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“阿弥陀佛”美女主持安安上次采访宋均益后茶不思饭不想,已经皈依我佛,决心成一名合格的得道尼姑。“住持,咱们可以开始访谈了”本次达人 - 李鑫很有演员天赋的说道.------------------------------------嘠~~ 一声乌鸦叫声传来~~众人满头黑线---------------------------------&面对邪恶经销商绝不捡肥皂安安:“别闹,先来给大家来段自我介绍?”安安摸着圆滚滚的光头。鑫鑫:“其实今天日子对我来讲比较特殊,日我入职,到今天已经整整4年了,最早接触IT这块是在小熊在线,当年小熊在线引以为豪的是比价网和地方分站,在那家单位工作不久我就看出了这家夫妻公司的诸多运营弊端。之后辗转到中关村在线,在这家平台上面看到了整个行业的趋势与希望,这家公司值得我全身心的投入与付出。”&安安:“那笔记本论坛现在有什么特色吗?”鑫鑫:“笔记本论坛的网友特别色,这个算特色么?开玩笑的!从2013年之后其实笔记本论坛变化挺大的,在经费拮据的情况下砸锅卖铁出版了自己的刊物《本色视觉志》,论坛开辟了搞基党板块,收纳了一些远在美国、新西兰等全球的高端华人玩家。在厂商方面,笔记本论坛是最早进行商业化改造的论坛之一。&安安:“你论坛有什么让你记忆深刻的事吗?”鑫鑫:“我们也跟论坛的网友有过隔阂,天津的一位网友,也是商家,在论坛里自称是ZOL版主,由ZOL支付2000元固定工资高薪聘请,收售网友旧机器与零部件,但某一日遭网友投诉,该商家拿到维修机器拒不退还,还理直气壮的对网友进行人格辱骂,管理员介入之后,该男子毫无收敛继续对管理员进行人身攻击,并声称要砍掉管理员一只手。同时电话打到中关村在线进行恶意骚扰,管理员私人手机号也被该男子找到并不间断进行死亡威胁。我们将事件进行全站通报,对ID进行封锁,管理员更换手机号的方法对该商家进行屏蔽,并要求受害网友拨打110进行维权。其实每天与这些网友接触,三教九流什么人都有,你得学会既要保证工作顺利运行的基础上,也有学会保护好自己。后来我们论坛自己建立了公众活动账号,所有信息统一发布,不在进行个人管理员发布了。这样第一是保证我们私人隐私,第二便于科学统一化管理。”&现场告白!真汉子就要有魄力安安:“你觉得性价比最高的笔记本是什么?”(安安为了得到更有用的八卦,改变策略,问出专业问题)鑫鑫:“有句话是这么说的,做美食的编辑经常加班熬夜吃泡面,做汽车的编辑经常出门赶车挤地铁,做IT的编辑经常用一些别人淘汰下来的二手产品,我的联想昭阳K27笔记本二手价格2600多,自己升级了内存和CPU,对我们来讲,不会特意的去追求品牌与性能,皮实能办公就足矣了,说实话这么大岁数不如把买电子产品的钱买两本书读一读,增加一些个人修养。身上的东西都是极简主义。这也应该是我与90后区隔最明显的一条分界线吧,我觉得如果不注重品牌的话,神舟算是性价比比较高的产品了。当然你追求品牌的话选择苹果也算是性价比很高了,看你怎么看愿意花多少钱去购买了。安安:“你用这个本玩游戏吗?”(安安心里暗爽,小样儿要入套了)鑫鑫:“现在忙得真心是没有时间玩儿游戏,每天除了工作、睡觉、吃饭基本上就没有别的了,如果周末不加班的话,我会出去运动,骑行,自驾,爬山,游泳我觉得多花点时间享受生活,有时间多回回家陪陪家人很重要。&安安:“那你带女友去吗?”(安安马上要问到重点,得意的笑问)鑫鑫:“额!你说的是星期几的女朋友?!开玩笑了,这个得先找到再说!”安安:“这么好的机会,经常出去玩没有艳遇吗?”鑫鑫:“就跟公交车一样,也许某一段路,我们有共同的经历与想法,但到站之后,还是各奔东西,其实说白了,还是没找到能够一同走下去的人而已,如果我是司机,她是售票员就妥妥的了!哈哈”&安安:“那你之前有过女友吗”鑫鑫:“有过的,在大学的时候,不过后来因为地域原因,分手了。”&安安:“那我们给你征个女友吧”(安安终于露出了狐狸尾巴)鑫鑫:“额!我是地道的北京人,今年28,身高185,体重60公斤,狮子座但我更像金牛座。我没什么条件,双方都能对彼此好,对家庭负责就足够了,不过前提是她会有爱心,不吸烟,不泡夜店,如果可能的话,能够允许宠物的存在,因为我打算近期收养一只兔子,等长大之后就把它吃掉!PS:那是不可能的!&安安:“公司里这么多姑娘,你就没有喜欢的吗?我们帮你牵个线!”鑫鑫:“有啊,编辑部的明明姐~!”&安安:“我了个去,好吧,我们发布访谈录的时候就帮你表白了”(安安当时眼睛一亮,这明明姐孩子都上学了吧?随即出了一身冷汗,瞬间就湿了…)&赐予我力量吧!正能量!安安:“咱玩笑先到这,聊点别的,我看你头像用的是红军,有什么意义吗?”(安安瞬间又相信了爱情,她决定要还俗的同时问到)鑫鑫:“有啊,弘扬正能量,大家压力都很大,抱怨也没用,把工作做好,才能更好的玩。偷偷跟你说,其实以前的头像特别恶心,被投诉了,才换的,哈哈哈”&安安:“那笔记本的未来,会不会被平板替代?”鑫鑫:“不会被替代的,存在即合理,只不过是使用方式与时间的平移,并没有替代的可能性,人的时间总量是固定的,分给每个电子产品的使用时间是不固定的,如果你让消费者选择,手机和笔记本只能选一样,用户一定会选择手机,如果是笔记本与平板只能选一样的话,用户一定会选择笔记本。我们不谈替代之谈融合。未来科技产品的边缘化越来越模糊,我们不能用传统的互联网思维去思考这些问题。安安:“那以后同事或网友找你买笔记本,你能给拿到优惠价格吗?”(安安的主要目的其实是为了优惠)鑫鑫:“一般买本都会便宜,我可以帮忙推荐经销商,但购买的话还得自己跟经销商去谈,作为编辑来讲尽量不跟销售商家直接挂钩,你懂得!避嫌!容易遭投诉”&安安:“那节目的最后了,帮大家推荐一款你认为最值得买的笔记本吧”鑫鑫:“买MacBookPro 13吋的吧,现在行业之分两种笔记本,一种是苹果,一种是苹果以外的其他本儿。在易用性和交互上面,MAC 系统做的确实要比Windows好。PS:此观点没有厂商植入与软文合作”&鑫鑫:“最后请给我一点时间,我想说点自己想说的话,这四年走过来,其实很累很辛苦,尤其是做论坛的兄弟们都知道,在公司论坛是一个什么样的地位,承担着什么样的角色,我们的付出与努力是否被人看到,这一路走来,特别感谢飞扬、盼盼、Hans三位兄弟,再苦再累大家也都扛过来了,感谢一路上大家的不离不弃。未来我相信我们会越来越好的,借大冰《他们很幸福》一书中的话,且行且吟,有梦为马!这个大男孩最后都有点哽咽了后记:李鑫同学最后都被感动的哽咽了,不过我不会忘记我的使命!让他冒着被网络上众基友砍的风险来公开征爱人(男女不限),如果你得到了他的爱,那么你去购买笔记本就赚到了,同时还会有机会随机得到附加美女“明明姐”一枚!他的联系方式:ZOL账户:lixinbest20000,微博/lixinbest,微信:lixinbest2000&往期回顾:&&&&&&&
有爱 就大声叫出来~
@Allen囧TZ 你要只有60KG,我就只有30KG!!!
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@Allen囧TZ 你要只有60KG,我就只有30KG!!!
还能征婚,这福利咋轮不到我头上啊- -
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@Allen囧TZ 你要只有60KG,我就只有30KG!!!
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Autor:Tsai SM; Wu SH; Hou MF; Yang HH; Tsai LYEndere?o:Department of Public Health and Environmental Medicine, School of Medicine, College of Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan....
Título:The Immune Regulator VTCN1 Gene Polymorphisms and Its Impact on Susceptibility to Breast Cancer.
Fonte:J Clin Lab A 29(5):412-8, 2015 Sep.
ISSN:País de publica??o:United States
Idioma:engResumo:BACKGROUND: VTCN1, a T-cell regulator, belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily. It is more highly expressed in tumor tissues than in normal tissues, which suggests that it could serve as a tumor-related agent. We hypothesize the gene variants for this coinhibitory molecule may be associated with the risk of breast cancer, given such gene polymorphisms could affect its related gene expression. METHODS: Genotypes of the VTCN1 gene variants (rs, rs, and rs3738414) were analyzed in 566 patients with breast cancer and 400 age-frequency-matched controls. RESULTS: Compared with the major allele, the minor alleles of rs, rs, and rs3738414 did modulate the risk of breast cancer with ORs (95% CI) of 1.42 (1.07-1.89), 1.39 (1.10-1.77), and 0.81 (0.67-0.99), respectively. Those with the rs genotype AG and rs AC genotype had significantly increased risks when compared with their major genotypes. However, in rs3738414, the AA genotype had a marginally significant decreased risk compared with its wild genotype. In the haplotype-based analysis, the GCG allele was associated with significantly increased risk (OR: 1.56, 95% CI: 1.09-2.22) based on the AAG reference. Further analyses of the haplotype pairs showed GCG carriers had a significantly increased risk. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the VTCN1 genetic variants (rs, rs, and rs3738414) indicate they could be connected with the risk of breast cancer, which in turn provides indirect evidence that T-cell immunity could be involved in the development of breast cancer.
Nome de subst?ncia:0 (V-Set Domain-Containing T-Cell Activation Inhibitor 1); 0 (VTCN1 protein, human)
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Autor:Radichev IA; Maneva-Radicheva LV; Amatya C; Salehi M; Parker C; Ellefson J; Burn P; Savinov AYEndere?o:The Sanford Project, Children's Health Research Center, Sanford Research, Sioux Falls, SD 57104; and....
Título:Loss of Peripheral Protection in Pancreatic Islets by Proteolysis-Driven Impairment of VTCN1 (B7-H4) Presentation Is Associated with the Development of Autoimmune Diabetes.
Fonte:J I 196(4):16 Feb 15.
ISSN:País de publica??o:United States
Idioma:engResumo:Ag-specific activation of T cells is an essential process in the control of effector immune responses. Defects in T cell activation, particularly in the costimulation step, have been associated with many autoimmune conditions, including type 1 diabetes (T1D). Recently, we demonstrated that the phenotype of impaired negative costimulation, due to reduced levels of V-set domain-containing T cell activation inhibitor 1 (VTCN1) protein on APCs, is shared between diabetes-susceptible NOD mice and human T1D patients. In this study, we show that a similar process takes place in the target organ, as both α and ss cells within pancreatic islets gradually lose their VTCN1 protein during autoimmune diabetes development despite upregulation of the VTCN1 gene. Diminishment of functional islet cells' VTCN1 is caused by the active proteolysis by metalloproteinase N-arginine dibasic convertase 1 (NRD1) and leads to the significant induction of proliferation and cytokine production by diabetogenic T cells. Inhibition of NRD1 activity, alternatively, stabilizes VTCN1 and dulls the anti-islet T cell responses. Therefore, we suggest a general endogenous mechanism of defective VTCN1 negative costimulation, which affects both lymphoid and peripheral target tissues during T1D progression and results in aggressive anti-islet T cell responses. This mechanism is tied to upregulation of NRD1 expression and likely acts in two synergistic proteolytic modes: cell-intrinsic intracellular and cell-extrinsic systemic. Our results highlight an importance of VTCN1 stabilization on cell surfaces for the restoration of altered balance of immune control during T1D.
Nome de subst?ncia:0 (Cytokines); 0 (V-Set Domain-Containing T-Cell Activation Inhibitor 1); 0 (VTCN1 protein, human); 0 (Vtcn1 protein, mouse); EC 3.4.24.- (Metalloendopeptidases); EC (nardilysin)
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Autor:Yang D; Wang LP; Zhou H; Cheng H; Bao XC; Xu S; Zhang WP; Wang JMEndere?o:Institute of Hematology, Changhai Hospital, the Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China.
Título:Inducible Costimulator Gene-Transduced Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Attenuate the Severity of Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease in Mouse Models.
Fonte:Cell T 24(9):15.
ISSN:País de publica??o:United States
Idioma:engResumo:In murine allogeneic transplantation models, ICOS gene-transduced bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs(ICOS-EGFP)) were evaluated for their effects on GvHD severity and long-term survival. Lethally irradiated BALB/c or first filial generation of BALB/c and C57BL/6 (CB6F1) mice were transplanted with bone marrow cells and splenocytes from C57BL/6 mice to establish acute GvHD models. Recipient mice were injected with MSCs(ICOS-EGFP), MSCs, MSCs(EGFP), ICOS-Ig fusion protein, MSCs + ICOS-Ig, or PBS (control group). Long-term survival, GvHD rates and severity, CD4(+) T-cell apoptosis and proliferation, and Th1/Th2/Th17 effecter cell polarization were evaluated. In the C57BL/6 ??? CB6F1 HSCT model, the long-term survival in the MSC(ICOS-EGFP) group was higher than that in the GvHD group (74.29 ± 7.39% vs. 0, p < 0.01), and this survival rate was also higher than that in the MSC, ICOS-Ig, or MSC + ICOS-Ig groups (42.86 ± 8.36%, p = 0.004; 48.57 ± 8.45%, p = 0.03; or 50.43 ± 8.45% p = 0.04, respectively). The survival advantages of MSC(ICOS-EGFP)-treated group were confirmed in the C57BL/6 ??? BALB/c HSCT model. In both HSCT models, the low mortality in the MSC(ICOS-EGFP) group was associated with lower incidence and severity of acute GvHD. Treatment with MSCs(ICOS-EGFP) induced more CD4(+) T-cell apoptosis compared with that in the GvHD group. The effect on CD4(+) T cells was shown as early as day 2 and maintained until day 14 (p < 0.05 on days 2, 3, 7, and 14). Furthermore, we demonstrated that MSCs(ICOS-EGFP) were able to suppress Th1 and Th17 polarization and promote Th2 polarization on both protein expression and gene transcription levels. Higher serum levels of IL-4, IL-10, and lower levels of IFN-??, IL-2, IL-12, and IL-17A were detected in the MSC(ICOS-EGFP) group. The MSCs(ICOS-EGFP) could also induce GATA-3, STAT6 expression and inhibit T-bet, STAT4, ROR-??t expression. Our results showed that injection of MSCs(ICOS-EGFP) is a promising strategy for acute GvHD prevention and treatment. It provides synergistic benefits of MSC immune modulation and ICOS-B7h pathway blockage.
Nome de subst?ncia:0 (Cytokines); 0 (Inducible T-Cell Co-Stimulator Protein); 0 (V-Set Domain-Containing T-Cell Activation Inhibitor 1); 0 (Vtcn1 protein, mouse)
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Autor:Xiao H; Pan WM; Wang CQ; Chen HY; Xu JFTítulo:[The Protective Effect of B7-H4 on Concanavalin A Induced Hepatic Injury in Mice].
Fonte:Sichuan Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue B 46(6):842-5, 2015 Nov.
ISSN:XPaís de publica??o:China
Idioma:chiResumo:OBJECTIVE: To explore the protective effect and its mechanism of B7-H4 on the immuno hepatic injury. METHODS: The immuno hepatic injury was induced by Concanavalin A (Con A). Sixty KM mice were randomly divided into 4 groups with 15 mice in each group: Group A (saline), Group B (pcDNA3.1-mB7-H4-Fc), Group C (pcDNA3.1), Group D (Con A). One day before the injection of Con A (25 mg/kg), the mice in Group B and Group C received the injection of 100 pg pcDNA3.1-mB7-H4-Fc and 100 microg pcDNA3.1 respectively. The blood samples were collected at 12 h, 24 h and 48 h after Con A injection, the levels of ALT, AST, IL-4 and IFN-gamma were measured. Five mice in each group were sacrificed at the above 3 time points, the liver tissue were harvested for histopathological detection. RESULTS: After Con A injection, the level of ALT in Group B, C, and D were higher than that in Group A. The level of ALT in Group B was lower than that in Group C and D. The significant difference was found between Group B and Group C. The hepatic injury of Group B was less serious than that of Group C and D. CONCLUSION: B7-H4 may have protection on the immune injury of liver induced by Con A.
Nome de subst?ncia:0 (Protective Agents); 0 (V-Set Domain-Containing T-Cell Activation Inhibitor 1);
(Concanavalin A)
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Autor:Xu C; Qian L; Yu L; Zhang X; Wang QEndere?o:a Department of Respiratory Medicine , Nanjing Chest Hospital , Nanjing , Jiangsu , P.R. China .
Título:Evaluation of serum and pleural levels of soluble B7-H4 in lung cancer patients with pleural effusion.
Fonte:B 20(4):271-4, 2015.
ISSN:País de publica??o:England
Idioma:engResumo:OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the diagnostic value of sB7-H4 and CEA in both serum and pleural effusion of lung cancer patients. METHODS: Levels of sB7-H4 and CEA in 90 patients with malignant pleural effusion due to lung cancer and 58 patients with benign pleural effusion were measured by ELISA. RESULTS: The sB7-H4 and CEA levels in pleural effusion, serum and their ratio (F/S) were higher in lung cancer group than that in benign group (p < 0.01). The diagnostic efficiency of sB7-H4 combined CEA was superior to either sB7-H4 or CEA. CONCLUSIONS: Measurement of sB7-H4 and CEA might be useful diagnostic value for malignant effusion.
Tipo de publica??o: JOURNAL ARTICLE
Nome de subst?ncia:0 (Biomarkers, Tumor); 0 (Carcinoembryonic Antigen); 0 (V-Set Domain-Containing T-Cell Activation Inhibitor 1); 0 (VTCN1 protein, human)
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PubMed Central Texto completo
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Autor:Sun Q; Li F; Li H; Chen RH; Gu YZ; Chen Y; Liang HS; You XR; Ding SS; Gao L; Wang YL; Qin MD; Zhang XGEndere?o:1] The Stem Cell and Biomedical Material Key Laboratory of Jiangsu Province (the State Key Laboratory Incubation Base), Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China [2] Department of Immunology, School of Biology and Basic Medical Sciences, Soochow University, Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, P...
Título:Amniotic fluid stem cells provide considerable advantages in epidermal regeneration: B7H4 creates a moderate inflammation microenvironment to promote wound repair.
Fonte:Sci R 5:1.
ISSN:País de publica??o:England
Idioma:engResumo:The current treatments for severe skin injury all involve skin grafting. However, there is a worldwide shortage of donor skin tissue. In this study, we examined the advantages of using human amniotic fluid stem (hAFS) cells in skin wound healing. In vitro, hAFS cells differentiate into keratinocytes (termed hAFS-K). Like keratinocytes, hAFS-K cells express the markers K5, K14, K10 display typical cellular structure, including a tonofibril- and construct a completely pluristratified epithelium in 3D culture. In vivo, in a mouse excisional wound model, GFP-positive hAFS cells participate in wound repair. Co-localization of GFP/K14 and GFP/K10 in the repaired epidermis demonstrated that hAFS cells can differentiate into keratinocytes. Real-time PCR results confirmed that hAFS cells can initiate and promote early-stage repair of skin damage. During wound repair, hAFS cells did not directly secrete repair-related factors, such as bFGF, VEGF, CXCL12, TGF-ss1 and KGF, and provided a moderate inflammation reaction with lower expression of IL-1ss, IL-6, TNF-&#945;, Cox2 and Mac3. In hAFS cells, the negative co-stimulatory molecule B7H4 regulates low immunogenicity, which can provide a modest inflammatory reaction microenvironment for wound repair. Furthermore, with their uniquely high proliferation rate, hAFS cells offer a promising alternative for epidermal regeneration.
Nome de subst?ncia:0 (V-Set Domain-Containing T-Cell Activation Inhibitor 1); -9 (Green Fluorescent Proteins)
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Autor:Kreymborg K; Haak S; Murali R; Wei J; Waitz R; Gasteiger G; Savage PA; van den Brink MR; Allison JPEndere?o:Program in Immunology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and Ludwig Center for Cancer Immunotherapy, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York....
Título:Ablation of B7-H3 but Not B7-H4 Results in Highly Increased Tumor Burden in a Murine Model of Spontaneous Prostate Cancer.
Fonte:Cancer Immunol R 3(8):849-54, 2015 Aug.
ISSN:País de publica??o:United States
Idioma:engResumo:The costimulatory molecules B7-H3 and B7-H4 are overexpressed in a variety of human tumors and have been hypothesized as possible biomarkers and immunotherapeutic targets. Despite this potential, the predominating uncertainty about their functional implication in tumor-host interaction hampers their evaluation as a target for cancer therapy. By means of a highly physiologic, spontaneous tumor model in mice, we establish a causal link between B7-H3 and host tumor control and found B7-H4 to be redundant.
Nome de subst?ncia:0 (B7 Antigens); 0 (Cd276 protein, mouse); 0 (RNA, Messenger); 0 (V-Set Domain-Containing T-Cell Activation Inhibitor 1); 0 (Vtcn1 protein, mouse)
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Autor:Mach P; Gellhaus A; Wicherek L; Schmidt B; Kimmig R; Kasimir-Bauer S; K?ninger AEndere?o:Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany....
Título:Changes in the Blood Serum Levels of the Costimulatory Soluble B7-H4 Molecule in Pregnant Women During the Peripartal Phase.
Fonte:Am J Reprod I 74(3):209-15, 2015 Sep.
ISSN:País de publica??o:Denmark
Idioma:engResumo:PROBLEM: B7-H4, a transmembrane protein that negatively regulates T lymphocytes, seems to play a role in the suppression of the im\mune response at the maternal-fetal interface. The aim of this study was to compare the blood serum concentration levels of soluble B7-H4 (sB7-H4) prepartal and postpartal in both women who experienced spontaneous onset of labor and those who underwent elective cesarian section. METHOD OF STUDY: Blood was obtained from 30 prepartal and postpartal women who delivered at the University Hospital of Essen between 2011 and 2012. These patients were further divided into two subgroups depending on the advancement of labor. The sB7-H4 blood serum concentration levels of the women in the groups were then determined by ELISA (BIOZOL, Eching, Germany). RESULTS: In women who underwent elective cesarian section, a significant increase in sB7-H4 blood serum concentration levels occurred postpartal, while in women who experienced spontaneous onset of labor, no differences between prepartal and postpartal concentration levels were observed. The sB7-H4 blood serum concentration levels on the day after delivery in the women who experienced spontaneous labor and those who underwent elective cesarian sec however, higher blood serum concentration levels of sB7-H4 were observed prepartal in women with spontaneous onset of labor compared to those found in the women about to undergo elective cesarian section. CONCLUSION: These changes in sB7-H4 blood serum concentration levels suggest that this protein is involved in immunological changes associated with the spontaneous onset of labor and post-delivery homeostasis.
Tipo de publica??o: JOURNAL ARTICLE
Nome de subst?ncia:0 (V-Set Domain-Containing T-Cell Activation Inhibitor 1)
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Autor:Gao A; Zhang L; Chen X; Chen Y; Xu Z; Liu Y; Zhu WEndere?o:Department of obstetrics and gynecology, the 2nd affiliated hospital of Soochow University, Soochow, People's Republic of China. Electronic address: ....
Título:Effect of VTCN1 on progression and metastasis of ovarian carcinoma in vitro and vivo.
Fonte:Biomed P 73:129-34, 2015 Jul.
ISSN:País de publica??o:France
Idioma:engResumo:BACKGROUND AND PURPOSES: Through reducing immune response, VTCN1 could promote carcinoma indirectly. However, the direct effect of VTCN1 on carcinoma was not studied clearly, especially on ovarian carcinoma. In this paper, we verified the potential effect and mechanism of VTCN1 on ovarian carcinoma. METHODS: The influence of high or low VTCN1 expression on the viability of ovarian cancer was detected by CKK-8 and annexin V-PI kit. The orthotopicxenograft tumor model was performed to evaluate the effect of VTCN1 on the promotion of tumor in vivo. Western blot was used to verify the signaling pathways predicted by bioinformatics analysis. RESULTS: Low expression of VTCN1 could inhibit the viability and metastasis of ovarian carcinoma direct Information analysis demonstrated that cell cycle and JAK2/STAT were involved in the regulation of VTCN1. The CDK2/4 and CDC25C expression and phosphorylation of JAK2/STAT had a direct relationship with the reduction of VTCN1. CONCLUSIONS: VTCN1 could affect the viability and metastasis of ovarian carcinoma by reducing the expression of CDK2/4 and CDC25C and phosphorylation of JAK2/STAT. It indicated that VTCN1 was a potential target for treating ovarian carcinoma.
Nome de subst?ncia:0 (V-Set Domain-Containing T-Cell Activation Inhibitor 1); 0 (VTCN1 protein, human)
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PubMed Central Texto completo
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Autor:Peng HX; Wu WQ; Yang DM; Jing R; Li J; Zhou FL; Jin YF; Wang SY; Chu YMEndere?o:Digestive Endoscopy Center, Shanghai Tongren Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, 1111 Xianxia Road, Shanghai 200336, China....
Título:Role of B7-H4 siRNA in Proliferation, Migration, and Invasion of LOVO Colorectal Carcinoma Cell Line.
Fonte:Biomed Res I , 2015.
ISSN:País de publica??o:United States
Idioma:engResumo:OBJECTIVES: Colorectal cancer is one of the most common malignancies. Recent studies investigated that B7-H4 is highly expressed in various cancers. We aimed at exploring the effect of B7-H4 siRNA on proliferation, invasion, and migration of LOVO cells which expressed B7-H4 notably. DESIGN AND METHODS: Colon adenocarcinoma dataset was downloaded from The Cancer Genome Atlas. 35 colorectal cancer patients admitted to Shanghai Tongren Hospital were enrolled in this study. Cell proliferation and cell cycle distribution were identified by CCK8 and flow cytometry, respectively. Transwell assay was performed to detect the invasion and migration of LOVO cells. CXCL12/CXCR4 expression and JAK2/STAT3 phosphorylation were determined by real-time PCR and western blot. RESULTS: B7-H4 expressed is elevated in colorectal cancer tissues than in the adjacent normal tissues. B7-H4 siRNA effectively inhibited the proliferation at 24 h and 48 h, arrested cell cycle at G0/G1, and suppressed cell invasion and migration. Gene set enrichment analysis showed that CXCL12/CXCR4 and JAK/STAT were correlative with the B7-H4 expression. Additionally, CXCL12/CXCR4 expression and JAK2/STAT3 phosphorylation were reduced. CONCLUSIONS: B7-H4 siRNA can effectively inhibit proliferation, invasion, and migration of LOVO cells by targeting CXCL12/CXCR4 and JAK2/STAT3 signaling, which can serve as a new target for colorectal carcinoma treatment.
Nome de subst?ncia:0 (CXCL12 protein, human); 0 (Chemokine CXCL12); 0 (RNA, Small Interfering); 0 (STAT3 Transcription Factor); 0 (STAT3 protein, human); 0 (V-Set Domain-Containing T-Cell Activation Inhibitor 1); 0 (VTCN1 protein, human); EC (JAK2 protein, human); EC (Janus Kinase 2)
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