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MYTHBUSTING Outlook IS NOT better than Lotus Notes, pt 8: Reply without History
Mat Newman &Lotus Notes has fantastic message tracking capabilities. By combining the 'Reply Only' and 'Display, Original Message' commands when composing email replies, Lotus Notes 'conversations' functionality will help you save space and make it easier to track message history in Lotus Notes Mail.
Here's how to use these fantastic features of Lotus Notes:
The purpose of the Mythbusting series is twofold: 1) To demonstrate that Lotus Notes is a more feature rich software application, and 2) To educate users on the functionality that is available. In my experience, it is education - or rather, lack of it - that is the biggest driver for the 'Lotus Notes Sucks' fraternity.
Rarely do I conduct training sessions (especially with migrations from Outlook) where a participant leaves with the impression that Lotus Notes is an inferior tool. Foot note: Even *IF* 'maybe 10% of all users need this functionality...', I've just helped over 10,000,000 (10 million) people.
I'll take that any day. @2, Dwain: Thanks for reinforcing the point. 1. Please reply to any one of the messages I have sent you. 2. You keep making negative points about Lotus Notes on this blog and writing blanket statements that Outlook is just better, refer to point 1. Did you really try Lotus Notes and train your users, or are you just telling stories? 3. You demostrate your ignorance of Outlook with your own arguments: Your point about reply-with-history is moot as soon as more than one person composes a reply-to-all and hit's the send button at about the same time as another user.
Once that happens, the ** only ** way in Outlook to collate those messages back into a cohesive thread is to do a HELL of a lot of copying and pasting. As pointed out in this post, Lotus Notes would not only put them in the correct order, it would also collate messages that had multiple forks.
Something Outlook is simply not capable of doing. 1. Performance: I'm writing this on a 5 year old Lenovo T61p. Notes boots in less than 5 seconds. 2. Who's guide to functional usability? Lotus Notes is a powerful, feature-rich application.
To provide the power, flexibility and feature set of Lotus Notes necessitates a certain level of complexity.
See any of my user blast slides for guides on how to navigate Notes.
BTW I would much rather a UI which puts everything just a couple of clicks away, rather than burying myself 5 screens deep using some sort of 'hand-holding-wizard'. 3. Did I mention that I'm writing this on a 5 year old laptop and Notes works perfectly? 4. I have never seen Notes convert anything inside an attachment, or in an embedded object, including graphics. I have especially never seen Notes do anything to the colour depth of images as you describe! 5. It's called a hierarchical naming system, it enables a company to uniquely identify every employee, and users to easily include the correct employee name in any Notes document.
Especially useful if there are 2 people named 'John Smith' one who works in manufacturing (John Smith/manufacturing/orlando/company) and another who works in sales (John Smith/sales/houston/company). 6. Did I mention Notes flies on a 5 year old T61p? 7. There are 8 iOS devices in my home including iPad's, iPhones and iPod Touch's.
Lotus Notes Traveler integrates seamlessly iOS mail with Lotus Notes.
Lotus Notes Traveler also provides the easiest method of configuring iOS mail I've seen, simply log into your Traveler server using Safari, touch "configure my iOS device" and then click the apple notification to "Install" Traveler. Done. 8. Did I mention Notes works perfectly on my 5yo laptop? I have been working with Notes for over 20 years.
I also am a big fan of Zig Ziglar. One of Zig's maxims is know your competition.
Therefore I know a LOT about Outlook.
I just don't understand anyone who says Outlook is a better software program.
Take away the rest of the Office suite and Outlook is very limited in it's capabilities.
One can't even view an Excel attachment sent to an Outlook user if they don't have Excel installed.
Lotus N it includes native viewers for almost every 'productivity' application ever created.
That's just one of a plethora of examples I could use.
And then a user jumps out of their mail database (yes mail in notes is just ONE database) and opens any one of a myriad of applications built within Notes that can do *ANYTHING*, including CRUD data from an SQL based system. And then there's live-text, embedded experiences, widgets and plug-ins.
All available WITHIN Lotus Notes that extend the software to be capable of virtually anything an organisation might want to provide their users access to. Feel free to ask any question about Notes that you can think of.
I would be happy to show you how Notes is capable of the same thing as Outlook! Conversely, I've also seen Outlook crash frequently. It's interesting that Outlook seems to be one of the only Microsoft applications that doesn't display a crash dialog every time it goes down, but instead, simply restarts itself.
This behaviour leads to the misconception that Outlook is a more 'stable' application than Notes because the user simply doesn't see Outlook fault. Jump onto Twitter and do an Outlook search.
It won't take you long to find a user exclaiming that Outlook has crashed on them. That analogy makes absolutely no sense. the New, Reply, Reply to All, Forward, Delete, Move to Folder, etc, etc... Work differently in Notes compared to every other mail client? I don't think so.
What features match what your analogy actually refers to?
Mat Newman
THE Lotus Notes Guy. Productivity Guru. Social Evangelist. IBM Champion for IBM Collaboration Solutions, 13. IBMer. Views are my own.#GetProductive #GetLotusNotes
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