Sosleek oh so speciallyou的英文字母是什么意思?

英语翻译_百度知道You are unique and special.
In the whole of human history, there has never been anyone exactly like you, and there never will be again.
The same goes for your creative talent. You have a unique gift, shaped by unique experiences. You are like a snowflake.
There’s only one problem.
There are millions of creative people in the same position. Re-read the opening of this article and you can see that the same words apply to any of them. Of course they are true, and they truly apply to you. But they don’t do anything to differentiate you from all the other uniquely talented creative people out there.
The reason they don’t help you stand out from the crowd is that they are not specific enough. And by ‘specific’, I specifically mean something that is not only genuinely, unmistakeably unique to you, but also highly relevant and attractive to the people you are trying to sell to.
(Even if you’re looking for a job, not running a business, you still need to ‘sell’ to land the job. And the selling doesn’t stop there – more on that in a couple of lessons’ time. So this lesson applies to you too!)
Your Unique and Special Proposition (USP)
In marketing circles, this kind of specific attractive quality is what’s known as a Unique Selling Proposition, or USP.
Here’s the official definition of a USP, from Rosser Reeves, the Madmen-era advertising guru who invented it:
Each advertisement must make a proposition to the consumer. Not just words, not just product
puffery, not just show-window advertising. Each advertisement must say to each reader: “Buy
this product, and you will get this specific benefit.”
The proposition must be one that the competition either cannot, or does not, offer. It must
be unique-either a uniqueness of the brand or a claim not otherwise made in that particular
field of advertising.
The proposition must be so strong that it can move the mass millions, i.e., pull over new
customers to your product.
( by Rosser Reeves, 1961, pp. 46-48)
A few points on the definition:
The USP must be very specific. E.g. “Head & Shoulders will remove your dandruff”, not “Head & Shoulders is an excellent shampoo”.
Your competitors cannot or will not offer it. This is why it’s no good saying “I’m talented, creative and hardworking” on your resume, or “We provide outstanding service” on your website. Chances are your competitors are not writing “I’m clueless, devoid of imagination and lazy” on resumes, or “We never answer the phone” on their websites.
Don’t worry about reaching ‘mass millions’. Rosser was writing in the golden age of mass marketing. These days, according to Kevin Kelly, a creator only needs 1,000 true fans to make a living, which is a bit more manageable.
Now I know a lot of creative people have a hard time with marketing language like ‘brand’ and
‘target market’ and so on. As an introverted poet, I can relate. But sometimes in the course of this course, I’m going to have to call a spade a spade, or in this case a USP a USP.
Being a poet, I can’t resist playing with words, so feel free to call it your Unique and Special Proposition if you like the sound of it better. (But please remember the correct definition if you’re ever taking a marketing exam or giving a presentation to a client who doesn’t share my sense of humour. Trust me, there are plenty of those.)
If you’re wondering whether you really need to bother with a USP, here are the words of 21st-century internet marketing guru Naomi Dunford:
Figure out your USP. If you don’t have one, create one. Every other marketing effort you engage in is effectively useless without this.
Now, whenever I follow Naomi’s marketing advice, I tend to make more money. So take it from me, when Naomi puts something in bold, we all need to sit up straight and pay attention.
Are You a Purple Cow?
Seth Godin adds an interesting twist to the USP: being remarkable, i.e. worth talking about. If you’re driving past a field of black-and-white cows and you suddenly spot a purple-and-white cow, chances are you’re going to notice it. You may stop and take a photo, show it to your friends and post it on Twitter.
If you or your company are so distinctive that people can’t help talking about you to their friends, your marketing becomes a lot easier. And online, where customers are continuously talking to each other via social media, being remarkable is critical to your success. More on that next week… Meanwhile Seth’s
is the book to read on creating a 21st-century USP that spreads like wildfire.
How I Discovered My USP
Once upon a time I was a partner in a business coaching consultancy. We delivered coaching and training for large corporate organisations. We were really good at it and our clients were thrilled with our work.
When it came to marketing, it helped that the senior partners had written several books. It also helped that we had a great client list and testimonials. And our marketing brochures and website were slick and professional.
We did pretty well for ourselves, especially once I’d worked out the corporate sales process (more on that later in the course). But after a while it occurred to me that although we were really good at what we did, there were several other consultancies who looked remarkably similar to us.
At the same time, I wasn’t entirely comfortable with my image as a management consultant. Taking advice from a banker friend, I had kitted myself out in a good suit and the ‘right’ shirts, ties and cufflinks. And I kept quiet about my poetry. But my (apparently) off-the-wall sense of humour kept escaping during training sessions. I once asked a group of corporate middle managers who were giving me funny looks during a presentation: “Do I come across as a bit weird to you?”
They smiled kindly and nodded their heads.
On the other hand, my poetry-writing friends also seemed to think I was a little odd, for taking an interest in business.
Eventually, I decided to take off the suit, ‘come out’ as a poet, and specialise in consulting for creative agencies. It meant I could combine my interests in creativity AND business, and accept the contradictions in my character, instead of sweeping them under the carpet.
And on the very first sales phone call I made, it paid off. I rang Chris Arnold, an advertising creative director, and was amazed to get straight through to him. He didn’t waste any time getting to the point:
Chris: Do you actually do anything creative yourself, or are you one of these creativity consultants who just talk about creativity?
Me: Well, I write poetry …
Chris: [Bursts out laughing] I’ve never had a sales call from a poet before! Why don’t you come in for a chat?
That chat led to several speaking engagements and Chris and I are still good friends. (He’s now conductor of the very cool .)
Now if you’ve never tried to sell creativity to a creative director, take it from me it’s a pretty tough sell. After all, they aren’t just creative professionals, they are the crème de la crème. And the crucial thing that got me through the door and past Chris’s scepticism was that he hadn’t come across anything like me before.
My USP (poetry + business consulting) had piqued his curiosity, which gave me a shot at making the sale.
(These days, I don’t have to do any more cold calling. I discovered something that works much better. But
we’ll get to that next week…)
How to Find Your USP
I found my USP by paying attention to the little clues that had been staring me in the face all along. Feeling uncomfortable with a bland corporate image dovetailed neatly with my desire to bring my creative interests to the fore.
Crucially, I wasn’t trying to concoct a clever brand image – my USP came from combining apparently contradictory elements of my own character. Maybe you could do the same.
Here are some options for identifying your own USP. The worksheet will take you through these as a series of questions, so find some quiet time this week, make yourself a drink, and read through them and reflect.
What you are better at than anyone else
What you enjoy doing the most
What no one else in your field is doing
What annoys people the most about your industry
A combination of unusual elements
Your personality
Written by me, unless otherwise stated
by Rosser Reeves
by Seth Godin.
by Natalie Sisson
by Corwin Hiebert (quoted by David Airey)
by Sonia Simone
by Brian Clark
by Brian Clark
Tune in Next Week …
… When we’ll look at how you can use the internet to spread your fame across the globe.
About The Creative Pathfinder
This lesson is part of The Creative Pathfinder, an in-depth free course about how to succeed as a creative professional. If you landed on this page from elsewhere, you can learn more about the course and .
The Creative Pathfinder is taught by Mark McGuinness – , , and the author ofWhen you start to compare yourself to other people.please change the channel in your mind to something else.Other people are really mean.I think that when it comes to how we see ourselves,Other people are really mean.Butwe are really mean to ourselves.&And,,So,it is easy to get confused.And when you do to get confused.Uh,and you start feeling like you are not special.Or,you are not different.Or,you have nothing important to say.&But,I want you to do right now.&Youare not damaged goods just because you are made mistake in you life.You are not going nowhere just because you have not gone where you want to go yet.You are you own definition of beautiful and worthwhile.This is yours.&And you are someone who was wiser because you made mistake.Not damaged ,wiser.&You know,it is not about perpection..Sometimes you just get credit for getting up and going on with thing.You do not have to do it perpectly.&The mistake do not make you damaged,They make you rebirth.&&------------------------------------------------------------havea good weekend.英语学习中,语法 若错误,跪求指出。蕾蕾的狂想国(gh_36ee43ece0e5) 
英剧《45周年》真正去欣赏一部电影或一本书,本身都是曾经是学渣,做任何事情都不上心。直到遇到了一个很喜欢的人,优秀的不要不要的,在自己的领域里面有自己的独特的见梅雨季节的到来,很难遇到的一个周末好天气,然后突然很想拍片,就拿着相机,跑到田子坊,记录这个城市的脚印。这张以下几个问题,若有时间,可以仔细的思考一下?自由总是一件好事吗? 你想要孩子吗?为什么? 人为地延长一个饱受You are you own definition of beautiful and worthwhile.不一定要远行才是梦想,不一定要立异才值得歌颂,在选择之前,多问问自己。法国电影《刺猬的优雅》,讲的是发生在一个爱思考的小女孩,和一个爱看书的女门房和一个日本男人之间的故事。在看这部电影的时候,我一直想起最近在杂志上看到的两个话题,一是说读书的女人危险,一是说写作的女人危险。希腊是西方哲学、奥林匹克运动会、西方文学、历史学、政治科学、民主制度、科学和数学原理,以及西方戏剧的发源地。因为高晓松的《晓说》,因为《欧洲简史》的了解,作为一个玩货加好奇心严重的人,准备去探索希腊文明史。贫穷并不是使你判断力下降,而是曾经家庭的贫穷导致你之后的人生道路中没有能够给你提供建议的人。穷人的孩子缺少生活中的榜样,父母很难给出思维或者处事上的好建议,也缺乏足够的教育投入。很戳泪点的3部电影,韩韩剧《我爱你》
英剧《45周年》真正去欣赏一部电影或一本书,本身都是曾经是学渣,做任何事情都不上心。直到遇到了一个很喜欢的人,优秀的不要不要的,在自己的领域里面有自己的独特的见旅游,让我在陌生的地方释放内心的另一个自我,不想只通过听说,来认识世界。对新鲜事物的好奇心是你此生能拥有的最好投资。当你遇到一个人,他能理解你的处境、尊重你的观点和你打成一片,但当你想进一步和他深入交往的时候会发现他总是和你保持一定距离,让你觉得你们总是隔着一层;这人八成比你聪明很多,聪明人一般只喜欢和同级别的聪明人深交,和智识不如自己的人保持亲和友好。一个民族、国家、或者个人,他的“武功”(包括疆土、财富、地位、声望)不论多高,都会消散;而只有留下“文治”(包括思想、科学、艺术、文化,统称文明),这个民族或者个人才会名垂千古,因为只有文明的进步才是对人类发展最重要的东西。关于家庭教育,我想说,对孩子的过分关注是家庭关系畸形发展的造物,父母给孩子最好的礼物是爱和自由。gh_36ee43ece0e5书籍,旅行,插画,思想,设计,挑战你的大脑。热门文章最新文章gh_36ee43ece0e5书籍,旅行,插画,思想,设计,挑战你的大脑。Anna’s now the boss of Tip Top Trading.
She’s also married Tom, the sales executive.
But working in the same office as your husband can be… awkward.
Let’s join them in their weekly meeting.
… so, remember to save all your work in the correct folder.
OK, next on the agenda is Christmas.
We’ve all been invited to the Association of Plastic Retailers’ Christmas Ball this Friday!
Whay! A ball – a posh party – lots of booze and crisps and nuts.
Be careful Tom, you know you can’t handle too much alcohol.
Hey, what? Well, at least the drink will be free, which means we won’t have to spend a penny of our end-of-year bonus.
Hmm… yes… that was the next item on the agenda.
Our end-of-year bonus. Well… you see… there isn’t going to be a bonus this year.
What! No bonus?
I’ve been working really hard.
This isn’t fair.
Anna. You needed to break that news gently.
Explain why there’s no bonus – give them the facts.
The facts?
Yes. Tell them that ’we’re operating in tough economic conditions’ and ’we need to meet our sales targets’.
And you could tell Tom to ’pull your socks up’.
Pull his socks up? Most of his socks are on the bedroom floor.
He should pick them up rather than pull them up!
No Anna! It’s a saying – it means to make more effort – do better - work harder.
But remember he is your husband now, so be gentle!
I’ll try. (To Tom) Tom… we’re operating in tough economic conditions and if you want a bonus… you really need to… pull your socks up.
(Getting angry) What do you mean?! I do all the housework… wash the dishes… do the ironing… I…, I…, I’m your husband. (storms out, slams door)
Ooo… I think you’ve upset him.
Oh dear. I was just gently trying to get him to make a few more sales.
If he could make one more deal by Friday, we’d hit our targets and get our bonus.
Well, you married him. You know what he’s like. Anyway, this ball sounds very exciting.
Yes, but I’ve got nothing smart to wear.
Oh, leave that to me Anna. I’ve got a wonderful dress you can have.
I’ll make sure that you’ll be the ’belle of the ball’!
Champagne sir?
Oh yeah, you bet. Thanks. Hey Denise, smart party isn’t it?
It’s wonderful but be careful how much you drink, Tom. Remember last year’s Christmas party?
Oh, that was because I ate too many mince pies.
Right. So, have you calmed down after your little outburst at the meeting, Tom?
Oh yeah. I just need to show Anna who the boss is sometimes.
Really!? So, Anna must have told you that we have to make one more deal if we want to get our bonus?
No! Our pillow talk doesn’t go that far. One more deal, hey?
Excuse me a moment Denise I’ve got work to do. (Walks off)
Anna, you look gorgeous.
Thanks Denise and thanks for the clothes.
You are my fairy godmother!
This dress is wonderful, where did you get it from?
Actually, it’s a wedding dress -
I bought it when I was hoping to marry a man called Frank, although it turned out Frank wasn’t much of a man. (Starts to cry)
Oh Denise, never mind. Have you seen Tom anywhere?
Over there… trying to earn his… bonus.
(slurring speech)… great bubbly… so, have I told you about our plastic fruit… you’ve got to buy some… please?
It’s ok, no thanks… will you excuse me?
How about you, darling? Are you in the market for a plastic lemon? Tomato? Kumquat? No? Why not! Oh, I need more champagne.
(calling across the room) Tom, Tom. I think you’ve drunk too much.
You shouldn’t mix business with pleasure.
Anyway, it’s too late now, you’re not going to get you bonus.
Whatever. Hey, what are you doing in a wedding dress Anna?
Excuse me ladies. I love your dress. I’ve been meaning to speak to you all evening.
You’re from Tip Top Trading, aren’t you?
Good good. Your Imperial Lemon comes highly recommended and I really need some for my Christmas displays at all my restaurants.
I know it’s a bit short notice… but could you…?
Yes! I mean, yes, of course we can help.
Just give me your contact details and we’ll ring you first thing tomorrow.
Well, that’s splendid. My name’s Frank Singleton. Here’s my card.
Frank? It can’t be… is that really you?
Has Denise finally found true love?
Has Anna made a deal that will guarantee a bonus for the team?
And has Tom drunk too much?
Here’s a reminder of some of the phrases Anna used:
We’re operating in tough economic conditions.
We need to meet our sales targets.
Pull your socks up!
You shouldn’t mix business with pleasure.
Give me your contact details and we’ll ring you first thing in the morning.
Things have worked out well for the team at Tip Top Trading.
Now it’s time to enjoy the ball and let their hair down… I mean enjoy themselves.
It’s amazing. I can’t believe it’s you, Denise.
Do you fancy dinner later so we can catch up on old times?
Oh lovely.
So Tom, it looks like we’ll get our bonuses after all.
It means you can spend yours on buying us a new washing machine to wash your socks!
Let’s drink to that!
(Tom is sick)
That’s my wedding dress!
Oh well. Tom has certainly made his mark at the Christmas ball!
I wonder what challenges next year will bring for the team at Tip Top Trading.
Thanks for listening and happy Christmas!
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
Christmas special
Hello and welcome to our special edition of English at Work.Anna’s now the boss of Tip Top Trading.She’s also married Tom, the sales executive. But working in the same office as your husband can be… awkward. Let’s join them in their weekly meeting.
大家好,欢迎来到我们这特别的一期职场英语。Anna现在是Tip Top Trading的老板了。她也和Tom--销售主管结婚了。但是和你的丈夫在同一间办公室工作是...尴尬的。让我们加入他们的每周的例会。
… so, remember to save all your work in the correct folder.OK, next on the agenda is Christmas.We’ve all been invited to the Association of Plastic Retailers’ Christmas Ball this Friday!
Whay! A ball – a posh party – lots of booze and crisps and nuts.
Be careful Tom, you know you can’t handle too much alcohol.
Hey, what? Well, at least the drink will be free, which means we won’t have to spend a penny of our end-of-year bonus.
Hmm… yes… that was the next item on the agenda.Our end-of-year bonus. Well… you see… there isn’t going to be a bonus this year.
What! No bonus?
I’ve been working really hard.
This isn’t fair.
Anna. You needed to break that news gently.Explain why there’s no bonus – give them the facts.
The facts?
Yes. Tell them that ’we’re operating in tough economic conditions’ and ’we need to meet our sales targets’.And you could tell Tom to ’pull your socks up’.
Pull his socks up? Most of his socks are on the bedroom floor. He should pick them up rather than pull them up!
No Anna! It’s a saying – it means to make more effort – do better - work harder. But remember he is your husband now, so be gentle!
I’ll try. (To Tom) Tom… we’re operating in tough economic conditions and if you want a bonus… you really need to… pull your socks up.
(Getting angry) What do you mean?! I do all the housework… wash the dishes… do the ironing… I…, I…, I’m your husband. (storms out, slams door)
Ooo… I think you’ve upset him.
Oh dear. I was just gently trying to get him to make a few more sales.If he could make one more deal by Friday, we’d hit our targets and get our bonus.
Well, you married him. You know what he’s like. Anyway, this ball sounds very exciting.
是的,你和他结婚了。你知道他什么样子。不管怎样,这个舞会听起来还挺让人兴奋的 。
Yes, but I’ve got nothing smart to wear.
Oh, leave that to me Anna. I’ve got a wonderful dress you can have.I’ll make sure that you’ll be the ’belle of the ball’!
Champagne sir?
Oh yeah, you bet. Thanks. Hey Denise, smart party isn’t it?
Oh是的。谢谢。嘿, Denise,很精致的舞会,不是吗?
It’s wonderful but be careful how much you drink, Tom. Remember last year’s Christmas party?
Oh, that was because I ate too many mince pies.
Right. So, have you calmed down after your little outburst at the meeting, Tom?
Oh yeah. I just need to show Anna who the boss is sometimes.
Really!? So, Anna must have told you that we have to make one more deal if we want to get our bonus?
No! Our pillow talk doesn’t go that far. One more deal, hey?
Excuse me a moment Denise I’ve got work to do. (Walks off)
没有!我们的枕边细语没说那么多。还有一单,嘿?不好意思 Denise 失陪一会我有工作要做。(走开)
Anna, you look gorgeous.
Anna, 你看上去很高贵。
Thanks Denise and thanks for the clothes.You are my fairy godmother! This dress is wonderful, where did you get it from?
Actually, it’s a wedding dress -I bought it when I was hoping to marry a man called Frank, although it turned out Frank wasn’t much of a man. (Starts to cry)
Oh Denise, never mind. Have you seen Tom anywhere?
Oh Denise,没关系的。你看到Tom在那里了吗?
Over there… trying to earn his… bonus.
(slurring speech)… great bubbly… so, have I told you about our plastic fruit… you’ve got to buy some… please?
It’s ok, no thanks… will you excuse me?
How about you, darling? Are you in the market for a plastic lemon? Tomato? Kumquat? No? Why not! Oh, I need more champagne.
(calling across the room) Tom, Tom. I think you’ve drunk too much. You shouldn’t mix business with pleasure. Anyway, it’s too late now, you’re not going to get you bonus.
Whatever. Hey, what are you doing in a wedding dress Anna?
Excuse me ladies. I love your dress. I’ve been meaning to speak to you all evening. You’re from Tip Top Trading, aren’t you?
不好意思女士。我喜欢这个裙子。我整个晚上都一直想和你说话。你来自Tip Top Trading公司,对吧?
Good good. Your Imperial Lemon comes highly recommended and I really need some for my Christmas displays at all my restaurants.
I know it’s a bit short notice… but could you…?
Yes! I mean, yes, of course we can help. Just give me your contact details and we’ll ring you first thing tomorrow.
Well, that’s splendid. My name’s Frank Singleton. Here’s my card.
好的,那太好了。我的名字是Tip Top Trading。这是我的名片。
Frank? It can’t be… is that really you?
Frank? 不可能...真的是你吗?
Has Denise finally found true love? Has Anna made a deal that will guarantee a bonus for the team?And has Tom drunk too much? Here’s a reminder of some of the phrases Anna used: We’re operating in tough economic conditions.We need to meet our sales targets.Pull your socks up!You shouldn’t mix business with pleasure. Give me your contact details and we’ll ring you first thing in the morning.
Things have worked out well for the team at Tip Top Trading. Now it’s time to enjoy the ball and let their hair down… I mean enjoy themselves.
Tip Top Trading小组现在进展很顺利了。现在是时候来享受舞会,让他们把头发放下来...我的意思是玩的开心。
It’s amazing. I can’t believe it’s you, Denise.Do you fancy dinner later so we can catch up on old times?
Oh lovely.
So Tom, it looks like we’ll get our bonuses after all. It means you can spend yours on buying us a new washing machine to wash your socks!
Let’s drink to that!
(Tom is sick)
That’s my wedding dress!
Oh well. Tom has certainly made his mark at the Christmas ball!I wonder what challenges next year will bring for the team at Tip Top Trading.Thanks for listening and happy Christmas!
好的。Tom肯定在圣诞舞会上留下他的印记!我想知道下一年的挑战会给 Tip Top Trading的小组带来什么。谢谢收听,圣诞快乐!
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
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What does Anna end up wearing to the ball?
A&nbsp We don't know
B&nbspclothes of herself
C&nbspDenise's wedding dress


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