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《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第四版bgl 值得重做吗?
TA的每日心情擦汗 00:28签到天数: 1 天[LV.1]初来乍到
本帖最后由 Langheping 于
12:02 编辑 & V8 \0 C- k3 J: |: {: E2 D/ S
目前这里mdx的版本都没法跟bgl比。水湲&日制作,日更新版&少了很多词,如 homeland 等等。其实bgl 文档有很多重复的词条,只是GoldDict不显示罢了。
我估计花2个小时重做:5 O! y" y* a" M8 p9 e2 A
5 minutes to convert bgl to text.20 minutes to change multi headwords (as xx|xxx|xxx|) to mdict format as @@@LINK1 more hours to change &Kingsoft Phonetic Plain& font face to Unicode.
4 N/ `1 w7 ?8 ^: x1 I; n! m2 }$ s
如果有好的版本,请告知,我就不用重做。- D2 T8 x! v&&z- S- [1 ?7 P' F
原bgl 版本,
词头:100792# t3 B6 V! P0 B; l, V7 G. M
词条:54031 (重复的3800+), a. r8 W) a0 ~&&O
已转,3 j, X, s&&W- C& h& C0 f
格式没变,删掉了重复的词条% h8 h. c' X! ]1 g! B
% J, F" ?: K2 ?" q&&_; @* N% @
英文 shake-up 释义比较
O4: major reform or reorganization 大改革; 大改组:
O8: a situation in which a lot of changes are made to a company, an organization, etc. in order to improve the way in which it works (機構的)重大調整,重組
" k/ [/ U% w+ [9 u0 j1 d% y. n
游客,本帖隐藏的内容需要积分高于 200 才可浏览,您当前积分为 0
TA的每日心情开心 08:22签到天数: 16 天[LV.4]偶尔看看III
7 s' ]/ K, n* c4 m7 e3 y+ N7 z# t
望有纸版的童鞋帮忙扫描提供“Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr” 等速写的说明。3 Z) W+ ^&&f# D, y0 M% w) t9 h
水媛版有,输入“O4&查询。3 y/ t+ P' k& h2 Y2 ~& ?
这个数据我也费了很多时间,原始数据貌似是ocr的,所以在纸质版断行的地方,经常有这样的现象:上下2个单词在bgl里面就粘在一起了(例如with the 就变成了withthe),有数千处这样的错误。我修改的部分都在水媛版里面。当然还有很多乱码之类的,主要是繁简转换引入的错误,也非常多。所以这个数据质量,怎么弄也不会完美。
TA的每日心情无聊 09:29签到天数: 4 天[LV.2]偶尔看看I
本帖最后由 gnoweb 于
15:18 编辑 5 q0 V6 k" ]6 i+ C' e1 A9 P0 F
第四版的动词用法模式,例如: [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ,如果不全部都记住的话,必须随时翻阅书籍前面的索引,来查这些非用户友好代码组合所代表的意思。对于用 MDict 格式的人来说,上哪去查这些东西,MDX 里面又没有集成这些关键内容,PDF 格式又不方便。这些动词用法模式对于写出语法正确的句子,了解动词与其它词搭配的结构框架来说是很有用的。
可喜的是,从 OALD8,OALD9 后,所有动词用法模式已经进行了用户友好方面的优化,就是把代码与它所表达的意思进行了合并。不用再翻前面的东西了。比如:teach somebody to do something,如果是以前的版本,就像第 7 版的 [VN to inf],你必须知道 inf 是指不定式才行。而且第 7 版之前包括第 4 版,里面的 n 或 N 太宽了。因为 n/N 表示名词,那也就是说,按它的模式来,也可以写出逻辑可笑但符合它代码的句子:I'll teach a stone wall English. 虽然大家都知道这句子不成立。我想说的是,第 8 版之后,用 somebody 或 sb 更精确了。词典在改进、优化、发展,这是我认为新版会有新版的优势。' k&&_; z+ {# {( u
另一方面,第 4 版的解释绝对是种特色,比如在新版的意思解释不清楚的话,或许第 4 版的解释会更好一些。
TA的每日心情开心 08:16签到天数: 40 天[LV.5]常住居民I
本帖最后由 yangxiups 于
08:55 编辑
9 c8 t& M& p1 l& [. l9 I
如果数据更完整就值得做了。& M. M- j' I# q* C
以现有版本试举一例;2 Z5 S+ L% G: _
OALD4 by itarcy Total entries:37231
OALD4 by sunsmile23 Total entries:20904
TA的每日心情擦汗 00:28签到天数: 1 天[LV.1]初来乍到
TA的每日心情开心 07:52签到天数: 16 天[LV.4]偶尔看看III
我手上的这个版本收词54059条$ O* q&&Z- x$ W# e7 g
TA的每日心情开心前天&14:48签到天数: 55 天[LV.5]常住居民I
TA的每日心情擦汗 00:28签到天数: 1 天[LV.1]初来乍到
; \( u/ f9 S: v( z) b. F
bgl 版本,
词头: 1007924 k&&n" f9 q* [
TA的每日心情擦汗 00:28签到天数: 1 天[LV.1]初来乍到
/ g% ^+ `0 K% K1 A2 _* A
: u" _2 m6 A+ f: E4 t- d
TA的每日心情开心 08:04签到天数: 43 天[LV.5]常住居民I
TA的每日心情开心 07:47签到天数: 47 天[LV.5]常住居民I
本帖最后由 elusty 于
10:40 编辑
OALD4很经典,中文用语更简洁、雅致、准确,词汇搭配用法标记清晰,希望能够做出一个经典MDX版本。0 x. X6 b&&J: J8 o$ B# G
OALD4中文解释更全面,更着眼于中文读者。* v* N+ p3 G* v1 ^
OALD4: ( m: x* X) p( m. e: O3 Q4 o
word forming a heading, eg the first word, in heavy type, of a dictionary entry 首词(标题或起首用的词, 如词典词条中用粗体刊出的第一个词).
a word that forms a heading in a dictionary, under which its meaning is explained/ S2 T) y! b, H. j$ K6 s
仅指出词典使用的“词条”义项* Y5 Z: V: \" q% Q
TA的每日心情擦汗 00:28签到天数: 1 天[LV.1]初来乍到
不知道这个第四版是不是比楼主刚完成的第八版更好。一般而言,新版会更好一些吧,而且排版上看,第八版已经 ...
I am going to delete O8 and use this one.
TA的每日心情开心 08:16签到天数: 40 天[LV.5]常住居民I
11.1M bgl 版从headache到headword的内容都在head条目内; x, }+ u6 V2 C3 J2 Z
7 ~7 g+ Z& i* g1 X/ J8 M: N% |&&f
# `headache n 5 `* z' m3 g5 v7 ~
continuous pain in the head 头痛: suffer from headaches 患头痛 * have a splitting headache 头痛得要命. 6 `! R* v/ {, T8 ?" i/ y: V3 ^8 s&&g
person or thing that causes worry 令人头痛的人或事物: Their son is a constant headache to them. 他们的儿子老是给他们惹麻烦.
`headband n strip of material worn around the head 束发带.
`headboard n upright panel along the head of a bed 床头板. =&illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page xvi.2 i) n6 ~4 g! g( s
`head cheese (US) = brawn 2.
`head-dress n ornamental covering or band worn on the head (装饰用的)头巾; 头饰.
`headgear n [U] hat, cap or head-dress 帽子; 头巾; 头饰.
`head-hunter n
member of a tribe that collects the heads of its enemies as trophies 收集敌人首级作为战利品的部落人.
person or firm paid to find and recruit staff at a senior level 物色、招聘高级人才的人或公司. `head-hunting n [U].
`headlamp n = headlight.
headland / 5hedlE `hZd9lAnd/ n high piece of land th promontory 岬角(突入海中的高地). =&illus at coast 见coast插图.3 T3 u# T3 B# X7 X&&Q% Z0 N( _
`headlight n (a) lamp at the front of a motor vehicle or railway engine (汽车或火车头的)头灯, 前灯. =&illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page xii. (b) beam from this 汽车或火车头前灯射出的光线: Driving without headlights at night is illegal. 夜晚行车不开亮头灯是违法的.6 D0 ^0 |( {! R1 _, ?
`headline n ) n/ P& R; K&&d+ \
[C] line of words printed in large type at the top of a page, esp in a newspaper 书刊(尤指报纸)页首的大字标题: [attrib 作定语] headline news 头版头条新闻. : [8 h' F9 @7 b' A; U
the headlines [pl] brief summary on TV or radio of the most important items of news (电视或无线电广播中的)新闻内容提要.
(idm 习语) hit/make/reach the `headlines become important or much-publicized news 成为重要新闻; 大事宣扬的新闻.
`headlong adv, adj [attrib 作定语]
with the head first 头在前(的): fall headlong 倒栽葱. # r3 w1 t$ u# N; T$ L
in a hasty and rash way 迅急莽撞(的): rush headlong into danger 不顾一切地迎着危险冲上去.. j1 ^6 H( K9 B4 O2 A! o! N
`headman / - -mAn/ n (pl -men / - -mZn/) chief man of a village, tribe, etc (村子、部落等的)首领; 村长; 酋长; 头人.&&t6 D; r+ W/ g" g5 \8 D( a: |
head`master, head`mistress ns principal man or woman in a school, responsible for organizing it (中小学的)校长./ _# ?: a& E&&g% h- C
,Head of `State (pl Heads of State) chief public representative of a country, who may also be the head of government 一国民众的领导人(亦可为ZF之首脑).
,head-`on adj, adv (a) with the front parts of twovehicles colliding (两辆机动车)正面相撞(的): a ,head-on`crash 迎头相撞的事故 * The lorries crashed head-`on. 两辆卡车迎面撞个正着. (b) with the front part of a vehicle hitting a stationary object (汽车)正面撞及固定物体(的): The car hit the tree head-`on. 汽车迎面撞到树上. * (fig 比喻) tackle a problem head-`on, ie without trying to avoid it 正视某问题加以解决(不回避问题).. ^, \( v, r" M3 k
`headphones n [pl] radio or telephone receivers held over the ears by a band f earphones 头戴式受话器; 耳机: a pair of headphones 一副耳机.
,head`quarters n [sing or pl v] (abbr 缩写 HQ) place from which an organization is controlled 总部; 司令部; 指挥部; 大本营: The firm's headquarters are in London. 总公司设在伦敦.
`head-rest n thing that supports the head of a person sitting down, eg in a car (座位上的)头垫, 头枕(如汽车中的). =&illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page xii.
`headroom n [U] overhead space, clearance 头上空间(尤指机动车的上方); 净空高度: There is not enough headroom for buses to go under this bridge. 这座桥梁下面的净空高度不够, 公共汽车不能通行.
`headscarf n (pl -scarves) scarf tied round the head, usu with a knot under the chin, worn instead of a hat 头巾.1 E' u" g8 `1 b) d% g& _
`head-set n headphones 头戴式受话器; 耳机.
`headship n position of headmaster or headmistress (中小学)校长的职位: apply for a headship 申请担任校长职务.! J" N0 ~: _; h- p5 R, O$ w
`head-shrinker n (sl 俚) psychiatrist 精神病医师或专家.
,head `start advantage given or gained at an early stage 先起步所处的有利地位; 先起步的优势: Being already able to read gave her a head start over the other pupils. 她已识字, 因而比其他学生在学习上领先一步./ A- m0 i2 `& y6 E- l' {7 U&&Z
`headstone n piece of stone placed to mark the head of a grave 墓碑.# R' o6 P, r$ Q&&R9 B2 j. c) h4 S
`head-waters n [pl] tributary stream or streams forming the sources of a river 河源的支流; 源头.
`headway n [U] progress, esp in difficult circumstances 进步, 进展(尤指在困难条件下所取得者): We are making little headway with the negotiations. 我们在谈判中没有取得什么进展. * The boat made slow headway against the tide. 那船逆着潮水缓慢地前进.+ {/ d7 e7 G3 j0 o: ^5 O& V- ]
`head wind wind blowing from directly in front 顶头风; 逆风. Cf 参看 tail wind (tail).( i5 ]) k! t. W+ N7 T: i# J& z
`headword n word forming a heading, eg the first word, in heavy type, of a dictionary entry 首词(标题或起首用的词, 如词典词条中用粗体刊出的第一个词).&&U" g& D8 S. v( q$ |, X
head 2复制代码/ j, r8 @$ q&&Z( n" C6 \
Lang的这版可以查到(目前只在GD中测试),但不是单独词条,同样在head条目之中7 ^6 H8 _4 P$ d# O
来自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第四版6 K+ t5 G. }# M+ S- }
n 6 J# c&&K) m9 T+ r
continuous pain in the head 头痛:
suffer from headaches 患头痛
have a splitting headache 头痛得要命.
person or thing that causes worry 令人头痛的人或事物:: x0 R* Z- K3 n* r: H
Their son is a constant headache to them. 他们的儿子老是给他们惹麻烦.5 U9 V* `& U6 ^* O
head 2 / hɛd/
v 6 E0 j6 _3 z&&_. m
[Tn] 【a】 be at the front or top of (sth) 在(某事物)的前部或顶部:
head a procession 在队伍的前列/ W* Y* s1 _. F3 o, B
Smith's name headed the list. 史密斯的名字在名单的最上端.4 U7 J; N; Z9 C5 k& J2 N
【b】 be in charge of or lead (sth) 主管或领导(某事物):* U% s. \& o, J! t. Y
head a rebellion, government, delegation 领导叛乱、ZF、代表团.
[Tn esp passive 尤用于被动语态] give a heading to (a letter, etc) 给(信等)加上信头、标题等:8 C+ r4 Z- V$ ~- B+ \8 U# e
The chapter was headed `My Early Life'. 这一章的标题是‘我早年的生活’.
[Ipr, Ip] move in the specified direction 朝某方向行进:
Where are you heading/headed? 你往哪儿走?& \- Y0 e( L6 }
head south, back to camp, away from the town, towards home, etc 朝南、回营地、城外、家里等的方向走.
[Tn] strike (the ball) with one's head in football (足球比赛中)用头顶(球)." T/ I&&b! h% q, C6 |1 |
(idm 习语)
○head/top the bill →bill1.
○head for...
move towards (a place) 向(某处)行进:
The boat was heading for some rocks. 那船正驶向礁石.
He headed straight for the bar. 他径直朝酒吧间走去.1 u& J5 f) q2 I% G( F* M3 M
(fig 比喻) Is the world heading for disaster? 世界正面临灾难吗?/ O' T9 {- {) k
○head sb/sth off + \8 Y, h/ B$ c( e. n( F
get in front of sb/sth so as to turn him/it back or aside 当头拦阻某人[某物](使其折返或转向):1 b% p) b&&x% c/ M
head off enemy troops, reporters, an angry mob, etc 拦截敌军、拦阻记者、拦住气势汹汹的暴徒8 M% a, d' S* t1 t% |) {% P8 f
head off a flock of sheep, ie to prevent them from going the wrong way 拦阻羊群(以防其走错方向)
(fig 比喻) head off (ie prevent or forestall) a quarrel 防止争吵.6 L4 x0 _&&b1 n, |
1 / hɛd/
n 1 P, L3 N7 H$ K8 Q( e
【a】 [C] part of the body containing the eyes, nose, mouth and brain 头; 头部:
He fell and hit his head. 他摔著了脑袋.
The ball hit her on the head. 那球打在她头上了.
My head aches. 我头痛. →illus 见插图.0 G9 Y- J& {. x3 x
【b】 a head [sing] this as a measure of length 一个头部之长度(量度单位):
The Queen's horse won by a head. 女王的马以一马头之距领先获胜.9 X1 ?7 T' Z* I( q, X; L
Tom is taller than John by a head. 汤姆比约翰高一个头." u&&l* N. C. `: X7 E
[C] (infml 口) headache 头痛:
I've got a terrible head this morning. 我今早头痛得厉害.
[C] mind 理解力; 智力; 想像力; 头脑:4 E' e7 L8 h9 Y" M&&V1 V, g" e
Use your head, ie Think. 动动脑筋.
The thought never entered my head. 我从来没有过这种想法.& Z; W2 k# G6 y7 `8 h' a, ^# u# b
[sing] mental ability or natural talent as specified 某方面的才智或天资:+ _% |5 H) {- g
have a good head for business, figures, etc 很有经商、计算等的天才
have no head for heights, ie feel giddy and frightened in high places, eg on top of a cliff 登高(如身临悬崖之上)会头晕和胆怯.
heads [sing v] side of a coin with the head of a person on it 漫面(硬币有人头像的一面):
We tossed a coin (eg to decide sth by chance) and it came down heads. 我们把硬币一掷(如以此法决定某事), 落下后是漫面朝上.
Cf 参看 tails (tail 6).7 a: {6 z8 S+ U$ `
【a】 a head [sing] individual person 一人:" W- o2 T6 A) }; c2 F
dinner at 15 a head 每人15英镑的饭菜.
【b】 [pl v] individual animal in a herd or flock (禽兽群中的)头, 只:$ z0 e# j* e9 m8 |0 K( Q
50 head of cattle 50头牛.6 T( n# L&&w$ v5 `4 X$ P) p
[C] thing like a head in form or position, eg the flattened end of a pin etc, the striking or cutting part of a tool, the mass of leaves or flowers at the top of a stem 形状或位置似头之物(如大头针等之平端、工具之打击或切割部分、植物茎梗顶部之叶或花):. V& N9 T) _& {$ b& I
the head of a nail, hammer, axe, etc 钉子、锤子、斧子等的头
cut off the dead heads (of the roses) 把枯萎了的(玫瑰)花从茎梗上割掉9 U* u4 @, p5 W&&S
a cabbage-head 一棵洋白菜.
[C] foam on the top of poured beer, etc (倒出的啤酒等上面的)泡沫.0 \' j' t) v6 w' ~8 k' c5 Q8 o
[C] device on a tape-recorder that touches the moving magnetic tape and converts the electrical signals into sound (录音机的)磁头., [" V7 H/ o
[C] top part of a boil or swelling on the skin 疖子或皮肤上的脓肿的隆起部分:; b1 _- ]$ A9 N( ^% I4 _; S: q3 C
The pimple came to a head before bursting. 丘疹长成脓包后才破裂.
[C usu sing 通常作单数] top or highest part 上端; 顶端:
the title at the head of the page 该页上端的标题
stand at the head of the stairs 站在台阶的顶部, q$ ?4 }( t$ V7 M- F8 p) R
at the head of the poll, ie having received most votes in an election 获得最多的选票.
[C] more important or prominent end 较重要或较突出的一端:3 x&&J, S% }& b' P" C, e5 L
My father took his place at the head of the table. 我父亲坐在上首.. f% ^* A- L4 T! y* @6 U0 _8 r
Place the pillows at the head of the bed. 把枕头放置在床头./ e* W/ u9 Q% h: s5 E) K&&f( N
the head of the lake, ie where a river enters it 湖的源头(河水流入该湖之处).
[sing] 【a】 leading part in
front (行列或军队的)领头部分, 前列:% ]4 R( c& r&&I- p$ g6 z' F$ D
be at the head of a queue 位居排头, r. o+ [7 L7 l. a+ F7 s& ~
march at the head of the regiment 在团队的前排行进.& K/ H- j1 l. p/ ~! v5 A
【b】 (fig 比喻) chief position 领导地位:
be at the head of one's profession 在本专业中居领先地位.8 C9 J* H, V- X- v& R: s
[C] 【a】 chief person of a group or organization, etc 某集体或组织等的领导人:
the head of the family 家长
a meeting of the heads of government ZF首脑会议' c2 q0 z9 z. Y! Y4 ~
a gathering of the crowned heads (ie kings or queens) of Europe 欧洲各国国王的聚会1 R; g0 e# \' Z0 I+ g+ f
[attrib 作定语] head waiter 服务员的领班/ r1 E3 C' O( G5 l
head office, ie chief place of a business 总公司.! h( r+ X: J0 f- V
【b】 (also Head) chief person in headmasteror headmistress (中小学或学院的)领导人, 校长:% Z( n: g6 v# D7 Y" \$ b
Report to the Head immediately! 马上报告校长!&&r' G! F( q" J+ J( }/ Z0 [' C
[C usu sing 通常作单数] 【a】 mass of water kept at a certain height (eg for a water-mill or a hydro-electric power station) (保持一定高度的)水头(如用作水磨或水电站之动力的); 水的落差; 水压.
【b】 confined body of steam for exerting pressure 蒸气压力:' ]$ w5 W# k+ \/ O
They kept up a good head of steam. 他们把蒸气压力保持在所需的水平上.3 a% j) r% \, `0 {/ r7 x
[C usu sing 通常作单数] (in place names) cape (用于地名)岬, 海角:6 K& o$ Q! B- s" r+ i- k
Beachy Head 比奇角.
[C] main division in a lecture, an essay, heading (演讲、文章等的)主要部分, 标题:% \5 m- u' Q: Z. R
a speech arranged under five heads 分为五个部分的讲话./ ^1 ]8 k' h6 ^; E1 _7 b
(idm 习语)
○above/over one's `head
too difficult to understand 难以理解:8 y+ e1 ^' b, K# ]# B/ U
The lecture was/went way above my head. 这演讲太深奥, 我理解不了.
○bang, etc one's head against a brick `wall
(infml 口) continue vainly trying to achieve sth in spite of several unsuccessful attempts 以头撞墙(尽管屡次失败, 仍然枉费心机地试图做成某事); 徒劳无益.
○be/stand head and `shoulders above sb/sth
be very much better, cleverer, etc than (others) 比(他人)好、聪明...得多; 鹤立鸡群.9 w0 r: r. o# {# S, w
○bite sb's head off →bite1.9 c. X6 e. \1 G: ?' L7 H+ {
○bother one's head/oneself about sth →bother.
○bring sth/come to a `head
bring sth to/reach a climax 使某事物达到顶点:
The atmosphere in the office had been tense for some time but this latest dismissal brought matters to a head. 办事处的气氛已紧张一段时日, 而最近解雇员工一事使事态的发展达到了顶点.
○bury one's head in the sand →bury.&&z, I, T* L
○by a short head →short1.' w9 f2 {! Q* \- ^
○drive sth into sb's head →drive1.# \: g$ J6 M9 ~1 l3 L( [& v
○drum sth into sb/sb's head →drum2.
○from ,head to `foot/`toe 7 L, h- N, J: c- W4 m/ q. Z
over the whole length of one's body 从头到脚; 全身:
The children were covered in mud from head to toe. 孩子们全身沾满了污泥., X% @1 m5 D$ R) h, |
Cf 参看 from top to toe (top 1).
○get it into one's head that...
understand fully...; realize... 充分了解到...; 认识到...:
I wish he'd get it into his head that exams are important. 但愿他能认识到考试是至关重要的.
○give sb his `head 1 z4 R7 K! S* |% F1 P6 P
let sb move or act freely 让某人随意而为.& o5 v1 G; M2 D* p+ r9 k& t
○go to one's `head 2 U! {4 t! O) ~* ^* }" k
【a】 (of alcoholic drink) make one dizzy or slightly drunk (指酒)上头, 使人有醉意:
The whisky went straight to my head. 威士忌酒喝得我晕头转向.: m( e* c% P
【b】 (of success) make one conceited or too confident (指成功)使人自负或过于自信:
All that praise has really gone to her head. 那些赞扬的确冲昏了她的头脑., ~1 y! T+ r( H# Z1 w
○harm, etc a hair of sb's head →hair.
○have eyes in the back of one's head →eye1.
○have a good, etc head of `hair
have a full, etc covering of hair on the head 有一头浓密等的头发.
○have a good `head on one's shoulders 4 H' e) W5 N8 D# b4 K) V
have practical ability, common sense, etc 有实际才能、常识等.% V, }9 e&&H0 \/ a. T/ Z
○have one's head in the `clouds / o/ G4 a/ j" v7 v5 R& K
have one' be day-dreaming 想入非非; 做白日梦.# Q. `# V* M( z
○have one's `head screwed on (the right way)
(infml 口) be sensible 头脑清醒.
○have a level head →level1.' ]# L' q* z& y9 g' ]& u
○have a swollen head →swell.4 {# ~6 ^4 x( q& b' R) e$ [( [: X
○have, etc a thick head →thick.
○head `first " Z; b$ R! b$ _6 d$ s
【a】 (plunging, etc) with one's head before the rest of one's body (跳水等)头在前的:
She fell head first down the stairs. 她摔倒了, 一头栽下楼梯.
【b】 rashly 仓促地; 轻率地.
○head over `heels
【a】 rolling the body over in a forward direction 向前翻跟斗./ ]* o7 s% B+ ]& R* L1 F9 N' C
【b】 completely 完全地:. D1 Q2 a8 _. e" E2 q
She's head over heels in `love (with him). 她深深地爱上了(他).3 Y* L: e+ G) ]# C: y8 i6 z2 I
○,heads I `win, ,tails you `lose 9 |" Z&&?) C) R" H6 n
(saying 谚) I win whatever happens 正面我赢, 反面你输(反正都是我赢; 我赢定了).6 h: k/ a% d( k/ B
○heads or `tails?
said when spinning a coin to decide sth by chance 要正面还是反面? (旋转钱币决定某事物时说的).- T* [/ z, ]5 a+ d, H
○`heads will roll (for sth)
some people will be punished (because of sth) 有些人(因某事)要倒霉.( W1 m: o7 a+ U8 Y& }- e
○heap coals of fire on sb's head →heap v.
○hit the nail on the head →hit1.1 [* C7 }8 J7 d' {9 ^0 [
○hold one's `head high # {2 O) c) }6 d- W
show pride in one's achievements, worth, ability, not feel ashamed 为自己的成就、价值、才干等而骄傲; 无愧于人.0 ]& M0 n5 J5 M3 p
○hold a pistol to sb's head →pistol.& j, N- ]& q5 F- A2 v
○in one's `head
in one's memory (not in writing) 在记忆中(而不是写下的):
How do you keep all those telephone numbers in your head? 你是怎样把那些电话号码都记住的?
○keep one's `head
remain calm in a crisis (在危机中)保持镇定.7 Q/ `/ _, Q. `
○keep one's head above water
stay out of debt, difficulty, etc 未举债、未陷入困境等:$ @6 c9 e1 C" y. D* w
I'm managing to keep my head above water, though I'm not earning much. 我尽管收入不多, 却能设法不欠债.) m( D' w% q2 j2 g8 d
○keep one's `head down
avoid danger or distraction 避免危险; 防止分心.
○knock sb's block/head off →knock2.3 W/ v) h2 z5 N3 k5 E' w
○knock your/their heads together →knock 2.$ Y8 h& F8 T, m
○laugh, scream, etc one's `head off $ x7 e, D- Z0 B0 B- M& k+ i6 S7 O
(infml 口) laugh, scream, etc loudly 大笑、大叫等.
○like a bear with a sore head →bear1.
○lose one's `head →lose.
○make head or `tail of sth : w# Q0 f" u2 ^" q
understand sth 理解某事物:; k6 y0 i, [" W- F0 f: t+ A! T6 y
I can't make head (n)or tail of these instructions. 我对这说明书摸不著头脑.
○need, etc (to have) one's `head examined
(infml 口) show oneself to be stupid or crazy 需要检查一下脑子; 冒傻气:
He swims in the sea in winter he ought to have his head examined! 他冬天在海里游泳--真是冒傻气.
○not right in the/one's head →right1.
○off one's `head 6 p2 K3 |0 k- b8 f- V' s
(infml 口) very foolish 精神错乱的; 愚不可及的:&&x9 I9 F; L/ D- j" Z4 E5 \
He's (gone) off his head! 他发疯了.1 Q$ b* a' m$ H$ M6 O
○off the top of one's head →top 1.& t2 n9 [: v! g, @( T+ a, y& K
○an old head on young shoulders →old.* t9 D. n9 x$ r&&D, A" m" ?
○on sb's/one's (own) head be it! c" O( P& U: z. u1 G/ u0 Q
sb/one will be responsible for any unpleasant consequences某人[自己]将承担一切后果:) H3 g) K% s% u, V) B" Q3 W
You wanted to try this new route, not me, so on your head be it. 是你要试一试这条新路线的, 与我无关, 所以该由你负责.
○,over sb's `head . r$ M&&i! v5 B9 v( T+ V$ `2 O
to a position of authority higher than sb (升)至比某人高的职位; 超越某人:9 x# y8 [; A; \% K2 I
I couldn't help feeling jealous when she was promoted over my head. 她获提升后职位比我高, 我压抑不住忌妒的心情.* k& F. |4 q& Y
When her boss refused to listen to her she went over his head to the managing director. 领班拒不听取她的意见, 她就越过他去找总经理.
head 14 Y7 _, D! Q# t2 k- ^
1 / hɛd/
n 8 ]: X' c4 p& l- v* u. ~
a price on sb's head →price.* y+ w( \- }* t/ m7 W4 v
put one's head in the noose
allow oneself to be caught 自投罗网; 找死.
put our/your/their `heads together + N9 N' G) a% r&&m! u' ?
exch consult together 交流思想; 交换意见; 合议:
I'm sure we can solve the problem if we all put our heads together. 我相信, 只要我们大家集思广益, 就能使问题迎刃而解.
put sth into sb's `head
suggest sth to sb 使某人相信某事物; 向某人提出某事物:
Who's been putting such ideas into your head? 是谁给你出的这个主意?' J! C+ F( ?. @$ v) S
put sth out of one's `head
sto give up (a plan, etc) 不再考虑某事物; 放弃(计画等):
You'd better put the idea of marriage out of your head. 你最好打消结婚的念头." n' A/ ~' j4 o2 g
put sth out of sb's/one's `head ' N% t9 Y" K: R8 E2 U; [% j) ~
make sb/one forget sth 使某人[自己]忘掉某事物:4 }: M$ ?8 l1 A
An interruption put it quite out of my head. 一打岔我就把这事全忘了.
scratch one's head →scratch1.
shake one's head →shake1.
(do sth) standing on one's `head ) @4 [" J: {" m! d/ n3 \* x
(infml 口) (do sth) very easily (做某事)轻而易举:
She could pass the exam standing on her head. 她不费吹灰之力就可以考及格.
stand/turn sth on its `head
reverse the expected order of sth 颠倒某事物预期的秩序:! S, R. ^1 @* R2 G4 x& Z
She stood our argument on its head. 她驳倒了我们的论点.&&S' H) T&&|: B6 p9 Y
take it into one's head to do sth/that... 5 {+ L4 o0 K. N( V& i
decide (esp sth unexpected or foolish) 决定做(尤指不该做的事或蠢事); (错误地)认定:
She suddenly took it into her head to dye her hair green. 她突然心血来潮要把头发染成绿色.&&~3 E1 U9 [! c4 G# i& Y" h
He's taken it into his head that I'm spreading rumours about him. 他一直认为我在散播关于他的谣言.
talk one's/sb's head off →talk2.
turn sb's `head
make sb conceited 使某人骄傲自满:+ e* z" K6 T) K
The success of his first novel completely turned his head. 他第一部小说很成功, 便得意忘形了.
two heads are better than `one + D&&C8 _: o5 v( `( n
(saying 谚) two people working together achieve more than one person working alone 两个脑袋总比一个脑袋强; 三个臭皮匠胜过诸葛亮.8 \3 t! h- u$ ]( U% t+ L+ e# f&&t
weak in the head →weak.
(in compound adjs 用以构成复合形容词) having a head or heads as specified 有某种样子的头的:1 r) j. }! m&&A( {% f4 [
a bald-headed man." B' E; R. ~; ~" {: k/ }. C&&o
■headless adj
having no head 无头的.
■`headache n
continuous pain in the head 头痛:9 F- Q, _8 _0 v- ?5 ]
suffer from headaches 患头痛
have a splitting headache 头痛得要命.
person or thing that causes worry 令人头痛的人或事物:& m3 W$ k5 ]+ e7 h- o
Their son is a constant headache to them. 他们的儿子老是给他们惹麻烦.
■`headband n
strip of material worn around the head 束发带.
■`headboard n
upright panel along the head of a bed 床头板.
⇒illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page xvi.2 N&&p. V/ r3 j/ O: @&&J
■`head cheese 5 i* x9 v( D3 F
(US) →brawn 2.& B; Z8 b$ a9 A' B9 B2 D4 E
■`head-dress n
ornamental covering or band worn on the head (装饰用的)头巾; 头饰.$ k7 ~6 f8 m7 J3 F7 l
■`headgear n
[U] hat, cap or head-dress 帽子; 头巾; 头饰.5 z&&R6 _&&O9 s/ K' Z
■`head-hunter n : C- \5 f- h& z' y&&G# F& O9 S' K0 u
member of a tribe that collects the heads of its enemies as trophies 收集敌人首级作为战利品的部落人.! l, p1 O. o6 `/ C! u% q9 n
person or firm paid to find and recruit staff at a senior level 物色、招聘高级人才的人或公司.7 c" z( U. w+ v. k2 E- T
○`head-hunting n [U].
■`headlamp n
=headlight.1 Z6 V. A, @3 m7 e&&G4 G# x
■headland4 {2 N- ^- ~3 b% z9 b& \
/ˈhedlə `hɛdˌlænd/
n & g&&Q0 P9 |5 y5 H% i& U
high piece of land th promontory 岬角(突入海中的高地).
⇒illus at coast 见coast插图.' B4 l7 |9 t2 H- {5 t
■`headlight n
【a】 lamp at the front of a motor vehicle or railway engine (汽车或火车头的)头灯, 前灯.
⇒illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page xii.
【b】 beam from this 汽车或火车头前灯射出的光线:$ d! {8 t6 ?4 E; |! a( t) v
Driving without headlights at night is illegal. 夜晚行车不开亮头灯是违法的.
■`headline n 0 P0 X7 W* \# J$ w
[C] line of words printed in large type at the top of a page, esp in a newspaper 书刊(尤指报纸)页首的大字标题:8 {+ W! E3 L& o
[attrib 作定语] headline news 头版头条新闻.
the headlines [pl] brief summary on TV or radio of the most important items of news (电视或无线电广播中的)新闻内容提要.
(idm 习语)
○hit/make/reach the `headlines 1 R& ], E/ W1 T* T' c( R
become important or much-publicized news 成为重要新闻; 大事宣扬的新闻.
■`headlong adv, adj [attrib 作定语]
with the head first 头在前(的):! I2 G, x/ C+ T
fall headlong 倒栽葱.. |4 H' v8 B3 j' H( z
in a hasty and rash way 迅急莽撞(的):/ b: G& K* l+ g3 |8 U
rush headlong into danger 不顾一切地迎著危险冲上去.! H$ _+ G* G) v/ c! v5 `
/- -mæn/2 S2 [- o& @3 Y( ^; R1 ~7 ~
n (pl -men /- -mɛn/) chief man of a village, tribe, etc (村子、部落等的)首领; 村长; 酋长; 头人.
■head`master,head`mistress ns
principal man or woman in a school, responsible for organizing it (中小学的)校长.
■,Head of `State
(pl Heads of State) chief public representative of a country, who may also be the head of government 一国民众的领导人(亦可为ZF之首脑).
■,head-`on adj, adv 9 A& U! N) D% W&&k( F9 s/ w
【a】 with the front parts of twovehicles colliding (两辆机动车)正面相撞(的):+ [9 l&&R! ^& U# O9 z
a ,head-on`crash 迎头相撞的事故
The lorries crashed head-`on. 两辆卡车迎面撞个正著.; v$ [) Y% x) a&&E( O
【b】 with the front part of a vehicle hitting a stationary object (汽车)正面撞及固定物体(的):$ Z5 ^&&J! e* i( ]
The car hit the tree head-`on. 汽车迎面撞到树上.( D4 n. K+ e" V* c% M: P&&s
(fig 比喻) tackle a problem head-`on, ie without trying to avoid it 正视某问题加以解决(不回避问题).* B! a' V) a/ C+ A% u
■`headphones n & H/ K* C4 b5 Z) k5 F/ v' `
[pl] radio or telephone receivers held over the ears by a band f earphones 头戴式受话器; 耳机:' n' O! ?; @' ?4 |% I$ I
a pair of headphones 一副耳机." W0 R: [' C, z* w
■,head`quarters n % |) m" Q" w" j( E7 y
[sing or pl v] (abbr 缩写 HQ) place from which an organization is controlled 总部; 司令部; 指挥部; 大本营:
The firm's headquarters are in London. 总公司设在伦敦.
■`head-rest n . a/ }9 P: N& a1 @- k9 U) f# f, v
thing that supports the head of a person sitting down, eg in a car (座位上的)头垫, 头枕(如汽车中的).. d9 D3 z# x" ^2 s: B
⇒illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page xii.' i/ |4 e' }( v( T+ k8 @
■`headroom n
[U] overhead space, clearance 头上空间(尤指机动车的上方); 净空高度:
There is not enough headroom for buses to go under this bridge. 这座桥梁下面的净空高度不够, 公共汽车不能通行.6 `: b. ^/ W0 J% ?3 ]: J
■`headscarf n (pl -scarves) scarf tied round the head, usu with a knot under the chin, worn instead of a hat 头巾.
■`head-set n 1 @4 Q3 _2 ]; K! o! u2 r
headphones 头戴式受话器; 耳机.
■`headship n # F8 ?5 M. T, S; Q6 q/ }
position of headmaster or headmistress (中小学)校长的职位:8 F&&W& \+ b" k% c- P: `
apply for a headship 申请担任校长职务.. P2 ~) _2 w) M) d3 \" c- A: l
■`head-shrinker n (sl 俚) psychiatrist 精神病医师或专家.
■,head `start 0 F2 B/ C! g. j
advantage given or gained at an early stage 先起步所处的有利地位; 先起步的优势:
Being already able to read gave her a head start over the other pupils. 她已识字, 因而比其他学生在学习上领先一步.0 C2 d9 I" }& c- Z4 B
■`headstone n - d/ s& q" Q7 c8 E- f&&~
piece of stone placed to mark the head of a grave 墓碑.5 x7 x% d% J5 }! J, B) N
■`head-waters n / G0 i9 M: r&&d: ~5 r
[pl] tributary stream or streams forming the sources of a river 河源的支流; 源头.( A2 w, j0 a) {! X9 o7 t
■`headway n
[U] progress, esp in difficult circumstances 进步, 进展(尤指在困难条件下所取得者):&&p. R6 N$ l1 C' X- C% C
We are making little headway with the negotiations. 我们在谈判中没有取得什么进展.
The boat made slow headway against the tide. 那船逆著潮水缓慢地前进.) M0 N) Y8 q% f2 r9 X
■`head wind
wind blowing from directly in front 顶头风; 逆风.
Cf 参看 tail wind (tail).
■`headword n / R- \$ x. |7 H* L3 A0 F( q
word forming a heading, eg the first word, in heavy type, of a dictionary entry 首词(标题或起首用的词, 如词典词条中用粗体刊出的第一个词).复制代码
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* O# Z; `& N" i/ `0 z. M
9 R9 Z, H0 D' F0 _&&]8 O
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/ L2 n" Y7 q3 Z* o+ X
第四版的动词用法模式,例如: [Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr] ,如果不全部都记住的话,必须随时翻阅书籍前面的索引, ...
望有纸版的童鞋帮忙扫描提供“Tn, Dn.n, Dn.pr” 等速写的说明。
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这个数据我也费了很多时间,原始数据貌似是ocr的,所以在纸质版断行的地方, ...
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