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地区(语言):&德国(德语) 发行时间:&2000年
作曲:Anton Webern 指挥:Pierre Boulez 演出:Oelze, Pollet, Schneider, McCormick, Finley, Aimard, Cascioli, Maisenberg, Zimerman, Kremer, Ha...
收藏人数: 139
专辑英文名:&Igor Stravinsky Edition专辑中文名:&斯特拉文斯基录音作品全集艺术家:&资源格式:&APE版本:&SONY地区:&语言:&,简介:&
专辑介绍:伊戈尔·斯特拉文斯基(Stravinsky Igor,),美籍俄罗斯作曲家。他的父亲是圣彼得堡帝国剧院的男低音歌唱家。斯特拉文斯基9岁开始学习钢琴,后是里姆斯基—科萨科夫的学生,向他学习作曲。斯特拉文斯基的生活经历复杂,创作风格多变。由于政治上的原因,他长期脱离祖国,生活在国外。一战后长期居住法国,二战后在美国定居,并逝世于纽约。斯特拉文斯基是20世纪最有影响的重要作曲家,也是西方现代音乐的主要代表人物之一,革新过三个不同的音乐流派:原始主义、新古典主义以及序列主义,被人们誉为是音乐界中的毕加索。Vol.1——Ballets 1指挥:Igor Stravinsky乐团:CBC Symphony Orchestra, Columbia Symphony Orchestra, The American Concert Choir, Columbia Percussion Ensemble, Columbia Chamber Ensemble为芭蕾舞而作的乐曲,不一定在写作时候就着意在舞蹈上。音乐家和一部分观众至今仍有时对此持有异议。斯特拉文斯基曾着重地认为:“舞蹈设计应该表现它自身的形式,一个虽以音乐为尺度却反而独立于音乐形态之外的形式。它的构造应以设计人物所能意想到的任何对象为基点,但又不仅仅追随音乐的一节一拍。”这位作曲家长期与一位出生在俄国的舞剧编导巴蓝琴合作,主要在谱写今日称之为纽约芭蕾的舞剧。上述一段话就是由那一时期的经验而写出的。他们两人的合作开始于1928年的《阿波罗》(Apollo)。到1957年的《阿贡》(Agon)而达极点。他们在20世纪的合作犹如柴可夫斯基19世纪和法兰西舞蹈设计家彼提帕,俄罗斯的伊凡诺夫的合作一样可嘉。Vol.2——Ballets 2指挥:Igor Stravinsky乐团:Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Los Angeles Festival Symphony Orchestra, Cleveland Orchestra, CBC Symphony Orchestra, Chicago Symphony Orchestra斯特拉文斯基新古典主义时期的第一部作品是舞剧《普尔钦奈拉》, 1920年首演于巴黎歌剧院,着名画家毕加索为该剧设计了布景和服装。1922年作者将此剧改为同名组曲,这是作者沉迷于18世纪音乐的一部混合曲。《普尔钦奈拉》的总谱取材于佩尔戈莱西的音乐主题,斯特拉文斯基不仅把佩尔戈莱西的曲调作为原始资料来运用,而且几乎原封不动地照搬了这位作曲家及其时代的独特风格。也就是说,他照搬了曲调展开、发展,然后在和谐的气氛中源源不断地清晰发出的方式。然而,《普尔钦奈拉》并不仅仅是一部模仿性作品。纵观斯特拉文斯基的全部作品,它丰富了音乐家的思想,是一种新风格产生的前兆。Vol.3——Ballet Suites指挥:Igor Stravinsky乐团:Columbia Symphony OrchestraVol.4——Symphonie, Rehearsal and Talks指挥:Igor Stravinsky乐团:Columbia Symphony Orchestra, CBC Symphony Orchestra, Festival singers of Toronto1962年,斯特拉文斯基返苏联小住,受到英雄般的欢迎。他内心始终是个俄罗斯人,保持着东正教的信仰(在1930年的合唱《诗篇交响曲》中得到精美绝伦的音乐反映)。有人说他的作品象是一幅20世纪音乐发展的“地图”,没有一个作曲家象他那样广泛涉猎——《春之祭》的狂暴,《俄狄浦斯王》的典雅宏丽,《C大调交响曲》的明净洗炼,《敦巴顿橡树园协奏曲》的风趣,《乐章》的简洁优美。Vol.5——Concertos指挥:Igor Stravinsky, Robert Craft(under the supervision of the composer)乐团:Columbia Symphony Orchestra独奏:钢琴——Philippe Entremont, Charles Rosen 小提琴——Isaac Stern小提琴协奏曲 这首乐曲是为小提琴家杜什金所作,作为斯特拉文斯基唯一的一部小提琴协奏曲,这部作品仍然在同类体裁中占据的重要地位。该曲也是作曲家第二创作期的作品。这部作品十分有趣,风格独特,虽然有着明显的巴罗克风,但是斯特拉文斯基特有的幽默、现代感以及新奇的和声,永远令人惊叹的音调仍然充斥其中,使这首曲子听上去古典而现代,兴趣盎然。全曲有四个乐章——托卡塔、第一咏叹凋、第二咏叹凋、随想曲。从结构上看,很容易让人想起巴赫,斯特拉文斯基确实非常喜欢巴赫为两把小提琴写的《协奏曲》,并且,在末乐章中,乐队与独奏小提琴的二重奏可以看得出来。在这首小提琴协奏曲中,斯特拉文斯基并没有可以展现小提琴高超的技术技法,而是着重于小提琴同乐队的各种配合。这首乐曲,听上去虽然没有华丽的炫技,也没有大型乐队的手法,但是却在简单的音乐中显露出作曲家冼的手法,乾净清晰的音乐中,自有一番独特的品位。Vol.6——Miniature Masterpieces指挥:Igor Stravinsky乐团:Columbia Symphony Orchestra, CBC Symphony Orchestra《敦巴顿橡树园协奏曲》(Dumbarton Oaks)代表了新古典主义或所谓新巴罗克主义的倾向。这是一首室内乐队协奏曲,降E大调,作于年,用15件乐器组成的小型乐队演奏,仿照巴罗克大协奏曲的三个乐章形式以及独奏组与协奏组的对置,并大量采用对位手法,但同时也显然渗有二十世纪的和声及节奏特点。三个乐章都不太长,而且速度的对比不大。此曲由于1938年5月在敦巴顿橡树园首演而得此名。敦巴顿橡树园位于华盛顿附近,是布里斯夫妇的庄园,他们委托作曲家按照勃兰登堡协奏曲的风格写成这首室内乐队协奏曲。《八首小器乐曲》则是六十年代(1962)的作品了,不仅乐队编制很小,而且曲子的篇幅也很短,八首加起来才7分多钟。斯特拉文斯基晚年很推崇威伯恩的简洁、精微,写过一些短小而质朴的作品,其中许多乐曲的感情和曲式都带有宗教色彩,这和他早期内容五光十色的成功之作比起来显得截然不同。Vol.7——Chamber Music & Historical Recordings指挥:Igor Stravinsky乐团:Columbia Jazz Ensemble, Columbia Chamber Ensemble, Symphonieorchester des Nordwestdeutsch Rundfunks独奏:钢琴——Igor Stravinsky,
Soulima Stravinsky, Robert Fitzdale, Arthur Gold, Charles Rosen 小提琴——Israel Baker, Joseph Szigeti 单簧管——Benny Goodman斯特拉文斯基中晚年写的室内乐、宗教音乐,表现他对音乐本质的认知和把握已经炉火纯青了。他认为艺术的创造是在法度之内进行的,越有法度越是自由。他说“艺术愈有节制,愈千锤百炼,就愈是自由。”“至于我自己,当我坐下来工作,发现自己面前呈现出无数的可能性时不禁感到一种恐惧,我感到一切对我都是可能的。如果好的坏的一概不可设想,如果任何东西都唾手可得,那么任何努力便都不可设想,我也不可能找到任何东西作为依托。这样一来,我做的任何工作也就都枉费心机了。……因此,我的自由就是我为自己的每一项工作所规定的有限范围里的活动。甚至可以这么说:我的活范围愈有限,我周围的障碍物愈多,我的自由就愈充分、愈有意义。削弱限制的东西,也势必削弱力量。谁加给自己的限制愈多,谁就愈能使他自己从束缚精神的枷锁中解脱出来。”Vol.8——Operas指挥:Igor Stravinsky乐团:CBC Symphony Orchestra, Columbia Symphony Orchestra, Columbia Chamber Orchestra, Columbia Chamber Ensemble斯特拉文斯基创作了5部歌剧。其中根据安徒生童话写的三幕神话歌剧《夜莺》(1914)、根据俄罗斯民间童话创作的二幕滑稽歌剧《狐狸》(1922)和根据普希金的诗作写的独幕喜歌剧《马弗拉》(1922)属于他第二创作期()风格。后来他对18世纪歌剧形式发生了极大的兴趣,在根据索福克勒斯悲剧而作的清唱歌剧《俄狄普斯王》(1927)和根据荷加斯铜版画集编剧的三幕歌剧《浪子的历程》(1951)则采取了复古主义的态度。Vol.9——The Rake's Progress指挥:Igor Stravinsky乐团:Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, The Sadler's Wells Opera Chorus在斯特拉文斯基的声乐作品中,最有代表性的是1951年在美国创作的英语歌剧《浪子的历程》,同时也是斯特拉文斯基新古典主义时期的最后一部作品。这部歌剧故事类似《浮士德》那样,叙述一位放荡不羁的青年汤姆为实现三个愿望不惜将灵魂与魔鬼尼克交易,最后进疯人院的过程。斯特拉文斯基严格按照18世纪的风范写作,并刻意跟踪珀塞尔、亨德尔和莫扎特的传统。《浪子的历程》是斯特拉文斯基新古典主义音乐创作的顶峰,它以具有现实主义道德寓意的善与恶的斗争为主题;在音乐上,以独有的节奏、富于活力的和声与丰满的器乐音响,深入而全面地体现了新古典主义的创作原则,特别是斯特拉文斯基用英语创作了这部歌剧,表明了他对美国社会的认同。虽然歌剧中也有咏叹调、重唱、合唱等与意大利歌剧相似的地方,但歌词与音乐已与意大利歌剧相去甚远。乐队采用莫扎特时代只有35人的室内乐队编制。该剧被认为是二战后最好的歌剧之一。详细介绍请见Vo.10——Orotario-Melodrama指挥:Igor Stravinsky, Robert Craft(in the composer's presence)乐团:Chorus and Orchestra of the Opera Society of Washington D.C., Columbia Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, Cleveland Orchestra《俄狄普斯王》介于歌剧—清唱剧之间的形式,台本采用拉丁语。所谓清唱剧,是一种有人物有情节,但不表演、不化妆的音乐戏剧。但这类作品既有布景,也有动作,人物有上下场调度,然而表演很有节制。剧中有些咏叹调近似意大利咏叹调和俄罗斯民歌格调,合唱则具有亨德尔式的庄严雄伟气势。这种“准歌剧”的形式亦可谓现代反叛思潮的一大时髦,因为自古以来的西方表演艺术都是演员力求把自我融化在情景中,亦希望观众认同舞台所创造的假象,并在其中体验。现在的作曲家们却要明确地表示把一个故事演绎给人们看,也希望观众以客观而冷静超然的态度,像观看一幅画那样地欣赏艺术。为了达到这种间离的效果,这一新古典主义的戏剧,包括法国的后印象主义歌剧作品,往往有讲解员身份的角色。歌剧叙述了俄狄普斯王弑父娶母,最后以锥刺目,双眼流血的故事。Vol.11——Sacred Works指挥:Igor Stravinsky乐团:CBC Symphony Orchestra, Columbia Chamber Ensemble, Columbia Symphony Wind & BrassVol.12指挥:Robert Craft(under the supervision of Igor Stravinsky)乐团:Columbia Symphony Orchestra转发,em上搜的源,原文件名后有By Lupi字样,大概是原发布者吧,Thanks a lot! 包里的CUE文件有些问题,解决办法:用“记事本”打开CDImage.cue——将FILE &CDImage.wav& WAVE改成FILE &CDImage.ape& WAVE,保存后再点cue文件就可以正常播放了。感谢dldavid1024提供的方法/topics/186994/
The Firebird-Introduction2.
The Firebird-Scene I-Kashchei's enchanted garden3.
The Firebird-Scene I-The Firebird appears,pursued by Ivan4.
The Firebird-Scene I-Dance of the Firebird5.
The Firebird-Scene I-Ivan Tsarevitch captures the Firebird6.
The Firebird-Scene I-The Firebird's entreaty7.
The Firebird-Scene I-The appearance of the thirteen enchanted8.
The Firebird-Scene I-The princesses' game with apples of gold9.
The Firebird-Scene I-The sudden appearance of Ivan Tsarevitch10.
The Firebird-Scene I-The Princesses' Round11.
The Firebird-Scene I-Dawn[Ivan T.enters Kashchei's palace]12.
The Firebird-Scene I-The sound of enchanted bells,monsters appear,Kaschei's guards & take Ivan prisoner13.
The Firebird-Scene I-The arrival of Kashchei the Immortal14.
The Firebird-Scene I-Kashchei's dialogue with Ivan Tsarevitch15.
The Firebird-Scene I-The princesses' intercede16.
The Firebird-Scene I-The appearance of the Firebird17.
The Firebird-Scene I-Kashchei's followers dance under the18.
The Firebird-Scene I-Infernal dance of Kashchei's subjects19.
The Firebird-Scene I-Lullaby[The Firebird]20.
The Firebird-Scene I-Kashchei awakes21.
The Firebird-Scene I-Death of Kaschei-Profound darkness22.
The Firebird-Scene II-Kashchei's spells are broken,his palace disappears,the stone knights return to life,joy reigns23.
Scherzo a la Russe24.
Scherzo fantastique25.
Fireworks[Feu d'artifice]CD 21.
Petrushka[Burlesque in 4 Scenes]Scene 1-The Shrove-tide Fair2.
Petrushka[Burlesque in 4 Scenes]Scene 1-The Crowds3.
Petrushka[Burlesque in 4 Scenes]Scene 1-The Charlatan's Booth4.
Petrushka[Burlesque in 4 Scenes]Scene 1-Russian Dance5.
Petrushka[Burlesque in 4 Scenes]Scene 2-Petrushka's Room6.
Petrushka[Burlesque in 4 Scenes]Scene 3-The Moor's Room7.
Petrushka[Burlesque in 4 Scenes]Scene 3-Dance of the Ballerina8.
Petrushka[Burlesque in 4 Scenes]Scene 3-Waltz[Ballerina and Moor]9.
Petrushka[Burlesque in 4 Scenes]Scene 4-The Shrove-tide Fair[Near evening]10.
Petrushka[Burlesque in 4 Scenes]Scene 4-Dance of the Wet Nurses11.
Petrushka[Burlesque in 4 Scenes]Scene 4-Dance of the Peasant and the Bear12.
Petrushka[Burlesque in 4 Scenes]Scene 4-Dance of the Gipsy Girls13.
Petrushka[Burlesque in 4 Scenes]Scene 4-Dance of the Coachmen and Grooms14.
Petrushka[Burlesque in 4 Scenes]Scene 4-The Masqueraders15.
Petrushka[Burlesque in 4 Scenes]Scene 4-Conclusion[Petrushka's Death]16.
The Rite of Spring-Part I[Adoration of the Earth]-Introduction17.
The Rite of Spring-Part I[Adoration of the Earth]-The Augurs of Spring[Dance of the Young Girls]18.
The Rite of Spring-Part I[Adoration of the Earth]-Mock Abduction19.
The Rite of Spring-Part I[Adoration of the Earth]-Spring Round Dances20.
The Rite of Spring-Part I[Adoration of the Earth]-Games of the Rival Tribes21.
The Rite of Spring-Part I[Adoration of the Earth]-Procession of the Wise Elder22.
The Rite of Spring-Part I[Adoration of the Earth]-Adoration of the Earth[The Wise Elder]23.
The Rite of Spring-Part I[Adoration of the Earth]-Dance of the Earth24.
The Rite of Spring-Part II[The Sacrifice]-Introduction[Largo]25.
The Rite of Spring-Part II[The Sacrifice]-Mystical Circles of the Young Girls26.
The Rite of Spring-Part II[The Sacrifice]-Glorification of the Chosen Victim27.
The Rite of Spring-Part II[The Sacrifice]-Summoning of the Ancestors28.
The Rite of Spring-Part II[The Sacrifice]-Ritual of the Ancestors29.
The Rite of Spring-Part II[The Sacrifice]-Sacrificial Dance[The Chosen Victim]CD 31.
The Wedding-Part 1-Scene 1-The Brides Chamber2.
The Wedding-Part 1-Scene 2-At the Bridegroom's3.
The Wedding-Part 1-Scene 3-The Bride's Departure4.
The Wedding-Part 2-Scene 1-The Wedding Feast5.
Renard the Fox[A Burlesque Tale in Song & Dance]6.
The Soldier's Tale[L'Histoire du soldat]-The Soldier's March7.
The Soldier's Tale[L'Histoire du soldat]-Scene 1-Airs by a stream8.
The Soldier's Tale[L'Histoire du soldat]-Scene 2-Pastorale9.
The Soldier's Tale[L'Histoire du soldat]-Scene 2-The Royal March10.
The Soldier's Tale[L'Histoire du soldat]-Scene 2-The Little Concert11.
The Soldier's Tale[L'Histoire du soldat]-Scene 2-3 Dances12.
The Soldier's Tale[L'Histoire du soldat]-Scene 2-The Devil's Dance13.
The Soldier's Tale[L'Histoire du soldat]-Scene 2-The Great Chorale14.
The Soldier's Tale[L'Histoire du soldat]-Scene 2-Triumphal March of the DevilCD 41.
Apollon Musagete-Scene 1-The Birth of Apollo-Largo-Allegro-Tempo I2.
Apollon Musagete-Scene 2-Variation d'Apollon[Apollon et les Muses]3.
Apollon Musagete-Scene 2-Pas d'action[Apollon et les trois Muses]-Moderato4.
Apollon Musagete-Scene 2-Variation de Calliope[l'Alexandrin]-Allegretto5.
Apollon Musagete-Scene 2-Variation do Polymnie-Allegro6.
Apollon Musagete-Scene 2-Variation de Terpsichore-Allegretto7.
Apollon Musagete-Scene 2-Variation d'Apollon-Lento8.
Apollon Musagete-Scene 2-Pas de deux[Apollon et Terpsichore]-Adagio9.
Apollon Musagete-Scene 2-Coda[Apollon et les Muses]-Vivo-Tempo Sostenuto-Agitato10.
Apollon Musagete-Scene 2-Apotheose-Largo et tranquillo11.
Agon[Ballet for 12 dancers]-Pas de quatre12.
Agon[Ballet for 12 dancers]-Double Pas de quatre13.
Agon[Ballet for 12 dancers]-Triple Pas de quatre14.
Agon[Ballet for 12 dancers]-Prelude15.
Agon[Ballet for 12 dancers]-1st Pas de trois-Saraband Step16.
Agon[Ballet for 12 dancers]-1st Pas de trois-Gaillarde17.
Agon[Ballet for 12 dancers]-1st Pas de trois-Coda18.
Agon[Ballet for 12 dancers]-1st Pas de trois-Interlude19.
Agon[Ballet for 12 dancers]-2nd Pas de trois-Bransle simple20.
Agon[Ballet for 12 dancers]-2nd Pas de trois-Bransle gay21.
Agon[Ballet for 12 dancers]-2nd Pas de trois-Bransle double22.
Agon[Ballet for 12 dancers]-2nd Pas de trois-Interlude23.
Agon[Ballet for 12 dancers]-2nd Pas de trois-Pas de deux24.
Agon[Ballet for 12 dancers]-2nd Pas de trois-Coda25.
Agon[Ballet for 12 dancers]-Four Duos26.
Agon[Ballet for 12 dancers]-Four Trios27.
Card Game[Ballet in 3 Deals]-First Deal28.
Card Game[Ballet in 3 Deals]-Second Deal29.
Card Game[Ballet in 3 Deals]-Third DealCD 51.
Scenes de Ballet-Introduction2.
Scenes de Ballet-Danses[Corps de ballet & Ballerine]3.
Scenes de Ballet-Pantomime 14.
Scenes de Ballet-Pas de deux5.
Scenes de Ballet-Pantomime 26.
Scenes de Ballet-Variations-Danseur & Ballerine7.
Scenes de Ballet-Pantomime 38.
Scenes de Ballet-Danses[Corps de ballet]9.
Scenes de Ballet-Apotheose10.
Bluebird[Pas de deux]-Adagio11.
Bluebird[Pas de deux]-Variation I12.
Bluebird[Pas de deux]-Variation II13.
Bluebird[Pas de deux]-Coda14.
The Fairy's Kiss-Scene 1-Prologue15.
The Fairy's Kiss-Scene 2-A Village Fete16.
The Fairy's Kiss-Scene 3-At the Mill17.
The Fairy's Kiss-Scene 3-Pas de deux18.
The Fairy's Kiss-Scene 3-Adagio19.
The Fairy's Kiss-Scene 3-Variation20.
The Fairy's Kiss-Scene 3-Coda21.
The Fairy's Kiss-Scene 3-Scene22.
The Fairy's Kiss-Scene 4-Epilogue-The Lullaby of the Land Beyond Time & PlaceCD 61.
Pulcinella[Ballet with song in 1 Act d'apres Pergolesi]-Overture2.
Pulcinella[Ballet with song in 1 Act d'apres Pergolesi]-Serenata3.
Pulcinella[Ballet with song in 1 Act d'apres Pergolesi]-Scherzino4.
Pulcinella[Ballet with song in 1 Act d'apres Pergolesi]-Tarantella5.
Pulcinella[Ballet with song in 1 Act d'apres Pergolesi]-Gavotte with 2 Variations6.
Orpheus[Ballet in 3 Scenes]-Scene 1-Orphee7.
Orpheus[Ballet in 3 Scenes]-Scene 1-Air de danse8.
Orpheus[Ballet in 3 Scenes]-Scene 1-Dance of the Angel of Death9.
Orpheus[Ballet in 3 Scenes]-Scene 1-Interlude10.
Orpheus[Ballet in 3 Scenes]-Scene 2-The Furies11.
Orpheus[Ballet in 3 Scenes]-Scene 2-Air de danse-Interlude-Air de danse12.
Orpheus[Ballet in 3 Scenes]-Scene 2-Pas d'action13.
Orpheus[Ballet in 3 Scenes]-Scene 2-Pas de deux14.
Orpheus[Ballet in 3 Scenes]-Scene 2-Interlude15.
Orpheus[Ballet in 3 Scenes]-Scene 2-Pas d'action16.
Orpheus[Ballet in 3 Scenes]-Scene 3-Apotheose d'OrpheeCD 71.
Petrushka[Suite]-Scene 1-The Shrove-tide Fair2.
Petrushka[Suite]-Scene 1-The Crowds3.
Petrushka[Suite]-Scene 1-The Charlatan's Booth4.
Petrushka[Suite]-Scene 1-Russian Dance5.
Petrushka[Suite]-Scene 2-Petrushka's Room6.
Petrushka[Suite]-Scene 4-The Shrove-tide Fair[Near evening]7.
Petrushka[Suite]-Scene 4-Dance of the Wet Nurses8.
Petrushka[Suite]-Scene 4-Dance of the Peasant and the Bear9.
Petrushka[Suite]-Scene 4-Dance of the Gipsy Girls10.
Petrushka[Suite]-Scene 4-Dance of Coachmen11.
Petrushka[Suite]-Scene 4-The Masqueraders12.
Pulcinella[Suite for Chamber Orchestra]-1)Sinfonia[Overture]13.
Pulcinella[Suite for Chamber Orchestra]-2)Serenata14.
Pulcinella[Suite for Chamber Orchestra]-3A)Scherzino15.
Pulcinella[Suite for Chamber Orchestra]-3B)Allegro16.
Pulcinella[Suite for Chamber Orchestra]-3C)Andantino17.
Pulcinella[Suite for Chamber Orchestra]-4)Tarantella18.
Pulcinella[Suite for Chamber Orchestra]-5)Toccata19.
Pulcinella[Suite for Chamber Orchestra]-6)Gavotta con due variazioni20.
Pulcinella[Suite for Chamber Orchestra]-7)Vivo21.
Pulcinella[Suite for Chamber Orchestra]-8A)Minuetto22.
Pulcinella[Suite for Chamber Orchestra]-8B)Finale23.
The Firebird[Suite](Rev.Version 1945)-Introduction24.
The Firebird[Suite](Rev.Version 1945)-Prelude and Dance of the Firebird25.
The Firebird[Suite](Rev.Version 1945)-Variations[The Firebird]26.
The Firebird[Suite](Rev.Version 1945)-Pantomime I27.
The Firebird[Suite](Rev.Version 1945)-Pas de deux[The Firebird & Ivan Tsarevitch]28.
The Firebird[Suite](Rev.Version 1945)-Pantomime II29.
The Firebird[Suite](Rev.Version 1945)-Scherzo-Dance of the Princesses30.
The Firebird[Suite](Rev.Version 1945)-Pantomime III31.
The Firebird[Suite](Rev.Version 1945)-Rondo[Corovod]32.
The Firebird[Suite](Rev.Version 1945)-Infernal Dance33.
The Firebird[Suite](Rev.Version 1945)-Berceuse[The Firebird]34.
The Firebird[Suite](Rev.Version 1945)-Final HymnCD 81.
Symphony in Eb-Allegro moderato2.
Symphony in Eb-Scherzo-Allegretto3.
Symphony in Eb-Largo4.
Symphony in Eb-Finale-Allegro molto5.
Portrait of Stravinsky[Stravinsky in Rehearsal]-Apollo6.
Portrait of Stravinsky[Stravinsky in Rehearsal]-Sleeping Beauty7.
Portrait of Stravinsky[Stravinsky in Rehearsal]-Recollections of my Childhood8.
Portrait of Stravinsky[Stravinsky in Rehearsal]-Pulcinella9.
Portrait of Stravinsky[Stravinsky in Rehearsal]-Piano Concerto[with Philippe Entremont]10.
Portrait of Stravinsky[Stravinsky in Rehearsal]-Symphony in C11.
Stravinsky in his own words[narrated by John McClure]CD 91.
Symphony in 3 Movements-Overture-Allegro2.
Symphony in 3 Movements-Andante-Interlude[L'istesso tempo]3.
Symphony in 3 Movements-Con moto4.
Symphony in C-Moderato alla breve5.
Symphony in C-Larghetto concertante6.
Symphony in C-Allegretto7.
Symphony in C-Largo-Tempo giusto,alla breve8.
Symphony of Psalms[Rev.Version 1948]-Part I9.
Symphony of Psalms[Rev.Version 1948]-Part II10.
Symphony of Psalms[Rev.Version 1948]-Part IIICD 101.
Concerto for Piano & Winds(Rev.Version 1950)-Largo-Allegro-Maestoso2.
Concerto for Piano & Winds(Rev.Version 1950)-Largo3.
Concerto for Piano & Winds(Rev.Version 1950)-Allegro4.
Movements for Piano & Orchestra-{quarter-note=110}5.
Movements for Piano & Orchestra-{quarter-note=52}6.
Movements for Piano & Orchestra-{eighth-note=72}7.
Movements for Piano & Orchestra-{eighth-note=80}8.
Movements for Piano & Orchestra-{eighth-note=104}9.
Capriccio for Piano & Orchestra(Rev.Version 1949)-Presto10.
Capriccio for Piano & Orchestra(Rev.Version 1949)-Andante rapsodico11.
Capriccio for Piano & Orchestra(Rev.Version 1949)-Allegro capriccioso ma tempo guisto12.
Concerto in D for Violin & Orchestra-Toccata13.
Concerto in D for Violin & Orchestra-Aria I14.
Concerto in D for Violin & Orchestra-Aria II15.
Concerto in D for Violin & Orchestra-CapriccioCD 111.
Greeting Prelude2.
Suite No.1 for Small Orchestra-Andante3.
Suite No.1 for Small Orchestra-Napolitana4.
Suite No.1 for Small Orchestra-Espanola5.
Suite No.1 for Small Orchestra-Balalaika6.
Suite No.2 for Small Orchestra-Marche7.
Suite No.2 for Small Orchestra-Valse8.
Suite No.2 for Small Orchestra-Polka9.
Suite No.2 for Small Orchestra-Galop10.
Concerto in Eb for Chamber Orchestra=Dumberton Oaks=-Tempo guisto11.
Concerto in Eb for Chamber Orchestra=Dumberton Oaks=-Allegretto12.
Concerto in Eb for Chamber Orchestra=Dumberton Oaks=-Con moto13.
4 Norwegian Moods-1)Intrada14.
4 Norwegian Moods-2)Song15.
4 Norwegian Moods-3)Wedding Dance16.
4 Norwegian Moods-4)Cortege17.
Circus Polka18.
Concerto in D for String Orchestra=Basle Concerto=-Vivace19.
Concerto in D for String Orchestra=Basle Concerto=-Arioso-Andantino20.
Concerto in D for String Orchestra=Basle Concerto=-Rondo-Allegro21.
8 Instrumental Miniatures-1)Andantino22.
8 Instrumental Miniatures-2)Vivace23.
8 Instrumental Miniatures-3)Lento24.
8 Instrumental Miniatures-4)Allegretto25.
8 Instrumental Miniatures-5)Moderato alla breve26.
8 Instrumental Miniatures-6)Tempo di Marcia27.
8 Instrumental Miniatures-7)Larghetto28.
8 Instrumental Miniatures-8)Tempo di Tango29.
4 Etudes for Orchestra-1)Dance30.
4 Etudes for Orchestra-2)Excentrique31.
4 Etudes for Orchestra-3)Cantique32.
4 Etudes for Orchestra-4)MadridCD 121.
Preludium for Jazz Ensemble2.
Concertino for 12 instruments3.
Octet for Wind Instuments-Sinfonia4.
Octet for Wind Instuments-Tema con variazioni5.
Octet for Wind Instuments-Finale6.
Ragtime for 11 Instruments7.
Tango[New Orchestration,1953]8.
Pastorale[Song Without Words](1933 Version)12.
Ebony Concerto for Clarinet Solo & Big Band-Allegro moderato13.
Ebony Concerto for Clarinet Solo & Big Band-Andante14.
Ebony Concerto for Clarinet Solo & Big Band-Moderato-Con moto15.
Symphonies of Wind Instruments[Rev.Version 1947]CD 131.
Duo Concertant for Violin & Piano[1932 Ver]-Cantilene
Stravinsky-J.Szigeti [mono]2.
Duo Concertant for Violin & Piano[1932 Ver]-Eclogue I
Stravinsky-J.Szigeti [mono]3.
Duo Concertant for Violin & Piano[1932 Ver]-Eclogue II
Stravinsky-J.Szigeti [mono]4.
Duo Concertant for Violin & Piano[1932 Ver]-Gigue
Stravinsky-J.Szigeti [mono]5.
Duo Concertant for Violin & Piano[1932 Ver]-Dithyrambe
Stravinsky-J.Szigeti [mono]6.
Serenade in A-Hymne
Igor Stravinsky,piano [mono]7.
Serenade in A-Romanza
Igor Stravinsky,piano [mono]8.
Serenade in A-Rondoletto
Igor Stravinsky,piano [mono]9.
Serenade in A-Cadenza finale
Igor Stravinsky,piano [mono]10.
Concerto for 2 Solo Pianos-Con moto
I.& Soulima Stravinsky[mono]11.
Concerto for 2 Solo Pianos-Notturno-Addagietto
I.& Soulima Stravinsky[mono]12.
Concerto for 2 Solo Pianos-Quattro variazioni
I.& Soulima Stravinsky[mono]13.
Concerto for 2 Solo Pianos-Preludio e Fuga
I.& Soulima Stravinsky[mono]14.
Piano-Rag Music
Igor Stravinsky,piano [mono]15.
Sonata for 2 Pianos-Moderato
Arthur Gold-Robert Fizdale16.
Sonata for 2 Pianos-Theme with Variations
Arthur Gold-Robert Fizdale17.
Sonata for 2 Pianos-Allegretto
Arthur Gold-Robert Fizdale18.
Sonata for Piano-{quarter-note=112}
Charles Rosen, piano19.
Sonata for Piano-Adagietto
Charles Rosen, piano20.
Sonata for Piano-{quarter-note=112} Charles Rosen, pianoCD 141.
The Nightingale[Lyric tale in 3 acts after Andersen]-Introduction[Act 1]2.
The Nightingale[Lyric tale in 3 acts after Andersen]-Act 2-Entr'acte-Breezes3.
The Nightingale[Lyric tale in 3 acts after Andersen]-Act 2-Chinese March4.
The Nightingale[Lyric tale in 3 acts after Andersen]-Act 2-Song of the Nightingale5.
The Nightingale[Lyric tale in 3 acts after Andersen]-Act 2-The Courtiers6.
The Nightingale[Lyric tale in 3 acts after Andersen]-Act 2-Three Japanese Envoys7.
The Nightingale[Lyric tale in 3 acts after Andersen]-Act 2-Performance of the Mechanical Nightingale8.
The Nightingale[Lyric tale in 3 acts after Andersen]-Act 2-Conclusion9.
The Nightingale[Lyric tale in 3 acts after Andersen]-Act 3-Prelude10.
The Nightingale[Lyric tale in 3 acts after Andersen]-Act 3-A Room in the Palace of the Emperor11.
The Nightingale[Lyric tale in 3 acts after Andersen]-Act 3-The Return of the Nightingale12.
The Nightingale[Lyric tale in 3 acts after Andersen]-Act 3-Solemn Procession13.
The Nightingale[Lyric tale in 3 acts after Andersen]-Act 3-The Emperor's Recovery14.
Mavra[Opera buffa in 1 act after Pushkin]CD 151.
Faun & Shepherdess[Pushkin]-The Shepherdess2.
Faun & Shepherdess[Pushkin]-The Faun3.
Faun & Shepherdess[Pushkin]-The Torrent4.
2 Poems of Paul Verlaine-The white moon5.
2 Poems of Paul Verlaine-Sleep6.
2 Poems of Konstantin Bal'mont-The Flower7.
2 Poems of Konstantin Bal'mont-The Dove8.
3 Japanese Lyrics-Akahito9.
3 Japanese Lyrics-Mazatsumi10.
3 Japanese Lyrics-Tsaraiuki11.
3 Little Songs[Recollection of my Childhood]-The Magpie12.
3 Little Songs[Recollection of my Childhood]-The Rook13.
3 Little Songs[Recollection of my Childhood]-The Jackdaw14.
Pribaouotki[Pleasant Songs]-Uncle Armand15.
Pribaouotki[Pleasant Songs]-The Oven16.
Pribaouotki[Pleasant Songs]-The Colonel17.
Pribaouotki[Pleasant Songs]-The Old Man and the Hare18.
Cat's Cradle Songs-On the Stove19.
Cat's Cradle Songs-At Home20.
Cat's Cradle Songs-Dodo21.
Cat's Cradle Songs-The Cat has22.
4 Russian Peasant Songs for Chorus with 4 Horns-1)On Saint' Days in Chigisakh23.
4 Russian Peasant Songs for Chorus with 4 Horns-2)Ovsen24.
4 Russian Peasant Songs for Chorus with 4 Horns-3)The Pike25.
4 Russian Peasant Songs for Chorus with 4 Horns-4)Master Portly26.
4 Songs for Voice,Flute,Harp & Guitar-1)The Drake27.
4 Songs for Voice,Flute,Harp & Guitar-2)A Russian Spiritual28.
4 Songs for Voice,Flute,Harp & Guitar-3)Geese and Swans29.
4 Songs for Voice,Flute,Harp & Guitar-4)Tilim-bom30.
3 Songs from William Shakespeare-1)Music to hear31.
3 Songs from William Shakespeare-2)Full fathom five32.
3 Songs from William Shakespeare-3)When daisies pied33.
In Memoriam Dylan Thomas-Dirge Canons34.
In Memoriam Dylan Thomas-Do not go gentle into that good night35.
In Memoriam Dylan Thomas-Dirge-Canons36.
Elegy for JFK[Text Auden]37.
The Owl & the Pussycat[Text Edward Lear]38.
Tilim-bom[A Story for Children]CD 161.
The Rakes Progress-Act 1 Scene 1-Prelude2.
The Rakes Progress-Act 1 Scene 1-The woods are green3.
The Rakes Progress-Act 1 Scene 1-=Here I stand=4.
The Rakes Progress-Act 1 Scene 1-=Tom Rakewell=5.
The Rakes Progress-Act 1 Scene 1-=Farewell for now=6.
The Rakes Progress-Act 1 Scene 2-=With air commanding=7.
The Rakes Progress-Act 1 Scene 2-=Come,Tom=8.
The Rakes Progress-Act 1 Scene 2-=Love,too frequently betrayed=9.
The Rakes Progress-Act 1 Scene 3-=The sun is bright=10.
The Rakes Progress-Act 1 Scene 3-=No word from Tom=11.
The Rakes Progress-Act 1 Scene 3-=I go to him= (Cabaletta)12.
The Rakes Progress-Act 2 Scene 1-=Vary the song,O London=13.
The Rakes Progress-Act 2 Scene 1-=Master,are you alone=14.
The Rakes Progress-Act 2 Scene 1-=My tale shall be told=15.
The Rakes Progress-Act 2 Scene 2-=How Strange=16.
The Rakes Progress-Act 2 Scene 2- =Anne!Here!=17.
The Rakes Progress-Act 2 Scene 2-=Could it then have been known=CD 171.
The Rakes Progress-Act 2 Scene 2-=As I was saying=2.
The Rakes Progress-Act 2 Scene 2-=You!O Nick,I've had the strangest dream=3.
The Rakes Progress-Act 3 Scene 1-=What curious phenomena=4.
The Rakes Progress-Act 3 Scene 1-=Aha!=5.
The Rakes Progress-Act 3 Scene 1-=Sold!Annoyed!I've caught you!Thieving!=6.
The Rakes Progress-Act 3 Scene 1-=I go to him=7.
The Rakes Progress-Act 3 Scene 2-Prelude8.
The Rakes Progress-Act 3 Scene 2-=How dark and dreadful is this place=9.
The Rakes Progress-Act 3 Scene 2-=Very well,then,my dear=10.
The Rakes Progress-Act 3 Scene 2-=I burn!I freeze!=11.
The Rakes Progress-Act 3 Scene 3-=Prepare yourselves,heroic shades=12.
The Rakes Progress-Act 3 Scene 3-=There he is.Have no fear.He is not dangerous=13.
The Rakes Progress-Act 3 Scene 3-=Gently,little boat=[Lullaby]14.
The Rakes Progress-Act 3 Scene 3-=Where art thou,Venus=15.
The Rakes Progress-Epilogue-=Good people,just a moment=CD 181.
Oedipus Rex[Oratorio in 2 acts after Sophocles](Rev.Version 1949)-Prologue-Act I2.
Oedipus Rex[Oratorio in 2 acts after Sophocles](Rev.Version 1949)-Act II3.
The Flood[A Musical Play]-Prelude4.
The Flood[A Musical Play]-Melodrama5.
The Flood[A Musical Play]-The Building of the Ark[Choreography]6.
The Flood[A Musical Play]-The Catalogue of the Animals7.
The Flood[A Musical Play]-The Comedy[Noah and his wife]8.
The Flood[A Musical Play]-The Flood[Choreography]9.
The Flood[A Musical Play]-The Covenant of the RainbowCD 191.
Persephone[Melodrama in 3 parts]-1)Persephone Abducted2.
Persephone[Melodrama in 3 parts]-2)Persephone in the Underworld3.
Persephone[Melodrama in 3 parts]-3)Persephone Restored4.
Ode[Elegiacal chant in 3 parts]-1)Eulogy5.
Ode[Elegiacal chant in 3 parts]-2)Eclogue6.
Ode[Elegiacal chant in 3 parts]-3)Epitaph7.
Monumentum pro Gesualdo di Venosa ad CD annum-Asciugate i begli occhi[Madrigal 14-Libro quinto]8.
Monumentum pro Gesualdo di Venosa ad CD annum-Ma tu,cagion di quella[Madrigal 18-Libro quinto]9.
Monumentum pro Gesualdo di Venosa ad CD annum-Belta poi che t'assenti[Madrigal 2-Libro sesto]CD 201.
Chorale Variations on =Von Himmel Hoch=[Bach]-Choral2.
Chorale Variations on =Von Himmel Hoch=[Bach]-Var.1[In canone all'Ottava]3.
Chorale Variations on =Von Himmel Hoch=[Bach]-Var.2[Alio modo canone alla Quinta]4.
Chorale Variations on =Von Himmel Hoch=[Bach]-Var.3[In canone alla Settima]5.
Chorale Variations on =Von Himmel Hoch=[Bach]-Var.4[In canone all'Ottava per augmentationem]6.
Chorale Variations on =Von Himmel Hoch=[Bach]-Var.5[L'altra sorte del canone al rovescio]7.
Zvezdoliki-The Star-Faced One8.
Ave Maria[Rev.Version 1949]9.
Credo[Rev.Version 1964]10.
Pater Noster[Rev.Version 1949]11.
Cantata[Anon.15-16th Cent.Lyrics]-A Lyke-Wake Dirge-Versus 1-Prelude12.
Cantata[Anon.15-16th Cent.Lyrics]-Ricercar 1-(Soprano)-The maidens came13.
Cantata[Anon.15-16th Cent.Lyrics]-A Lyke-Wake Dirge-Versus 2-1st interlude14.
Cantata[Anon.15-16th Cent.Lyrics]-Ricercar 2-(Tenor)-Tomorrow shall be15.
Cantata[Anon.15-16th Cent.Lyrics]-A Lyke-Wake Dirge-Versus 3-2nd interlude16.
Cantata[Anon.15-16th Cent.Lyrics]-Westron Wind-(Soprano and Tenor)17.
Cantata[Anon.15-16th Cent.Lyrics]-A Lyke-Wake Dirge-Versus 4-Postlude18.
Mass for Mixed Chorus & Double Wind Quintet-Kyrie19.
Mass for Mixed Chorus & Double Wind Quintet-Gloria20.
Mass for Mixed Chorus & Double Wind Quintet-Credo21.
Mass for Mixed Chorus & Double Wind Quintet-Sanctus22.
Mass for Mixed Chorus & Double Wind Quintet-Agnus Dei23.
Babel[Text-Moses XI,1-9]CD 211.
Canticum Sacrum ad Honorem Sancti Marci Moninis-Dedication2.
Canticum Sacrum ad Honorem Sancti Marci Moninis-Euntes in mundum3.
Canticum Sacrum ad Honorem Sancti Marci Moninis-Surge,aquilo4.
Canticum Sacrum ad Honorem Sancti Marci Moninis-Ad Tres Virtutes Hortationes[Charity,Hope,Faith]5.
Canticum Sacrum ad Honorem Sancti Marci Moninis-Jesus autem ait illi6.
Canticum Sacrum ad Honorem Sancti Marci Moninis-Illi autem profecti7.
Introitus[T.S.Eliot in memoriam]8.
A Sermon,A Narrative,& A Prayer[Cantata]-A Sermon[From St.Paul]9.
A Sermon,A Narrative,& A Prayer[Cantata]-A Narrative[The Stoning of St.Stephen],Acts 6-710.
A Sermon,A Narrative,& A Prayer[Cantata]-A Prayer11.
Anthem[The Dove descending breaks the air]12.
Threni[Id est lamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae]-Incipit13.
Threni[Id est lamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae]-De Elegia Prima14.
Threni[Id est lamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae]-De Elegia Tertia(Querimonia-Sensus Spei-Solacium)15.
Threni[Id est lamentationes Jeremiae Prophetae]-De Elegia Quinta(Oratoria Jeremiae Prophetae)CD 221.
Song Of The Nightingale[Symphonic Poem for Orchestra]2.
Danses concertates[for Orchestra]-Marche-Introduction-P d'action-Theme Varie-Pas de deux-Marche-Conclusion3.
Double Canon for String Quartet[Raoul Dufy in memoriam]5.
Abraham & Isaac[A Sacred Ballet for Baritone & Chamber Orchestra]-Moses I,XXII,1-196.
Variations[Aldous Huxley in memoriam]7.
Requiem Canticles[In memory of Helen B.Seeger]-1)Prelude8.
Requiem Canticles[In memory of Helen B.Seeger]-2)Exaudi9.
Requiem Canticles[In memory of Helen B.Seeger]-3)Dies Irae10.
Requiem Canticles[In memory of Helen B.Seeger]-4)Tuba Mirum11.
Requiem Canticles[In memory of Helen B.Seeger]-5)Interlude12.
Requiem Canticles[In memory of Helen B.Seeger]-6)Rex Tremendae13.
Requiem Canticles[In memory of Helen B.Seeger]-7)Lacrimosa14.
Requiem Canticles[In memory of Helen B.Seeger]-8)Libera me15.
Requiem Canticles[In memory of Helen B.Seeger]-9)Postlude


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