
高产小麦一亩地大约用多少种子才能高产_百度知道我家每年一般种植小麦,应使用什么化肥?使用量为多少?这种化肥含有哪些物质?_百度知道当前位置: &
英文翻译raise an armyraise wheat:&&&& cultivat ...:&&&& fr ...:&&&&wheat growers:&&&&national association of whea ...:&&&&implantation pellets:&&&&breeding has produced types
...:&&&&implantation pellets:&&&&white wheat
例句与用法The farmers here grow wheat, oats and clover .这里的农民种植小麦、燕麦和秣草。Modern varieties of wheat expanded to cover two-thirds of the total wheat area in india .现代各类小麦品种扩大到占印度的全部种植小麦地区的三分之二。They mainly grow wheat , corn , barley and oats他们主要种植小麦、玉米、大麦和燕麦。 Consider the farmer who plants a crop of wheat想想看种植小麦的农夫吧Co ider the farmer who plants a crop of wheat想想看种植小麦的农夫吧The farm grows wheat and rye这个农场种植小麦和黑麦。 In the middle of the united states , farmers grow wheat , corn and other grain在美国的中部,农民种植小麦、玉米和其他粮食作物。 In this flat country people grow wheat and corn and raise cattle and sheep在这土地平坦的乡间,人们种植小麦、玉米,并饲养牛羊。 As ( it is ) in your country , we grow wheat in the north and rice in the south正如(像)你们国家一样,我们北方种植小麦,南方种植水稻。 For example , the number of hectares devoted to wheat has been declining for 30 years比如说,用于种植小麦的公顷数量在过去30年中一直在减少。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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