the sampler课文翻译英语课文翻译附属,简短点。

用扫描电镜(SEM)背散射电衍射(EBSD)采集单氧化锆层片进行微观形貌析晶体取向析结表明熔滴沉积光滑基底8YSZ层片呈指状形貌圆盘状形貌熔滴铺展受基底素影响随着基底预热温度升高熔滴基底润湿性增形层片铺展度增飞溅越少基底室温层片形貌呈指状;基底温度<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a007a0℃层片呈圆盘状形貌晶体取向面基底温度室温层片(001)向与品ND向致平行(010)向与品TD向致平行由边缘品ND向(001)向晶粒逐渐减少;品RD、TD向明显取向规律基底温度300℃层片(010)向与品ND向致平行沿径向向看至外品ND向(010)向晶粒逐渐减少关键词:等离喷涂<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0adYSZ层片晶体织构
用扫描电镜(SEM)背散射电衍射(EBSD)采集单氧化锆层片进行微观形貌析晶体取向析结表明熔滴沉积光滑基底8YSZ层片呈指状形貌圆盘状形貌熔滴铺展受基底素影响随着基底预热温度升高熔滴基底润湿性增形层片铺展度增飞溅越少基底室温层片形貌呈指状;基底温度<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0a007a0℃层片呈圆盘状形貌Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and electron backscattered diffraction(EBSD) analysis, morphology analysis and crystallographic orientation of individual zirconia slice acquisition results, droplet deposition on a smoothsubstrate 8YSZ layer showed finger like morphology and disc morphology. The droplet spreading by basement factors, along with the increasing substratepreheating temperature, droplet wettability on the substrate increases,increasing the spreading degree of forming layer tablets, splash less. The substrate at room temperature, lamellar m the substrate temperature at 300 ℃, slice is discoid morphology.晶体取向面基底温度室温层片(001)向与品ND向致平行(010)向与品TD向致平行由边缘品ND向(001)向晶粒逐渐减少;品RD、TD向明显取向规律基底温度300℃层片(010)向与品ND向致平行沿径向向看至外品ND向(010)向晶粒逐渐减少Crystallographic orientation, substrate temperature, layer tablets (001) direction and the ND direction approximately parallel samples, (010) direction and the TDdirection approximately parallel sample. From the center to the edge of the sample, in the ND direction, (001) the directio in the sampleRD, TD direction, no obvious orientation law. In the substrate temperature is 300 ℃, layers of (010) direction and the ND direction approximately parallel sample.Along the radial direction, from the inside to the outside, in the sample of NDdirection, the direction of grain decreased (010).关键词:等离喷涂<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0adYSZ层片晶体织构Keywords: plasma spraying, 8YSZ, lamellar, crystallographic texture
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圣诞布丁品尝师有一家出售布丁的商店,每年圣诞期间都把许多这类美味的食品摆成一排供顾客选购。在这里你可以挑选最合你口味的布丁。甚至商店还允许你先把各色布丁品尝一番,然后再作出决定。我常常纳闷,会不会有一些根本无意购买的人,利用这一优惠趁机揩油。有一天,我向女店员提出了这一问题,从她那儿得知事情果真如此。“有这样一位老先生,比如说,”她告诉我。“他差不多每个星期都要到这儿来,每只布丁他都要尝一尝,尽管他从来不买什么东西,而且我猜想他永远也不会买。我从去年,甚至前年就记住他了。唉,要是他想品尝就让他来吧,欢迎他来品尝。而且,我希望有更多的商店可以让他去品尝。他看上去似乎确实有这种需要,我想这点小意思他们是不在乎的。”就在她讲这话的时候,一位上了年级的先生一瘸一拐地走到了柜台前,开始对着那排布丁兴致勃勃地仔细看了起来。“喏,这就是刚刚对你说起的那位先生,”女店员轻声对我说。“现在你就看着他好了。”接着她就转过身去对老人说道:“先生,您想品尝这些布丁吗?您可以用这把调羹。”这位衣着虽然破旧,但却十分整洁老先生,接过调羹,便开始急切地一只接一只地品尝起来,只是偶尔停下来,用一方大的破手绢擦擦他的红眼睛。“这种很好。”“这种也不错,只是稍微腻了一点。”有一点自始自终很明显:他真诚地相信自己最终也许会买一只布丁;而我也确信,他一点也不觉得自己是在欺骗商店。可怜的老头儿!很可能他已经家道败落。从前他是有钱来选购他最喜欢的布丁的,而今却只能这样来品尝一下布丁的味道了。顾客个个喜形于色,为圣诞节忙着采购商品,看上去都很富裕。老人矮小的黑色身影在这群人中间显得很可怜,很不相称。我突然动了恻隐之心,走到他跟前说:“请原谅,先生,能赏我个脸吗?让我为您买一只布丁吧。如果您肯收下,我将不胜欣慰。”他往后一跳,仿佛被什么东西螫了一下似的,他那张布满皱纹的脸顿时涨得通红。“对不起,”他说,其神态之高傲,远非我根据外表所能想象得出:“我想我跟您并不相识。无疑您是认错人了。”于是他当机立断,转向女店员,大声说道:“劳驾把这只替我包扎一下。我要带走的。”他指了指最大的也是最贵的一只布丁。女店员从架子取下那只布丁,动手包扎。这时,他掏出一只破旧的黑色小皮夹子,开始一个先令一个便士地数着硬币,把它们放在柜台上。为了保住“面子,”他被迫买下了他实在买不起的东西。我多么希望能收回我那些不得体的话啊!然而为时已晚,我感到此时唯有走开才是最积德的事。“请您到那边帐台上去付款。”女店员告诉他,但他好像没有听懂,只管把硬币往她手里塞。打这以后我再也没有看到这位老人,也没有听到过有关他的情况。现在他再也不会到那家商店去品尝布丁了。 ——————————————————————————————————————————望能加分采纳!
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Unit 7 The Sampler课文翻译大学英语一
Unit 7 The Sampler
The author finds out that good intentions alone are not enough when his attempt to be kind to an old man leaves them both feeling worse than before.
In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season. Here you may select the one which is most to your taste, and you are even allowed to sample them before coming to a decision.
I have often wondered whether some people, who had no intention of making a purchase, would take advantage of this privilege. One day I asked this question of the shop girl, and I learned it was indeed the case.
&Now there&#39;s one old gentleman, for instance,& she told me, &he comes here almost every week and samples each one of the puddings, though he never buys anything, and I suspect he never will. I remember him from last year before that, too. Well, let him come if he wants it, and welcome to it. And what&#39;s more, I hope there are a lot more stores where he can go and get his share. He looks as if he needed it all right, and I suppose they can afford it.&
She was still speaking when an elderly gentleman limped up to the counter and began looking closely at the row of puddings with great interest.
&Why, that&#39;s the very gentleman I&#39;ve been telling you about,& whispered the shop girl.& Just watch him now.& And then turning to him:& Would you like to sample them, sir? Here&#39;s spoon for you to use.&
The elderly gentleman, who was poorly but neatly dressed, accepted the spoon and began eagerly to sample one after another of the puddings, only braking off occasionally to wipe his red eyes with a large torn handkerchief.
&This is quite good.&
&This is not bad either, but a little too heavy.&
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人文素养在大学英语教学中的缺失与重构--以文章《品尝者》(the sampler)为例
内容提示:人文素养在大学英语教学中的缺失与重构--以文章《品尝者》(the sampler)为例
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