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You are currently browsingthe website for symfony 1
1458 plugins
3895 releases
609 developers
16696 users
This page lists all plugins, even those with no release.
Apostrophe (20)
symfony project:deploy syncs your code... but what about your content? This plugin adds project:sync-content, a task that can sync both your database and any folders you designate as data folders. Sync content either to or from any remote host and environment defined in your...
Apostrophe is a content management system. Apostrophe is open source, and built upon the great work of other open source projects. That's why our apostrophePlugin is a plugin for the Symfony web application framework.
The philosophy of Apostrophe is that editing should be done "in context" as...
New to Apostrophe?
To learn more about Apostrophe, visit its plugin page or the Wiki at
Ready to get blogging?
The apostropheBlogPlugin manual has all you need to know to get blogging in your Apostrophe sites.
This plugin is designed to work with the Apostrophe CMS by P'unk Ave. It allows
developers to add an srPageChooserWidget to forms, for use with choosing links
in slots, and also in the rich text slot.
Plugin Contents
The srPageChooserPlugin contains a number of classes...
Adds google map slot to Apostrophe.
Apostrophe is a Symfony and Doctrine-based CMS that emphasizes in-context editing. For more information see
apostropheFeedbackPlugin adds a quick and easy feedback form to your projects that works with the sfCaptchaGDPlugin.
The Apostrophe People Plugin lets you organize and display people on Apostrophe pages. You can filter, sort, and search for people. There is a robust administrative area for managing people in the system. Thanks to Symfony's excellent support for project-level overrides, you can add additional...
The Apostrophe Extra Slots Plugin contains several slots that are more specialized or complex than the slots bundled with Apostrophe.
In general, we regard these slots to be somewhat "experimental" and use the Extra Slots plugin as a way to cultivate slot types that may eventually mature to...
A lightweight plugin that replaces layout.php, offers additional CSS, and Javascript to make it easy to start an Apostrophe project using HTML5.
It's based on the HTML5 Boilerplate.
Installation instructions are in the README of the plugin.
Provides new slot type to Apostrophe Now CMS. It lets in easy way to configure and add forms to content of the website
The aMediaItemSelectPlugin provides a widget and a validator that allow you to select a media item from the Apostrophe media library.
This plugin was renamed to drApostropheMediaItemSelectPlugin. Please visit
The drApostropheMediaItemSelectPlugin provides a widget and a validator that allow you to select a media item from the Apostrophe media library.
Pour l'installer, il vous suffit d'executer cette commande :
plugin:install gallerynePlugin
Télécharger la dernière version sur le site
Extractez ensuite les fichiers dans le repertoire Plugins de votre projet...
Plugin to include HeadJS in all pages. Works with Apostrophe 1.5
This plugin provides forms integration to Apostrophe CMS websites.
The goal of the plugin is to provide the support for forms display and handling, as well as data storage and visualization.
The plugin doesn't provide support for online forms creation. They must be...
Connaissez vous le CMS ApostropheNow ?
Si oui vous serez surement très heureux de lire les lignes qui vont suivre. En effet, nous mettons à disposition de la communauté un nouveau plugin pour ApostropheNow qui permet aux administrateurs du CMS de créer 3 types de graphiques (des camemberts...
This plugin give a form factory system slot (content) for an ApostropheNow powered project
It give you a slot where you'll be able to create a custom form which will, if you tick the checkbox, send an automatic email to the form filler....
Applications (291)
The sfSyncClusterPlugin introduces a symfony sync-cluster task. The symfony sync-cluster task is intended as a replacement for the symfony sync task. While the plugin is backwards-compatible with symfony sync (they even use the same configuration files) this plugin offers several advantages over...
This plugin has been discontinued in July 2007. A clean rewrite has been done in sfSimpleForumPlugin.
This behavior permits to attach comments to Propel objects. It provides a module for enabling comments in your application in less than 3 minutes.
This plugin is obsolete and no more maintened
This plugin aims at providing rating capabilities to any Propel object with the help of a dedicated Propel behavior.
The isicsSitemapXMLPlugin provides an easy way to generate a sitemap.xml.
The sfMediaLibraryPlugin provides an easy-to-use interface to manage web assets (images, PDF documents, Flash objects, and so on). It also provides an extension to tinyMCE so that the media inclusion feature of rich text editors uses the assets uploaded through the plugin's module.
Main features includes:
* multilanguage support (the same news item in different languages)
* frontend (AJAX or form-based) administration
* backend administration
* lastest news block component and helper
* autogeneration of news item annotation
* fully customizable to suit your needs
A simple, but full-featured, Wiki system for Symfony applications. Provides following main features :
Search engine with sfLucene.
I18n-ready (Embedded languages : en, fr).
Full versionning of all changes.
Pages can be contributed by anonymous or requires registered users.
Support for...
This plugin is not exactly a CMS, it is more a CMF (Content Management Framework).
This plugin allows you to add a Dynamic Content Management System (CMS) to your Symfony project with the following features:
Manage different versions of a website (different applications or cultures)
For each...
This plugin will allow you to use fusion charts (free & pro) in your application. It includes some convenience classes for easy chart creation.
The isicsBreadcrumbsPlugin is a simple way to handle breadcrumbs in your applications.
A job board plugin.
sfSpyPlugin allows you to watch, record, and playback what users of your symfony application do. You get to see exactly the same pages as the users see, either live (while users are connected to your application) or afterwards.
This is a plugin for OpenSocial applications
The sfGuardPlugin is a symfony plugin that provides authentication and authorization features above the standard security feature of symfony.
It gives you the model (user, group and permission objects) and the modules (backend and frontend) to secure your symfony application in a minute in a...
Moderation tools
A database plugin that adds a layer over propel to bypass most of the propel limitations:
* populate objects linked by any depth relationships
* populate agregate/computed values
* allows to have two links to the same object
* retrieve an applicable sql from criteria
* populate...
This plugin will provide a GUI to build your Symfony-Extjs applications, with the help of the ExtJS GUI Designer:
Implementation has not yet been started, but ideas are there to build your forms, grids and layouts by dragging-and-dropping based, based on your...
At github /cedriclombardot/sfAtosPaymentPlugin
This plugin will help you to save the CB payments with the MERCANET system known as SIPS, ATOS ... This is the most used systems for French Banks.
Cedric : Please use my ...& at >gmail& DOT >com adress
A simple interface to create forms with an administration interface. DEPRACTED IN FAVOR OF for sf1.2
Plugin to handle AMF requests from Flex frontends. The plugin is currently based on the SabreAMF library. It makes the development and integration of Services easy.
W3studioCMS is a modern Open Source Web 2.0 Content Management System application designed to give the ability to manage the contents of a web site to people without any knowledge of web programming languages, i.e. HTML or PHP.
Imagine to browse any kind of website, as the one you are viewing...
A Dynamic video gallery Plugin. The video gallery can be attached with any object of the database. So it is quite flexible in nature to adopt and contain the video files with any existing object.
It also include ffmpeg converter so that the user can upload videos in any format which will be...
This plugin provides an abstraction and autoloading of html2text class( /html2text.php )
The sfStatisticsPlugin is an easy-to-use tool for reports (chart and data table) creating based on the Propel Model through Google Chart API.
Plugin works in Symfony 1.0, Symfony 1.1 and Symfony 1.2 with Propel 1.2 or Propel 1.3.
This plugin extends the sfGuardPlugin with Software as a Service (SaaS) capabilities.
This is just a simple SEO tool. Adds generating of keywords and description from content and very simple SEO panel
This plugin interfaces with the Payflow Pro payment system.
Easily create a connection to the Payflow servers, and process credit card payments.
sfDoctrinePollPlugin is a Symfony plugin which make polling a piece of cake.
It offers out of the box frontend as well as administration of polls. It has a full page poll as well as a component which can be embedded in any page.
This is a helper for uploading images and automatically see the thumbnail of the uploaded image without refreshing the page.
I will describe it later
A plugin that allows you to provide search tasks such as from creation, data validation, criteria modification, result displaying, pagination etc. in easy and flexible way
For documentation, go here
for installation, type
Sometimes you need to work with symfony project where you don't have command line access. Or may be you just don't like another console window opened to write symfony commands there. The sfWebCliPlugin adds a module which provides you web access to the symfony command line. Actually you have...
You miss TinyMce since you've started using symfony 1.1? No matter, this widget is very easy to use and lets you a lot of flexibility.
This plugin has been made for people who want to easily interact with their website without anyone else to integrate their static web pages. This plugin proposes an interface to upload static pages and integrate them in the layout and pages of your web applications. It is also an easy way for...
sfBugsPlugin plugin
The sfBugsPlugin allows you to easily send bugs from the Web Debug Toolbar for modules and actions.
It's useful for testers to mark bugs for specific sections
sfSimpleForumPlugin with Propel 1.3
This plugin is based on SimpleCMSPlugin conception. Whith a lot of new features:
- Backend control panel
- Layout customization
- Integration YAML CSS Framework
- Easy integration on symfony plugins
- Optimized perfomance
More info in hompage
Editing mode
Content edit
The main idea of the plugin is to integrate phpunit and symfony more closer. Make the process of test writing more standard, flexible and easy for symfony developers. Another idea is to allow developers use features that only they want and not to inflict any extra requirments.
There are some...
The sfVisualRoutesPlugin adds the project:routes task to display all available routes to the application on the console.
It is designed to help you find what routes have been created by installed plugins along with routes you have created.
A plugin for storing and managing passwords. The main features are:
Shared passwords - assigned to a group of users
Private passwords - visible only for the owner
Password encryption
Activity log
User management done with sfGuardPlugin
Provides the ability to transform images in complex ways.
The 'next generation' of sfPhpunitPlugin. It's a complete re-write, but allows users more power and flexibility to use PHPUnit's features.
Tools to ease the debugging in symfony
This plugin will add a date manipulation library to the symfony framework.
So first of all make sure you have these plugins installed:
Then for frontend/backend allow modules:
[default, sfGallery]...
This plugins allows to bypass the error500 of the framework so the developer can provide a custom module/action to show the error to the user.
The aim of this plugin is to inform once a certain task was not run.
You have to define the tasks in your configuration, which should be tracked. Once one of these tasks is executed, an information will be stored that it ran sucessfully.
If it failed, it's possible to send an email or display...
Add social network features for your users: contacts, messages, status, etc.
This plugins is a filter that if you want to set your website offline
Now at github /cedriclombardot/sfOfflineFilterPlugin/
We frequently need to set a little parts of CMS into our application.
This plugins with it helper allow you to set pages content like that spySimplePage_getIntro('alias-of-the-page');
This plugin allow to run the symfony commands on a secure web page if the SSH access is not possible
This plugin enables symfony applications to connect to Jabber servers (like GoogleTalk) to send and receive messages to contacts.
This plugin is based on the JAXL library by Abhinav Singh (/p/jaxl/)
Provide explicit control over the browser cache via Google Gear
Comming soon.
Here is a working demo
Here are the "admin pages"
Identity management plugin for sfMultisiteThemePlugin forked from sfDoctrineGuardPlugin v3.0.1
This plugin provides SSO authentication and authorization for symfony
applications based in JOSSO SSO provided by JOSSO allow developers to concentrate in business logic delegating all authentication and authorization work to JOSSO Identity Manager.
The plugin installation...
Plug'n'play comments system for symfony.
Ever dreamed of including a fully featured comment form in your projects with only one line of code? Stop dreaming, this is exactly what you have there.
Soon will automatically use sfEasyMarkdownPlugin, sfEasySyntaxHighlighterPlugin and...
All documentation and information about Sympal can be found on the website at
Development takes place at github: /sympal/sympal
enable gzip compression in your application.
!!!Notice: you can enable compression in the settings.yml
compressed: on
Tiny calendar application.
An new version of spyFormBuilderInterfacePlugin all rewrited with widgets, validator ...
Now at github : /cedriclombardot/spyFormBuilderInterface2Plugin/
Adds ability to generate Google sitemap. Supports both Propel and Doctrine (requires DbFinder plugin for Doctrine project).
A simple forum plugin , with Propel
Depends on sfGuardPlugin
This plugin is a very simple application that will allow you to easily manage the properties you rent in Second Life. It will send out e-mails to remind you rent is due 3 days before rent is due.
This plugin provides a mp3 player for your symfony projects. This mp3 player is Dewplayer, which can be found here:
The sfBlogsPlugin provides the model, a frontend and a backend modules to enable multiple blogs in a symfony application.
stOfcPlugin Creates Flash Chart based on an array of data
Integrates Open Flash Chart
Need Help?
Feel free to conctact me via e-mail. Or Click here to post a message.
This plugins will help you to create simple shortcuts in JS by an yml configurating.
Like that you could do shortcuts with pressed only one or 2 keys and not SHIFT+ALT+keykode
Now at github /cedriclombardot/sfShortcutKeyPlugin/
plugin under construction *
Este es un plugin que permite la gestion de usuarios, permisos, grupos para la parte de seguridad y ademas de ello permite la subida de archivos a una base de datos Postgres donde tambien se indexa el contenido del archivo si este es un documento de texto(pdf, odt, doc, ppt, entre otros), ademas...
This plugin is the first step of a larger project of ACL in Symfony, coupled
with sfGuardUser, which will offer a full interface to define access by
The current release allows you to automatically add a dynamic credential to
your actions and modules.
Once the plugin...
Rewriting from scratch the CMF Diem for symfony 1.2.
Work in (rapid) progress.
The sfNdrFedexShippingRatesPlugin provides a simple way to get Fedex Shipping Services and Rates available between two locations.
This plugin enables the creation of complex, multi-dimensional reports (similar to those seen in Access) using XML and PHP.
The manual is here
An online demo is here
This is Alpha software, there are sure to be bugs and missing features - if you find any missing features...
The sfTinyDocPlugin allows to generate OpenOffice and Word 2007 documents with TinyButStrong template engine.
As in French we can said, "Un dessin vaut mieux qu'un long discours", here some examples for sfTinyDocPlugin
The sfErrorNotifierPlugin sends automatically email notifications when application errors (exceptions) occur and are not caught.
Optionally, it will send notifications also for PHP Fatal Errors and/or PHP Warnings.
Its easy configuration allows you to set which environments to enable for the...
The sfDomainRoutePlugin extends Symfony's routing to allow effective use of subdomains and domains.
Pass and retrieve parameters in the subdomain.
Limit routes to certain domains or subdomains.
Generate urls across subdomains.
Sample Usage (Detailed instructions are in the README)...
Client side plugin that based on YUI interface
Configure a set of feeds and aggregate them all in to one feed and render it in your personal website so people can follow your internet social timeline.
Checked for Sf>=1.3 compliency
Fixed bugs and lost updates in the web frontend modules, so that these should now work with the improved plugin lib-files > V0.9
V 1.0.0 released
Added Doctrine behaviour
Added more unit tests
see README ;)
sfShortUrlPlugin provides all the functionnalities of a short url service similar to tinyURL:
url shortening
url validation
lease note that this is a work in progress, which can be used at a startpoint in the implementation of a url shortener using symfony.
The Doctrine version of this...
modified copy of //usando-amfphp-v19b2-con-symfony-10x/
I updated the package.xml to enable it for symfony 1.2, that seemed to be sufficient.
I also updated sfAmfphpGateway.class.php with a $this->setClassMappingsPath(sfConfig::get(’sf_lib_dir’) ....
This is the fork of sfMediaLibraryPlugin intended to work with TinyMCE v3 and as part of w3sCmsPlugin
Fork of sfW3studioCmsPlugin
w3sCms is a plugin which allows you to add powerful, flexible and fully customizable Content Management System to your symfony application. It has been developed using Ajax technology to give the users the best interaction with the management of their website.
This plugin shows an AJAX image link. On click it switches field in DB from 0 to 1, or vice versa. Image is also switched. So this is an easy way to organise switches for some kind dihotomic data.
Removed outdated package files out of .svn repo
Fixed a type error in package.xml. The plugin should now work within the plugin installer in sf1.4.x-projects.
Checked for sf 1.4 compliency. It seems to work so far ...
Fixed #2705...
urCron is a lifestream plugin which permit you to publish on your website your online activity from various social platform.
A simple embedded forum for symfony applications. This is a port of the original sfSimpleForumPlugin for symfony 1.2.
Plugin que permite o upload de vídeos utilizando a API do You Tube
Quickly sketch out the navigation structure for your projects, generate breadcrumbs and nested navigation.
sfCorreiosPlugin calc the brazilian freight value of an object and get the address from the zip code.
With this plugin you can manage a list of links listed into nested categories. It comes with an admin links manager and a frontend module. I'm preparing the files to upload asap
This plugin provides a complete application of a so called "nopaste".
The current trunk needs much configuration, so don't use it unless you know, what configuration has to be done.
Example installation can be found here:
More information coming soon!
sfBootstrap Plugin
The sfBootstrapPlugin is a symfony plugin that provides a task to bootstrap
an application with plugins,tasks and shell commands
Install the plugin
$ symfony plugin:install sfBootstrapPlugin
copy the config file from plugin dir to project config dir
and fit...
Much like the sfConfig::get() method, use csSettings::get() to call dynamic, user-defined settings.
An admin generator interface allows easy administration.
Please install from github: /bshaffer/csSettingsPlugin
Have you ever needed a certain application state to exist so that you could demo your application or write your tests knowing which test users/entities you can depend on?
While fixtures can be used to create data in your database, they do not address the following concerns:
How do I know what...
Easy symfony plugin to integrate issue tracker capabilities in your symfony applications. Inspired by DoneDone.
A very simple blog engine, with a Dotclear2 importer task utility.
A library plugin giving access to the Pingdom SOAP enabled API.
This library can be used as standalone, by only using the lib/pingdom folder.
All other functionality is symfony related.
sgWebChatPlugin allows to include a web-based chat in any website. Additionally, sgWebChatPlugin can be used to create a private collaboration & communication tool like campfire and other group chats. It will also include an iPhone interface and API to allow third party applications to...
The sfBreadcrumbPlugin tracks the locations a user has been via the session and can display a configurable number of breadcrumb links. Locations are tagged by placing breadcrumb.yml files within each module/config directory which simply define an action as breadcrumbable and the link text/image...
Still in reflexion, but based on the ExtJS web desktop.
The main goal of this plugin is to provide an easy way to build your own application using symfony for rendering in a web desktop environment.
Of course, it will provide users, groups and permissions management, but not only ! I envisage...
The sfNotifyPlugin enhances the default messaging capabilities within symfony and allows developers to seamlessly manage and display messages to the user.
sfNotify allows you to:
Manage the concept of errors, notices and warnings.
Assign multiple of each type of message.
Easily customizable...
been replaced by sgLESSPlugin
sgLESSPlugin implements LESS CSS functionality and features. It allows to define variables, mixins (for any type: class, id, tag), nested rules, arithmetic (color on color, color on number, number on number), scope, comments, importing and more things to come.
The plugin is developed by Pablo...
Plugin that allow to easily generate XML sitemap.
Orginally developed by Prestaconcept for it's projects.
Warning: The svn repository has changed. It is now hosted on
Diem has moved to GitHub! The symfony repository is NOT up to date
Full stack professional CMF for Symfony 1.4 and Doctrine 1.2
Find all documentation on the Diem project website
Diem is a CMF, or a CMS builder.
It does not come with predefined modules.
caSimpleGalleryPlugin is as the name suggests a simple plugin to create and display
dynamic photo gallery.
Plugin based on a images from filesystem, the plugin to work properly do not have connections in the database.
Plugin is based on the Strategy design...
symfony 1.2/1.3/1.4 library upload assets manager
What is it ?
sfMediaBrowser is a symfony 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 plugin that allows you to manage all your file uploads.
It does NOT use any database as it works directly on file structure.
This plugin bundle an interface for managing folder and file...
What can a caPropelNestedSetManagerPlugin
add the node to the parent
delete node
move the node to another location
extensibility and adaptation to your function
implemented i18n and i10n
All on AjAx
Build a complete web database application without writing a line of code !
You just need to describe the data model and configure the behavior in a speadsheet , save it in .CSV format and then generate the application.
An example showing all features is provided.
See documentation in web...
A simple forum which can be easily integrated into existing Symfony applications.
What can a caPropelTreePlugin ?
add the node to the parent
delete node
move the node to another location
extensibility and adaptation to your function
implemented i18n and i10n
All on AjAx
The sfReviewPlugin is a symfony plugin that allows users from sfGuardPlugin to leave reviews on different entities of an application.
The sfFbConnectGuardPlugin extends sfGuard to enable Facebook Connect. With sfFbConnectGuardPlugin, sites can allow users to seamlessly register and sign in with Facebook Connect while still using sfGuard.
LDAP abstraction through objects defined by a configuration file. It is also possible to use multiple connections.
THIS PLUGIN IS OBSOLETE. Please use apostropheBlogPlugin.
sfLessPhpPlugin is a plugin for symfony applications. It automatically parses your applications .less files through LESS and outputs CSS files.
LESS extends CSS with: variables, mixins, operations and nested rules. For more information, see
Session expiration plugin - handles Symfony session expirations
Integration of xCSS.
All available configuration items are listed in the app.yml in xcss modules config dir.
The default route is /xcss/:file where file is a file located in your SF_WEB_DIR /css. This file may contain xCSS syntax and will be processed. Anyway it will be minified :)...
This plugin provides Barcode image creation for the following formats:
Interleaved 2 of 5
This plugin is a wrapper for PEAR Barcode library with same minimal changes needed to work with PHP 5.x and symfony framework.
Generador administrativo para propel.
version: alpha
pmModuleEnablerPlugin gives to the user the posibility to enable and/or disable dynamically your plugin modules. So, you can create application specific plugins.
The prestaForumConnectorPlugin aims to provide an easy way to connect an user management system to the forum solution of your choice.
IMPORTANT : this plugin was designed for phpBB 3.0.6 and sfDoctrineGuardPlugin 4.X. If you use other versions, it is necessary to validate that the existing...
Some classes helping to create XML files for the Yandex.Market service (
Description of the YML language
The purpose of this plugin is to facilitate communication between a symfony project and system management data base oracle
Provide a really simple component for developers to include a quick comment box that allow "logged" user to comment on every thing, i.e: Facebook style. This plugin could be considered as a "commentable behavior" for doctrine object.
The prestaBreadcrumbPlugin provides an easy way to construct breadcrumbs.
Easy to use and to configure
Can be use statically (with yml file) or dynamically (from action)
Orginally developed by Prestaconcept for it's projects.
This plugin adds a new panel called "cache" in the web debug toolbar, with information about data stored in the APC cache.
The sfSparklinePlugin provides easy use of Sparkline - PHP graph library. Visualising numeric data.
Provides classes to interpret and output Microsoft Excel data files (.xls) using PHP Excel Reader.
The ybRunTaskPlugin allow you to run a task within an action, just like you'd be doing in a task
Install the plugin
$ symfony plugin:install ybRunTaskPlugin
Add the plugin to the loaded plugin in your config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php...
The tdVisitorCounterPlugin is a symfony plugin that provides basic functionalities enabling TD CMF, such as common configuration or random data generation.
This plugin is a part of TD CMF and is based on Doctrine ORM.
sfDoctrineShortUrlPlugin provides all the functionnalities of a short url service similar to tinyURL:
url shortening
url validation
This is the Doctrine version of the propel plugin sfShortUrlPlugin.
It is a work in progress, which aims to grow as a reference implementation of the url...
Check the Diem Chess demo
This Diem plugin is about Chess game.
Provides a graphical HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT client, and an Artificial Intelligence server.
It allows to play against a distant friend or an aggressive AI.
Install a full featured Chess game on your Diem project in seconds.
Allows you to manage a quiz, where you can select the number of players and the number of questions to ask each player. It can be used both for quiz game, which for quiz teaching or learning checking.
Monitor wether certain regular tasks, for example cron jobs, have been run recently.
Provides funcionalities for a standard guestbook.
This plugin is a part of TD CMF and is based on Doctrine ORM.
A simple wiki engine designed with flexibility in mind. Currently under active development - please contact
The sfFlexymfonyPlugin provides means for a developer to easily integrate flex applications into Symfony.
The undelying Felx application uses a specific framework aimed to give developers a Symfony-like feel.
NOTE: This plugin is not maintained anymore due to time restrictions. Looking for...
This plugin provides a custom generation of reports in a graphical fashion, allowing end users to build ang get their custom reports.
Report creation is done by a Query by Example way, and some restrictions are imposed, but it seems to be very useful in many scenarios.
w3sExtensionMbMaskedGalleryPlugin is an extension content for sfW3StudioCmsPlugin plugin, which adds a masked gallery content using
the awesome jquery plugin mb.maskedGallery made by Matteo Bicocchi. It implements an helper that can be used outside W3StudioCMS.
Core Plugin for Thunderwolf System Based Plugins
Thunderwolf System Basic CMS Plugin
Thunderwolf System News Plugin
Thunderwolf System module plugin for creating articles web page sections
Provides basic blog functionalities.
This plugin is a part of TD CMF and is based on Doctrine ORM.
This plugin allows to create a image of the Rouble sign (like
The rsfDoctrineTimelinePlugin helps you to add a user timeline to your application. Notify a user timeline when content is created, updated, deleted or other application events.
This is an experimental CMS framework package and there's no documentation yet!
As it matures we promise add some documentation. Watch this space...
The sfGoogleLoginPlugin allows a simple login via Google Accounts using OpenID.
The sfTroubleTicketPlugin is a symfony plugin providing a trouble ticket system managing extendable prototypic tickets.
You want to track some (very special) FooBars but there are only bug trackers around? Use this plugin to build your own FooBarTracker without reinventing the wheel (and...
This plugin provides a convinience of handling original yamls for defining environmental configurations.
It caches configurations handled by sfDefineEnvironmentConfigHandler by according to the parameter "cache" in
Apostrophe is a content management system. Apostrophe is open source, and built upon the great work of other open source projects. That's why our apostrophePlugin is a plugin for the Symfony web application framework.
The philosophy of Apostrophe is that editing should be done "in context" as...
The laiguAdminThemePlugin package a new admin generator theme based on AJAX requests via ExtJs. You can use laiguAdminThemePlugin to create yours master-detail relations.
This plugin allows to change the default admin generator theme to one based on the ExtJs framework.
This admin generator...
sfOrmBreadcrumbsPlugin provides easy breadcrumbs
integration and configuration for your project application.
The purpose of this plugin is to facilitate the creation of web sites that can be explored properly by mobile browsers.
The sfTeraWurflPlugin plugin bridges the symfony framework and Tera-wurfl
PHP/MySQL API library which is a PHP & MySQL based library that uses the Wireless Universal...
Build a menu from a YAML file with a defined structure.
Requires sfAdminThemejRollerPlugin which gets all the styles and the Javascripts features.
Install from repositories:
svn export http://svn./plugins/mbJrollerMenuPlugin
Or install...
sfHtml5Form plugin
The sfHtml5FormPlugin provides you with widgets and validators to use
the new HTML5 input types for forms and filters.
It also has a demonstration module for you to evaluate quickly how your
browser supports the new fields.
This plugin allow to create task that can fork for parallel processing.
It provide an easy way to create as many child as you want and a simple queue and lock system.
This plugin allow you to manage user status by changing user class in your factories.yml to sfUserOnline. This class
extends sfUser class and you don't drop any user logic.
User status saved in memcached with lifetime value so after some time user status changed to "Offline".
Provides route and route collection classes which makes it easy to create routes for paged lists and their elements. Additionally it only passes pages that will have elements on, giving 404 HTTP response for the others
Utilising the fantastic sfImageTransformPlugin this plugin provides all means to configure any set of thumbnail formats with all possible transformations in a YAML file.
All these configured settings can be applied to any kind of source image using a nice URL schema.
This plugin is Forked version of sfDotrineApplyPlugin created by punkave guys.
This Fork got stripped stripped of all dependencies from Zend Framework, introduced Profile model inheritance, small structural changes and few usability changes as well.
Includes following language versions:...
sfSvgPlugin will allow you to create svg graphics. Once this plugin is installed you will be able to create graphs and charts, generate dynamic graphs and charts, create basic and advanced svg graphics.
*** Currently in development ****
The pmMigratorPlugin is a symfony plugin that provides bjects for performing data migration. You can create these objects for migrating from CSV file i.e..
A new easy-to-use developer-friendly new authorization and authorization system. Can be easy configurable and customizable. Applies standard user logic: registration, activation, password reset, sign in, remember user.
laiguPHPLoggerPlugin provides a system to handle PHP errors and excepcions forwarding them to Symfony log system.
This plugin allows to send sms through different service providers. The current provider implemented is a web service from TextMagic.
Simple, easy and flexible comments system for symfony. It provides basic features for plug'n'play usecase and its a great baseground for more complex solutions.
about ogDynamicParameters
ogDynamicParameters let you manage parameters of any items.
You can define item parameters by item family and item model. ogDynamicParameters will
offer you the form to create and edit item with all parameters defined.
another sfGrid plugin that formats the grid to unobtrusive jQuery FlexiGrid
Provides simple and easy-to-use rate functionality.
fzTagPlugin is backported to symfony dmTagPlugin, that originally was created for Diem 5.x. Now you can easily tag every model in your app.
sfDoctrineNopastePlugin is a nopaste/pastebin plugins for Symfony.
Wikipedia : A pastebin is a web application which allows its users to upload snippets of text, usually samples of source code, for public viewing.
Now at github /cedriclombardot/sfEmailMeAFireShotPlugin
Allow you to add a report bug button to send a fireshot capture by mail
With 0.84 fireshot release : http://www./sup/index.php?a=vtopic&t=829 i ll include a reporting mode with modal box
A bridge that uses Zend Amf lib to connect php classes and flash client side
Php soap API for Jira Project Tracking system
Forum for symfony
The laiguFeyaSoftCalendarPlugin package provides an easy way to integrate the FeyaSoft Calendar in Symfony.
The plugin is simple and usual to websites.
I use some plugins in symfony and I know how those plugins accelerate the proccess developing a website. This is my first plugin. So I tried to do something easy and usual.
To use the plugin you need install the Swift Mailer...
iwPollPlugin allows you to create a multiple-choice quizz as a module of your app.
After the questionnaire, a profile is revealed to the user according to his answers.
The sfAlyssaJqGridPlugin is a jqGrid implementation (jquery javascript grid, main site ) that extends sfGridPlugin functionality.
This plugin is based on the work of Leon van der Ree and your sfGridJqFlexiPlugin plugin.
Note: very unstable yet and for now work with the sfGridPlugin branch.
A symfony plugin that is designed to ease connecting Facebook with sfDoctrineGuardPlugin. Similar aims to sfFacebookConnectPlugin but using the new Graph API.
see Read Me on github for more info.
With this plugin you can use gravatar images in your application.
Objectives of the program:
ease of use. The program is based on biological vacuoles, which are the fundamental element of the system, can store any form and content (as text, photo, or the main menu CMS).
Editing pages is very simple - after logging in to the admin panel click on the...
this symfony plugin lets you manage your plugins in a yaml file.
you can define different plugins for each enviroment.
Git: /digitalkaoz/rsPluginLoaderPlugin
Svn: /digitalkaoz/rsPluginLoaderPlugin.git
edit your...
The pmPropelGeneratorPlugin decouples the admin generator and the forms framework by delegating the module behavior to the form. Also, adds to the admin module the show action.
It was made to strongly simplify the development of VKontakte applications.
The main repository of this project is at github.
Simple class to short url with
Symfony Propel Settings Plugin
sfLESSPlugin is a plugin for symfony applications. It's descendant of sfLessPhpPlugin, but with LESS2 compiler in mind.
It can do most of less.js can:
Automatically parse your application .less files through LESS and outputs CSS
Automatically include your application .less files into...
Make better backends with symfony
Project is now empty, code will be there on the 19 of July 2010
Support Doctrine only for now, help wanted for Propel support !
New tasks for admin generation and models introspection
More options within the generator.yml
Better support for ordering / list...
Simple file abstration layer under symfony framework structure.
Provide temp folder object, public file and so on.
The plugin offers a simple web interface to upload and manage images, documents and other media files directly from the backend of your symfony application. File upload and file browsing features can be easily integrated into the TinyMCE editor.
Simple task that runs a profile file with a set of console commands.
In doc directory you can find standart profiles.
Mediator based plugin for integrating heterogeneous data.
Allow to communicate easily between different platform or application.
It caught all kind of errors like: exceptions, fatal errors, notices, memory limits and so on.
Also it was made as set of components message, driver, decorator to provide main functionality and easy way to change everything you want.
The pmDoctrineGeneratorPlugin decouples the admin generator and the forms
framework by delegating the module behavior to the form. Also, adds to the
admin module the show action.
The ddOnlineStorePlugin is a symfony plugin that provides models (categories and products objects),
modules and others features to manage a real catalog for a online store.
With this plugin you will can:
Manage product categories:
The prestaClickHeatPlugin allows an easy integration of the clickheat script on a Symfony project.
Features :
An easy way to configure clickheat script by Symfony configuration way
The ability to change the configuration from the action code
An automated integration of the clickheat tag...
The goal of the plugin to easy catch all kind of errors\exceptions.
fatal errors
parse errors
memory limit errors
The plugin is made in OOP style, has modular structure so you can easy change everything you want:
storage of reports(write to file or send mail)...
Simple blog for doctrine
This plugin allow to postpone the execution of function from any Table class.
This plugin allows you to use Google's Visualization API to create Intereactive Javascript charts without writing any javascript.
It simplifies the creation of charts and makes the code a lot neater, which is especially useful
if your planning to include more than one chart in a page.
It allows...
sfBehatPlugin is a plugin for symfony applications. It help to write Cucumber-like Behat features to test symfony applications.
Doctrine Port from sfFaqPlugin
It allows you to embed a FAQ module within your symfony application with the following features :
Questions are grouped into Categories
BackEnd Modules to manage categories and questions
A category can be...
This plugins offers an unobtrousive integration between the CK WYSIWYG editor and symfony.
The acHostDependantPlugin is a symfony plugin that provide the ability to have different configuration depending on the hostname.
After the installation you can create a new "host specific folder" with a task, and this folder contains the specific configuration for the host.
It's usefull for...
The tmcContactPlugin is a symfony plugin that simplifies the creation of a contact form.
It gives you the model (tmc_contact) and two modules
(tmcContact and tmcContactAdmin).
It allows a user to fill in a simple contact
form and submites to an e-mail, besides saving the information in a...
This plugin provides a set of functionnalities to handle errors in production environnement. The current functionalities are:
Possibility to record Exceptions in the database
Possibility to Record php fatal error in the database
Allow users to add comments to recorded errors/exceptions
Ad serving platform.
Add some useful helpers for functional selenium tests
Locks Objects by Route. If someone edits an Object no other user can access the route with the same ID to edit the Object too. Users will be informed about wich user locked the Object and since when.
A logout or change of the Page will free the locked object
This plugin is a very basic, but fully extendable REST webservice generator. Included features:
output serialization: xml, json, jsonp, phpSerialized
jsonp tunneling: ability to tunnel put,post,delete calls through GET call for cross-domain
The sfAdminAjaxThemePlugin is a symfony plugin to ajaxify symfony admin generator.
This plugin comes with two themes, ajaxtheme for propel 1.4 (sfPropelPlugin) and ajaxtheme15 for propel 1.5 (sfPropel15Plugin)
It renders components, partials or any piece of code you need to speed up,
the same way as it would be if you were using Edge-Side Includes (ESI).
Publish Sina microblogs.
The sfGenerateLibFilesPlugin allows you to create model files with a visual tool.
urAdminThemePlugin allows some new options for admin generation.
2) Row Level Credentials
3) Context Level Credentials
It is more of a frontend generator and not an admin generator. We use Dojo for layout purpose.
symfony doctrine:generate-admin --theme=urAdmin app_name...
This plugin enables cross-application cache clearing on distributed servers (e.g. a cluster) that share a common database. Root acces is required as it makes use of cronjobs.
Simple GuestBook plugin. This plugin uses Doctrine and requires jquery 1.4.3+ & jquery-ui. interface created using jQueryUI ThemeRoller
sfKoreroPlugin is a channel-based chat plugin, using Doctrine, sfGuardAuth, and jQuery. Korero is Maori for talk/discussion.
sfKoreroPlugin is under development. Please take the time to report any issues you encounter and thank you for trying sfKoreroPlugin!
@korerochat on Twitter
This plugin gives you tasks to update your Stashboard installation.
Just put your API credentials in app.yml, and update statuses from the command line!
See for more information on this cool tool developed by Twilio to publish a service's status.
sfMaraePlugin is a threaded forum plugin.
Example site
@maraeforums on Twitter
This will be a simple plugin with a JS class, and some examples.
Reproductor de videos de varios formatos utilizando OSMPlayer
Player videos of various formats using OSMPlayer
Provides you with a class to upload files by the jQuery's way. Its based upon jQuery 1.4.x and iframe ajax load
technique. You most have included jQuery in your symfony project.
sfDoctrineGuardCulture plugin (for symfony 1.4)
The sfDoctrineGuardCulturePlugin is adding you ability to change language (culture) by your users.
Plugin also is adding ability to setup list of available languages and display it for frontend user - using simple component.
If you want to save...
A new theme for the administration backend. Customization of the sfDoctrineGuardPlugin modules are included and a dashboard based on the sfAdminDashPlugin.
Easy run tests written with phpunit and sfPhpunitPlugin in NetBeans IDE
Whois plugin for checking aviability of domains.
Twist Image Mobile Detection plugin.
This plugin will enable Tera-Wurfl device detection in your application.
Upon detection you can assing special actions to be performed like redirect, add global vars or override views.
The sfLogRollerPlugin provides a file logger which 'roles' as time progresses.
How to use
Follow these simple steps:
Install the plugin
Add the logger to your factories.yml, like so:
class: usFileLogRoller
level: err
sfSimpleCMSReloadedPlugin is a reincarnation of the sfSimpleCMSPlugin, refactored to work with Symfony 1.4 and based upon jQuery and Propel 1.5. That being said, it currently provides the same features as sfSimpleCMSPlugin does:
Uses Javascript and Ajax to provide a neat user experience
This plugin can accept another sfRoute based class and add subdomain feature to it.
This symfony plugin allows you to create custom configuration variables in view.yml at the app-, module- and action-level. Inheritance works as expected. Custom keys should be added under the .custom key in view.yml. Custom config data is appended to the default view.yml cache file.
This plugin...
The sfScaffoldPlugin is a symfony plugin using CSScaffold
The sfEntityAttributeValuePlugin is a symfony plugin that allows use of the Entity-Attribute-Value
data-model as a doctrine behavior.
This plugin provides a way to easily create dynamic fields with jQuery Form Builder Plugin
and bind then to a specific object (DB line) of your model. It also...
This is a fork of the sfSocialPlugin, designed to be a feature for feature match built in doctrine.
simplest and fastest to-do list maker commponent
This plugin provides a tracking mechanism for actions performed or visited on
the application.
It provides a basic module for auditing the tracked actions with some user-friendly features like module and action name internationalization for each entry.
A plugin to handle browser fingerprint
This plugin provide the capability to create a shopping cart based website.
You can use the another plugin together with this: "ddOnlineStorePlugin" to make an ecommerce solution.
Integrate a gamecenter on your website
test of frameworj symfony
Allows you to send by e-mails
errors 500 (Exception type) that occur in production environments.
Allows you to use easily the DOMPDF library (an HTML to PDF converter).
Allows you to use easily the phpCAS library (Central Authentication Service).
The tiDoctrineOAuthServerPlugin provides the basis for making an OAuth server. It provides each requested URL in the OAuth protocol 1.0a (request token, user authorization and access token). It provides the pages to authorize/refuse the access to the connected sfDoctrineGuardUser. If the user is...
Thunderwolf System module plugin for creating gallery web page sections
Dynamic Routing for Thunderwolf CMS System
A Bootsrap Symfony theme for Propel's admin generator
The process consists of the following steps:
Step 1 consists in generating the XML bsaed raw data for the report. RawXMLData
Step 2 consists in merging this raw data with a XSL-FO template to give it the presentation information. XSL-FO acts as an intermediate language used to render the final...
itCrossAppRouting Plugin
copy and activate
Copy the plugin to your projects plugins folder.
You have to activate the Plugin in your global ProjectConfiguration.
class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration {
A twitter bootstrap theme for the symfony 1.4 generate admin
This is test
It provides supporting the Symfony's DependencyInjection component in your older symfony (1.4) project with Composer.
sfWkHtmlToPdfPlugin is a symfony 1.4 plugin allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page.
It uses the excellent webkit-based wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage
available on OSX, linux, windows and is based on KnpLabs/snappy library.
Go to our GitHub repository to get all...
Extremely helpful writing service for all students.
offers superb-quality custom papers at not big prices done by professional writers. All the papers are delivered on time and written from scratch.
Backend (280)
Easily edit iterations N1.
Main features includes:
* multilanguage support (the same news item in different languages)
* frontend (AJAX or form-based) administration
* backend administration
* lastest news block component and helper
* autogeneration of news item annotation
* fully customizable to suit your needs
This plugin is designed to connect to the Paybox payment gateway in order to process credit cards. You must already have a Paybox account in order to use this plugin. For more information visit their website at .
MogileFS Client. Current version is in SVN in the 1.2 branch. It's recommended you use that. Requires Symfony 1.2 and latest version of sfWebBrowserPlugin.
FirePHP enables you to print to your Firebug Console using a simple PHP function call.
A job board plugin.
sfSpyPlugin allows you to watch, record, and playback what users of your symfony application do. You get to see exactly the same pages as the users see, either live (while users are connected to your application) or afterwards.
sfAdvancedAdminGeneratorPlugin allow distinct configurations between create and edit
The sfGuardPlugin is a symfony plugin that provides authentication and authorization features above the standard security feature of symfony.
It gives you the model (user, group and permission objects) and the modules (backend and frontend) to secure your symfony application in a minute in a...
This plugin will provide a GUI to build your Symfony-Extjs applications, with the help of the ExtJS GUI Designer:
Implementation has not yet been started, but ideas are there to build your forms, grids and layouts by dragging-and-dropping based, based on your...
The HTTP Blacklist, or "http:BL", is a system that allows website administrators to take advantage of the data generated by Project Honey Pot in order to keep suspicious and malicious web robots off their sites. Project Honey Pot tracks harvesters, comment spammers, and other suspicious visitors...
At github /cedriclombardot/sfAtosPaymentPlugin
This plugin will help you to save the CB payments with the MERCANET system known as SIPS, ATOS ... This is the most used systems for French Banks.
Cedric : Please use my ...& at >gmail& DOT >com adress
Plugin to handle AMF requests from Flex frontends. The plugin is currently based on the SabreAMF library. It makes the development and integration of Services easy.
The sfStatisticsPlugin is an easy-to-use tool for reports (chart and data table) creating based on the Propel Model through Google Chart API.
Plugin works in Symfony 1.0, Symfony 1.1 and Symfony 1.2 with Propel 1.2 or Propel 1.3.
The sfDoctrineSettingsPlugin is a symfony plugin that provides app wide settings functionality. It automatically generates constant values based on sf_setting table values and make them accessible in every app module.
Create a menu with yml or DB and lets you to create an easy index module of your admin
It's now at github /cedriclombardot/spyMenuPlugin/
This plugin interfaces with the Payflow Pro payment system.
Easily create a connection to the Payflow servers, and process credit card payments.
This is a helper for uploading images and automatically see the thumbnail of the uploaded image without refreshing the page.
The Symfony admin generator supports columns that reference foreign tables but cannot sort them by the name field of the foreign table. This plugin adds that capability.
Symfony task acts as a wrapper for mysqldump. Dumps, gzip's and emails database to you. Use it in conjunction with cron on production or use on demand:
$ symfony mysql:dump --env="prod"
The sfPHPFitPlugin is a symfony plugin for FIT(Framework for Integrated Tests)
It greatly eases the process of acceptance testing in your symfony projects
This plugin add a task for symfony to do easyly the same operation onto one Propel Column
Backend module to create sf 1.1 forms.
Similar to google forms gui.
Sometimes you need to work with symfony project where you don't have command line access. Or may be you just don't like another console window opened to write symfony commands there. The sfWebCliPlugin adds a module which provides you web access to the symfony command line. Actually you have...
This plugin adds a widget and a valitor for easily handle your Propel nested set objects position.
You miss TinyMce since you've started using symfony 1.1? No matter, this widget is very easy to use and lets you a lot of flexibility.
Provide some helpfull classes for your symfony project
swBreadcrumb : Working with symfony plugins breadcrumb
The plugin have been splitted into many...
Control things related to Doctrine + symfony from a nice web interface. You can control things such as your schema, migrations, execute tasks, etc. all from a nice web interface. Currently only the schema editing is implemented. More coming soon!!
Edit/Add Model
Edit/Add Columns
This plugin has been made for people who want to easily interact with their website without anyone else to integrate their static web pages. This plugin proposes an interface to upload static pages and integrate them in the layout and pages of your web applications. It is also an easy way for...
sfBugsPlugin plugin
The sfBugsPlugin allows you to easily send bugs from the Web Debug Toolbar for modules and actions.
It's useful for testers to mark bugs for specific sections
This library is used to interact with the Authorize.NET Customer Information Manager service.
The main idea of the plugin is to integrate phpunit and symfony more closer. Make the process of test writing more standard, flexible and easy for symfony developers. Another idea is to allow developers use features that only they want and not to inflict any extra requirments.
There are some...
The sfVisualRoutesPlugin adds the project:routes task to display all available routes to the application on the console.
It is designed to help you find what routes have been created by installed plugins along with routes you have created.
This plugin makes XML API querys to the UPS shipping API to get pricing of shipping costs.
Brings the Admin Generator of Symfony 1.1 to Symfony 1.0
Provides error handling to rethrow PHP errors as sfExceptions, which rather than cause a white screen will now produce the 500 page in a prod env or a stack trace in dev env.
An administrative module for modifying a doctrine nested set.
This plugin allow you to create workflow-driven applications on symfony projects.
Workflow definition and execution are handled by ezcWorkflow, therefore you need to install it first.
This plugin provides an interface for admin workflows and executions (create, instantiate, resume and cancel...
With this plugin you could lets your users to admin the properties of one of your yml config files
a theme for the admin generator with a show view.
a theme for the admin generator with a show view.
This Plugin aims to be a more easy way to have symfony live without lighttpd and apache configs, just install symfony and symfony web server.
some functions to ease the integration of firebug in symfony
Plugin for Google checkout payments system
xUnit style adaptor for Lime.
Dynamically adds the error functionality into the request classes that was removed as of Symfony 1.1 (hasError, getErrors, hasErrors, removeError, getErrorNames, getError, setError, setErrors)
This plugin makes extending Propels generators easier by adding sfMixer hooks to Propel generators. These are added to all functions using the SfExtended* classes.
This plugin was developed for symfony 1.2 and propel 1.3. It will probably work for propel 1.3 under earlier versions of symphony,...
tbDuplicateKeyPlugin allows you to easily extend admin generated modules to handle duplicate key errors gracefully, reporting them to the user with an appropriate, in-context form validation message instead of a 500 Server Error or an
exception message.
This implementation
detects the native...
The aim of this plugin is to inform once a certain task was not run.
You have to define the tasks in your configuration, which should be tracked. Once one of these tasks is executed, an information will be stored that it ran sucessfully.
If it failed, it's possible to send an email or display...
Many admin generator forms involve making associations between the object being edited and related objects. For instance, when adding an event to a calendar, you may need to associate that event with a DJ or a band.
Symfony's admin generator can provide pulldowns to select these, but what if...
Several extra components to work with Symfony's generated forms.
3 way sort on admin generated forms:
In the standard admin forms, you can click on a column header in list view to sort the list by that field, a second click will reverse the order but after you sort by one field you cannot get...
This plugin allow to run the symfony commands on a secure web page if the SSH access is not possible
Identity management plugin for sfMultisiteThemePlugin forked from sfDoctrineGuardPlugin v3.0.1
This plugin has been renamed to sfEleAdminI18nPlugin.
Very simple plugin for transparent administrating i18n dictionaries. Very useful mainly for huge files, because of the structured view. Provides all basic actions like adding new translations, editing, deleting. You can manage a lot of...
consists of 3 parts.
Menu manager, allows creation of multiple non conflicting drop down menu trees with user credential awareness.
Menu generator,
will use the current users credentials to generate a variable width drop down menu.
Breadcrumb generator,
will generate a breadcrumb...
A dashboard and menu for application backends.
Joomla styled theme
Menu/Dash items controlled by YAML config file
ability to set item images
ability to set credentials
ability to categorize items
user actions
matching login screen
Simple tool for managing i18n dictionaries from Elevator Company.
editing global i18n, modules i18n, plugins i18n
simple adding or deleting from all languages
structured view, grouped by module and action
fast navigation between modules
designed for structured keys:...
Enables dynamic creation of forms that AREN'T bound to a specific model class - uses EAV modelling
Live user tracking with cart. Designed for search engine optimization.
This plugin provides SSO authentication and authorization for symfony
applications based in JOSSO SSO provided by JOSSO allow developers to concentrate in business logic delegating all authentication and authorization work to JOSSO Identity Manager.
The plugin installation...
All documentation and information about Sympal can be found on the website at
Development takes place at github: /sympal/sympal
An new version of spyFormBuilderInterfacePlugin all rewrited with widgets, validator ...
Now at github : /cedriclombardot/spyFormBuilderInterface2Plugin/
The sfEleAdminBannerPlugin is a tool for managing banner bodies and displaying in your pages made by Elevator Company.
Useful app.yml configuration for setting banner positions and pages (provide filter to display banner only in some module and action);
Simple tool for managing...
Copyright (c) 2009 Ivan Tanev
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,...
The sfEleAdminEmailPlugin is a tool for managing email templates and sending made by Elevator Company.
app.yml configuration for setting banner templates, parameters and sending configuration (from, reply-to);
Simple tool for mana
Swift_Message extension to...
A FCKEditor wysiwyg sfForm widget
stOfcPlugin Creates Flash Chart based on an array of data
Integrates Open Flash Chart
Need Help?
Feel free to conctact me via e-mail. Or Click here to post a message.
The sfTinyDocPlugin allows to generate OpenOffice and Word 2007 documents with TinyButStrong template engine.
As in French we can said, "Un dessin vaut mieux qu'un long discours", here some examples for sfTinyDocPlugin
The sfErrorNotifierPlugin sends automatically email notifications when application errors (exceptions) occur and are not caught.
Optionally, it will send notifications also for PHP Fatal Errors and/or PHP Warnings.
Its easy configuration allows you to set which environments to enable for the...
Check the configuration of a host. It is checking the dependancies in apache and php, and some configuration of php.
Quite pratical when deploying a project on several servers.
Must have sfguard installed.
Symfony 1.2
Currently in production
This plugin will create a manager with the
"Symfony Plugins API" to help you to load a plugin on one click and to see if updrades exist... The idea is to take the application already used in Sympal Cms, But to distrib for all of your apps.
I want also to add easy clic to tell that your're...
Manage uploaded files in a database. Usefull with swfUpload or equivalent to be able to retrieve all file informations (original filename, size, mime type, uploaded date ...).
Checked for Sf>=1.3 compliency
Fixed bugs and lost updates in the web frontend modules, so that these should now work with the improved plugin lib-files > V0.9
V 1.0.0 released
Added Doctrine behaviour
Added more unit tests
see README ;)
modified copy of //usando-amfphp-v19b2-con-symfony-10x/
I updated the package.xml to enable it for symfony 1.2, that seemed to be sufficient.
I also updated sfAmfphpGateway.class.php with a $this->setClassMappingsPath(sfConfig::get(’sf_lib_dir’) ....
This plugin shows an AJAX image link. On click it switches field in DB from 0 to 1, or vice versa. Image is also switched. So this is an easy way to organise switches for some kind dihotomic data.
This is an IMAP access layer that works in combination with sfGrid to give easy but controllable access to an IMAP inbox. The IMAP communication is based on Net_IMAP and can be used without sfGrid as a standalone library.
This plugin makes it easier to do non-default-joins.
Instead of the limited doSelectJoin(xxx) Peer-Methods you are now free to do any join (between


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