
情景对话,写一段三分钟左右二人的对话!Topic 1 Study Please create a dialogue (about 3mins):Situation:A is upset because he is having difficulty catching up with his study.B comforts A and helps A by giving some advices and suggesting some good ways for learning.Topic 2 Marriage and Love Please create a dialogue (about 3mins):Situation:A has a girl friend who is several years elder than him.But his father (mother) B shows disapproval.A and B are now presenting their different understanding of love and marriage and trying to persuade the other to change mind.Topic 3 TravelingPlease create a dialogue (about 3mins):Situation:A and B have decided to go on a trip together.Now they are planning a trip,including destination,transport,accommodation,places of interests,length of stay,and activities they hope to undertake,etc.Topic 4 Stress Please create a dialogue (about 3mins):Situation:A complains to B that he is having great stress and gets angry easily.B tries to talk about the root of A’s anger and helps A to reduce stress.Topic 5 Health Please create a dialogue (about 3mins):Situation:A is feeling down and he goes to see the doctor B.A explains his symptoms to B and B examines A.Then the doctor B gives advices to get well soon.Topic 6 Lifestyle of College StudentsPlease create a dialogue (about 3mins):Situation:A is doing a survey on the lifestyle of college students.He is interviewing B about studies,entertainments,sports,eating habits,daily spending,social activities,monthly budget and hobbies etc.
我选的第一个写的,大概参考一下吧B:Hey,A,what’s up?You look so down.A:I am worrying about my study.To tell you the truth,it is quite difficult for me to catch up with the average level of study in my class.B:well,take it easy!It’s just the very beginning of your college life.Maybe you simply haven’t found the right way to learn.You know,studying in college is quite different from that in high school.A:Thank you,it’s very kind of you.Maybe you are right.There may be something wrong with my method of study.B:yeah.For now,you cannot depend on teachers that much and hope they will teach you everything needed.Self-learning is the key!Do you often do individual study?A:Not very much.You’ve picked out my weak point.I am not good at learning by myself.I always keep my question in mind and hope the teachers can help me solve them in class.But,they are really quite busy and don’t have enough time to help me work all these questions out!So…B:So your questions pile up?A:Yes.And after several classes I am completely left behind.B:Since you have found out your problem,you do need to change your method.Try to solve the questions by yourself!Search the Internet or go to the library.You will absolutely get what you need.A:Thank you very much.I will cheer up and try my best to make a difference.
我选A,若是写的不好··别介意···B:Hi,A!A:Hi,BB:You look so tired.what's the matter?A:I am having difficulty catching up with my study.Can you hlep me?B:Let me see.Don't worried.You should d...
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【要求;基数词,序数词,年月日,星期,时刻,价格,加减乘除,分数,温度.这些条件选五个然后写一段对话.是说对话的内容要包括其中五个因素吗?问路或描述物品所在位置很难达到4分钟,可以穿插点其他而不改变主因素(物品所处位置)吧 Lynn,Ben,Cart,Lacy.Ben:Damn!It gets really cold
三个题目才一百分,还要四分钟,真是扣...估计是外教课要考试了吧.哈哈先写一个,另外的有时间了再写.campus lifeA:Hey,andy.how have you been recently?it seems that you have been missing for a whileB:well,yeah,i
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最完美的英语初次见面对话 用英语做一个初次见面的对话。
就是一个人先说&quot. Give me a hug。当然。但人多的时候。你可以说 & 比较好一些,然后相互握手?如果是学生的社交场合;。二个素不认识的老美见面打招呼的方式很简单; 就可以了, 另一个人说 &quot。这时候通常问候一句 &quot, 你不可能一个一个说 &quot. Do you want to exchange numbers。如果两个人相识已久;What'N 或者 &quot,拥抱之前不一定要说 &Could I have your phone number&quot,你就可以迎上去拥抱啦。2。当然啦.给我一个拥抱吧,只要看到人家张开双手;,但这么说不适用于比较正式的场合;; 或是直截了当要对方的电话 &quot。3,见面再说&Do you want to exchange numbers&quot。如果两个人还是不错的朋友,所以你也可以跟对方要 E-mail address 或是 ICQ 反而显得有点见外1,要不要名片就不是那么重要了。总之要什么就根据当时的情况和你个人的企图来定了。这时你可以尝试跟对方交换电话号码,这时简单说&Nice to meet you&quot. 很高兴认识你;Nice to meet you&quot,第一次见面就要对方电话感觉好像怪怪的;,就会彼此拥抱一下? 你想不想交换电话呢;Give me a hug&quot, too&s up&Nice to meet you&How are you doing&Hi&. Nice to meet you
2;Do you want to exchange numbers&quot。3。
用于初次见面或第二次见面时,就是一个人先说&quot.给我一个拥抱吧。总之要什么就根据当时的情况和你个人的企图来定了 4。但人多的时候;Could I have your phone number&quot。如果两个人还是不错的朋友,然后相互握手。这时你可以尝试跟对方交换电话号码,所以你也可以跟对方要 E-mail address 或是 ICQ number。二个素不认识的老美见面打招呼的方式很简单; 就可以了, 另一个人说 &How are you doing&quot, 你不可能一个一个说 &quot?如果是学生的社交场合,见面再说&s up&NWhat'Give me a hug&quot,第一次见面就要对方电话感觉好像怪怪的. Do you want to exchange numbers. Give me a hug,拥抱之前不一定要说 &quot。如果两个人相识已久,你就可以迎上去拥抱啦,只要看到人家张开双手,但这么说不适用于比较正式的场合;。当然? 你想不想交换电话呢;Nice to meet you&,就会彼此拥抱一下;m
glad to see you。这时候通常问候一句 &quot1。你可以说 &quot. 很高兴认识你; 或是直截了当要对方的电话 &quot,这时简单说&Nice to meet you&quot. 很高兴认识你; 反而显得有点见外.I'。当然啦,要不要名片就不是那么重要了;, too& 比较好一些;Nice to meet you& 或者 &Hi&. Nice to meet you
国人:Hello老外:你好!国人:Can you speak chinese?老外:会一点一点。以下,完美了~
谁能帮忙写一段初次见面的英语对话 要三个人 要求是三到五分钟 ...请帮我编一段5分钟的英语对话 2...
跪求电影《莫扎特传》英文影评 ...
你要问什么?是问怎么练习?还是要问怎么对话?hello hi how are you im fine...
In this conversation,Sally Fraser,a Human Resource...扫二维码下载作业帮
求懂英语的大神给五段英语情景对话,一段大概两三分钟五小段分别关于LIving in harmony /the value of life /the road to success /optimistic and positive thinking /moral value 以此为话题的情景对话,最好是通俗易懂,有中文翻译,三个人组.
一 living in harmonyA:Look at the world around us,it seems filled with hate created by misunderstanding,selfishnessand the like.why don`t we living in harmony?B;i think so ,there is no good reson to hate .differnt people have different minds ,C:i agree too,if every person can forgive others`mistake ,all of us can live in harmony!二 the value of lifeA:recent days,i always think about the value of life,I really confused.B:Don`t mind.it`s normal for a person to go through this phaseC:in my opinion ,the value of life is to chang the world!B:no,i don`t think so ,it`hard to do what you said ,we`d better not be changed by the world,that`s waht i think is the value of lifeA:oh,thank you two guys !i really appreciate what both of you said三the road to successA; yesterday,i read a book,it`s said the road to success differ from people to people.what do you think of it?B:that`s true,some people approach to suucess by hardworking ,while the others rely on their talent.C; what`s more ,i think ,sometimes it`s useful to achieve success through shortcut.四optimistic and positive thinkingA; nowadays,the majority of people lose optimistic and positive thinking,so i think we should cultivate the habit of thinking B:you are right ,especially the childrenC;yeah ,if we have this way of thinking ,we can live in a happy life.五moral valueA:In contemporary,moral value is ignored,as a result ,more and more awful things have happenedB:In my view,the reson why moral value is ignored is that people put more and more attention on economic,C I can`t agree more.自己亲手打的 ,


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