you tv moboplayer tv版for iphone

> ID - TV Player
应用大小:20.6 MB
运行环境:需要 iOS 7.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 兼容。
简介:ID es una aplicación dedicada al entretenim...
ID - TV Player应用说明
ID es una aplicación dedicada al entretenimiento para el publico en general, donde se proporciona los medios para que usted elija y disfrute el contenido audiovisual de su preferencia.COMO USAR LA APLICACI?N:PASO 1: Para iniciar, pulsar en "Ingresar ID".PASO 2: Pulsar en "Actualizar lista".PASO 3: De tener dificultad, pulsa en "Ayuda", donde encontrará la manera de realizarlo.PASO 4: Unirse a la comunidad para aprender a crear su lista.COMO CREAR UN ID:PASO 1: Usted debe registrarse en "" para crear su lista de enlaces.PASO 2: Ver el tutorial que se muestra en la comunidad para aprender y empezar a agregar enlaces a su lista.? Los enlaces que soporta ID Player son: M3U8, MP4, MMS, RTMP, RTSP, TS.? Soporte para Chromecast, tvOS, DNLA, LG Smarts y mas. Enlaces soportados en dispositivos de tv: M3U8, MP4.COMO ENVIAR CONTENIDO A SU TV:PASO 1: En el reproductor pulsar en el icono y seleccionar su dispositivo de TV. PASO 2: Repetir el mismo paso para ver un enlace de su lista.
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Tuesday July 19,
Earlier this year, Netflix reminded its oldest users that the terms of its grandfathered pricing -- which kept these subscribers at the $7.99 level for two years -- would be
sometime in the second or third quarter of 2016.
to the company's investors, CEO Reed Hastings remarked on the unfortunate churn of its subscriber base who reacted "unexpectedly" to the impending price increase.
The loss of grandfathered pricing places these older users at a new $9.99/month charge for the company's popular streaming service, which Netflix sees as an agreeable compensation for its noticeable uptick in consistent, original programs like Orange is the New Black and House of Cards. These shows debuted in 2013, and the $9.99/month price for new subscribers began just the next year, in 2014. Users can choose to stay at $7.99/month if they wish, at the loss of HD video streaming.
Due to these abandoned users, the company's stock
before its second quarter earnings report, shared yesterday. In the report, Netflix noted that it expected to add about 532,000 subscribers in the United States and 2.10 million internationally in Q2 2016 (just under a 2.5 million goal), but came up short on both goals. The company ultimately netted 160,000 new customers in the U.S. and 1.52 million overseas, landing under 1.7 million total in the quarter.
“Gross additions were on target, but churn ticked up slightly and unexpectedly, coincident with the press coverage in early April of our plan to un--grandfather longer tenured members and remained elevated through the quarter,” said Netflix CEO Reed Hastings in a letter to investors. “We think some members perceived the news as an impending new price increase rather than the completion of two years of grandfathering.” As the price hike began to near in the spring, Hastings admitted that users googling and researching the increase in their subscription cost appears to be consistent with the churn the company has seen this quarter. Despite Netflix's increase in programming, "Whatever the price is for something, people don’t like for it to go up," Hastings admitted, while still claiming that the new price tiers are "working great" for new members.Tag:
Tuesday July 19,
at CES, Withings today officially launched its latest connected health device, , a contactless thermometer approved by the FDA that "yields the most precise temperature possible" for parents looking to diagnose not only their children, but themselves.
With a connected app, which syncs to Thermo firstly through Wi-Fi but defaults to Bluetooth if Wi-Fi is unavailable, the company aims to track anyone's rough patch of sickness with temperature logs, medicine reminders, and a symptoms tracker all available for each user.
Thermo claims its "clinical accuracy" comes from HotSpot Sensor technology, which uses 16 infrared sensors to take more than 4,000 measurements and readings in one swipe of the device on a sickly individual's forehead. After finding the hottest point of contact, the Thermo detects changes in temperature and displays its highest reading on the digital screen of the product's handle, with convenient LEDs for easy visual confirmation of a normal, elevated, or high temperature based on the user's age.
Using revolutionary HotSpot Sensor(TM) Technology, Thermo uses 16 infrared sensors to take over 4,000 measurements to find the hottest point. Thermo sweeps over the forehead and measures from the temporal artery — considered the best way to detect temperature changes, as the blood that circulates there comes directly from the core of the body.
Thermo is a game changer. Now a fast, simple, no-contact gesture yields the most precise temperature possible, and automatic sync with the dedicated app also allows you to track temperature readings, get reminders, and input related symptoms/medications right on your smartphone. The biggest advantage of the new connected thermometer is that it doesn't require direct contact with skin to successfully read a person's temperature, which means, unlike traditionally invasive designs, Thermo avoids contact with potentially unsanitary body fluids like saliva and ear wax. Withings said this advantage makes Thermo "the most sanitary way to take anyone’s temperature."
All of these readings are subsequently wired into the connected Withings app (supporting up to 8 family members), which accounts for a patient's age, fever history, and symptoms, guiding users to the best potential path for treatment. After temperature is determined on Thermo, a touch sensitive pad on the device's LED readout lets users toggle through family members to assign each reading. Push notifications can also be set up, so the app will remind users to take consistent readings throughout the day.
Thanks to a partnership with Boston Children's Hospital, parents can also get even more in-depth information on what kind of medication and dosage amounts they should look into if fevers run high enough to need a doctor visit. In order to keep track of everything happening during a period of illness, they can also mark down specific notes -- like how the sick family member is feeling -- to provide a more robust view of an individual's sickness when talking to a doctor.
Thermo is available for $99.95 and can be purchased exclusively both in
and on . For those who invest in the company's new thermometer, the
app is available for free on the
now. []Tag:
Tuesday July 19,
Microsoft announced an overhaul of its Groove music app for iOS yesterday, featuring a redesigned interface and a handful of new features for the subscription-based service, home to over 40 million tracks.
The 3.5.6 update promises a much faster sign-in for mobile users of the $9.99-per-month service and introduces a new Explore view to the UI where users can discover popular songs and new releases from top artists.
The update also offers significant improvements to playback reliability, as well as faster download of songs and albums for offline playing. Lossless OneDrive support and new sorting options when viewing music collections have also been implemented.
In addition, the update includes fixes to the sync process that requires users' music collections to be rebuilt from scratch, which Microsoft promises is a one-time procedure, as well as optimizations to screen resolution to support larger mobile displays.
The app still needs to be in the foreground to download music, although Microsoft says a background download feature is coming in a future update.
is a free download for iPhone and iPad available from the . []Tag:
Tuesday July 19,
Apple has been warned by the Iranian government that it faces having its products banned in the country unless it officially registers with Iran's anti-smuggling office.
"If Apple will not register an official representative in Iran within the next few days, all iPhones will be collected from the market," said the director of Iran's anti-smuggling project on Sunday.
The ultimatum was reported by Tasnim News Agency and translated today by . According to the report, more than 40 million Iranians use smartphones, including millions of iPhone users whose devices are often imported into the country by smugglers.
To stop the flow of smuggled phones, Iran's presidential office will initiate a scheme later this week that requires all mobile phones to be registered with Iran's telecommunications user database. Phones not registered will not be able to be used in the country. According to the office, former users of iPhones and other smuggled phones are excluded from the scheme.
Despite the cooperation of mobile operators, customs, and the union of mobile phone sellers, IT activists in the country have criticized the state's decision to potentially ban iPhones.
"Collecting this huge number of iPhones will not be easy," the head of the Tehran IT union told Tasnim News, and expressed concerns that the telecommunications database could be susceptible to hacking attempts.
Note: Due to the political nature of the discussion regarding this topic, the discussion thread is located in our
All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.Tag:
Tuesday July 19,
The BBC released a new app today called
which aims to let users customize the content offered by the British broadcaster for a more relevant, personalized experience.
The idea behind the app is to work as a customized one-stop portal for all things BBC that corrals content from across the service, from TV and radio to exclusively online bitesize and longform content.
Users are prompted to sign in to the app on launch and begin choosing their content preferences. The app's homepage for example offers a fully customizable content carousel that users populate by choosing from a list of editorial themes, including regional and national news, sports, gaming, science, music, business, politics, health, food, and more.
Pooled data collected by the app is then used by algorithms and human curators to work out what content formats are most popular and help identify trending themes to better serve up more relevant content.
"BBC+ is a key part of the journey towards achieving a much more personal BBC, and truly brings topical information from across the whole organization to your pocket, ready for you to access at your convenience," said the head of BBC+ Paul Owen in a . "This is just the start for us, and over time the app will evolve and add new features based on user feedback."
The app is a key aspect of the
broadcaster's vision for the BBC in the digital era – the "myBBC revolution", as director general Tony Hall called it – which seeks to reinvent public service broadcasting by using viewers' data and interests to put them in the driver's seat.
According to the BBC, 7.2 million people have signed in to the BBC's existing digital services to date, and consumed 44 percent more content than those not signed in.
In terms of the broadcaster's data privacy policy, Hall made the following statement:
We believe your data is yours. Wherever we collect and use your data, we will only use it to bring you the things that matter to you, surface hidden gems that you might not otherwise have found, and improve the BBC’s services.
We’ll put you in control over how we use your data, and be open and transparent about what we’re using your data for. You will always be able to change or delete it.
We will not do anything with your data that isn’t clearly explained, or that you don’t agree to. We will never sell your data, let other organizations track what you do with the BBC for their own purposes, or spam you.
And we’ll guard and protect your data. The BBC is set up to serve the public, and to help everyone in the UK get the best out of digital technologies and the BBC. We have no reason to collect your data other than to serve you better.BBC+ is a free download for iPad and iPhone available on the U.K. . []Tag:
Monday July 18,
The U.S. Army Special Operations Command is looking to switch from Android smartphones for its Tactical Assault Kits to iPhones,
DoDBuzz. The switch away from Android, and specifically Samsung devices, is largely because the devices aren't reliable enough.
The iPhone is “ smoother. Android freezes up” and has to be restarted too often, the source said. The problem with the Android is particularly noticeable when viewing live feed from an unmanned aerial system such as Instant Eye, the source said.Specifically, Android will freeze up and apps will fail to refresh properly when viewing split screens with information on them. This forces the user to restart the phone, wasting valuable minutes. The source tells DoDBuzz that the same process is "seamless" on the iPhone and that the graphics are "clear" and "unbelievable."
The Tactical Assault Kits are made up of a system that links a smartphone to a connected network radio, allowing unit leaders to keep track of their own locations and the locations of their troops on a digital map. It's unclear which version of Android or which Samsung device the Army was using in the Tactical Assault Kit. In 2013, the Department of Defense
the use of iOS devices for military networks.Related Roundup:
Buyer's Guide:
Monday July 18,
Apple today released a new update for tvOS, the operating system designed to run on the fourth-generation . tvOS 9.2.2 comes two months after the , a small bug fix update, and almost four months after the launch of , a significant update that introduced features like Bluetooth keyboard support and dictation.
The new tvOS 9.2.1 update can be downloaded over the air through the Settings app on the Apple TV by going to System --> Software Update. Those who have automatic software updates turned on will be upgraded to the new 9.2.2 operating system automatically.
As another minor 9.x.x update, tvOS 9.2.2 focuses on performance improvements and bug fixes to address issues discovered since the release of tvOS 9.2.1. No major outward-facing changes or obvious bug fixes were discovered during the beta testing process.
Apple is already working on the next-generation update to tvOS, . tvOS 10 brings features like improved
capabilities, single sign-on cable authentication, games that can require a controller, and more.Related Roundups: ,
Buyer's Guide:
Monday July 18,
Apple today released a new software update for the , upgrading
to version 2.2.2. The watchOS 2.2.2 update comes two months after the release of watchOS 2.2.1, a minor update that also focused mainly on bug fixes.
The 2.2.2 update
through the dedicated Apple Watch app on the iPhone by going to General --> Software Update. To install the update, the Apple Watch must have 50 percent battery, it must be placed on the charger, and it must be in range of the iPhone.
Apple only seeded one beta of watchOS 2.2.2 to developers before releasing the update, which appears to be minor in scale. During the beta testing period, no outward-facing changes or obvious bug fixes were discovered in the update.
watchOS 2 will be succeeded by , which has already been provided to developers for testing purposes. watchOS 3 introduces major interface and navigation changes to the Apple Watch along with new apps like Breathe, new watch faces, and speed improvements that allow some apps to load instantly when opened.Related Roundups: , ,
Buyer's Guide:
Monday July 18,
Apple today seeded the third beta of an upcoming watchOS 3 update to developers for testing purposes, two weeks after
and more than a month after first unveiling watchOS 3 at its .
The third watchOS 3 beta can be downloaded through the dedicated
app on an iPhone by going to General --> Software update. To install the update, the Apple Watch must have 50 percent battery, it must be placed on the Apple Watch charger, and it must be in range of the iPhone.
watchOS 3 introduces significant changes to the watchOS operating system. A new dock, accessible by pressing the side button, replaces Glances and houses 10 favorite first and third-party apps. Apps on the dock are kept continually up to date and are stored in memory for instant launch times.
for more videos.
Activity Sharing options allow Apple Watch owners to share workout and activity information with friends, and there are new options for Wheelchair users. A Breathe app guides users through daily deep breathing sessions, an Apple Watch can unlock a Mac, and Apple has added apps for Reminders, Find My Friends, and accessing one's heartbeat.
Watch faces support more complications, there are three new watch faces to choose from, including a new Activity watch face, and an SOS feature will make sure an option to get help in an emergency is always right at your fingertips. On the iPhone, there's a new Face Gallery for customizing Apple Watch faces, and watchOS 3 allows the Apple Watch to be located via Find My iPhone.
For full details on the new features coming in watchOS 3, which will be released to the public this fall, make sure to .Related Roundups: , ,
Buyer's Guide:
Monday July 18,
Apple today provided developers with the third beta of tvOS 10, the next-generation operating system designed to run on the fourth-generation . tvOS 10 beta 3 comes two weeks after the
and more than a month after the operating system was first shown off at Apple's
tvOS betas are more difficult to install than beta updates for iOS and OS X. Installing the tvOS beta requires the Apple TV to be connected to a computer with a USB-C to USB-A cable, with the software downloaded and installed via iTunes or Apple Configurator. Once a beta profile has been installed on the device through iTunes, new beta releases will be available over the air.
tvOS 10 builds on the features initially introduced in tvOS last October, bringing expanded
capabilities with topic-based search, Live Tune-In for automatically accessing live channels, and options for managing HomeKit accessories.
Single-Sign On allows users to sign in and authenticate cable credentials just once instead of requiring authentication in all cable-supported apps, games are now able to require controllers, and there are new features for Photos and Music.
for more videos.
A dark mode offers a better visual experience for darker rooms, universal apps are automatically downloaded, and there's a new Apple TV remote for iOS devices that mirrors the Siri Remote.
For a full overview of all of the new features in tvOS 10, .Related Roundups: ,
Buyer's Guide:
Monday July 18,
has been updated with comprehensive transit data for the U.S. cities of Honolulu, Hawaii and Kansas City, Missouri, enabling iPhone users in the areas to navigate using public transportation, including buses and commuter rails.
Transit routing options in the Kansas City metropolitan area include RideKC buses and the downtown KC Streetcar. Directions extend to most suburbs in both Kansas and Missouri, including Overland Park, Olathe, Independence, Lee's Summit, Shawnee, Blue Springs, Lenexa, and other smaller communities.
Transit routing options in Honolulu include TheBus buses, with directions extending to destinations across the entire Oahu island.
as part of
in select cities around the world, including Baltimore, Berlin, Boston, Chicago, London, Los Angeles, Mexico City, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Sydney, Toronto, and 30 cities in China.
The feature has since expanded to a number of additional cities and regions around the world, including , , ,
, , , , , and .
(Thanks, Ram!)Tags: ,
Monday July 18,
British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline recently
the launch of a new clinical study, Patient Rheumatoid Arthritis Data from the Real World (PARADE), which will gather medical data and patient feedback using an iOS app powered by Apple's ResearchKit. Notably, GSK is the first major pharmaceutical company to implement ResearchKit into its research, which it hopes assists in lessening "the burden of patients in clinical studies by reducing the frequency of doctor visits."
The company noted that while it's "not testing a medicine right now," ResearchKit is helping put it on the path of a medicinal development process -- centered mainly around rheumatoid arthritis -- thanks to the insight and health goals of each patient that Apple's research framework provides. Through surveys and the sensors on an iPhone, the GSK PARADE app gathers info on symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, including joint pain, fatigue, and mood.
"Our goal is to engage with patients in a new way that integrates the research into their daily lives versus the traditional model that requires patients to travel to their doctors’ offices," said Rob DiCicco, Vice President of Clinical Innovation at GSK. "By making research as easy and accessible as possible for patients, we have the potential to disrupt the model for how we conduct research in the future and ultimately improve patient health." The current goal is to track the activity and "quality of life measures" of 300 patients over a 3-month period using GSK's app. On the patient side of things, users will be able to access a dashboard which shows their own personal recordings and data from the study that they can easily share with their own healthcare providers to further investigate into more effective treatment and recovery plans.
GSK encourages anyone 21 years or older to participate in the ResearchKit-enabled trial by downloading the
app for free on the . []Tags: ,
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