really why did youi lie to you!

LietXRussia Fanfiction by KamikazeWorld on DeviantArt
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Nov 21, :20 PM
When Lithuania had been called to Russia's office, he had not expected this. (Well, somewhere deep down, since he was used to it) Russia was sitting in his chair, smiling, with a bottle of vodka in his hand. Around him was 4 more bottles of vodka. They were all empty.Russia waved to him, told him to come in. Lithuania gulped and walked further into the room."W-what did you want, Mister Russia?" he asked nervously. Russia held out a bottle."Want some?" he asked. Lithuania shook his head as no, making the much taller man a little disappointed. Noticing this, Lithuania quickly changed his mind."B-but on second thought…! Why not?" He tried his best to smile. It wasn't that hard anymore. He just had to be really careful with his actions and choice of word. Russia could be very… scary while drunk. He accepted the bottle of vodka that Russia held out and looked around, feeling awkward. It was already dark outside, snow beginning to pile down. He really didn't want to be stuck with a drunken Russia tonight again…But this night was different. Russia wasn't acting like he usually did while drunk (namely abusing poor Liet). No, this night was completely different.Russia was staring out the window. None of them said much, and Lithuania barely touched his glass that was half-filled with vodka (He really didn't like it, but he could never tell Russia that). Instead they sat there with an awkward silence hanging in the chilly air around them. Then Russia spoke up."Lithuania, do you like me?" Lithuania, who was completely in his own thoughts, reacted to his name and looked up at Russia, a little chocked."Y-yes, of course I do!" he said. Russia turned to face him, eyes clouded with sadness."Don't lie to me." His voice was low, but not threatening at all. He smiled, but it wasn't the usual smile. Lithuania shook his head."I'm not lying! Why would I…" he started but was cut off by Russia's voice again."I know what people think about me. I know what they say behind my back. Many want me out of their way…""I'm sure that's not true, Mister Russia!" Lithuania quickly cut in. "Many people like you, I know it!" He tried to force a smile, feeling stupid for lying about such a matter. But it was necessary.Russia now stood up and glared at Lithuania, who knew that he could only expect the worst now."I said stop lying!" he shouted. He threw the bottle to the ground, making it shatter and the vodka spilling all over the floor. "I know that people hate me! They all do!" he continued. His voice was breaking and the whole situation wanted Lithuania to just run away. But he couldn't. He could never run from Russia. But the next words coming from the big mans mouth took Liet with surprise. It wasn't more than a whisper, but loud enough for the brunette to hear it. "And I know you hate me too, Lithuania…" he was looking straight at him, eyes piercing him. Liet quietly stood up and opened his mouth to talk."I don't hate you." He saw Russia walking close to him, raising his arm. Lithuania closed his eyes hard as a stinging pain hit his cheek. He forced back the tears and looked up at Russia. He couldn't believe what he saw. Those purple eyes of his were still full of sadness, among other feelings as regret, angst and, was that fear? What would Russia ever fear?"Stop lying to me, Toris…" Toris… Lithuania's human name. Russia hadn't used it in a really long time. "You if anyone should hate me. You should be the one that despises me most!""Russia, I…" he began. He's heart was feeling as if it would break."Just leave" he head the other say. "You can just walk out of that door and never come back."Liet looked over to the door, then back at Russia. He had waited so long to leave. And yet he couldn't. His legs wouldn't move. I have to go! I have to! But why can't I? It's just like he said, I hate him… then why? As multiple thoughts went through his head, he finally found the answer.With a quick movement, he took a step closer and hugged Russia. He held him close, and whispered."I don't hate you, Ivan."Russia's purple eyes went wide with shock. Both from the hug and from hearing Liet saying his human name. He bit his lip and then hugged back, tears falling down his cheeks.After staying like that for a moment, Lithuania looked up at Russia, his hand moving up to his face. He dried away the tears, and then pulled the other down and planted a gentle kiss on his lips, much to the others surprise. But the kiss was soon returned, and it deepened as well.When they finally parted, Lithuania looked into Russia's beautiful purple eyes."I love you Ivan" he said. Russia nodded and smiled, they both joining in another kiss.
Yes. You have my permission to shoot me now. OTL|||Its my first time writing a fanfiction(well second.. but anyway)! And if you ask me, it failed big time! I had so many more ideas, but as I went along, they were completely forgotten! like, Russia was gonna have some more angsty moments before Liet kissed him. He was gonna scare the crap out of Liet as well XD *sadistsadistsadist*anyway, this is how it turned out... and Russia never said "I love you" back D: &.&; *fail* Also, my spelling/choise of word isnt the best.. im not a native english speaker after all =3Enjoy pls! &w& also, this might continue~ (Enter Belarus, the jealous stalker)
Susu kamon...
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awwwwwwww! &3
i had so much fun reading their voices out loud. And I really love this fanfic!
This is the best fanfiction I have read in a very very long time, my friend!
*shoots* sorry but if sum1 GIVES me permission to SHOOT them....its gonna happen. lol great fanfic
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *fangirl screams* fangirl dies of the cuteness and sweetness*
Yay~ I love this pairing! I hate how some people portray it... But I like this type of fanfic about them. It's so sweet You get a hug
Yeah inorite? &: Just cus Russia is a bit.. yeah... Yaknow. Doesn't mean he's abusive to the people he love... Ok maybe he is. but not that much. And I'm positive he wouldn't RAPE them. I mean seriously. :IThat's why I find it sad there are very few fluffy fanfics out there. THATS WHY I WROTE ONE MYSELF BAHAHAHAHA! :dummy.And you get a glomp as a thank you
Yay for glomps I completely agree. If anyone in Hetalia is a rapist, it's France xDMaybe I should write some LietRuss too. We can spam DA with LietRuss fanfiction!
YES! FranceXTHE WORLD. x'D &3Ah you should! But it's so haaaard to get Russias and Liets character down.. OTL So I'm stuck on the Spamano and USxUK for now
Though I never finish what I start, sadly &:Whatever, let's just spam them with fanfics anyway!
It is hard D:Their both so...complicated xDAh well, let the spamming begin!
d'n;my eyes got all tearing when Russia was all angsty.....*is an over-emtion ball of fluff*u;
naw, really? ;w; im so happy! I'm really not good at writing emo and angsty stuff
more like, random stuff with the Asian siblings (im seriously doing another one.. GOD SAVE US ALL!
yay for sequels~
ooo... spicy.Surprisingly, i never thought of Russia/Liet like that before.and... AAAGH! DONT KILL LIET& BELARUS!
haha, thank you(?)Well... RussiaXLiet is usually just about Liet being raped and abused, but i hate that... D: it should be more cute yaknow!and dont worry... i had this discussion with my advisor, she said i shouldnt include character death... XD Jealrous(belarus) wont do THAT much harm...
Poor Liet... He looks too much like me! (so my friend tells me) So i am emotionally attached to him. thanks for not lettin Jealrous kill him! Big, tall Ivan will save Liet, no?
haha XD Liet-chan is the cutest chara ever :3 but in the anime he seems to have a crush on Bela-chan D: (but she broke his fingers so...)Yeah, totally! But i cant promice that it wont include a lot of angst and voilence haha XD *sadistic sadistic sadistic* lol
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Comments18Why Google+ Failed (miserably), How to Use Idiotic Facebook Addictions to Grow Your Business, & Did They Lie To You About Traffic!? | Jonathan Budd's Official Blog
Why Google+ Failed (miserably), How to Use Idiotic Facebook Addictions to Grow Your Business, & Did They Lie To You About Traffic!?
Ok my friends.
Time for some good ole heart to heart marketing insights.
You know, the ones you can make a lot of moolah from.
So, after Google+ roared on the scene with the fastest 10,000,000 members in social networking history… it’s now about as much of a joke as MYSPACE.
(remember that?, ha)
Yes… it’s so sad, that even Google’s top executives, employee’s and TEAMS don’t even use it.
Check it out…
But it’s not just that most of the people who run Google don’t even use their own products, there has been a MASSIVE decline in traffic to Google+ since it’s beta launch in June.
Some estimates show Traffic fell on Google+ over 60% since it’s recent highs, and some estimate even more.
All I know, is if I go on Google+ now, the people who use to be posting aren’t posting anymore, & everyone seems to be back on Facebook as if it never even happened. It’s a ghost town.
Sad for ole big G… but frankly, it’s their own Fault.
And to make matters worse, one of their very own chief engineers just went on a rampage as to how “No One In Google Gets It”.
He posted his rant on his google+ blog, and it leaked out to the press before he could remove it.
If you want to read it, he pretty much ripped into the entire Google team for yet again another failure showing they don’t understand “Platforms”.
You can read his rant on CBS news here…
Now, the Big Question is WHY?
Why did Google+ fail?
And truth be told… I think it’s blatantly obvious.
The world doesn’t need another Facebook.
The world doesn’t need ANOTHER SOCIAL NETWORK LAYER on top of it.
We already have one.
The social framework has been laid ON TOP of our world.
And it’s Facebook.
Think about it… why would you want to go to the hassle of getting all your friends, all your contacts, all your fans, all your family, all your acquaintances onto ANOTHER social network?
Why would you want to do that?
When you can already connect with them, already share your pictures, your videos, your life, & a TON of other things on Facebook?
It makes no sense.
And that’s why I said from the start… Google+ will be a failure. The world doesn’t need another Facebook.
And frankly, it was just small minded arrogant thinking on Google’s end, to really even take this on.
They’re so damn afraid of facebook (which we’ll talk about why in a minute), that they didn’t even think rationally about how this is going to play out.
They weren’t thinking… “how do we truly add the next layer of value to the world”.
They were thinking… “How do we get Facebook’s Market Share?”.
I can guarantee it.
If they were truly wanting to deliver value, they wouldn’t have tried to give people something they already had.
And hopefully by now… if you’ve learned anything from me you know that one of those conversations is DOOMED to fail most of the time.
While the other one is truly the WINNING place to come from.
That’s part 1 of the failure.
Part 2 of Google+ Failure: The Metric More Important Than Traffic…
There was more to Google’s oversight than just the obvious.
This second one is subtle, but AMAZINGLY powerful and it’s also why I’m predicting Facebook will make you richer than google made a lot of marketers if you master it over the next 3 years. Much much Richer.
The metric MORE important than traffic is “Time On Site”.
This is the single biggest reason Google launched Google+.
Because they know this, and I’ll explain why.
You see, while Google still has higher unique visitor traffic volume monthly than facebook (for now)… there is another Metric they are getting CRUSHED ON.
One… that ultimately is going to make them a smaller, less powerful company.
Here’s why this is such a big deal.
Have you observed your behavior lately?
Just start watching it…
How often do you go to Google to search things now a days?
How many times when you go to Google do you click on a Google ad?
How often are you on facebook now a days?
How much time do you spend on Facebook now a days?
While you’re on facebook, do you notice the seemingly new ads always popping up your way, & do you ever click on them?
How often do you click on them?
These Answers Are of PARAMOUNT Importance to Marketing…
You see, what does it matter if you have an extra 10 million visitors per month, if the 115 million visitors on the OTHER SITE are clicking the ads 5x more than yours?
When I started just observing what I was doing now a days, I realized I probably click 5-10x more facebook ads than google.
That is a HUGE HUGE metrics.
Not only does that mean Facebook is going to grow more powerful, faster, and have MORE of the market share…
… but it tells you WHERE THE HECK you want to focus your skill & expertise in marketing!
It tells you where the fish are, and what you should be investing a lot of your time & energy into to become a successful marketer!
This is significant.
Because these trends… are ONLY going to get bigger.
Which Leads Us to A Very Important Question…
Now, how in the world did Facebook manage to build a “Social Framework” on top of the entire world?
What was their secret sauce?
They’re currently approaching on 800,000,000 users.
What made that possible?
Well, there’s lots of things.
I’ll just point out a few simple ones, and a few not so simple ones.
#1. MySpace & Friendster SUCKED.
Frankly put… if they hadn’t been so incompetent and screwed those companies up… Facebook should never have gotten as far as they did. They just flat out took their eye off the ball, & stopped innovating.
They didn’t develop the platform at the speed facebook did, and they didn’t simplify.
Given their head start, if they hadn’t screwed it up they would be the social framework on top of the world.
#2. Facebook innovated how we connect with our friends, share photos, videos, & our lives, & did it completely intuitively.
They’re tagging system was simply friggin genius.
They changed how photos’ were shared on the web.
that ONE product line of Facebook’s, is personally my favorite.
It’s like… I don’t even need to take photo’s!!
Because I know I’ll be tagged in the good ones & get em anyway. Heh, lazy man’s reasoning.
But I’m truly terrible with pictures.
On top of that, how they interconnected everyone & everything was just simply genius.
They filled the NEED human beings have of being connected to one another, & they did it simply & intuitively.
Something the other sites did not do well enough.
#3. Facebook Figured Out How to Get You ADDICTED to them, no Matter WHAT your Fix.
This is the one most people don’t get.
Yet it’s another pillar of Facebook’s success.
API Stands for “Application Programming Interface.”
Now, why this is so significant is because ANYONE can build applications on top of Facebook.
You know those stupid farmville, cityville, & mafia wars things popping up on your page all the time?
Yea, well… 73 million people are playing Farmville.
More people than TWITTER!!
And hundreds of more millions are playing thousands of more games all on top of Facebook’s platform.
Not to mention… there’s a CRAZY amount of other applications, and things for people to do.
You see, Facebook was GENIUS.
They created the FIRST OPEN SOURCE social network.
They have grown so much because they let the USERS of the site determine how they were going to spend their time on that site…
… and they created the possibility for innovative developers, entrepreneurs, & gamers to come in and CREATE millions of different applications for people to use on top of their platform.
At the end of the day… this means there’s SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE.
If you’re on facebook, you can find just about damn near anything to keep you interested.
People use facebook now for so many different reasons it’s insane. It’s not just a social network.
Facebook created an open source social network… allowed innovation to spread from WITHIN it’s own community, controlled BY millions of other people… and they just created the platform for it all to happen on.
Facebook in effect created such a HUGE win for people… they now spend 3x more time on Facebook than any other site in the world. That’s the knock out punch.
Now we understand why hundreds of millions of people are hopelessly addicted to Facebook & next… you learn how to PROFIT FROM IT.
You see, there are several very key lessons to take from this.
#1 Lesson: TIME ON SITE is what I believe to be the most important Internet Metric in the world.
It’s the precursor to everything else.
It’s the pre cursor to you getting sales.
The precursor to you building a following. the precursor to people joining your business from your websites online.
For other websites like facebook & google, it’s the difference between BILLIONS of dollars.
But what does time on site really mean?
Well… think about it.
Time on site is a reflection of VALUE.
It’s a reflection of the value that user is getting from the time they spend ON your site.
If they’re getting value… they spend their time there! The higher your time on site metric is… it means the more VALUE people are getting from your site.
What more of a precious commodity exists for us then our time? That’s literally our LIFE.
If we choose to spend our time with someone, on something, etc… we are choosing to spend our LIFE on that very thing.
There’s no difference. And I don’t know about you… but what I spend my life on is pretty important to me.
I’m not going to spend my life on crap. No way.
So the time on site metric is literally your direct indicator of how VALUABLE your site is to your prospects.
Ummmm, are you getting this!?
Do you know how long people spend on your sites currently? How long on your squeeze pages, blogs, videos, websites, etc?
That is your MEASUREMENT of success pretty much summed up.
If that # is high… you are probably making a killing.
This puts ALL the onus back on how much value we’re truly delivering to our market place.
How valuable are our videos, our capture pages, our sales pages, our emails, our facebook tweets, our products, etc.
All the onus goes back into asking ourselves… “What did I WANT when I was searching for a business, a sponsor, information, etc?”
“What was truly valuable to me?”
“How can I build for people exactly what I want myself?”.
If you answer those questions in your marketing… you will be kicking ass.
#2 Lesson: Facebook is the KING.
I will keep saying this until you really get it.
Facebook is only getting bigger.
You have GOT to develop & build your facebook marketing skills.
Those little ads on the side of facebook are some of the most opportunistic chances you might ever get to build a business… and it’s only getting bigger.
If people are clicking facebook ads more than google’s… think about the implications.
Think about what that could mean for your business if you find a nice little niche market on facebook… and just DOMINATE with killer ads, killer fan page content, killer capture pages, etc.
You can CRUSH it right now.
There’s an insane amount of opportunity.
So… Some Final Thoughts.
Marketing is an art.
You’ve got to really LOVE marketing if you’re going to excel at it.
It’s like anything in life… you learn as you go.
You get better as you practice.
You’ve got to be PASSIONATE about what it is you do… or you’ll always do it halfheartedly.
To me, marketing is so important to ANY mission I have in life… because it’s literally HOW I communicate my message to an audience.
Marketing is Everything my friends.
Trying to get a girlfriend or boyfriend? Saying dumb stuff on a first date is bad marketing.
Want to get a raise at work? Know the right way to position your offer to your boss, or it won’t happen.
That’s marketing.
Want to get your 3 people to your company’s call tonight?
Well, whatever you say to get them there is MARKETING.
And most people’s marketing flat out sucks.
If you want to experience rapid success in life… then become PASSIONATE about marketing.
Fall in love with it.
Fall in love with it for the RIGHT reasons.
Fall in love with it because it’s literally the medium for you to REACH the planet with your message.
Marketing is the medium for you to reach YOUR audience with your core value.
If you believe in the products & services you are offering the world… then it’s your damn RESPONSIBILITY to become a good marketer.
It’s your responsibility to get your message out to the world.
Translate the passion you have for your own success, your own products, your own dreams & goals… translate that passion into a DESIRE to learn & practice marketing.
Trust me… it will change the results you produce in life big time.
Final Actions…
#1: Start tracking & measuring the metric “Time On Site” for every single visitor you get to all your web properties. This is one of the BEST tracking tools you’ll ever find.
#2: Look for what YOU WOULD WANT on a website like yours if you landed there… then BUILD IT. That will put you head & shoulders above your competition, and it will ensure your site is truly VALUABLE to your prospects.
#3: Always strive to be the very BEST PERSON in your niche you can, offering your prospects the most authenticity, real content, & incredible solutions you can.
#4: UPGRADE your facebook skills.
I’m going to be hosting a webinar next week that I’ll send you an invitation too about Facebook.
It’s KICK BUTT, and I’m excited to share some updated strategies we’ve been working on to really cash in.
Be on the look out for it.
Rock and roll my friends.
Hope you appreciated today’s lessons, & we’ll chat again soon!
Yours in Mastery,
Jonathan Budd
P.S. if you want to give VALUE to your followers right now, then like this & share it with them on facebook.
They’ll appreciate you for it!
About Jonathan Budd
Well, I have discovered who I am... and thus realized what I am truly capable of life.
Now, I want to share that with others.
By learning from me... you will GROW as both a human being and an entrepreneur... and will step into shoes that are capable of going ANYWHERE in life.
You'll see that more soon... :)
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