apple disclaimer opinion怎么取消

冒着生命在爆料!南京西路!全球第二大Apple Store!
Disclaimer:&(一)以下纯属路边社消息,小编不对该消息的真伪负责,请读者自行甄别。(二)小编与本篇内容所涉及的各方均无利益关系,所有评论均完全独立。(三)小编未供职于此事件相关机构,不对任一方负有任何形式的保密义务。(小编好怕有人找麻烦……我们不盈利的,就是给大家看个热闹。)好了,小编冒着生命危险要报的料是:认识这个地方吗?认识吗?这就是 伊美时尚广场!!!神奇的伊美时尚广场是紧邻静安寺地铁站的半地下商业。自带超大的下沉式广场,同时紧邻静安公园,正位于华山路南京西路路口,可谓上海商业地段的la cream de la cream,钻石一样的location!小编从路边社得到的消息是,即将出现在这里的将会是4000平米,全球第二大Apple Store!仅次于:伟大的Apple Store会怎样带领静安寺登上中国商业之巅呢?小编好激动……南京西路其实这几年逐渐演化,最早是“梅恒泰”金三角,虽然不靠地铁,但依靠着三栋早期堪称最高品质的商业楼宇恒隆广场、中信泰富、梅陇镇广场,支撑起了南京西路的复兴。但随着静安寺周边越洋广场、会德丰广场、静安嘉里中心的逐渐崛起,更高标准的商业设施、更大体量的超甲级办公供应,毫无疑问,静安寺已经是CBD的核心。而我们之前提到的兴业太古汇锁定星巴克全球第二间Roastery & Tasting Room,小编心中不禁发问,随着大中里的开业,南京西路的重心是否会再度东移?未来哪里才是南京西路的核心?哪里才是浦西CBD的核心?或许,我觉得南京西路会呈现淮海路一样的现象。两极化、哑铃型。如同淮海路黄陂路地铁站与陕西路地铁站两头的繁荣,与中间路段逐渐的落寞。或许南京西路未来也会是一样,围绕静安寺、南京西路两个地铁站会有足够的高品质商业体量支持发展、吸引人流,而中间路段或也终将脱离第一梯队。而另一个话题,南京西路的两极,大中里与静安寺无论在商业还是办公上,是否会有差别定位,还是会正面对撞?这也是一件很有趣,很值得关注的事情。最后我们来看看苹果最新一代的店铺概念!期待未来!大道(The Avenue)天才树林(Genius Grove)论坛(The Forum)会议室(The Boardroom)广场(The Plaza)& (来源:地产与远方)
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省市:广东深圳面积:16万㎡广东深圳1牧云溪谷省市:陕西西安面积:3.8万㎡陕西西安2T11 BLOCK省市:安徽蚌埠面积:3万㎡安徽蚌埠3蚌埠海亮城市广场省市:浙江杭州面积:4万㎡浙江杭州4杭州临平星玖城购物中心省市:山东青岛面积:3.5万㎡山东青岛5远雄国际广场省市:辽宁鞍山面积:3万㎡辽宁鞍山6庄士·中心城
查看分站微信Your app declares support for location in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist file but does not declare any features that require persistent location. Apps that declare support for location in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist file must have features that require persistent location.Please revise your app to include features that require the persistent use of real-time location updates while the app is in the background. Please also add the following battery use disclaimer in your Application Description:"Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life."If your app does not require persistent real-time location updates, please remove the "location" setting from the UIBackgroundModes key. You may wish to use the significant-change location service or the region monitoring location service if persistent real-time location updates are not required for your app features.
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社交帐号登录Apple issues fix for security risk
iPhones are among the Apple devices vulnerable to this breach, experts say.
Security experts say Apple has patched a hole that could have exposed sensitive information to hackers.
Left unfixed, hackers could potentially read private communications sent over Apple devices: emails, instant messages, social media posts and even .
But experts say it's unlikely any hackers did, since the
was first disclosed when Apple () released a security patch over the weekend.
The patch fixes the issue in the most recent software available for iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches.
A fix is not yet available for the OS X software, the operating system for Apple computers.
Without the patch, a hacker could be what experts call a man-in-the-middle -- it's like a game of Telephone you don't even know you're playing.
"Alice wants to communicate securely with Bob," explained Nathan Sportsman, a mobile security expert and CEO of Praetorian. But Eve, a hacker, uses this vulnerability to put herself between the two. "Now Alice is talking to Eve and Eve is talking to Bob," he explained. Alice and Bob think they're talking to each other privately.
This lets hackers view the communications, such as bank deposits or Facebook () posts. If they intercept , the hacker could return to your account later and cause more damage, Sportsman said.
Hackers can also modify the transmission, said Dmitri Alperovitch, the chief technology officer at the security firm CrowdStrike.
For the most part, Alperovitch said, the hacking ability is limited to people who are on the same network as the hacker -- such as in a coffee shop or on an airplane.
He said Apple users should make sure their device is updated with the newly issued software before next connecting to a public wireless network. He recommended owners of Apple computers wait until an update is available before using it on a public network.
And if you're already tapped into an insecure network, sign off, then perform the update, Alperovitch said. Otherwise hackers could corrupt the update as it travels to your phone.
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