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换了4G流量刷刷就没了?今天卤煮就教你一键开启2G网络,再也不用但系费流量了&192: RICKY'S FOOTIE FIELD OF DREAMS; Royle Family Star Turns Soccer Manager as He Tackles His First Big-Screen Leading Role& - Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland), September 21, 2001 | Online Research Library: Questia
Article details, &192: RICKY'S FOOTIE FIELD OF DREAMS; Royle...&
Article excerpt
HE'LL play his first big-screen lead next week as a hapless football manager, but Ricky Tomlinson has a hard act to follow if his new character is to outshine his TV alter ego Jim Royle.
The former Brookie star's slobbish couch potato is one of the best-loved characters on British TV.
But now that co-star and writer of the show Caroline Aherne has moved to Australia, Jim may not be on screens for much longer.
For now, at least, fans of talented actor Ricky can catch him in Mike Bassett: England Manager, a Brit comedy out next Friday. Don't let the title put you off, it's actually a very funny film with cameos from Pele, Gabby Yorath and Atomic Kitten.
But while Jim enjoyed making the movie, he hopes it's not the end for Jim Royle. He says: "I am a little bit like James Bond - never say never again. There is a Christmas Special which will show all the out-takes and they are hilarious.
"I think when Caroline comes back from a well-earned rest that she might do more Royle Family episodes. I hope so, because it has been very good to me."
In Ricky's new film, he stars as Mike Bassett, the manger of Norwich City who is handed the England coach's job after all the obvious candidates turn it down.
Somehow, his team qualify for the World Cup finals and he takes the squad to Brazil for the tournament, with disastrous consequences.
Ricky mixed a bit of Bill Shankley, Barry Fry and Graham Taylor to create his appalling character - who, at one point, gives the viewer a full frontal nude moment. So did Ricky agree to do the scene sober?
The actor laughs his gravely, asthmatic laugh.
"Absolutely," he says. "And don't forget that just a few days earlier I had turned down a huge sum of money to pose nude. I couldn't do that.
"Can you imagine guys going into the shop and asking 'Give us that magazine with Tommo in the nude'! …
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