
安 康 亲 子 鉴 定 中 心 , 咨 询 热 线 : 4 0 0 - 0 2 2 - 9 9 9 6
Although China and Chile are far apart, they are both important countries in the Asia-Pacific region and share similar national conditions. Both are now entering a crucial period of economic restructuring and deepening reform. Bilateral relations are now comprehensively developing.
  There is a great potential for China-Indonesia mutually beneficial cooperation as the two countries' economies are highly complementary and the China-proposed 21st Century Maritime Silk Road and Indonesia's Global Maritime Fulcrum fit well with each other, he added.。   BEIJING, May 29 -- The United States' attempts to stir trouble in the South China Sea and denigrate China raise doubts on whether the self-proclaimed global peacekeeper is really so keen on quiet waters.。 揭阳如何鉴定亲子关系安 康 亲 子 鉴 定 中 心 , 咨 询 热 线 : 4 0 0 - 0 2 2 - 9 9 9 6
  Qu is a quiet boy, seldom talking with others, and always counting down the days when he can see his parents again.。   He demanded more effective measures to regulate the &land for land& scheme, which requires local governments to prepare the same amount of arable land before existing farmland is appropriated for non-farming purposes, according to a statement published on the government website.。   That's as the government vows to promote win-win cooperation among the 65 countries bordering the corridors of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The Chinese customs says it seeks to promote information, supervision and enforcement exchanges among the various port authorities.。   Reopening after a year-long break- during which the museum was renovated- the Art in Berlin exhibition will be now been on permanent display, but the art works will be switched over time with others from the collection of the Berlinischer Galerie.。   Mika is widely known in China for his playful melodies and colorful arrangements many compare to Elton John and Freddy Mercury, with popular works including &Grace Kelly&, &Lollipop& and &We Are Golden&.。   The environmental protection is authority's first target? Coal. It is the most carbon-intensive fossil fuel, contributing 22% of all PM 2.5 air pollutants.。   &We hope the three-day event could enhance bilateral cooperation in the area of publishing and translation, and add impetus to bilateral relations and people-to-people exchange and friendship,& said Wu, who is heading a large Chinese delegation with nearly 500 members.。   Thiem serving to extend a tiebreak in the first set, but Mayer's backhand down the line gives him the opener 7-6. The second set goes to a 12th game, and this time the South American hits long, so Thiem takes it 7-5, forcing a decider. And the young Austrian would find himself serving for the match, and when Mayer hits long again, Thiem wins his first ATP title, and he'll face Great Britain's Aljaz Bedene in the First Round at Roland Garros.。   &Karl Marx for Young Readers was written by one of the most well known Marx scholars, Han Yuhai, who is a professor at Peking University, the top University in China. After this book was published in China, it was very well received and we talked with a U.S. publisher called Benchmark Education who is happy to publish the English version of the book in the U.S.,& said Zengyi, foreign rights director of China Children's Press & Publication Group.。   The Syrian army has withdrawn from the strategic city of Ariha, the last bastion of government forces in Idlib Province, on the border with Turkey.。   Yet, L&Oreal must contend with stiffer competition, including Olay, owned by US-based Proctor & Gamble, as well as Japan&s Shiseido Co. Ltd and South Korean Amorepacific Corp. Of course, that&s good news for China consumers who will benefit from a wider selection of products being offered at more competitive prices.。   Without strong support in spirit or in the law, Kerry obviously lacks confidence in talking about the South China Sea issue. And it&s not surprising that he was snubbed on this issue.。科研圈会员
[健康科学]Health Sciences
撰文 蒂娜·法恩·马龙(Dina Fine Maron)
翻译 贾明月&&&&&2014年春天,还只有28岁的劳拉·墨菲(Laura Murphy)来到医院。小时候起,她脖子后面就长着一片多余的皮肤组织。虽然无伤大雅,但她还是想知道这是否由基因突变引起的。放到从前——就拿5年前来说,医生只会关心皮肤上的这一个问题。但现在,医生进行的检测,会涉及与其他一系列遗传疾病有关的突变信息。墨菲不仅知道了脖子上的那块皮肉确实是由基因突变造成的,她还发现,自己体内有另一种遗传突变。&&&&这种突变增加了她患上长QT综合征(long QT syndrome)的几率,这种病会极大增加心源性猝死的风险。对于患有这种病的人来说,任何足以惊吓他们的东西——比如恐怖电影,或者把他们从深睡眠中唤醒的闹铃——都可能使他们的心脏完全失去节律,从而导致死亡。&&&&医生把这个意料之外的检测结果称为“附带发现”(incidental finding)。墨菲进行这次检测是虽是为了寻找其他东西,但这一意外发现也并非偶然。为了检测异常情况,医院的实验室本就会对一系列特定基因进行筛查,只不过,谁也没有料到这个基因会“出错”。&&&&可能用不了多久,墨菲就会找到许多与她有着相同经历的伙伴。目前,全方位的基因检测在医院和诊所中已经越来越普遍,因此,未来数年内,这种“附带发现”的数量肯定会越来越多。同时,基因检测技术的发展已经超过了人们对检测结果的认知程度,面对这些意外的结果,医生和患者都懵了。&无法把握的未知突变&&&&多年来,各种医学检查带来的“附带发现”一直折磨着医生和患者。比如,三分之一的CT扫描都会检测出“附带发现”,一次心脏CT扫描就可能在临近的肺组织中发现令人生疑的阴影。想要对这些意外结果进行进一步探究——不管是探查性手术,还是更多的化验,本身就会带来风险;而它们给患者造成巨大的焦虑就更不用说了。很多时候,后续的检查会证明这些阴影不代表任何问题,它们只是些对健康无碍的正常变化而已。&&&&不过,基因检测得到的“附带发现”却不太一样,因为它们的不确定性更大。遗传学家目前仍不完全清楚人类基因组中的大多数突变是如何影响人体的,因此,他们不能仅凭这些突变的存在,就向病人推荐任何治疗方案或处置措施。此外,即使我们知道这些突变的潜在影响,一些环境因素,也是它们会发挥不利作用的必要条件。因此,身体里有突变基因,不一定代表它会对机体造成负面影响:遗传特征并不代表“命中注定”。以墨菲为例,她的医生、北卡罗来纳大学医学院的遗传学与医学教授吉姆·埃文斯(Jim Evans)说,墨菲的突变意味着她有50%~80%的几率患上长QT综合征,但带有该突变,本身并不足以说明她会患病。为了安全起见,他建议墨菲去找一位心脏专科医生,商量下一步怎么办。也许,墨菲可以考虑开始使用β受体阻滞剂来调节心率。&&&&全方位基因组检测的费用已经降到约1 000美元,我们也将因此面对越来越多的、难以解读的检测结果。一般来讲,相比检测某些特定的单个基因,一揽子地检测人基因组的全部约20 000个外显子(即编码蛋白质的基因)或许更便宜。因此,科学家和政策制定者正在争分夺秒地制定指导方针,以规定有多少基因检测信息可以分享给患者,帮助患者更好地应对不可避免的“附带发现”。&&&&不过,在给出任何决定性的方针之前,他们需要了解“附带发现”在基因检测中出现的几率到底有多大。为了达到这一目的,埃文斯正在负责一项名为NCGENES的临床试验,该试验是一个大型项目的一部分,北卡罗来纳大学医学院为三个组织单位之一。几年前,埃文斯开始检测大约300名患者的全部基因,有6人(2%)的结果里出现了需要做进一步检测或为其制定治疗决策的“附带发现”。&&&&美国贝勒医学院(Baylor College of Medicine)DNA诊断实验室的医学主管克里斯蒂娜·恩格(Christine Eng)也做了一些研究。自2011年10月起,她的团队检测了2 000多人的全部基因,其中95人的结果中出现了“附带发现”。“发生率大约为5%,”恩格说道。大部分情况下,患者都不需要立即采取应对措施,但患者会因此更频繁地参与筛查——一般是针对乳腺癌和结直肠癌。&知情权&&&&为了尽可能减少受困于“附带发现”的患者数量,美国医学遗传学协会(American College of Medical Genetics,ACMG)2013年提议,进行全面的基因检测后,检测机构只应常规性地返回其中56个基因的结果。这一专业组织认为,尽管我们对这56个基因的认识并不全面,但我们手中的信息,已经足以让患者觉得自己可以从这些基因的检测结果中受益。换句话说,这些突变“达到了一个较高的、可能引发疾病的标准”。ACMG列出的名单包括了与视网膜母细胞瘤(眼癌)、遗传性乳腺癌、长QT综合征紧密相关的基因突变。ACMG认为,上述指南为医生铺设了一条捷径,使他们在面对突变和疾病之间的关联时,不必胡乱猜测,可以直接将检测结果告知患者。&&&&如今的儿童会非常频繁地接触基因检测,考虑到这一点,ACMG的建议更显得格外重要。恩格说:“我们的病人中有大约80%是儿童,而80%的‘附带发现’都在儿童身上产生,这些潜在问题往往要等到患者成年才会表现出来。”因此,一个家庭如果得知了孩子的这些信息,可能需要等待很多年才能采取行动。如果他们打算进行治疗,就需要决定什么时候开始考虑治疗方案,但这种疾病有可能根本不会发生。&&&&上述指南出版一年后,ACMG又推出了补充指南:即使是简化的基因分析结果,患者应该也有权选择不知晓。恩格并不是决策委员会的一员,她说:“当人们有所选择的时候,一大部分家庭确实想要知晓‘附带发现’,但依然有些人不想知道这些信息,所以我觉得,这一条补充非常好。” &&&&墨菲该如何应对自己的“附带发现”呢?她仍然在挣扎。她还不到30岁,很难想象自己在这么个无忧无虑的年纪就开始使用β受体阻滞剂。她说:“总的来说,我很健康。之前我都过得挺好,所以我为什么要用这个突变给自己找麻烦呢?我一直在想,如果没有做这个检测,我可能永远不会知道这个突变的存在。现在,我开始认真思考,自己是否真的需要改换一种生活方式。我确实得好好想想。”墨菲和其他患者的经历,有望帮助遗传学家决定未来的基因检测中应该包括哪些项目,更好地帮助患者和医学工作者应对那些不受欢迎的“意外”。&
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