too many times 陈粒, the whether was hot.错误在哪里?

英文在线改错请改正下列句子,1.During the vacation,because the weather was hot and I couldn’t do much work.2.He hurt his leg while playing football,and so couldn’t go to school.3.No one knows that whether he has decided to go abroad.4.Stand over there,and or you’ll be able to see it better.5.In dry regions where you can find this kind of grass.6.The car is very old,but yet it runs very fast.7.I had no idea that who he was or what he wanted.8.Watch carefully and do anything as if your teacher does in the lab.9.Since we have finished the work,so we went home early.10.I have been surprised each time when my son has come home from school with a message saying his teacher wants to see me.11.Even if we got a local guide,but we still had some difficulty walking through the bush.12.Although he was very young then,but he was brave.13.While I accept that he is not perfect,but I do actually like the person.14.If you work hard and you will make greater progress.15.He was punished by the teacher.The reason is that because he is always breaking the rules.
注:yet是副词,常用疑问,否定句中;but是并列连词,用来连接两个句子7.去掉that8.去掉if9.去掉so10.去掉when 注:every time名词词组也可以作为连词引导时间状语从句11.去掉but12.去掉Although 或者but13.去掉while14.去掉and15.去掉because
扫描下载二维码请教英语大师:找出下列句子中错误或遗漏的单词,每句有一个错误或遗漏之处&How long have you pulled the plug from a sink and watched the water go&down the plughole?Probably many times!Whether you do this in Hong &Kong,you saw that the water swirls anti-clockwise.But do you know why?Find in this interview with Dr Xi.How does water swirl anti-clockwise when going down the plughole?The way water goes down a plughole has to do with earth's rotation.It'scalled the‘Coriolis Effect’.If you be in the northern hemisphere,the waterswirls anti-clockwise.It swirls in the opposite direction you are in the southern hemisphere.What does water behave directly on the equator?That's an interesting question.If you tried this experiment directly on theequator,the water swirls in neither direction.Therefore,as you put a&matchstick in the water,it spin at all.How quickly do you need to move away from the equator before the water starts spining?About twenty metre.How much other things are affected by the&Coriolis Effect?There quite a few-for example,ocean currents and wind directions.Likewater swirling down a plughole,the winds of a typhoon blow clockwiseanti-clockwise,depending on which hemisphere a typhoon is located in.这是篇短文,每句有一个错误或遗漏之处。
how long 改成 how oftenwhether改成ifsaw改成will seedoes改成couldhas后面加somethingbe改成areyou are前面加ifwhat改成howtried改成tryspin前面加doesn'tquickly改成farmetre改成metresmuch改成manythere后面加areclockwise和anticlockwise中间加ora typhoon改成the typhoon
谢谢!请问”Find in this interview with Dr Xi.“和”equator,the water swirls in neither direction.Therefore,as you put a “这两行里哪里有错?
How does water swirl anti-clockwise when going down the plughole?这一行那个how改成why,刚才疏忽了。
Find in this interview with Dr Xi.实在要改的话,就把with改成of吧。
equator,the water swirls in neither direction.Therefore,as you put a这个没错误,因为后面的那个spin前面少了doesn't,一个句子不是只有一个错误的嘛?
扫描下载二维码—I don’t know && you have seen the film—Hero, which was directed by Zhang Yimou . —I have told you many times
&&&&& &I have seen it many times., that
B.that, whether
C.that, that
D.whether, that


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