Management Essayessay的outline怎么写写?有人可以帮忙吗?

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&  出国留学已经成为一种潮流,不论是学生还是已经参加工作的,大家都怀着一个出国梦,现在很多已经工作很多年的人选择出国留学,为了更好的发展前景,更好的薪资,所以美国mba是一个申请的热门,大家都知道出国留学要递交申请,那么美国mba essay应该怎么书写呢,下面是一篇范文,希望可以帮助想要申请美国mba的同学。
  1.Please discuss the factors influencing the career decisions you have made that, in turn, have led you to your current position. Why is now an appropriate time to pursue an MBA, and what will you contribute to the class entering in the fall of 2005? What are your career goals for the future, and how will you avail yourself of the resources at the Wharton School to achieve these goals.
  2. At Wharton, the Learning Team, which consists of approximately five first-year students, is often assigned group projects and class presentations. Imagine that, one year from now, your Learning Team has a marketing class assignment due at 9:00 a.m. on Monday morning. It is now 10:00 p.m. on S time is short, tension builds and your team has reached an impasse. What role would you take in such a situation? How would you enable the team to meet your deadline? Feel free to draw on previous experiences, if applicable, in order to illustrate your approach. 3. Describe a personal achievement that has had a significant impact on your life. In addition to recounting this achievement, please analyze how the event has changed your understanding and how you perceived the world around you. 1. No achievement can quench my thirst for self- improvement. My personal credo is to always & go farther& --to find innovative ways to accomplish goals, and to realize my full potential in every aspect of my professional career. While my plans have evolved over the years, this personal objective remains the same. My career began in 1993,when I obtained an Honors degree in Physics at Yerevan State University in Armenia. At that point, my dream was to be a scientist. That same year, however, my family moved to Moscow, where exciting new opportunities presented themselves. Russia& s market economy was springing to life, and such novel words as &privatization, & &broker, & &exchange, & and &securities& hovered in the air. I was immediately offered a position with the Moscow-based &Troika Dialog.& This Russian investment company is at the vanguard of its field, and was awarded &Best Domestic Securities Firm in Russia& by Euro money in both 1996 and 1997. Although I learned much during my time there, I felt an urgent need to diversify my knowledge and investigate new directions of growth. After three years of work in positions that ranged from Trader Assistant to Manager of Investment Banking, I decided to explore new business opportunities on my own. An exciting opening arose when the Russian government passed several regulations governing mutual fund operations, facilitating the existence of such institutions. In April of 1996,a colleague and I organized one of the first asset management companies in Russia. I knew that the growth of the business would be greatly increased if we could find a Western partner to provide the practical management experience that our new venture lacked. I began to actively search for such a partner, with fruitful results. In June of 1996,my company joined with the US-based &Lexington Management Corp.& to launch the first US SEC-registered mutual fund, &Lexington Troika Dialog Russia Fund.& The Fund provides a forum for American investors to explore opportunities in Russia. To this date, it remains the only US SEC-registered, open-ended mutual fund that focuses on Russia equities. Over the years, the Fund&s assets have grown more than 20 times, reaching $250 million by the
  end of 1997. It was named the &best-performing& fund of 1997& among all of the open-ended funds registered by US SEC. In 1997,we launched two domestic mutual funds that targeted Russian investors. Starting from back-office, accounting, and trading operations, I soon transferred to the Portfolio Management division, where I honed my analytical skills as an Assistant Portfolio Manager. After the registration of the domestic equity fund &Dobrynia Nikitich, & I was appointed its principal Portfolio Manager. The Russian Capital markets are currently in financial turmoil. The future of economic reform in Russia depends on young, qualified people who are dedicated to upholding and accelerating innovative processes. I believe that the growth of conservative, low-risk investment vehicles is crucial today for Russian pension funds, insurance companies, and institutional investors. My principal goal is to organize and manage a vehicle for Russian investment in the United States and other developed capital markets. In order to achieve this, I need relevant financial education that will expand my knowledge of developed capital markets. I also feel a pressing need to develop marketing skills with which to promote and successfully place the new funds that I intend to launch. The Wharton School has a multitude of courses that would enable me to contribute to the creation of a Russian market economy. I would also learn to manage investments for US citizens more effectively, which is another goal of my professional career. I believe my unique experience with the inception of the Russian market will be of interest to my colleagues
I have experienced all stages of Russia& s financial emergence--ranging from bull to bear phases. With a curriculum designed specifically to meet the changing demands of a global marketplace and evolving technology, Wharton is the ideal forum for complementing my practical experience with deeper academic
  knowledge and broadened perspectives. 2. I always seize any opportunity to lead a team. The situation described requires concerted motivation tactics. I would begin by instilling within team members a strong sense of unity and commonality of purpose. I would also convince them of their responsibilit education is the key to success, and the time and effort poured into earning an MBA should be put to effective use. In short, I would impress upon them that we were the best team to win the competition, and must not allow this opportunity to pass us by. The main thrust of my efforts, however, would be action. Leadership by examples ways team mem they are more apt to accept a leader whose own acts exceed his demands of others. Such a person is a natural leader, and will gain his team& s respect. I would therefore develop my own ideas and attend to my own tasks while emphasizing the need for each team member to do the same. This would create among the group a sense of individual responsibility for the accomplishment of collective goal. To illustrate this approach, I shall relate my previous experience. Three years ago, I was in the United States with a group of securities industry specialists, selected by Russian Federal Securities Commission and USAID to establish and develop Russia& s mutual fund industry. Each group member was a promising specialist in business&or&government. We spent a month in the United States, taking a variety of courses and visiting several companies involved in the mutual fund industry. At the program& s close, the large group was divided into small teams. Each developed a strategy and business plan for establishing a mutual fund, and had to present this before a jury composed of professors and representatives from different corporations. The jury would then award prizes to the three best presentations. My team was in a similar situation
we had very little time to prepare our presentation. I saw the need for strong leadership, and took action immediately. I convinced my team members that we were uniquely qualified to win the competition, and could do so if we were willing to work. I then launched a collective push to develop ideas, in which each team member was encouraged to participate.
  We soon developed a viable business plan, which I presented to the jury. I am proud to say that we won first prize--due to the initiative and effort of all the team members.
  3. My most significant achievement to this date is the creation of one of the first asset management companies in Russia. This experience w it enabled me to broaden my views and acquire a multitude of managerial skills. The knowledge I gained in this endeavor can be applied to the management of any financial company. I have thus had the unique chance to create and run a business in a real-life situation.
  Launching an asset management company at that point in Russia&s development required the active creation of all of the business& s functional comments, for Russia lacked the infrastructure to support the industry. I therefore developed many elements that were innovative to Russia, including custodians and registrars that would provide security of assets and protect shareholder rights. I was also responsible for the organization of operations, accounting, and trading departments. Although I had no substantial experience&or&education in this area, I succeeded&because of my business intuition, my creative and analytical abilities, and my personal determination. After developing a viable set of departments, I joined the portfolio management team. I quickly moved from Assistant Portfolio Manager of the & Lexington Troika Dialog
Russia Fund& to the role of Principal Manager of Domestic Mutual Funds. Through this variety of positions, I earned invaluable knowledge of all aspects of a company& s inception. I also gained increased confidence in my abilities and abroadened business perspective. This achievement has taught me that I can solve any problem and accomplish any goal through hard work and creativity.
以上就是美国mba& essay的书写介绍,希望可以帮助想要申请美国mba的同学。
申请美国大学怎么都避不开一个问题,why? 最常见的是why our
school, why this
school,而你将成为他们的the one。所以why
1. why school?
why essay种类其实很多,我这里只谈why us(this school), why
this program这两个题目。why
2. why this program?
analysis的,有的学校偏branding management, media,
有的学校偏数量。比如东亚文化研究,你想做经济政策研究这个方向,那绝对不是只要名字是East Asia
this program都应该结合职业目标。我一般会从长期和短期让学生设定目标。但不管是长期还是短期,一般都限定在某一个行业,从某个基础岗位做起然后纵向成长为行业内某个高度的角色。所以,如果你还没想清楚自己未来到底要干嘛,先把这个问题一定想明白。因为不管哪个学校其实都会问到。
再次why this
program写作的时候,你应该留意学校提供的和你专业相关的活动。比如research center or institute, or
any group? 还有一些学校定期举办的camp, presentation,
this program回答的点。
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Mathematics Experience Statement申请MSc Finance, MSc Finance & Accounting, MSc Investment & Wealth Management and MSc Risk Management & Financial Engineering的申请者需要提交这部分。网申系统里面是这样子的:a) Mathematics Please state what you believe was the most advanced module that you have taken in this area and list up to five topics covered during this module, giving an example of why each topic is useful wherever possible.(E.g. Mathematical Methods II - Partial differentiation, Gauss&#39; theorem, Line integrals)b) Probability Theory Please state what you believe was the most advanced module that you have taken in this area and list up to five topics covered during this module, giving an example of why each topic is useful wherever possible.(E.g. Introduction to Probability - Binomial co-efficients, Bayes theorem, Covariance, Cumulative distribution functions)c) Econometrics Please state what you believe was the most advanced module that you have taken in this area and list up to five topics covered during this module, giving an example of why each topic is useful wherever possible.(E.g. Topics in Time Series - non-stationary stochastic processes, autoregressive distributed lag models, vector autoregressive models)d) Computer packages and languages Please list a maximum of five topics with which you are familiar and give an example of why each topic is useful wherever possible. (E.g. Excel)这一部分如实按照情况列出来就行了,包括Quantitative Course、Topics、Level;Software Packages and/or Programming Languages、Used for、Level of proficiency。(PS:如大四正在上或大四下计划上的课程也记得写上,因为成绩单无法显示)Career planning Questions讲这部分之前首先和大家分享一个最新招生资讯:MSc Finance:招生人数80;就业方向为Sales and trading, investment banking, asset management, hedge funds, Investment advisory.MSc Finance & Accounting:招生人数160,就业方向为Financial services, professional services, accounting, corporate banking.Investment & Wealth Management:招生人数85, 就业方向为Asset management, hedge funds, wealth management, sovereign wealth funds, investment advisory.Risk Management & Financial Engineering:招生人数155, 就业方向为Risk management, sales and trading, hedge funds, financial engineering, consulting/advisory.下面是关于职业规划的官方指导:Please describe your short term (3 year) career goals (Please do not exceed 200 words) For this question think about where you want to be three years after completing the MSc course and how this links into one of the following questions – your long term goals. If you are interested in joining a graduate scheme, think about how long it will be, and the type of role you will be doing on completion of it. Think about the type of promotion you might achieve after a graduate scheme – will you be looking after your own projects, clients or research? You might want to look at and “jobs and work” for more information. Another resource to consider is
which has lots of information about a broad range of graduate schemes.Please outline the challenges you think you will face in achieving these short term career goals and how you will overcome them?(Please do not exceed 200 words) For this question we would like you to think about the current trends in the market and how they may affect your career path. Think about what things you could do to increase your employment potential. For example, this might be a better understanding of how Financial Institutions work or an appreciation of the different, interlocking areas of business. Consider how the core courses, the electives you can choose, or the individual research report and how these can be applied to the career you are looking for. You should think about not only the knowledge you will be acquiring, but the interpersonal and technical skills that you will develop on your MSc course.Please describe your long term career goals or, if these are not clear, please outline the industry sectors that are of particular interest to you and why.(Please do not exceed 200 words) Building on the previous questions you should think about your future and where you see yourself, for example, in five years’ time. Think about the sector you want to be working in, the type of position or business you want to have and which geographic location you want to be in. Use these two questions to identify your career goals. If you have no clear goals think about the resources you have used, such as websites, meetings with the career service at your university, presentations you have attended (employer presentations, university presentations) or talks with your friends or family that have helped you to form your ideas for your future career. For example, from your previous degree you might have begun to be interested in the world of finance, and then talks with you family might have convinced you to study abroad. You might have also attended recruitment presentations which together with your research using or helped to you decide on the type of course to study and the type of role you are interested in.What skills do you think are important in the career that interests you, how would you demonstrate that you have been developing these skills so far?(Please do not exceed 300 words) For this question think about the skills your future employer might wish you to have, for example communication, team work, analytical or interpersonal skills and how you can demonstrate that you have them. For advice on the types of skills that employers commonly look for go to and for the Graduate Recruiters perspective see Think about how your key achievements link to your future career – did you learn something about yourself or your skills or career interests that has since informed your career thinking? In which country would you like to start your career after graduation? Please choose a first and second choice of country where you would like to gain employment upon graduation, from the drop down lists provided. Please note that your responses will not be used to restrict you from pursuing employment in other countries should your application be successful. Although we cannot guarantee that our graduates will gain employment in their preferred countries, your responses here will help to prioritise our efforts in seeking suitable employment opportunities in preferred regions.Which sector would you like to work in after graduation? Please specify your preferred sector in which you would like to gain employment following completion of your Masters studies from the drop down menu provided. Your responses will not be used to restrict you from pursuing employment in other sectors.版权声明:本公众号所发布文章如无特殊说明均属于原创文章,转载请注明出处,谢谢!
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