
vt. & vi. (使)保持; (使)继续 (cause to) stay, remain or continue
vi. (食品)保持新鲜 (of food) remain fresh and fit to eat
vt. 阻止,防止,耽搁 prevent
vt. 履行,遵守 fulfil
vt. & vi. 保有,保存,保留 have without the need of returning
vt. 供养,饲养 take care of and provide with food, money, etc.
vt. 经营,管理,料理 own and have use of
vt. 守卫,看守 protect
keep&:&保持, 管理 ...
keep&:&保持, 管理 ...
keep&:&饲料 ...
keep&:&保持, 管理 ...
keep&:&生计 ...
keep&:&经营,经售 ...
the financial mea
"each child was expected to pay for their keep"
"he applied to the state for support"
"he could no longer earn his own livelihood"
the main tower within the walls of a medieval castle or fortress
a cell in a jail or prison
keep in a certain state, position, e.g.,
"keep clean"
"hold in place"
"She always held herself as a lady"
"The students keep me on my toes"
continue a certain state, condition,
"Keep on working!"
"We continued to work into the night"
"Keep smiling"
"We went on working until well past midnight"
"Can I keep my old stuffed animals?"
"She kept her maiden name after she married"
stop (someone or something) from doing something or bein
"We must prevent the cancer from spreading"
"His snoring kept me from falling asleep"
"Keep the child from eating the marbles"
conform one's a
"keep appointments"
"she never keeps her promises"
"We kept to the original conditions of the contract"
"The pianist kept time with the metronome"
"keep count"
"I cannot keep track of all my employees"
"He keeps the shop when I am gone"
maintain by wri
"keep a diary"
"maintain a record"
"keep notes"
"He is keeping three women in the guest cottage"
"keep boarders"
allow to remain in a place or position or maintain a
"We cannot continue several servants any longer"
"She retains a lawyer"
"The family's fortune waned and they could not keep their household staff"
"Our grant has run out and we cannot keep you on"
"We kept the work going as long as we could"
"She retained her composure"
"this garment retains its shape even after many washings"
supply with nec
"She alone sustained her family"
"The money will sustain our good cause"
"There's little to earn and many to keep"
"These potatoes keep for a long time"
behave as expected during
"Keep the commandments"
"celebrate Christmas"
"Observe Yom Kippur"
"suppress a smile"
"Keep your temper"
"keep your cool"
maintain in safety from injury, harm,
"May God keep you"
"She keeps a few chickens in the yard"
"he keeps bees"
"keep my job for me while I give birth"
"keep my seat, please"
"keep open the possibility of a merger"
"Where do you keep your gardening tools?"
"I always keep batteries in the freezer"
"keep food for a week in the pantry"
"She keeps a sixpack and a week's worth of supplies in the refrigerator"
"I keep a car in the countryside"
"She keeps an apartment in Paris for her shopping trips"
"The student was kept after school"
prevent (food)
"preserved meats"
"keep potatoes fresh"
用作动词 (v.)
Here's a five-pound note-- you can keep the change.
Progress is slow but we keep battling on.
Where do you keep the detergent?
It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it.
Once you make a promise, you should keep it.
She keeps the family on two hundred dollars a week.
I have been keeping tropical fish for twenty years.
I'll only keep you a few minutes.
Finish off the pie-it won't keep.
We're all keeping well.
She kept her past secret from us all.
She kept a diary for over twenty years.
Once you make a promise, you should keep it.
She wears a hat to keep the sun out of her eyes.
用作名词 (n.)
Paul earns his keep by helping his elderly landlord.
The furniture was in good keep.
用作动词 (v.)
The fish won't keep; we must eat it now.
You'd better
it won't keep.
Will this food keep?
In such weather meat won't keep long.
That news will keep.
S+~+ adj.
I was so sleepy that I could hardly keep awake .
My mother still keeps young.
Why do you keep silent?
You must keep calm in an emergency.
We must always keep cheerful in hard time.
In those days they could hardly keep alive.
The weather is keeping dry.
S+~+ v -ing
The baby kept crying.
She kept studying.
Please keep sitting where you are.
Why do you keep looking at me like this?
My shoe lace keeps coming undone.
The machine kept running.
I don't know what's I keep breaking things.
It kept raining for a week.
The water in the river keeps rising.
S+~+ prep. -phrase
You must keep inside the house during the cold weather.
They did their best to keep on their guard.
We're keeping in very good health.
S+~+ n./pron.
I think we shall keep friends.
The policemen keep order in the streets.
We must keep in touch with each other.
I'll only keep you for a few minutes.
Well, in this case, I won't keep you.
Why didn't Daddy let me keep the ten dollars?
He always kept the keys in his pocket.
She would not be able to keep the job.
Keep the change.
We will always keep our promise not to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.
He needs more money to keep his wife and children.
They kept a big dog to guard the house.
They keep a shop.
That shop keeps everything you will need.
She will keep her birthday in a special way.
The people in this district keep the Sabbath.
Most people keep Christmas at home.
Who keeps accounts?
She often keeps a diary.
Keep a record of the books that are borrowed from the library.
用于be ~ed结构
His promise was faithfully kept.
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
Will you keep us the seats?
S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./n.
The library will keep the book for you till the weekend.
Please keep this for me until I come back.
S+~+ n./pron. +(as) n./adj.
They kept him a prisoner.
That kept him a student.
You may keep it as a souvenir if you like.
Excitement kept him awake.
Try your best to keep the children quiet.
The experiment kept us busy for three months.
Good food keeps you healthy.
To keep the room warm, they closed all the windows.
They kept the grass short.
She keeps oil clean.
Keep the door open.
用于be ~ed结构
Her house is always kept tidy.
These goods must be kept cool and dry.
S+~+ n./pron.+adv.
What keeps you here so late?
S+~+ n./pron. + v -ing
They kept her working all day.
Keep the fire burning, will you?
The police keep the traffic moving.
用于be ~ed结构
I'm sorry you've been kept waiting.
S+~+ n./pron. + v -ed
She keeps the food locked up.
Hereafter, I want you to keep me informed of how things are going with you.
His friend kept him pinned to the floor until he took back the insult.
He kept his fist clenched in his pocket.
用作动词 (v.)
keep about〔around〕1( v.+adv. )
继续履行职责 go on with one's duties
keep about〔around〕
She is very ill, but she still keeps about.她虽然病得很重,但仍然继续工作。
使手边常有 have sth always present
I like to keep a few envelopes around in case I need them.我喜欢手边常有几个信封,以应不时之需。
keep about〔around〕2 ( v.+prep. )
雇用; 拥有 have sb/sth always present in
keep sb/sth about〔around〕 sb/sth
Many people nowadays keep servants about the house.现在,不少人在家里雇用仆人。
People who live in the country often keep two or three dogs around the place for their own protection.住在乡村的人家往往都有两三条狗,用以保护自己。
keep abreast of( v.+adv.+prep. )
跟上; 保持与…并列位置 not fall behind the development, etc.; maintain one's position in a competitive situation
keep abreast of sb/sth
You'll have to run fast to keep abreast of our best runner and prevent him from winning.你得跑得快点,跟上跑得最快的那位选手,最后击败他。
We must keep abreast of the times.我们必须跟上时代前进的步伐。
We must keep abreast of the latest development in this field.我们要及时了解这一领域的最新发展。
So much is happening in the world of science that it is difficult to keep abreast of all the latest developments.科学领域中发生了这么多事情,跟上所有的最新发展很困难。
We must at all times keep abreast of changing conditions.我们在任何时候都要适应变化了的情况。
Read newspapers to keep abreast of what is going on.阅读报纸,熟悉时事。
keep sb abreast of sth
Reading the People's Daily keeps us abreast of current events.阅读《人民日报》可以使我们及时了解当今天下大事。
keep after( v.+prep. )
紧紧追赶 be in hot pursuit
keep after sb/sth
The police kept after the criminal until they seized him.警察紧紧追赶罪犯,直到把他抓住。
We kept after the stolen car for twenty minutes.我们追赶那辆被盗的汽车长达20分钟。
〈非正〉责备; 挑剔; 反复地要求 repeatedly ask
keep after sb
She keeps after the children the whole time, never lets them have a minute's peace.她老是唠唠叨叨地斥责孩子们,从不让他们有一分钟安宁。
You'll have to keep after them if you want the work done. They're so lazy!如果你想要完成这项工作,就必须不停地督促他们。他们太懒了!
用于 be ~ed 结构
If you want to get any essays out of those lazybones, they have to be kept after.你如果想让那些懒家伙写点什么文章,就非得盯住他们不可。
keep after sb to-v
His mother has to keep after him to finish his homework.他妈妈只得反复提醒他完成家庭作业。
My wife kept after me to buy a new car.我妻子一再要我买辆新汽车。
Her mother had to keep after her to clean her bedroom.她母亲不得不反复提醒她打扫寝室。
keep aloof( v.+adv. )
站得远远地; 不参与 take no part in
keep aloof
Buyers are keeping aloof.购买者都裹足不前。
Artists can never keep aloof from the reality.艺术家千万不可脱离现实生活。
keep sb/oneself aloof from sb/sth
Kehr does not enjoy parties, and usually keeps herself aloof from the other guests, not joining in conversation.凯尔不喜欢参加晚会,而且常有意避开其他客人,不与他们聊天。
keep apart( v.+adv. )
(使)分开 (cause to) remain apart
keep sb/sth apart
You'd better keep the two aggressive boys apart.你最好是把那两个好斗的男孩分开。
keep apart from sb/sth
He's a strange boy. He keeps apart from all the activities in the school.这个男孩有点儿古怪,学校的任何活动他都不参与。
keep sb/sth apart from sb/sth
I like to keep my work apart from my family.我不喜欢让家人插手我的工作。
keep at( v.+prep. )
坚持,继续做 continue to do
keep at sth
Einstein kept at his studies and research, and finally he became a world famous scientist.爱因斯坦坚持不懈地学习和研究,终于成为世界著名的科学家。
He keeps at his studies, although he is ill.即使他病了,他仍坚持学习。
Ignoring fatigue, they kept at the job and finished it three weeks earlier than planned.他们不顾疲劳坚持工作,比原计划提前三个星期完成了任务。
The work is tiring but he'll keep at it until he's finished.这项工作很累人,但他要坚持做下去,直到完成为止。
The only way to get a scientific experiment succeeded is to keep at it again and again.使一种科学实验搞成功的唯一途径就是坚持不懈。
督促,要求(某人工作、学习等) make sb work, study, etc.
keep at sb
Keep at him till he agrees.盯住他,直到他同意为止。
keep at sb to-v
The children kept at their mother to take them to the movies, and she had to agree in the end.孩子们逼着妈妈带他们去看电影,最后,她只好答应。
keep sb/sth at sth
The experienced teacher is used to keeping his students at hard work.有经验的老师习惯于督促学生用功学习。
备有 have sth present in a place
keep sth at hand
When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary at hand.他写作时手边总备有一本词典。
耽搁; 延误 delay sb at a place
keep sb at sth
用于 be ~ed 结构
I'm sorry,I'm late.I was kept at the office.对不起,我迟到了。我在办公室有点事儿被耽搁了。
keep away( v.+adv. )
(使)不接近 (cause to) remain at a distance
Danger!Thin ice.Keep away.危险!冰很薄,别上去。
Keep away, or I'll call the police!别过来,否则我要报警了!
The police warned the people to keep away .警察警告人们不要靠近。
Don't keep away during the roll call.点名时不要走开。
keep sb/sth
Would you keep that dog away, please?请将那条狗牵远些,好吗?
Provide the bare necessities of life, keep away hunger.供给最必需的生活品,特别是食物,以免挨饿。
(使)缺席 (cause to) be absent
We missed you at the party—what kept you away?晚会上我们没有见着你——你为何不参加?
What kept you away yesterday?昨天你为什么没有来?
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每日一苹果,医生不找我。
keep away from( v.+adv.+prep. )
(使)不接近 remain at a distance from
keep away from sb/sth
Keep away from the furnace.不要靠近炉子。
keep sb/sth away from sb/sth
Keep the children away from the machine.别让孩子们接近机器。
The fence is intended to keep vehicles away from the lake shore.这道围栏旨在阻止车辆在湖岸行驶。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Children should be kept away from the river.不要让孩子们靠近这条河。
避开 abstain
keep away from sb/sth
Keep away from bad companions.不要与坏人为伍。
If you don't keep away from the dog, you may be bitten.如果你不避开那只狗,你可能会被咬伤。
Keep away from me. I've got a bad cold.别靠近我,我患了重感冒。
He keeps away from liquor and tobacco.他不喝酒,不抽烟。
You' you should keep away from greasy food.现在你越来越胖,应该忌油腻性食物。
Einstein was a shy man and kept away from the celebrations.爱因斯坦是一个腼腆的人,他避开了庆祝会。
They can't keep away from their regular work for long.他们不能长期离开自己的本职工作。
keep sb/sth away from sb/sth
My mother kept me away from school yesterday.昨天,我妈妈没让我上学。
keep back( v.+adv. )
留在后面,不上前 not to come forward
They all ran forward, but I kept back.他们都向前跑,而我却留在后面。
keep back from sth
I asked the spectators to keep back from the sideline.我要求观众们不要走近边线。
阻止…前进; 阻止…的进展 prevent retard the progress of
keep sb/sth
You have a good chance to win, so why not try—what's keeping you back?你完全有取胜的机会,为什么不努力呢——什么东西束缚住了你的手脚?
I hope I am not keeping you back.我希望没有妨碍你。
The angry crowds would not keep back the barrier.愤怒的人群不肯站在栅栏后面。
You show promise as a musician but your lack of practice is keeping you back.你展现出当音乐家的天赋,但是缺乏实践,影响你的发展。
A slow learner can keep back the whole class.反应迟钝的学生会影响全班的进步。
I can't keep the meal back for more than half an hour to wait for our guest.我不可能为等候客人而把吃饭时间推迟半小时。
Dykes keep back the flood water.堤坝拦住洪水。
Brooks was able to keep back his anger and avoid a fight.布鲁克斯终于控制了自己的愤怒,从而避免了一场争斗。
keep sb/sth
back from sth/v-ing
The fighter accepted money to keep himself back from winning the fight.这位职业拳击手拿了钱,因而阻碍了他在这场拳击赛中的获胜。
隐瞒 conceal
The prisoner was keeping back vital information.该囚犯不肯吐露重要情况。
back from sb
You are keeping so what is it?你有什么事隐瞒我们,到底是什么?
We must hear the whole story, don't keep anything back from us.我们必须听一下事件的整个过程,不要对我们隐瞒什么。
We decided to keep the rest of the bad news back from her until she was feeling stronger.我们决定把其他的坏消息瞒着她,等她身体感到强壮一点的时候再告诉她。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The doctor thought the girl's illness should be kept back from her because it was cancer.医生认为不能把病情告诉这孩子,因为她得了癌症。
扣留; 保留 reserve
I kept a few books back and gave him the rest.这些书我自己留下了几本,其余的都给了他。
The owner of the boat kept back half their deposit to pay for the damage they had done.船主扣下了他们的一半押金,以赔偿他们造成的损失。
back for sb/sth
I shall be late arriving so would you mind keeping back some food for me?我将晚些回来,请给我留些食物好吗?
The stockholders agreed to let their company keep back a part of its profits for reserve funds.股东们同意让公司扣留一部分利润作为公积金。
keep sb/sth
back from sth
They kept back five dollars from her wages for income tax.他们从她工资中扣了五美元所得税。
keep behind1( v.+adv. )
使留下来 make sb remain after others have gone
Cage was late home because she was kept behind at school to finish homework.
离开一段距离 remain at a distance behind
It's safest to keep a good distance behind in case the car in front suddenly stops.
使在智力上落后 cause to fall behind mentally
Illness kept the boy behind in his school work.
keep behind2 ( v.+prep. )
紧跟在…后面 remain the rear of
keep behind sb/sth
Keep behind the leading runner until the last few yards, then pass him.紧跟着领先的那位选手,等到最后几码时超过去。
把…放在…后面 have sth placed or present at the back of sth
keep sth behind sth
I keep urgent letters behind the clock so that I will be reminded to reply.我把要紧的信放在钟的后面,以免忘了写回信。
keep by1( v.+adv. )
使保持在手边 have sth at hand
keep sth by
I always keep a new tin of coffee by in case we suddenly need some more.我手边总有一听新买来的咖啡,以备不时之需。
keep by2( v.+prep. )
使…保持在…旁边 have sth near sb/sth
keep sth by sb/sth
I find it helpful to keep several dictionaries by me so as to compare their wording.我发现,手边有几本词典大有好处,这样可以比较它们的选词用字。
I always keep a drink of water by my bedside in case I am thirsty in the middle of the night.我总在床边放些水,以备半夜口渴时喝。
靠近 remain close to
keep by sb/sth
Keep by me.It's so dark here.挨着我走,这儿很暗。
Keep by this ditch and you'll get there in no time.沿着这条沟走下去,一会儿就到了。
keep down( v.+adv. )
使不升起; 蹲下,伏倒 lie low
He kept down in the wheat fields and escaped the enemy patrol's notice.他蹲在麦田里,躲过了敌人巡逻队的注意。
keep sb/sth
Keep your arms down by your sides.把手臂放在两侧,不要举起。
控制,限制 r limit
I hope the wind keeps down, or the sea will be too rough for sailing.希望风小些,否则,海面浪涛汹涌,无法航行。
keep sb/sth
You can't keep a good man down.优秀的人是抹杀不了的。
The army tried to keep down the Indians by force.军队企图用武力压服印第安人。
We must keep down the cost of production.我们必须降低生产成本。
We tried all means to keep expenses down, but we have been spending more and more.我们想尽办法限制消费,但是,我们却越花越多。
K your mother's trying to get some sleep.说话小声点儿,你妈妈想睡会儿觉。
Try to keep down your anger.It has no good to your health.尽量抑制你的愤怒,生气对你的身体不好。
用于 be ~ed 结构
She thinks that women have been kept down by men for long enough.她认为妇女受男人压制的时间已经够长了。
除掉 reduce or control sth especially by killing
They have found out a new way to keep down weeds in paddy fields.他们找到了一种控制稻田杂草的新方法。
Singapore has been very successful in keeping down the number of its mosquitoes.新加坡在控制蚊虫方面取得了很大的成功。
Chemicals are used to keep the insects down.化学药品用于阻止昆虫滋生。
留级 make a student remain in the same grade for a second year, instead of moving to a higher grade
用于 be ~ed 结构
Haas was afraid that if he failed his examinations again, he would be kept down next year.哈斯担心,他如果再考不及格,下一年就得留级了。
保留在胃里 retain or hold food or drink in the stomach
The sick man can't keep anything down.病人胃里存不下任何东西。
She can't keep these powders down at all.这些药粉她一吃下去就要吐。
keep for( v.+prep. )
(使)保留到…再用 (cause to) last or remain unused until a time
keep for sth
Will your story keep for another time?你把故事留到下次再讲行吗?
keep sth for sth
Let's keep the new play for the opening of the theatre.把新排的剧留到剧场落成典礼上再演吧。
We'll keep these for another day.我们还要将这些再保留一天。
keep from( v.+prep. )
隐瞒 keep information secret from sb
keep sth from sb
Can you keep a secret from your wife?你能对你的妻子保密吗?
She can keep nothing from her friends.她在朋友面前没什么可保密的。
Be sure to keep these facts from those who are concerned.务必不要把这些情况透露给有关人员。
阻止; 免于 prevent or delay from
keep sb/sth from sth/v-ing
I don't want to keep you from your work.我不想耽误你的工作。
Some paint will keep the wood from damage by water.涂些油漆可使木头免受水的侵蚀。
Only pride kept her from bursting into tears.只是由于自尊心她才没有大哭起来。
Please keep the children from swimming in the sea. There are some dangerous currents just off the shore.请不要让孩子们在海里游泳,岸边有一些危险的水流。
The government is considering further action to keep the pound from falling in value.政府正在考虑采取进一步措施避免英镑贬值。
What shall I do to keep this from getting dirty?我该怎么办才能使它免遭污染?
忍住,戒 abstain from
keep from sb/sth/v-ing
I hope you will keep from doing anything rash.我希望你克制自己不去做任何鲁莽的事。
He couldn't keep from laughing.他禁不住笑了。
“I don't worry,”he said,“but I can't keep from thinking.”“我倒不担心,”他说,“可我不由得要想。”
He couldn't keep from thinking that they had changed their minds.他不得不认为他们已经改变了主意。
You'd better keep from bad company.你可不能与坏人为伍。
If he can keep from smoking for a month or two his health will improve.他如果能一两个月不抽烟,他的健康一定会有起色。
While you're covering from influenza you should try to keep from getting wet or going back to work too soon.你正从流感中恢复的时候应该尽量避免淋雨或过早回去上班。
keep going( v.+adj. )
(使)继续下去 (cause to) continue
keep going
It was exhausting work, but they managed to keep going.这项工作十分费力,但他们还是坚持干下来了。
This illness makes me feel so tired that some days I don't know how to keep going.这病使我疲惫不堪,有时,我真不知如何坚持下去。
keep sb/sth going
We need a new contract to keep the firm going for the rest of the year.我们需要订个新合同使公司年底前还有生意可做。
It was the joint effort of many doctors that kept him going for so long.是许多医生的共同努力才使他活了这么久。
keep in1( v.+adv. )
(使)留在家里 compel to stay in a house, etc.; remain indoors
Seeing such fine weather, the boys could scarcely keep in.看到这么好的天气,男孩们在屋里呆不住了。
You'd better keep in until it blows over.你们最好等风过后再出去。
keep sb in
The doctor kept him in for a week.医生要他呆在家里休息一星期。
(罚学生)放学后留校 detain a child in school as a punishment
keep sb in
The teacher kept the student in because he was naughty.那个学生因为顽皮被老师放学后留在学校里。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The boy was kept in until six o'clock.这小孩被留在学校一直到6点。
抑制 restrain one's feelings
You should keep in your bad temper.你应该控制自己的坏脾气。
It was impossible for the children to keep in their laughter any longer.叫孩子们不要再笑出来,是完全不可能的。
I was very angry but was able to keep it in and spoke to him pleasantly.我很生气,但还是控制住了自己,仍和颜悦色地跟他讲话。
(使)继续燃烧 (cause to) keep a fire burning
The fire will keep in if you add coal into it from time to time.不时添点煤,火就不会熄。
The stove will keep in all night if you put enough coal on in the evening.要是你在晚上加足煤,炉子便通宵不会熄灭。
keep sth in
You needn't keep the fire in while you are out.人不在时你不必一直生着火。
收进,缩进 hold or pull in
Stand straight and keep your stomach muscles in.请站直,收腹。
储备,储存 store
I always keep some good wine in for unexpected guests.我总保存些好酒用来招待不速之客。
保留… cause sth such as words or actions to remain as part of writing, etc.
But that's the b let's keep it in.但那是整部戏中最精彩的一个笑话,就保留着吧。
keep in2( v.+prep. )
使继续处于… make sb/sth continue to be in a state, place, etc.
I shall have to keep you in hospital for another week.
Why do you keep your hands in your pockets all the time?
It's endless work keeping the house in good repair.
We must keep our spending in check this month.
You'd better keep your anger in check.
I have to keep my papers in order or I would never find anything.
用于 be ~ed 结构
How long should a murderer be kept in prison?
提供 provide sb with
She doesn't earn enough to keep herself in food.
Ade doesn't earn enough to keep himself in leather shoes.
Her father pays for her rent and board but Lucy keeps herself in clothes.
抚养; 维持 support sb in a certain style
One's children should keep one in comfort in one's old age.
If you are going to marry my daughter,I must ask you if you are prepared to keep her in the manner to which she has been accustomed.
keep in with( v.+adv.+prep. )
与(某人)保持友好关系; 讨好(某人) be on good terms with (sb)
keep in with sb
I'm trying to keep in with them.我在尽力与他们保持友好关系。
It will pay you to keep in with the director, as his influence could get you a better position in the firm.和你的主任搞好关系,你绝不会吃亏的,因为他的影响可使你在公司有一个好的职位。
The shopkeeper managed to keep in with his customers.店主设法与顾客搞好关系。
We'll have to keep in with her in case we can't ever pay the rent.我们不得不继续讨好她,以防我们万一付不起房租。
You should keep in with him as he is very influential.你必须讨好他,因为他是很有影响的人物。
keep indoors( v.+adv. )
(使)留在户内、室内 (cause to) remain inside the house
keep indoors
Mother was advised to keep indoors for a week after her cough seemed better.医生嘱咐母亲咳嗽见好之后在家里呆一星期,不要外出。
keep sb/sth indoors
They kept the child indoors.他们把小孩留在室内。
We keep the dog indoors on cold nights.在寒冷的夜晚我们把狗关在屋里。
用于 be ~ed 结构
We were kept indoors all week by bad weather.因天气不好,我们整整一周未出门。
keep of( v.+prep. )
使…处于某种状态 cause to remain a state of
keep sth of sb/sth
The teacher could not keep control of the class any longer.这位老师再也控制不住那班学生了。
The director kept control of most of the shares, but another man was appointed to run the business.经理控制着大多数股份,而另有一人被委派负责经营企业。
We need a better system for keeping count of people who attend our concerts.我们需要一个更先进的办法记录出席我们音乐会的人数。
Keep hold of the rope, and we'll pull you up.抓住绳子,我们把你拉上来。
In a fierce argument, it is often difficult to keep hold of one's main point.在激烈的辩论中,一个人很难把握住自己的主要论点,使之不走样。
I like to keep sight of the children while they are playing.我喜欢在孩子们玩的时候始终看着他们。
Always keep sight of your main purpose in life.要始终把自己的人生主要目标记在心里。
How do you keep track of such a large family?这样一个大家庭你是怎样照管的呢?
The library has a new system for keeping track of its books.图书馆有一套新办法来掌握图书的情况。
keep off1( v.+adv. )
(使)不接近; 挡住 (cause to)
They asked the spectators to keep off.他们要观众站开些。
keep sb/sth
Keep the children off.It's dangerous here!别让孩子们靠近,这儿危险!
Cage tends to keep off people who try to be friendly too suddenly.凯奇往往不愿接近那些突然对她表示友善的人。
He burnt a mosquito coil to keep off the mosquitoes.他点着一盘蚊香以驱赶蚊子。
Keep your hands off!勿用手摸!
Draw the curtain to keep the sun off.放下窗帘,挡挡阳光。
We must keep the enemy's attack off until dark.天黑前我们应当顶住敌人的进攻。
(雨、雪等)没有下 not arrive, fall or occur, especially of rain, snow, etc.
The fishing boats will put out to sea if the storm keeps off tomorrow morning.明天早上如果不刮暴风,渔船就出海打鱼。
Will the rain keep off until after the game?比赛结束后才会下雨吧?
keep off2( v.+prep. )
(使)不接近于 (cause to) stay at a distance from
keep off sth
He told the boys playing football to keep off the grass.他告诉那些踢足球的孩子们不要践踏草坪。
keep sb/sth off sb/sth
Mother will keep Cabe off school until her stomach trouble is better.妈妈将等到凯布的胃病好一些后,再让她去上学。
I tried to keep the flies off this dish.我尽力不让苍蝇落在菜盘上。
The crowd could not keep their eyes off the beautiful young singer.人们目不转睛地盯着那位美丽的年轻歌手。
He learned the hard way to keep his hands off other men's wives.他尝到了苦头,才不再去染指别人的老婆。
避开某一话题 avoid subject, topic, issue, etc.
keep off sth
By mutual consent, the negotiators kept off political differences, and concentrated on the military issue.经双方同意,谈判代表避开政治上的分歧,集中讨论军事问题。
He embarrassed the government by refusing to keep off the problem of unemployment.他拒绝回避失业问题,搞得政府很为难。
I suggest that you keep off religion while the priest is here.我建议,那牧师在场时你不要谈论宗教问题。
禁食 not take sth for health
keep off sth
The doctor has advised him to keep off fattening food.医生已建议他不要吃致肥食物。
The doctor ordered the patient to keep off all solid food for at least twenty-four hours.医生吩咐病人至少二十四小时内不要吃任何固体食物。
The doctor has told me to keep off cigarettes and alcohol.医生告诉我戒除烟酒。
keep on1( v.+adv. )
继续前进; 继续工作 continue to work
The climbers kept on in the hope of reaching the top with one last effort.登山队员们继续前进,希望最后一鼓作气地到达峰顶。
We kept on in spite of every difficulty.尽管有种种困难,我们仍坚持下去。
keep on v-ing
Why do you keep on smiling?你为什么老是笑?
He kept on smoking after the doctor told him to stop.医生已经劝告他戒烟,可他仍继续抽烟。
She kept on talking long after we had stopped listening.我们停止听讲许久以后,她还是不断地谈着。
I kept on making the same mistakes and the teacher was annoyed.我老是犯同样的错误,老师为此很生气。
He kept on playing the violin.他继续拉小提琴。
He kept on phoning me, and I really don't want to talk to him.他不断给我打来电话,可我实在不想和他说话。
Don't keep on asking such questions!不要老是问这类问题。
keep on with sth
Let us keep on with our work.让我们继续干吧。
Are the tourists going to keep on with their trip?游客们是否打算继续旅游?
继续穿着或戴着 continue to wear
It's rather cold here.You'd better keep your overcoat on.这儿相当冷,你最好还是穿着外套。
All right, keep your hair on!Nobody's blaming you!得了,别发火,谁也没责怪你。
继续雇用; 继续使用或占有 continue to use or possess
keep sb/sth
Are you going to keep the flat on if your company sends you abroad?如果你们公司把你派到国外去,你还打算继续租用这套房间吗?
Were you able to keep both the gardeners on?你还能继续雇用这两名花匠吗?
反复提及,抱怨 mention or complain about sth repeatedly, especially in an irritating way
keep on about/at sb/sth
The old lady kept on about her illness.那老太太没完没了地讲她的病情。
She kept on at her boss to treat her a trip.她一再要求老板让她免费旅行一次。
She keeps on at the children all day about one thing or another.她总为这事或那事训斥孩子。
keep on2( v.+prep. )
继续保持在…上 stay on or above sth
keep on sth
How do you keep on a horse?你如何骑在马上?
No matter what happens to everyone else,Mr. Smith will keep on top.不管其他人发生什么情况,史密斯先生将稳坐江山。
keep sth on sth
She kept her hat on her head with a long pin.她用长帽针把帽子牢牢地戴在头上。
It's hard to keep your mind on your work with all this noise going on.在这种喧闹声中很难让人继续专心工作。
This new contract should keep the business on its feet for another six months, but after that the future is uncertain.这份新合同可以使公司再支撑半年,之后如何就难说了。
We may have to keep the contract on ice until we have the supplies to fulfil it.我们可能得先把合同放在一边,等有了履行合同所需的货物之后再说。
(使)继续朝…行进 (cause to) continue toward a certain direction
keep on sth
If we keep on our way for another hour we should reach the village.如果再继续向前走一小时,我们就到那个村子了。
It's hard for a former prisoner to keep on the rails.让蹲过监狱的人遵纪守法不是易事。
keep sb/sth on sth
The captain was able to keep the ship on her course in spite of the storm.尽管有风暴,船长仍使船沿航道继续航行。
(使)继续服药或接受训练 (cause to) continue taking medicine or following a course
keep on sth
Will you keep on the course of exercises until you are thinner?你要继续这项训练,直到身体瘦下来为止吗?
keep sb on sth
The doctor wants to keep Mother on the medicine for another month.医生要母亲把这种药再服用一个月。
keep out( v.+adv. )
(使)留在外面 (cause to) stay outside
Danger!Keep out!危险!切勿入内!
keep sb/sth
This notice should keep unwanted visitors out.这条启事能把闲人拒之门外。
Walls and drains have been built to keep out sand and water.人们修筑了土墙和排水沟来防止风沙和水涝。
We must try some way to keep out the dust.我们得想个法子不让尘土进入。
The poor worker's thin jacket couldn't keep out the cold.那个穷工人的薄褂子挡不住寒气。
Warm clothing helps to keep out the cold.暖和的衣服可御寒。
The trees keep out the wind.这些树可以挡风。
扣留; 保留,留出 save
keep sth ?out
用于 be ~ed 结构
The best cuts of the meat were kept out for the sick and wounded.最好的几块肉留给了伤病员。
keep out of( v.+adv.+prep. )
(使)在…外; (使)不入…内 (cause to) stay outside of
keep out of sth
The children have been warned to keep out of the fields while the crops are growing.已警告孩子不要到庄稼地里去。
Keep out of my way, can't you?I need room to get past!别挡我的路,行不行? 给我让个地方过去!
keep sb/sth out of sth
The cook keeps everybody out of kitchen while he is working.厨师干活时,不让任何人进入厨房。
Keep that dog out of my study.不要让那条狗进入我的书房。
(使…)置身于…之外 (cause to) stay away from usually sth bad
keep out of sth
You should keep out of our quarrel.你别介入我们的争吵。
Keep out of what doesn't concern you.躲开与你无关的事。
Tell the children to keep out of mischief.叫孩子们不要胡闹。
“This is our family's affair,” he said. “You keep out of it.”他说:“这是我们的家事,你不要插手。”
keep sb/sth out of sth
I hope you'll keep him out of trouble while I'm away.我不在时,希望你能帮他远离麻烦。
The children don't do much at their youth club, but at least it keeps them out of harm's way.虽说孩子们在青少年俱乐部里干不了什么,但在那儿起码可以不出事儿。
Keep your nose out of my affairs!别管我的事!
keep till〔until〕( v.+prep. )
把…留到,保留到; 保持到(某时)不坏; 等到 save st remain in good condition u wait until a time
keep till〔until〕 sth
The milk won' we'd better drink it now.牛奶留不到明天,咱们最好马上喝掉。
Writing that letter will have to keep until tomorrow.写那封信的事只得等到明天再说了。
Can't your story keep until another time?不能再找个时间讲你的故事吗?
keep sth till〔until〕 sth
The teacher kept the whole class till four o'clock.老师把全班学生留到四点。
The library will let you keep the book till next week.图书馆会把书借你一星期。
Keep this ring until my return.把戒指保存起来,等我回来时再说。
keep to( v.+prep. )
呆在 stay in a bed, house, etc.
keep to sth
I kept to my tent.我一直呆在帐篷里。
She was obliged to keep to her bed because of a fever.她因发烧而不得不躺在床上。
When Gaer is in a bad temper, she keeps to her room all day.盖尔情绪不好时,整天把自己关在屋子里。
紧靠向 move in or towards
keep to sth
If you keep to the main road you won't get lost.假如你沿着主干道走,就不会迷路。
(使)谈话不离题 (cause to) talk about sth without letting one's attention wander
keep to sth
In discussing this problem we ought to keep to the point at issue.讨论这个问题时,我们应该抓住争论点。
I must keep to what I've seen with my own eyes.我只谈一下我自己亲眼所见的事。
keep sb to sth
It is part of the chairman's duty to keep each speaker to the point to save wasting time.使每位发言人不离题,少浪费时间,是主持人的部分职责。
(使)遵守或坚持 (cause to) follow or abide by
keep to sth
The tourists insist on keeping to their plan.旅行者坚持按旅行计划行事。
The priest kept to his beliefs in spite of cruel treatment.那牧师虽然受到残忍的对待,他仍不放弃自己的信仰。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Traffic regulations should always be kept to at any time.任何时候,人们都要遵守交通法规。
keep sb to sth
I shall keep you to your promise to come and see us next year.我要让你遵守自己的诺言,明年来看我们。
保密; 不交际 avoid meeting other people
keep to oneself
There are only a man and his wife living there.They keep entirely to themselves.只有一个男人和他的妻子住在那里,他们完全不与外人来往。
keep sth to oneself
I'll thank you to keep your opinion to yourself.我请你别发表自己的看法。
将…的数量限制在 limit sb/sth to a certain number or quantity
keep sb/sth to sth
I don't want too many people to come to the party.Please keep the guests to about fifty.我不想让太多的人来参加晚会。把客人控制在50位左右吧!
Keep his remarks to the minimum and let other people have chances to present their views.把他的讲话控制得尽可能短些,好让别人也有机会发表意见。
keep together( v.+adv. )
(使)留在一起 (cause to) remain together
keep together
He has tied the sticks firmly. He hopes they will keep together.他把木柴捆扎得牢牢的,希望它们不会散开。
When the mist comes down, we must keep together or we'll be lost.雾笼罩时,我们最好呆在一起,否则会走散的。
keep sb/sth together
I'd like to keep the children together in school.我乐意把孩子们集中到学校里。
You must learn to keep your things together and not leave them all over the house.你必须学会收拾自己的东西,不要在屋子里到处乱丢乱放。
A library usually keeps books of the same kind together.图书馆通常把同类书放在一起。
用于 be ~ed 结构
It is really incredible that these old records have been kept together through the centuries.这些古老的文献竟然保存了几百年而不散失,真是难以置信。
(使)保持行动协调 (cause to) maintain a coordinated action
keep together
We try to keep together as a family.我们尽力团结得像一家人。
You singers must keep together or you will spoil the music.你们这些歌手一定要唱得谐音同调,否则就把曲子糟蹋了。
keep sb together
The conductor is good at keeping the players together.乐队指挥善于使演奏者演奏协调。
Facing a common enemy keeps the nation together.面对共同的敌人,全国人民万众一心。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The party was kept together by personal loyalty to the leader.这个党是靠对领袖的个人忠诚而维系在一起的。
keep under1( v.+adv. )
(使)留在水面下 (cause to) hold or remain below the surface of water
keep under
The two scouts, swimming across the river, managed to keep under as the enemy's searchlight raked the surface.当敌人的探照灯扫过江面时,那两名泅水过江的侦察员设法躲在水下。
keep sb/sth
He tried to swim, but a strong current kept him under and he drowned.他挣扎着游水,但被一股激流压下去淹死了。
控制; 压迫 oppress
keep sb/sth
The firemen tried their best to keep the flame under.消防人员尽他们最大的努力把火势控制住。
You won't keep her under for much longer.你约束不了她多久了。
Former rulers kept the people under, but now they have been allowed to hold elections and have much more freedom.从前的统治者总是压迫人民,但现在,人民被允许举行选举并有了更多的自由。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The fire was finally kept under.火势终于被压下去了。
keep under2( v.+prep. )
把…放在…之下 put sth under sth
There is no room for my shoes in the cupboard, so I have to keep them under the bed.
控制住…; 保密 continue to be able to control sth/ keep secret
How long can an inexperienced teacher keep a class like that under control?
用于 be ~ed 结构
If that fire is not kept under control, it could spread to other buildings in the street.
For the time being, the project has to be kept under wraps.
keep up( v.+adv. )
(使)不倒下〔不下沉〕 prevent from falling or sinking
The surviving sailors managed to keep up for several hours and were eventually picked up by a lifeboat.那些幸存的船员设法在水面浮了几个小时,终于被救生艇救了起来。
keep sb/sth
Are these pillars strong enough to keep up that dome?这几根柱子撑得住那个圆形屋顶吗?
The children use water wings to keep themselves up in the water while they're learning to swim.孩子们在学游泳时常用浮圈使自己浮在水面。
保持在高水平上 remain at a high level
In spite of the unfavorable weather, the grain output of the farm kept up and even increased a little than last year.尽管天气不好,粮食产量并未下降,甚至比上年还略有增加。
They worked hard every day to keep their experimental plot up.他们天天埋头苦干,以把试验田种好。
跟上,赶上 move or advance as quickly as the others
The work is too difficult for me and I am not able to keep up.工作太困难了,我难以赶上别人。
保养,维修 maintain or keep in order or good condition
keep sth ?up
The municipal authorities have kept the roads up well.市政当局把道路保养得不错。
It's silly to spend money just to keep up appearances.仅仅为了撑面子而那样花钱是愚蠢的。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The historic mansion was presented by the owner to the city, and is now kept up by the local authorities.这所有历史意义的大厦是房主送给城市的,现在由地方当局保养维修。
保持 maintain a tradition, a custom, a reputation, etc.
We are very anxious to keep up the reputation of the firm.我们对于保持商号的名誉非常急切。
They have kept up their friendship for thirty years.他们的友谊已经持续了三十年。
We kept up a regular correspondence with them.我们继续同他们保持定期通信联系。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The ancient custom of well-dressing is still kept up in many Derbyshire villages.穿得体面的古代风俗在德贝夏郡一带很多村子里一直还保持着。
保持不衰退 retain one's spirits, strength, etc. not decline
Their spirits kept up well in spite of setbacks.尽管遭受挫折,他们的热情不减。
The men kept up their morale in spite of untold hardships.尽管经历了极度的艰难困苦,战士们仍保持着旺盛的士气。
Keep it up! Final victory is in sight.坚持下去!最后胜利已经在望了。
不减弱 (of a storm, sun shine, etc.) continue unchanged or unabated
I hope the weather will keep up.我希望天气继续晴朗。
使熬夜 prevent sb from going to bed at the usual time
Don't keep the children up too late.别让孩子们睡得太晚。
I don't you look very sleepy.我不想叫你熬夜,你看上去已经十分困倦了。
keep up to( v.+adv.+prep. )
保持与…一样高 remain level with
keep up to sth
The meat prices keep up to last month's level.肉价与上月一样高。
keep sth up to sth
The landlord keeps the rent up to last year's level.房东把房租订得与去年一样高。
跟上 remain level with
keep up to sb
I had to run to keep up to the girls.我得跑去追上那些女孩。
You should work hard to keep up to other students.你得努力学习以赶上别的同学。
keep up with( v.+adv.+prep. )
跟上,不落人之后 not fall behind of
You're walking too fast. I can't keep up with you.
They don't think they must keep up with their neighbours.
We must keep up with the times.
The international situation changes so quickly that one can hardly keep up with it.
对…消息灵通 keep adequately informed about
He keeps up with everything.
保持接触 maintain contact with
He has kept up with a number of his old workmates since his retirement.
keep with( v.+prep. )
将…放在一起 put sth with sth else together
keep sth with sth
Why do you keep the knives with the forks?I separate mine.你为什么把刀叉放在一 起?我的刀叉分着放。
陪伴 accompany
keep with sb
I'll keep with you to the bus terminal.我陪你到公共汽车终点站。
keep within( v.+prep. )
保持在…内 be limited by
keep within sth
Make sure you keep within the new lower speed limit.请一定不要超过新的限速。
keep sth within sth
用于 be ~ed 结构
The firm's costs must be kept within bounds on this new contract.根据这份新合同,公司的费用要限制在规定的范围之内。
用作动词 (v.)
What God hath done for you ye take no keepe.
出自:A. Barclay
If you kept small rules, you could break the big ones.
出自:G. Orwell
He kept the dinner appointment.
出自:E. O
keep open doors, keep the door open
1.前者的意思是“好客”或“对客人盛情招待”; 后者的意思是“使门保持开着”。
2.前者中的doors是复数形式,其前无冠词; 而后者中的door则根据实际情况,可用单数,也可用复数。
3.前者中的open位于doors之前,作定语; 后者中的open位于door之后,作宾语补足语。
keep shop, keep a shop
1.前者的意思是“照管店务”; 后者的意思是“开一个店铺”。
2.前者中的shop是不可数名词,无单复数之分; 后者中的shop是可数名词,可根据实际情况而用单复数。例如:
His father kept two shops in the countryside.他父亲在乡间开了两个小店。
keep silent, keep silence
He was unable to keep silent any longer.
I hope you will keep silence while I am away.
keep v-ing, keep on v-ing
1.keep v -ing中的 v -ing是分词作表语, keep on v -ing中的 v -ing是动名词作宾语。
2.keep v -ing强调动作的连续性和客观性; 而keep on v -ing强调动作的重复性或动作执行者的决心,常含有一定的感情色彩。
3.keep v -ing还可表示持续不间断的状态或动作,而keep on v -ing无此用法。
keep one's word, promise
promise指“许诺”,只指意图,而不指义务,只指美好的愿望,不指坏的意图; keep one's word则指作出promise后遵守自己的诺言。例如:
He promised to come and see me today, but he failed to keep his word.他答应今天来看我,但他没能守约。
I'I'll tell him everything.我将遵守诺言,把一切告诉他。
keep, detain
1.detain尤指警察进行“拘留”,一般指“留住,耽搁”时,常含有强迫之意; keep多用于口语中。
keep, hold
keep, preserve, reserve, retain
1.keep指把某一事物置于自己的权力或管理之下; retain和reserve同义,均指继续“保持”或“保存”某事物, retain是较为正式的用语,还可指记住某事; preserve指把某物“收藏”或“保存”好。
2.retain含有不失去的意味; reserve则强调继续保持而不致失去; preserve强调防止破坏作用,要采取措施使某物完好无损或质量不变。例如:
His business has been taken over by a big corporation, but he still retains some control over it.他的商店被一家大公司接管了,但他仍保留部分控制权。
You'd better reserve your strength for tomorrow's climb.你最好留点力气明天爬山。
Salt preserves food from decay.盐能防止食物腐烂。
keep the door open, leave the door open
Do not leave the door open at night!
She kept the door open at night to wait for her husband.
keep away from, avoid, evade, shun
1.evade多用于指避开当前极不希望的事物或场合; shun则多用于避开一贯不喜欢的事物或场合; 而avoid则既可指避开当前极不希望的事物或场合,也可指避开一贯不喜欢的事物或场合。
2.avoid强调消极地避开; evade多指用巧妙而有策略的方法积极避开; shun指主体积极设法避开,但表示不愿接近的心情更鲜明。
3.avoid, evade, shun都可用名词作宾语,但avoid和shun还可用动名词作直接宾语。
4.keep away from常用于口语,指避开、不接近。
keep up with, catch up with
catch up with表示从落后的状态迎头赶上; keep up with表示跟上某人以至不落后。例如:
YI will soon catch up with you.
She had to run to keep up with them.
keep still, hold still
这两个短语中hold和keep都用作系动词, still是形容词作表语,在作“坚持不动”解时,两者可互换,只是hold still是美式英语; 而keep still是英式英语。另外, keep still还有“保持沉默”的意思,而hold still则无此义。
He raised the children himself;his wife died years ago.
He raised those goats from new-born kids.
John has his wife and six children to keep(support).
They kept some hens and pigs.
She supports her old mother.
He has a large family to support.
Have you fed the baby/cow yet?
She fed meat to her dog. =She fed her dog with/on meat.
Foxes feed on small animals.
误 Is this meat keeping until tomorrow?
正 Will this meat keep until tomorrow?
析 keep作“(食物等)放得住,保持新鲜”解时不用进行体。
误 They kept us supplying with vegetables.
正 They kept us supplied with vegetables.
析 keep在表示被动承受意义时,接过去分词短语充当宾语补足语。
误 Nothing can keep me to love her.
正 Nothing can keep me from loving her.
析 表示“阻止某人做某事”应该说keep sb from v -ing,而不能说keep sb to- v 。
☆ 直接源自晚期古英语的cepan;最初源自原始日耳曼语的kopijanan,意为抓住,握住。
[短语词组]keep up with
[短语词组]keep up with
keep&:&保存,保留 ...
keep:keep n. 保持, 保养, 生计, 监狱, [史]要塞vt. 保持, 保存, 遵守, 经营, 看守, 拘留, 维持, 记(日记,帐等)vi. 保持, 继续不断习惯用语earn one's keep…


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