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Itchy, periodic, bee stinging sensations all over body?
Hi, I wasn't quite sure of what topic to put this under, so I think neurology is the closest, if not, the right one.
Ok, so for ages, like maybe 2 years now. I have been experiencing these Itchy-bee-sting like sensations all over my body, and when I say all over my body, I don't mean all at the one time, it's more of a periodic type of sensation that just 'pops' up in different places around my body, I just had one on my leg, then 5 seconds later I got one on my stomach, and then my foot. These prickle/stings that I feel do not have any visual symptoms, such as bumps rash, etc. It's just invisible pain &literally the feeling that a bee just stung me real quick&. Right now, it is 1:52 AM and I am awake because these stings are too intense, and can not be ignored, no matter how tired I am. I take anti-histamines (claratyne) and it doesn't seem to rid them, not even in the slightest. These 'stings' have been going on for 4 days now and I have lost so much sleep. They don't seem to go away, not even for a little bit during the day. I'm really not sure as to what is causing them, like I can’t think of a trigger, maybe my soaps? Who knows, but all the soaps I use are soap free. When these 'sting-things' happen, I feel I have to scratch them for them to go away, or it turns into an intense sting, it just gets really strong and painful and then slowly tapers off.
Please help me, when I explain this to my GP, he says he has never heard such a thing!
Any insight would be great, thanks kindly, Samantha.
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Hi, There can be several reasons of your generalized body numbness or stinging feeling although without being able to examine you I can not offer you the specific advice on diagnosis and treatment that you need, but I would try to provide you some relevant information about your health concern.
Most likely your symptoms could be due to peripheral neuropathy such as injury to a nerve, pressure on spinal/peripheral nerves (neuropathy),diabetic or alcoholic neuropathy,&&vitamin deficiency ( esp. Vitamin B12, lack of blood supply due to cholesterol plaque from atherosclerosis in the extremities, viral infection and use of certain medications.&&Please consult your doctor to get all these possibilities evaluation in your case for further assessment. Hope this helps.
Hi, There can be several reasons of your generalized body numbness or stinging feeling although without being able to examine you I can not offer you the specific advice on diagnosis and treatment that you need, but I would try to provide you some relevant information about your health concern.
Most likely your symptoms could be due to peripheral neuropathy such as injury to a nerve, pressure on spinal/peripheral nerves (neuropathy),diabetic or alcoholic neuropathy,&&vitamin deficiency ( esp. Vitamin B12, lack of blood supply due to cholesterol plaque from atherosclerosis in the extremities, viral infection and use of certain medications.&&Please consult your doctor to get all these possibilities evaluation in your case for further assessment. Hope this helps.
Thank-you very kindly. Your advice is very much appreciated. I will mention those things to my Dr next time i make a visit. Thanks again, Samantha.
Did you every find out what was causing this stinging sensation. Bc I have the same exact thing happening to me. I see this post was years ago. But I would love to know if u figured it out. Bc I have no idea!!&&Thanks for any info.&&Hope u are better!!
I had this same problem with stinging sensation around the body.
Tests showed B-12 deficiency.&&
If your stomach does not produce Intrinsic Factor, you can not absorb B-12 from food or supplements and you get nerve injury due to that.&&
You need B-12 shots once a month, that is the only cure and it will take some time for the nerve injury to recover and the body to have sufficient B-12, so you should expect it to take a while before your symptoms subside.
Thank-you very kindly. Your advice is very much appreciated. I will mention those things to my Dr next time i make a visit. Thanks again, Samantha.
I have something similar to what Samantha has described above.&&My allergist gave me a prescription for Xyzal to fight it, thinking it was hives.&&They last about 2 hrs at a time, but there are no visible hives-just bee sting like itch-pains.&&Mine happen bilaterally too. Usually they are on the underside of my arms, and if on one side, then it will be on the other.&&My nerves get horrible emotionally as this happens. I will scream at anyone who tries to even talk to me sometimes... It happens on my waist-again both sides.&&It's always like that. I feel I have to scratch it, but if I do, it goes nuts, and spreads even more.&&Then after a couple of hours it goes away.&&While it happens, it's unbearable. Usually for the rest of the day I feel wiped out, but my skin will be hypersensitive to touch for hours.&& I have Celiac Disease too, so that may help to know.&&It seems to be related to what I eat.&&Do you have any suggestions on how to make this stop?&&Thanks!
I have something similar to what Samantha has described above.&&My allergist gave me a prescription for Xyzal to fight it, thinking it was hives.&&They last about 2 hrs at a time, but there are no visible hives-just bee sting like itch-pains.&&Mine happen bilaterally too. Usually they are on the underside of my arms, and if on one side, then it will be on the other.&&My nerves get horrible emotionally as this happens. I will scream at anyone who tries to even talk to me sometimes... It happens on my waist-again both sides.&&It's always like that. I feel I have to scratch it, but if I do, it goes nuts, and spreads even more.&&Then after a couple of hours it goes away.&&While it happens, it's unbearable. Usually for the rest of the day I feel wiped out, but my skin will be hypersensitive to touch for hours.&& I have Celiac Disease too, so that may help to know.&&It seems to be related to what I eat.&&Do you have any suggestions on how to make this stop?&&Thanks!
Hey, can i just say, that celiacs disease can cause those itchy stings. And also, if you wish to get an answer to your question, your better off writting your own question, then using mine, because Dr's rarely read back through the same post once they have answered it!
Take care.
Hey, can i just say, that celiacs disease can cause those itchy stings. And also, if you wish to get an answer to your question, your better off writting your own question, then using mine, because Dr's rarely read back through the same post once they have answered it!
Take care.
Thanks for the advice.&&I'll post it separately.&&Hope your symptoms go away soon!&&
You take care too,
Thanks for the advice.&&I'll post it separately.&&Hope your symptoms go away soon!&&
You take care too,
Thanks, mine finaly ceased the other day, after having them NON-STOP! For 2 weeks straight! It was so bad, i lost sooo much sleep! It was horrible! I am so scared they will come back, i get them allot. The only way i could sleep every night was by taking 3 sleeping pills & even then, sometimes they wouldn't work because the itches were so bad!
Hope u too find a 'cure'!
Thanks, mine finaly ceased the other day, after having them NON-STOP! For 2 weeks straight! It was so bad, i lost sooo much sleep! It was horrible! I am so scared they will come back, i get them allot. The only way i could sleep every night was by taking 3 sleeping pills & even then, sometimes they wouldn't work because the itches were so bad!
Hope u too find a 'cure'!
With me it usually happens when I exercise--not always though.&&Sometimes it just happens.&&But frequently it's after I get home from the gym.&& It's horrible.&&I was told it was probably hives, but there are no hives.&&It seems more like a nerve thing to me.&&Hope yours or mine never come back again!!!
With me it usually happens when I exercise--not always though.&&Sometimes it just happens.&&But frequently it's after I get home from the gym.&& It's horrible.&&I was told it was probably hives, but there are no hives.&&It seems more like a nerve thing to me.&&Hope yours or mine never come back again!!!
Yeah, yours actually could be a heat allergy, they are quite common after doing a work out when you get warm and hot! ...I have noticed that they get really bad for me after i go out for a suntan, so maybe we both have heat allergies. Weird hay! Who would of thought that people can have ann allergy to heat!?
Yeah, yours actually could be a heat allergy, they are quite common after doing a work out when you get warm and hot! ...I have noticed that they get really bad for me after i go out for a suntan, so maybe we both have heat allergies. Weird hay! Who would of thought that people can have ann allergy to heat!?
I have had symptoms exactly like Sammycum's for about 13 years now, gradually getting worse.&&At first it was a few times a month, then gradually more often, usually at night, until finally it was every day, day and night, off and on.&&
About six months ago I also started getting a periodic all-over stinging sensation, kind of like stinging nettle or tiny cactus prickles, along with the intense sudden itch described above at random places all over, and occasionally stinging sensations like ant bites or being poked with a needle.&&
It is not an allergy (does not respond to antihistimines) and there is no rash or skin discoloration).&&Blood tests show that it does not involve the liver, and there is no diabetes.&&It is helped by Lyrica, which is also used for shingles and neuropathy in diabetics, so the official diagnosis (by my GP) is neurogenic itch, but we don't know the cause or cure.&&
I am finally seeing an alternative practitioner and am trying such things as a parasite cleanse and homeopathic preparations.&&I think exercise has also helped.&&I will add more if and when I get results from the alternative treatments that I am trying.&&Meantime, Lyrica definitely helps, especially at night so I can sleep.
OMGoodness u just described what I'm experiencing right this minute.&&I do have Osteoarthritis and I do go to a rheumatologist and I have taken gabapentin but on when we it's really cold here in Alabama and that's not until January thru March.&&So reading this I know I'm not going crazy.&&Great page for this info
I have had symptoms exactly like Sammycum's for about 13 years now, gradually getting worse.&&At first it was a few times a month, then gradually more often, usually at night, until finally it was every day, day and night, off and on.&&
About six months ago I also started getting a periodic all-over stinging sensation, kind of like stinging nettle or tiny cactus prickles, along with the intense sudden itch described above at random places all over, and occasionally stinging sensations like ant bites or being poked with a needle.&&
It is not an allergy (does not respond to antihistimines) and there is no rash or skin discoloration).&&Blood tests show that it does not involve the liver, and there is no diabetes.&&It is helped by Lyrica, which is also used for shingles and neuropathy in diabetics, so the official diagnosis (by my GP) is neurogenic itch, but we don't know the cause or cure.&&
I am finally seeing an alternative practitioner and am trying such things as a parasite cleanse and homeopathic preparations.&&I think exercise has also helped.&&I will add more if and when I get results from the alternative treatments that I am trying.&&Meantime, Lyrica definitely helps, especially at night so I can sleep.
Thanks for your reply, i started to lean towards a nervous system cause of my &stings& as there just purely wasn't any other cause. I feel like i have MS, but all my MRI's are normal....i gave up looking for answers! I hope yours eases a little.
Take care, Sammy
Ps this is my new account, i don't use sammycung anymore.
Thanks for your reply, i started to lean towards a nervous system cause of my &stings& as there just purely wasn't any other cause. I feel like i have MS, but all my MRI's are normal....i gave up looking for answers! I hope yours eases a little.
Take care, Sammy
Ps this is my new account, i don't use sammycung anymore.
I have similar symptoms but only in abdominal part of my body, i am just wondering if you found something that may make it better
I have similar symptoms but only in abdominal part of my body, i am just wondering if you found something that may make it better
I have been having these same stinging episodes within the last week for the first time. that's why i googled it and found this thread. it makes sense that it's the nerves bc my neck was out and i learned long ago how to gently place the C2 and C3 back into joint. The stings stopped for the night. It's 3 days later and i have a 'crick' in my neck and i'm stinging in lots of places on my body, random in appearance and very annoying. i'm grateful to know it's 'something' but not related to my liver bc i'm at a Cancer Center about to go thru a bone marrow transplant and they've found nothing in my liver. An enzyme was increased but is not decreasing and transplant is back on schedule. This tells me in might be a pinched nerve as someone mentioned above. But also glad to hear someone might have a name for it 'neurgenic itch'.
I have been having these same stinging episodes within the last week for the first time. that's why i googled it and found this thread. it makes sense that it's the nerves bc my neck was out and i learned long ago how to gently place the C2 and C3 back into joint. The stings stopped for the night. It's 3 days later and i have a 'crick' in my neck and i'm stinging in lots of places on my body, random in appearance and very annoying. i'm grateful to know it's 'something' but not related to my liver bc i'm at a Cancer Center about to go thru a bone marrow transplant and they've found nothing in my liver. An enzyme was increased but is not decreasing and transplant is back on schedule. This tells me in might be a pinched nerve as someone mentioned above. But also glad to hear someone might have a name for it 'neurgenic itch'.
HELP I have been feeling like im being stung by hundred's of bee's all over my body and face and have numbness under my left arm and sometimes in my hand's
HELP I have been feeling like im being stung by hundred's of bee's all over my body and face and have numbness under my left arm and sometimes in my hand's
I have the same symptoms as sammy. In addition I have been recently told that I have fibromyalgia. I had neither of this stuff however prior to 2 years ago when a whelpy, patchy rash appeared first on my back and side and have now made its way to my extremities. It is unresponsive to steroids and other meds. I have seen 3 dermatologists, done 2 biopsies that are inconclusive for mitosis fungoidis and I bruise very easily. Could all this be related. None of my doctors, not the GP, dermatologists or Rheumatologist can give me any answers. Any idea guys? I am just a big mess right now.
I have the same symptoms as sammy. In addition I have been recently told that I have fibromyalgia. I had neither of this stuff however prior to 2 years ago when a whelpy, patchy rash appeared first on my back and side and have now made its way to my extremities. It is unresponsive to steroids and other meds. I have seen 3 dermatologists, done 2 biopsies that are inconclusive for mitosis fungoidis and I bruise very easily. Could all this be related. None of my doctors, not the GP, dermatologists or Rheumatologist can give me any answers. Any idea guys? I am just a big mess right now.
Help. I am writing on behalf of my 13 yr old daughter. About a year ago she started having these bee sting sensations on her stomach.&&She can go months without an episode, but the last few weeks has had several episodes.&&These episodes seem to occur in the warm weather months. She does have some red bumps on her skin but also has had eczema since she was little. Could these be related? She is afraid to go outside because in her mind this is related to the sun.&&
Help. I am writing on behalf of my 13 yr old daughter. About a year ago she started having these bee sting sensations on her stomach.&&She can go months without an episode, but the last few weeks has had several episodes.&&These episodes seem to occur in the warm weather months. She does have some red bumps on her skin but also has had eczema since she was little. Could these be related? She is afraid to go outside because in her mind this is related to the sun.&&
I have these itches 24/7 feels like I was just playing with insulation ugh help me pleaseits been almost two months was thinking I had bugs invisible bugs I'm going crazy
Oh my God, I too am experiencing this itchy, tingling and pinching sensations at different locations of the body, I cannot get a good nights sleep. My scalp and face are itchy as well, sensations of having hair on my face and tingling in the nose. I'm completely baffled by what to do. I have had these sensations throughout my life time, but they would past rather quickly, it seems they have become more frequent and lasting for longer periods of time. I can't imagine living like this, because it's completely maddening! Where to turn next. I have to wait for a dermatologist appointment, 2 months away. I may just take myself to the local ER at this point. It's nice to know others are experiencing this as well, I thought I was going nuts!
I have these itches 24/7 feels like I was just playing with insulation ugh help me pleaseits been almost two months was thinking I had bugs invisible bugs I'm going crazy
Did you ever find a diagnosis for the sensation of bee stings.&&I have had them for years now.&&I think mine started up after I had had shingles.&&Mine have always been on one arm running from the top down to my writst.&&It
is torment, seems to be worse for me in the fall.&&My daughter has them
really bad on her arm as well.&&There is no outside signs until it over and then there are tiny scabs like bee sting size all over the area.&&Doctor says come in when you are having them, easier said than done.
Did you ever find a diagnosis for the sensation of bee stings.&&I have had them for years now.&&I think mine started up after I had had shingles.&&Mine have always been on one arm running from the top down to my writst.&&It
is torment, seems to be worse for me in the fall.&&My daughter has them
really bad on her arm as well.&&There is no outside signs until it over and then there are tiny scabs like bee sting size all over the area.&&Doctor says come in when you are having them, easier said than done.
Did you ever find a diagnosis for the sensation of bee stings.&&I have had them for years now.&&I think mine started up after I had had shingles.&&Mine have always been on one arm running from the top down to my writst.&&It
is torment, seems to be worse for me in the fall.&&My daughter has them
really bad on her arm as well.&&There is no outside signs until its over and then there are tiny scabs like bee sting size all over the area.&&Doctor says come in when you are having them, easier said than done. I have found if I immediately treat an outbreak with mineral ice and refuse to scratch, it it helps shorten the outbreak.&&If need be I pinch the area.&&
Did you ever find a diagnosis for the sensation of bee stings.&&I have had them for years now.&&I think mine started up after I had had shingles.&&Mine have always been on one arm running from the top down to my writst.&&It
is torment, seems to be worse for me in the fall.&&My daughter has them
really bad on her arm as well.&&There is no outside signs until its over and then there are tiny scabs like bee sting size all over the area.&&Doctor says come in when you are having them, easier said than done. I have found if I immediately treat an outbreak with mineral ice and refuse to scratch, it it helps shorten the outbreak.&&If need be I pinch the area.&&
Hi, I work as a healer and psychic and have just started to experience the same thing... I thought it was a physical thing and so visited my dr who also told me I must be imagining it as there are no visible signs of anything untoward. fortunately as I am able to see things that are not always visible to the naked eye, I think the pain is actually caused by an 'energy' attachment, which are really common but you really need to find a healer who is able to remove reptillian energies. Dont worry, sounds more frightening than it really is, but you do need to have it removed as it can have a very negative effect on your life. I find that working with rainbow light is really good. Hope this helps, and has not completely freaked you out! Vicky
Hi, I work as a healer and psychic and have just started to experience the same thing... I thought it was a physical thing and so visited my dr who also told me I must be imagining it as there are no visible signs of anything untoward. fortunately as I am able to see things that are not always visible to the naked eye, I think the pain is actually caused by an 'energy' attachment, which are really common but you really need to find a healer who is able to remove reptillian energies. Dont worry, sounds more frightening than it really is, but you do need to have it removed as it can have a very negative effect on your life. I find that working with rainbow light is really good. Hope this helps, and has not completely freaked you out! Vicky
Had the same problem of feelings of bee sting but no rash or discoloration ,my doctor gave me Vitamin B12 supplement along with anti allergic tablets and I am fine.I had the sensations for about 4 to 5 days and I am fine now.
Had the same problem of feelings of bee sting but no rash or discoloration ,my doctor gave me Vitamin B12 supplement along with anti allergic tablets and I am fine.I had the sensations for about 4 to 5 days and I am fine now.
Think twice PLEASE before returning to ANY physician who claims he/she never heard of a condition such as this and did NOTHING to help you especially since itching/stinging skin is a well known symptom of several serious medical conditions (kidney or liver disease, lymphoma etc), and a symptom of MANY less serious medical conditions such as B vitamin deficiency (not just B-12 btw)!&&A blood work up would be mandatory for anyone experiencing this condition over a period of time.&&Once your Primary would rule out serious conditions via blood work, I'd head to the dermatologist while continuing to search reputable internet sites (Mayo Clinic, etc) for information that may provide clues.&&As far as itching/stinging being nerve related that's very possible especially if your dermatologist has ruled out other possibilities.&&Heading to a neurologist IS important once your your GP and dermatologist have no answers. (In other words, it's not adequate to say a patient has &neurogenic itch& as the CAUSE is important and often curative.&&Itching can also be a reaction to stress, so you might want to ask your doctor for a small dose of Xanax (etc) to see if it's helpful.&&If so, consider finding a good psychiatrist in your area as they are&&more qualified to treat stress & stress related conditions that your GP...and they'll offer MORE time than the 8 minutes GP visit!&&Lastly, remember that not all physicians are alike/experienced so it's important to visit docs who have treated MANY cases of your condition. Your best bet to do this? Go to a University/ Research Hospital where the level of&&expertise is often higher.&&
Think twice PLEASE before returning to ANY physician who claims he/she never heard of a condition such as this and did NOTHING to help you especially since itching/stinging skin is a well known symptom of several serious medical conditions (kidney or liver disease, lymphoma etc), and a symptom of MANY less serious medical conditions such as B vitamin deficiency (not just B-12 btw)!&&A blood work up would be mandatory for anyone experiencing this condition over a period of time.&&Once your Primary would rule out serious conditions via blood work, I'd head to the dermatologist while continuing to search reputable internet sites (Mayo Clinic, etc) for information that may provide clues.&&As far as itching/stinging being nerve related that's very possible especially if your dermatologist has ruled out other possibilities.&&Heading to a neurologist IS important once your your GP and dermatologist have no answers. (In other words, it's not adequate to say a patient has &neurogenic itch& as the CAUSE is important and often curative.&&Itching can also be a reaction to stress, so you might want to ask your doctor for a small dose of Xanax (etc) to see if it's helpful.&&If so, consider finding a good psychiatrist in your area as they are&&more qualified to treat stress & stress related conditions that your GP...and they'll offer MORE time than the 8 minutes GP visit!&&Lastly, remember that not all physicians are alike/experienced so it's important to visit docs who have treated MANY cases of your condition. Your best bet to do this? Go to a University/ Research Hospital where the level of&&expertise is often higher.&&
What's interesting is that I've been on 100 mg Lyrica for last 5 years for nerve injury in my C5-6 neck/back area.&&Two years ago I noticed that IF I did not take the Lyrica almost exactly at the same time every day, my skin would start stinging, similar to a withdrawal type symptom (which I've gotten if I've taken codeine/tylenol for 10-14 days straight and stop on day 15. I've since learned that I need to take a small amount for another 2-3 days until my body gets used to the withdraw and then things go back to normal.&&BTW This is not &additction& withdrawal...just normal body withdrawal similar to what happens with MANY medications (ie) Zoloft, anti-seizure meds etc.&&Body line, my pain doc decided to taper my Lyrica down to 50 mgs. and within 5 days my body started stinging here, there and everywhere...like tiny bees...It can start anywhere...in the corner of my eye, under my armpit, in my vagina, my thigh, inner toe etc...gets VERY intense for a day or so, weakens for another several days, almost disappears, then restarts again.&&It's been going on for 8 weeks non-stop.&&Yesterday went to dermatologist who said it's definitely NOT a dermatological problem (no rashes, irritations, redness at all).&&He recommended and my family doctor concurred two lines of research.&&I'm getting a head MRI and EEG (and possibly see a neurologist if testing confirms it's neuro) and I'm seeing a dermatologist who specializes in &pscho-somatic& dermatological conditions.&&(yes, I know...I thought WHAT...psycho-somatic? Will she think I'm making this up? but have been assured that MANY legitimate & real problems have no available known causes BUT that mild psychiatric medications have been known to help.&&I'm open to everything at this point.&&I will say that one .25 mg Xanax helps at night so I can sleep, and one the two days that it's very intense daytime, I take .25 mg. Xanax (which I'm told is the amount given to children for anxiety when needed).&&It has SAVED me from going crazy.&&At least I know that until we find an answer OR my body manifests additional symptoms to help the doctors find out what might be causing this, the Xanax is helping me to cope.&&(Note:&&I've never taken Xanax before and the doctor who gave it to me said that medications such as this get a VERY bad rap from people and doctors who do not understand that it is NOT highly addictive for people who use it properly BUT rather IS highly addictive for people who use it to get HIGH! Lastly, my family physician ran a full blood profile as kidney and liver diseases can cause intense itching/stinging like symptoms.&&Yesterday the results came in the mail and I can see that those are all normal so THAT's good news (nothing serious there) but I'll continue the quest for an answer and will get back if I find an answer.&&Lastly, although this is odd, I sometimes feel like bugs are crawling on my legs in between the stings.&&I remember having this very same symptom but on my back when I went into peri-memopause, and my skin would sting like heck the day after a shower.&&Once I started HRT (hormone replacement) the creepy-crawly symptoms left. I was able&&to manage the stinging by using Neutrogena Sesame Oil right after the shower.&&With this in mind, and knowing that I stopped HRT last year, I'm going to my GYN to talk about a trial of HRT to see if it helps.&&(You never know? Strangers things have happened).&&I'll keep you abreast.
What's interesting is that I've been on 100 mg Lyrica for last 5 years for nerve injury in my C5-6 neck/back area.&&Two years ago I noticed that IF I did not take the Lyrica almost exactly at the same time every day, my skin would start stinging, similar to a withdrawal type symptom (which I've gotten if I've taken codeine/tylenol for 10-14 days straight and stop on day 15. I've since learned that I need to take a small amount for another 2-3 days until my body gets used to the withdraw and then things go back to normal.&&BTW This is not &additction& withdrawal...just normal body withdrawal similar to what happens with MANY medications (ie) Zoloft, anti-seizure meds etc.&&Body line, my pain doc decided to taper my Lyrica down to 50 mgs. and within 5 days my body started stinging here, there and everywhere...like tiny bees...It can start anywhere...in the corner of my eye, under my armpit, in my vagina, my thigh, inner toe etc...gets VERY intense for a day or so, weakens for another several days, almost disappears, then restarts again.&&It's been going on for 8 weeks non-stop.&&Yesterday went to dermatologist who said it's definitely NOT a dermatological problem (no rashes, irritations, redness at all).&&He recommended and my family doctor concurred two lines of research.&&I'm getting a head MRI and EEG (and possibly see a neurologist if testing confirms it's neuro) and I'm seeing a dermatologist who specializes in &pscho-somatic& dermatological conditions.&&(yes, I know...I thought WHAT...psycho-somatic? Will she think I'm making this up? but have been assured that MANY legitimate & real problems have no available known causes BUT that mild psychiatric medications have been known to help.&&I'm open to everything at this point.&&I will say that one .25 mg Xanax helps at night so I can sleep, and one the two days that it's very intense daytime, I take .25 mg. Xanax (which I'm told is the amount given to children for anxiety when needed).&&It has SAVED me from going crazy.&&At least I know that until we find an answer OR my body manifests additional symptoms to help the doctors find out what might be causing this, the Xanax is helping me to cope.&&(Note:&&I've never taken Xanax before and the doctor who gave it to me said that medications such as this get a VERY bad rap from people and doctors who do not understand that it is NOT highly addictive for people who use it properly BUT rather IS highly addictive for people who use it to get HIGH! Lastly, my family physician ran a full blood profile as kidney and liver diseases can cause intense itching/stinging like symptoms.&&Yesterday the results came in the mail and I can see that those are all normal so THAT's good news (nothing serious there) but I'll continue the quest for an answer and will get back if I find an answer.&&Lastly, although this is odd, I sometimes feel like bugs are crawling on my legs in between the stings.&&I remember having this very same symptom but on my back when I went into peri-memopause, and my skin would sting like heck the day after a shower.&&Once I started HRT (hormone replacement) the creepy-crawly symptoms left. I was able&&to manage the stinging by using Neutrogena Sesame Oil right after the shower.&&With this in mind, and knowing that I stopped HRT last year, I'm going to my GYN to talk about a trial of HRT to see if it helps.&&(You never know? Strangers things have happened).&&I'll keep you abreast.
I just wanted to share my account, in case anyone else out there is suffering from the same thing.
I am a 24 year old Asian male.&&I work full-time, remain fairly active, and although I don't eat healthy I'm by no means in bad health.&&I have no history of allergies, though I occasionally seem to get hay fever, only a few days out of the year.&&I live together with my wife and a few roommates, and we do have pets (cats, dog, and some caged rodents).&&None of us have any allergies to the animals, and we have been in this residence for more than 2 years now, with no major environmental changes I can think of.
A few weeks ago, my wife started complaining about her arms and torso itching.&&She described it as a stinging/itching sensation that would randomly prickle over certain areas of her body.&&The sensation would come and go, but would be very intense, almost at the point of pain.&&A few days later, she started developing hives.&&They started at her hands, then spread to her arms, feet, legs, and eventually her body as well.&&Over the course of 7 days, the &hives& spread throughout the majority of her body.&&As we are uninsured and live paycheck-to-paycheck, we couldn't afford to see a doctor.&&Instead, she took OTC medication, Claritin (daily) and Benedryl (every 6 hours).&&They didn't seem to help much, but from our research online she was encouraged to continue taking them anyway.&&After 7 days, the hives started to abate, leaving behind slightly swollen and &bruised& plaques across her skin.&&They then went away altogether, but she still complains of the prickling/itching on occasion.
At the time, we wrote it off as some sort of allergic reaction.&&Around that time, we had just gotten a new fish tank with exotic fish.&&She was also taking antibiotics and Tylenol with codeine for a dental operation.&&We assumed it might have been an allergic reaction to one of these.
Then, around last week, I started randomly feeling a sensation of itching across my back randomly.&&They seemed to come and go, but does not occur very often.&&I notice they happen most commonly when I move around a lot and my blood starts to circulate more, or I get more warmed up.&&I work and office job and sit in a chair all day, so I thought my back was just getting irritated from sweat and poor air circulation against my chair.&&I did not think at all that it might have been related to what my wife had.&&However, over the course of a few days, the itching has increased in frequency and intensity.&&At first, I wrote it off as my being paranoid and I thought it couldn't possibly be related to my wife's issue.&&However, after discussing with my wife the exact sensations, she confirmed that it was uncannily identical and too much to be coincidence.
Thankfully, I did not break out into the hives as she did, but the stinging/itching is pretty hard to deal with.&&She loses sleep over it, but thankfully I don't.&&However, it does strike me most often while I am at work, and it hardly seems professional to be trying to scratch at my back while working.
After discussing recent events, we have come to the conclusion that, at least in our case, the cause is something environmental.&&Our roommates did not suffer from the same issue at all.&&Therefor, to my wife's doubt, I had expressed that the culprit was probably something in our room.&&As we spend the most time in our bed, I deduced it might have something to do with our mattress.&&To confirm this, we spent a night out at a hotel instead of at home.&&To our surprise, we actually itched a LOT LESS and felt much better!
Now, I have been concerned that it may be some sort of mental or placebo effect, and I can in no way impartially confirm any of this.&&However, my body is indicating to me that the above is true.&&After doing some research, we believe the most likely culprit for our case is dust mites, as our mattress may be getting old.&&We spent a few nights on the couch downstairs, then eventually I purchased a hypoallergenic mattress cover, vacuumed everything 3 times over, washed everything that was washable, and replaced our pillows.&&It seems to have improved our condition, though it hasn't gone away completely.
Though we still occasionally itch, our case has become much more manageable.&&I don't know if the above events may have had another cause and by pure coincidence was resolved around the same time we took those actions.&&However, for those out there who are suffering, I figure it might be worth a shot!&&Hope this helps, if you have any questions feel free to email me ***@****.&&Good luck!
I just wanted to share my account, in case anyone else out there is suffering from the same thing.
I am a 24 year old Asian male.&&I work full-time, remain fairly active, and although I don't eat healthy I'm by no means in bad health.&&I have no history of allergies, though I occasionally seem to get hay fever, only a few days out of the year.&&I live together with my wife and a few roommates, and we do have pets (cats, dog, and some caged rodents).&&None of us have any allergies to the animals, and we have been in this residence for more than 2 years now, with no major environmental changes I can think of.
A few weeks ago, my wife started complaining about her arms and torso itching.&&She described it as a stinging/itching sensation that would randomly prickle over certain areas of her body.&&The sensation would come and go, but would be very intense, almost at the point of pain.&&A few days later, she started developing hives.&&They started at her hands, then spread to her arms, feet, legs, and eventually her body as well.&&Over the course of 7 days, the &hives& spread throughout the majority of her body.&&As we are uninsured and live paycheck-to-paycheck, we couldn't afford to see a doctor.&&Instead, she took OTC medication, Claritin (daily) and Benedryl (every 6 hours).&&They didn't seem to help much, but from our research online she was encouraged to continue taking them anyway.&&After 7 days, the hives started to abate, leaving behind slightly swollen and &bruised& plaques across her skin.&&They then went away altogether, but she still complains of the prickling/itching on occasion.
At the time, we wrote it off as some sort of allergic reaction.&&Around that time, we had just gotten a new fish tank with exotic fish.&&She was also taking antibiotics and Tylenol with codeine for a dental operation.&&We assumed it might have been an allergic reaction to one of these.
Then, around last week, I started randomly feeling a sensation of itching across my back randomly.&&They seemed to come and go, but does not occur very often.&&I notice they happen most commonly when I move around a lot and my blood starts to circulate more, or I get more warmed up.&&I work and office job and sit in a chair all day, so I thought my back was just getting irritated from sweat and poor air circulation against my chair.&&I did not think at all that it might have been related to what my wife had.&&However, over the course of a few days, the itching has increased in frequency and intensity.&&At first, I wrote it off as my being paranoid and I thought it couldn't possibly be related to my wife's issue.&&However, after discussing with my wife the exact sensations, she confirmed that it was uncannily identical and too much to be coincidence.
Thankfully, I did not break out into the hives as she did, but the stinging/itching is pretty hard to deal with.&&She loses sleep over it, but thankfully I don't.&&However, it does strike me most often while I am at work, and it hardly seems professional to be trying to scratch at my back while working.
After discussing recent events, we have come to the conclusion that, at least in our case, the cause is something environmental.&&Our roommates did not suffer from the same issue at all.&&Therefor, to my wife's doubt, I had expressed that the culprit was probably something in our room.&&As we spend the most time in our bed, I deduced it might have something to do with our mattress.&&To confirm this, we spent a night out at a hotel instead of at home.&&To our surprise, we actually itched a LOT LESS and felt much better!
Now, I have been concerned that it may be some sort of mental or placebo effect, and I can in no way impartially confirm any of this.&&However, my body is indicating to me that the above is true.&&After doing some research, we believe the most likely culprit for our case is dust mites, as our mattress may be getting old.&&We spent a few nights on the couch downstairs, then eventually I purchased a hypoallergenic mattress cover, vacuumed everything 3 times over, washed everything that was washable, and replaced our pillows.&&It seems to have improved our condition, though it hasn't gone away completely.
Though we still occasionally itch, our case has become much more manageable.&&I don't know if the above events may have had another cause and by pure coincidence was resolved around the same time we took those actions.&&However, for those out there who are suffering, I figure it might be worth a shot!&&Hope this helps, if you have any questions feel free to email me ***@****.&&Good luck!
I also have the itchy bee sting sensation. I had Disc surgery in my neck, but the sensation has not gone away. I now see a neurologist for Dystonia. There are muscle spasms in my neck, shoulders and arms that pinch nerves causing the sensation. I hope anyone else experiencing these sensations will see a neurologist to find out where the pain is coming from. Most GPs have no knowledge of this and make the patient feel as though they are crazy since they can't find a medical reason after doing blood work and checking for allergies. One prescribed me prednisone which was a short term fix. After that the pain came back worse than ever and we learned of the herniated disc. Some people are better after the disc is treated, others have an ongoing secondary situation resulting in the return of the &Bee Sting& sensation.
I also have the itchy bee sting sensation. I had Disc surgery in my neck, but the sensation has not gone away. I now see a neurologist for Dystonia. There are muscle spasms in my neck, shoulders and arms that pinch nerves causing the sensation. I hope anyone else experiencing these sensations will see a neurologist to find out where the pain is coming from. Most GPs have no knowledge of this and make the patient feel as though they are crazy since they can't find a medical reason after doing blood work and checking for allergies. One prescribed me prednisone which was a short term fix. After that the pain came back worse than ever and we learned of the herniated disc. Some people are better after the disc is treated, others have an ongoing secondary situation resulting in the return of the &Bee Sting& sensation.
Mine is different. I have this sensation all over my body only in rainy season.
Mine is different. I have this sensation all over my body only in rainy season.
While I would not wish this on anyone, it is nice to know I'm not crazy. I have had these stinging/itching episodes for 20 years but as I near the &60& mark, the episodes are more painful and the itching more unbearable. My diagnosis if fibromyalgia and I also have thyroiditis with normal labs.&&Neurontin or Lyrica definitely helps and I tolerate it well.&&For one year, I was religious with my diet - no gluten, no dairy, no egg whites, almost no sugar.&&During this time I took D3, zinc, fish oil, magnesium, B12 shots 2X per week, as well as other supplements. I lost 13 pounds in 2 months and felt quite well for me. Slowly, while caring for my sick mother and working an extremely stressful job, I let each of these changes slip and am back where I was. Needless to say I'm starting over.&&The bees are stinging tonight.&&A sunburn started this flare. God bless. MomMomK
While I would not wish this on anyone, it is nice to know I'm not crazy. I have had these stinging/itching episodes for 20 years but as I near the &60& mark, the episodes are more painful and the itching more unbearable. My diagnosis if fibromyalgia and I also have thyroiditis with normal labs.&&Neurontin or Lyrica definitely helps and I tolerate it well.&&For one year, I was religious with my diet - no gluten, no dairy, no egg whites, almost no sugar.&&During this time I took D3, zinc, fish oil, magnesium, B12 shots 2X per week, as well as other supplements. I lost 13 pounds in 2 months and felt quite well for me. Slowly, while caring for my sick mother and working an extremely stressful job, I let each of these changes slip and am back where I was. Needless to say I'm starting over.&&The bees are stinging tonight.&&A sunburn started this flare. God bless. MomMomK
I have the same stinging itch all over my body. It goes everywhere. If you scratch one itch another pops up somewhere else, like it is running from your scratch! It's crazy.&&I have syrinx T3-T6 and will have a MRI w/contrast on my brain and spinal cord August. Maybe I will get an answer then too.
I have the same stinging itch all over my body. It goes everywhere. If you scratch one itch another pops up somewhere else, like it is running from your scratch! It's crazy.&&I have syrinx T3-T6 and will have a MRI w/contrast on my brain and spinal cord August. Maybe I will get an answer then too.
I have the stinging itch all over my body...it usually starts in the evening. It feels like an inflammation of some sort. Acute in my feet (I am not diabetic). After an episode at night, I awake with small red dots (only a few) that look like broken capillaries. I have wondered if it is gluten related. I went off wheat but wonder if it may be hiding in something I eat. I have wondered if it is viral or has anything to do with parasites. Since the symptoms are vague and I am an older woman, doctors seem to pass me off as neurotic. Wouldn't it be wonderful if someone actually made a definitive diagnosis and discovered a cure!!! I pray so.
I have the stinging itch all over my body...it usually starts in the evening. It feels like an inflammation of some sort. Acute in my feet (I am not diabetic). After an episode at night, I awake with small red dots (only a few) that look like broken capillaries. I have wondered if it is gluten related. I went off wheat but wonder if it may be hiding in something I eat. I have wondered if it is viral or has anything to do with parasites. Since the symptoms are vague and I am an older woman, doctors seem to pass me off as neurotic. Wouldn't it be wonderful if someone actually made a definitive diagnosis and discovered a cure!!! I pray so.
Thanks so much. I have the same symptoms and it very uncomfortable to sleep. I stay up all night I mean literally all night. I was prescribed Lyrica today so I really hope it helps. I have Diabetic Neuropathy and it is very very painful. I hope all of you find some cure or comfort. God Bless!!!
Thanks so much. I have the same symptoms and it very uncomfortable to sleep. I stay up all night I mean literally all night. I was prescribed Lyrica today so I really hope it helps. I have Diabetic Neuropathy and it is very very painful. I hope all of you find some cure or comfort. God Bless!!!
I often get a feeling in my arms and legs that seem like knives are coming through my skin.
I often get a feeling in my arms and legs that seem like knives are coming through my skin.
Hi this is also related to itchy/stinging skin that poked like a needle in the legs part of my husand.He have a diabetic and he took a lyrica 150 mg. He felt crazy during at night he coud'nt sleep very well.He took also iterax 25 mg so that he can sleep though after .he cant sleep anymore until morning.Insomia is fighter...please give me some advise if i need some doctors for skin specialist..
Hi this is also related to itchy/stinging skin that poked like a needle in the legs part of my husand.He have a diabetic and he took a lyrica 150 mg. He felt crazy during at night he coud'nt sleep very well.He took also iterax 25 mg so that he can sleep though after .he cant sleep anymore until morning.Insomia is fighter...please give me some advise if i need some doctors for skin specialist..
Hi this is also related to itchy/stinging skin that poked like a needle in the legs part of my husand.He have a diabetic and he took a lyrica 150 mg. He felt crazy during at night he coud'nt sleep very well.He took also iterax 25 mg so that he can sleep though after .he cant sleep anymore until morning.Insomia is fighter...He is now using injecteble for his sugar we called it insulin 24 units before breafast and 12 units after dinner.He maintain his sugar result below 200.During his 2 leg cramps and skin stingging..he couldnt sleep well.thats why she take a lyrica.and please give me some advise if i need some doctors for skin specialist or advise what should i do the best..
lyrica 150 2 times/day
iterax 25 mg&&1 /day
quali b. complex
Hi this is also related to itchy/stinging skin that poked like a needle in the legs part of my husand.He have a diabetic and he took a lyrica 150 mg. He felt crazy during at night he coud'nt sleep very well.He took also iterax 25 mg so that he can sleep though after .he cant sleep anymore until morning.Insomia is fighter...He is now using injecteble for his sugar we called it insulin 24 units before breafast and 12 units after dinner.He maintain his sugar result below 200.During his 2 leg cramps and skin stingging..he couldnt sleep well.thats why she take a lyrica.and please give me some advise if i need some doctors for skin specialist or advise what should i do the best..
lyrica 150 2 times/day
iterax 25 mg&&1 /day
quali b. complex
Hi, I'm 14 and I also have these weird itchy sting thingys, they usually appear when I'm stressed, panicked, or trying to lift really heavy stuff, I don't know why this happends, and it's getting really annoying! I don't take any medications or anything like that and haven't told my doctor because I haven't had the need to go with any doctor.
Hi, I'm 14 and I also have these weird itchy sting thingys, they usually appear when I'm stressed, panicked, or trying to lift really heavy stuff, I don't know why this happends, and it's getting really annoying! I don't take any medications or anything like that and haven't told my doctor because I haven't had the need to go with any doctor.
Hey im sorry to say. but I have had&&bee stings and itching like crazy for 10 years it started when I was 17 now im 28 and it drives me nuts sometimes I feel like ripping my flesh off . But for you just take one day at a time with the pain and laying off the sugar helps some.
Hey im sorry to say. but I have had&&bee stings and itching like crazy for 10 years it started when I was 17 now im 28 and it drives me nuts sometimes I feel like ripping my flesh off . But for you just take one day at a time with the pain and laying off the sugar helps some.
Hi guys please read this I have the same thing as you guys!!! I went to one of the best hospitals in the us!! Its called Uc davis medical center! A very skilled team of dermatologists helped me out! But I found something for you guys! Look up the website called Dr Gary natural urticaria treatment you can get his book on how to get cured!!! I have suffered just like you guys and know exactly how you feel I tried killing my self cause it ruined my life I am 18 and needed to start out my life but I couldn't and now I have some hope I am going back to uc davis in Sac in California on the 31th of this month and get the real cure for this.... I also wanted to say how you get urticaria its from stress and your anitihistamines acting up and your immune system! so there is a cure for medications and other treatments from Dr garys website I did so please try it or go to a very very good medical center I did everything and went to sooo many hospitals so I wanted to go to the best so I went to Uc davis! Well good luck to you all please get threw this I know you can!
Hi guys please read this I have the same thing as you guys!!! I went to one of the best hospitals in the us!! Its called Uc davis medical center! A very skilled team of dermatologists helped me out! But I found something for you guys! Look up the website called Dr Gary natural urticaria treatment you can get his book on how to get cured!!! I have suffered just like you guys and know exactly how you feel I tried killing my self cause it ruined my life I am 18 and needed to start out my life but I couldn't and now I have some hope I am going back to uc davis in Sac in California on the 31th of this month and get the real cure for this.... I also wanted to say how you get urticaria its from stress and your anitihistamines acting up and your immune system! so there is a cure for medications and other treatments from Dr garys website I did so please try it or go to a very very good medical center I did everything and went to sooo many hospitals so I wanted to go to the best so I went to Uc davis! Well good luck to you all please get threw this I know you can!
Hi guys please read this I have the same thing as you guys!!! I went to one of the best hospitals in the us!! Its called Uc davis medical center! A very skilled team of dermatologists helped me out! But I found something for you guys! Look up the website called Dr Gary natural urticaria treatment you can get his book on how to get cured!!! I have suffered just like you guys and know exactly how you feel I tried killing my self cause it ruined my life I am 18 and needed to start out my life but I couldn't and now I have some hope I am going back to uc davis in Sac in California on the 31th of this month and get the real cure for this.... I also wanted to say how you get urticaria its from stress and your anitihistamines acting up and your immune system! so there is a cure for medications and other treatments from Dr garys website I did so please try it or go to a very very good medical center I did everything and went to sooo many hospitals so I wanted to go to the best so I went to Uc davis! Well good luck to you all please get threw this I know you can!
Hi guys please read this I have the same thing as you guys!!! I went to one of the best hospitals in the us!! Its called Uc davis medical center! A very skilled team of dermatologists helped me out! But I found something for you guys! Look up the website called Dr Gary natural urticaria treatment you can get his book on how to get cured!!! I have suffered just like you guys and know exactly how you feel I tried killing my self cause it ruined my life I am 18 and needed to start out my life but I couldn't and now I have some hope I am going back to uc davis in Sac in California on the 31th of this month and get the real cure for this.... I also wanted to say how you get urticaria its from stress and your anitihistamines acting up and your immune system! so there is a cure for medications and other treatments from Dr garys website I did so please try it or go to a very very good medical center I did everything and went to sooo many hospitals so I wanted to go to the best so I went to Uc davis! Well good luck to you all please get threw this I know you can!
i'm not gonna say much but i have experienced this a few times, and i have found that it if you cover that part with a soft towel or pillow, and apply pressure it completely soothes it ( itching it with making it worse). i always had it on my back so i would just put a towel over a pillow and lay on it.
i'm not gonna say much but i have experienced this a few times, and i have found that it if you cover that part with a soft towel or pillow, and apply pressure it completely soothes it ( itching it with making it worse). i always had it on my back so i would just put a towel over a pillow and lay on it.
Many of these sound exactly like neuropathy. Please look it up. It has several causes. kharriton has good information. Blood work is necessary to rule out diabetes, thyroid problems, vit deficiency, infections, etc. If those come back negative its time for a neurologist. They check for MS and other things. Please don't think it is in your mind or an allergy (unless you get hives or antihistamines work). Look up neuropathy and see if it fits.
Many of these sound exactly like neuropathy. Please look it up. It has several causes. kharriton has good information. Blood work is necessary to rule out diabetes, thyroid problems, vit deficiency, infections, etc. If those come back negative its time for a neurologist. They check for MS and other things. Please don't think it is in your mind or an allergy (unless you get hives or antihistamines work). Look up neuropathy and see if it fits.
I am in tennessee and I am experiencing the same exact thing .I am from montana and have never had this before! I get them when the door is open or I go outside or I'm in the car and the door is open....I thought they were no see ums..but I dont really get any bites just horrible stinging here then there ...pretty soon I am itching so bad I have to take a hot shower!
I am in tennessee and I am experiencing the same exact thing .I am from montana and have never had this before! I get them when the door is open or I go outside or I'm in the car and the door is open....I thought they were no see ums..but I dont really get any bites just horrible stinging here then there ...pretty soon I am itching so bad I have to take a hot shower!
levaquin and cipro mass amount did this to me.. all over stinging and itching...
levaquin and cipro mass amount did this to me.. all over stinging and itching...
After the levaquin and cipro blew my body apart with all over stinging and itching my heart started pounding non stop. I also noticed a million sparkles over my hands and face. I do not use anything that could cause this and you can only see it in the sunlight. I took lime juice put it on my hands and looked under a jewelry scope and small thread like fibers coming out of my skin.. I looked it up and it says morgellansL( it is very itching stinging is insane. Itching is in the head and face mostly. Please check for small pepper like flakes on hands under magnifying glass. Does anyone have the pounding heart with this. often mine will alternate from pounding to all over stinging.. it has been a nightmare and doctors are not even aware of levaquin and cipro toxicity and morgellans... ***@**** please write..
After the levaquin and cipro blew my body apart with all over stinging and itching my heart started pounding non stop. I also noticed a million sparkles over my hands and face. I do not use anything that could cause this and you can only see it in the sunlight. I took lime juice put it on my hands and looked under a jewelry scope and small thread like fibers coming out of my skin.. I looked it up and it says morgellansL( it is very itching stinging is insane. Itching is in the head and face mostly. Please check for small pepper like flakes on hands under magnifying glass. Does anyone have the pounding heart with this. often mine will alternate from pounding to all over stinging.. it has been a nightmare and doctors are not even aware of levaquin and cipro toxicity and morgellans... ***@**** please write..
Do you have any of these sparkles or taken these drugs in the past..?
Do you have any of these sparkles or taken these drugs in the past..?
have you looked into morgellans,, do you have any sparkles on your hands in the sunlight.. or have you taken cipro or levaquin or avelox.. I have had this non stop for 3 years over every inch of my body. I am about mad..
***@**** plus pounding heart and severe anxiety when I wake up. I feel I have been on 50 cups of coffee.
have you looked into morgellans,, do you have any sparkles on your hands in the sunlight.. or have you taken cipro or levaquin or avelox.. I have had this non stop for 3 years over every inch of my body. I am about mad..
***@**** plus pounding heart and severe anxiety when I wake up. I feel I have been on 50 cups of coffee.
&&I have to tell you that I have had &stinging arm& on the back of my hands,&&and both arms sometimes for 30+ years. I have seen MDs, dermatologists&&been to several neurologists.&&No diagnosis.
My symptoms usually start in the fall,&&( but not always) and last for a week or two.&&I thought it was job related, or seasonal allergies. But I have lived in California, Washington, and now retired here in Hawaii, and still get the stinging.
The symptoms&&always&&start in the afternoon or later.&& Sometimes they come on at night with such a burning that I have to hold ice on my arm until it gets numb. You can see nothing on my skin, but sometimes the arm heats up.
Sometimes Benedryl works, as tho' all the nerves are going crazy. I can insert a pin into the stinging areas, and they are all numb. I have no stress, eat healthy, and exercise. Yes, I've ruled out food allergies.
Perhaps an unnamed virus, similar to herpes, or shingles? Maybe the invironment in general, is telling me something.&&I have scars from scratching on both arms all over as it travels up or down from year to year.
I do have a slight &essential tremor& as did my grandmother on right arm.
Anybody else out there?
&&I have to tell you that I have had &stinging arm& on the back of my hands,&&and both arms sometimes for 30+ years. I have seen MDs, dermatologists&&been to several neurologists.&&No diagnosis.
My symptoms usually start in the fall,&&( but not always) and last for a week or two.&&I thought it was job related, or seasonal allergies. But I have lived in California, Washington, and now retired here in Hawaii, and still get the stinging.
The symptoms&&always&&start in the afternoon or later.&& Sometimes they come on at night with such a burning that I have to hold ice on my arm until it gets numb. You can see nothing on my skin, but sometimes the arm heats up.
Sometimes Benedryl works, as tho' all the nerves are going crazy. I can insert a pin into the stinging areas, and they are all numb. I have no stress, eat healthy, and exercise. Yes, I've ruled out food allergies.
Perhaps an unnamed virus, similar to herpes, or shingles? Maybe the invironment in general, is telling me something.&&I have scars from scratching on both arms all over as it travels up or down from year to year.
I do have a slight &essential tremor& as did my grandmother on right arm.
Anybody else out there?
this sounds like morgellans. please check for tiny shiny shimmers on your hands in the sun like makeup glitters.. also look under a jewelry lens to see if you have black pepper like flakes on hands or on the bed sheets they are very tiny.. I have the all over the entire body stinging and now my cat has this.. it is heartbreaking.. just check is all, just a suggestion
this sounds like morgellans. please check for tiny shiny shimmers on your hands in the sun like makeup glitters.. also look under a jewelry lens to see if you have black pepper like flakes on hands or on the bed sheets they are very tiny.. I have the all over the entire body stinging and now my cat has this.. it is heartbreaking.. just check is all, just a suggestion
I know what it is.&&I had this 3 years ago.... and was able to stop it.&&Now it has returned and I know exactly what it is.&&I had a severe case of Demodex Mites on my Face, Eyelashes, Ears and Scalp...3 years ago. Those Mites cause small 'tunnel' burrows with a small dot at the end, similar to what a 'comma' Looks like.&&It's not Scabies....it's Demodex Mites.&&With all the methods that I used to control them on my Face... I drove them off the Face to the Body.&&On the Face there was no 'sting'...just the tunnel appearing and the crawling Sensation.&&When they travelled to the Body... they entered with a 'sting' Sensation...a quick tunnel and dot at the end....and then that disappears very quickly...and you see nothing.&&There is no doubt about it....it is Demodex Mites that have travelled off the Face area.&&Until recently there was no cure for Demodex Mites other than using Tea Tree Oil and chasing them around.&&Now there is hope.&&The US is the first Country to release Ivermectin in Lotion form and legalize the pill form for humans.&&Ivermectin is what they give animals to cure Mange.&&Ivermectin proved to kill Demodex Mites in Trials....and it has now been released as Sklice by Galderma.&&The UK just approved it in 9/2014 and will have it on the market in early 2015.&&Europe has in the


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