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我比较喜欢玩游戏,最近刚攒了一套装备就为了游戏啊,选择显示器上朋友和我说4K&的效果好,于是就弄了一台三星4K&UHD显示器,显示器是三星是电子提供的体验机,很感谢三星,下面就看看游戏效果吧~&先换了几张壁纸看看色彩,果然没让我失望啊,色彩自然真实,画质也很清晰的,外观上我也很喜欢,不多说开始玩游戏了&也不知道大家玩过这个游戏没,【战 &地3】是枪战类游戏,游戏界面是不是很酷啊,人物很有立体感,其实我想说还是4k的显示器好,在这就看出来了游戏的菜单&看看可以选择的内容很多,影像里面可以选择显示器的分辨率还有画面效果,按键控制得好好看看,按照自己的习惯设定按键玩比较好&杀人杀的很爽啊,我玩游戏的技术还是不错的,应该是显示器效果太好了,看得清晰增加了准确率,用三星UHD玩游戏真是对的选择~&大家能看见这个游戏的场景大多是暗的,这个时候我就想起来这款显示器有灵视竞技模式呢,它是专为游戏设计的模式,来试试效果吧开启灵视竞技之后整个画面都提亮了,暗部场景看的更清晰,立体感也随着增强了,还有就是人物快速移动也能保证无残影,效果很明显啊哈哈真实好功能&玩其他游戏也一样,来找一个网页游戏&效果也是很突出,在这种多人物的游戏中灵视竞技功能发挥的更好,因为人物很多人物比较乱,开启之后画面变得更清晰更加容易找到目标&看看细节,画面细腻屏幕放大也能看的很清楚,4k的分辨率相当有优势啊,玩游戏用它再好不过了。体验过了用三星4k玩游戏之后我都不想用别的显示器了,效果是有目共睹的,喜欢玩游戏的朋友强烈推荐三星4k,型号:U28D590D。&
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What is the Refresh Rate?
Update July 2013: We increased
the marketing level from Warning to Gimmick to better reflect the
2013 models. We updated the article accordingly.
The refresh rate is the number of frames per second the
television can display. Its unit is a Hertz, which is equal to
1/second. 120Hz means it can draw 120 images per second.
The refresh rate of televisions is a bit misleading and is mixed
with a few marketing gimmicks. The increased refresh rate (120Hz
and higher) was introduced by manufacturers as an indirect way to
find a solution to the
problem of LCDs and LEDs. You will see a motion
blur if the image moves faster than what the screen can draw. LCD
panels in the last few years have become really good at reducing
the motion blur. The best measure of motion blur is to calculate
the time a pixel takes to transition from one color to another,
also known as the response time. If that time is less than the time
between the images, no motion blur will be seen because there is no
overlap. There is not a simple and consistent way of measuring that
it depends on a lot of factors like the preceding colors.
Manufacturers came up with a great marketing idea: instead of
drawing only 60 frames per seconds, lets draw 120 frames. This will
give the customer the impression that television can draw images
twice as fast, thus reducing the motion blur and making the
television more fluid. However, this does not guarantee the absence
of overlaps between those images. In fact, the real transition time
of the pixels mostly stayed the same. Additionally, manufacturers
are inflating the advertised refresh rate number by adding, for
example, the backlight scan rate like in Samsung's .
A real advantage of a 120Hz and higher refresh rate is to
properly display 24p movies, as described .
What is a good refresh rate?
As said above, the Refresh Rate is mostly a marketing gimmick.
While the 120Hz alone is not worth it, it sometimes comes with a
better panel, which could have a better response time and could
produce a better image.
This is by no mean a guarantee. In the video, you can see that a
60Hz TV (the LG LN5300) and a 120Hz TV (the )
have visually the same amount of motion blur.
Therefore, do not look at the refresh rate number unless you
option or the .
What is Samsung Clear Motion Rate?
The Clear Motion Rate (CMR) is a made-up number invented by
Samsung to qualify how a TV can reduce the appearance of motion
blur. The refresh rate alone is not a perfect representation of the
motion blur, so they added on top of it the backlight and processor
While it is true that the refresh rate is not the best
representation of the motion blur, Samsung is misleading the
customers because it usually only displays the CMR in its
specifications instead of the real panel refresh rate. This
inflated number makes the comparison across brands harder to
The table below converts Samsung's Clear Motion Rate (CMR) into
the real panel refresh rate, so you can better compare it to
televisions of other brands. The upgrade from a 240 CMR to 480 is
not worth it, because it is still the same actual panel refresh
rate of 120 Hz. A Clear Motion Rate of 720, 840 and 960 all have
the same real refresh rate of 240 Hz, so you will not really notice
a difference between them in term of movement resolution.
Refresh Rate
Clear Motion Rate
Backlight Scan
Panel Refresh Rate Conversion for 2013
Models for 60Hz Countries (North America)
Refresh Rate
Clear Motion Rate
Motion Clarity Index
Backlight Scan
Active Motion Rate
Perfect Motion Rate
Panel Refresh Rate Conversion for 2013
Models for 50Hz Countries (Rest of the world)
Does the refresh rate mean the same thing for a LCD, LED and
screen has a higher refresh rate because of how it works, so the
refresh rate comparison is more important in a
screen. You will see a lot less motion blur on a Plasma TV than on
a LCD or LED, where you can see some on the lower end models.
Advantages of 120Hz and Higher Refresh Rate Televisions
What is Motion Interpolation?
Motion interpolation is a common feature on most 120Hz+
televisions. Most media are recorded either at 24 frames per second
or 30 fps. Originally, a 120Hz television would display the same
frame multiple times before switching to the next frame to have the
end result of displaying only 24 or 30 frames a second. The
television refresh rate is a lot overkill in that situation, so the
manufacturers added a technology that creates new frames in between
the original frames. Samsung calls this interpolation technology
Auto Motion Plus, for Sony it is Motion Flow and LG, TruMotion.
These new fake frames are an interpolation of the movement of the
picture, making the television footage a lot more fluid.
Not all 120Hz televisions have the motion interpolation feature.
For example, the lower end LG model LM4600 does not have that
feature, even if it is advertised with 120Hz TruMotion.
Motion Interpolation adds fake frames
between the key frames
The following video compares this effect in slow motion. Note
that you can't see the difference in real time in this video
besides artifacts, because YouTube's frame rate is 30fps therefore
cannot represent 120fps footage. However, in slow motion, you can
clearly see the added frames as well as the errors the processor
Most people will appreciate the increased fluidity of the video.
However, the motion interpolation has 3 main downsides:
Cinematographic purist complains that it kills the film
experience and it is against the movie look, creating a video that
looks so real it becomes unrealistic. This is called the Soap Opera
The interpolated frames could contain errors or distortions
because they were generated by a computer which is not the same as
if the camera was really capturing those frames.
The processing takes a certain amount of time to execute, which
increase the ,
making it not suitable for gaming.
What is the Soap Opera Effect?
When watching a movie (who are traditionally filmed at 24 frames
per second) with the motion interpolation feature on, it will look
a lot more smooth to the eye. This is called the Soap Opera Effect,
because it looks similar to how the soap opera shows looked
historically, having been shot with a 30fps camera instead of the
standard 24fps one. Some people do like the increased fluidity, but
it is not for everyone.
The motion interpolation feature can be turned off in the
settings menu on all televisions, if you are annoyed by the Soap
Opera Effect.
What is 24p Playback?
24p Playback means the television can produce exactly the full
24 frames per second, a feature only found on higher refresh rate
TVs. Movies are usually filmed in 24 frames per second as shown in
the theaters. The blu-ray format supports 24p natively. However, it
is impossible to show exactly 24 frames per second on a 60Hz
television. 60 is not a multiple of 24, so there is no perfect way
to fit them.
How a 60Hz TV display a 24p movie. 120Hz TVs
do not have this problem.
To display a 24p movie on a 60Hz television, the TV uses a trick
called a 3:2 pulldown (also called Telecine). To display the video,
it first shows the first frame 2 times, followed by the next 3
times. This creates a 2-3-2-3 pattern, where one frame out of 2 is
displayed longer on the TV. The picture to the right shows that
A television supporting 24p playback does not have this issue.
For a LCD/LED display, this means a refresh rate of either 120Hz or
240Hz. 24 frames fits exactly in 120 frames per second. 120/24=5,
each frame is displayed 5 times. There is no need for the 3:2
pulldown technique, each frame has exactly the same time on the
Is 24p Playback Worth It?
24p Playback is only worth it if you are watching a lot of
movies, not normal TV shows (who are filmed at 30 frames per second
so they do not have that problem). The difference is small and you
can normally only see the 3:2 pulldown artifacts if you are really
looking for it. Consider it a nice bonus for 120Hz televisions, but
not a primary buying factor.
Displaying a 120Hz signal on a 120Hz+ television
As of 2013, there is no television that supports displaying a
true 120Hz signal at the 1080p resolution. Even a real 120Hz or
240Hz television does not support a source at 120Hz. They can only
display at that speed frames created by themselves using motion
interpolation. For example, you can feed a television a 1080p @ 24
signal, which it will up convert to 1080p @ 120 internally and then
disp but you cannot feed it directly a 1080p @
120 signal.
Currently, the only screens than can display a real 120Hz signal
are some 120Hz computer monitors on high end graphic cards. Despite
the fact that the HDMI version 1.4 added support for 1080p @ 120Hz,
there is no content available to display on a TV at that frame
rate, besides what a computer can generate. This will not change
anytime soon, because even a Blu-ray disc d
movies being shot at 24 fps. The first movie to be shot in 48fps
will be The Hobbit, although most theaters will not be able to
display it at that speed.
The refresh rate is getting abused by manufacturers, especially
with their own inflated numbers. A high refresh rate does not
guarantee to be motion blur free. A real 24p playback is also a
nice feature to have on a 120Hz television when watching


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