不能让学生贪玩 英文手机的英文

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英文翻译lark 2
例句与用法Stop larking about and get on with your work .不要只贪玩,去做你的工作。He wants me to stick close to the work here and not play about very much .他要我好好干,不要贪玩。At her age , children only think about playing小孩子,只是贪玩哪里是吃东西呢? This film is based on a urals fairytale这是一个关于乌拉山上贪玩小女孩吉哈卡的故事。 I do not respect him because he is playful我不尊敬他,因为他贪玩。 Maybe they just for fun他们可能只是贪玩而已! Bill ' s playing came between him and his studies , and his grades went down比尔的贪玩妨碍了他的学习,他的成绩下降了。 He has righteous and just , and will always help a friend in need贪玩的年轻人,专门负责捣乱富正义感的他,朋友有事一定挺身相助。 He told the police his form three classmates had taught him the procedure and he had done it for fun男童告诉警方,一名中三同学教他入侵步骤,少年因贪玩而犯案。 How i regretted the hours loafed away in the woods and fields , the days when i had played and should have studied我多么后悔在树林和田野浪费的时间,那是我本该好好学习和贪玩荒废了的日子。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
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