what is dancing舞蹈e1 nino?求过程

2014年职称英语 阅读判断(2) E1 Nino_百度文库
2014年职称英语 阅读判断(2) E1 Nino
seven&七& B. eight八& C. nine九;句意:8加9等于几?17。故选C.
&&& Scientists think that a weather pattern( 形式)calledE1 Nino( 厄尔尼诺现象)caused the drought( 干旱)in Australia. E1 Nino causes different weather in different parts of the world. It causes a lot of rain and& floods in some places. It causes droughts in other places. Droughts can badly affect people and the land.&&& Ill Nino lasts about a year.&&&& &&& In normal weather conditions, warm winds from South America blow from east to west across the&&&&&&& Pacific Ocean. The winds early storms to Australia. These storms bring rain to Australia.&&&&&&&During an El Nino weather pattern the winds change direction. They blow from west to east across the Pacific Ocean. The storms no longer move across Australia. So Australia gets very little rain during El&&&&& Nino.&& &&& The drought began in January , 1982. El Nino often Occurs at this time of year. But that year , El&&&&&&& &Nino&was stronger than usual. There was very little rainfall(降雨量) in eastern Australia. There was also very little water in the rivers. The drought was at its worst in February ,1983 . At that time , the weather&&& &was very hot. The forests and fields were very dry. Cotton growers couldn't plant their cotton. Sheep&&&&&&& farmers had no grass for their animals to eat. So many of them died. Because the forests were dry. forest&& fires started quickly. Some of the fires burned for a month. Many forests were destroyed. Over 2 , 000&&& people lost their houses in the fires and 75 people died.&& &&& The Australian drought ofl982-1983 affected thousands of people and animals. The drought cost&&&&&&&&&& the country over $ 3,000,000,000. It was a reminder(提示)to Australians of how the weather could change&their lives.&&&&&&&&&&1. From the passage we know El Nino is________.A. a powerful storm&&&& B. a place in Australia&& C. a weather pattern2. The underlined word "occurs" in the passage means “ ______”&&in Chinese.&&&&&&&A. 发生&& B. 发展&&&& C. 消失3. Picture______ shows how EI&& Nino causes a drought in&&&&Australia.
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?&&&&A. There was very little rainfall in eastern Australia in 1982.&& B. Many forests were destroyed in the Australian drought.&&&&C. The Australian g3,000,000,000 for this drought.5. What's the main idea of the passage?&&&&A. A drought happened in South America.&& B. El Nino caused a great drought in Australia.&& C. Australia got much rain during El Nino您所在位置: &
Unit 22 Environmental Protection 单元测试(北师大版选修8,课标通用).doc28页
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Unit 22 Environmental Protection 单元测试(北师大版选修8,课标通用).doc
北 新课标 Unit 22 Environmental Protection
第Ⅰ卷 共115分
第一部分 听力 共两节,满分30分
第一节 共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分
1.What are the two speakers doing?
A.Practicing typing.
B.Surfing the Internet.
C.Learning driving.
M:How do you reach it?
W:Just type in ―and you're there.
M:Thank you.Let me try it.
2.When will the man go to the theater?
A.On Saturday morning.
B.On Saturday afternoon.
C.On Saturday evening.
W:Will you go to the theater this Saturday,Bob?
M:I am afraid I can't.I'll have my piano lesson then.
W:I don't mean morning or afternoon.I mean evening.
M:Oh,that's quite a different thing.
3.What are the two speakers talking about?
A.Products of Italy.
B.The price of the shoes.
C.Leather made in Italy.
M:How much is this pair of shoes?
W:Three hundred dollars,sir.
M:Oh.That is too dear.
W:You see,they are made of real leather,and they are made in Italy.
4.What was the woman probably doing last night?
A.Expecting a phone call from the man.
B.Reading an interesting book.
C.Talking to her friend.
W:You didn't call me last night,did you?
M:Yes.I called several times but you didn't answer.
W:I was home last night.You must have dialed the wrong number.
5.What was the probable result of this conversation?
A.They had a drink together.
B.They said goodbye to each other.
C.They went straight back to the woman's home.
M:Let's drop in here for a cup of coffee or some other drink.
W:Well,I'd love to,but as a matter of fact,I've got to mak
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El Nino是什么意思啊 ??
El Nino是什么意思啊 ?很好奇哦~~哪位友友告诉一下我啊。
是一种反常气候现象,指赤道东太平洋冷水域中海温异常升高的现象,指埃尔-尼诺海流(指沿秘鲁海岸向南流动的一支暖流)2 厄尔尼诺现象1 固定词组。这种周期性的海洋事件产生的异常热量进入大气后影响全球气候。3 西班牙语
西班牙球迷对托雷斯的爱称 意为小男孩


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