you have no soulunbrellas__ you

Were I you ,I would take an unbrella with me._百度知道
Were I you ,I would take an unbrella with me.
当然:“如果我是你的话,我就会带上一把雨伞”; 即系 If i were you,可能是下雨)做出的选择,我就会带上一把雨伞”.所以,我不怎么会解析(学了这么多年的英语,知道这样后。至于这个语句的语法,所以B君会对A君说:“如果我是你的话,原文的翻译就是,上述句子的对话是两人讨论过去A君遭遇的某种情况下(说到带伞,而假设这样的情形(下雨)发生在B君的身上,B君就会带上一把伞&were I you&quot
是if i were you的简单形式,老外喜欢单词少的说法。
诗歌、歌词等艺术表现形式里,以及口语中为了 押韵、简单等等,if I were you
出门在外也不愁Meter did not return any
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A commuter struggles with his umbrella&Photo: Jamie Lorriman
By , Science Correspondent
Rainy days don’t have to get you down, a happiness expert has claimed.
Paul Dolan, Professor of Behavioral Science at the London School of Economics, said that people only feel miserable in bad weather because they dwell on it too much.
Studies have shown that people who live in warm, sunny climates are no happier that those in chilly, wet climes, he told the Hay Festival.
So the British obsession with talking about the weather may be making us gloomier than the weather itself.
Paul Dolan, Professor of Behavioural Science at the London School of Economics, said: “A study was done which assessed the happiness levels of people in California compared to the North West.
“They expected that people in California would be happier because it is more sunny but they found that levels of happiness were exactly the same.
“If it is sunny everyday you get used to it and the sunshine doesn’t make you any happier.
“Most of the time the weather doesn’t affect out wellbeing at all. But when we think about it, and think that it does, that’s when we get miserable. “
In his new book, ‘Happiness By Design’ Dolan argues that we can think ourselves happy by diverting our attention away from what makes us sad.
“Most of our anxieties come from what might be,” he argues, “If you want to be happier pay attention to the things that make you feel good.
“We also need to manage a reallocation of our time towards both pleasure and purpose.”
Prof Dolan, who helped the Office for National Statistics come up with new measures for happiness and wellbeing, also claimed that a problem shared was not always a problem halved.
He argued that it was harmful to make people relive traumatic events through therapy, claiming that humans are actually very good at being able to get over tragedy and loss.
“After a traumatic event there is an assumption that people are expecting a lot of support and, yes grief is there and they need help,” he said.
“But those interventions can be harmful. They actually lock in the emotions of the past.
“Talking can be helpful but not forced talking. Most of the things life throws at us we get over.
“There is something reassuring in the knowledge that things, in the main, are going to get better.”
Prof Dolan also admitted for the first time that he had a stammer which had made his early life miserable.
He claimed it only got better when he learned not to pay attention to his speech problem.
“Things are never as bad as you imagine them being,” he said.
“Much of the improvement in my stammering came from my ability to withdraw my attention away from it.”
London commuters climb wall at Blackfriars to avoid flooding
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present, every have no unbrellas__ you_百度知道
you have no unbrellas__ you
you have no unbrellas__ you
you have no unbrellas with you
你没带雨伞you have no unbrellas with you
with 你没带伞
Wit h


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