know toolate是too late什么意思思

400. Jibber-jabber ( Nov 06 ,2013)
blabbering 瞎说,胡扯,bla bla bla/Hey! How was your mystery(神秘)
date?Can you believe this?I spent all night listening to him
nonsense 废话No way!Don't tell me he blabbered about his
exes(前女友).Not only that!But he also mentioned his first love(初恋) in
1990.What a bunch of nonsens(一堆废话)!
jibber-jabber 碎碎念,扯淡Why would anyone jibber-jabber on and on
about their exes on a first date? So annoying!Poor you!Is he
calling you now?Ugh,yes.Time for more jibber-jabber!Hello?
blabbering[ 'bl&bə]v.喋喋不休, 瞎说,胡扯
nonsense[ 'nɑnsens]n. 废话
jibber-jabber 碎碎念,扯淡,诡辩
401. Chinese dishes ( Nov 07 ,2013)
美国流行的中餐 General Tso’s chicken左宗棠鸡I have to say that General
Tso’s chicken is one of the most popular Chinese dishes in America!
It’s a little sweet and slightly spicy. (have a bite) It’s really
freakin' &delicious(超好吃)! Have you heard of it in
China? Probably not, right? Today, we are going to talk about some
more Chinese dishes that Chinese people don’t eat! But Americans
love them!!
Crab Rangoon炸蟹角This is crab Rangoon!It's one of my must-order
appetizers when I eat Chinese food in American.The outside is a
wonton wrapper(混沌皮) and the inside…See?is crab and cream
cheese.This is Melissa's favorite!
Fortune cookies签语饼,幸运饼Fortune cookies are offen served as
dessert in Chines restaurants in American.There is a little piece
of paper with words of wisdom inside this fortune cookie!Let's see
what I got this time.He who knows that enough is enough will always
have enough.He who is afraid of doing too much always does too
freakin' /a.used for emphasis, replaces the more vulgar fucking
or fuckin', euphemism for
crab rangoon炸蟹角
appetizer ['&pɪtaɪzə]n. 胃食品,开胃物
fortune cookies幸运饼
402. Single! ( Nov 11 ,2013)
Happy Single’s Day! 光棍儿节快乐!
single 单身Being single sucks(单身的感觉真不好). I wish I had a
bachelor 单身汉bachelorette 单身女子Before getting married, people have
bachelor or bachelorette parties to say goodbye to being
old maid剩女She stays at home all day.She'll be an old
maid& if she refuses to meet boys.
sucks[sʌk]n.v. = Not good, Bad,吸
single 单身,bachelor 单身汉bachelorette 单身女子
old maid剩女maid[meɪd]n.少女,未婚女子,仆
403. Great Job! ( Nov 18 ,2013)
Great job! 很棒!干得漂亮! Everybody loved the cookies you made!Great
job!My pleasure.(这是我的荣幸).
You're doing well. 你做的很不错Hi Mr. Smith.Did you like my
presentation(讲演) today?Yes! You're doing very well. I was very
Keep up the good work! 就这么好好干! Can I holp you with anything
else?Nope! You're doing great! Just keep up the good work!
Great job! 很棒!干得漂亮!
My pleasure.这是我的荣幸
You're doing well. 你做的很不错
presentation[&prɪːzən'teɪʃn ]n.介绍,讲演
impress[ɪm'pres]v. 使有印象
Keep up the good work! 就这么好好干!
404. Big Heart ( Nov 19 ,2013)
head over heels 很爱一个人,为他神魂颠倒 You can tell Ryan is head over
heels for her.
wear your heart on your sleeve 感情外露Yeah! You can tell(能看出来).I
mean, he wears his heart on his sleeve.
big heart 热情大方He has a really big heart.I think they're gonna
make a great match(是很好的一对).
head over heels 很爱一个人,为他神魂颠倒heels[hɪːl]n.v.脚后跟,踵,后跟,底部,侧倾
wear your heart on your sleeve 感情外露sleeve[slɪːv]n.袖子
You can tell.你能看出来
a great match是很好的一对
405. BRB! ( Nov 20 ,2013)
短信语BRB = be right back马上回来BRB going on a date with Justin
JK = just kidding 开玩笑JK! Just a little wishful
LOL=Laugh Out Loud听到或看到搞笑的东西,就可以这么说LOL!! Girl(大姐) that is never
gonna happen(永远不可能的)!
BRB = be right back马上回来
JK = just kidding 开玩笑
LOL=Laugh Out Loud听到或看到搞笑的东西,大笑出声
406. THX!( Nov 21 ,2013)
短信语 &2nite = tonight = 今晚Hey you wanna go see a
movie 2nite?Sure!
NVM = nevermind = 算了Oh NVM, I forgot I ghave to finish a
paper.That's OK! I'll stay with you and keep you company(陪你).
THX = thanks = 谢谢THX! That's so sweet(你太好了).
2nite = tonight = 今晚
NVM = nevermind = 算了
THX = thanks = 谢谢
407. BBL! ( Nov 22 ,2013)
短信语 /BBL = Be back later = 一会儿回来,一会儿再聊BBL My BFF is
calling.Who's your BFF?
BFF=Best Friend Forever一辈子的好朋友Melissa! Duh(唉)!You didn't know
she's my BFF?She lives in LA.
BF=noyfriend男朋友GF=hirfriend 女朋友Oh yeah!She's the one with the
really cute BF.
BTW=By The Way顺便说一下BTW I think they just broke up.BBL I gotta go
BBL = Be back later = 一会儿回来,一会儿再聊
BFF=Best Friend Forever一辈子的好朋友
BF=noyfriend男朋友GF=hirfriend 女朋友
BTW=By The Way顺便说一下
408. Party Pooper ( Nov 25 ,2013)
Throw a party 开派对Baijie's throwing a party this weekend! Are you
going?Yeah! Are you?
Life of the party聚会中活跃气氛的中心人物Party hard!玩得很haigh/
Totally(必须要去啊)! Our friends from Beijing are coming and they party
hard!They're always the life of the party. Awesome(酷毙了)!
Wallflower坐在一旁观看的人 I also heard she invited her friend from yoga
class.They are all wallflowers!They never talk to anyone at
parties.They just sit there.Meditating(冥想).
throw a party 开派对
life of the party聚会中活跃气氛的中心人物
party hard!玩得很haigh
meditating['medɪteɪt]v. 想,计划,沉思,冥想
409. G2G! ( Nov 26 ,2013)
短信语G2G = got to go = 我得走了 G2G. I'm running late for
coffee(喝咖啡要迟到了)with Ryan.
TTYL = talk to you later = 一会儿再聊OK TTYL! Have fun on your
XOXO亲亲抱抱It's not a date, it's just coffee!!XOXO.
G2G = got to go = 我得走了
TTYL = talk to you later = 一会儿再聊
410. airport! ( Nov 27 ,2013)
机场美语passport 护照May I see your passport please? Here ya go!
domestic 国内international 国际Are you flying domestic or
international ? International,I'm going to Beijing ! I'm so
Do you want aisle or window?(aisle (过道)seat/window seat) I
prefer the aisle.Have a safe flight!Thank you!
411. Food! ( Nov 28 ,2013)
和食品有关的美语butter someone up过分恭维,拍马屁 Baijie you're so nice!Baijie
you are so pretty! Baijie you're the best ever! (你最好了)OMG! Why are
you buttering me up?Because I need to borrow your(借用你的) high heels
(高跟鞋)for my date tonight.
couch potato宅人,整天看电视的沙发土豆How long have you been watching Glee on
your iPad?
Probaly about 5 hours now. OMG you are such a couch potato!
big cheese有影响力的人 Can we hold a meeting tomorrow? I dunno.Ask
Scot.He's the big cheese around here.(在这里他说了算)
butter someone up过分恭维,拍马屁
to borrow your借用你的
couch potato宅人,整天看电视的沙发土豆
big cheese有影响力的人
412. Get Over Someone ( Nov 29 ,2013)
break up 分手 My boyfriend broke up with me yesterday. What!? What
I love you, but I'm not in love(爱情) with you.He called(打电话说) me
and said."I love you, but I'm not IN love(爱情) with you." What?!
That's nonsense(太荒唐了)!
Get over someone忘记一个人 I don't thingk I'll ever get over
break up 分手
I love you, but I'm not in love(爱情) with,但是那不是爱情。
get over someone忘记一个人
413. Baijie's Birthday! ( Dec &03 ,2013)
So cute! Too cute! 超级可爱(Hello Baijie! Happy Birthday! I really
love your beautiful smile and thanks for everything you've done for
us. I wish you have a wonderful day and a year filled with
happiness. 生日快乐!XOXO!)Thank you so much! I love your hat and your
glasses.You're so cute! No you're too cute!
Trilingual会说三种语言Whoa! Thanks!You're a trilingual OMG fan !
That's awesome!
hilarious搞笑的 HAHAHA!!You are hilarious.This video made me
kindhearted好心肠的(Happy birthday to you!) Thank you ! I am so
lucky to have such kindhearted fans.
hank you everybody!
So cute! Too cute! 超级可爱
hilarious[hɪ'lerɪəs]a.搞笑的,喜不自禁的, 愉快的
414. Jiggly Jiggly! ( Dec& 06 ,2013)
Getting a little soft 变得有点胖Ever since I got to college I've been
snacking SO much! I eat when I'm stressed(压力), and I'm stressed all
the time! I think (觉得)I'm getting a little soft...
Muffin top腰部赘肉After just a few months in college .I have a
muffin top !Oh NO!!
Jiggly胖胖的 And see my arms?They got jiggly!How did my arms get
jiggly!? I need to start working out more.
getting a little soft 变得有点胖
muffin top腰部赘肉muffin['mʌfɪn]n.松饼
415. Tone Up! ( Dec& 09 ,2013)
Get in shape 减肥,恢复体形It's time to get in shape. No more muffin
top! No more jiggly arms!
Tone up 增加肌肉,瘦下来 I wanna tone up. In 6 months I wanna look like
Badonkadonk大屁股 I'm gonna go running every morning! I gotta get
rid of my big fat badonkadonk!
get in shape 减肥,恢复体形
tone up 增加肌肉,瘦下来
416. Cardio and Weights ( Dec& 10 ,2013)
Work out锻炼 Baijie what do you do when you work out?
Cardio锻炼心肺功能的运动Well every morning I like to fit in some cardio.
I wake up and go running . Lift weights举重 I also lift weiights to
tone up my arms(增加手臂上的肌肉).Mixing weights and cardio helps you get
in shape fast(迅速减肥)!
Yoga瑜珈 It's important to also practice(练习) yoga. It helps you
atay flexible(保持灵活) and it's a nice peaceful break(宁静的休息) in the
work out锻炼
cardio锻炼心肺功能的运动cardiopulmonary /a. 心肺的;与心肺有关的
lift weights举重
get in shape fast迅速减肥
peaceful break宁静的休息
417. Movie Buff!! ( Dec& 12 ,2013)
Movie buff 电影迷I am definitely a movie buff! I've seen so many
Chick flick 言情片Chick flicks are my favorite type of movie.
Probably because they're& so romantic and
Horror film恐怖片 I can't watch horror films! They give me
nightmares(恶梦) every time I watch them .
Sci-fi movie科幻片 I've seen a lot of Sci-fi filmes lately.I really
like the new Star Trek(星际迷航) movies.They're so cool!
Movie buff 电影迷buff [bʌf]n. 暗黄色;黄皮军装上衣v. 擦亮
Chick flick 言情片chick [tʃɪk]n.小鸡(鸟),小孩; 少女
Horror film恐怖片Horror[ 'hɑrə(r) ]n.恐怖,惊骇
Sci-fi movie科幻片Sci-fi=science
418. My thing! ( Dec& 17 ,2013)
obsessed with非常非常喜欢I am obsessed with Chinese food!I eat Chinese
food Like 3 times(至少) a week!
Dig 很喜欢 I really dig cooking Chinese food at home.I dig cooking
with these tingly Sichuan peppercorns(花椒).
my thing 我特别喜欢做的事When it's cold outside going out for hot pot is
totally my thing.I've introduced all of my American friends to hot
pot and they love it!
obsessed with非常非常喜欢obsess[əb'ses]v.迷住,使困扰
Like 3 times(至少) like [laɪk]ad.可能,多半n. v.爱好,同样的(人或物)v. 想,愿意
419. Cheer up! ( Dec& 18 ,2013)
cheer up打起精神来Baijie,I just tried to buy Justing Bieber
tickets.But they were tolally sold out! I'm so sad.Aw,cheer up!We
can try to search for tickets on other websites.
turn your frown upside down 不要哭丧着脸了 I'm never gonna get a chance
to meet Bieber!My life is over!!Turn your frown upside down!I think
I found a few tickets here!
keep your head up 抬起头来,打起精神You can finally meet your idol
cheer up打起精神来cheer [tʃɪə]n.v.愉快, 欢呼
turn your frown upside down 不要哭丧着脸了
keep your head up 抬起头来,打起精神
420. Morning person! ( Dec& 03 ,2013)
morning person习惯早起的人I am NOT a morning person.
hit the snooze button按闹钟上的止闹按扭I hit the snooze button at least 5
times before getting up in the morning.
Sleep through the alarm闹钟叫不醒Sometimes if I'm really
sleepy(特别困).I'll just sleep throug the alarm!What time is it?OMG!
It's noon!!I slept through my alarm!!
morning person习惯早起的人
hit the snooze button按闹钟上的止闹按扭snooze[snuːz]n.打盹儿,瞌睡
sleep through the alarm闹钟叫不醒
sleepy[ 'slɪːpɪ]a.想睡的;困乏的,特别困
421. Makeup! ( Dec& 21 ,2013)
I love makeup! Here are a few of my must-have items.
foundation 粉底SPF 防晒系数 I love foundation with SPF! It protects
your skin from the sun.
mascara睫毛膏 You gotta have mascara! It makes your eyelashes look
super long.
lip gloss 唇彩 I always keep lopgloss in my purse(包).Just a little
bit of lipgloss makes your look super fabulous(超棒)!
SPF(Sun Protection Factor) 防晒系数
lip gloss 唇彩gloss[glɒs]n.v.光泽, 色泽,上光
422. Christmas! ( Dec& 24 ,2013)
Christmas season圣诞节 The Christmas season is here(快到了)! It's my
favorite time of the year! 圣诞节!这是我一年中最喜欢的时候!
Get in the Christmas spirit 感受圣诞气氛 Everybody is getting in the
Christmas spirit! I love listening to Christmas songs
24/7(不分白天黑夜)!That's how(这才叫) I get in the Christmas spirit!
trim the tree 装饰圣诞树 I also love trimming the Christmas
tree!Check out my little Christmas tree!Isn't it cute?It's like a
New York City(纽约人的) Christmas tree very small for
the& very small apartment.
Christmas season圣诞节season['sɪːzn]n.季,节,时令v. 给...调味
Get in the Christmas spirit 感受圣诞气氛
trim the tree 装饰圣诞树
423. Holiday Shopping! ( Dec& 25 ,2013)
Holiday shopping假日购物 Holiday shopping is the best part of the
Christmas season! There are sales everywhere
BOGO (Buy One Get One)买一送一H & M is having a BOGO sale!Buy
and bag and get the next bag free! OK I'm going to H & M
now.See ya!!
good deal划算的东西 Macy's has a lot of good deals during the holiday
holiday shopping假日购物
BOGO (Buy One Get One)买一送一
good deal划算的东西
424. Bust my butt! ( Dec& 26 ,2013)
bust my butt很努力得工作 I bust my butt every day at work. If I don't
bust my butt, some new intern(实习生) is gonna take my job!
give it 110%付出百分之110的努力 I have to give it 110(%) percent this
year if I want a promotion.It's so competitive in this office.
goof around 不做该做的事情,游手好闲 There's no time to goof around. No time
to look at Weibo(微博) or We Chat(微信).There's only time to work work
work until I get off at 5pm!
give it 110%付出百分之110的努力
goof around 不做该做的事情,游手好闲
425. Stoked! ( Dec& 27 ,2013)
really excited很激动 I heard it's supposed to snow today! I'm
really excited! I love snow!&
stoked 很兴奋 I'm so stoked!! Maybe it will snow so much(雪下得大) that
we'll have a snow day(漫天白雪)!
psyched 很兴奋I would be so psyched to have a snowday!I could spend
the entire day outside making anowmen!
really excited很激动
stoked /a.很兴奋stoke[stəʊk]v. 烧火,狼吞虎咽地吃
psyche['saɪkɪ]n. 魂;精神,很兴奋,开玩笑
426. Let's Dance! ( Dec& 30 ,2013)
I just wanna dance! 我只想跳舞!It's been such a long week! I just
wanna go out and dance with my friends!
Let's shake it! 我们摇吧!我们跳舞吧! Yeah ! Let's shake it!The new Daft
Punk song is on and it's my fav!
Get down!跳舞吧!Every time I hear the new Britney song. I just
wanna get down!
I just wanna dance! 我只想跳舞!
Let's shake it! 我们摇吧!我们跳舞吧!
fav= favourite
Let's shake it! 我们摇吧!我们跳舞吧!
427. Okey-Dokey! ( Dec& 31 ,2013)
okey-dokey 好吧! Hey let's go get some Sichuan food for dinner!
Okey dokey!
sounds good可以,好吧 I think I'm gonna order mapo tofu.You wanna
share it with me(一起吃吧)? Sounds good to me!
down with that好啊 I'm gonna ask then to add extra spice(多加点辣)
,cool(可以吗)? Oh, I am SO down with that!
sounds good可以,好吧
down with that好啊
428. New Years Resolutions! ( Jan& 01
Happy New Year! These are my New Years Resolutions!
1) Travel to China! 到中国旅游 I didn't get the chance to visit China
in 2013. I live in New York City! I really wanna go this year.Which
city in China do you think I should visit this year.
2) Learn how to cook eggplant in garlic sauce (鱼香茄子). I want to
learn how to cook eggplant in garlic sauce! OK! Who's gonna can
teach me!?
3)Practice yoga every morning.I want to practice yoga every
morning this year! Meditation(冥想)will help me reduce strss.
4) Find a boyfriend.My final 2014 resolution&
is to find a boyfriend! Because I didn't find one in 2013!
eggplant in garlic sauce 鱼香茄子
yoga[ 'jəʊgə]n.瑜珈
429. Def! Fo Sho! ( Jan& 01 ,2014)
def = definitely 肯定, 当然 I'm planning Melissa's birthday party.Do
you think she'll like going out for Sichuan food with a few
friends? Def!
obvi = obviously 明显, 显然 And she'll love going out to KTV
fo sho =for sure 那是肯定的, 当然了!Should we make this a surprise
party?Fo sho!
def = definitely 肯定, 当然
obvi = obviously 明显, 显然
fo sho =for sure 那是肯定的, 当然了
430. Obvi! Totes! ( Jan& 03 ,2014)
jeli = jealous 嫉妒 Kenzie's new job is so cool.She gets to travel
to LA every week! I'm SO jeli!
gorg = gorgeous 很漂亮 OMG! really? I heard LA is gorg this time of
totes = totally 相当 Oh totes! it's not freezing like New York.LA
is sunny and gorg every day!
jeli = jealous 嫉妒
gorg = gorgeous 很漂亮
totes = totally 相当
431. This Sucks :( ( Jan& 06 ,2014)
This sucks 这个很烂, 很差 Hey Baijie I made you some coffee!Thanks!
(takes a sip) &OMG What is this? This coffee
crappy 很烂, 劣质 Are you calling my coffee crappy? Baijie you're
such a jerk(烂人).So not cool!(这样不好一点都不酷) You didn't put any sugar or
milk in it! So not cool!…oops! Sorry!(哎呀!不好意思)
this sucks 这个很烂, 很差suck[sʌk]n.not good. bad n.v.吸
calling/n. 职业; 邀请,通知
crappy 很烂, 劣质
432. Chill out! ( Jan& 07 ,2014)
chill/chill out 和朋友一起放松, 休闲, 打发时间 Hey let's just stay in and
chill tonight.
chill/chill out 休息, 放松 I have been studying for the past 5
hours. I need to chill out a little bit and catch up on 爸爸去哪儿
chill/chill out但定 My job interview was a weeek ago! I haven't
heard anything! Did I get the job!What should I do??? Chill ot.They
will get back to you.
chill/chill out 放松, 休闲, 打发时间,但定
433. Chillax! ( Jan& 08 ,2014)
chillax休息,淡定 It's snowing like crazy outside!! And we have no
food in the house!! WE'RE GONNA STARVE!!! Chillax. I'll go out and
get some food. OK! I'll just stay here and chillax.
chilly冷Be sure to bundle up! It's super chilly outside!
chilled to the bore寒气刺骨Here-take my hat! You'll be chilled to
the bone if you don't wear a hat! Thanks! I'll be back soon.
chillax=chill out +relax休息,淡定
chilly[ 'tʃɪlɪ]a.寒冷的,不友好的,冷淡的
434. Hang out ( Jan& 09 ,2014)
Hang out 一起呆着 We should totally hang out soon(聚会)! It's been too
Get together 见面,相聚 Yes &I'd love to get
together soon! You wanna go see a movie?
spend some time with you和你共度时光meet up见个面 I'd rather meet up for
dinner and spend some time with you.
hang out 一起呆着
get together 见面,相聚
spend some time with you和你共度时光
meet up见个面
435. Is this love? ( Jan& 12 ,2014)
love at first sight 一见钟情 The first time I tasted these cookies
it was love at first sight. Or I guess I &could
say love at first bite!
love-hate relationship 爱恨交加的关系 I have a love-hate relationshi
with cookiies.
love handles腰部赘肉 I loooooove cookies .They taste SO good! But I
also hate cookies because they give me love handles.
love at first sight 一见钟情
love-hate relationship 爱恨交加的关系
love handles腰部赘肉
436. Fishy ( Jan& 15 ,2014)
fishy可疑,靠不住 (Gets text message) David: Hey Baijie. Did it hurt
when you fell from heaven(从天上掉下来)? Hmmm... this text is a little
cheesy俗气,庸俗,没水平,愚蠢 Who wrote that? David.What!? David never
writes cheesy text messages like that.
my cup of tea我的类型 Those cheesy text messages are definitely NOT
my cup of tea.
fishy[ 'fɪʃɪ]a. 可疑,靠不住
my cup of tea我的类型
437. Maybe Next Time ( Jan& 14 ,2014)
No thanks 不用了, 谢谢Hey Baijie! You wanna go with me to get
dumplings for lunch?No thanks. I gotta keep studying.
Maybe& next time下次吧 Com with mw! You need to
take a brain break.Maybe next time. I gotta cram(好好复习) for this
I don't think so 不用了 Do you want me to bring back some dumplings
back for you?I don't think so .I don't even have time to eat!
No thanks 不用了, 谢谢
Maybe& next time下次吧
cram[kr&m] v.好好复习, 塞满,猛吃,死记硬背功课
I don't think so 不用了
438. Not Right Now ( Jan& 15 ,2014)
I'll have to get back to you 我回头告诉你Hey Baijie, are you gonna go
skiing with us this weekend? I'll have to get back to you. I don't
know if I can get time off(请到假).
Not right now 现在不行Go call your boss and find out(打电话问问)! Not
right now.He's in a meeting.
I'll let you know我到时会告诉你的I really wanna go sking with you
guys.I'll let you know my decision.
&by the end of the day.
I'll have to get back to you 我回头告诉你
Not right now 现在不行
get time off请到假
I'll let you know我到时会告诉你的
439. I feel bad! ( Jan& 15 ,2014)
I apologize 对不起Baijie, I apologize.....for what? I lost your
keys. (Silent & angry look) ..... WHAT!?I feel so bad! I went
running and I put them in my pocket! When I got back they were
gone.I'm so sorry! You should feel bad(你活该)!How are we gonna get
my bad我的错,对不起 My bad my bad.Give me your keys and I'll go make
few copies.
I apologize 对不起
my bad我的错,对不起
440. Crazy Good! ( Jan& 20 ,2014)
Crazy good 非常好 These cookies you made are crazy good!
Out of this world 绝了Yeah! These are awesome! Your baking skills
are out of this world!
supes awesome太好了These cookies are supes awesome.You gonna give
me the recipe(食谱) for these
Crazy good 非常好
Out of this world 绝了
recipe['resɪpɪ]n.食谱;处方(对比receipt[ rɪ'sɪːt]n.收据)
supes awesome太好了
441. End of the World? ( Jan& 21 ,2014)
It's not the end of the world 天不会塌下来的 Ryan and I had a fight
last night. I think we're gonna break up.Whoa. Hold on(别急). It's
just a fight. It's not the end of the world!
You'll get through this 你能挺过去 I don't know if he likes me
anymore(是不是还喜欢我) .You two will get though this .Just give him a
little space before you call him again(晚点再给他打电话).
You'll be fine!你肯定会好起来的!You're the best.I think you're
right.See? You'll be fine!Just chill out and talk to him later
It's not the end of the world 天不会塌下来的
You'll get through this 你能挺过去
You'll be fine!你肯定会好起来的!
442. Sporty! ( Jan& 22 ,2014)
sporty 喜欢运动的人, 像运动员的Have you been watching the Winter Olympics?
OMG these guys are amazing(太棒啦)!Yeah!It really makes me wish I was
more sporty(运动天赋).I would totally fall on my butt(摔的四脚朝天) if I
tried to go snowboarding(滑板滑雪)!
athletic擅长运动的 I know ! They are so athletic. Did you see the
flips (腾空翻)Sean White did on his snowboard!?
fit健美的Oh yeah. You gotta be super fit to do tricks(动作) like
sporty 喜欢运动的人, 像运动员的:
fall on my butt(摔的四脚朝天
443. Jerk! ( Jan& 23 ,2014)
jerk 混蛋,混球 I went on a date with David 5 days ago and he still
hasn't texted me back. OMG! What a jerk.
idiot笨蛋,傻瓜 I'm not an idiot.I know what's going on
here…(知道是怎么回事)What do you mean?
fool笨蛋,傻瓜 I just don't think he's that into me(没兴趣)! What are
you talking about!? He'd be a fool to NOT be into
jerk [dʒɜːk] n.蠢人;混蛋,颠簸,摇晃
not be into you对你没兴趣
444. Chips and salsa ( Jan& 24 ,2014)
墨西哥食品salsa 墨西哥辣调味汁 tortilla chips 玉米薄饼 Chips and salsa is one of
my favorite snacks. The spicier the salsa the better(辣汁越辣越好)!
guacamole鳄梨色拉酱 I like chips and guac the best! I could eat
guacamole all by itself (干吃)with just a spoon.It's so good!
burrito墨西哥卷饼 What's usually in a burrito? Well there's a big
tortilla. It's stuffed with rice,beans , salsa,cheese
salsa 墨西哥辣调味汁
tortilla chips 玉米薄饼tortilla [tɔr'tɪːjə]n.玉米粉圆饼
the salsa the better辣汁越辣越好
445. Freak!!! ( Jan& 15 ,2014)
freak 怪人 Have you met Melissa's little sister(妹妹) Lisa? She's
kind of a freak...That's so mean(这样说可不好)! Don't say that about
freaky奇怪,诡异Dude,no(亲,不是).The way she looks at you(看你) and the
way she talks(说话) is so freaky! I'm not kidding,Hello Baijie…you
look especially…niiiiiiice today….Thanks Lisa.
freaks me out吓到我了OK you're right(你说对了).She totally freaks me
freak 怪人
That's so mean这样说可不好
freaks me out吓到我了
446. Types of Freaks ( Jan& 27 ,2014)
control freak 控制狂My boss is such a control freak. He has to
approve and& review EVERYTHING I do!
clean freak/neat freak 有洁癖的人My mom is such a clean freak.If I
leave one cup in the sink she freaks out(发狂)!!
health freak 健康控 Melissa is a health freak.She only eats salads
and drinks green tea.
control freak 控制狂
clean freak/neat freak 有洁癖的人
freaks out发狂
health freak 健康控
447. Love Music ( Jan& 28 ,2014)
Pop 流行音乐I love pop music! It makes me so happy. I play it in the
morning when I'm getting ready(洗漱)
Hip hop 嘻哈......Dancing to hip hop is so fun! I've been
listening to a lot of Drake lately!
R & B=rhythm and blues 节奏布鲁斯/节奏蓝调 The best R & B singer
right now is Miguel. His songs are SO romantic!
Pop 流行音乐
Hip hop 嘻哈
R & B=rhythm and blues 节奏布鲁斯/节奏蓝调
448. More Music! ( Jan& 29 ,2014)
Classic American music genres 经典美国音乐种类 country 乡村音乐 (yee-haw =
咦嗬) A lot of Americans have a love-hate(爱恨情节) relationship with
country music!I love some of it! I really like Carry Underwood。
blue grass“蓝草”音乐 Blue grass sounds a lot like country music.
They just have a lot more banjo(班卓琴伴奏).
jazz爵士乐 I listen to jazz when I'm cooking or just chilling out
at home. It helps me relax.
country 乡村音乐
a love-hate(爱恨情节
blue grass“蓝草”音乐
449. Even MORE music! ( Jan& 30 ,2014)
classical 古典乐 When I'm winding down at night I like to listen to
classical music. It helps me fall asleep.。opera 歌剧...... I do the
same thing! I get home from work.I instantly chill out.
swing/big band摇摆乐 You guys are boring(没劲)! I listen to big band
music all the time!Sinatra is the best(最爱)!
classical 古典乐
opera 歌剧
swing/big band摇摆乐
450. Spring Festival 2014 ( Jan& 31 ,2014)
spring festival 春节 Spring Festival Travel(春运) Spring Festival
Travel is so crazy! Did you get a ticket home? It's like people
mountain people sea(人山人海)! ....wait that doesn't sound right in
I wish you good fortune恭喜发财 I wish you all the best!(万事如意) OMG
fans please tell your family(转告你的家人) that I wish you all good
fortune and I wish you all the best!
set off fireworks (放烟火)red envelopes(红包)eat dumplings(吃水饺) What
are you most excited to do during Spring Festival? Set off
fireworks ,receive a red envelope eat dumplings?? Or are you
excited for all of the above(全都喜欢)?
spring festival 春节Spring Festival Travel春运
people mountain people sea人山人海
I wish you good fortune!恭喜发财
I wish you all the best!万事如意
set off fireworks (放烟火
red envelopes(红包)
451. Know What I Mean? ( Feb& 02 ,2014)
Catch my drift?懂我意思吗?When we meet up with Ryan,I'll introduce
you to his friend Greg.You just gotta act likeyou've never met him
before (要表示得好像从来没有见过一样).Catch my drift?
Know what I mean?明白我的意思吗?I'm just so nervous around new
people(在陌生人前很紧张),know what I mean?
Know what I'm saying?知道我的意思吗?You just gotta go(大胆争取) for it!You
know what I'm saying?Greg's a cool guy and he's single!
Catch my drift?懂我意思吗?[drɪft]n.漂流;漂流物;漂移
Know what I mean?明白我的意思吗?
Know what I'm saying?知道我的意思吗?
452. I Don't Get It ( Feb& 04 ,2014)
What are you talking about?你在说什么?I don't really think Greg is my
type.He's kinda awkward(有点苯).
What are you talking about?你什么意思?I don't get it.我不懂He just
didn't ask me any questions when we met.He just kept talking about
himself!!I don't get it!Greg is never like that around me and his
I don't know what you mean.我不懂你的意思I don't know what you mean.He
was totally self-centered(太以自我为中心).He was probably just
What are you talking about?你在说什么?你什么意思?
I don't get it.我不懂
I don't know what you mean.我不懂你的意思
453. Get A Life!! ( Feb& 05 ,2014)
Get a life做点别的So you and Ryan really break up?Don't you have
anything else to talk about? Get a life! Leave me alone(不要烦我了)!
Get it together振作精神Whoa! I'm just worried about you. You haven't
left the apartment in like 5 days.Have you showered lately?You need
get it together(你得振作起来)!
Get over it忘记某事 I'll get over it(自然会淡然处之) when I feel like
getting over it(感觉能放手时).OK? I'm just too sad about this breakup
right now!
Get a life做点别的
Get it together振作精神
Get over it忘记某事
454. How You Doin? ( Feb& 06 ,2014)
How are you?你怎么样啊?Baijie! How are you? How's my single
How you doin?你怎么样啊?Yes it's true(对,没错). Ryan and I broke up. I'm
doing so much better now! How you doin?
How's it goin?怎么样啊?I'm great (很好)!Just heading over to(这就去)
dinner with Melissa.How's it goin?Are you dating anyone new?Yep! On
my way to a date right now.
How are you?/ How you doin? How's it goin?你怎么样啊?
455. What On Earth?? ( Feb& 07 ,2014)
What in the world? 究竟是怎么回事What in the world is going on?I'm
getting a ton of (许多) Wechat (微信)messages!
What on Earth?什么情况?What on Earth?I've received like 100 messages
in one hour.
In the world/on Earth全世界Sounds like someone shared(告诉) your
Wechat name with every single guy on Earth.
What in the world? 究竟是怎么回事
Wechat 微信
What on Earth?什么情况
In the world/on Earth全世界
456. Get Out Of Town!! ( Feb& 10 ,2014)
Get real玩儿真的,现实点儿I'm gonna get over(忘了) Ryan .It's done. I'm
glad it's over(高兴一切都过去了)!Get real!You guys will be back
together(复合) in like 2 days(2天后).
Get lost消失,滚开Nuh-uh(不会的)! I told him to get lost!This is
it(到此为止)! We're throgh!I'm a single lady now!
Get out of town!我去Get out of town!!You love him Ryan is a good
guy.Wait…are you texting him?… well yeah.He apologized.We're good
Get real玩儿真的,现实点儿
Get lost消失,滚开
Get out of town!我去
457. Valentine's Day ( Feb& 14 ,2014)
These are the things that make for a perfect Valentine's Day
bouquet of flowers 一束花 I would want my Valentine's Day date to
bring me a bouquet of flowers. One dozen red roses please!
box of chocolates 一盒巧克力It's not Valentine's(还算什么情人节) Day without
a box chocolates!That is a must.OMG I love chocolate.
candle-lit dinner烛光晚餐I would also love to go out for a romantic
candle-lit dinner with my Valentine's Day date.But I don't have a
Valentine yet …
Valentine's Day情人节
bouquet of flowers 一束花bouquet[bʊ'keɪ]n.花束
candle-lit dinner烛光晚餐lit=light
458. Happy Happy Happy ( Feb& 15 ,2014)
Happy-go-lucky无忧无虑Today is the big day(大日子)! I'm gonna get a
JOB! How can you be so happy-go-lucky before an interview? Aren't
you nervous(你不紧张吗)?
Over the moon非常开心No way!Melissa texted me and told me that they
like(喜欢) me and I'm most definitrly getting the job()肯定会录用!I am
just over the moon!I'm gonna get JOB!
Happy camper快乐的人,乐天派Yikes.You are NOT gonna be Happy camper if
this interview doesn't go well(面试搞咂了).
big day大日子
nervous ['nɜrvəs]a.神经紧张的,神经的
459. Semester ( Feb& 17 ,2014)
new semester 新学期easy schedule 课程很轻松 The new semester started and
I'm so excited! My schedule is sp easy!. I'm only taking 2
My schedule stinks! 我的课程表很紧!drop a class 退选Your grades might
suffer! 成绩可能会受影响!My schedule stinks! I'm taking 5 classes.That's
way too many classes.I might need to drop &a class
or else my grades might suffer!
new semester 新学期semester[sɪ'mestə(r)]n.半学年;一学期
easy schedule 课程很轻松
My schedule stinks! 我的课程表很紧!stinks[stɪŋk]n.臭味,张扬
drop a class 退选drop[drɒp]n.滴,落下
Your grades might suffer! 成绩可能会受影响!
460. Wanna Gonna ( Feb& 18 ,2014)
wanna = want to& 想要,想做You wanna go see the
"爸爸去哪儿" movie with me?
gonna=going to会做I was gonna go with my dad! Aw that's kinda
cute(好贴心)!You should totes go with your dad.
hafta=have to必须要做We don't hafta go alone.You should come with
wanna = want to& 想要,想做
gonna=going to会做
kinda =kind of
tote [təʊt]v.提,携带,负
hafta=have to必须要做
461. Coulda Woulda Shoulda ( Feb& 19 ,2014)
coulda = could have会有I can't believe I didn't get the job. I
coulda been an amazing(出色的) research assistant.
woulda=would have本来会是dun't=don't know不知道Oh no(不会吧)! Why didn't
you get the job(被录用)?I dunno.I'm so sad!That woulda been such a
cool job to have.
shoulda=should have应会,该有 I guess(觉得) I shoulda prepared more for
the interview.I coulda done better.
coulda = could have会有
woulda=would have本来会是
dun't=don't know不知道
shoulda=should have应会,该有
462. Tough Luck ( Feb& 20 ,2014)
hang tough 顽强不屈 It's been two months since I lost my job.
Everybody's telling me to hang tough& but
I& can't find a job!!
When the going gets tough,the tough get going!困难越大,有斗志的人越顽强!
Hey! When the going gets tough the tough get going!!You've gotta
hang in there(坚持下去)!You can do it!
tough luck运气不好 I just have tough luck .No matter how many(投多少份了)
resumes I submit(投简历).I still can't find anything(工作)!
hang tough 顽强不屈
When the going gets tough,the tough get going!困难越大,有斗志的人越顽强!
hang in there坚持下去
tough luck运气不好
463. Follow Your Heart! ( Feb& 21 ,2014)
Wear your heart on your sleeve 公开地表示(Baijie looking sad) Hey,
are you OK? What's going on?Nothing….Oh come on.I know you! You
wear your& heart on your sleeve(写在脸上)!! I know
something's going on(有什么不对劲).
Follow your heart跟着感觉走 I got a job offer.It's good pay.But the
job just seems so boring to me(太无聊)!! I wanna follow my heart and
keep looking for a job that I love but I'm BROKE(没有钱)!!
Close to my heart对我来说很重要 I'm the same way(我也是)!The only way I'm
really happy in a job is if I'm working on something that is really
close to my heart.
Wear your heart on your sleeve 公开地表示
something's going on有什么不对劲
Follow your heart跟着感觉走
broke=The state of having no, or very little money.
Close to my heart对我来说很重要
464. Hi Honey ( Feb& 24 ,2014)
Honey 宝贝Hi Honey! How was your day(过得怎么样啊)?
Sweetie宝贝Oh Sweetie,I had such a long day(好漫长)!I'm just happy to
be home with my Sweetie(回到家,看到宝贝).
Darling宝贝,亲爱的Darling I'm so glad you're home!Just go relax(休息休息)
and I'll start making dinner.OK Honey?
Babe宝贝 Oh babe! You're the best(你最好了)!
Honey (Sweetie, Babe)宝贝
465. Can't Stand That! ( Feb& 26 ,2014)
Can't stand 受不了 I can't stand Beyonce's new album(新专辑). I don't
like any of the songs!
not a fan不喜欢,不是某事的粉丝You're not a fan!? OMG you're crazy!!I can't
stop listening!I love her new album!
I hate不喜欢,讨厌No, I'm not a fan! I hate all pop music.I love
counyry music forever!OMG I can't atand country music! Not a
Can't stand 受不了
not a fan不喜欢,不是某事的粉丝
I hate不喜欢,讨厌
466. Hang On ( Feb& 27 ,2014)
leave someone hangin' 把我晾在这里一边 Hey don't leave me hangin'!
Finish telling me about your date with Nathan.
hang on 等一下Hang on he's texting me.OMG,I can't believe this.What
did he say?
hung up on someone忘不了某人He said he's still hung up on his ex
girlfriend!And he doesn't know if he wants to keep seeing
me(该不该继续见面).Hang on, what!?This is crazy(这太离谱了)!What am I gonna
leave someone hangin' 把我晾在这里一边
hang on 等一下
hung up on someone忘不了某人
to keep seeing me继续见面
467. Tough Cookie ( Feb& 29 ,2014)
tough 严格My mom is always so tough on me. She's not happy with me
right now because I don't have a 4.0 GPA!
tough love 严厉的爱Yeah,my mom is tough on me too.I think moms
show(展现出) tough love because they expect a lot out of us(望子成龙)!
tough cookie坚强的人No problem,We're tough cookies!We can handle a
little bit of (承受一点) tough love.
tough 严格
GPA= grade-point average
tough love 严厉的爱
expect a lot out of us望子成龙
tough cookie坚强的人
can handle a little bit of承受一点
468. Gotta Go! ( Mar& 03 ,2014)
outta = out + of 没了,走了 I think my phone's outta battery! Oh no!!
Do you have a charger?
gotta = got + to 必须做You gotta get your own charger.You can't
keep borrowing(一直借) mine!
musta=must have一定 I musta left my charger at home. Just let me
use yours for a couple !
outta = out + of 没了,走了
gotta = got + to 必须做
keep borrowing
musta=must have一定
keep borrowing &mine一直借我的
musta=must have一定
469. Buckle Down! ( Mar& 04 ,2014)
Keep your head up! 振作点!I don't think I will ever be ready for
this chemistry test!I've been studying for 2 days
straight(连续复习2天)!Keep your head up!You are more prepared than
anyone(准备得比任何人都充分).You will rock that test(你能行)!
Buckle down开始认真从事I just gotta buckle down for the next 2 hours
and review everything before the test.
swamped with…忙于… I feel like our professor assigned(布置的作业) too
much this semester.I've been swamped with so much work.I haven't
had time to study(准备) for this test!
Keep your head up! 振作点
more prepared准备充分
You will rock that test.你能行
Buckle down开始认真从事buckle['bʌkl]n.v. 皮带扣,扣住,扣子
swamped with…忙于… swamp[swɒmp]n.v( 陷入)沼泽; 困境,淹没
470. Keep it up! ( Mar& 06 ,2014)
Keep up the good work! 再接再厉! Baijie you are the only sdudent who
aced the chemistry test.Keep up the good work!
Keep it up! 坚持下去!Wow! Really?That is such great news!Thank you.I
know you put a lot of& work into this.Keep it
pays off 得到回报Wow I guess buckling down and studying all
night(熬夜复习) really pays off!
Keep up the good work! 再接再厉!
Keep it up! 坚持下去
pays off 得到回报
471. “Trains!” ( Mar 06 ,2014)
The train to &&开往—的火车Whwre are
you headed(你要去那里)? I'm headed to the train station.I'm taking the
train to DC!
depart 开出platform/track 站台When are you leaving?My train departs
at noon from track 12.
arrive 抵达And when do you get to DC?My train arrives 4 hours
later.So I'll be there by 4pm.
The train to&& 开往—的火车
DC= Washington, District of &Columbia
depart 开出
platform/track 站台
arrive 抵达
472. “ears!” ( Mar 07,2014)
up to my ears 忙极了OMG! I'm up to my ears in homework!!I don't
think I can go out this weekend
couldn't believe my ears 不敢相信 I know,right!?I coulden't believe
my ears when our professor assigned us all of that work!
music to my ears 听到好消息使你很高兴Yeah, but I was kinda relieved when
he said our test would be open-book.That was music to my ears!
up to my ears 忙极了
couldn't believe my ears 不敢相信
music to my ears 听到好消息使你很高兴
473. Runny Nose ( Mar 10,2014)
runny nose 流鼻涕 I'm so sick(病得很厉害) today! I have a runny nose.Do
you have any tissues?
blow your nose 擤鼻子 Yeah I have tissues! Here's one-blow your
stuffy nose 鼻子堵了,不通气 Yeah I've been blowing my nose a lot .If I
don't blow my nose.I'll get really stuffy nose.And that is so
runny nose 流鼻涕
blow your nose 擤鼻子
stuffy nose 鼻子堵了,不通气
474. Sore Throat ( Mar& 11 ,2014)
sore throat 喉咙痛 Hey, how's it going?Why aren't you talking?I
have a sore throat.It hurts really bad(痛死我啦)!
cough 咳嗽Really? I had a sore throat last week.Now I just have a
little cough.
cough drops/throat drops止咳糖Here! Try my cough drops!They really
help!MMM!!I love these throat drops!They taste so good.That feels
so much better !Thank you!
sore throat 喉咙痛throat[θrəʊt]n.咽喉,喉咙
hurt[hɜːt]n.伤害,损害, 伤v.使受伤;伤...的感情;使疼痛
cough 咳嗽
cough drops/throat drops止咳糖drop[drɒp]n.滴,落下,微量v. 滴下
475. Lift a Finger! ( Mar& 12 ,2014)
rapped around one's finger 能够很容易地影响别人,玩弄于股掌之间OMG!Have you seen
Ryan and his new girlfrend?She has him wrapped around her
I can't put my finger on it 我弄不清到底是什么She seems so weird(有点怪)
though.Why does Ryan let her push him around like that?I can't put
my finger on it.
doesn't have to lift a finger什么都不用做I know!He does everything for
her.She doesn't have to lift a finger!I don't get it(我真是搞不懂).
rapped around one's finger 能够很容易地影响别人,玩弄于股掌之间
I can't put my finger on it 我弄不清到底是什么
weird[wɪəd]a. 怪异的n.命运,符咒,预言
doesn't have to lift a finger什么都不用做
476. Getting You Down! ( Mar& 13 ,2014)
getting you down 使你难过Hey,what's getting you down?I just can't
seem to get anything higher than (最多) a C+ in math class.My mom is
so mad at me!
getting by 勉强度过,凑合用Maybe you should try to find a math
tutor.Yeah that's a good idea.I've been getting by on friends'
notes(凑合用我同学的笔记) from class but I am just not understanding this
getting along和某人相处得很好I'll help you find a math tutor .Thanks! I
hate fighting with my mom.I'm always so sad when we're not getting
getting you down 使你难过
getting by 勉强度过,凑合用
getting along和某人相处得很好
477. Zip Your Lip! ( Mar& 14 ,2014)
Zip your lip! 闭嘴!Hey guess who has new boyfrend!Hey! Zip your
lip.What? I didn't know it a secret.
My lips are sealed 我保守秘密, 我绝不告诉别人Of& course
it's a secret.I don't want the world to know I have a new
boyfriend.I like to keep that kind of info private.Ok fine! My lips
are sealed.
Read my lips!看看我的嘴唇!听好了! Read my lips:I will kill you if you
tell anyone!OK!? I want some privacy!!
Zip your lip! 闭嘴!
My lips are sealed 我保守秘密, 我绝不告诉别人
Read my lips!看看我的嘴唇!听好了!
478. Sweet Tooth ( Mar& 17 ,2014)
sweet 甜Whoa! this coffee is way too sweet!You put too much sugar
sweet tooth 喜好甜食Sorry! That's what you get for asking someone
with a sweet tooth to make coffee for you(谁让我给你们做甜食呢)?
Sweets 甜食I have a sweet tooth,too but i"m trying to cut out the
sweets(努力不吃甜食)!Lose some weight!
sweet tooth 喜好甜食
Sweets 甜食
479. Fingers Crossed! ( Mar& 19 ,2014)
keep your fingers crossed 两指交叉以求好运 I just planted some
vegetables in my new garden.I've never planted anything before.So
keep your fingers crossed that we have some yummy salad to eat.
green thumb 擅长种花或种菜Oh wow!Well your mom has an awesome garden.So
I bet you have a green thumb too!
lay a finger on something 碰一下Yeah,but she never let me lay a
finger on her garden!I've killed every single plant.I've ever
owned.So I'm a little nervous!
keep your fingers crossed 两指交叉以求好运
green thumb 擅长种花或种菜
lay a finger on something 碰一下
480. Play it by Ear ( Mar& 20 ,2014)
play it by ear 随机应变When are we gonna leave this party? It's
getting late.Let's play it by ear. I'm not ready to leave yet. I'm
having fun(多好玩啊)!
give someone an earful 唠叨某人If& I don't get home
by midnight my mom is going to give me an earful!She hates when I
break curfew(违反门禁).&
have something coming out of your ears太多了I have all of her
words(牢骚) coming out of my ears!
play it by ear 随机应变
give someone an earful 唠叨某人
have something coming out of your ears太多了
481. “hand!” ( Mar& 21 ,2014)
handsy 毛手毛腳的I went on a date with that new guy, Fred,last
night.And within the first 15 minutes(一起喝咖啡还不到15分钟) he started to
get really handsy!I was so upset! So I just left!!
I have to hand it to you 不得不称赞你OMG ! That's horrible.I'm glad
you left(你离开就太对了).I have to hand it to you.I don't know what I
would do in that situation.
on one hand, on the other hand 一方面,另一方面On one hand,I felt bad
for just leaving him there.But on the other hand I was so
offended(冒犯) that he would get so handsy with someone he doesn't
even know!!
handsy 毛(动)手毛(动)腳的
I have to hand it to you 不得不称赞你
on one hand, on the other hand 一方面,另一方面
482. Tangy! ( Mar& 24 ,2014)
sour 酸OMG! This lemonade you made is way too sour!Did you add
ANY sugar?
tart 酸 I added a little bit of sugar and then I added a LOT of
lemon juice! I like my lemonade nice and tart!
tangy 酸 This lemonade is way too tangy(太酸了) for me.Pass(递) the
sugar please!!
sour['saʊə(r)]n.v.a. 酸味
pass [pɑːs]n.经过;护照;通行证v. 经过,穿过;传递
483. Spicy Hot ( Mar& 25 ,2014)
spicy辣Have I told you how much I love spicy food??The spicier
the better!I put Sriracha sauce(拉差辣椒酱) like literally on
EVERYTHING!JK! I'm not gonna do that!
&hot 辣Are you serious?That sauce is too hot for
me.I don't have a very high tolersnce for spicy
fiery 辣Oh yeah, I'm dead serious(我认真的). Vegetable,noodle dishes,
pizza,everything!I love that fiery,spice flavor.Nice and
484. Whirlwind! ( Mar& 26 ,2014)
whirlwind 旋风式的I want to go on a whirlwind trip around China!
hands are full 忙极了But I can't go right now.I have my hands full
with 3 projects at work(3个项目要完成) right now!
drowning忙死了I'm literally drowning in work.My coworker just
quit(辞职) and left me with all of the projects to do by myself!
get cracking迅速开始工作OK I gotta go get cracking on this work or(否则)
I won't have time to daydream(白日梦) about a whirlwind trip to
whirlwind/n. 旋风式的
hands are full 忙极了
get cracking迅速开始工作crack[kr&k]n.裂缝,爆裂声
485. “a fine line!” ( Mar& 27 ,2014)
fine line between 一条细微的分界线Ya know what?There is a fine line
between "being busy(忙碌)" and ignoring(故意忽略) me!Why won't Fred
answer(回复) my texts?!
way out of line 实在太过分了He is way out of line .That is NOT how you
treat(对待) your girlfrend.Maybe I can talk to Fred and ask him
what's going on(怎么回事情).
bottom line 总而言之The bottom line is he is treating me like I'm
just friend(普通朋友).I can't take(忍受) this anymore!
fine line between 一条细微的分界线
way out of line 实在太过分了
bottom line 总而言之
like I'm just friend普通朋友
486. Bitter Bland ( Mar& 28 ,2014)
bitter 苦OMG! This coffee is way too bitter!I guess I need to add
a little bit of sugar to it.
bland 淡的This healthy cereal(健康谷物) is so bland.Why are the
healthy foods the worst tasting(最难吃的食物) foods?
Tasteless 无味的 没味道Yeah(真是的)! That stuff(东西) is totally
tasteless.It's like you're eating cardboard.
is way too bitter太苦
bland [bl&nd]a.淡的,温和的
tasteless/a. 无味的 没味道
487. I Can't Help It! ( Mar& 28 ,2014)
I didn't mean to 我不是故意的Hey Baijie! How's it going?…fine.What's
wrong? …nothing.
Are you mad at me?你是在生我的气吗?You forgot my birthday yesterday.OMG!
I am so sorry!I didn't mean to I had a huge paper due(重要论文要交)
It's not my fault不是我的错 I thought(以为) we were best friends.Even
if you had a paper due(有论文要交). &I still thought
you'd at least remember my birthay.It's not my fault!I have been so
stressed(压力太大) out lately.I'm so sorry I forgot .
I can't help it我没办法I can't help it .I'm just still upset(我很伤心)
that you forgot about me .
I didn't mean to 我不是故意的
Are you mad at me?你是在生我的气吗?
It's not my fault不是我的错
I can't help it我没办法
488 Flip! ( Mar& 31 ,2014)
flip flop临时变卦Hey are you coming with me to see Spider Man(蜘蛛侠) 2
tonight?Yeah Let's do it!OK what time? Well…I dunno…Maybe I'll just
stay in(不出门).Don't flip flop,Baijie!Make up your mind(决定)!
flip flops人字拖鞋OK OK I'll go with you I need to change my shoes
first.I'm still wearing flip flops!
flip 翻过来Here's your ticket.let's go!Which theater are we going
to?See your ticket ?Flip it over.The address is on the back.
floppy 松软的I think I'm gonna wear a hat .Which one should I
wear?Wear the floppy one!I think that looks cute on you.
flip flop临时变卦
dunno=don't know
flip flops人字拖鞋
floppy 松软的
489. “Adorable!” ( Apr& 1 ,2014)
adorable, adorbs(口语)可爱Your hat is adorbs! I love that color of
pink! Where did you get that?
precious, presh(口语)可爱Isn't it SO presh? I got it at the Gap
during their last sale. It was like 80% off!
cutie patootie可爱的人You know what will make you look like a total
cutie patootie? If you wear that hat with this scarf!OMG! This is
adorbs!And the scarf matches my hat.That's so presh.
adorable, adorbs(口语)可爱
precious, presh(口语)可爱precious['preʃəs]a. adv.宝贵的, 珍爱的
cutie patootie可爱的人
490. ugly!” ( Apr& 2 ,2014)
ugly 难看,丑Baijie's new hat looks so ugly. It's like somebody took
a pink highlighter(荧光笔) and just colored &all over
it. Who would wear a bright pink hat like that!?Who would wear a
bright pink(亮粉色) hat like that?
ugly 难看,丑
491. “it’s &alright!” ( Apr& 3
It's alright 还好,一般般Hey guys! Do you like my new pink hat? Isn't
it adorbs?It's alright guess.Why would you wear such a bright pink
hat?Meh,I dunno.Pink is my favorite color!Plus I just thought it
looked so presh with this scarf don't you think?Men,I dunno.You
kinda look like a little girl in that outfit.
So-so一般般What!?I am so obsessed with this color It's so bright
and happy.It's so-so.Maybe you should try to tone it down(低调些) a
little bit .Try a color that isn't so crazy.
It's alright 还好,一般般
try to tone it down(低调些)
492. Wake Up ( Apr& 4,2014)
Wake up! 起床吧!Baijie!Wake up!!it's 8 o'clock! You gotta leave in
15 minutes!…What?!OMG Why didn't you wake me up!?
Wake someone up叫某人起床It's not my job(我没有义务) to wake you
have an alarm clock on your iPhone for that!
Wakey-wakey醒一醒Are you kidding me!?All it takes is to come into
my room and say "wakey-wakey" about an hour before we leave!Yes !
You're a big girl!Wake youself up!
Wake up! 起床吧
Wake someone up叫某人起床
493. wake up call ( Apr& 7 ,2014)
Wake up and smell the coffee认清事实Hmm…this is weird(奇怪).Fred
hasn't texted me in like 4 days.That's kind a long time.Girl you
need to wake up and smellthe coffee.
Wake up call提醒What do you mean?have you heard anything?Is he mad
at me(生我的气)?I just think this is a wake up call.He obviously(显然)
doesn't care enough(不在乎) about this relationship to keep in touch
with you on a regular basis(经常).
Wake up清醒点No that can't be true.I just think he's kinda busy
right now.Wake up,Baijie!He's just not that into you(没有那么喜欢你)!
Wake up and smell the coffee认清事实
Wake up call提醒
obviously ['ɑbvɪəslɪ ] a.显然
doesn't care enough不在乎
Wake up清醒点
not that into you没有那么喜欢你
494. That’s a great idea!( Apr& 8 ,2014)
That's a great idea! 真是个好主意! Hey! Do you wanna just stay in
tonight and relax? I am so tired. This day was crazy(忙疯了)!Yeah
let's just watch some reruns(重播) of "爸爸去哪儿" !That's a great
good point有道理We gotta get some good snacks while we watch of
"爸爸去哪儿".What do you want?I don't think I'm going to snack and
watch(边看边吃).I'm on a diet(我在节食).Good point.Maybe we can just make a
little bit of popcorn?That's healthy!
I'm on board我同意I'm on board with that.Popcorn is the perfect
light(最合适的) snack!
That's a great idea! 真是个好主意
good point有道理
I'm on board我同意
the perfect light最合适的
495. Are you OK? ( Apr& 9 ,2014)
What's the matter? 你怎么了? Hey, what's the matter with you?I'm
just kinda worried about something.I don't really wanna talk about
What's up with you?你怎么了What's up with you?I've never seen you
look so worried!Nothing!I'll be fine.I just gotta …I dunno…I'm …so
Are you OK?你没事吧Are you OK Baijie!?You gotta tell me what's the
matter!OK OK I'll tell you .There's a chance I might get 99% on
this test instead of 100%.I'm so worried !!!OMG ARE YOU
SERIOUS!?You're such a perfectionist(完美主义者)!!Baijie you're
What's the matter? 你怎么了?
What's up with you?你怎么了
Are you OK?你没事吧
496. “Close call”! ( Apr& 10 ,2014)
close call 有两个意思:something dangerous almost happened
差点出了事,很悬OMG! I almost got hit by a car!! That was such a close
close call差点出了事,很悬
497. “Good for you!” ( Apr& 11 ,2014)
Good for you 祝贺你!Finally after 3 months of endless searching...I
found a new job!Good for you!! Let's celebrate!
good for you对你有好处You should eat more vegetables.Vegetables are
good for you!But I hate vegetables!I don't care(在乎) if they're good
for me or not!
good for you适合你You should sdudy a little bit more for your
English tests.That would be good for your grades(成绩) in that
class.Yeah, I agree.Sdudying a little more can't hurt(没有害处)!
Good for you 祝贺你,对你有好处,适合你
hur [hɜːt]n.伤害,损害
498. Bright And Early! ( Apr& 14 ,2014)
Bright and early 一大早 We gotta go to bed, Baijie! We have to get
up bright and early for our first final exam!!
First thing in the morning早起第一件事I hate(讨厌) taking really hard
exams first thing in the morning.I'm not a morning person.
Get a move on 快点Hit the hay去睡觉Well then get a move on and hit
the hay now so you are well reated for the test!
Bright and early 一大早
First thing in the morning早起第一件事
Get a move on 快点
Hit the hay去睡觉hay[heɪ]n.干草
499. Off the Beaten Path! ( Apr& 15 ,2014)
Off the beaten path 很少有人去的Where should I eat when I travel to
NYC next month?All of my favorite places are off the beaten
path.You won't find them in the guide books(旅游指南)!They have the
best food that New Yorkers(纽约客) like to eat too!
Overrun 泛滥,人太多Julie told me I should get dinner in Times
Square!It's really famous,right?No way!Times Square is overrun with
tourists!Try some of my favorite spots(几家) in Brooklyn or the East
Local 当地人When you're visiting New York you gotta eat like a
local.The independent(自主的) bagel (百吉饼)and pizza shops in my
neighborhood(我家附近) are the best!
Off the beaten path 很少有人去的
Overrun 泛滥,人太多
500. “Propose!” ( Apr& 16 ,2014)
propose 向某人求婚I have amazing news!Ryan proposed me
pop the question 向某人求婚OMG!Congratulations to both of you!!How
did he pop the queation??
get down on one knee跪下向某人求婚He surprised me with a very romantic
dinner.It was the same place were we had our first date!Right in
the middle of dinner(正吃着饭) in front of the entire
restaurant(当所有人的面) he just got down on one knee and popped the
queation!That is soooo romantic!
pop the question 向某人求婚
get down on one knee跪下向某人求婚


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