
媒体 | 《中国日报》讲述燕京学堂非洲学子的中国故事_北京大学燕京学堂-爱微帮
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近日,《中国日报》记者采访了北京大学燕京学堂的四位非洲学生Nothando Khumalo(斯威士兰)、Thuthukile Mbanjwa(南非)、Sihle Isipho Nontshokweni(南非)和Wadeisor Rukato(津巴布韦),讲述了她们过去一年中在中国学习与生活的故事。原文标题:从非洲到中国,自北京向西藏 &&作者:闫东洁原文于日发表在《中国日报》天下专栏。四个在中国留学的非洲女孩,无意间成为了中国向世界展示风采的窗口。Wadeisor Rukato来自津巴布韦,现在正和其他3个女孩一起在北京大学学习。她们所在的燕京学堂是北京大学2014年5月设立的硕士项目,这给Rukato和她的朋友提供了到中国学习生活的机会。现在,四个年轻的非洲姑娘已经在中国生活九个月了,她们建了一个网站,用来和世界各地的人们分享在中国的所见所感。“我们想要开一个博客,与家人分享我们在中国的经历。”来自斯威士兰的Nothando Khumalo说,“当我们聚在一起讨论这个问题,它成了一次有意义的合作。我们分享点子、设定目标,我们就是这样开始的。”她们的网站叫做From-Africa-to-China (从非洲到中国)*,自去年12月上线起,吸引了从非洲到中国的成千上万的读者。虽然无法和知名博客的粉丝量相比,但是这样的成绩已经让这几个女孩倍受鼓舞。“去年12月我们的浏览量只有49,”Rukato说,“六个月后我们单在5月就有近2000的浏览量,现在我们还有一些忠实粉丝。”&她表示,在学习和享受生活的同时,她们会努力工作来增加网站的覆盖范围和影响力。现在,她们至少一周两次更新网站,主要内容包括她们在中国的旅行见闻以及她们的学术思考。最近,她们到西藏进行了一次学习之旅,这为网站提供了许多的故事和图片素材。“西藏以其迷人的氛围,给游客留下了持久的印象,这种氛围只能被描述为精神。”来自南非的Sihle Isipho Nontshokweni说,“它(拉住)你,吸引你,完全占据你的感觉。”在去西藏的路上,山脉上的经幡让Nontshokweni特别感动。这些经幡是藏族人祈祷寻求祝福的传统方式,类似于广为人知的转经筒。“我一开始甚至没有意识到这是经幡,但在那些日子里,我学习了(关于西藏)的文化历史以及这个地方的灵性后,我们意识到它对许多人有特殊的意义。”四个女孩在西藏旅游时发现,由于当地人很少能看到非洲人,她们对当地人很有吸引力。“当我们拍照留念时,人们会凑到我们手中的相机这儿来。”来自南非的Thuthukile Mbanjwa还说,由于在拍视频时吸引了太多人围观,当地警察不得不介入。不过,已经有了在上海、南京和深圳旅行的经验,她们已经习惯于收获这么多的注意力了。Rukato,Nontshokweni,Mbanjwa和Khumalo都来自开普敦大学,她们很高兴能有机会来中国生活学习。Mbanjwa说,在数百名申请交换的非洲学生中考入燕京学堂非常不易。北京大学燕京学堂副院长何立强回忆称:“这四个成熟女孩有着优秀的社交技巧,给招生委员留下了非常深刻的印象。”在选择学生时,燕京学堂会寻找有学术和领导潜力的优秀青年。“很少有非洲学生有机会到中国留学,”Rukato说,“但最近几年这个数字在增长,尤其是现在,越来越多的大学交流项目对非洲学生开放。”From-Africa-to-China网站的标志由许多点线组成,寓意为连接非洲各个国家,不过,这四个女孩也在努力连接非洲国家和中国。“你看标志中的线条构成的都是三角形,因为这是最稳定的形状。”Mbanjwa说。*了解更多关于From Africa to China的消息,请点击“阅读原文”查看。Stories from China that come from out of AfricaBy Yan DongjieOriginally published at China Daily EuropeFour students set up website to showcase and share their experiences.&Four young Africans studying at Peking University, not content to feast alone on everything they have discovered in China, are sharing it with people around the world on a website they have set up.&Wadeisor Rukato from Zimbabwe and her three friends, all in their early 20s, have spent about nine months in China with Yenching Academy, a Master's program of China Studies at Peking University which started in mid-2014.&We were keen to start a blog to share our China experiences with our families back home,& says Nothando Khumalo from Swaziland. &When we got together to discuss this, it just made sense to collaborate. We shared ideas, set goals and that is really just how we began.&&The website, From-Africa-to-China*, which went online in December, has attracted thousands of readers, not the stratospheric numbers some popular blogs can boast of, but enough to delight and encourage the four women.&&In December we had only 49 views,& Rukato says. &Six months later we have had nearly 2,000 views in May, and we have some regular visitors.&&They will work hard to increase the reach and impact of the website while studying and enjoying themselves in China, she says.&The women update the website at least twice a week, mainly writing about their trips exploring the country and their thoughts on academic life.&A recent study trip took them to Tibet autonomous region, which produced a rich harvest of stories and pictures for the website.&In a red-lacquered traditional Chinese house with wood-frame windows on the campus of Peking University the four pondered over what should go up on the website.&&Tibet leaves a lasting impression on its visitors with its captivating atmosphere, an atmosphere that can only accurately be described as spiritual,& says Sihle Isipho Nontshokweni from South Africa.&&It (pulls) you in, demands that you be present and engages you, fully engaging your senses.&&Dressed in Chinese-style clothes, seated around a solid wooden table and reliving their Tibet trip, it was as though the four were veterans of travel in China rather than having been in the country for just a few months.&Nontshokweni says she was particularly touched by the flags on the mountains on their way to Tibet, which speak of the depth of its spirituality, she says.&&I didn't even realize that they were flags at first, but after learning so much more about the culture and the history and the spirituality of the place during the days there we realized that it has special meaning to so many people.&&These flags are a traditional way for Tibetans to offer prayers seeking blessings, similar to better-known prayer wheels.&When the four were in Tibet they themselves became something of an attraction for the locals, who would have seen few Africans, the women say.&&When we posed for pictures, people approached us with cameras in hands.&&As they made a video they attracted such a large crowd that police intervened, says&Thuthukile Mbanjwa&from South Africa. They had become used to drawing public attention after several trips to Shanghai, Nanjing and Shenzhen, she says.&As the only four African members at Yenching Academy of Peking University, Rukato, Nontshokweni, Mbanjwa, and Khumalo, who all studied at the University of Cape Town, say they appreciate the opportunity to live and study in China.It was not easy to enroll because hundreds of students in Africa applied for the Yenching project when it was founded, Mbanjwa says.&John Holden, Associate Dean of Yenching Academy of Peking University, says: &The admissions committee was extremely impressed by the four mature girls with outstanding social skills, who showed us that the program of China studies would add significantly to their professional qualifications in their fields of infrastructure policy making, engineering and international relations.&&In selecting students the academy seeks outstanding young people with academic excellence and leadership potential, he says.&Few African students get the opportunity to study in China, Rukato says, but numbers have grown in recent years, especially now that more and more college exchange programs are opening to African students.&Even as the From-Africa-to-China website's logo shows lines linking African countries, the four women are endeavoring to connect African countries with one another and with China.*To learn more about the website From-Africa-to-China, please click &Read more&.
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本网讯 &&12月18日晚,2014羊城学堂进社区活动走进我校,邀请国外友人开展主题为&我在广州 我的故事 I am here My GZ story &的交流分享会。
从事酒吧经营工作、来自加拿大的Andrew Charles Marks,从事翻译工作、来自印度尼西亚的Christopher Sebastian Tanujaya与同学们分享了他们在广州学习、工作的经历,并谈及广州带给他们的感受。在场观众被嘉宾诙谐的语言以及他们在广州发生的趣事逗乐,现场气氛融洽,笑声、掌声不断。
(供稿:学生记者 梁紫珊& 摄影:吴嘉盈& 助理编辑:陈宏花)
时间: 10:21
  编译 伍君仪(责任编辑:黎倩文)您的位置: & >
桦墅村三鸟仓 “艺学堂”开班 向儿童讲述基础美学知识
【龙虎网报道】(记者 吴晓 通讯员 朱宇)近日,记者从西岗街道获悉,桦墅村又有了一个启发孩子发散性思维的好去处。据了解,三鸟仓艺术工作室在桦墅村开展的“艺学堂”美学教育课程正式开班。该课程由南京艺术学院的老师为孩子们专门授课,讲述基础美学知识,并与孩子们互动体验绘画的乐趣。
来源:龙虎网  编辑:聂子艺
时间: 11:45
  白领实例:何谓专业精神?在电影圈里,卡梅隆是个典范,而在现实社会中,“杜拉拉”才是我们不得不学的范本。《杜拉拉》一二两册已有200多万的销量,这是其他畅销书都望尘莫及的。况且随着电视、电影两大版本的拍摄完毕,人们对《杜拉拉》的期待也越来越大。白领小张,现在某韩资企业工作,因为新换了领导,一直摸不准领导的脾气。不过受“杜拉拉”的影响,她学会了用专业精神打动领导,虽然到目前为止,领导也没升她的职,可是领导已经注意到了她的能力,很多重要的事儿,都让她去做,小张说:“在职场,如果没有靠山,还是老老实实靠实力说话吧,毕竟领导需要的是干活的人,而不是摆设。” (责任编辑:黎倩文)


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