
2014下期高一地理期末考试试卷命题人:胡惠兰审核人:胡惠兰一、单项选择题(本大题有35小题,每小题2分,共70分。)1.2004年美国“机遇号”火星探测器顺利到达火星表面进行科学考察,这说明了人造天体可以离开:A.地月系B.太阳系C.银河系D.河外星系2.下列中心地,服务范围最大的是:A.北京B.杭州C.金华D.东阳市3.大气运动最基本的形式是:A大气环流B三圈环流C热力环流D季风环流读右图,完成4-5题。4.此地区发展种植业的有利条件是A.人均耕地多 B.科技水平高C.劳动力资源丰富 D.劳动者素质高5.此地区修建水利工程量大的原因是A.一年四季降水稀少 B.位于季风区,水旱灾害频繁C.农民思想落后和自私 D.地形复杂,以山地为主6.太平洋岛国图瓦卢面临“灭顶之灾”,举国移民新西兰是因为:A地震频繁B火山喷发C酸雨严重D海平面上升7.土壤中的矿物质主要来源于:A.岩石圈B.生物圈C.大气圈D.水圈8.印度半岛西南季风的主要成因是:A.地形地势的影响B.海陆热力性质的差异C.热带气旋的影响D.气压带和风带位置的季节移动杭州的纬度位置大约是北纬30°左右,是一个美丽的城市。完成9―11小题:9.杭州气候宜人,气候类型属于:A.温带大陆性气候B.温带季风气候C.亚热带季风气候D.热带季风气候10.杭州风景优美,周围的山上树木葱郁,这里的植被属于:A.亚热带常绿硬叶林B.亚热带落叶阔叶林C.亚热带常绿阔叶林D.温带落叶阔叶林11.杭州在梅雨过后,会出现“伏旱”天气。形成“伏旱”天气的天气系统是:A.气旋B.台风C.锋面D.反气旋陕西某农户通过引进食用菌和蔬菜栽培技术建起了7个塑料大棚,变冬闲为冬忙。在大棚里生产蘑菇和只有春夏才能生长的蔬菜。春节期间这些农产品在城市蔬菜市场上供不应求,取得较好的经济社会效益。据此回答第12一13题:12.塑料大棚主要改善了作物生长的哪种条件?A.热量B.水分C.土壤D.光照13.上述材料说明,提高农业产出的重要手段是:A.改变耕作方式B.加大科技的投入C.加大劳动力投入D.增加化肥的使用14.我国西北地区发展农业生产主要的限制因素是:土地资源不足B.劳动力不足C.化肥、农药不足D.水资源不足右图为亚洲东岸某地海陆分布剖面示意图,读图回答15题。15.关于甲、乙、丙、丁四处的叙述,正确的是A.甲处为背斜,主要由外力侵蚀而成B.乙处为向斜,主要由内力作用形成C.丙处为火山,位于板块张裂地带D.丁处为海沟,由板块碰撞而形成16.下面四幅城市工业布局示意图中,从环境因素考虑,不合理的是17.下列四幅风带图中,属于北半球东北信风的是:18.下面的气流状况示意图中,表示北半球气旋的图是:ABCD19.下列所表示海陆间热力环流示意图,正确的是:A.①②B.②③C.②④D.①④20.对比下面左、右两图,右图中的数字序号所表示的地理事物正确的是:A.②真核细胞生物出现 B.③恐龙灭绝C.④无脊椎动物大量出现在地球表层 D.⑤鱼类和两栖类动物出现 21.以下是不同天气系统过境前后的气压变化示意图,图中的四条曲线中,表示冷锋过境前后的气压变化曲线是:22.读地理素描图判断,因流水沉积作用而形成的地貌图是:右图为“日8时亚洲局部地区海平面等压线示意图”。读图完成23-24题。23.下列城市中,风向为西南风的是A.南京 B.西安 C.天津 D.首尔24.锦州的天气状况是[来源:学科网]A.晴热干燥 B.低温阴雨C.高温多雨 D.风和日丽读“某海域洋流分布示意图”(局部),回答25-26题。25.右图所示海域是[来源:学科网]A.北半球中低纬度B.南半球中低纬度C.北半球中高纬度D.南半球中高纬度26.在盛行风吹拂下形成且完全正确的一组是A.①②B.③④C.①③D.②④27.“人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开。”它描述了A.纬度地带分异B.干湿度地带分异C.垂直地带分异D.地方性分异28.我国内蒙古高原的自然带,自西向东呈现出荒漠→草原荒漠→森林草原的更替,其分布规律是A.干湿度地带分异B.沿纬度变化方向的分异C.由赤道向两极的分异D.山地的垂直地带分异29.下列关于公路选线的具体原则中,欠妥的是A.尽量少占农田,特别是高产田B.尽量避开居民点,以减少污染C.在陡坡上要利用“之”字形弯曲减缓坡度D.尽量避开陡坡、河流、沼泽30.随着全球变暖,我国可能出现的现象是A.喜马拉雅山的雪线逐年下降B.一月0℃等温线向淮河以北移动C.南海诸岛的面积迅速增大D.高纬地区比原来的气温更低读右图“不同国家人口增长示意图”,完成31-32题。31.与目前我国人口增长状况相似的类型是A.①B.②C.③D.④32.图中国家类型④所反映的人口问题主要是A.人口老龄化严重,社会负担过重B.少年儿童比重大,就业压力过重C.城市人口比重大,劳动力过剩D.人口总数太少,劳动力严重缺少右下图是我国某种工业分布图。读图并结合有关地理知识回答33~35题。33.该种工业部门可能是A.纺织工业B.煤炭工业C.瓶装饮料工业D.制糖工业34.该种工业布局属A.动力指向型B.原料指向型C.技术指向型D.市场指向型35.下列工业布局与图示工业布局条件相同的是()A.水产品加工厂B.印刷厂C.制鞋厂D.精密仪表厂[来源:学科网]2014下期高一地理期末考试答题卷二.非选择题:36.读“北半球局部海平面等压线(单位:百帕)分布图”(图16),回答下列问题:(10分)(1)甲地的天气系统从气流状况看是,在此系统控制下,天气。(2)甲乙两地温差较大的是(3)a、b、c、d四地目前在冷气团控制下的是,最有可能出现阴雨天气的是。(4)此时a地风向是。(5)未来几天b地的天气将发生的变化是气温,天气。受该天气系统影响,我国北方春季常出现、等灾害性天气。37.读“水循环”示意图依次回答:(8分)(1)写出水循环的环节②;③;④;⑥;(2)促使水循环连续进行的动力是:(3)如果人类取用水量超过水循环的数量与速度,或者使水资源遭受污染,就会造成水资源。(4)自然界水循环的作用是38.读某城市空间结构图,回答下列问题。(6分)(1)按城市功能分区,该城市中心商务区位于(填字母),理由:。(2)该市火车站的布局是否合理?理由:。(3)该市计划在卫星城建化工厂,合理区位是(填数码),理由:。39.读下图,结合已掌握的地理知识回答(6分)(1)图中①②③④四处,在地质构造上属于背斜的是,属于向斜的是。在野外考察中,有时会见到一些在向斜构造上发育的山地,其原因是。(2)请在图中地垒两侧断层的细短线上标注4个箭头,表示岩层错动的方向。[来源:Z&](3)下列地理事物与图中④处的地质构造在成因上相似的是(多项选择)A.渭河谷地 B.长江三蛱 C.吐鲁番盆地 D.雅鲁藏布江大峡谷(4)从城市区位的选择来看,图中①②③④四地最不适宜发展为城市的是。一.选择题:1.AACCB5.DADCC11.DABDD16.ACBDA21.CBABB26.DCABB31.CADBA[来源:]二.非选择题:36、(10分)(1)反气旋晴朗(2)甲(3)acac(4)偏北(西北)(5)下降阴雨寒潮沙尘暴37.(8分)(1)②海洋蒸发;③水汽输送;④陆地降水;⑥地表径流;(4分)(2)太阳辐射能(1分)(3)更新枯竭(2分)(4)维持全球水量平衡;使陆地淡水资源不断更新;促使自然界的物质运动;对地表太阳辐射能起着吸收、转化、传输、和调节的作用。(1分)38(6分)(1)A位于市中心,交通便利(2)合理不经过城区,对城区噪音污染少(3)位于盛行风下风向,河流下游39.(6分)(1)②(1分)①(1分)向斜地区的岩石受挤压,比较坚硬,不易被侵蚀,而形成山地。(1分)(2)绘图,每绘对四个箭头得1分(1分)(3)AC(1分)(4)③(1分)版权所有:高考资源网()
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旺旺:lisi3551. What is the relationship between the man and the woman?
A. Doctor and patient.&&&&&&&&&&& B. Salesman and customer.&&&&&&&&&& C. Professor and student.
2. What will the man have to do?
A. Get operated on twice.&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Have an operation immediately.&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. See other doctors.
3. What does the woman worry about?
A. The weather.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Her umbrella.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. The man.
4. How much does the man save?
A. $20.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. $4.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. $16.
5. What will most probably happen?
A. The woman will say goodbye to the man.&&&&&&&& B. They will write an article.
C. They will enter the department store.
6. What is the man speaker?
A. A guide.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. A houseman.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. A police officer.
7. What happened to the woman?
A. Her leg was broken.&&&&&&&&&& B. Her money was stolen.&&&&& C. Her briefcase was gone.
8. How many events had happened in the past two weeks?
A. 20.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. 12.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. 13.
9. What’s true about White Town?
A. It lies at the foot of the mountain.&&&&
B. It’s 20 km to the east of this place.
C. There are fewer than 1,000 people.
10. What goes past the neighboring towns according to the text?
A. A hill.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. A river.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. A road.
11. What does David often do on weekends?
A. Fishing.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Boating.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. Climbing the mountain.
12. What is the relationship between the two speakers?
A. They are strangers.&&&&&&&&&&&& B. They are doctor and patient.&&&& C. They are friends.
13. How many people are there in the dialogue?
A. Three, a woman and two men.&&
B. Two, a woman and a man.&
C. Two, a boy and a man.
14. What do you know about the man?
A. He is a doctor.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. He is blind. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. He is kind.
15. What is the man’s favorite dessert?
A. Apple pie.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Chocolate.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. Ice cream.
16. What kind of ice creams does the man prefer?
A. Chocolate ice creams.&&&&&&&& B. Strawberry ice creams.&&&& C. Ice creams.
17. Why is the woman happy?
A. Because the man comes.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
B. Because the man enjoys the dinner very much.
C. Because she likes the dessert also.
18. Why do drag race tracks have to be straight?
A. The fast cars can’t make a sharp turn.
B. Each race lasts only about seven seconds.
C. The cars might run into people in the street.
19. Why is it sometimes impossible to see the racers?
A. The tracks are too straight.& B. There is too much smoke. C. The racing cars go too fast.
20. What do we know about drag racing?
A. It costs more money than other car races.
B. It has nothing in common with other car races.
C. It has changed from a teenage pastime to business.
21. ---What’s that noise?
---Oh, I forgot to tell you. The new machine ______.
A. was tested&&&&&&&&&& B. will be tested&&&&&&&&&&& C. is being tested&&&&&&&&&& D. has been tested
22. I finished collecting clothes outside, got back in and tried to close the door, but it ______.
A. wouldn’t be shut& B. wouldn’t shut&&&&&&&&&& C. shouldn’t be shut&&&&&& D. shouldn’t shut
23. ---What do you think of Paul?
---The ______ he makes on me is that he is very lazy.
A. attitude&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. idea&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. sign&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. impression
24. It’s usually warm in my hometown, but it ______ be rather cold sometimes.
A. must&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. can&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. should&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. would
25. Isn’t it amazing how the human body heals ______ after an injury?
A. himself&&&&&&& &&&&&& B. him&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. itself&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. it
26. In order ______ your dream ______, you should put in one hundred percent effort.
A. to realize&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. to be realized&&&&& C. come true&&&&&&&&&&& D. to be come true
27. That young man hasn’t finished the work until now. I’ll ______ him on what he was doing the whole morning.
A. ask&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. voice&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. criticize&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. question
28. ---I wonder if I can have two rooms.
---Sorry, our hotel is booked full and no room is ______ now.
A. acceptable&&&&&&&&&& B. unusable&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. suitable&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. available
29. She ______ well refuse to speak to you, because she’s in a very bad mood.
A. will&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. can&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. must&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. may
30. ---Pardon?
---The teacher asked ______ the film Kung Fu Panda.
A. you have see&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. if or not you have see&&&&&&&&&&&&&
C. whether or not you have seen&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. whether have you seen
31. I thought she was going to fall, but she recovered her ______ quickly and carried on performing on the ice.
A. health&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. breath&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. balance&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. experience
32. ---What’s your opinion on my speech?
---I don’t think that your speech has ______ to the crowd, for they appeared quite puzzled.
A. got across&&&&&&&&&& B. got back&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. got through&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. got away
33. As a journalist, I was able to know all the important people whom I would ______ have no chance to meet at all.
A. otherwise&&&&&&&&&&& B. therefore&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. instead&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. however
34. ---How do you know she works in this department?
---I ______ her name on a list several days ago.
A. came about&&&&&&&& B. came across&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. came out&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. came to
35. ---I’m putting on weight recently.
---To change your body shape, you need to ______ calories.
A. take&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. absorb&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&& C. lose&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. burn
Leaning against my parents’ wardrobe() in the bedroom, I, six years old then, listened to their talk about budgets() and paychecks. I &36 &that my family was poor.
Their money talk &37 , and a thought hit me: Dad had to &38 &for me. While the story of my birth was expected as a bedtime favorite, I had never considered hospital &39 , the meals I’d eaten, or the &40 &of my clothes.
“Daddy,” I interrupted, “how much did I cost?” “Oh, let me see. About a million dollars.”
A million dollars! Because of me, Dad &41 &two jobs. Because of me, he wore &42 &jeans, drove an old car, and had his shoes &43 &--- over and over again.
I went to the kitchen. From a shelf, I took my granny-shaped bank, which &44 &every penny I owned --- seven dollars. I pulled the bank’s plug out, and &45 &the coins into my hands. I had often played with these coins in secret and I felt secure() &46 &in just knowing they were there.
Whether the topic had changed when I returned to my parents’ &47 , I didn’t notice. Pulling on Dad’s shirt, I held out my first &48 &on a million dollars.
“Here,” I said. “Maybe this will &49 &to pay for me.”
“What?” Dad’s confused look &50 &my own. Didn’t he remember what he’d said? Didn’t the &51 &of me remind him of how much I cost?
My tear-filled eyes, which I couldn’t seem to take off the bank, &52 &made sense to him.
Dad knelt down and pulled me &53 . “You didn’t cost a million dollars, but you’re worth a million million dollars. And &54 &that’s what I’d have to pay for you, I would do it.”
Today, I often &55 &this memory, think about it and feel the warm weight of it in my heart.
36. A. avoided&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. decided&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. pretended&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. refused
37. A. failed&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. began&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. stopped&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. continued
38. A. look&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. pay&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. speak&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. call
39. A. bills&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. trips&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. income&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. staff
40. A. quality&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. style&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. material&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. price
41. A. provided&&&&&&&&&&&& B. lost&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. worked&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. left
42. A. new&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. old&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. clean&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. beautiful
43. A. bought&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. washed&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. repaired&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. sold
44. A. held&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. damaged&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. missed&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. recognized
45. A. poured&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. looked&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. turned&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. burst
46. A. anxiety&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. sorrow&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. pleasure&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. victory
47. A. wardrobe&&&&&&&&&&& B. bed&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. company&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. bedroom
48. A. focus&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. suggestion&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. dependence&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. payment
49. A. help&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. forget&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. remember&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. regret
50. A. matched&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. minded&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. hurt&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. defended
51. A. confusion&&&&&&&&&&& B. sight&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. anger&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. danger
52. A. lately&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. finally&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. hardly&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. hopefully
53. A. away&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. down&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. close&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. up
54. A. after&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. though&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. if&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. unless
55. A. fill up&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. knock out&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. leave up&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. pull out
Are you looking for ways to get your child excited about reading? As publishers of children’s books, we often hear from parents about their reluctant readers and what they have done to encourage their children to read. Here are five parent-tested strategies.
Let them read funny stories
Interest alone is a big motivator for getting kids to love reading. Funny books are what they are interested in. You’ll be glad to know that cartoons include vocabulary-stretching words besides pictures.
Read yourself
Set time aside each day to read something. Show by example that reading is something you do throughout your life to enjoy, to learn, or to keep up with what is happening in your field of interest.
Have a family reading time
My mom is British, so each afternoon we would have tea-time. We would drink our tea and nibble() on cookies while Mom read a chapter to us from a Laura Ingalls Wilder book. You will all enjoy the family time and your child will also learn to enjoy reading and listening.
Give books as presents
Pick out books on topics your child likes, such as animals, princesses, plants, and magic. Buy these books as present for them. The book parents choose with encouraging words in it is always special.
Give reading rewards
Sometimes you can put money between the pages. This is especially motivating to teens. Many parents have mentioned this technique to us. So if nothing else is working, perhaps your reluctant reader will get excited about this approach.
Reading opens up new worlds, creates understanding, and enriches lives. Help your child learn the wonder that can be found in books by using these strategies.
56. From the passage, we know the author of the passage ______.
A. is a primary school teacher&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. is a publisher of children’s books
C. writes story books for children&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. researches on children’s growth
57. What does the underlined word “reluctant” in the first paragraph probably mean?
A. Unwilling.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Lazy.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. Silent.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Shy.
58. Why does the author use his/her mother as an example?
A. To advise parents and children to eat something while reading.
B. To prove that a mother’s reading helps her child become intelligent.
C. To advise parents to enjoy reading with their child.
D. To advise parents to fix a time to drink tea with their child.
59. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Some kinds of books that children should read.
B. How to pick out the books children like best.
C. How to arrange time for children to read.
D. The strategies for encouraging children to read.
Close your eyes and think of someone who has hurt you. The offense() may be severe or small but deeply painful. He may be a stranger --- the driver who caused your accident or someone who took your child. More likely, it is someone close and trusted. It may even be yourself.
Let all the anger and hurt you feel for that wrongdoer gradually come to the surface. Feel your heart beating quickly, your stomach churning() and your thoughts racing in dark directions. OK, stop. Now, forgive the offender. Don’t just remember the bitterness, but wish him well and move on --- whether he is sorry or not.
Many researchers think forgiveness may be medicine for the body. They have shown that “forgiveness interventions()” --- often just a couple of short sessions in which the wounded are guided towards positive feelings for an offender --- can reduce pain and depression and increase quality of life among the very ill.
Like proper nutrition and exercise, forgiveness appears to be a behaviour that a patient can learn, exercise and repeat as needed to prevent disease and preserve health. But the new science worries many in mental health who fear that traumatized() patients face pressure to forgive when their desire to do so is not fully developed.
While much of the early work on forgiveness has focused on forgiveness of others, scientists are turning up evidence that forgiving oneself may have a more powerful effect on overall health. “Sometimes people hurt us, and we move on, and it might fade,” says Loren Toussaint, a psychologist who with colleagues was the first to establish a long-term link between people’s health and their likeliness to forgive. However, Dr. Toussaint has been surprised to learn that those who hold onto self-blame may suffer more. As he says, “The human mind is sometimes an instrument of suffering.”
60. The first paragraph mainly wants to tell readers that ______.
A. it’s easy for us to remember who has hurt us && B. we may be hurt by any person
C. any offence is deeply painful&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. to forgive others is to forgive ourselves
61. What does the underlined word “so” in the fourth paragraph refer to?
A. Forgiveness.&&&&&&& B. Treatment.&&&&&&&& C. Health preservation.&&&&&&&& D. Pain reduction.
62. According to Dr. Toussaint, which of the following may be the most useful thing for our health?
A. Self-blame&&&&&&&&& B. Forgiving others.&&&&& C. Showing anger.& & D. Forgiving ourselves
Remember your dreams will require some effort on your part. But what your dreams can offer and tell you about yourself will be well worth it. Here are some tips to help you:
1. Have a regular bedtime and wake-up time. Make this your habit. Going to bed and waking up at regular time every day helps in dream recollection.
2. Avoid drinking alcohol and taking medicine before going to bed. These things may stop you from remembering your dreams. Eating fatty foods too close to bedtime can also divert() bodily resources away from the brain and hinder dream recollection.
3. Keep a pencil, notebook or tape recorder next to your bed so that it will be within reach as soon as you wake up. You want to make recording your dreams as easy a task as possible. Having a small lamp by your bedside is also a good idea if you should wake up in the middle of the night and want to record your dreams immediately.
4. Upon waking from a dream, lie still in your bed. Wake up slowly and stay relaxed. Hold on to the feelings you have and let your mind wander to the images of what you have just dreamt. Were you depressed, terrified, or happy?
5. Write down as many details in your dreams as you can, no matter how tiny or seemingly unimportant they may be. Make it a habit that this is the first thing you do. Talking about your dreams to friends or taking part in forums and chats also helps you remember.
6. Sometimes it may help to draw pictures. A picture is worth a thousand words, as the saying goes. Even if you are not an artist, a simple drawing can help to remember details of your dreams.
63. We can learn from the passage that ______.
A. dreams have a bad effect on people’s health
B. having a regular bedtime leads to fewer dreams
C. analyzing dreams can help you learn more about yourself
D. taking medicine will make people remember dreams more easily
64. The underlined word “hinder” in paragraph 3 can best be replaced by “______”.
A. prevent&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. help&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. slow&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. quicken
65. It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that ______.
A. sleeping with a lamp on is not a bad idea&&
B. dreams are often forgotten very quickly&&&
C. people dream most at midnight&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
D. people often speak out what they are dreaming while sleeping
66. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Sleeping habits and health&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. The secrets behind dreams
C. How to recall your dreams&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. How to form good sleeping habits
From the moment we heard about these projects, we wanted to share them with our readers. They are stories that have touched us greatly and changed the lives of many around the world. These organizations stand out in our eyes. They are projects that continue to inspire us.
Knit with Love
Brigitte Weeks
Knit for Kids began as a simple request to Guideposts readers to knit and donate sweaters for poor children. Since then, the response has been heartwarming and the project has donated over 300,000 sweaters to needy children all over the world. To find out how you can get involved, visit /sweater.
Sole Survivors
Mona Purdy
When Mona Purdy traveled all the way to Guatemala() to run a half-marathon, Mona found more than just the finish line. Witnessing poverty right in front of her eyes, she was inspired to stretch her energy to a new level. Today, her organization, Share Your Soles, donates shoes to needy people all over the world. She not only changes the lives of others but has shown her kids what giving truly means. To find out how you can donate shoes, visit .
Hannah’s Socks
Rosie Schaap
When four-year-old Hannah Turner helped her mother serve Thanksgiving dinner at a shelter, she noticed an elderly man’s feet showing through the holes in his shoes. From this small observation and desire to help, Hannah’s generosity() inspired her mother to create a non-profit organization donating socks of all sizes to the needy. To find out how you can donate socks, visit hannahssocks.org.
Mother Bear Project
Rosie Schaap
After Amy Berman learned about the millions of children in Africa with AIDS, she was inspired to reach out to them by creating something that had comforted her own children --- knitted bears. She created The Mother Bear Project, which sends the infected kids in Africa a hand-knitted furry() friend so they know that someone cares about them. To see the bears and order a bear pattern, visit motherbearproject.org.
67. The main purpose of this passage is to ______.
A. show offering is receiving&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. ask readers to share their stories
C. introduce some moving projects&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. encourage people to be special
68. If a person wants to donate a pair of shoes to the needy, he can visit ______.
A. /sweater&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.
C. hannahssocks.org&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. motherbearproject.org
69. An African girl who has not enough clothes to wear in winter will probably receive something from ______.
A. Knit with Love&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. Sole Survivors
C. Hannah’s Socks&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. Mother Bear Project
70. What do the four organizations have in common?
A. They only help poor Africans.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. They’re aimed at helping children.
C. They offer free clothes to the poor&&&&&&&&&&& D. They were all set by women.
In many parts of the world, there are four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter. In the US, there are only three: football, basketball, and baseball. That’s not completely true, but almost. In every season, Americans have a ball. If you want to know what season it is, just look at what people are playing. For many Americans, sports are very important in their lives.
Besides “the big three” sports, Americans play a variety of other sports. In warm weather, people enjoy water sports. Lovers of surfing or sailing go to the ocean. Swimmers and water skiers also have their favorite places. Fishermen try their luck in ponds, lakes and rivers. In winter, sportsmen enjoy freezing fun. From the first snowfall, skiers hit slopes. Frozen ponds become playgrounds for skating. People play indoor sports in all weathers. Racquetball(), weightlifting and bowling are year-round activities.
Not all Americans love sports, but sportsmen are an important part of their culture. Throughout their school life, Americans learn to play many sports. All students take PE classes in school. Some try out for the school teams, while others join school sports leagues. Sports meetings at universities attract lots of fans and even the whole community. Many people also enjoy activities like hiking, biking, horseback riding, or camping. For many people in the US, sports are not just for fun. They’re almost a religion. Thousands of sports fans buy expensive tickets to watch their favorite teams and sportsmen play in person. Other fans watch the games at home on TV. The most devoted sports fans never miss a game. Many a wife become a “sports widow” during her husband’s favorite season.
Americans’ devotion to sports has created a new class of wealthy people. Sports stars often receive million-dollar salaries. Some even make big money by appearing in advertisements for soft drinks, shoes and so on.
Sports in America represent the international heritage of the people who play. Many sports were imported from other countries. People from Europe brought tennis, golf, bowling and boxing to America. Football and baseball came from other Old World games. Only basketball has a truly American origin. Even today some “foreign” sports like soccer are gaining American fans. In 1994 the US hosted the World Cup for the first time ever.
Not only do Americans import sports, but they also export fever as well. Satellites broadcast games to sports fans around the globe. The names of American superstars like Michael Jordan have become household words all over the world.
Nick25Attitude is Altitude150Nick
1-5 CAABC&&&&&&&&&& 6-10 CBAAB&&&&&&&& 11-15 BABCA&&&&&&&&&&&&& 16-20 ABABC
21-25 CBDBC&&&&&&&&&&&&& 26-30 BDDDC&&&&&& 31-35 CAABD
36-40 BDBAD&&&&&& 41-45 CBCAA&&&&&& 46-50 CDDAA&&&&&& 51-55 BBCCD
56-60 BACDB&&&&&& 61-65 ADCAB&&&&&& 66-70 CCBAD
71. popular&&&&&&&&&&& 72. whatever&&&&&&&&& 73. all/throughout&&&&&&&&& 74. culture&&&&& 75. religion
76. wealthy/rich&&&& 77. advertising&&&&&&&&&&&&& 78. Origins&&&& 79. imported/introduced 80. America
One possible version:
Attitude is Altitude
Nick, 25 years old, is a special Australian man, whose success is commonly accepted as a miracle.
Nick was born without limbs, and life seemed to be impossible for him so that he had to struggle to survive. He used to be made fun of, as he looked like a monster. However, Nick never gave up. After many failures, he finally learned to swim, fish and even surf. He completed a university education with two degrees. And now he is CEO of two companies.
How has he created this miracle? Nick’s answer is: attitude is altitude. He is always confident about himself, and is optimistic about life, even in the face of difficulties and obstacles. Nick’s story tells us that nothing is impossible so long as we have the right attitude towards life and the world. What we have to do is make every effort to achieve our dreams.
W: How long do you expect this paper we are writing to be?
M: Less than ten pages.
W: When shall we hand it in?
M: Before February 20th, 2006.
M: You mean I should have two operations?
W: Yes, very likely. Otherwise you’ll go on suffering from these diseases for the rest of your life.
M: Let me think it over, Doctor Brown. When I’ve made up my mind, I’ll come again.
W: Oh, dear, I’ve forgotten my umbrella.
M: Well, never mind. I don’t suppose it will rain.
W: Have you bought your textbooks, Jack?
M: Yes. You gave me twenty dollars, but I only spent sixteen dollars.
W: Look at that big department store with such attractive show windows. It must be the biggest one in the city.
M: Yes, it is. Let’s go in and take a look around, shall we?
W: Good idea. I enjoy looking at the various articles though I needn’t buy anything.
M: What happened?
W: Well, my husband left for work at 7:30. A few minutes later, somebody broke into the house. I guess he thought the house was empty.
M: Where were you?
W: I was still in bed. I heard something in the living room, so I went downstairs. And there was this man, putting money into his briefcase. I guess I surprised him. He ran out of the front door and I ran after him.
M: It’s good he didn’t have a gun.
W: You said it! Well, he fell down the steps and broke his leg. That’s when I called you.
M: We’ve been looking for this man. In the past two weeks, he broke into 20 homes in this area.
W: Where are you from, David?
M: I am from White Town.
W: White Town? That’s a new name for me. Where is it?
M: It’s twenty miles to the east of this place, at the foot of the mountain.
W: Really? I haven’t been to that place. Can you tell me something about it?
M: Well, it’s a very small town with a little more than one thousand people.
W: Are there any interesting places there?
M: If you like climbing hills, there are a lot of beautiful views on the mountain. On top of the mountain, you can see the small towns around it and a river that goes past the neighboring towns.
W: That’s a very good view.
M: Yes. Talking about the river, you can do a lot of things there: fishing, swimming, boating. We often go boating on weekends.
W: That sounds very nice. I’ll surely go there soon.
M: Here, doggie, come, boy.
W: Excuse me, sir. Can you help me?
M: Certainly. What’s wrong?
W:Well, my car’s broken down. I’m a doctor and I’m in a great hurry. I must return to the hospital at once.
M: What can I do? How can I help you?
W: I must get a taxi, but I’ve left my money at the hospital. Could you possibly lend me some?
M: Well, all right. Is five dollars enough?
W: Can you give me ten dollars? Give me your address and I’ll return it to you by tomorrow.
M: The salad is tasty.
W: I’m glad you like it. Are you ready for the dessert?
M: Yes, please.
W: Have some apple pie, please.
M: Oh, that’s my favorite dessert.
W: Would you have some ice cream? We have chocolate and strawberry ice cream. Which one do you prefer?
M: Would you give me some chocolate?
M: It was an enjoyable dinner. Thank you very much.
W: I’m so happy you like it.
You’ve probably seen fast cars racing on TV or the movies, but have you ever seen a drag race? Drag racing started in the United States in 1953. The first drag tracks were built by those who were worried about teenagers who were racing their cars on public streets. A track is a straight course about 1,200 feet long. The track has to be straight because the cars go so fast that they can’t possibly take a corner. Each race lasts only about seven seconds! The cars used in drag racing don’t have much in common with other racing cars. In the front is something that looks like a bicycle wheel. Huge, fat tires are at the back. The powerful engine is usually in front of the driver. During a race there is sometimes so much smoke from the engines that it’s hard to see the racers. The fans say the best races are those where the cars go so fast that they can’t see them at all! There are professional drag races now. A good drag racer can earn as much as 65,000 a year.


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