what is cautionpossessive adjectivee?

alertness and prudence in a wariness:
Landslides ahead—proceed with caution.
a warning ag anything serving as a warning:
By way of caution, he told me the difficulties I would face.
Informal. a person or thing that astonishes or causes mild apprehension:
She's a caution. The way he challenges your remarks is a caution.
advise or urge to take heed.
to warn or advise:
The newspapers caution against overoptimism.
; Middle English caucion < Latin cautiōn- (stem of cautiō) a taking care, equivalent to caut(us), past participle of cavēre to guard against (cau- take care, guard + -tus past participle suffix) + -iōn-
cautioner, noun
overcaution, noun, verb (used with object)
recaution, verb (used with object)
supercaution, noun
uncautioned, adjective
well-cautioned, adjective
1. circumspection, discretion, watchfulness, heed, vigilance. 2. admonition, advice, counsel. 4. admonish, forewarn. See .
1. carelessness.
UnabridgedBased on the Random House Dictionary, (C) Random House, Inc. 2016.
Examples from the Web for
Contemporary Examples
But Serry said events had reached a critical point in the West Bank and cautioned that a collapse would leave Israel accountable.
November 3, 2011
Johnson cautioned that at the neighborhood level, foreclosure rates produce “small, marginal effects on the overall turnout rate.”
September 1, 2012
But Dr. Rebecca Brightman, an ob-gyn in private practice, cautioned that such fears are overblown.
May 1, 2014
She cautioned her daughter, but Platt was deaf to the warnings.
December 11, 2013
The jury had been cautioned not to show emotion and instead sat stoically as Knox and Sollecito spoke.
October 2, 2011
Historical Examples
"You had better put something on that scratch," cautioned Dr. Pigg.
Howard R. Garis
"Don't let them think you connect them with the case, however," cautioned Craig.
Arthur B. Reeve
She has a weak heart and has always been cautioned against undue agitation.
Evelyn Raymond
"Not so fast, Walter," he cautioned as we spun along in a taxicab.
Arthur B. Reeve
Women seldom need to be urged on in the hunting- they require rather to be cautioned and restrained.
C. De Hurst
British Dictionary definitions for
care, forethought, or prudence, esp i wariness
something intended or
(law, mainly Brit) a formal warning given to a person suspected or accused of an offence that his words will be taken down and may be used in evidence
a notice entered on the register of title to land that prevents a proprietor from disposing of his or her land without a notice to the person who entered the caution
(informal) an amusing or surprising person or thing: she's a real caution
(transitive) to urge or warn (a person) to be careful
(transitive) (law, mainly Brit) to give a caution to (a person)
(intransitive) to warn, urge, or advise: he cautioned against optimism
cautioner, noun
C13: from Old French, from Latin cautiō, from cavēre to beware
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition (C) William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd.
(C) HarperCollinsPublishers , , ,
Word Origin and History for
c.1300, "bail, guarantee, pledge," from Old French caution "security, surety" (13c.), from Latin cautionem (nominative cautio) "caution, care, foresight, precaution," noun of action from past participle stem of cavere "to be on one's guard" (see ). The Latin sense re-emerged in English 16c.-17c. Meaning "word of warning" is from c.1600.
"to warn," 1640s, from
(n.). Related: Cautioned; cautioning.
Online Etymology Dictionary, (C) 2010 Douglas Harper
Idioms and Phrases with
The American Heritage(R) Idioms DictionaryCopyright (C) , 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
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