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3秒自动关闭窗口阅读下面对话 ,填空A:Thank youB:They are too short.C:How much is it?D:Yes ,please.I want a pair of socks.E:That's too dear.F:How many is itG:They are too big.AA:What can I do for you?BB:___AA:What about these socks?BB:Let me have_百度作业帮
阅读下面对话 ,填空A:Thank youB:They are too short.C:How much is it?D:Yes ,please.I want a pair of socks.E:That's too dear.F:How many is itG:They are too big.AA:What can I do for you?BB:___AA:What about these socks?BB:Let me have
阅读下面对话 ,填空A:Thank youB:They are too short.C:How much is it?D:Yes ,please.I want a pair of socks.E:That's too dear.F:How many is itG:They are too big.AA:What can I do for you?BB:___AA:What about these socks?BB:Let me have a look.Oh,no.___.AA:What about these ones They are long.BB:Good!____.AA:112 yuan.BB:___ How much is that one?AA:55 yuanBB:I·ll take them .___AA:You are welcome.[语法填空]深圳中考 语法填空专项训练及答案_语法填空-牛bb文章网
[语法填空]深圳中考 语法填空专项训练及答案_语法填空
语法填空专项训练语法填空(1)I am now a good student in my class. But you don’t know the beginning, I found it difficult and quite different what we learned in junior school. the help of my teacher, I realized (important) of English, so I (determine) to learn English well. From then on, every morning I recited English words, (listen) to English tapes and did a lot of (exercise). My English teacher, at (make) her class lively and interesting, is happy to see this.Now I have made such great progress in my English study that I am (much) interested in learning it than before.Keys:16.____________ 17. ____________18. ____________19. ____________20. ____________21. ____________ 22. ____________23. ____________ 24. ____________ 25. ____________语法填空(2)Where will you choose to live, in the city the countryside? People have different ideas the question.Some of my friends would like to live in the city. They can enjoy TV films, entertainment and delicious food. Everything (be) convenient in the city. people are thirsty, they can have boiled or bottled water at once. When a child is ill, he (send) to hospital in just a few minutes. , people have to suffer heavy traffic and air pollution anyway. On the hand, others will choose the countryside. The reasons are simple. Nothing is better to live in fresh air, drink clean water, and enjoy free natural beauty. Of course the most important is a longer and a (happy) life.(choose), my friend?Keys:16.____________ 17. ____________18. ____________19. ____________20. ____________21. ____________ 22. ____________23. ____________ 24. ____________ 25. ____________语法填空(3)I went to the seaside to spend my holiday last summer holiday with my family. One day, I was swimming in the river __16__ someone shouted, “Look out. There is a shark not far away!” on hearing the shout, I was scared to __17__ (die) because I was well aware __18__ its dangerous characteristic. “Just don’t worry, Tom!” my father said to me, “but in order to avoid being harmed, let’s go back to our hotel.”1We stayed in the seaside for about two weeks. Though the weather was __19__ hotter than that in my hometown, I got used to __20_ and __21__ (feel) at home. Every morning, I got up earlier than my parents and went for breakfast ahead of time. Then I went to have __22__ chat with my new friend, John, who I happened to come __23__ during my holiday. John was a native and he was familiar with the seaside well. He was a man __24_ good qualification. Soon we became very good friends. After we parted, we have been kept writing to each other. Now, I still often hear from him. We talked in our letter about things and persons__25__ we remembered in the seaside.Keys:16.____________ 17. ____________18. ____________19. ____________20. ____________21. ____________ 22. ____________23. ____________ 24. ____________ 25. ____________语法填空(4)Sarah and Janet have been friends since they (start) school. They do everything together: study, read, watch TV, surf the Internet, play sports and listen to music. Anyone has a problem can ask the other for help. When Sarah was in the (three) grade, some of the other students made fun of her she was shy. Janet told the other students to stop (make) fun of Sarah, and she helped Sarah overcome her shyness. In the fifth grade, Janet had (difficult) in her maths class. She studied hard, she just couldn’t understand the homework. Sarah helped Janet her homework and (patient) explained every exercise to Janet. After six months, Janet did much better and even got A in the maths exam.Keys:16.____________ 17. ____________18. ____________19. ____________20. ____________21. ____________ 22. ____________23. ____________ 24. ____________ 25. ____________语法填空(5)Strange things happened in Tangshan. For 3 days water in the wells kept (rise) and falling. (smell) gas came out from the cracks of wells. Animals became (nerve). There were other signs of an earthquake but the people thought little of these events. At 3: 42 a. m., everything began to shake. The world seemed (be) at an end. One-third of the nation felt the (great) earthquake. In fifteen seconds the city lay ruins. Two-thirds of the people died or (injure). Thousands of families were killed and many children were left parents. Then later that afternoon, big quake shook Tangshan. People began to wonder how long the disaster would last, all hope was not lost. Soldiers came to help the rescue work. Slowly, the city began to breathe again. 2Keys:16.____________ 17. ____________18. ____________19. ____________20. ____________21. ____________ 22. ____________23. ____________ 24. ____________ 25. ____________语法填空(6)Rivers are one of our most important natural resources. Many of the world’s great cities are located on rivers, and almost country has at least one river flowing through it transportation, rivers give water to drink, water for crops, and chances for fun and recreation for large cities and industries are located on rivers often make rivers becomes polluted with chemicals and other materials. People are learning the (important) of doing more to keep their rivers clean if they want to enjoy the benefits of this natural resource.Keys:16.____________ 17. ____________18. ____________19. ____________20. ____________21. ____________ 22. ____________23. ____________ 24. ____________ 25. ____________语法填空(7) each other. At first, the English (speak) in England between about AD 450 and today’s English. It was based more on German than the English we speak at present. Then (gradual) between about AD 800 and 1150, English became like German because those who ruled England spoke first Danish and later French. . So by the 1600’s Shakespeare was able to make use of a . In 1620 some British settlers moved to America .Later in the 18th century some British people were taken to Australia too. English began to be spoken in countries. Finally by the 19th century the language was settled and now English is also spoken foreign or second language in South Asia and other parts of the world.Keys:16.___________17. ____________ 18. ____________19. ____________20. ____________ 321. ____________ 22. ____________23. ____________ 24. ____________ 25. ____________语法填空(8)When inviting some friends at a dinner, we Chinese often say, “The dishes are not good. Please forgive me.” In fact, it is a Chinese way of ( be) really means is that all the dishes here are really wonderful! what he really hopes is compliment from the guests! But English would not understand it at all! Now that it is not good, why should you present the dishes before us? The English would say to their guests “ Enjoy yourselves!” when eating “ Hope you’ve enjoyed !” after eating.While eating, we Chinese often say to the guests, “Eat slowly.” This would be very ( puzzle) to the foreigners: Am I eating very violently? Am I eating too And now come to the end of the dinner when your guests (leave) . The Chinese would say: “Walk slowly!” This is a very polite saying in Chinese,but will also be confusing to the foreigners: Why can’t I walk fast?Does it I walk slowly or not? Are you worrying that I may fall change your words a simple “ Bye!” or “ See you next time!”Keys:16.___________17. ____________ 18. ____________19. ____________20. ____________21. ____________ 22. ____________23. ____________ 24. ____________ 25. ____________语法填空(9)I felt upset when I 16__________ (tell) that I would have to leave the company. In order to find 17__________ new job to support the family, I read almost all the newspapers 18__________ set down almost all the telephone numbers in ads 19_________ my notebook and tried to call almost all the companies that needed new clerks. Not until 20__________ (find) a job in a small town near Townsville did I calm down. My new boss, Mr. Brown, was one of my schoolmates 21__________ I was getting along well with at school. Both of us were 22__________(excite) to see each other and we spent the whole afternoon 23__________(talk) about things and persons that we remembered at school. He asked me to give24__________ some advice on how to enlarge his present business and he was 25_________(entire) happy about my advice.Keys:16.___________17. ____________ 18. ____________19. ____________20. ____________21. ____________ 22. ____________23. ____________ 24. ____________ 25. ____________语法填空(10)4Chinese proverbs() are rich and they are still widely used in Chinese people’s daily life. Behind these proverbs there (be) often interesting stories. For example, the proverb, “plucking up (拔高)a crop to help it grow”, is basedIt is said that a short-tempered(脾气急躁的) man in the Song Dynasty (960―1279) was very anxious to help (slow) than he expected.He did so the next day.He was very tired after doing this a whole day, he felt very happy since the crop did “grow”higher.His son this and went to see the crop. Unfortunately the leaves of the crop began to wither(枯萎).This learn through this story is saying we have to let things go in their (result) in the contrary to our intention.Keys:16.___________17. ____________ 18. ____________19. ____________20. ____________21. ____________ 22. ____________23. ____________ 24. ____________ 25. ____________语法填空(11)Bill Gates (be) very successful and become very rich. He is very generous but he got his money? He has done this by making sure that no one else will be able to compete with his software. His software is not the best it is used most widely in the world. When he sees what he makes a program and produces than anybody else. That way he gets Then he works improving the software later. He tries hard to stop others making better software. In 1995 the government tried (make) things fairer for people like me. The government wanted to make Microsoft into two companies so that neither of them was so strong so rich. This meant that they could not stop somebody else making new software. I always wonder how he could get so rich so quickly. fair means? Or has he done it by being a computer bully.Keys:16.___________17. ____________ 18. ____________19. ____________20. ____________21. ____________ 22. ____________23. ____________ 24. ____________ 25. ____________ 语法填空(12)Taking a taxi in a certain Eastern European country can be ___16___ shocking experience. It is said ___17___ some taxi drivers have metal wires struck into the passenger seats. And ___18___ a button is pushed, the seat will give you an electric shock. These taxi drivers don’t do 5this ___19___ fun. They do it to tourists __20___ argue about the ridiculous(可笑的,荒唐的) fares they charge. Some drivers charge as much __21___ ten times the legal fare.They have a secret switch which __22___ (make) the meters much faster. If you refuse to pay, you are really in for a shock.In one case, a German woman had no choice but to pay US $120 for a US $20 ride from the airport. She said that she was really ___23___ (take) for a ride, but what could she do? Besides the electric shock, she was verbally(口头地)abused and threatened with physical ___24___ (violent). She has only one piece of advice for tourists, “Take the bus ___25___ stay at home.”Keys:16.___________17. ____________ 18. ____________19. ____________20. ____________21. ____________ 22. ____________23. ____________ 24. ____________ 25. ____________6 分享: >
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