
Visual C++ 2015 Update 2 Bug Fixes - 为程序员服务
Visual C++ 2015 Update 2 Bug Fixes
We’re happy to have shipped Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 (
). This is a quick glance at the Visual C++ bugs resolved that were reported on the Microsoft Connect portal. We have fixed
Connect and VS Feedback bugs in the compiler frontend, backend, and an additional
bugs in the IDE for Visual Studio 2015 Update 2.
These bugs were submitted by the users in the community. Although we didn’t fix every reported customer issue (yet!), we appreciate that our customers take the time to file bugs on our product, and we try to prioritize the bugs that come from the community. If you encounter issues while using our compiler, please
! It helps us know which issues should have the most attention.
Compiler Frontend, Backend, and Libs Fixes
Connect User
Connect ID
Declaration of pure virtual function with type alias doesn’t compile
Template keyword in dependant name disabiguation function call causes compile error.
?kerblom Jens
Compiler error regarding template method pointer types
Aaron J Ballman
Signed vs unsigned mismatch warning false positive
No longer able to name methods “export” in VS2015 Update 1
unexpected loop vlaues
Numerous problems with std::result_of and `decltype` member pointer resolution problems in class template declarations
Alex Katranov
excessive warning C4100
C++ compiler bug?
Alf P. Steinbach, except MS…
Internal Compiler Error on some SFINAE code
Alf P. Steinbach, except MS…
enum() accepted as nullpointer
Bug with C++ nested class, template and inheritance
Andreas Magnusson – Nexus
Code/data generation error with constexpr
Andrei Drexler
C++: C1001 with decltype and pointer to virtual function.
File from year 1601 causes fatal error C1073: Internal error involving incremental compilation
Andrey Kolomentsev
private explicitly-defaulted destructor is accessible
Antony Peacock
Using implicit constructor for classes containg __m128d SSE type crashed the compiler in debug configuration.
Arnav Singh
Whole program optimization removes (otherwise unreferenced) functions registered with #pragma section(“.CRT$XCU”)
Aurelien Regat-Barrel
Crash in cl.exe with a simple piece of code
C++ friend compiler bug
Linker Compiler Error
Optimizer is too aggressive removing virtual function calls
Code doesn’t link when I replace `operator new[]` by `operator new` in the snippet below
Ben F Seattle
Adding ={0} does not fill struct with zero, when /sdl flag added
Beno?t Labrique
C++ Compiler: Enum bit field initialized with wrong value
Benoit Thomas
c++ compiler bug
Bert Huijben
OpenSSL 1.1.0-preX: fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
C++/CLI Compiler Crash – operator true/false
VC 14 Update 1 RC – Incorrect access control in declarations (template parameters and arguments, bases)
VC 14 Update 1 RC – Friend function template declaration rejected when alias template is used in template parameter
VC14 Update 1 RC – friend nested class template declaration incorrectly rejected
VC 14 – compiler crash related to incorrect constexpr use
Warning C4091 when including dbghelp.h
Warning C4127 or C4548 when using winsock headers
Brad Chase
Internal compiler error when listing assembly
Bruce Dawson2
Bad structure offset in 32-bit code
Bruce Dawson2
PGO build generates movaps to unaligned address
Bruce Dawson2
ICE in template code in VS 2015 Update 1 (works with VS 2013)
Bruce Dawson2
Internal compiler error when using /analyze on 1-line file
Bruce Dawson2
Code-gen bug with type punning in VC++ 2015 Update 1
Bruce Dawson2
Access violation crash in 64-bit linker when building Chrome’s net_unittests.exe
compiler error for a double does not work == operator
Internal Compiler Error
#pragma const_seg(push, R2, “.data”) creates a second .data section
Internal compiler error when building LLVM(-readobj) in Release configuration
fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler
fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
Christian Maaser
ICE on static_assert of less than of two string literals
The VC compiler will produce C2248 error for friend class
openmp num_threads clause fail with function as input
decltype produces default arguments in its type
Warning in vcruntime_exception.h(83)
Warning C4702 in exception(268)
Daan Nusman
Microsoft_VC140_CRT_x64.msm merge module installs C/C++ runtime DLLs in x32 folder
Damian Coventry
Static local variable initialization
Daniel Bratell (Opera)
Internal Compiler Error (ICE) when analyzing C99 array with enum initializer
Daniel Kr.1
Pointer to members accept void types and reference types
Compiler crashes while building c++ universal windows project with visual studio 2015 update 1
Visual C++: error LNK2019 when linking with a lib compiled with “Inline Function Expansion” (/Ob1, /Ob2)
Cannot install Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable
Darran Rowe
decltype with generic lambda fails to compile
David Lowndes
Unrestricted unions error C2280 “attempting to reference a deleted function” – does not describe the problem adequately to the normal developer.
David Majnemer
Function returning nullptr doesn’t get correctly undecorated
David Majnemer
LINK : fatal error LNK1000: Internal error during IMAGE::BuildImage.FinalPhase
David Majnemer
MSVC 2015 crashes when referencing type from within __vc_attributes
David Majnemer
MSVC 2015 crashes with reference to __formal
David Majnemer
MSVC 2015 crashes with explicitly qualified covariant override
David Majnemer
MSVC 2015 crashes on alias template in constructor
David Majnemer
MSVC 2015 reports that __is_destructible(auto) is true
David Majnemer
MSVC 2015 crashes when __is_constructible is given arguments involving auto
David Majnemer
MSVC 2015 crashes on instantiation involving throw expression
David Majnemer
MSVC 2015 reports unhelpful error message when trying to value-initialize an l-value reference
David Majnemer
MSVC crashes when it encounters decltype(auto)::
David Majnemer
MSVC 2015 crashes on pointer arithmetic in constexpr context
David Majnemer
MSVC 2015 rejects member pointer comparison in constexpr context
David Majnemer
MSVC 2015 accepts invalid throw expression with pointer to incomplete class
David Majnemer
MSVC 2015 believes constexpr member pointer is not constant
David Majnemer
MSVC 2015 crashes trying to evaluate constexpr containing pointer to member function
David Majnemer
Wrong function template specialization selected
David Majnemer
MSVC 2015 permits exception of type ‘pointer-to-function’ to be caught as ‘void *’
David Majnemer
Constructing an array with a class element type which has a templated constructor causes MSVC 2015 to ICE
David Majnemer
MSVC 2015 crashes on assignment to decltype(auto) when deduction from overloaded function fails
C++ calls the wrong virtual function.
C++ enum change does not trigger recompilation (incorrect codegen)
Internal Compiler Error
internal compiler error in Visual Studio 2015 Update1 with constexpr
intermittent spurious error C3859 “virtual memory range for PCH exceeded”
Bug when list-initializing a function return value at optimization levels O1, O2 and Ox
Ignore dereferencing function pointer issue
cin.sync() and fflush(stdin) do not work with Visual Studio 2015 (OK with previous versions of Visual Studio)
Dmitriy Ovdienko
False “C4101: ‘i': unreferenced local variable” inside sizeof operator
Dmitriy Ovdienko
C++ compiler does not optimize devision operations
False compiler error C2440 when returning a class derived from std::unique_ptr
Internal Compiler error when performing static analysis of ExAllocatePoolWithTag functions
Argument for _fxrstor intrinsic optimized away.
Visual C++ appears to use the wrong evaluation order for list-initialization
Compiling with optimization (max speed) is much slower, fails sometimes and requires a lot more memory than VC 2012
Casting captured variable to CString using its cast operator produces internal error in the compiler.
鈴見咲 君高 Suzumizaki-Kimitaka
Again, std::vector&NonAsciiNamedEnum& causes C4819 irregularly
SFINAE build error
Internal Compiler Error (ICE) on __forceinline function calling a pure virtual with LTCG
ungetc() fails if no characters read yet
Internal compiler error when compiling Eigen with /openmp
Visual Studio 2015 C++ Compiler Optimization Bug – Release Build CONSTRUCT macro not executed – works in DEBUG Build
ICE with nested dependent variadic templates
Eric Lasota
Errors printing inaccurate type names
Eric Lasota
C2244 when defining a template function of a template class in a namespace using fully-qualified type name
Eric Niebler
Too-eager instantiation in class template partial specialization
Evgenii Golubev
Using a ComPtr inside a class causes other members to be 0-initialized
C++: Nonstatic data member initializer for array fails to initialize aggregates
C++ Compiler crashes with C1001
MSVC BUG virtual base with covariance
VS2015 LINK : fatal error LNK1000: Internal error during IMAGE::BuildImage
Fernando Pelliccioni
MSVC AVX/AVX2 intrinsics failures
Implicit converting constructor with SIMD = Internal Compiler Error(ICE)
MASM (ASM) Debug of AVX 256 bit code is completely broken in VS2015 Update 1
MASM fails to compile (Invalid operands) valid AVX instruction: vpmovs(z)xbd ymm0, qword ptr [rdx]
Frank Heimes
Cl.exe crashes
Frank Schoenmann
Having the “Expand Attributed Source (/Fx)” option enabled for a C++ project fails with error
Gabriel E. Marcano
error C2589: ::”: illegal token on right side of “::”” on function template with default argument parameter
Gerald Lodron
AVX Optimization results in wrong/different result
64 bit optimization bug
C++: decltype((e)) produces the incorrect type for base class members
msclr namespace is not declared
Nonexistent narrow conversion error
‘static’ is not allowed in ‘friend’ declarations.
Invalid acceptance of ‘static’ on templated member function definitions
C++ compiler crash when using ‘Assembly With Source Code (/FAs)’ option
VC14 Merge Modules does not work on Windows 7
Microsoft Visual Studio is busy
Hardy Braunsdorf
Optimizer problem
Hervé Baekeland
Code doesn’t compile since the update, with the message “cannot access protected member declared in class”
__declspec(selectany) constexpr doesn’t work with /Za
Ian Maurin-Soucy
Wrong value of this parameter
Igor Sudarikov
C++: Compilation failure of static constexpr array of unknown bound in template class
Ike Starnes
Windows App Certification Kit Fails with error – All types referenced in metadata files must be discoverable.
C++: order of evaluation of expressions in a braced initializer list are wrong in the context of a constructor call
VC++ 2015 lambda to the std::function implicit conversion
Valid C++11 constexpr function inside template fails to compile
ISoft – Pub
windows share issue
Istvan Szakats
c++ std::is_convertible doesn’t detect deleted copy constructor or no implicit move constructor
dynamic array can’t be created
Javier Blazquez
Compiler fails to select correct partial template specialization when attempting SFINAE using class member function
warning LNK4244: unable to write LTCG object
John N. Lehner
LTCG with SSE2 for x86 generates crashing code: output address not pushed onto stack
Johnny Roller
C++ (native): Internal Compiler Error (ICE) while using explicit copy constructor on a templated class
Johnny Willemsen
Problem using friend
Johnny Willemsen
Problem compiling TAO as CORBA implementations
Jonathan Adamczewski
Incorrect values are returned when accessing a global constexpr array of c strings
ICE with a shared_ptr using an undeclared type and a switch
ICE with decltype of a template member function
ICE involving decltype on non-existing member operators
Compiler hang or ICE with missing closing parenthesis
Internal compiler error wth angle bracket as parameter of function template
Joseph Stein
Output and input && && arrow problem
Visual Studio 2015 generates faulty code for the _mm_ucomige_ss() intrinsic.
Internal compiler error (C1001) when exporting a function which uses an imported __forceinline member function when /LTCG
Incorrect value for an argument by reference in a c++ program
Unexpected mov instruction in assembly
MSVC error C2121 when using an #if inside a macro argument
Keith Dorken
Compiler has stopped working parsing two line statement
Kenshi Takayama
Erroneous C2398 with constructor
Compiler Error on Managed C++ array references
Kohei Takahashi
ICE on aliasing template with explicitly specialized static member.
Linker warning
fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
Occasional “Fatal error LNK1105: cannot close file” when using /NATVIS flag with link.exe
Compiler generates incorrect code when vectorising loop under x64 optimised builds
Internal compiler error when using generic lambda inside method of template class specialisation
SBC from ZI compilation
STILL: c1xx : fatal error C1027: Inconsistent values for /Ym between creation and use of precompiled header
Lewis Pringle
numeric_limits term does not evaluate to a function taking 0 argument
Visual studio community 2015 with update 1 setup failed
Liam Herron
amd64_x86\cl.exe fails to start: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)
ICE with Update1 when compiling code that works without this update
Templated constructors don’t inherit with using Base::B
Dependent types used with typename keyword are rejected in template specializations
Makoto Kato
Constexpr does not perform array to pointer conversions
Marcel Raad
VC14.2 regression: ICE with LTCG
Marcel Raad
VS2015.2 CTP1: error messages on solution load
Marcel Raad
VC 14.1: ICE on constexpr variable template
Marcel Raad
VC 14.1: unhelpful C4702 during linking
Marcel Raad
VC 14.1: ICE with excess {} in constexpr array initializer
Marcel Raad
VC 14.1: regression with constexpr array of string literals
Marcel Raad
VC14.1 RC: fatal error LNK1000: Internal error during IMAGE::Pass2
Visual Studio 2015 C++ optimizer bug
VC++ fatal error C1001 using [ComImport] with ‘ref class’
illegal indirection with static constexpr nested in class
Constexpr does not correctly subtract two aray pointers
Martin Stangel
Native C++ try/catch block optimized away in Release version
Regression in Visual Studio 2015 Update 1
Master Programmer
Crash during project build
Mat Sutcliffe
initialize constexpr variable with result of constexpr function with user-defined auto return type
Matthias Biggel
Loop optimization bug with self assignments (/O2 or /Og)
Matthias Biggel
Loop optimization bug with self assignments (/O2 or /Og)
Internal compiler error compiling certain C++ code in Debug
Max Bulatoff
list-initialization overload resolution don’t respect user-defined conversion
Ambiguity while converting lambda to a pointer
bool b = false. compiles.. and b is true
C++11: Evaluation order in braced-init-list is wrong
C++14 aggregate type + NSDMI
ICE with unrecognized attribute on constructor
C++: aggregate initialization of struct of function pointers from lambdas -& syntax error
Swapping queue in lambda capturing ‘this’ fails to compile
Michael Winterberg
C++ capturing “this” from a non-member function results in an internal compiler error
Michael Winterberg
C++ C4640 warning (construction of local static object is not thread-safe) is still emitted
namespace visibility
Mikel Negugogor
template using alias causes ICE in situation where template signatures do not match and a nested empty template is involved…
Miro Jakubovsky
VS2015 generates CMOVxx instructions even with /arch:IA32 switch
ICE when using variadic version of BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_TPL_STRUCT (only when using amd64/cl.exe)
Error C3524 when sizeof(T) expanded only later
swscanf_s should require unsigned size parameter
Compiler crash
Compiler bug related to complex template usage
new and “delete” allowed with inaccessible defaulted functions
Nathan Jeffords
compiler fails name lookup under specific circumstance
Constructors with parameters pack confuse compiler in the presence of a default constructor
error C2248 not showing code line
Nikita Konyuchenko
Internal Compiler Error (vs2013 RTM)
Nikolay Gerasimov
Windows 10 ARM Release: Virtual functions mechanism does not work
static constexpr member initialization
Visual C++ 2015: Static variable defined within a function incorrectly initialised on Windows XP
Internal compiler error using sizeof… on parameter pack in namespace
Braced initializer list not evaluated left-to-right
VC++: crash when freeing a DLL built with openMP
std::experimental::generator write access violation
Fatal error c1001 in file xtree at line 2061
LINK : fatal error LNK1000: Internal error during IMAGE::BuildImage
Enable Minimal Rebuild with LTCG causes build to fail when compiler detects that there are no relevant changes
Pawel Stopinski
ICE when parsing openssl
Visual C++ decltype
Peter Esik
(VS 2015 Update 1 C++) C4702 (unreachable code) warnings emitted inconsistently
C++ Optimization bug with /Og
Issue with Language management
Internal Compiler Error with constructor noexcept specification
compiler internal error / template class / casting operator
Potapov Anton
VC++ 12 RC fails to choose between initializer_list enabled assignment operator and canonical one for std::pair list elements
VS 2015 Update 1: OpenMP parallel for num_threads does not work anymore
Large number of seemingly innocent function calls causes huge optimization slowdown.
Radim Svoboda
Incorrect compilation C source to assembler – casting, security cookie
In-class member initialization causing breakpoints to hit in CPP
Visual C++ x64 compiler produces incorrect code in catch handler when run in “Release” mode
Ritesh Oedayrajsingh Varma
C++: const modifier on static member function definition does not result in a compile error
Using variadic templates with a function pointer as a parameter
Ron Ben-Yosef
VC++ ternary conditional operator optimization bug
GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime is not wrapped in macros which would give a compilation error for target platform less than Windows 8
Russell McClellan
Internal compiler error in Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools
Alias declaration interacting badly with declspec C2071
C++ friend class can’t access friend’s protected destructor
C++ internal compiler error for user-defined conversion operator when the type is a const-qualified typedef of a template
Ryan Livingston
Compiled executable has access violation using the idiom x &&= 1; but not x *= 2; for x &= 0 at /O2
Internal compiler error (ICE) on some template metaprog in MSVC 2015.1
An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
internal compiler error while building OpenSSL library
std::atomic&T&::operator= returns previous value
Sergey Nenakhov
Debugging AVX code is broken
Sergey Tolstov
wcstombs_s either does not work correctly or help is wrong
internal compiler error with /O2 + /GL
std::ostream::write crash with O2 optimization
Specializing template for STL container with varargs broken
VC++ compiler optimisation settings /O2 /Oy- with an INT64 bit shift can produce invalid byte code
_mm_loadu_si128 and _mm_storeu_si128 do not emit movdqu instruction as documented
x64 C++ Runtime Merge Modules still have problems in Update 1 RC
Simon Sasburg
REGRESSION: New ICE in MSVC 2015 update 2:
VC++: failure to compile implementation of template method of template class with module system
too few template arguments bug
static constexpr const char _literal[] = “delta”; // not working inside templated struct
template parameter pack treated as single parameter
ARM C++ code generation bug with “var++” operation
C++11: Struct containing variadic template function doesn’t compile if destructor is present
Suspected compiler bug with float and /EHa + /fp:precise?
SFINAE with VS2013
Deadlock while using Visual Studio Update 1
Steve Cornett
Compiler crash with C2065 and /errorReport:prompt
Steve Cornett
Pragma warning suppress affects two lines
LINK : fatal error LNK1102: out of memory on a large C++/CLI DLL which compiled fine on VS2013
&vector&: Warning C4297 generated in std::vector ctor although vector ctor is not declared noexcept
access violation for calling std::mem_fn for virtual base class with vmg enabled
internal compiler error while constructor inheritance
std::is_constructible does not work with explicit conversion operator to class type
Generic lambda cannot access namespace
Tautvydas ?ilys
Visual C++ compiler optimizer optimizes out a loop variable index read, making loop infinite on x86
Missing items from the New Items dialog in WDExpress
C++/CLI generic function causes cast error in Visual Studio 2015
Value initialization of nested structs does not work properly
Compiler Crashes at String Stream Insertion Operator
Thiago Macieira
fread on a pipe drops some newlines
Can’t use both #include &msclr\marshal.h& and
Tobias Reh
Inheriting ctors reject seemingly duplicate definition
Tobias Reh
constexpr with different values at run- and compile time
Tobias Reh
c++ program aborts even though exception handler is in place
unable to match function definition to an existing declaration
c++11’s auto -& decltype return type problems
coroutines don’t fully support the no exceptions case yet
imprecise source location information due to optimizations
/GL accepts invalid code
no C4189 on nested struct with constructor
Use Link Time Code Generation uses incremental ltcg
Twan Koolen
ICE related to variadic templates and overloaded templated functions
Uffe Lauesen
C++ Nested exception handling in destructor is broken. Program crash.
Merge Module Microsoft_VC140_CRT_x86.msm has wrong component condition
deleted function breaks SFINAE
C++ compiler optimization bug
Error when a class derives from std::basic_istream/std::basic_ostream
Vidar Hasfjord
C++: Static member function template instantiation has crazy type
Compiler Error – False positive
Walter Blume
compiler bug
C++ bug for using namespace with openmp
Wenz Adrian
Visual Studio 2015 Redistributables (‘Microsoft_VC140_MFC_x64.msm’)
Xidorn Quan
Suppression of C4061 doesn’t work
Xidorn Quan
Regresssion: C2078 with any constexpr struct array
compiler crashes with templated constexpr default arguments
Yousuke Takada
Attempting to inherit an undefined recursive type makes the Visual C++ compiler crash
Calculation error with C++ compiler optimizations in VS 2015
VC++: failure to compile parameter pack expansion
Unexpected evaluation order within braced-init-list
I’ve selected English as the default language, but still are some Spanish text.
Unknown size for std::array with variadic sizeof size
ICE cl!InvokeCompilerPass()+0xd6d17
array indices get reversed with /O2
Cannot create C++ project, the wizard window “New Project” loops on itself
ICE during build on 32-bit with full optimization
R value reference failed to convert
Compiler error (assertion : SY_DEFLIST(symIV) != NULL): file s:\dd\feature\wcfb01\src\vctools\compiler\utc\src\p2\globlopt.c line 2633 during &Global Optimizer&(/O2)
After upgrading to Visual Studio 2015 Update 1, link.exe quite often hangs when building a large solution
With VC++ 2015 I’m getting a memory leak from functions declared const void when they are passed a parameter
ICE with static analysis when Analysing Trailing Return Type of decltype(this)
Simple console program fails to execute under windows 10. You need to look at the exe but I cannot u
it emits error C2248 when friend class invoke protected destructor
Installing Language Pack after Update1 will not install some VC Components.
C1XX mishandles UTF-8-without-BOM source files
Connect User
Connect ID
Stav Yagev
When cross-compiling to Android using gcc the -fno-rtti is applied to C files and so generates a warning
Bug in Post-build event
Gregory PAKOSZ
Dependency tracker bug
Wrong file focus for build commands / Ctrl-F7 builds wrong file
“Compile” option is disabled
VS 2015 C++ Keyword font colors.
“Enable New Database Engine” permanently kills features
Frank Heimes
IntelliSense rejects legal index operator types.
Incorrect evaluation of inline class functions in the context of another class definition
Sergey quixoticaxis Ivanov
C++ incorrect editor warning on class constructor defined as try-block
IntelliSense incorrectly calculates sizeof when #pragma pack is set
Keizo Imaizumi
Intellisense error in template class constructor specialization with direct initialization, compiles OK
V140 Xp toolset broken by Update 2 CTP
Blank C++ Universal App crashes if called CameraCalibratorTest
REPORTED: __is_pod is incorrect for a class with an explicitly defaulted default constructor
Hao-Qun Yang
VS2015 Express for Windows Desktop, VC++ CLR Class Library, add new item problem
No Class Views Available for C++ Projects on VS 2015 Community Edition
Miles Davies
VS2013 – Source Control Difference window does no play well with task list
VS2015 VCCustomBuildRule interface missing?
When invoking Rename, focus should be set on New Name
GTD cancelled operation still waits for lock held on the background/UI unresponsive
“Ignore Specific Default Libraries” have translation error under Russian
Incorrect evaluation of inline class functions in the context of another class definition
Designer does not show controls for CPP winforms app
Support variable size of pointer to member
Intellisense still doesn’t account for #include continuations
Support anonymous structure in C
VS consistently crashes when opening a solution.
“Create definition of a function” IDE action (pops up when you hover a mouse over a defined, but not implemented method)
The “Insert spaces around conditional operators” option mess the formatting up of switch statements
option to disable quick action squiggles
IntelliSense don’t know how to address member “VendorID” of the struct “PCI_COMMON_HEADER” without n
We update the
regularly, so you can use it to check the status of a bug against a recent build of our compiler.
If you encounter any issues using Visual Studio Update 2 (or any Visual Studio version, for that matter!), please submit feedback using
All things Visual C++!
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