stan smith s和m’s怎么读

上下牙咬着舌尖偏后的部位,发出s的音 虽然发出音很像,但与s还是有区别.这就是为什么老外可以读唇语,嘴形不一样
如音标图形所示[θ]舌尖位于上下齿中间 牙齿轻咬住舌尖 想着发[s]音 发出的音就是[θ]以上是练习发音时的方法,熟悉之后正行常发音不用那么夸张,舌尖触到牙齿即可。
试题“It was Monday. Mrs. Smith’s do...”,相似的试题还有:
阅读理解。Mr. and Mrs. Brown have two children, Mike and Liz. The whole family are all busy, so they often leavenotes (便条) for each other. Read these four notes of today and answer the following questions.① 3:30 pmTo Mike,Mr. Tyler rang. No football practice today.I'm going to Donna's house to play and beback at 5:00 pmLiz②&4:00 pmTo Liz,&&&& It's your turn to walk the dog. I have todo my homework after school. Rememberto play with Teddy when you get home!Mike③ 6:45 pmHas anyone seen my tennis shoes?I'm in my bedroom doing my homework.Mike④9:00 pm&&&& I saw your shoes this morning. They smeltterrible so I put them outside the back door.Good night, dears!Mum1. When will Liz be back home?A. At 3:30 pm.B. At 4:00 pm.C. At 5:00 pm.D. At 9:00 pm.2. Who should walk the dog today?A. Mike.B. Mrs. Brown.C. Liz.D. Mr. Brown.3. What is Mike doing at 6:50 pm?A. Practicing football.B. Going to Donna's house.C. Playing tennis.D. Doing his homework.4. Where can Mike find his tennis shoes?A. In his bedroom.B. Outside the back door.C. In the living room.D. At Donna's house.5. According to the notes, Teddy is __________.A. Mike's motherB. Mike's brotherC. Mike's football couchD. the dog in the family
阅读下面短文,从所给单词中选出适当的单词,并用其正确的语言形式填在标有题号的空白处。(exercise& &big&& get&& when& &child&& size& &inside&& clear&& arrive& &outside& &what&& make)&&&& Dogs are very good pets. They are very friendly to people and very beautiful, too. Most dogs get on wellwith&&&&1&&&and their parents. Others are good watchdogs because they cry loudly when a strange person&&&2&&&&&&& When you buy a dog, an important thing to think about is its&&&&3&&&&—buy a small dog if your home is smalland a&&&&4&&&one if yours is larger. Many people don't know&&&&5&&& to feed their dogs. Dogs eat almost anything!They like meat, rice and lots of other things. You can buy lots of food which is&&&&6&&&for dogs in shops. Don'tlet your dog eat too much. Always leave some&&&&7&&&water for your dog. It can&&&&8&&&thirsty very quickly,especially in summer.&&&&&&& Remember that dogs need&&&&9&&.You should take it for a walk every day. Don't keep your dog&&&&10&&&all day.1.() 2.() 3.() 4.() 5.()6.() 7.() 8.() 9.() 10.()
阅读理解。Mr. Green and his wife had a dog. When they went out, they always left the dog inside the house. Oneevening they wanted to go to the cinema, so they left the dog in the house and locked the door and theirgarden gate. They went off in their car.&&&& When the film was finished, they went home. They opened the gate and put the car away. When theycame to the front door, they found that the glass in the door was broken. The door was not locked and itwas open. A robber! They went in and quickly looked in all the rooms to see if the robber had taken theirthings. However, everything was in the right place and nothing at all was missing.&&&& The dog was sleeping in the sitting-room. The wife was angry with the dog."Why didn't you guard (保卫)the house?"she said. The dog was pleased to see Mr. and Mrs. Green. It began to wag (摇) its tail and then itwent to a comer of the room and picked up something in its mouth. It went to the wife and dropped the thingat her feet. When she went to pick it up, she was very surprised. Can you guess what the dog's present was?It was a man's finger!&&&& The end of the story is this. Mr. Green telephoned the police and told them everything. Three days later thepolice caught the robber. They found him easily.1. That evening Mr. Green and his wife __________.A. took their dog to see a filmB. left the dog alone at homeC. went home before the film was finishedD. locked the door and could not open it2. The robber stole (偷) __________.A. everything from the houseB. something expensive from the houseC. nothing from the houseD. a car from the house3. Why was the woman angry with the dog?A. Because she thought it had made the room dirty.B. Because she thought it had broken the glass.C. Because it wouldn't go to the cinema with her.D. Because she thought it hadn't guarded the house.4. The robber was caught easily because __________.A. the police knew himB. the police happened to meet himC. Mr. Green know where he livedD. he had one of his fingers5. Mr. Green and his wife would __________.A. like their dog more than beforeB. drive the dog away from their homeC. let the dog bring home more presentsD. ask the police to take the dog awaySmith,s living room(,应该在上面) 中得th,s怎么发音?
s 不用发音读成smith living room就对了
你可能打错了是Smith's ,这发音是和平时一样的,就当中介没有这个"某某的"的符号一样。你只要记住一条规则,清清浊浊,就可以了。
Bessie Smith(~)是历史上的一位悲剧性的人物。她在音乐上的出色成就是公认的,可以毫不夸张地说,她是第一位主要录制唱片的歌手和,对于这两种音乐形式的发展都作出了巨大的贡献。从整个和的历史来看,她也可以被认为是最有魅力和力量的歌手之一。
尔克发现了她的潜力,便为她录制了第一张唱片,没想到唱片一上市便卖出了200万张。看到这种情况,就立即与她签约,而且将她捧为旗下的头牌歌星。贝西的歌曲涉及面甚广,有反映社会问题的、有放荡幽默的,还有直截了当的性表白和流氓小曲等等。由于她在20世纪20年代主宰了的潮流,因此人们将她称为&布鲁斯皇后&。1929年以后,她的音乐生涯出现了滑坡,她为了取得白人听众的喜爱,开始录制白人通俗歌曲,但是此时的白人音乐市场已被乡村歌手吉米·罗杰斯(Jimmie Rodgers,详见乡村音乐部分)占据,贝西敌不过罗杰斯,没有拿下白人市场,回过头时,发现自己又失去了黑人听众。于是1933年以后她再也没有录制过任何东西。日,贝西酒后驾车,在高速公路上与相撞,一只胳膊活活从身上被撕下来,最后不治身亡。
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Bessie Smith (贝西史密斯)
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Bessie Smith (贝西史密斯)
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Bessie Smith (贝西史密斯)
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Bessie Smith (贝西史密斯)
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Bessie Smith (贝西史密斯)
Bessie Smith (贝西史密斯)
发行时间:首曲目 The Complete Recordi...
Bessie Smith (贝西史密斯)
发行时间:首曲目 The Complete Recordi...
Bessie Smith (贝西史密斯)
Bessie成长在纳什维尔市贫民窟中,她童年的经历极为不幸。1912年当时只有18岁的Bessie Smith被 Ma Rainey 发现,并吸收到自己的乐队之中,Bessie成为了她演出的伙伴,受到她的保护和指导。某种程度上,Bessie的音乐成就除了她的天才之外,同 Rainey 的教导也是分不开的。尽管在 Rainey 的演唱生涯中,也取得了辉煌的成就,成为了第一位主要的黑人女歌手,但从一开始,Bessie Smith 就注定了将超越她的前辈。
1920年 已经羽翼丰满的Bessie Smith独立演出,她的首演之地是的。三年之后,她迁居到爵士乐的中心城市纽约。她的才华很快就引起了录音界的注意,的和她签订了合同。她在不久之后就推出了自己的首张唱片,由 Alberta Hunter 作曲的《Downhearted Blues》,这张唱片一发行,Bessie Smith就成为了歌唱界的名人。在整个二十年代,Bessie Smith成为了美国最红的歌手,她有机会录音、演出,她有了充分的资格选择自己的伴奏者。
1923年 她首次灌制唱片时,她富于情感的演唱就大大超越了当时低劣的唱片制作水平,她使音乐具有了生命力。即使是在几十年后的今天,当人们听起现在保存下来的珍贵的录音时,仍能从中感受到她在歌曲中表达出的感馆,这绝非夸夸其谈。被评论界授予“歌手”称号的Smith在这个领域可以说是没有任何竞争对手。
1925年 5月25日,安排她录制《黄狗》。当时哥伦比亚公司刚刚采用了,这在当时是一个革新,伴奏乐队的声音不会再影响到歌手的效果。在此之前,Bessie最多和三重奏乐队录制过唱片。
1929年 由于时期的到来,成为过时的音乐,Bessie Smith在歌坛的如日中天的地位受到了动摇,并且直线下降。一切都是来得那么的突然,年仅三十五岁的Smith正处于事业的高峰,她对此突如其来的打击感到不解。在这一年,她参加了《St. Louis Blues》的拍摄。这是一部低成本的影片,而且非常短,其中保存下了Smith至今为止唯一的一组镜头,但是拍电影也未能给Smith带来好运。
1931年 与她合作多年的哥伦比亚解除了她的合同。原因很简单,因为没有人愿意在伤心的岁月听忧伤的歌曲,人们需要,、即便是低俗的音乐也有市场,艺术首先要让位于利润,效益和金钱,即使是 Bessie Smith 也难以逃脱厄运。1934年Bessie录制了她最后的四首曲子的演唱唱片。她依然坚持工作,对于她来说,演唱就是生活,就是她的一切;放弃了歌唱就是放弃了她的生活。在1935年她在阿波罗歌舞厅演唱过,她还在一场《Stars over Broadway》演出中担任了后来倔起的 Billie Holiday 的候补角色。这次机会对于久已陌生了舞台的 Smiths 来说,实在是太珍贵了,她把得以的希望全都寄托在这次演出上。人们重新看到了他们久已的,甚至已经陌生了的Bessie Smith。他们似乎是重新发现了新大陆,重新见到了长久未见到的天才歌手,重新听到了富于情感的,他们为之欢呼。
1933年 她进行了最后一次的录音。 1934年,贝西·史密斯还在一个巡回节目中成功演出。1935年她在纽约阿波罗剧场的演出,也获得成功。此时在个人生活上,她又选择了新的伴侣,此人是一个喜好演出节目的私酒商,开始有了新的安定生活。这段时期美国大众又对早期传统音乐产生了怀旧感,于是有人策划为贝西·史密斯拍一部,这本应是她再次走红的时候。
1967年,Bessie Smith入选Down Beat爵士名人堂。


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