itstoo little too latee for my mom

Lonely For Mom, Missing You Poem
Remember me
Lonely For Mom
I wrote this for my mom who died when I was 17
On February 1st, 2009 God called my Mom home. She had been diagnosed with cancer one month prior and given exactly one month to live. I was devastated but I brought her home...
Lonely For Mom
Published on
August 2008
There was one a person who made me feel safe
held my hand when I began to fall from grace
This person was my mother she's the one I miss
she brought me love and endless happiness
On November 11th 2001 you died leaving me all alone,
oh God how I cried
Why did you have to go please tell me why?
now I have to drink and do drugs just to get by
I wish you were here mom I miss you so much
no one even knows what I would give for just one touch
Why does everyone else get to have there moms near
do they know I'd give anything to have my mother here?
I'm sad and lost mom will you
help me find my way?
will you get rid of the tears I cry each day?
I know the answer and the answer is no
cause for me to move on I have to let you go
Mom I love you and thank you for all you did for me
and I hope someday I make you proud for whatever comes to be
For all those that have a mother please hold her tight
and never say you hate her even when you fight
For you never know when she might have to go
pain that it brings ..... I hope you
never have to know!!
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