thismy name is tomm对tom进行提问应怎么写?

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>>>按要求改写下列各句, 每空一词。 1. His name is Tom. (对划线..
按要求改写下列各句, 每空一词。&
1. His name is Tom. (对划线部分提问) _____& _____his name?2. I'm Jenny. (改为同义句)&_____& _____&is Jenny. 3. James is fine. (对划线部分提问) _____& _____James?4. Her phone number is 929-31. (对划线部分提问) _____& _____her phone number?5. That's a phone. (对划线部分提问)_____& _____&that?
1. What is 2. My name 3. How is 4. What is 5. What is
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“按要求改写下列各句, 每空一词。 1. His name is Tom. (对划线..”主要考查你对&&疑问代词,物主代词,疑问副词,特殊疑问句,直接引语,间接引语&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
疑问代词:疑问代词在句中起名词的作用,用来构成疑问句。常用的疑问代词有:  &what, who, whose, whom, which, whatever, whichever, whoever, whomever    疑问代词在句中应位于谓语动词之前,没有词性和数的变化,除who之外也没有格的变化。&what, which, whose还可作限定词。 Whose books are these on the desk?桌上的书是谁的?What was the directional flow of U. S. territorial expansion?美国的领土扩张是朝哪个方向的?What events led to most of the east of the Mississippi River becoming part of the United States? 哪些事件使密西西比河以东的大部分土地归属于美国?疑问代词在句中起名词词组的作用,用来构成疑问句。疑问代词有下列几个:指 人: who, whom, whose指 物: what既可指人又可指物: which疑问代词说明:一、无论是做疑问代词还是限定词,which 和 what 所指的范围不同。what所指的范围是无限的,而which则指在一定的范围内,例如:Which girls do you like best?你喜欢哪几个姑娘?What girls do you like best?你喜欢什么样的姑娘?
二、Whom是who的宾格,在书面语中,它作动词宾语或介词宾语,在口语中作宾语时,可用who代替,但在介词后只能用whom, 例如:Who(m) did you meet on the street?你在街上遇到了谁?(作动词宾语)Who(m) are you taking the book to?你要把这书带给谁?(作介词宾语,置句首)To whom did you speak on the campus?你在校园里和谁讲话了?(作介词宾语,置介词 后,不能用who取代。)
三、疑问代词用于对介词宾语提问时,过去的文体中介词和疑问代词通常一起放在句首,现代英语中,疑问代词在句首,介词在句未,例如:For what do most people live and work?大部分人生活和工作的目的是什么?(旧文体)What are you looking for?你在找什么?(现代英语)
四、疑问代词还可引导名词性从句,例如:I can't make out what he is driving at.我不知道他用意何在。Can you tell me whose is the blue shirt on the bed?你能告诉我床上的蓝衬衣是谁的吗?Much of what you say I agree with, but I cannot go all the way with you.你说的我大部分同意,但并不完全赞同。疑问代词用法:1. 疑问代词有who, whom, whose, which和what, 都是用来构成疑问句的:Who is calling? 谁打电话来?Whom do you want to speak to? 你想找谁接电话?作主语时用who,作宾语时用whom,在口语中用who作宾语时也不少:Who did you mean? 你指的是谁?Who are you talking about? 你们在讲谁?直接跟在介词后时只能用whom:With whom did you come? 你和谁一道来的?(口语中说“Who did you come with?时更多一些。)2. 其他三个疑问代词可用作:1)主语:What’s your address? 你的地址怎样写?Whose is better? 谁的好一些?Which of these is yours? 哪一本是你的?2)宾语:What do you mean? 你是什么意思?Which do you like better? 哪一个你更喜欢一些?Whose have you chosen? 你选了谁的?3)表语:What’s her name? 她叫什么名字?Whose is it? 这是谁的?4)定语(这样用时有些字典标作形容词):What time does the train leave? 这列火车什么时候离开?Which room shall we stay in? 我们住哪间房?Whose passport is this? 这是谁的护照?物主代词:表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词,也叫人称代词的所有格。物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种。物主代词有人称和数的变化。第三人称单数的物主代词还有性别的变化。物主代词的用法:物主代词既有表示所属的作用又有指代作用,例如:Joh apparently there was a broken glass on his desk.约翰割破了手指,显而易见,他桌子上有个破碎的玻璃杯。物主代词有形容词性(my, your等)和名词性(mine, yours等)两种:形容词性的物主代词属于限定词。名词性的物主代词在用法上相当于省略了中心名词的 -'s属格结构,例如:Jack's cap 意为 The cap is Jack's.His cap &&& 意为 The cap is his.
形容词性物主代词用法:1. 形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,在句中只能用作定语,后面必须跟名词。名词性物主代词常用来避免和前面已提及的名词重复。相当于【形容词性物主代词+名词】。例如: Is that yourbike? 那是你的自行车吗? My pen is quite different from his.2. 如果名词前用了形容词性物主代词,就不能再用冠词(a, an, the)、指示代词(this, that, these, those)等修饰词了。例如: 这是他的书桌。This is his desk.3. 与形容词一起修饰名词时,形容词性物主代词要放在形容词的前面。例如:his English books他的英语书。their Chinese friends他们的中国朋友。4. 汉语中经常会出现"我妈妈","你们老师"等这样的语言现象,虽然代词用的是"我"、"你们",但实际意义仍是"我的"、"你们的",所以在英译时,注意要用形容词性物主代词"my","your"。例如:你妈妈在家吗? 误:Is you mother at home? 正:Is yourmother at home?5. it's与its读音相同,he's与his读音相似,但使用时需注意它们的区别(it's和he's分别是it is和he is的缩略形式,但its 和his 却是形容词性物主代词) 。例如: It's a bird. Its name is Polly. 它是一只鸟。它的名字叫波利。 He's a student. His mother is a teacher. 他是一名学生。他妈妈是一位教师口诀:有“名”则"形“,无“名”则“名”。意思是:后面是名词的话,前面就要用 形容词性物主代词。后面没有名词的话,就用名词性物主代词。
名词性物主代词的句法功能:a. 作主语,例如:May I use your pen? Yours works better.我可以用一用你的钢笔吗? 你的比我的好用。b.作宾语,例如:I love my motherland as much as you love yours.我爱我的祖国就像你爱你的祖国一样深。c.作介词宾语,例如:You should interpret what I said in my sense of the word, not in yours.你应当按我所用的词义去解释我说的话,而不能按你自己的意义去解释。d.作主语补语,例如:The life I have is yours. It's yours. It's yours. 我的生命属于你,属于你,属于你。名词性物主代词可以用在介词of的后面,相当于“of+名词所有格”。口诀有“名”则"形“,无“名”则“名”。注:后面是名词的话,前面就要用 形容词性物主代词。后面没有名词的话,就用名词性物主代词.形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词的区别:一.形容词性物主代词起形容词的作用,用在名词前。例:1. This is my book.这是我的书。2. We love our motherland.我们热爱我们的祖国。二.名词性物主代词起名词的作用。例:1. Look at the two pencils. The red one is yours and the blue one is mine.看那两支铅笔,红的是你的,蓝的是我的。2. He likes my pen. He doesn't like hers.他喜欢我的钢笔。不喜欢她的。3. 注意:在使用名词性物主代词时,必须有特定的语言环境,也就是要省略的名词。例:It's hers.是她的。(单独使用大家不知是怎么回事,不可以这样用)There is a book. It's hers.那有本书。是她的。(先提及,大家才明白)4. 名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词为避免重复使用名词,有时可用“名词性物主代词”来代替“形容词性物主代词+名词”的形式。例:My bag is yellow, her bag is red, his bag is blue and your bag is pink.为避免重复使用bag,可写成My bag is yellow, hers is red, his is blue and yours is pink.物主代词“形”变“名”歌:形物代变名物代掌握规律变得快多数词尾加-- smy,its,his要除外my把y来变成i接着再把 ne 带his,its 不用变词形一样莫奇怪疑问副词:用来引导特殊疑问句,表示时间,地点,方式,原因等。常见的有:when,where,how,why等。疑问副词的用法:1.疑问副词是问何时、何地、如何、因何的副词,主要有when, where, how, why。2.疑问副词用在句首。How long have you been staying in America?你在美国待多久了?
3.疑问副词在句中引导名词子句。I want to know where she has gone.我想知道她去哪里了。
4.疑问副词后接不定词构成的名词片语,在句中可以作主词、受词或主词补语。How to solve the problem gives him a bad headache.如何解决这个问题使他伤透脑筋。(How to solve the problem作主词。)I don't know how to answer the question.我不知道如何回答这个问题。(how to answer the question作受词。)The patient is in urgent need the medicine, but the problem is where to get it.这个病人急需这种药,但问题是哪里能找到。(where to get it作主词补语。)
5.疑问副词引导的名词子句可作主词、受词或主词补语。When we are to start the competition hasn't fixed yet.我们什么时候开始比赛还没有定下来。(When we are to start the competition作主词。)She asked her husband where he had been.她问她丈夫去哪里了。(where he had been 作受词。)The question is when we can finish our work.问题是我们何时能完成我们的工作。(when we can finish our work作主词补语。)疑问代词与疑问副词的区别:1. 疑问代词做对陈述句的主语,宾语或定语提问,即做句子的主语,宾语或定语,如what, who/ whom, whose. eg. Who is talking ? What can you see? Whose shirt is this?2.疑问副词对时间,地点,方式等状语提问,如when, where, how 等.eg. When is your birthday? Where are you going? How do you know?常见的疑问代词:what& who& which& whom(只做宾语)疑问副词:how& where& when还有whether是疑问连接词。特殊疑问句:以特殊疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。常用的疑问词有:what、who、whose、which、when、where、how、why等。 特殊疑问句的基本结构是“疑问词+一般疑问句”。其回答应当是具体的。特殊疑问句句末一般用降调。&例如:How do I get there?&&&&&&&&&&&&&Why not?&&&&&&&&&&&&&What about the sports news? 常用疑问词可先分为3种:疑问代词:what(什么)who(谁,作主语)which(哪个,在一定范围内选择)whose(谁的,指附属关系)whom(谁,作宾语)疑问副词:when(何时,询问时间)where(何地,询问地点)why(为什么,询问原因)how(如何,询问手段,方式,工具以及程度)疑问形容词:what(which,whose)+名词例词:what time(什么时候) what colour(什么颜色)... much(多少) how long(多长)... 特殊疑问句的特点:一、 特殊的疑问词: 特殊疑问句要由疑问代词或疑问副词开头,询问的内容不同, 使用的疑问词也不同。我们学过的疑问词有what(询问事物), how much(询问价格), what time (询问时间,尤其是点钟), what kind of(询问种类), why(询问原因),who(询问人), where(询问地点) 等等。如: —What is this? 这是什么? —It's a key. 这是一把钥匙。 —How much is it? 这个多少钱? —It's twenty dollars. 二十美元。 —What kind of movies do you like? 你喜欢哪一类型的电影? —I like action movies. 我喜欢动作片。 二、特殊的语序:特殊疑问句由疑问词开头,其构成是“疑问词 + 一般疑问句”。如: What time is it? 现在几点钟? Who is your teacher? 谁是你的老师?特殊疑问句有两种语序:1.如疑问词作主语或主语的定语,即对主语或主语的定语提问,其语序是陈述句的语序:Who is singing in the room﹖whose bike is broken﹖2.如疑问词作其他成分,即对其他成分提问,其语序是:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句(特殊疑问词+be/助动词/情态动词+主语+谓语)What does she like?What class are you in﹖Where are you from﹖What time does he get up every morning﹖How do you know﹖&三、特殊的答语:特殊疑问句不能用yes, no来回答,而应根据它所询问的内容直接做出回答才行。如: — What time is it, please? 请问几点了? — It's 7:30. 七点半了。 — Where are they? 他们在哪儿? —They're in the playground. 他们在操场上。 —What's your favorite subject? 你最喜爱的科目是什么? —English. 英语。 四、 特殊的语调: 一般情况下,特殊疑问句要用降调(↘)来读。如: Who's ↘that? How old is↘Jack?直接引语和间接引语:引用别人的话有两种方式,一种是讲述别人的原话,并把它放在引号里,这叫直接引语;另一种是用自己的话来转述别人,并且不能用引号,这就是间接引语。直接引语和间接引语之间可以互相转换。直接引语和间接引语关系:直接引语:直接引述别人的话(句子中有“”)。 间接引语:用自己的话转述别人的话,叫“间接引语”(句子中一般无“”)&间接引语在大多数情况下是一个宾语从语。直接引语变成间接引语时,要注意以下几点:人称变化、时态变化、宾语从句要用陈述句语序。1.直接引语是陈述句,变成间接引语时,由连词that 引导。例如:She said, "I am very happy to help you."→She said that she was very happy to help you.2. 直接引语是一般(选择/反意)疑问句,变成间接引语时,由连词whether或if 引导。例如:He asked me, "Do you like playing football?"→He asked me if/whether I liked playing football.注意:大多数情况下,if和whether 可以互换,但后有or not,或在动词不定式前,或放在介词后作连接词时,一般只用whether。例如:She asked me whether he could do it or not.He hesitated about whether to drive or take the train.3. 直接引语是特殊疑问句,变成间接引语时,由相应的疑问词who, whom, whose, how, when, why, where 等引导。例如:My sister asked me, "How do you like the film?"→My sister asked me how I liked the film.4. 直接引语是祈使句,变成间接引语时,把动词原形变成动词不定式,并在动词不定前加tell, ask, order 等的宾语。例如:The captain ordered, "Be quiet."→The captain ordered us to be quiet.注意:此种情况的否定句,在动词不定式前加not。My teacher asked me, "Don't laugh."→My teacher asked me not to laugh.&一些注意事项:(1)如果直接引语是表示客观真理时,变为间接引语,一般现在时不改为一般过去时。如:The teacher said "The earth goes round the sun."→The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun.(2)如果直接引语中有明确表示过时间的状语,变为间接引语时,一般过去时不改为过去完成时。如:He said to me, "I was born in 1973."→He told me that he was born in 1973.
(3)如果直接引语所述事实在当时和目前同样生效,变为间接宾语时,一般现在时不改为一般过去时。如:He said, "I'm a boy, not a girl."→He said that he is a boy ,not a girl.
(4)如果直接引语中的谓语动词表示一种反复出现或习惯动作,在变为间接引时,一般现在时不改为一般过去时。如:The girl said, "I get up at six every morning."→The girl said that she gets up at six every morning.
(5)如果直接引语中含有since, when, while 引导的表示过去时间的状语从句,在变为间接引语时,只改变主句中的谓语动词,从句的一般过去时则不变。如:He said to me, "I have taught English since he came here ."→He told me that he had taught English since he came here.
(6)如果直接引语中含有情态动词 must, need, had better以及情态动词的过去式could, might, should, would,在变为间接引语时,这些情态动词没有时态的改变。例如:The teacher said to me . "You must pay more attention to your pronunciation." →The teacher told me that I must (have to ) pay more attention to my pronunciation.He said , "I could swim when I was only six ."→He said that he could swim when he was only six. &(7)间接引语一般要用陈述句的语序,即主、谓、宾的顺序。例如:He asked Lucy, "Where did you go?"→He asked Lucy where she went.Tom said, "What do you want, Ann?"→Tom asked Ann what she wanted.直接引语变间接引语:A.一般不表示请求或祈使的句子改为一个宾语从句 1.连词 若直接引语引号里的内容是陈述句,那么改为间接时,要用连词 that (可以省略) ……………….一般疑问句,…….,要用连词 if/whether (不可以省略) ……………….特殊疑问句,…….,要用连词 wh- 即特殊疑问词本身(不可省) 2.变化 (1)主句动词的变化 一般说来,主句谓语动词常为said或said to,变为间接引语时,当直接引语是陈述句时,said不变。当直接引语是一般疑问句和特殊疑问句时,则要把said或said to变为asked / asked sb. (2)从句人称的变化 由直接引语变间接引语时,从句的主语人称要遵循一主、二宾、三不变的原则。①直接引语的主语是第一人称变为间接引语时要和主句的主语保持一致。②如果直接引语的主语是第二人称变为间接引语时要与主句的宾语保持一致。③如果直接引语的主语是第三人称变为间接引语时,人称不变。例如: ①They said, “We will go there by bus.” →They said they would go there by bus. ②She said to me, “Are you interested in science?” →She asked me if I was interested in science. ③His mother said to me, “He can't go to school.” →His mother told me that he couldn't go to school. (3)、从句动词时态的变化 a. 如果主句的时态是一般过去时,从句的时态则应是与主句时态相应的过去时态。①一般现在时→一般过去时;②一般过去时→过去完成时;③现在进行时→过去进行时;④现在完成时→过去完成时;⑤过去完成时→过去完成时(不变);⑥一般将来时→过去将来时。例如: The girl said, “I'm sorry for being late for class.” →The girl said that she was sorry for being late for class. b. 直接引语变为间接引语时,如果主句中的谓语动词是一般现在时或一般将来时,则间接引语从句的时态保持不变。例如:He says, “I have finished my homework.” →He says that he has finished his homework. She will say, “I'll do it tomorrow.” →She will say that she'll do it the next day. c. 直接引语如果是客观事实或真理,变为间接引语时,从句时态不变。例如: The teacher said, “The earth moves around the sun.” →The teacher said that the earth moves around the sun. (4)、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化 直接引语变为间接引语时,指示代词的变化为this→that, these→those等;时间状语的变化为now→then, today→that day, yesterday→the day before, tomorrow→the next day等;地点状语的变化为here→there;动词的变化为come→go(go 不要变come)。例如: 1. She said, “I will come this evening.” →She said that she would go that evening. 2. He said, “My sister was here three days ago, but she is not here now.” →He said that his sister had been there three days before, but she was not there then. B.表示请求或祈使的句子改为句型tell/ask/order sb (not) to do sth 当直接引语引号里的内容表示要求时用tell sb (not) to do sth 当直接引语引号里的内容表示请求时用ask sb (not) to do sth 当直接引语引号里的内容表示强制要求时用order sb (not) to do sth
与“按要求改写下列各句, 每空一词。 1. His name is Tom. (对划线..”考查相似的试题有:
757691088837799166066108343145507his name is tom 对tom提问— —his name?_百度作业帮
his name is tom 对tom提问— —his name?
his name is tom 对tom提问— —his name?
What is his name? 如果您认可我的答案,请点击下面的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!
What is his name? 他的名字是什么? 祝学习进步O(∩_∩)O若有疑问,请指出,希望能和你一起探讨~如果认为我的回答好的话,请及时采纳,谢谢!his name is tom 对tom提问— —his name?_百度作业帮
his name is tom 对tom提问— —his name?
his name is tom 对tom提问— —his name?
What is his name? 如果您认可我的答案,请点击下面的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!
What is his name? 他的名字是什么? 祝学习进步O(∩_∩)O若有疑问,请指出,希望能和你一起探讨~如果认为我的回答好的话,请及时采纳,谢谢!


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