used to be my lover什么意思求歌名 欧美女声

Moonlight On The Colorado  Each night I sit beside the camp fire dreaming, In England hills and dales across the sea. And as I watch the amber softly gleaming, I'm always picturing my memory.  Moonlight on the Corolado, How I wish that I were there with you. As I sit on pine each lonely shadow, Take me back to days that we once know.  We were to wed in harvest time you said, That's why I'm longing for you. When it's moonlight on the Corolado, I wonder if you're waiting for me too.  
  (93) 说几首年轻人喜欢的歌曲,先说Wham 乐队,华人一般称其为“威猛”。  1980年代初,两位在读高中的学生朋友 George Michael 和 Andrew Ridgeley 组成此乐队,但1985年正当他们事业取得成就﹑专辑连续登顶 Billboard 时乐队却解散了。其中原因至今不明,当然也没人去研究。解散后他们各自以“独行侠”独闯乐坛,乔治取得成功,安德鲁则情况不明。下面介绍1984年他们的第二张专辑 Make It Big 中的 Careless Whisper,这首歌曲流行一时,至今仍能听到。在梦网中未能找到他们的原唱,但有演唱组 Various Artists 按“威猛”风格的演唱,还有 Julio Iglesias 的演唱。  
Careless Whisper  I feel so unsure, As I take your hand, And lead you to the dance floor. As the music dies, Something in your eyes, Calls to mind the silver screen, And all its sad good-byes.  I’m never gonna dance again, Guilty feet have got no rhythm, Though it’s easy to pretend. I know you’re not a fool, Should’ve known better than to cheat a friend, And waste the chance that I’ve been given. So I’m never gonna dance again, The way I danced with you.  Time can never mend, The careless whisper of a good friend, To the heart and mind, Ignorance is kind. There’s no comfort in the truth, Pain is all you’ll find.
Careless Whisper (cont.)  I'm never gonna dance again, Guilty feet have got no rhythm, Though it's easy to pretend, I know you're not a fool, Should've known better than to cheat a friend, And waste the chance that I've been given. So I'm never gonna dance again, The way I danced with you, Never without your love.  Tonight the music seems so loud, I wish that we could lose this crowd, Maybe it's better this way. We'd hurt each other with the things we'd want to say, We could have been so good togather, We could have lived this dance forever, But now, who's gonna dance with me? Please stay!  And I'm never gonna dance again, Guilty feet have got no rhythm, Though it's easy to pretend, I know you're not a fool.  Now that you're gone, Was what I did is so wrong, So wrong that you had to leave me alone.  
1985年“威猛”乐队解散后, Michael 作为独行侠以自己的音乐实力闯天下,仅三年他的实力和自信便获得乐坛认可。1988年初,他和阿瑞莎.弗兰克林的重唱荣膺格莱美奖。同年,他的首张独唱专辑 Faith 即在排行榜上赢得单曲、唱片和歌手三项当年冠军。他的歌凝重深沉,但我们没能在梦网找到他的原唱, 我们听 The Hit Crew 演唱 Faith.
Faith  Well, I guess it would be nice, If I could touch your body, I know not every baby has got a body like you, But I've got to think twice before I give my heart away. And I know all the games you play, Because I play them too.  Oh, but I need sometime off from that emotion, Time to pick my heart up off the floor, And when that love comes down without devotion. Well, it takes a strong man baby, But I'm showing you the door 'cos I gotta have faith. I gotta have faith, 'Cos I gotta have faith, faith. I gotta have faith, faith, faith.  
Faith (cont.)  Baby, I know you’re asking me to stay, Stay, please! Please! Please don’t go away. You say I’m giving your blues, May be you mean every word you say, Can’t help but think of yesterday. And another who tied me down to the lover boy rules, Before this river become an ocean, Before you throw my heart back on the floor.  Oh, baby, I consider my foolish notion. Well, I need someone to hold me, But I’ll wait for something more. Yes, I’ve gotta have faith, I gotta have faith ’cos I gotta have faith, faith. I gotta have faith, faith, faith!
  (95) 在梦网中我们能找到一首“威猛”自己唱的歌曲 Last Christmas,这歌很有些味道。我以前说过,由于年龄和欣赏习惯,我对一些太“现代化”的歌曲不太懂,所以听得也较少。但“威猛”的这首歌我能欣赏,相信年轻人会更喜欢。  
Last Christmas  Last Christmas I gave you my heart, But the very next day you give it away. This year to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special.  Once bitter and twice shy, I keep my distance but you still catch my eyes. Tell me baby, do you recognize me? Well it's been a year, It doesn't surprise me. (Happy Christmas) I wrapped it up and sent it with a note saying "I love you", I meant it. Now I know what a fool I've been, But if you kissed me now, I know you'd fool me again.  A crowded room friends with tired eyes, I'm hiding from you and your soul of ice. My God, I thought you were someone to rely on me. I guess I was a shoulder to cry on, A face on a lover with fire in his beard, A man under cover but you tore me up.  Ah-ha-Wo-wo, Now I've found the real love you will never fool me again. Who give me something in return, I'll give it to someone. Hold my heart you were the girl, I'll give it to someone, I'll give it to someone special. I thought you will here to stay, How can love for a day, I'll give it to someone special.  
  (96)以前有些歌没给出歌词,现在补上。这些歌都是大家耳熟能详的,也常常能听到。先讲一首 Bobby Lee 的  More Than I Can Say  Oh, oh, yea, yea, love you more than I can say. I'll love you twice as much tomorrow. Oh, oh, love you more than I can say.
(Refrain)  Oh, oh, yea, yea, I miss you every single day. Why my life must be filled with sorrow? Oh, oh, love you more than I can say.
(Refrain)  (Refrain) Don't you know I need you so? Tell me please, I got to know. Do you mean to make me cry? Am I just another guy?   
这首歌好听﹑好学﹑易唱,在学校里受到欢迎。毕业离校前,傍晚时分,男生常成群到女生宿舍楼下“唱楼”,这首歌则是保留曲目之一。我见过一次“唱楼”,男生在楼下唱,女生将杯子装凉水往下泼,但歌声仍在荡漾。青春年少,大好时光啊!  这歌我们听 Leo Sayer 的演唱,真好。  
Red River Valley  From this valley say you are going, I will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile, For they say you are taking the sunshine, That brightens our pathway awhile. (Refrain)  I've been thinking a long time my darlin', Of the sweet words you would never say, Now, alas, must my fond hopes all vanish, For they say you are going away. (Refrain)  (Refrain) Come sit by my side if you love me, Do not hasten to bid me adieu, But remember the Red River Valley, And the cowboy who love you so true.  
  @南方东方长江 413楼
  这歌我们听 Leo Sayer 的演唱,真好。
  @南方东方长江 410楼
Last Christmas
  Last Christmas I gave you my heart, But the very next day you give it away. This year to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special.
  Once bitter and twice shy, I keep my distance but you still catch my eyes. Tell me baby, do you recognize me? Well it's been a year, It doesn't surprise me. (Happy Christmas) I wrapped it up and sent it with a note sayin......
  (97-1)“红河谷”这歌也属好听、好学、易唱一类。1980年代初,”那时可以开舞会了,但设备不行,用最老式的卡拉OK。我脚笨,跳不来,嗓子虽五音不全但不像现在这么破。我将一些歌曲的谱给青年教师,他们先练,到舞会上我再跟着滥竽充数。那时,Red River Valley, Home On The Range, Beautiful Dreamer, Auld Lang Syne 等总在曲目中。我们还依样画葫芦,最后一支乐曲用 Auld Lang Syne. 转眼间三十几年过去了,当年的青年教师已成为教育科研第一线的教授,成绩斐然。  “红河谷”既为民歌自然就有不同的歌词。在加拿大,其歌词我们以前说过,Oh,the buffao’s gone from the prairie… 在我国,译文以姑娘的口吻唱出“…想一想红河谷你的故乡,还有那热爱你的姑娘”。在现在给出英文歌词,是小伙子在唱 …And the cowboy who love you so true. 但随便怎么唱,这歌总受到大家欢迎。
  (98) 《夕阳下的红帆》Red Sails In The Sunset 是一首很好听的歌,看其歌名也会在眼前浮现美好的画面。这歌的歌词  我一直没能找到,但诸位不妨先将歌曲录下来,找到歌词我就发上来。  《夕阳下的红帆》有 Engelberg Humperdinck 和 Nat King Cole 的演唱。这两位我们已经很熟悉了,唱得真好!还可注意演唱组 The Platters 的“集成曲”medley,他们将 Harbour Lights 与 Red Sails In The Sunset 联在一起唱,唱得不错。Harbour Lights 也是一首好听的歌。  
  (99)热浪滚滚,但音乐令我们感到清凉,说两首好听的器乐曲。  “邀舞”
Invitation To Dance,乐曲开始是大提琴和小提琴的对话。大提琴代表男士,他优雅地向女士(小提琴代表之)邀请共舞,女士有些不好意思,谢绝。但当先生再次有绅士风度地邀请时,窈窕淑女欣然入舞池,我们也就听到多段美妙的舞曲。曲终,男士礼貌地送他的舞伴回到座席,当然是大提琴声了。  这首韦伯的名曲可从梦网下载。
  (99-1) “亚麻色头发的少女” La Fille Aux Cheveux De Lin 是德彪西的名曲,英译名为 Maid With The Flaxen Hair,但也有译作 The Girl With The Flaxen Hair. 音乐能表示出颜色,这或许有些不解。有一种说法认为这属于标题音乐,加上音符的描述可令人产生联想。音乐理论很高深,就姑且承认这说法吧。  具体到这首乐曲,我们真幸运,能欣赏 Yehuda Menuhin 的小提琴曲和 Arthur Rubinstein 的钢琴曲,大师与通常的演奏家确实有些不同。
  (100) 《电话诉衷情》I Just Called To Say I Love You 曾一度非常流行,至今尚能听到。这歌是喜剧电影 The Women In Red 的背景音乐,电影故事讲一位腼腆文静的中年男子偶遇一位穿红衣裙女士而不能自已,当然就笑话百出了。  这歌的作者温德尔是位盲人歌手,他写的《电话诉衷情》虽清淡却一往情深,不知拨动了多少青年男女的心弦。歌曲比影片更有生命力,登上了欧美几乎所有国家的排行榜。对这位盲人歌手有如下确切的评语:“命运注定他要在黑暗中度过一生,但从他的歌声中,我们感受到他心中是一片光明。”  这歌我们听邓丽君的演唱,如想换个口味,可听 AVID All Stars 的演唱。  
  @南方东方长江 413楼
17:16:00  (96-1)
这首歌好听﹑好学﹑易唱,在学校里受到欢迎。毕业离校前,傍晚时分,男生常成群到女生宿舍楼下“唱楼”,这首歌则是保留曲目之一。我见过一次“唱楼”,男生在楼下唱,女生将杯子装凉水往下泼,但歌声仍在荡漾。青春年少,大好时光啊!  这歌我们听 Leo Sayer 的演唱,真好。  -----------------------------  老师好!好羡慕那些同学啊,毕业前应有的青春疯狂岁月,多么美好的记忆啊。俺们的毕业好平淡,毕业前几天每天晚上都有老师在宿舍楼下守着,就这么毕业了。
I Just Called To Say I Love You  No New Year's Day to celebrate, no choc'late covered candy hearts to give away. No first of spring, no song to sing. In fact here's just another ordinary day. (Refrain)  No April rain, no flowers bloom, no wedding Saturday within the month of June. But what it is, is something true, made up of these three words that I must say to you. (Refrain)  No summer's high, no warm July, no harvest moon to light one tender August night. No autumn breeze, no falling leaves, no even time for birds to fly to southern skies. (Refrain)  No Libra sun, no Halloweene, no giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bring. But what it is, though old so new to fill your heart like no three words could ever do. (Refrain)  (Refrain) I just called to say I love you. I just called to say how much I care. I just called to say I love you. And I mean it from the bottom of my heart, of my heart.  
  (101) 好些时候没有发帖了,上海热得一塌糊涂。现在来说说1973年由四位瑞典人组成的 ABBA 演唱组,他们是两对夫妻,后来虽然离婚了但仍在一起歌唱。ABBA 是四人姓名的第一个字母。  ABBA 属摇滚乐队,1974年以 Waterloo 一曲得一大赛冠军后走红,七﹑八十年代成了世界流行乐坛的超级歌星。他们的唱片多有获得金唱片奖和白金唱片奖,有一张还连续九个月名列榜首。ABBA 在八十年代中期解散了。  下面先说他们唱的 Knowing Me, Knowing You.  
Knowing Me, Knowing You  No more care free laughter, silence ever after. Walking through an empty house, tears in my eyes. This is where the story ends, this is goodbye.
(Refrain)  Memories, good days, bad days, they‘ll be with me always. In their old familiar room children would play. Now there‘s only emptiness, nothing to say.
(Refrain)  (Refrain)
Knowing me, knowing you, there is nothing we can do. Knowing me, knowing you, we just have to face it this time we‘ll through.  Breakin‘ up is never easy, I know but I have no go. Knowing me, knowing you, it‘s the best I can do.
S.O.S  Where are these happy days they seem so hard to find? I try to reach for you but you have closed my mind. Whatever happened to pur love? I wish I understood. It used to beso nice, It used to be so good. (Refrain)  You seem so far away, though you are standing near. You made me feel alive, but something died I fear. I really try to make it out. I wish I understood, What happeed to our love? It used to be good.  (Refrain) So when you’re near me, darling, can’t you hear me S.O.S. The love you gave me, nothing else can gave me. S.O.S. When you’re gone, how can I even try to go out? When you’re gone, though I try, how can carry me?
Head Over Heels  I have a very good friend, The kind of girl who likes to follow a trend. She has a personl style, Some people like it but it’s a bit too much. You hear her voice ev’rywhere, taking the chair, She’s a leading lady. (Refrain)  Her man is one I admire, He’s so courageous but he’s constantly tied. Each time when he speak his mind, She pats his hand and say “That’s all very fine, Exert that will of your own when you’re alone, Now we’d better hurry”. (Refrain)  (Refrain) And with no trace of hesitation, She keeps going head over heels, Breaking her way, Rushing through unknown jungles ev’ry day, And with no trace of hesitation, She goes rushing head over heels, setting the pace, Rushing through unknown jungles everyday.  She is a girl with a taste for the world, She’s extreme, if you know what I mean.
  副热带高压不好意思了,要开溜。虽秋日尚早,但酷暑不再,我们继续谈论外文歌曲。  以前有些有名的歌曲没能给出歌词,现找到二十几年前收集的大部分资料,特此补上。先给出 Patti Page 的《交换舞伴》Changing Partner,接下去有 As Time Goes By, Sleepy Lagoon, Green Green Grass Of Home, Strangers In The Night, Harbor Light, Red Sails In The Sunset, The Yellow Rose Of Texas 等,请朋友们欣赏。   
  (102) 先说 Patti Page,这位85岁的歌手今年1月初在加州去世,未来得及在2月中旬领取格莱美终身成就奖。在这个帖子里我们说过 Patti Page 演唱的 Tennessee Waltz, That Doggie In The Window,以后还将介绍她的歌曲。关于《田纳西圆舞曲》还有趣事。开始连她自己也不看好此曲,就将它放在唱片的 B面,为其它歌曲作陪衬。但不料此歌推出后引起极大轰动,唱片售了几百万张,也是她最著名的歌曲之一。《田纳西圆舞曲》后来成为田纳西的州歌,还被列为美国最佳销售单曲之一。Patti Page 的唱片销售量超过一亿张。  下面给出 Changing Partner 的歌词。  
Changing Partners  We were waltzing togather to a dreamy melody. When they called out " Changing Partners." And you waltzed away from me. Now my arms feel so empty, as I gaze around the floor. And I'll keep on "Changing Partners," till I hold you once more! Though we danced for one moment, and too soon we had to part. In that wonderful moment something happened to my heart! So I'll keep "Changing Partners" till you're in my arms and then. Oh! My darling I will never "Changing Partners" again.
As Time Goes By  You must remember this, A kiss is still a kiss, A sigh is just a sigh, The fundamental things apply, As time goes by. And when two lovers woo, They still say “ I love you.” On that you can reply, No matter what the future brings, As time goes by.   Moonlight and love songs, Never out of date. Hearts full of passion, Jealousy and hate. Woman needs man, And man must have his mate, That no one can deny. It’s still the same old story, A fight for love and glory, A case of do or die. The world will always welcome lovers, As time goes by.
Sleepy Lagoon 常译作《宁静的湖水》,但 Lagoon 的意思是“环礁湖”。这歌的词由 E.Coates 写作,意境文字均美。作曲是 J.Lawrence,曲调与歌词相得益彰。这歌许多人都演唱过,也有不少器乐曲。我们听 The Platters 的演唱,这个组合我们已经很熟了。  
Sleepy Lagoon  A Sleepy Lagoon, A tropical moon, And two on an island. A Sleepy Lagoon, And two hearts in tune in some lullabyland. The fireflies gleam, Reflects in the stream, They sparkle and shimmer. A star from the high, Falls out of the sky, And slowly grows dimmer.  The leaves from the trees, All dance in the breeze, And float on the ripples, As nightingales tell of roses and dew. The memory of, This moment of love, Will haunt me forever. A tropical moon, A Sleepy Lagoon, And you!
Red Sails In The Sunset  Red sails in the sunset, ’Way out on the sea, Oh, carry my lov’d one home safely to me.  He sail’d at the dawning, All day I’ve been blue, Red sails in the sunset I’m trusting in you.  Swift wings you must borrow, Make straight for the shore. We marry tomorrow, And he goes sailing no more. Red sails in the sunset, ’Way out on the sea, Oh, carry my lov’d one home safely to me. Red sails in the sunset, ’Way out on the sea, Oh, carry my lov’d one home safely to me.  这歌我们仍听 The Platters 的演唱,还有 Nat King Cole 的演唱,都很好听
  (106) 《家乡的绿草地》是一首动听的歌曲,由 Carly Putman 在1967年以民歌形式写成,叙述士兵对家乡和亲人的深刻思念。这是人之常情,不必过份解读,正如苏联在二战时的一些歌曲如《海港之夜》不能被解释为“反战”。  这歌我们听 Merle Haggard 和 Kenny Rogers 的演唱。   
Green Green Grass Of Home  The old hometown looks the same, As I step down from the train, And there to meet me is my mama and papa. Down the road I look, And there runs Mary, Hair of gold and lips like cherries. It’s good to touch the green, green grass of home. (to Chorus)  The old house is still standing, Tho’ the paint is cracked and dry, And there’s that old oak tree that I used to play on. Down the lane I walk with my sweet Mary, Hair of gold and lips like cherries. It’s good to touch the green, green grass of home. (to Monolog)  (Monolog) Then I awake, And look around me, At four grey walls, That surround me, And I realize, Yes, I was only dreaming. For there’s a guard, And there’s a sad padre, Arm in arm, We’ll walk at a daybreak. Again I’ll touch the green, green grass of home. (Chorus)  (Chorus) 1. Yes, they’ll all come to meet me, Arms reaching, Smiling sweetly. It’s good to touch the green, green grass of home.  3. Yes, they’ll all come to see me in the shade of that old oak tree, As they lay me ’neath the green, green grass of home.
Strangers In The Night  Strangers in the night, Exchanging glances, Wond’ring in the night, What were the chances, We’d be sharing love, Before the night was through. Something in your eyes was so inviting, Something in your smile was so exciting, Something in my heart told me I must have you.  Strangers in the night, Two lonely people, We were strangers in the night. Up to the moment, When we said our first hello, Little did we know. Love was just a glance away, A warm embracing danced away. And ever since that night, We’d been togather. Lovers at first sight, In love forever. It turns out so right, For strangers in the night.  这歌我们听 Frank Sinatra 和 Engelbert Humperdinck 的演唱,器乐曲有 Captain Cook 的演奏。
Harbour Lights  I saw the harbour lights, They only told me we were parting, The same old harbour lights, That once brought you to me. I watched the harbour lights, How could I help if tears were starting, Goodbye to tender nights, Beside the silv’ry sea.  I longed to hold you near, And kissed you just once more, But you were on the ship, And I were on the shore. Now I know lonely nights, For all the while my heart is whisp’ring, Some other harbour lights will steal your love from me.
  (108-1) 《海港的灯光》是一首见到其歌名就想听的歌曲,Engelbert Humperdinck 的歌声隽永,但 The Platters 将这歌和 Red Sails In The Sunset 连唱的集成曲也很不错,器乐曲还是 Captain Cook 的好。  
The Yellow Rose of Texas  1. There’s a yellow rose in Texas, That I am going to see, No other cowboy knows her, No body only me. She cried so when I left her, It’s like to break her heart, And if we ever meet again, We’re never more to part!  2. Where the Rio Grande is flowing, And stars are shining bright, We walk along togather, On a quiet summer night. She says, “ If you remember when we parted long ago, you promised to come back again, and never leave me so.”  3. I’m going back to see her, For my heart is full of woe, We’ll sing the songs togather, that we sang so long ago. We’ll play the banjo gaily, and sing the songs of yore, And the Yellow Rose of Texas will be mine forever more.  She’s the sweetest rose of color, this cowboy ever know. Her eyes are bright as diamonds, they sparkle like the dew. You may talk about your dearest maid and sing of Rosa Lee, but the Yellow Rose of Texas beats the Belles of Tennessee.
  (109-1) 《德克萨斯的黄玫瑰》内战时在南方流行,战乱时期连抒情歌曲都成了进行曲!所以和平发展才好,要珍惜啊!  有几处歌词要说一下。Rio Grande 在北美洲义“格兰德河”,在巴西则为“里乌-格兰德港”。Rio 本意就是“河”,上海华东师大里有条河原名 Rio Rita,但嫌 Rita 有原娱乐场的影子,所以干脆就叫 Rio 河,即现在的丽娃河。Yore 是古语,of yore 义“从前”。Belle 从法语来,指“美妇,美女”。  
  (110) 说几首夏威夷歌曲。夏威夷独特的地理环境和历史进程使得其民歌和有关它的歌曲都有一种独特的美,我们以前说过《珍重再见》Aloha, Oe,现在来看《蓝色的夏威夷》﹑《夏威夷婚礼之歌》和《夏威夷日落》,演唱这些歌曲的都是名家。  
Blue Hawaii  Night and you, And Blue Hawaii, The night is heavenly, And you are heaven to me. Lovely you, And Blue Hawaii, With all this lovelyness, There should be love. Come with me, While the moon is on the sea. The night is young, And so are we. Dreams come true, In Blue Hawaii, And mine could all come true, This magic night, the night’s with you.   Come with me, While the moon is on the sea. The night is young, And so are we. Dreams come true, In Blue Hawaii, And mine could all come true, This magic night, the night’s with you.
  (110-2) 《蓝色的夏威夷》有 Elvis Presley﹑Frank Sinatra 等人的演唱,器乐曲还是 Captain Cook 的好听。夏威夷歌曲固然有许多名家的演唱,但其本地的乐队和歌手的表演别有风味。这些歌曲有 The Honolulu Revivalist﹑Hawaii Call 等的演唱。在卡带时代我收集到一曲 Aloha, Oe,夏威夷吉他伴奏,一个充满感情的男中音演唱,好听极了。  
Hawaiian Wedding Song  This is the moment I’v waited for, I can hear my heart singing, Soon bells will be ringing. This is the moment of sweet “Aloha”. I will love you longer than forever. Promise me that you will leave me never.   Here and now, dear, All my love I vow, dear. Promise me that you will leave me never, I will love you longer than forever. ( Ua, sila Paaia meoe, Ko aloha maka mea e ipo, Kau ia e lei ae nei la )  Now that we are one, (My darling) Clouds won’t hide the sun, (My love) Blue skies of Hawaii smile on this our wedding day. I do love you with all my heart.  这歌有 Elvis Presley、Andy Wialliams、Hawaii Calls 等的演唱,都很好听。
Hawaiian Sunset  Hawaiian sunset, peeping from the sea. Smiles and says “Aloha” to his sweatheart Hawaii. The drowsy islands, slumber one by one. Close their sleepy eyes, Say goodnight to the sun. Then Hawaii, Like millions of times before, blossoms in her lover’s arms once more.  Too soon the sunrise will wake her from her sleep, So untill tomorrow. Sleep, Hawaii, sleep.  这首歌曲也有 Elvis Presley 等人的演唱。
一首由 Nat King Cole 演唱的很好听的歌曲 Too Young  They try to tell us we’re too young. Too young to really be in love. They say that love’s a word, A word we’ve only heard, But can’t begin to know the meaning of. And yet, We’re not too young to know, This will last tho’ years may go. And then, Someday they may recall, We were not too young at all.  And yet, We’re not too young to know, This love will last tho’ years may go. And then, Someday they may recall, We were not too young at all.
  (112) 说几首电影歌曲。  《虎口脱险》是一部经典的战争喜剧片,主演是著名的喜剧演员布尔维尔和菲耐斯。我国由上海电影译制厂译制后于1982年上映,反响很好,想必大家都看过。影片中有一场在土耳其浴室接头的戏,演员哼唱了一首传唱一时的小调“鸳鸯茶﹑鸳鸯品,你爱我﹑我爱你……”。这歌是 Tea For Two,有译作《双人茶》,望文生意。译制时先作《情侣茶》,意思不错,但唱起来别扭。译制厂的老厂长几经思索,改为《鸳鸯茶》,顺口了。从这一细节也可看出当时是多么的精益求精。  下面给出这歌的歌词。  
Tea For Two  Picture me upon your knee, Just tea for two and two for tea. Just me for you, And you for me alone. Nobody near us to see us or hear us. No friends or relations on weekend vocations. We won’t have it known, dear, that we own a telephone, dear.  Day will break. And I’m gonna wake. And start to bake a sugar cake, For you to take, For all the boys can see. We will raise a family. A boy for you, And a girl for me. Oh, Can’t you see how happy we would be? Can’t you see how happy we would be?  这歌的声乐演唱可听 Marion Harris 的女声,遗憾的是未能找到电影中的演唱声。此外这歌还有爵士风格的器乐曲也可一听。
  (112-2) 1954年出品的电影《罗马之恋》讲了一个老套的爱情故事:有三位美国姑娘在罗马“少女喷泉”投硬币许愿,最后都修成正果,皆大欢喜。这故事比《罗马假日》差多了。剧本为一剧之本,所以这部片子在1955年只得了奥斯卡“最佳摄影奖”。但这影片的插曲 Three Coins In The Fountain 却得到“最佳歌曲奖”。现在影片的内容已记不太清了,但其主题曲仍会哼哼。顺便一提,按影片的内容看,这 Fountain 宜译作“许愿池”,我们国内的公园﹑景点也有具备这种“功能”的喷泉。  
Three Coins In The Fountain  Three coins in the fountain, Each one seeking happiness, Thrown by three hopeful lovers, Which one will the fountain bless?  Three hearts in the fountain, Each heart longing for its home. There they lie in the fountain, Somewhere in the heart of Rome.  Which one will the fountain bless? Which one will the fountain bless? Three coins in the fountain, Through the ripples how they shine. Just one wish will be granted, One heart will wear a valentine. Make it mine! Make it mine! Make it mine!
  (112-4) 这歌有许多人演唱,如我们熟悉的 Andy Williams、Frank Sinatra 等,还有 Billy Eckstine 也唱得很好听。
  (112-5) 1958年苏联作家帕斯捷尔纳克的小说《日瓦戈医生》获诺贝尔文学奖,一时引起波澜。但到八十年代初起我国有五﹑六家出版社组译出版,这书现在仍可买到。根据小说改编的同名电影由《桂河大桥》的同一导演执导,有贬有褒,但其主题曲 Somewhere My Love 却甚为流传,我国的译名是《重逢有日》。这歌的德文版也流行过,但范围远不及英文版。  
Somewhere My Love  Somewhere my love, there will be songs to sing. Although the snow covers the hope of spring.  Somewhere a hill, blossoms in green and gold. And there are dreams, all that your heart can hold.  Someday we’ll meet again, My love, Someday whenever the spring breaks through. You’ll come to me, out of the long ago. Warm as the wind, Soft as the kiss of snow. Till then, My sweetheart, think of me now and then. God speed my love, till you are mine again.  这歌有 Placido Domingo 和 Roger Whittaker 等人的演唱和器乐曲。
  (113) 说一首很好听的歌曲 Till We Meet Again. 这歌有 Patti Page, Bing Crosby 的演唱,还值得一提的是 Rosemary Clooney 的女声,很不错。下面给出歌词。  Smile the while you kiss me said adieu, When the clouds roll by I’ll come to you, Then the skies will seem more blue, Down in Lover’s Lane, My deary.  Wedding bell will ring so merrily, Ev’ry tear will be a memory, So wait and pray each night for me, Till we meet again.
Speak Softly Love  Speak softly love, and hold me warm against your heart. I feel your words, the tender trembling moment start. We’re in a world our very own, sharling a love that only few have ever know. Wine colored days warmed by the sun, deep velvet night when we’re one.  Speak softly love, so no one hears us but the sky. The vows of love we make will live untill we die. My life is yours and all the cause you came into my world with love, so softly love.  这歌好听,其旋律也熟悉,有许多人演唱过,其中就有我们许多次提及的 Andy Williams.
说几首卡彭特兄妹演唱的歌曲。他们的 Yesterday Once More 大家都知道就不讲了。下面给出卡伦-卡彭特的 Jambalaya 和 Hurting Each Other,理查-卡彭特的 Goodbye To Love. 后一曲是理查和约翰-伯提斯共同创作的。  
说几首卡彭特兄妹演唱的歌曲。他们的 Yesterday Once More 大家都知道就不讲了。下面给出卡伦-卡彭特的 Jambalaya 和 Hurting Each Other,理查-卡彭特的 Goodbye To Love. 后一曲是理查和约翰-伯提斯共同创作的。  
什锦菜 Jambalaya  Goodbye, Joe, me gotta go, me oh my oh. Me gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou, My Yvonne, the sweetest one, me oh my oh, Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou. (Refrain)  Thibodaux, Fontaineaux, the place is buzzin’, Kinfolk come to see Yvonne by the dozen, Dress in style and go hog wild, me oh my oh, Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou. (Refrain)  (Refrain) Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo ’cause tonight I’m gonna see my macher amio. Pick guitar, Fill fruit jar and be gayo, Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou.
  回复第465楼  (115-1)
什锦菜 Jambalaya  ==========  上文漏了第三段歌词,如下:  Settle down far from town, Get me a pirogue, And I'll catch all the fish in the bayou. Swop my mon to buy Yvonne what she needo, Son of a gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou.  这歌的词曲作者是 Hank Williams,不似 Yesterday Once More 是卡彭特兄妹自己作词曲自己演唱。H.Williams 也唱自己的歌,唱得也很好。  
Hurting Each Other  No one in the world ever had a love as sweet as my love. For nowhere in the world could there be a boy as true as you love. All my love, I give gladly to you. All your love you give gladly to me. Tell me why then. Oh, why should it be that.  Closer than the leaves on a weeping willow baby, we are. Closer, dear, are we than the simple letters “A” and “B” are. All my life I could love only you. All your life you could love only me. Tell me why than. Oh, why should it be that.  We go on Hurting Each Other! We go on Hurting Each Other! Making each other cry. Hurting Each Other without ever knowing why.  Can’t we stop Hurting Each Other. Gotta stop Hurting Each Other! Making each other cry. Breaking each other’s heart. Tearing each other apart.
Goodbye To Love  I’ll say goodbye to love, no one ever cared if I should live or die. Time and time again the chance for love has passed me by and all I know of love is how to live without it. I just can’t seem to find it. So I’ve made my mind up I must live my life along. And though it’s not the easy way I guess, I’ve always know I’d say goodbye to love.  There are no tomorrows for this heart of mine. Surely time will lose these bitter memories and I’ll find that there is someone to believe in and to live for. Something I could live for, All the years of useless search have finally reach an end. And the loniness and empty days will be my only friend. From this love is fogotten I’ll go on as best I can.  What lies in the future is a mystery to us all. No one can predict the wheel of fortune as it falls. There may come a time when I will see that I’ve been wrong. But for now this is my song, And it’s goodbye to love, I’ll say goodbye to love.
上面说的卡彭特兄妹唱的歌,可能除《什锦菜》外不太流行。现在来说一首他们的与 Yesterday Once More 一样为人熟知的歌曲 Please Mr. Postman. 这歌的词曲者是 R. Bateman,但唱红的是卡彭特。卡彭特的歌一般都以略带伤感的民谣风格为主,这首有节奏感﹑戏谑活泼的歌曲在他们那里可算例外。这歌曾居排行榜第一第二,并且是他们兄妹的第十张金唱片。  
Please Mr. Postman  Oh yes, wait a minute, Mister Postman, Wait Mister Postman.  Please, Mister Postman, look and see if there’s a letter in your bag for me. Why is it taking such a long time for me to hear that boy of mine? There must be some word today from my boy friend so far away. Please, Mister Postman, look and see if there’s a letter, a letter for me. I’ve been standing here waiting, Mister Postman, so patiently for just a card or just a letter saying he’s returning home to me.  Mister Postman, Oh yeah, Please Mister Postman. Oh yeah.  So many days you passed me by, see the tears standing in my eyes. You didn’t stop to make me feel better by leaving me a letter, a letter for me. Mister Postman, look and see, oh yeah, please! Please Mister Postman. Why don’t you check it and see one more time for me? You gotta wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, waite a minute. Ooo, Mister Postman, come on, deliver the letter, the sooner the better.
  (116) 时值深秋,金色的秋日,确实!日前一会议在农庄举行,价廉又无城市的喧闹,农庄在橘园中,四周的橘树挂满果实。“…看,这山坡旁的果园,长满黄金般的密柑,到处散发着芳香,到处充满温暖。”这是尚家骧先生译《重归苏莲托》的一段歌词。这歌以前说过,但它有英译文,也很美。  
Come Back To Sorrento  O’er the sea the sunlight dancing, waking thoughts of tender feeling, I have seen your eyes reflecting, this same light that makes me dream.  When I pass a lovely garden, breathing sc There’s a mem’ry and a picture of but you within my heart.  Now you say goodbye I’m leaving, this poor heart Can it be that you’ve fogotten? Can it be that love is gone? Say no farewell and leave a heart that’s broken. Come back to Sorrento, that I may live!
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  @南方东方长江 471楼
23:09:00  (116) 时值深秋,金色的秋日,确实!日前一会议在农庄举行,价廉又无城市的喧闹,农庄在橘园中,四周的橘树挂满果实。“…看,这山坡旁的果园,长满黄金般的密柑,到处散发着芳香,到处充满
。”这是尚家骧先生译《重归苏莲托》的一段歌词。这歌以前说过,但它有英译文,也很美。  -----------------------------  真好!很想念小时候那些柿子园。顺祝老师事事顺心,笑口常开!
法国歌曲 Les Feuilles Mortes 的英译文 Autumn Leaves,由Nana Mouskouri 演唱,这一位我们很熟悉了。  Autumn Leaves  The falling leaves, drift by the window, the autumn leaves, of red and gold. I see your lips, the summer kisses, the sunburnt hands I used to hold. Since you went away, the days grow long, and soon I’ll hear, old winter’s song.  But I miss you most of all, My darling, when autumn leaves start to fall.
23:09:00  (116) 时值深秋,金色的秋日,确实!日前一会议在农庄举行,价廉又无城市的喧闹,农庄在橘园中,四周的橘树挂满果实。“…看,这山坡旁的果园,长满黄金般的密柑,到处散发着芳香,到处充满
。”这是尚家骧先生译《重归苏莲托》的一段歌词。这歌以前说过,但它有英译文,也很美。  -----------------------------  @潜居客 474楼
22:26:00  真好!很想念小时候那些柿子园。顺祝老师事事顺心,笑口常开!  -----------------------------  祝学习顺利,在上海生活愉快!
  (118) 我们来听 Al Martino 演唱的歌曲。这也是一位名家,我们以前说过的许多歌曲都有他的演唱版本,现在讲他的 Love Is Blue, Begin The Beguine 和 Jealous Heart.  Love Is Blue 的旋律我们常能听到,它是一首法国歌曲,原作为卢森堡某歌手在1967年欧洲电视歌赛上的参赛曲目,并未引起多大反响。但 Paul Mauriat 将其改编为轻音乐却获得极大成功,很快便登上排行榜冠军。八十年代初,国内保尔-莫里亚的轻音乐卡带不知卖出多少。这歌的英语歌词由布赖恩-布莱克本译配。  
Love Is Blue  Blue, blue, my world is blue. Blue is my world now, I’m without you. Grey, grey, my life is grey. Cold is my heart since you went away.  Red, red, my eyes are red. Crying for you alone in my bed. Green, green, my jealous heart, I doubled you and now we’re apart.  When we met, how the bright sun shone. Then love died, now the rainbow is gone.  Black, black, the night I’ve known, longing for you so lost alone. Gone, gone the love we knew,(Blue, blue, my world is blue) Blue is my world now, I’m without you.
  (118-2) Al Martino 的歌很好听,他也唱过英文的 Autumn Leaves, 与 Nana Mouskouri 的演唱各有各的味道。现在说他唱的 Jealous Heart, 真好听。  Jealous heart, Oh, jealous heart, Stop beating, Can’t you see the damage you have done? You have driven him away forever, Jealous
  (118-2) (抱歉,一不留神把打了一半的东西发出去了,天涯又没法修改帖子,真对不起!)  Jealous heart, Oh, jealous heart, Stop beating, Can’t you see the damage you have done? You have driven him away forever, Jealous heart, Now I’m the lonely one.  I was part of ev’rything he planned for, And I know he loved me at the start. Now he hates the sight of all I stand for, All because of you, Oh, jealous heart. All because of you, Oh, Jealous Heart!
Begin The Beguine 奏响贝津舞曲
Beguine 是西印度群岛的一些岛屿上的土风舞,有些类似伦巴。  When they begin the Beguine, It brings back the sound of music so tender, It brings back a night of tropical splendour, It brings back a memory ever green.  I’m with you once more under the stars, And down by the shore an orchestra’s playing, And even the palms seem to be swaying, When they begin the Beguine.  To live it again is past all endeavour, Except when the tune clutches my heart. And there we are, swearing to love forever, And promising never, never to part.  What moments divine, What rapture serene, Till clouds came along to disperse the joys we had tasted. And now when I hear people curse such chance that was wasted, I know but to well, What they mean. So don’t let them begin the Beguine.  Let the love that was once afire remain an ember. Let it sleep like the dead desire I only remember, When they begin the Beguine.
我们继续来说好听的歌曲。先说 The Sound Of Silence,其词曲均由 Paul Simon 创作。这歌的旋律我们都听到过。  Hello darkness my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you again. Because a vision softly creeping left it’s seeds while I was sleeping. And the vision that was planted in my brain still remains within the sound of silence.  In restness dreams I walked alone narrow streets of cobble stone, neath the halo of a street lamp. I turned my collar to the cold and damp. When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light that split the night and touch the sound of silence.  And in the naked light I saw ten thousand people maybe more. People talking without speaking. People hearing without listening. People writing songs that voices never share and no one dare disturb the sound of silence.
一首两百年前的圣歌,现在早已超越宗教歌曲的范畴,但仍然传唱各地并得到年轻人的喜欢,真有些奇迹的意味。这歌就是十九世纪由 John Newton 写的 Amazing Grace,上世纪中叶经 Judy Collins、Joan Baez 推介,其欢快流畅的旋律终于吸引了公众。这歌我们能听到 Judy Collins 和 Katherine Jenkins 的演唱。
Amazing Grace  Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found. Was blind, but now I see. ’Twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed.  Though many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come. Tis grace was brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home. The Lord
has promised good to me. His word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be, as long as like endures.
  (121) 英国摇滚巨星 Rod Steward 在1975年出了张专辑,其中的 Sailing 一曲受到普遍欢迎。这是一首慢旋律的抒情歌曲,乐曲舒缓﹑意境开阔。我们听到 Steward 本人的演唱,他颇有特色的歌喉及热情洋溢的演绎给我们留下深刻的印象。  
Sailing  I am sailing, I am sailing, home again ’cross the sea. I am sailing stormy waters. To be near you to be free.  I am flying, I am flying, like a bird ’cross the sky. I am flying passing high clouds. To be with you to be free.  Can you hear me, Can you hear me, Thro’ the dark night far away. I am dying forever trying. To be with you who can say.  Can you hear me. Can you hear me, thro’ the dark night far away. I am dying forever trying, to be near you who can say.  We are
sailing. We are sailing, home again ’cross the sea. We are sailing stormy waters, to be near you to be free. Oh Lord, to be near you to be free. Oh Lord, to be near you to be free. Oh Lord!
  这一首 Sailing 确实很受欢迎,慢摇滚也可以很好听,不一定“疯狂”。我初次听到这歌(那是八十年代,在央广)即很喜欢,但歌词总不能全部听清,没有谱也总感不足。后来偶而在一本小期刊(名称忘了)上看到这歌,前后几期还有 Silent Night,Aloha Oe 等几首,就赶忙抄下。那时从文化禁锢中解放出来不久,对文学艺术都十分热情。   
  (122) 又是平安夜!去年圣诞前后我们一起听了许多圣诞歌曲,现在继续。有一首非常流行的歌曲 Sleigh Ride 许许多多歌者都唱过,歌词也有所不同,有的歌词非常长,但有些歌唱家唱的词就长短适中。我们来听 The Carpenters 的演唱,他们歌词选取恰当,歌声欢快流畅,十分贴切我们没有多少宗教意味的圣诞。  
Sleigh Ride  Just hear those sleigh bells jingling ring ting ring ting too. Come on, it’s lovely weather for a sleigh ride togather with you, outside the snow is falling, and friends are calling “You Hoo”.  Come on, its lovely weather for a sleigh ride togather with you. Giddy yap, giddy yap, giddy yap, Let’s go, let’s look at the snow. We’re riding in a wonderland of snow.
圣诞节时有两首歌曲是最常听到的。一首是 Silent Night,去年已经较详细地讨论过了。顺便一提,这歌的德语叫 Stille Nacht,几位歌者都唱得很好。另一首就是现在要说的 White Christmas. 1942上演的歌舞片“假日旅馆”,因有 Bing Crosby和另一位名舞蹈家的精湛表演而获得成功。特别是 Bing Crosby演唱的插曲 White Christmas引起热烈反响,当年即荣获奥斯卡最佳歌曲奖。下面给出其歌词。  I’m dreaming of a White Christmas, Just like the ones
used to know. Where the treetops glisten, And children listen to hear sleigh bells in the snow. I’m dreaming of a White Christmas, With ev’ry Christmas card I write. “May your days be merry and bright, And may all your Christmases be white.”
  有段时间没来本帖了,非常对不起版主和网友们!  今年除夕我们能听到著名爱尔兰诗人叶芝(William Butler Yeats)作词的歌曲《当你老去时》When You Are Old, 现在就从这诗和这歌重新开始我们的外文歌曲之旅。
  (124) When You Are Old 一诗共三节,每节四行,每行十个音节。英诗,轻读音节为抑、重读为扬,若一轻读音节后为一重读音节即构成一抑扬格音步(iambic foot)。叶芝的诗每行有十个音节,这种诗叫做五步抑扬格(iambic pentameter)诗作。全诗如下:  When you are old and grey and full of sleep,  And nodding by the fire, take down this book,  And slowly read, and dream of the soft look,  Your eyes had once, and o  How many loved your moments of glad grace,  And loved your beauty with love false or true,  But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,  And loved the sorrows o  And bending down beside the glowing bars,  Murmured, a little sadly, how love fled,  And paced upon the mountains overhead,  And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.  这歌许多名家都演唱过,我感到国内的孙吉尔用带有磁性的声音如慕如诉地演唱,不错。且看明晚的歌者如何。  


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