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今日: 20|昨日: 53|帖子: 229071|会员: 218945|欢迎新会员:
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主题: 572, 帖数: 2286
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Powered by这是个机器人猖狂的时代,请输一下验证码,证明咱是正常人~英语改作对话把下面的题目按要求改成A和B得对话.每人约6-7句句子尽量简单明了.完成后加分.本人还有700分左右.可以送出500.一直到晚上12点.一共有6道题目.1.You want to ask for the direction to the Centre Hospital.Before talking about this,you’re discussing about the weather with the stranger.Try to finish the conversation2.You invited a foreign customer to enjoy dinner toghter.Show us what happened during the dinner.3.You are buying a pair of glasses in the superstore.What will be discussed?4.Your foreign friend wants to exchange some US dollars into RMB.He is asking you to help him.5.You will have a meeting in Guangzhou.So you contact the Baiyun Hotel to make a reservation for your stay.6.You are in an interview.The interviewer is asking you some questions.
5.You will have a meeting in Guangzhou.So you contact the Baiyun Hotel to make a reservation for your stay.A:excuse me,is this baiyun hotel?B:yes we are.How can I help you?A:I would like to make a reservation.B:sure.could you please give the following details:your preference for the type of room,the date of your arrival,and how many nights are you planning to stay.A:I would like to have a single deluxe room and I will be staying in Guangzhou from 1st Jan to 4th Jan.B:that will be 3 nights.A:yes.Are there available rooms?B:yes.So can we confirm your reservation?A:yes please.B:All right,the total cost will be 500rmb.You can check in after 12 pm on 1st jan.Thank you for your reservation.A:thank you!6.You are in an interview.The interviewer is asking you some questions.A:hello.Can you introduce yourself?B:okay.My name is _____.I graduate from / currently studying at ______.I have/ do not have related working experience.(I used to work at____ for ____years.My hobby is ____.A:okay.Why do you want to be a _____ (比如说 secretary)?B:I am very organized and I like to do paper work.A:that is good.What is your expected salary?B:I would like to be paid ____rmb per hour.A:alright.Thank you for your time.We will inform you the results by the next 3 days.B:thank you.A:good luck!1.You want to ask for the direction to the Centre Hospital.Before talking about this,you’re discussing about the weather with the stranger.Try to finish the conversationA:excuse me,can i share umbrella with you?b:oh yes sure.a:thank you so much.the weather is rather bad recently.it has been raining almost everyday.b:yes precisely,i have to have an umbrella with me everyday.a:it was still sunny in the morning,yet just a while a ago the sky turned dark suddenly and it started to rain.i didn't anticipate the sudden down pour.Sorry to trouble you.b:that is okay.by the way,where do you intend to go?a:i am going to the center hospital.do you know the shortest way to get there?b:oh yes!just walk straight and turn left.the hospital is next to the bank.let me shelter you there.a:thank you so much!2.You invited a foreign customer to enjoy dinner toghter.Show us what happened during the dinner.a:how's the food?do you like it?b:oh yes,i love it.i am sick of the cold meal usually consist of steak and salad that we have back in the US.what is that called?a:that dish is called the "peking duck",it is a famous dish of our capital city,beijing.the duck is marinated and then roasted.b:how do you eat that?a:well,just wrap the sliced duck meat with the wrapper and eat it together with the special source.b:wow,that is nice!a:i am glad you like it.b:i really love chinese food.thank you for the treat.a:you are welcome.


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