed like never before.&
Opportunity is knocking at your door because millions will seek help in
getting their credit back on track. You can obtain the credentials to start
a Credit Repair or Credit Score Optimization service today at a very low
start-up cost, earn a great living while operating directly from your
kitchen table!
In this current job market&climate, many are searching the Internet for the
right&Business O the starting a credit repair business as well as offering
credit information seems like a great choice. Is it? Can you really help
consumers? Can you legally improve credit scores and credit reports? Also,
you may have discovered during your personal research that there is some
negative information circulating regarding this industry. The question I?m
sure you want to know: Is it true?
Is Credit Repair Legal&or Does is Works? Absolutely! You may hear others use
the term scam and unscrupulous when referring to credit repair companies.
Why? Well, many consumers have been scammed tremendously years ago. The government had
to create and enforce special laws to protect them from being victimized by
these so-called credit repair firms.&But that' all in the past when
dealing with consultants with credentials!!! We will always have scammers
but they are NOT the norm now.
By completing our certification program, how to start a credit repair
business training course and
being a member of our&Trade Association, you will have the
credentials you need. You will also have the&public confidence&to provide
solid Credit Repair or Credit Score optimization services with a standard of
Yes, it is technically true that no one can legally remove accurate and
timely information from your credit report. But let's be honest, this is not
the total the truth. There are legal techniques available and consultants
can easily earn an& extra $ per month part-time or $6,000 to&
$25,000 per month full-time helping consumers with proven strategies to
increasing their credit score.&Mortgage brokers and real estate agents&resolve
credit issues with their clients everyday but many are not getting paid for
this service. This is why many have received their certification from our
organization. They did not have to pay thousands just to learn this
With&millions of consumers&facing credit problems, they are told to:
&do-it-yourself& or go to free sources for help. Well consumers are going to
these&FREE sources&and are often given bad advice or they still do
not understand how to solve credit issues on their own.
It is our mission at CCA to self-regulate and help consumers find honest
credit repair consultants that will do&no harm&to consumers and
assist them in reaching their credit goals. They will get a consultant that
is credit score conscious and NOT just simply writing letters because the
see negative trade-lines!
When consumers need a fast approach to navigating the system and solving
credit problems, a board certified credit consultant (BCCC)& and
Certified Credit Score Consultant (CSCC) will be the
answer. You will find honest BCCC and (CSCC)& professionals right here, so look no
further. Our trade association has strong ethical requirements and a
consumer conscious policy. Our members will not cheat, lie or mislead the
public. Our goal is to help consumers navigate the system. Yes, they will
receive an honest fee for honest work but they will NOT take your money and
run or mislead you. Simple, put, they will tell you the TRUTH! We have a&&available for those who violate our rules.
We believe that it is absolutely necessary that consumers are made
explicitly aware that most credit problems information is FREE and readily
available. Also there is nothing that a credit repair firm can do that they
can't do themselves with the proper knowledge. However, just like any
subject matter, there is a learning curve and many need assistance right
NOW. No one should have a problem with a consumer willing to pay for clarity
and a better way to navigate the system. This is what any good consultant
will do in any industry.
There is an explosion of business right now and to reap its rewards, you
need to jump on board. Get amazing credit repair training and With the BCCC
combined with a CSCC
designation,&you will have the&credentials&and&knowledge&to
help others and earn a great living by providing top of the line credit
servicer as a&Board Certified Credit Consultant.
Our&comprehensive self-study how to start a credit repair business training materials&will
prepare you for the certification test and teach you how to run a successful
credit repair business from&A to Z;&Even if you are a
beginner.&&You don't need
credit repair software to get started right now. Yes, credit repair software
is great but only if you are trained in the business first.
Several credit repair companies run their employers
through our certification process to make sure they are trained.
If you want to learn how to setup your business, deal with clients, keep up
with current laws, learn all the necessary credit strategies and perform the
job like an expert--this is what we offer.&Get the seal that stands for
the 3 E's &excellence, ethical and expert& by clicking below
Outdated Warnings:&There
are some consumer groups stating facts about credit repair companies that
are simply OUTDATED by&over10 years!!! There ARE legitimate credit repairs
firms and you see them advertising on TV and in social media. These consumer
groups make claims about these companies using PayPal as an indicator of not
being legitimate and for consumers to beware of them. Our response is that
since PayPal has become the go-to merchant for major corporations, merchants
and even airlines,&it is extremely outdated to suggest otherwise. Therefore
if a credit repair firm is using PayPal, they are doing so because it is
sound business practice to protect customer?s financial information as other
major companies have discovered. Why the warnings? Many are backed and
financed by credit bureaus and lending institutions and it is advantageous
for them to make those claims. Credit services are very much needed and you
should take advantage of the opportunity to get involved and ignore negative
&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Written Success
&Too be honest, I don't like to play games. I
needed to have solid information on the credit repair process and Credit
Consultant Association was a slammed dunk!! I'm a real estate investor and
many of the people I see have tremendous credit issues. I felt and said to
myself, 'what do I have to lose' and purchased the digital program and
printed the material at FedxOffice. Well,&it was everything I needed to
turn those credit challenged clients into paying customers. It works and
this organization has all the information you need to get the job done and
their helpdesk keeps you abreast of all pending changes to the industry. You won't need anything else but maybe more managing tools such as a
contacts database software program or a simply file cabinet for clients will
work. You just need to know when to follow-up with the credit bureaus and
your clients again. That's really all you need and I
use my smart phone most of the time for this. Ok, I?m more frugal than most but it's
really all that you need if you don?t have the funds to invest in a software
program. You do not have to pay more to learn the credit repair process very well. You
will learn everything with CCA, I promise and will NOT be sorry. The website
they offer is awesome too and I purchased this later and happy with it.& Hey, it's nice to help families get into homes.-
&I consider myself thorough
and cautious. Having a MBA and a law degree gives me a little perspective on process and
structure of information. I love CCA's program. It provides anyone who's
interested in becoming a credit consultant the exact process, forms,
letters, knowledge,
credentials and simply all that is needed without investing tons of
cash. The quality and value of the information is second t
the helpdesk is amazing and is the missing link to advancing in this
business too. We
added a specialized credit service to our company and paid a lot
with another organization but something was missing. We were not as
confident in our knowledge of the process but knew the software well. I realized that
basically we were
only paying to learn how to use a software program but not provided the
total insights truly needed on credit improvement to be as effective. I avoided CCA
because the others were much higher and I felt maybe they were better. After
completion, I
realized that it was a mistake to think this and took a second look at CCA.
Just know that they are higher in price because of the cost of the software,
not the credit repair information or training. The software was good but I needed to
understand the process better and CCA was complete and the helpdesk was
simply amazing. We could have save thousands but glad we got on board when
we did. We send our team members here to learn the process too. Take my
advice and learn the credit repair process first then get the software of
your choice second and not the other way around. Jim of CCA tried to share
this with me last year before I made that other purchase but I chose that
software package
anyway. I would have chosen differently knowing what I know now. I hope this
review helps someone to chose CCA for the the credit repair process and
training first and buy a software program of your choice second. Thanks CCA.&& -
&I searched the internet for a credit repair
training program and there are many.
&I purchased as many as 3 of them paying over $3,500 and did not
feel comfortable with my
knowledge especially when I left until I got this program and the helpdesk included. It is simply
fantastic and the price
is really a steal for all the tactical information received. It was worth much, much more.
Thank God they are a non-profit company not selling anything else but
credentials and training making sure that members are trained and doing no
harm to the public. I am extremely happy with CCA.
ATTORNEY'S TESTIMONY: ?I recently passed the Illinois's bar examine
in late 2014 and was looking to add credit repair to my practice. Contrary
to what some may think, attorneys don't come out of law school as competent
in processes and systems as some believe. Therefore,&I goggled Credit Repair
Training for the right training solution for me. I landed on one that
offered one-on-one phone training and software. I felt this was the approach
for me and signed up. To be honest, I felt the trainer was not as competent
as I desired and it was NOT thorough.&I felt it was a waste of my time and
money. Therefore when I looked at CCA training, I was adamant about what I
would be receiving and the training. I was convinced by Chris and signup. I
already had a client and went directly to the helpdesk prior to reading the
manual. Let me share that this was the most effective and informative system
I've seen.& It answered all of my questions and I was able to raise my
clients score over 50 point?s right away. T CCA?s training is
really the only approach to take if you want complete process at an amazing
price. Also leave these software companies training solutions to just
software. Get the training elsewhere like CCA. Thanks CCA.& &-
Morrow Esq&
searched start a credit repair business and got the site
and your they recommended your company.
I am so happy that I found that site because CCA has taken my credit repair
knowledge to the next level.- Ken
My business partner paid thousands to become a
certified credit consultant to start our business
but we couldn't afford to send me and the team yet. But when he finished,
mostly what he learned was
how to use their software program that they were selling. This is the actual
reason their prices
were much more. Yes, he learned some good techniques but But we kept getting
&from the Credit Bureau of being frivolous for our clients. I searched the
internet and found you
guys and learned how to be extremely effective and was taught solid credit
repair techniques
and strategies only. He is now using the material and will take your test
too. The helpdesk
has helped us so much. I only paid $299 on one of your specials and totally
satisfied. Now we can
afford to train all of our people. To anyone reading this, get the training
of how to repair credit
FIRST and buy the software if you need it later.
Thanks CCA.& &- M.
&Your team is awesome. I wish I would have found
you guys before paying $5,700 for
another training that does not even come close to what you have to offer.&
- Michael&
you search the internet, you will find lots of companies offering credit
repair training with testimonies. I'm not criticizing any other training
program out there. My husband attended a seminar last year on credit repair
and he said it was pretty exciting and good. He came back motivated because
we wanted to be the best in the business. But strangely, I noticed that he
came back sharing that we needed to purchase additional resources to be more
professional and effective at the event: He told me that we need a special
CRM program, affiliates among other things. Some of the sources were ok.
Well,& my sister joined the team this year in 2014 and decided to look
at The Credit Consultants Association program for her training. That's when
we both realized that we did not need all of the sources at the seminar to
get results. Actually we used CCA's advanced techniques and information that
is always available to see in their helpdesk knowledgebase and it is
ongoing. So we paid for that and became members.& You will not be sold
on anything else disguised to make your credit repair business look more
professional. You will get pending changes of the industry from them too. &We
found that this is a people's business and they respond to results. If
you get results and professional, they will spread the word about your
company. You don't need to spend a lot of money to look professional. Yes,
you need a website.& If you spend all of your money trying to look good
with expensive offices and programs, you will NOT be able to afford to give
your clients the credit repair results they seek or stay in business.
This was our mistake and we had to downsize this year. Start by building
up your name as one who gets results for their clients. CCA will provide all
of the knowledge needed at a extremely great cost. Software will help your
business grow as it has helped ours but we changed our software recently.
You better learn how to control your software and not let it control you.
One more thing, if you can afford to go to the seminar,& go for
motivation and see what else you can pick up. But you will need ongoing
affordable sources like CCA. We will stick with CCA instead of paying for a
seminar each year because it is much more affordable&
As Seen In/On
Disclaimer: Reference to these
media organizations should not be construed to imply
an endorsement or sponsorship of CCA or its products.
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& Koeberg Road& & Milnerton && Cape Town 7441
Hours:& Monday to Thursday&
<font color="#ffAM to
6:30PM&&&&&&& Friday:
<font color="#ffAM to
Telephone Numbers: Tel 1: 021 5518877&&&&& Tel 2: 021
Supervisor Immediate Reach (
Ryan, General Manager ):
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THINKPAD &#8226;&
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South Africa authorised-distributed products repairs.
also provide professional IT products firmware upgrade
/ update / extension services.
- Our company owns the
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Collection for the great JHB
area - Your laptop will be collected by a Tri-stars secured-courier provider.***
&#8226; Being a proud supporter of South African
tourism, TIDOTECH Computers ATS is a foreign language equipment friendly
You are welcome to use German, French,
Italian, Mandarin and Spanish to explain your fault. ( A booking of the timeslot is required )
Our advance facility
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All the jobs done are
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make a use of our "E-Repair" booking facility below :
This is a "Free collection & Free
quotation with No quote-rejection fees" service only. Area, Terms and Conditions applies ( Available for request ).
After filling the section below, a
service-call email to our booking centre will be sent from your default
email software, please click "OK" to let the email sent out.
Our specialist will contact you with a
fix-repair reference number and arrange a secure-collection of the laptop /
notebook from you.
Your item will take 8~14 working hours to
arrive our workshop country wide. ( The secure-courier only collects in the
afternoon, so booking in the morning can enjoy the same day collection
&The Unmatchable Service
Free laptop / notebook repair collection for JHB and
surrounding area / Cape Town Surrounding area
Free repair quotation to all areas
Please provide your name in below
-&In the next block ( Very important ):
Your telephone no.
Your cellphone no.&
Laptop / Notebook collecting address and
suburb.( Free collection for the great JHB area )
Description of the maker, model and faults of
the laptop / requirement.
- Here is our simplified
latest hardware pricelist -
TIDOTECH Computers ATS South Africa Branch
Contact Detail:
Monday to Thursday,
<font color="#ffAM to
6:30PM&&&&&&& Friday:
<font color="#ffAM to
Contact Telephone Numbers:
Tel 1: 021 5518877&&&&& Tel 2: 021
Supervisor Immediate Reach (
Ryan, General Manager ): 08-35-34-34-39
info& &&&&
Sales enquires& &&&&
Booking and Services enquires&
Physical Address:
A4 Sanlam Business Park
Cnr Racecourse Drive
& Koeberg Road
Milnerton, Cape Town 7441
South Africa


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