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While the course work is an important part of any doctoral program, it is the
that is uniquely you. The topic chosen should be one that interests
you, and that represents an area of study that you can use to identify you as
one with special expertise in a particular area. Therefore, it is very important
to proceed with forethought into the dissertation process. Choose the topic with
care. Also be sure to choose your advisors carefully, as they will be your
guides and mentors.
This guidebook has been designed to provide you with the information you need
to successfully complete this process. Read and follow it carefully. You are
responsible for understanding and applying its contents.
Research Criteria
To produce a dissertation of which you and your school can be justly proud,
it is essential that your dissertation meet certain quality standards that are
generally recognized in graduate . The following policy statement, by
the Council of Graduate Schools, indicates in general terms what is
'The document (doctoral dissertation) should demonstrate breadth of
scholarship, depth of research, and ability to investigate problems
independently and efficiently.'
'It (dissertation) must be a significant contribution to scholarship.'
'It should reveal the student's ability to analyze, interpret, and
and demonstrate thorough knowledge of the literature relating to the
More specifically, the faculty of the School of Education has adopted the
following criteria indicating that the doctoral research should:
1. Present the relevance of existing theories to the problem.
2. Include an original and unique dimension which builds on cited
3. Enable the candidate to enter the national or regional debate.
4. Be sufficiently broad from which to generalize to a larger audience.
5. Acculturate the candidate to differing academic communities.
6. Encourage the continuation of scholarly activity.
7 . Reflect the methodology appropriate to the type of research commonly
found in dissertations.
Dissertation Topic and Committee
How do I get started? How is my committee formed?
The first steps in producing a dissertation are (1) the selection of a topic
(2) the selection and appointment of a research advisor and (3) the selection
and appointment of a research committee to provide advisement throughout the
Dissertation Topic
Early in your doctoral studies, you should be think本由提供整理,提供,,,,,,相关核心关键词搜索。
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