犯罪类雅思作文 青少年犯罪中的clean street是什么意思

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What a Clean CityBeijing,the capital city of China,is my dream city since my childhood.Last June,fortunately,I had the opportunity to go to Beijing.What impressed me most was not only how large the city is but also how organized it is.Being such a large city,there are so many tall buildings and various nice cars in the street,as well as crowded people all over the city.However,to my surprise,all these make up a city that is so clean and beautiful.The streets are so clean that there isn't any garbage in it,the sky is so blue without clouds,and even the toilets are clean and even fragrant.I am so impressed by Beijing.Morever,I will never forget citizens of Beijing who have so high moral awareness to maintain the cleanness of the city.
My city is
Beautiful and clean.The road is long and wide at the waterside.
Social life of information technology and economic globalization, the growing importance of English. English as one of the most important information carriers, in all areas of human life has become th...
很多考生在写作时完全是随性地想到什么就写什么,结果造成写出来的句子前言不搭后语,跳跃性 太强,让人读起来似懂非懂。针对这个问题,我设计了Clean & Clear写作法,建议考生在清晰的结 &构上写出有关联性、条理性的句子来解释论证自己的观点。这里的Clean代表的就是结构,Clear代 表的就是逻辑。
在教学中,我发现很多考生都有一个集中的问题&&主题段拓展方式单一,延伸性差,往往就只能写三句话:一句写&论点&,一句写&因为&,一句写&所以&。其实除了用这种典型的&因果论证&来自圆其说之外,我们还可以通过比较、对比、举例,假设等方式来论证自己的观点,甚至还可以将其中两种论证方式混合使用。掌握了不同的论证方式,你的思路会更加开阔,这时你会觉得雅思写作又为你打开了一扇通向胜利的大门,这也是为什么我把Chapter 4称之为&进阶时刻&。
很多考生都有这样一种感觉:Native speakers写得范文地道,但不好模仿。国内老师写得好模仿,但总觉得不够地道。为了解决这个尴尬的现象,本书为考生专门定制了一批范文。所有范文首先力求八字原则:文从字顺,逻辑通达。
Chapter 1 了解雅思写作&游戏规则&:从写给&大鹏&同学的信开始&
Chapter 2 议论文学习&高速通道&
2.1 通用议论文的组成和特点(The argumentative essay)
2.2 议论文常用术语
2.3 表达正负能量的标志性词汇
2.4 &雅思文艺青年&应有的&学术范儿&句型
2.5 让你在1分钟内完成谋篇布局的思维方式
Chapter 3 核心竞争力:Task 2之Clean & Clear写作法
3.1 Clean & Clear写作法介绍
3.2 什么是Clean & Clear写作法?
3.3 Clean & Clear写作法应用
Chapter 4 开头段和中间段进阶时刻&&Task 2目标:7.0
4.1 最自然的开头方式
4.2 中间段拓展之惑
4.3 中间段拓展之因果论证
4.4 中间段拓展之举例论证
4.5 中间段拓展之比较和对比论证
4.6 中间段拓展之假设论证
Chapter 5 Task 2地道范文及解析
5.1 教育类
5.2 文化类
5.3 社会类
5.4 科技类
5.5 政府类
5.6 环境与健康
5.7 女性话题
5.8 犯罪类话题
5.9 媒体类话题
Chapter 6 &模板姐&的逆袭&&最具教育意义的雅思博文
Chapter 7 雅思写作议论文必备功能词汇
Chapter 8 助你一臂之力的图表题&&Task 1目标:8.0
8.1 图表题必备知识
8.2 曲线图:时间造就趋势
8.3 柱状图:横纵两种有区别
8.4 表格题:&大佬和小弟&的对比
8.5 饼图:不仅仅是百分比
8.6 流程图就像&学做饭&
8.7 地图题就是玩儿&找茬儿&
Chapter 9 Task 1 高分范文大补丁
Chapter 10 G类书信写作
10.1 书信格式与称呼
10.2 书信目的与语气
10.3 书信写作分段
10.4 G类书信范文
& 雅思写作答题纸(The answer sheet)
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A 14-year-old young who seriously damaged school was made to clean streets as a punishment. Do you think young criminals should be sent to prison or there are alternative forms of punishment?
Young people who commit serious crimes, such as a robbery or a violent attack should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Young people who commit serious crimes such as robbery or a violent attack should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students the danger of committing a crime. Do you agree or disagree?
People are afraid to leave their homes for fear of crimes. Some people believe that more action should be taken to prevent crimes while others think that little could be done. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Children are committing more crimes. What are the causes? How to punish them?
Some think most crime is the result of circumstances e.g. poverty and other social problems. Other believe that most crime is caused by people who are bad by nature. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the sme way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In most countries,prison is an effective solution to the problem of crime. Some people think it is a more effective solution to provide education for those who violate the law. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many people areafraid to leave home because of crimes. Some believe that more action should betaken to prevent crimes, but others feel little can be done. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Nowadays many individuals in our society behave in an anti-social way such as committing crimes. What are the causes of this? Who should take responsibility for dealing with it?
The government should control the amount of violence in films and ontelevision in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In many parts of the world children and teenages are committing more crimes,what are the causes? How should these young criminals be punished?
1. 青少年犯罪,共出现6次。包括:(1)青少年犯罪的原因及其解决办法;(2)青少年犯罪是否应该与成年人犯罪一样得到惩罚;(3)青少年犯罪后是否该收监,或者有其他的惩罚形式?
2. 一般犯罪的原因及解决办法,共3次。包括:(1)人们犯罪的原因是什么?(2)犯罪是环境使然还是天性使然?
3. 一般犯罪的解决办法,共3次。包括:(1)犯罪能否避免?(2)避免犯罪,最好的办法是将犯人收监还是对人们实施教育?
4. 其他,共1次。出狱后的犯人能否成为教育青少年避免犯罪的典范?
commit a crime 犯罪
criminal 罪犯
victim 受害者
violate the law 违法
consequence 后果
juvenile crime 青少年犯罪
youngster 年轻人
teenager 青少年
punishment 惩罚(n.)
capital punishment 死刑
life imprisonment 无期徒刑;终身监禁
law-abiding citizens 守法的公民
crime (murder, theft,robbery, bribery, etc)
A 14-year-old young who seriously damaged school was made to clean streets as a punishment. Do you think young criminals should be sent to prison or there are alternative forms of punishment?
Young people who commit serious crimes, such as a robbery or a violent attack should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Young people who commit serious crimes such as robbery or a violent attack should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students the danger of committing a crime. Do you agree or disagree?
People are afraid to leave their homes for fear of crimes. Some people believe that more action should be taken to prevent crimes while others think that little could be done. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Children are committing more crimes. What are the causes? How to punish them?
Some think most crime is the result of circumstances e.g. poverty and other social problems. Other believe that most crime is caused by people who are bad by nature. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the sme way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In most countries,prison is an effective solution to the problem of crime. Some people think it is a more effective solution to provide education for those who violate the law. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many people areafraid to leave home because of crimes. Some believe that more action should betaken to prevent crimes, but others feel little can be done. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Nowadays many individuals in our society behave in an anti-social way such as committing crimes. What are the causes of this? Who should take responsibility for dealing with it?
The government should control the amount of violence in films and ontelevision in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In many parts of the world children and teenages are committing more crimes,what are the causes? How should these young criminals be punished?
1. 青少年犯罪,共出现6次。包括:(1)青少年犯罪的原因及其解决办法;(2)青少年犯罪是否应该与成年人犯罪一样得到惩罚;(3)青少年犯罪后是否该收监,或者有其他的惩罚形式?
2. 一般犯罪的原因及解决办法,共3次。包括:(1)人们犯罪的原因是什么?(2)犯罪是环境使然还是天性使然?
3. 一般犯罪的解决办法,共3次。包括:(1)犯罪能否避免?(2)避免犯罪,最好的办法是将犯人收监还是对人们实施教育?
4. 其他,共1次。出狱后的犯人能否成为教育青少年避免犯罪的典范?
commit a crime 犯罪
criminal 罪犯
victim 受害者
violate the law 违法
consequence 后果
juvenile crime 青少年犯罪
youngster 年轻人
teenager 青少年
punishment 惩罚(n.)
capital punishment 死刑
life imprisonment 无期徒刑;终身监禁
law-abiding citizens 守法的公民
crime (murder, theft,robbery, bribery, etc)


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